Explore tagged Tumblr posts
madelieveling · 2 years ago
i will be starting pride month single once again and i am going to scream
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errorr-404 · 2 years ago
I got tagged for a selfie by @gay-lost-and-found, (it’s a lovely selfie, just so you know 🫧). Thank you for tagging me 🥹✨
Is it also okay if I post a GIF? 🫣 If yes, then here it is:
Tumblr media
I tag: ✨ @callmehanni, @awakened-agendas, @lapoesy, @mexicunts, @miss-taken, @duttylesbian, @lightfromtheeclipse, @xokristennichole, @drops-of-universe, @madelieveling, @bbspice666, @glory-lion, @the-unicorn-apocalypse, @wake-up-to-reality, @orphic-feelings, @yestotravelistolive ✨
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halfbegrepen · 2 years ago
Voor de vragenlijst! 1, 31,42 :)
1. Do you have freckles? 
nee </3
31. What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
in september ga ik terug studeren! na bijna 2 jaar lang in opname te zijn! het is even exciting als angstaanjagend om mn leven eindelijk terug op te pakken aaaaa
42. Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
@ochtendstorm @madelieveling @homoerotisch @ontvreemd @koningen
dankjewel voor je vraagjes & mijn excuses voor het late antwoord! hopelijk heb je nog een fijne avond <3
(vraag me ook iets, als je wil)
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vergetengedachten · 4 years ago
interview tag!
thank you @ouvuo <3 
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better! everything will be under the cut;
nickname: don’t really have one since my name is already quite short.
pronouns: she/her
star sign: libra 
height: 1m75 (not sure but I think that’s 5′8″-ish)
time currently: 5:40 p.m.
when is your birthday: 18th of october
favorite bands/groups: florence + the machine, top & dire straits 
favorite solo artists: beyonce, solange, rihanna, sza, h.e.r., banks, ludwig goransson
song stuck in your head: friends - the carters
last movie watched: dumplin (2018) - I should truly start watching more films again but my attention span is not allowing it atm.
last show you binged: the mandalorian!!!
when you created your blog: 22nd of december 2014
last thing you googled: strade bianche startlist - yes i’m a crazy cycling fan, don’t judge
other blogs: none
why you chose your url: vergeten gedachten is dutch for forgotten thoughts and since I am very forgetful but have a lot of thoughts that seemed to be quite fitting :)
do you get asks: every once in a while, not many tho
how many people are you following: 367
how many followers do you have: 584
average hours of sleep: atm anywhere between 5-8hours but i’d like to get back to 7-9 hours if I ever get back into a good routine again...
lucky number: uh if I have to give you one it probably would be 18 or 8
instruments: I should be able to play the guitar although I haven’t touched mine in like 2-3 years...
what i'm currently wearing: black pants, white t-shirt, leather jacket
dream job: writer, sports journalist &/ or mental coach for pro athletes. 
dream trip: south africa, canada, scotland or any country in asia. 
favorite food: babi panggang!!! 
favorite song: it constantly changes, usually listen to whatever i’m in the mood for, atm it’s: don’t touch my hear - solange
top three fictional universes you'd like to live in: hard one, I’ve read too many ya books to choose tbh. also my mind has completely turned blank while thinking of even one so, no clue haha
tags: @onopvallendheid, @mountainoflove , @madelieveling , @galerij , @scarfissh & whoever else wants to do this thing :))
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onmogelijk · 5 years ago
Music tag game 🎵
Got tagged by: @sweetvalley
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people! No skipping!
1. 12345SEX - UPSAHL
2. In Noctum - Nicholas Hooper
3. La Llorona - Carmen Goett
4. A song for you - Donny Hathaway
5. Provokiev: Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64, act 1: No. 13, Dance of The Knights (complete Ballet)
6. Lonely - Palaye Royale
7. Fallin (temptation) - Grandson
8. Fuck you - Silent Child
9. Little red ridig Hood - aeseaes
10. The moss - Cosmo Sheldrake
@lieflijkheids @beautybehindth3madness @madelieveling @omg-its-lilly @uitgesproken @radioactivegayy @ine-o @wanna-be-heard @lilninjaa @droopy-doofus
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
what does it mean when you constantly want to talk to someone and tell them every little detail and exciting but also mundane things that happen in your day
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
what if i just isolate myself and not feel things anymore that’d be nice
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
going back to my roots and using tumblr as a dating app just to be chaotic
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
all of you need to go sit in the rain and listen to this
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
have decided to only have a crush on someone who also has a crush on me but don't ask me about the logistics behind that
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
dating apps are a product of the devil but they're so fun when you're bored like yes please feed my confidence
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
what if i just stopped having a crush
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
imagine falling in love with someone and they love you back and you have this long term relationship and dance in the kitchen together and annotate books/poetry for each other
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
taylor swift wrote illicit affairs, this is me trying and hoax and people still have the nerve to say that she isn't a good artist or has a lot of meaning to her songs .....
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madelieveling · 2 years ago
gays i’m seeing boygenius this summer 🥹
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madelieveling · 1 year ago
oh (not in a good way)
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