#made this a while ago just hadn't shared it yet
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Part XI
Word count: 3900+
Warnings: swear words
Autumn themed divider by tsunami-of-tears
Part X | Part XII
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Ever since Eris saved you, you two became inseparable. Literally and unromantic, unfortunately.
When you said that you wanted him, you meant like a man, a husband. You couldn't name the feeling that led you to that as you'd never encountered it in your life. Desire and lust weren't so unfamiliar to you, you knew them well and definitely felt them when he was around, but what you felt exceeded even such mundane wants. The moment he stepped out of the flames in that dark room carved into stone, it grew into a constant need and it was slowly driving you crazy.
Sometimes you thought of it as a disease because dry throat, pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating and stuttering were common symptoms. However, no medicine could cure you. You were doomed.
It was excruciating to just sit, watch him from distance and listen his voice that often spoke about such things that it sounded like a foreign language to you. You weren't proud of it, but you weren't educated in anything except of how to submit, keep quiet, stay still, dance and serve well to your husband. Males in Hewn City held an opinion that educating females was just a waste of time because there was no way they could understand such complicated things as economy, politics, war or ruling.
While you dreamt of his warm hands touching your body in all inappropriate places, his lips breathing life into your hurting heart, his skin rubbing against yours, his voice whispering to your ear and about other parts of his body that you hadn't seen yet, Eris every morning calmly knocked on your doors and escorted you to his office. He insisted that you must not leave his side, so you ended up sitting behind him even on meetings to resentment of all present lords.
The closest you got to doing what you wanted to do with him, was when he took your hand and you went out for walk or to feed and play with his smokehounds.
Eris didn't know so much about flowers and herbs as your friends Ellen and Irene, but you were never bored with him. Sometimes he relaxed enough to talk about his childhood, at least about nice memories he had, sometimes he tried to explain you what the meeting was about. Either way you always learned something new and most importantly, you had an excuse for staring at his lips. You tried really hard to pay attention to everything he was saying, but your heart had a mind of its own.
You often found yourself imaging the taste and texture of those lips on yours and more - the feel of them sliding down the column of your neck to your chest, playing with you. The fact that you felt his long fingers in your hand made it even worse. All of sudden you felt them touching your body, weaving through your hair, filling you-
"Were did you go?" His husky deep voice snapped you from your fantasies. Amber orbs with dangerously swirling flames were piercing you and you blushed. Despite being outside his scent was wrapping around you, so thick it was suffocating.
"I'm here, listening to you," you almost moaned those words, dazed. Of course you weren't.
"Hmmm, really?" With wolfish grin he leaned so close that you were sharing a breath. "So tell me, my dear, what was I talking about?"
"You asked me where did I go," you whispered. Only an inch. There was only an inch between your lips, separating you from what you desperately wanted.
"Cleaver," he murmured, seemingly as drunken as you. "And before?"
You blinked. What did he say before?
"You said that villages near Summer have a hard time?" you tried your luck.
His grin grew wider. "That was maybe a half hour ago." His fingers ran along your jaw to your lips, gently parting them. "What should I do with you?"
Kiss me! If only you were brave enough to say it aloud.
His gaze was glued to your mouth now. For a moment you thought you heard his heartbeat, but it must have been just your imagination because there was no way his heart beated in unison with yours. Suddenly he lunged forward, his mouth crashing into yours with such strength that you had to wrap arms around his broad shoulders to prevent a fall. His palms clasped back of your head and your hip, tugging you impossibly close. His tongue slipped into your mouth without warning, but you didn't mind it slightest.
You were responding to his every desperate touch and stroke of tongue with your own. This was it. This was what you dreamt about for days now. You moaned into his mouth, drawing a growl from the depths of his chest.
He was greedy. His hot lips moved down the column of your neck feverishly while his fingers pulled the dress from your shoulder. None of you minded that you were in the garden where anyone could see you. In that moment only the two of you existed in this world.
He sucked and nipped the thin skin of your throat and you welcomed it. You wanted him to leave a mark on you. You clung to him, enjoying what he was doing, rewarding his ministration with loud moans. Your fingers were clawing on his back, trying to get to his skin. You wanted him, needed him.
However when he got to your shoulder he stilled, heaving heavily. His fingers were digging into your flesh almost painfully while his body trembled.
"You drive me crazy. You and your delicious scent," he groaned with lips on your skin. "Please, have mercy with me. I can't hold back for any longer." He sounded like on verge of tears.
You entwined fingers into his soft strands. "So don't hold back," you whispered nuzzling to the crook of his neck.
He snorted and fixed your dress. "You'll be death of me." With that he pushed away, hiding his face from you. He took your hand and pulling you behind him, he was leading you back to the castle. "There's a meeting with merchant leaders in five minutes."
Since this small encounter in the gardens, he closed up, watching you every now and then with sadness and something that resembled great longing. He was still kind to you and attentive, still tried to explain you things they discussed at the meetings, it just felt different. Thinking that you did something wrong, possibly even hurt him unknowingly, you tried your best to behave, to control your fantasies and eventually cooled down a bit.
Your evening routine had changed, too, as if Eris was scared to be with you alone after night fell. Instead of staying in the office until it was time to sleep, before the dinner Eris took all documents he needed to your chambers. After eating together he continued his work on that small dining table, while Ellen and Irene kept you company.
They seemed to be ashamed to run their mouths in presence of the High Lord, so you usually retired to your bedroom leaving doors ajar. That was the only condition Eris insisted on.
"And after that? What happened?" Ellen leaned closer, urging you to continue. It took you some time to gather courage to tell them about the kiss, but here you were, sharing your worries.
You shrugged. "Nothing. Eris had a meeting, so we headed back."
"And at night?" Irene whispered. They both knew that your marriage wasn't consummated yet, but just like you, they still hoped. "Did he come to, you know.. continue where you have stopped?"
You shook your head. They both frowned.
"Is that male impotent or what?" Ellen said too loudly and clasped hands over her mouth in shock. She didn't mean to shout it. You all turned to the doors, but you heard only constant scrapping of pen on paper from the other room.
"Or maybe he isn't interested in females," Irene suggested.
"No way," Ellen shook head. "We both grew at this Court, so you certainly heard it, too. All brothers had a lot of lovers in the past, all females. Even our High Lord had a few affairs. Less than his brothers, but still."
"Yup, I think I heard it, too," Irene sighed and blushed.
"Do you think that I messed up?" you bit on your lower lip. "That I somehow insulted him?"
"No, definitely not," they both said in unison.
"Males like when females show interest," Irene said, rubbing your shoulder.
"It usually turns male on, not discourage him. Especially, if it's married couple," Ellen added.
You sighed, feeling even worse. There was something really wrong with you two.
"And what about you and Killian?" you turned to Irene, trying to change topic.
"Well.." she fidgeted with her fingers. "He asked me out."
With Ellen you immediately came alive, tension growing. "And?"
"And I said yes," Irene smiled shyly. "He'll take me to the city next week."
All three of you squealed happily, holding hands. It was just about the time. Irene was head over heels for him for years and ever since she became your maid you saw Killian flirting with her every time he came for chitchat.
The doors flew open and on threshold stood Eris with dagger in hand. He scanned the room, then his fiery gaze fell down to you and your friends sitting on ottomans, baffled, with smiles frozen on your faces.
"I heard you screaming. Everything alright?"
"Yes," you spoke softly, "absolutely fine. We just.. We are sorry that we disturbed you. We'll be careful from now on."
He nodded. Eyes lingering on you, he just stood there. You gave him a puzzled look. He shook head and leaving doors again ajar, he returned to his work.
All three of you blew a breath.
Irene turned to you with sad smile. "He seems like someone who cares for you dearly. You should have seen him when you went missing. He turned this place upside down, looking for you. He was furious when he couldn't find anything with your scent."
"He was so desperate," Ellen agreed. "And the look he just gave you.. It was full of longing for sure. He wants you."
"Then why?" You flapped down on your back, looking out the window at stars that shone sadly tonight. They had no answer for you, too.
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The most exciting part of Eris's work was when he had to visit some village or small town. Nature of Autumn Court was breathtakingly beautiful and fascinated you with all those radiant colours. Whether it was just a wild forest or fields you wanted to see it all.
Even Fae who lived there. Most of them was hostile and alert when High Lord came to them, willing to help them personally solve their problem. However, Eris was able to cope with it and handled it brilliantly.
It was interesting to watch him interact with his subjects. He was strong, sharp and terrifying, yet he didn't shy to show kindness and understanding. He seemed to be especially skilled with children. Wherever you went, soon enough a group of kids followed him all around and he didn't mind at all. He only smirked and even played with them when he thought that no one was watching. He was kind of cute in such moments. It was easy to imagine him with his own children, running through hallways, ballrooms and gardens, scaring staff and then laughing at it. Your heart clenched with pain every time such thoughts flashed through your mind.
Eris made sure that on the way you could see every river, lake or rock. Winnowing would be much faster, yet he always opted for horses and didn't hesitate to do detours just to show you nice places. Since you couldn't ride, you always ended up on his horse, pressed into his chest and with his arms around your waist, holding you in place. That made these trips even more special for you. The joy of sharing beauty of his Court was visible not only on his face but mainly in his eyes. He was a different male as soon as he left castle grounds, more happy, unfettered and wild. He was like the nature around him and you liked it a lot.
If only it was the main content of his duties.
Sadly, most of the ruling was made from his office. You spent there so many hours that you lost count. At first Eris let you do whatever you wanted which meant that you sat near the window switching between view of garden and your diligently writing, reading and frowning husband.
Years of training this made you last quite long, longer than any other person would last, but since coming to this Court you got a taste of freedom. Simply said, you became bored after a while. You understood the importance of his work and didn't mean to bother him in any way. However, it was physically impossible to suppress yawning or stop constant wiggling when your body screamed for change of position.
You thought that Eris hadn't noticed it, but after few days he rearranged the office and added smaller desk and sofa that he clearly didn't need. It was for you.
One day, pretending he just needed to stretch out, he walked to the shelves of books, randomly picked out one and handed it to you.
"Wouldn't you like to read something?"
It was the book about the medical herbs that you started to read before you were kidnapped and hadn't finished it yet. You smiled at him gratefully. You thought that he would mind or that page turning sounds would bother him, so you didn't dare to bring it with you. But as it turned out, he didn't mind it at slightest and after that, a whole section of books about plants magically found its way into his bookcase.
You were eager for knowledge and devoured the books in just a few weeks. It didn't went unnoticed.
Next time Eris tried to explain you problems discussed at the meeting, he took out a book, opened it at certain page dedicated to the similar issue and let you read that, too. You really appreciated this gesture. Whether he knew about your hunger for knowledge or not, he was supporting your eagerness anyway. He went so far as preparing you books of certain topic and when you were done with them, he discussed it with you and explained parts that you didn't understand. Killian obviously liked the idea and often joined you or took Eris's place when he was too busy.
They didn't mind discussing even the Court's issues with you and Eris himself asked you questions and intently listened to your opinions and solutions. You were surprised to find out that with minor changes he presented some of them at meetings. It brought you two closer on a new, deeper level, and you started working together. Eris entrusted you with some documents and reports that he believed you could solve on your own, while you kept studying. If someone before told you that just in marriage you could get the keys to complete freedom, you wouldn't believe them. With Eris anything was possible though.
One day, Killian entered the office with unusually serious expression.
"Eris, the news about certain matter arrived," his eyes drifted to you.
Erin frowned and leaned closer. He apparently knew what Killian talked about. "And?"
Killian put his hands on the table, leaned towards him and lowered his voice. "They couldn't find the body. They searched the entire place and nothing. He had to survive it and get out. Or someone helped him."
Eris inhaled sharply through his nose and your gazes met. His amber eyes hardened, burning like fire.
They didn't need to say who survived. You already knew, but still you needed them to confirm it. You subdued the tremor. "Who-.. who are you talking about?"
They exchanged the look. Jaws hardening they pulled lips into thin lines, avoiding your gaze. If you already didn't know they were siblings, now there would be no doubts about it. They were so alike.
"You are talking about males who kidnapped me, right?"
"Y/N.." Eris sighed, pinching bridge of his nose.
"Yes," Killian gave you a pitiful look while Eris eyes shot up to him, the fire in them burning holes into his head.
"It's better when she is scared but careful than when she runs into hands of death because she didn't know about the dangers that lurk around any corner," he shrugged.
Eris dragged hand down his face. "Fine," he grunted, "go ahead, if you want to scare her so badly."
"Asshole," Killian narrowed eyes on his brother. Then he turned to you. "The thing is... Lord Nail, the one who kidnapped you, escaped and we can't find him. And.. our brother, Volkan.. Eris thought he is dead, but.."
"You couldn't find the body to confirm it," you repeated what you heard earlier.
You hesitated. There was one question that bothered you ever since you woke up on that cold ground. "Why?" you stuttered barely audibly.
They both raised brows at you.
"Why did they do that?"
"We aren't sure," Eris watched you with sad eyes. "When I became High Lord, I announced at meeting that I plan to marry you. Some Lords didn't like the idea, but Nail was strongly against it. His family believed that his cousin will be my wife. He revolted and I banished him from this Court. He also used to support Volkan as a heir and future High Lord.."
"So we think that either it was a payback for his cousin or he did it to lure Eris out, so Volkan can kill him and become what he always wanted to be."
A huge lump rose in your throat and for the rest of the day you couldn't focus on anything. Thoughts swirled in your head and more questions popped up. Why did Eris choose you? Why he went to so much trouble when he wasn't even interested in you in that way? What he expected from you? A friendship? Companion? Where you just some kind of gag to shut up Lords, so he could sweep the question of marriage off the table? Or was it a payback? To whom?
The whole night you spent tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The next day you were miles away, mindlessly following Eris around the castle. That day you weren't able to focus even on reading. Your husband tried to talk with you as he usually did, but you was hardly able to give him one-word answers. In the end he gave up and didn't press you further. You didn't notice the tension in the air nor that his mood gradually worsened with every hour you spent trapped in your thoughts.
Eris immediately knew something was going on when he saw you and those dark circles under your eyes in the morning. He watched your silent form sitting in his office like a ghost and grew nervous. He wanted to get into your pretty head to see what bothered you, shake with you until you spit it all out. But he couldn't and that annoyed him the most.
As if it wasn't enough, Lords at the afternoon meeting decided to try out his patience. Some village on outskirts of Autumn Court near borders with Summer couldn't pay the taxes because they had a bad year. A flood of locusts had eaten up the crops and they actually needed an aid to survive. But these mother-fuckers wanted to punish them as his father would do. The old bastard never cared for the reason people couldn't pay. He simply killed them or turned them into slaves.
Eris was in a foul mood, muscle ticking in his jaw, and wanted to kill someone, preferably these idiots. All of them. He glared at the papers in front of him while they quarreled which punishment would be more effective. Until the papers burst into flames. The room went silent, all eyes at him. His verdict was clear: no punishment, send an aid. With that he dismissed them.
The meeting ended without you even noticing anything of that. You were imprisoned in your own head, drowning in uncertainty and pain, and you couldn't take it anymore. You needed answers.
While you ran after Eris who was making his way down the hallways with long strides, you decided. You would ask him. Now or never. You had nothing to lose and if Eris answered.. Well, it depended on his answers.
Eris held the door for you and then closed them so harshly that the walls shook. He strode to his desk and slammed his fist on it.
His brother, the male who hurt his wife, was alive and nobody could find a single trace of him. His wife was.. What was she? Scared? Terrified? Traumatized? And he couldn't help her because she wouldn't talk with him, wouldn't let him. His subjects needed help and he had to fight Lords to get the help they needed. Everything around him was collapsing and he couldn't stop it. He could only stand and watch.
"Yes?" Frowning he looked up from his desk.
"Why did you choose me as your wife?"
His jaw tightened and he looked away. He wasn't in mood for this kind of conversation. He wasn't ready for it. Not today, not anytime soon. "Because I wanted you."
"But why?"
"I already told you."
"So why haven't you consummated the marriage yet?"
"I won't discuss that with you. Not now, not.. never."
"Don't you think that I deserve to know?"
He was quiet, hands clenched into fists on the desk. Whenever you asked him something, he gladly answered you, so why not now? Silver lined your eyes as you watched his hard, angry expression and felt your heart breaking into million pieces. Normally, you wouldn't insist and let it go. Normally, you wouldn't even dare to ask such things.
But today wasn't that day.
"Please, Eris. I need to know it.. If you ever cared about me, sincerely cared, answ-"
"I haven't fucked you yet because I. Don't. Want. To," he snapped, his fiery eyes piercing you. "Is that what you wanted to hear?!"
He never shouted at you, never spoke with you like this. He didn't even raise his voice at you until now. You winced and took a step back. And then another. Your lower lip quivered and before you could stop it, you burst into tears. You couldn't stay there. You needed air, fresh air and distance. When Eris saw your reaction his face contorted in pain. He started to reach out for you, but you pivoted and ran out of the room.
His broken voice followed you to the hallway. You didn't slow down and kept running up and up.
You had no idea where you were heading to until you dashed through the door and a cold gust of wind stung your wet face. The sky began to turn red, evening was approaching.
You walked over to the battlement and looked down. You were on the rooftop of the tallest tower. The guard on the courtyard below wasn't bigger than an ant. Good. No one would see you up here and no one would come looking for you.
You were cold and hurting so much that even breathing was too painful. You slid down to the ground, curled into a ball and cried. You were there for less than ten minutes when affected laughter cut through the air.
"You make things so much easier for me."
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
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Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before - Simple and Clean, Utada Hikaru
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cassielsunstone · 10 months
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My attempt at drawing @fuastar 's beautiful Zora OC, Nayela! 💙✨
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punkshort · 3 months
It didn't mean anything
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An I Know Who You Are drabble
Thank you anon for this request!
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel finds out about your history with Ben for the first time.
Warnings: language, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, possessive!joel (might be a bit over the line but i got carried away, sue me), jealous!joel, edging, rough sex but turns soft (bc of course)
WC: 2.1K
A/N: this is a request I had for a series I wrote but I think it could be read on its own.
"Where's my fuckin' glasses?" Joel roared from upstairs.
"Wherever you left them last!" you shouted back from the kitchen. You were tired and just wanted to go to bed but Joel was really starting to piss you off, so you made an excuse to come down to the kitchen to cool off.
It wasn't working.
"I left 'em on my goddamn book where I always leave 'em. You were movin' shit around up here today, you must've done somethin' with 'em," you heard him snap from the depths of your shared bedroom. You rolled your eyes and dug your fingers into the back of a chair to try to ground yourself. You knew his anger was misplaced. It wasn't really about the glasses.
Tonight at dinner you made one little innocuous comment about an old flame, Ben, another resident of Jackson, completely forgetting you hadn't found the chance to tell Joel about him yet, and it was all downhill from there.
Your relationship with Joel was still new. Well, not really.
It was and it wasn't.
This part of your relationship was new. Living together, sharing your lives together, loving each other... all of that was new. The sex was not new.
So maybe it was a little bit your fault for not telling Joel about Ben sooner. But it was the middle of the goddamn apocalypse and things like that didn't really cross your mind anymore. Besides, what you had with Ben didn't mean a thing. It was for comfort and stress relief on both sides, no feelings were involved whatsoever. And if that wasn't enough, Ben was also currently in a loving, committed relationship with your mutual friend, Lisa.
Joel didn't seem to care about any of that. He was still worked up, stomping around upstairs, slamming drawers shut and muttering under his breath.
It was really fucking annoying.
His heavy footsteps thundering down the stairs was the next thing you heard and you braced yourself for more of his attitude. Storming into the kitchen, he pushed things around on the counters as if his glasses could be hidden behind the flour while you stood at the table glaring at him. When he inevitably was unsuccessful, he spun around angrily with his hands on his hips.
"You gonna help me look or you just gonna stand there?"
With your nostrils flared and your jaw clenched, you marched across the kitchen, coming to a halt directly in front of him. Without breaking eye contact, you lifted an arm above his head and plucked his glasses from his hair, then blindly dropped them on the counter.
His eyes shifted to the glasses and back to you as he tried to hide his embarrassment.
"I'm goin' to bed," he muttered, leaving the glasses and heading for the stairs.
You scoffed in disbelief. "What? I don't get a thank you?"
He whipped around and stalked back over to you, his reaction so fast it startled you and had you backing up against the kitchen wall.
"What else should I thank you for? Hm?" he asked lowly, bracketing both arms on the wall on either side of your head. He stared down at you, anger rolling off him in waves, eyes dark and fuming. "Should I thank you for makin' me feel like a fuckin' idiot tonight? For not tellin' me somethin' you know I shoulda known 'bout months ago?"
"I already apologized, Joel! What more do you want from me? You didn't tell me about Angie until-"
"That was different an' you know it!" he yelled, smacking the wall beside you with the flat of his hand. "We weren't together then! You weren't livin' with me, sleepin' in my bed-"
"Goddamnit, Joel! It didn't mean anything!" You were mere inches apart, your hot, angry breath fanned over his face with every word. "I-I never even think about him like that! He was the only fucking guy I knew and I just wanted to get my mind off of the end of the fucking world every now and then!"
"I don't want you seein' him," he said, his tone threatening. "Ever. You pass him in the street, you just keep walkin'. He's on fuckin' fire, it ain't your problem."
"Who the hell do you think you are?" you seethed, but the arousal was already pooling warm between your legs. "You think you can tell me what to do?"
"Yeah, I do," he said through clenched teeth, then grabbed your jaw with one of his big hands. "'Cause you're mine."
You whimpered when his mouth crashed down on yours, teeth and tongues colliding messily as he pulled you off the wall. Your fingers twisted in his flannel, tugging and pushing him this way and that, acting as if you had any fight in you whatsoever.
"Shit," you gasped when his mouth traveled down to your neck and his hand cupped your aching core through your jeans. He applied some pressure with the tip of his fingers, locating your clit with practiced ease, and you tipped your head back with a moan. Your fingers that were once wrestling with the fabric of his shirt were now lost in his hair, holding the back of his head in place so he had no choice but to suck and bite marks across your collarbone.
His fingers were moving fast over the seam of your jeans, rubbing and pinching your sex through the thick denim, dragging you to the precipice just to deny you your orgasm at the last moment by pulling his hand away.
You whined and tugged his hair as hard as you could, trying to make it hurt, but he just chuckled and straightened back up. "Turn around."
Obediently, you swiveled around and braced your hands on the counter, your breath coming in sharp, excited pants as he unbuttoned your jeans and slid them down to your knees, your underwear quickly following.
He dipped one thick finger into your folds from behind and your back instantly arched. You felt his belt digging into the flesh of your ass when he ground his hips against you and brought his mouth to your ear. "You're so fuckin' wet, baby. You like workin' me up like this?"
You bit your lip and closed your eyes when he slid his finger inside your leaking cunt. "Maybe," you whispered, then moaned when he curled his finger inside you, purposely teasing you by not giving you enough. Just as quickly as he gave you his finger, he took it away, leaving you feeling hopelessly empty again.
"I think you do. And I think you need me to remind you why you're in my bed every night 'n not his."
Your thing with Ben ended before you even arrived in Jackson, before you even knew who Joel was, so to imply he was even remotely some type of competition was ridiculous. But when you heard the jingle of his belt and the metallic zip of his jeans being undone, you decided it to point that out another time.
"Fuck!" you cried out when he entered you with one quick thrust. Your arm shot backwards, hand searching for some part of him to hold on to. His hand found yours and laced your fingers together before looping both your arms around your front, holding you close. He was breathing heavily in your ear, giving you a few moments to gather yourself and allow your walls to relax around his girth.
"Fuck," you said again, but this time it was breathier and more at ease. The initial sting was fading with every shaky breath and even though he was driven by jealousy and irrational anger, he didn't want to hurt you. He never wanted to hurt you. At the end of the day, he knew how you felt about him and that was all that mattered, so he gave you as much time as you needed before experimentally rolling his hips. You moaned his name and pushed your ass against him, urging him to continue.
With one of his hands still bonded with yours across your ribs and the other spread wide and flat over the cool counter next to your hip, he bent forward and slammed into you a little rougher, a little harder, until the mixed sounds of your skin slapping together and the lewd wetness from your pussy filled the air.
"He ever fuck you like this? Make you feel as good as I do? Huh?" he groaned into your neck. Your body jolted forward against the edge of the counter with every forceful thrust, knocking the wind out of you but you managed to shake your head and offer a weak no.
You wished you could spread your legs wider but you were restricted by the material bunched around your knees, so instead you arched your back and pushed your ass back against his hips. Again and again, you rocked your hips onto his cock, matching his rhythm as sweat began to collect on the back of your neck and the muscles in your stomach tightened. Joel flattened his tongue against your skin, drinking down your sweat with a deep moan.
"Taste so good, sweetheart. Feel s'good too... fuck - yeah, yeah - keep doin' that."
You whined and tilted your head to the side, searching for his mouth. When you found it, you hungrily slanted your lips together, tongue invading, licking past his teeth while your free hand reached back to splay wide across the side of his face.
You gasped when the tip of his cock brushed against something inside you that made your vision wobble. Your nails raked pathetically against his skin and your walls clenched around him, silently begging for more when words failed you.
"I love you," he whispered, hips still ruthlessly crashing into you, forehead pressed against your hair, hot breath panting in your ear.
"I love you, too," you mumbled back. "S-so deep like this, Joel, fuck," you whimpered, brows pinching together as you struggled for air. Your legs tensed and your eyes flashed wide open, searching for him as you felt yourself near your peak. His eyes were dark and filled with animalistic desire as he laid claim to you in the middle of your kitchen, and even though his jealousy was severely misplaced, it fanned the flames of excitement inside you.
You were his, and he was yours.
The coil snapped and you sobbed his name, body going rigid under his touch but he fucked you through it, to not only prolong your orgasm but to join you, as well.
"Oh, god," he mumbled repeatedly, his thrusts becoming sloppy, his hands flexing and breath growing ragged before pulling out and spilling himself all over your backside with a heavy groan.
Your upper body slumped across the counter, arms spread wide, eyes squeezed shut. Your legs trembled as you fought to remain upright but soon it wouldn't be your concern. Joel grabbed the nearest dish towel and cleaned you up before dragging your underwear and jeans back up, leaving them unbuttoned, before hastily doing the same to his own so he could gently lift you into his arms.
"You okay?"
You hummed and nodded sleepily against his chest. To your surprise, he bent down to scoop you up with one arm under your knees and he carried you to the couch, setting you down carefully and brushing the loose strands of hair from your face. He stayed there with you, quietly kneeling next to the couch, rubbing soothing circles over your arm, your stomach, your hips until you finally opened your eyes with a sigh. His head was resting against his forearm but he lifted it up when he heard you and gave you a little grin. You smiled back and brushed the pad of your thumb over one of his eyebrows, taking in every fine line, scar and freckle over his beautiful face.
"You don't have to be so jealous, you know. There's nothing to worry about."
He snorted and nipped at your thumb. "I know."
You bit your lip and playfully tapped the tip of his nose. "But maybe we can do that again sometime because that was really hot."
He chuckled and pressed his hands into the cushion of the couch so he could stand with a groan, fingers digging into his lower back with a wince. "You're gonna be the death of me one day."
You giggled and forced yourself to stand, not even bothering buttoning your jeans as you headed for the stairs. "You coming?" you asked him over your shoulder. He nodded.
"Lemme lock up and turn the lights off."
You yawned and continued up the steps, a little smirk pulling at your lips when you reached the top, and you paused.
"Don't forget your glasses."
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
fem reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader gets into a fight, this fits into the weirdo! shouto ficlet i wrote, older bro touya au, shouto's scar, kindaaa non neurotypical shouto hinted if you squint lol, shouto n reader are lil misfits, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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"can i help you, young man ?"
"i hurt my knee."
you're laying in the nurses office when a familiar voice hits your ears.
"oh really ?" no verbal response but you assume there's a nod because the nurse continues "what happened ?" she sounds skeptical.
"i fell." the person, a boy, replies. the nurse sighs, complaining to herself about kids these days coming to the nurses office for every little thing. you're still pretending to be asleep, not wanting to go back to class yet because you know your classmates won't leave you alone. your face is turned away as you hear the office door shut and soon after there's shuffling in the bed next to you.
your eyes snap open and you turn to see a scarred boy looking right at you, blinking slowly.
"shouto !"
"hi." he answers simply. unmoving, he lays on his stomach. after getting over your shock you copy him. "what're you doing here ?" you ask. your friend blinks in response.
"i hurt my knee."
you look at him incredulously "what are you really doing here ?"
shouto lays quietly simply staring at you. he has a habit of doing that, you've heard your classmates call it weird, but you like when he looks at you. his eyes are pretty. his gaze trails off towards the sheets, "i wanted to come see you." he admits. your eyes widen and you feel your ears burn. shouto doesn't seem affected by his confession, his face as deadpan as it usually is.
"everyone is talking about you in class." your nose scrunches up at his words, huffing with a scowl. "what're they saying ?"
"that you won."
that makes your scowl shrink a bit. your eyebrows raise and you shuffle a bit on the bed and hum. shouto only stares. he isn't much of a talker. you've noticed it's because he just doesn't realise that you're supposed to keep making conversation when you're talking with someone. your classmate mahoro says it makes things awkward, but shouto has such kind eyes when he looks at you, you don't mind. and sometimes, you don't really feel like talking either.
"you didn't have to do that you know." is what he says after a while, you blink at him like you'd already forgotten and he continues. "you didn't have to push tanaka like that, it wasn't a big deal."
tanaka, just the mention of the boy's name is enough to make your scowl return full force.
he's one of your classmates that keeps making jokes that all his other friends laugh at that aren't even funny. he doesn't bother you much, but he's kind of a bully and he makes a face whenever you end up on his team for dodgeball. he makes sure you see it too.
you don't care about him much, because he doesn't bother you. but he bothers shouto. you think he does so because shouto doesn't care to confront him about it so he thinks he's stupid. but shouto's the smartest in your class. today though, he went too far and it made you mad, so you shoved him and he'd shoved you back and suddenly you were surrounded by a group of kids screaming in your ears. your face stung from where he'd hit you and then a teacher was pulling you away from him. then you'd ended up here.
shouto hadn't been coming to school for a bit a while ago and when he did come back he had a huge bandage over his left eye. you'd tried to ask him about it but he never told you. so you never pried, but you heard the (not so quiet) whispers from your classmates and shouto who never seemed like he cared, furrowed his brows and slightly clenched his fists underneath your shared desk whenever he'd hear them. and it got worse when he took the bandage off, revealing a big red blotchy scar.
shouto doesn't usually mind what people think, but he'd asked you if he looked ugly and you assured him that you thought he looked super cool. (you'd never seen his eyes so wide and shiny, so pretty.)
tanaka had disagreed with you though. he opened his big mouth and told shouto he looked better with his bandage on. and you'd snapped. you hated that stupid bandage because it'd make his usual face so gloomy. because you only got to see one of his kind eyes and you loved looking at both.
and so, here you were.
"he had it comin', he made fun of you !" you scowl, shouto's brows furrow the slightest bit as well, mildly irritated. "but you got in trouble."
"well, he made fun of you !" you repeat. you both stay unmoving, laying on your stomach while the nurse is out on lunch break. shouto's lips move up into a pout and for the first time ever you hear him huff.
"i wasn't mad about it. i was fine." he insists, his eyes drift towards his fingers picking at his sheets. "you got hurt because of me, and i don't like that." he mumbles sadly. his cheek smushed against the hard pillow makes him look like a little puppy. you hear your heart in your ears.
"well, i didn't just do it for you," you try, "tanaka's always pickin' on everyone, so i taught him a lesson." you huff. you believed you sounded convincing, but shouto looks anything but convinced. others can't see it well, but you can.
"but everyone's gonna think you did it for me. and they're gonna call you weird again," shouto grips and pulls at the white sheets, you're worried they'll rip off and he'll get in trouble. "even though you're not."
you don't care, you'd been called weird plenty of times at your old school. but shouto's bothered for you and your heart beats in your ears "do you think i'm weird ?" shouto quickly shakes his head, as best he can in the position he's in. your chest feels warm and you smile.
"then i don't care what everyone thinks."
the sound of sheets crinkling stops, and shouto stares at you again. he sits up to instead go sit down on your bed. you bring your legs closer to yourself to make space for him.
"i still don't want you to get hurt, even if it's not just for me." his pretty eyes, one surrounded by red zero on you " i don't like it."
shouto never seemed picky to you. except when it came to his lunch (which was always cold soba) and the order in which he started his day at school (first he changes his shoes, then he takes off his jacket and then went to sit in his seat. exactly like this every day.)
he never told you he particularly liked or disliked anything, usually always shrugging. but he said he doesn't like seeing you hurt. it had made him panic when people started pushing him away to see the fight and he couldn't see you anymore. your classmates were talking about you and he didn't like it. the nurse stood in his way and he didn't like it because she kept him away from you for longer.
he does not like tanaka because he'd punched you in the cheek, your cheek that rises up like the sun when you smile at him.
i don't like when you get hurt, he says. i don't want you to hurt because of me, he thinks. you've got a bandaid on your cheek where you'd gotten punched, but you grin and your cheek rises like the sun, shouto hears his heart in his ears.
you hold out your pinky and promise him you won't do it anymore. holding onto your pinky is comfortable and even after promising he doesn't let go. not even when the nurse checks up on you and scolds you when you shamelessly tell her why you'd landed in her office. he doesn't let go in the hallways even when others are looking. they'll think you're weird for hanging out with him, but you told him you didn't care, and shouto feels like he's floating.
( he only lets go when you get to the principal's office. but he ignores the teacher who passed by and told him to get to class and wraps his pinky right back around yours when you walk back out. your smile is pretty like the sun.)
one time, touya-nii had called you weird, and touya-nii is always right. but this time shouto knows he's wrong. because your smile doesn't dim despite the bandaid on your cheek and you only look at him when you get back to class, despite the people calling for you, your pinky stays tightly wrapped around his, only moving so you can readjust and hold it better.
touya is clearly wrong, and shouto knows you're the nicest person in the world.
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hannieehaee · 10 months
18+ / mdi
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content: newrelationship!vernon, miscommunication, afab reader, smut, virgin reader, inexperienced reader, dry humping, fingering, etc.
wc: 3040
a/n: had a thought abt this so i decided to write it. hope u like <3
vernon wasn't sure what he was doing wrong.
god, he was just so into you, but he didn't know what to do anymore.
you'd been dating for a bit over two months by now, and it had been perfect. you'd spent almost every day together, never spending a dull moment by each other's sides. and god, was be obsessed with you. he felt like a bit of a loser, with how horribly down bad he was for you, but he couldn't help himself, okay? you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen. it didn't help that you were also the smartest, funniest, sexiest- okay he'll stop now. he still wasn't sure what exactly he had done to bag you, but he wasn't about to question his good fortune.
that was where his problem laid, actually.
despite two months of perfect love (was it too soon for him to say that?), the two of you had yet to have sex - or do anything remotely sexual in general. he'd had the privilege of holding you in his arms as you slept a few times now, and even the pleasure of feeling your lips against his as you endlessly sighed against his mouth when you'd kiss (something that got him going immediately - the feeling of your pliant form against him and your soft lips chasing after his), but he was yet to hit any other base with you.
the sheer desperation he felt for you made him feel terrible. vernon was nothing if not a respectful man. he wanted nothing more than to make you feel as comfortable as possible, never expressing any type of complaint whenever you pulled away or stopped him if things were getting too far for your liking. like last week.
you'd both been on his couch watching a movie together. it was all fine and dandy until you decided to pull his head towards you, suddenly planting a kiss against his lips. you did this quite often, actually. you seemed to really enjoy kissing vernon, something he would never say no to. like any reasonable person, he met you with equal enthusiasm, swallowing your soft moans while he shared a few groans right back into your mouth.
this went on for about fifteen minutes, making him lightheaded at your proximity. his hands were on your waist while yours played with his hair. he had moved you to sit on his lap about ten minutes ago, now having your weight atop his lap while he willed his boner away. it didn't take long for him to begin to get fidgety, deciding to begin a trail of kisses down your neck. your reaction had his breath catching in his throat. he had never heard such pretty moans in his life. it seemed like you were enjoying it as much as he was, tilting your head to the side to give him more room to kiss and suck at. it all went well, until his hands began to wander a bit.
you immediately placed them back on your waist, not giving any other reaction or indication as to why. about ten minutes later when you had finally grown too tired of making out, you separated from one another. you whispered a shy 'sorry' to him before cuddling back into him as you had been thirty minutes ago. he chose not to question it, simply pulling you even closer to his side.
next time it happened it was a bit more embarrassing. you'd woken up together after he had stayed over at your place. you had immediately jumped him, kissing him with intensity he hadn't met before. he wasn't an idiot, so he kissed back, taking anything you were willing to give him. it was filthy, really. just a mess of tongues and even some heavy petting over your clothes.
he was so sure this time you'd want more. that you'd finally at least let him have the unimaginable pleasure of some over-the-clothes action. he would give even with some dry humping. he was incredibly hard, which was already embarrassing on it's own. what made it even more embarrassing, however, was your squeak and the way you backed away the moment you felt his hardness against your leg. there were no words exchanged, just widened eyes starting at one another. the silence was only broken when vernon quickly grumbled out an apology along with a short 'i'll, uh, go take care of it. my bad' before leaving the room and locking himself in your bathroom.
after a less than gratifying session with his fist in your tiny bathroom, he came back to you, ears still burning red and eyes meeting the floor.
"vernon, fuck. i'm sorry, i just wasnt-"
"its fine!", he interrupted (very stupidly, by the way), "you dont have to explain anything. did you, uh, wanna get breakfast or something?"
you smiled back at him, seemingly thankful that he had given you an out, "yeah, sure nonnie."
next time had been the last one. the last instance that truly broke vernon. it had also been an accident, but a fortunate one at that.
vernon already had a key to your apartment. sure, you'd only been dating for a short time, but in both of your defenses, you'd been friends for a while before that, so this just seemed like a logical course of action. vernon had the tendency to drop by your apartment unannounced. he hated texting and was usually too lazy to call, so he had grown accustomed to just popping by. thus far, it had never been an issue. sometimes you'd be caught off guard, but for the most part it didnt go past you playfully slapping his chest and telling him to make some type of noise in order to not give you a heart attack; advice he seemingly did not take. not even today.
he was too quiet, even to a fault. he walked in, not making any type of noise and immediately seeking you out. you weren't in the living room, which meant you could only be in your room. he wished he could've checked the kitchen or the restroom first. maybe then you could've had more time to prepare, but that's not what happened. what happened, however, was that vernon unsuspectedly walked into your room only to find you pantless, with your hand up your cunt, groaning in frustration at yourself - something that had him tilting his head in confusion despite the sheer shock.
he couldn't really see anything too compromising due to the oversized shirt you were wearing covering your crotch itself, but he wasn't an idiot, he knew what having your hand down there meant. you were touching yourself. and it wasn't going well. you hadn't noticed him yet. his eyes were still wide, gasp trapped in his throat before unwillingly releasing it the moment you looked up, probably having felt his presence.
you jumped back in place, grabbing a pillow to cover between your legs before you started yelling at him.
"v-vernon?! what the fuck?! what are you doing here?"
he stayed frozen for a few seconds before finally snapping out of his trance, eyes still glued to your nether area despite the pillow playing the role of a barrier between his eyes and your cunt.
"uh, i, fuck. im sorry, i-"
"stop staring at me!", you put your arms over your face, covering yourself while also making yourself as small as possible due to embarrassment. fuck, vernon felt so terrible at making you feel ashamed that he'd caught you in the act. he hadn't meant to, truly!
"wait, no! don't- it's okay! i'm so sorry," against his better judgment, he walked over to you, sitting next to you on your bed. you hadnt asked him to leave, and you seemed vulnerable, so he assessed that the best move right now would be to try and comfort you.
you slowly looked up at him, hair a mess and obvious tears on your face. your face was also slightly flushed, indicating that you had been crying out of embarrassment. fuck, that was so adorable.
"you don't have to be embarrassed, it- it's fine. i'm sorry i didnt knock, i shouldve called beforehand like you told me. i know im probably overstepping a boundary here, but we've been dating for a while, i know you dont want to go there with me yet, but theres no need to be embarra-"
'it's not- vernon. i do want to have sex with you.'
"h- huh? you do?"
you did?! had he been reading you wrong this whole time? were you just playing hard to get or something? no, that didn't really sound like you.
you turned to face him, making sure your shirt still hid your naked bottom as you did so, "yes, vernon, i just ... fuck, its so embarrassing. ive just never had sex before ..." you looked anywhere but into his eyes as you said this, clearly ashamed of the revelation.
"i- that's it? you're a virgin? babe, you know i don't care about that, right?"
"it's not just that, nonnie. i ... i've never ...." the second half of your statement was too mumbled for him to understand.
"what was that?"
"dont make me say it again!"
"babe, i didnt hear you, i swear. just tell me, baby, cmon. id never judge you, you know that."
you sighed, now deciding to sit up fully and look straight into his eyes, "ive never had an orgasm."
oh. oh.
"see! you think its weird! that's why i was so frustrated before you came in. it just- it just doesnt work. i dont know what it is. there's something clearly wrong with me," you were growing more and more exasperated by the minute, "ive never gone past second base with any boyfriend because of this. theyve all thought i was weird or broken or something, i'm just-"
"hey, hey. don't think like that. you're not broken. there's nothing wrong with it. if you dont like sex, that's-"
"but i do, vernon. i want to have sex with you!", you gasped at your own statement as soon as it left your mouth, showing clear embarrassment in your face, but you continued after collecting yourself, "i want to have sex. i just .. i dont know what to do. ive tried everything. there's something wrong with me. im sorry, vernon. i want to be with you so bad, - ive been wanting to go further with you - but i just didnt want to disappoint you like everyone else."
vernon was a bit devastated by your dejected demeanor. had every single ex of yours just given up on you? did they not even try to pull an orgasm out of you? the thought made him sad. then came the thought of you touching yourself night after night only to come out empty handed, with no orgasm nor pleasure to show for your efforts. that thought made him shudder. he thought about how well he could've taken care of you. how well he currently wanted to take care of you.
"baby ... you could never disappoint me. fuck, this whole time i thought you just didnt want to be with me. i- i'm sorry if i ever made you feel pressured. ill do things at whatever pace you want. just ... you're not weird. you're not broken, okay? im sorry anyone ever made you feel that way. im sorry no one ever took their time with you," he was genuinely apologetic over it. he had been thinking with his dick this whole time, not once stopping to consider that you had your reasons; very valid ones at that.
"thank you, vernon. i really appreciate it, really," you replied before pausing, taking a shaky breath before continuing, "you ... do you ... uh .."
"yeah, baby? what is it?"
"do you want to have sex? fuck, im sorry. i know that's such an unsexy way to ask. im sorry ive made this whole situation so uncomfortable. i should've just told you, or maybe just-"
he hummed against your lips as he interrupted your nervous rambling with a kiss, "hmm. baby. don't even worry about it. you didnt ruin anything. and you're the sexiest person alive, i ... i think about you all the time. ill take whatever you give me. anything is more than enough, okay?"
that seemed to make you get a little shy once again, "y-yeah. okay, thank you vernon."
vernon could tell what you wanted. i mean, you had literally told him you wanted to have sex with him. you just seemed to need some help getting there. he decided to save you any further embarrassment (even though in reality, he only found your shy demeanor adorable) and close the gap of your lips again.
he kissed you as softly and sensually as he could, pulling all stops to get you keening against him. within only some moments he was already hovering over you on your bed, your shirt ridden up to show your bare lower half. he began to sneak his hands over your shirt, slow enough to allow you to push him off if you wanted to. which you did. except it was only temporary, taking off your shirt altogether before pulling his lips back to yours, making the kiss grow even more intense.
vernon couldnt help moaning against your mouth the moment you moved his hands to play with your bare breasts, wrapping your legs around his waist and doing your best to incite him into humping against you. he didnt need any convincing, immediately digging his clothed crotch into yours. he fell in love with your soft moans, ones he had never heard before.
"nonnie ..." god, you were going to kill him. he wasnt even in you and he already felt like he was going to explode. but his priority right now was showing you that you weren't broken; that you were perfectly deserving of a mind-blowing orgasm.
"can i show you, baby? can i show you how to touch yourself?" he was completely serious too. he wanted not only to give you pleasure but also show you how to seek it on your own. he pictured you thinking about him when you were alone at night, fingers deep in your cunt as you-
"show me? what do you mean?"
"wanna teach you how to get there. can i?", he sat up, doing messy work of pulling off his pants and taking off his shirt, leaving himself in just his boxers before pulling you to sit up with him. he then guided you to sit on top of him as he sat against the headboard. your back was against his chest, with his arms now wrapped around you.
"nonnie ..."
"yeah, baby? whats wrong?", he was now allowing his hands to feel you up, loving how you arched against him the moment his fingers landed on your nipples, lightly pinching at them while he kissed your neck.
"im nervous ... im sorry, i know its dumb."
"its not dumb. is this okay? want me to slow down?"
"no! its fine. youre- you're perfect. i promise."
"okay. im gonna start now, then, okay?", he allowed one of his hands to sneak down, landing right where your cunt began, "im just gonna rub it for now, okay, baby? we'll go step by step."
he rubbed at you, stopping by your clit every so often just to hear you mewl his name. he allowed his other hand to stay on your tits in the meantime, figuring that it was a sensitive spot for you that would also help you get there. you were extremely wet too, which gave him the idea that he was doing well so far. he had full confidence that he could make you cum. the thought of giving you your first orgasm did things to him.
"gonna put a finger in, okay? gon-"
"two! i can take it, nonnie, i swear. i ... i can already feel it."
"yeah? two? okay, baby. anything you want."
he had meant to start slow and build up his rhythm, but he was met with your desperate cunt chasing after his fingers every time he'd slow down. he figured you were ready for something more intense, so he began to give it his all.
"n-nonnie! fuck!" you grew limp against him, unable to control your moans of pleasure for him. you were beginning to tighten around him, which let him know all he needed to know.
"i- nonnie, i feel ... i feel weird. its so ... fuck ... its so good, nonnie! dont stop. fu- fuck! please!" you were getting progressively more desperate, specially as vernon began to play with your clit once more.
"cum, baby. wanna feel you, fuck. want my pretty girl to feel good," he pistoned his fingers in and out of you, making sure to curl them perfectly in order to hit that spot.
"n-nonnie! fuck!"
he let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of your orgasm invade you, pulling his fingers out immediately to suck at them in a depraved manner he wasn't even aware he had in him. by the time he was done, your orgasm had worn down, leaving you panting against him.
"that ... shit, vernon."
"i told you. told you you weren't broken. fuck, can't believe none of those assholes never even fingered you properly."
"yeah .. i mean, i also never-"
"shh, baby. none of it was your fault. now you know, right? next time you need it, you know how to do it. or, you know, just call me," you bad turned around by now, still sitting on him but now facing him as he spoke.
"thank you, vernon. im sorry i made you feel like i didnt want you," you pouted at him, "god, i cant believe i missed out on that for so long."
"right? uh, anything else you want me to show you?"
you threw him a flirty smile, sensually running your hands up and down his torso, "i had a few ideas, actually."
his eyes widened, "shit, really?"
"yeah ... there's a few other things i need to learn. teach me?"
he had never been more ready (and horny) for anything else before.
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heesuits · 9 days
imagination - kim sunoo
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• pairing: fem!reader x bsf!sunoo
• genre: smut
• wc: 5.8K
synopsis: sunoo have never been with a girl... yet.
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For the first time in his whole life, Sunoo was feeling a bit uncomfortable while you were applying your lip balm... and uncomfortable wasn't exactly the right word, he felt a shiver down his spine and was too much concentrated on how soft your lips looked and how he knew your tongue was right there, he could see it in between your half-opened lips, and... what does it taste like? A thought that made him salivate, to the point of needing to swallow to avoid having drool running down the sides of his mouth, to the point of forgetting that he was right beside you, staring at your face. He was aroused. "Is there something wrong?" You asked, confused by his reaction, it took him a few seconds to regain consciousness.
Sunoo has been your friend, since always, he is a very good company and you were very comfortable around each other but there is an important detail about this situation, he likes boys, only, for sure... kind of sure... cause since few days ago he couldn't stop thinking about the moment you asked him to tie the top of your bikini and while you held your hair he imagined how would it be like if he held it with his own hands, pulling it slightly... and if the smell of your neck would be even better up close... and if your skin would shiver if he breathed close enough for him to touch it with his mouth... maybe the tongue. He wanted to know how you would feel... and he wanted... to feel you too? You have already shared with each other several stories about your affairs, and it's not like you hadn't ever imagined what it would be like, who knows, to try sharing this intimacy between the two of you.
A whole day became two that turned into three, he couldn't stop thinking about these things when you spent any time together and your invitation to a night watching a horror movie that was a common activity for the two of you suddenly became a torture session for him. After days and days thinking about your skin, your hands, your smell, the cherry flavored lip balm you used, being close to you with only the lighting of the TV against your skin while applying the balm on your lips awakened in him a feeling of need. He needed to know. He needed to touch you. He could feel the cherry scent and imagine the taste. Imagine your taste.
"There's nothing wrong... it's just... you..." without enough time for him to finish his words you noticed how he was looking at you alternating between your eyes and your lips, your breath became instantly heavy when you felt his palm holding the side of your face, his hand warm and soft. As surprised as you might be, you wouldn't deny Sunoo, nor could you even think about denying it. With one hand on your face, moving to the back of your neck while he pulled you lightly, and the other hand resting on your thigh, he asked you in a low voice in a tone that you have never heard him use before "Do you want it?" the only thing you had capacity of doing according to your actual state of mind was nodding, and with the most cozy and kind of devilish smile in the world he finished moving his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you to finish the job.
When your lips touched you could feel his breath raging against you as if he was tasting something very delicious, eating something very hot, kissing you carefully, as if he had to remember every sensory note of the taste of your mouth. His tongue moved slowly, interlacing and touching yours while his hand squeezed your waist both with the same very well calculated amount of strength. At the same time that he didn't know what to do, he wanted to find out, right there and with you.
From your mouth he moved to your neck, the kisses were wet and as he moved his hand a little higher on your waist to hold your ribs while he bit you lightly, you could feel his teeth against the skin of your neck and collarbone, and your body tightened as if you could feel the bites right on your crotch. Sunoo was making you wet... intentionally.
With both hands on each side of your torso he moved away just enough to look at your face and ask "Can I... touch them?" The only reaction you could have was to agree with a smile "Do you want me to take my shirt off?"... and he continued "Not yet, I want to feel them like this" You were fascinated and even more turned on by the tone he used, it was the perfect balance between experience and inexperience, he didn't know what and where to touch you, but he definitely knew how, and was a pretty fast learner.
Sitting on the carpet, leaning against the piles of various pillows you had set up to watch the movie, and with your clear permission, it was like he had been allowed to test all the desires and ideas he had been having over the last few days. Moving his hand to your breasts, he felt his cock throb, pulsing inside his underwear and already hardening. How soft your skin is, the smell of your hair, how your body reacts as he runs his fingertips over your nipples, you bending over your stomach, everything was driving him crazy. Moved by the sensations, he slipped a hand down your belly, pushing the hem of your shorts a little, you instinctively moved your hands down aiming to move the fabric out of the way. His eyes followed your hands and he stopped you saying "Keep your panties on, it's part of the thing." He seemed fully determined to leave you speechless. "Okay" You just kept it as he told you, took off your shorts and opened your legs a little more.
He ran his fingertips down your thigh, from the knee to the center, with his eyes fixed and his mouth half-open as if he needed help breathing. With his fingers he stretched the strap of your panties, passing his fingers down through the fabric and pulling it slightly to the side, leaning both fingers over your clitoris as if he just wanted to know how it felt and then slipping a path from your bottom lips to your entrance. When he felt your wetness against his fingertips, he leaned in closer, pressing his lips against yours again, kissing you while slowly sliding his fingers inside your pussy. It was new for him, but he could definitely imagine himself there, he was really amused by the way you squeezed his fingers, he wanted to be inside so bad, and you knew by the way his tongue in your mouth moved on a perfect harmony with the in and out movements of his fingers. It was just enough for both of you to start moaning, couldn't hold anything, he was touching you right and finally having you felt as good as he thought it could be.
All you were able to do was to crave your hands anywhere you could keep them on, the carpet, his neck, his arms. He removed his fingers completely and you moaned a little louder, a begging sound, you needed more. With his eyes fixed on yours and this time with a classic Sunoo smile that you were very familiar with, he placed his two soaked fingers over his mouth and tasted them in the most provocative way you've ever seen. "What? I wanted to taste you." over his provocations you finally managed to formulate a sentence. "Now you have to finish eating me, seriously." He rolled his eyes playfully. "And how do you prefer?" Without thinking twice, you lay face down on the carpet and he went along with your action very well, one hand on each side of your hips, rubbing his hard cock against you, leaving his shorts wet marks because of the way your panties didn't even cover a third of your pussy. You could hear his smile in between the air he was breathing. He moved his head down to make a path licking your thigh from the bottom to the top of your ass and giving you a bite and sucking it in a way that will surely turn into a hickey mark later. Holding both sides of your ass pushing them apart to give him a better view, he ran his tongue over your entrance, pushing it inside. If he kept it like this as soon as you felt his cock, you wouldn't be able to hold your orgasm any longer. You've never felt that weak under someone else's touch, he knew it by the way your body reacted, by the noises you were making, and he was definitely enjoying it.
He finally took his hands off you to pull down his own pants, one hand gripping your hip and the other one holding his dick against your entrance, he rubbed his tip there a few times, before getting in, letting out moans that clearly showed he couldn't hold on much longer either. As soon as he pushed it in and felt the way it was entering you easily, he pressed himself harder against you and you moved along your hips so he could reach the deepest spot, and both of you felt it as soon as it tipped there. He started moving harder, the moans louder, you didn't need any words, your hands held any part of the carpet you could and his hands craved on your skin kept pushing and pulling you strongly, he moved his shirt up to his mouth grabbing it with his teeth so he could have a better view of how his cock was moving on you, this muffled his moans a little, making the sound lip deep grunts that made the situation even harder for you to hold on.
The sounds he made and the feeling of his cock pulsing and crashing inside you, making it seem like he was made in just the right size for you to squeeze it with your walls, made you reach your orgasm sooner than usual and even though he realized how much tighter you became, he simply couldn't stop. He started moving faster and harder, your moans louder and even after you were done, you didn't want it to stop either.
He went in and out so instinctively that he didn't even care about the shirt anymore, all you could think about was the pleasure that was taking over both your bodies, he finally achieved his goal from the beginning, releasing inside you. You felt the warm liquid running down your leg, the hands that were previously holding you so tightly were now practically resting on top of you. Your heart pulsing right on your throat and the sweat making a path on the side of your face, you couldn't even get out of the prone position. He lay down on your side over the carpet and as soon as you faced each other, after the adrenaline wore off, you started laughing as if it was a joke for the two of you. "There's no way you haven't done it before." and he answered with a smile:
"I just have a good imagination."
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patscorner · 2 months
Just A Week Ago
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Summary: Paige grapples with death.
wc: 1,642
Contains: crying, death of a loved one, no happy ending
part two
a/n: This is probably the saddest thing I've ever written. Get your tissues ready.
It's only been a week, and Paige still couldn't believe it. Just a week ago, you were cuddled up next to her. Just a week ago, the two of you were laughing well into the night, shushing each other through the giggles. Just a week ago, she was driving to your house every weekend. Just a week ago, you were driving home with her after picking her up from practice.
Just a week ago, her hand was on your thigh, singing terribly at the top of her lungs while you laughed at her. Just a week ago, she watched as the headlights didn't stop growing brighter, even as the light turned red. Just a week ago, she awoke on a stretcher, not being able to feel her arms. Just a week ago, she fought the pain and begged to know your wellbeing.
Just a week ago, she watched as the EMT’s gave you chest compression after chest compression, desperately fighting for your life. Just a week ago, she shoved the police, injured and all, to let her go with you. Just a week ago, she watched them roll you into emergency surgery. Just a week ago, she broke down in the middle of the lobby when the doctor told her they did all they could. Just a week ago, you were alive and well.
Until you weren’t.
Now she stood in the mirror, tears in her eyes as she made sure she looked presentable. The week had been a blur. She was there, but she really wasn't. She was lost in her own mind trying to grapple with the fact that you were, in fact, gone, and it wasn't some terrible dream.
Paige wasn't sure what the plans were, even when she was present when they were made. She knew she was supposed to give a speech on the podium, and she knew she wrote one down. Or attempted to. She's fairly certain her mom and teammates wrote the words down.
It can't be real. She can’t have lost you. But she did. She was there when they told her you were gone. She was there.
A knock on her door breaks her free from her thoughts. She can't bring herself to answer, and she allows the person behind it to walk in. “Hey, sweetie, you almost ready?”
Paige doesn't look away from the mirror, but she can tell by the voice that it's her mom. She stares at herself, hands running over the suit she's wearing. It's the same one you'd spotted in the mall over a year ago, and you'd dragged her into the store to try it on, rambling about how sexy she looked. And while she desperately wanted to go home and lay down, she couldn't deny that you were right. She did look good. She didn't buy it then, though. You'd surprised her with it on her birthday, and she complained about you spending money on her.
She hadn't worn it yet, the two of you were waiting for that one special moment. And while you weren't here to share it with her, she thought it was fitting. She knew she'd never have the guts to wear it anywhere else. So dead or alive, she still shared the moment with you.
“Mhm.” Is all she says, taking one last look before turning around to look at her mom.
Her mom smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. “You look beautiful, honey. She would've loved it.” She said, approaching the blonde, fixing the collar once more. Paige closed her eyes to avoid the tears from falling, but it didn't work as tears broke through her eyelids.
Amy wordlessly engulfed Paige in a hug, listening as her little girl broke all over again. Flashbacks of that night at the hospital flash through Amy's mind as she attempts to stay strong for Paige.
Eventually, Paige pulls away, eyes softening as she wipes her mom's tears. “Let's go.” She whispers.
Amy nods, grabbing Paige's hand and leading her out of the room.
Paige had zoned out for most of the speeches. A lot of them were from people who didn't know you and were just offering their pity condolences, just so that they could say they were there.
She snaps out of it when her name is called to the stand. She looks at her mom, who pats her thigh encouragingly. She smiles as she clears her throat and walks to the stand.
“Uh-” She clears her throat again, staring at the notes in her hand. “I'm sure most of you know me, but for those of you who don't, my name is Paige Bueckers, and I'm Y/N's girlfriend.” She pauses. “Or-or was.” she clears her throat again.
“Any-anyway. Uh-” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, just like you'd always tell her to do. It didn't work as well as when you did it, but it helped her enough for her to continue. She looked down at the cards.
“You all know the type of person Y/N was. She was the type where you could tell her anything, and she'd support you, even if it was the dumbest decision on earth. If you were set on the decision, then so was she. She'd give you her advice and opinion if you asked for it, and then she'd leave it to you. Then, if you faced the consequences, she'd give you a look, but she'd never say anything. She'd hold you and wouldn't let you go until you felt better.” she looked up from the cards and glanced around the room.
“That's what she did when I tore my ACL. She was there the whole time, holding my hand, never letting go, unless it was to hand me a tissue.” She laughed a little, but it was getting harder to keep her composure. Fuck it. she ditches her cards, and decides to speak from her heart. That's what she was the best at.
“It's a Sunday. Y/N always loved Sundays. She'd always get all dressed up, even though it was just for church. Today, I would've slept in, grappling with the fact that I don't get to see her or hold her anymore. For the first time, God was the last thing on my mind.”
“She was there for everybody. Even if you wronged her, if you asked her for anything, she'd give it to you. She believed in second chances, even for people who didn't deserve them. She of all people should've gotten a second chance. But that was taken from her, by somebody who she'd probably give one to.” Tears have fallen now, and there was no stopping them.
“The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, she asked me if I trusted her with my heart. If I trusted, she'd take it and keep it safe forever. She kept that promise. She took it, and she kept it, and she locked it in a box. She kept it safe. Unfortunately, she held onto that key when she left.” She reaches for a tissue. “And that I'm forever grateful. I can't think of anybody better than her to have that key.”
“I just hope she uses it to unlock the box when I see her again. She was a beloved sister, daughter, friend, teammate, and girlfriend. She lives in our memory forever. So to Y/N.
I miss you more than life. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to hear that little laugh you do. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to hold your hand again. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to say one more ‘I love you.’ I wish I could take it back. I wish I'd seen the car. I wish I had seen anything. Sometimes I wish it was me who went, but then I remember that then, it would be you up here in tears, and I don't know if I could be happy knowing that you're not.”
“It's only been a week. It's been the longest week of my life. I'll tell you about when I see you again. For now, I'll settle for knowing that you're in a better place, that you're safe and out of harm's way. Don't worry, I'll save your voice in my head. You promised never to leave me. You just left too soon.”
“So to the best girlfriend in the world, we'll save you a seat. You've always got a place at the table, even if you're watching with the angels. I promise never to let you go. I promise to always make you proud. I promise to make it for you. Every basketball shot. Every tear that falls, every game that's won. It's for you.”
“Because even though you're gone, you're still in our hearts. My heart. Even if we can't see you, or talk to you, or hold you, the memories are enough to keep us going. You gave me the best memories, I just never thought that you'd become one yourself.”
“Goodbyes are hard for me. They always have been. I don't want to say goodbye because this one would mean forever. So instead, this is a ‘see you later’.”
“I love you.”
“And to you all, never take family for granted. Because grief is the price we pay for love. So say that ‘I love you’. Because you'll never know when it will be your last one.”
The Huskies play a video at the next game in honor of you. They play with pins on their shirts in honor of you. They play for you. They won the national championship in honor of you. Paige gets drafted to the WNBA in honor of you.
Because even after all this time. you still have the key to her heart.
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerslover @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris-deactivated20240 @cosmopretty @hellokittyfeenie @averagelobotomyenjoyer @elliewilliamsthang @chelisbae @angelscovee
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ssahotchnerr · 11 months
ALSO ALSO ALSO, Aaron keeping a pair of readers fuzzy socks in his go-bag for reader when a case is rough/they’re in a super cold area/just because 🤭🤭🤭
perfect pair
SCREAMING i'm setting this in the alaska episode it's the first thing my mind went to <33 cw; bau!reader, established relationship, fluff!!!!!
even with the burning fire going, countless chills continuously rushed through your body; you were shaking in place.
upon receiving word the case was in alaska, the customary temperature had been an afterthought. sure, you had packed (some of) your winter trappings; long sleeves, a heavy lined coat, boots. but you hadn't thought to layer, pack a set of gloves or a hat, wool socks rather than your usual cotton ones. rather, the excitement of purely being able to say you're going to alaska, of all places, had taken priority.
even today as you were getting dressed, you managed to talk aaron into lending you one of his favored quarter-zips. 'talk into' was a loose term, he hadn't needed the persuasion; you asked, he immediately accepted - never the one to deny you wearing his clothing, or the extra, provided warmth.
on the bright side, however, you had been hunkered down at the inn with penelope, researching the residents of the small town and not needing to brace the cold. but you might as well been, the heat coming through the air vents wasn't nearly enough, especially when the door frequently opened and the cold air drifted in. the fire was slowly weakening, and just thinking about the cold, made you freezing. the lingering frigidness was numbing your feet within your shoes, your fingers were just as biting - the bitterness was painful.
you were counting down the minutes until the day ended, eager to be warm in the comfort of bed, curled up with aaron 'the furnace' hotchner - the best perk of minimal rooms available and having to double-up. the two of you didn't typically share quarters while on the job, wanting to uphold professionalism, so this was a welcomed treat.
but when aaron had entered (and brought yet another rush of crisp air with him) to regroup with you and penelope, to discuss findings that would contribute to the profile, and hopefully narrow your search down, all he had to do was take one look of you shivering.
aaron walked behind the couch you were seated at, his hand finding your shoulder and giving it a squeeze hello, before heading up the stairs. at the gesture, you were quick to look up and acknowledge him, giving him a soft smile before your attention returned to penelope's screen.
aaron came back down a minute or two later, lightly tossing something onto your lap. it landed softly, but you still jumped a smidge, taking you by surprise.
you were met with your polka-dot fuzzy socks, a pair you hadn't seen in your drawer quite in a while, actually. your eyebrows furrowed in perplexity, grabbing the soft sherpa material and turning the pair over, analyzing as if you've never seen them before.
"you had these?" your eyes shot back up to aaron, arching an eyebrow in an accusatory, but playful, manner. the ends of your lips tugged upwards in a smile, your heart warming.
"given the circumstances, i'm sure you're glad i did." aaron's face matched your cheeky expression, a light smirk on his face. but he dropped the teasing demeanor, his gentleness returning, "i packed them into my go-bag a while ago. i figured they come in handy in one way or another, at some point. for comfort, warmth, when your ice cold feet touch my leg at night." his eyes smiled at you, and you couldn't help but grin.
aaron's immense, loving look was enough to melt everything in you, physically warming you. the sensation started in the middle of your chest, fanning out to the rest of your body, leaving you toasty and almost giddy.
forget the socks, layers, fireplace - all you needed was aaron.
"god that's adorable." penelope chimed in, who had been listening so quietly you'd forgotten she was there, a slight whine present in her voice, "never thought i'd be crying over a pair of socks, but here we are."
she turned back to her laptop, but her fingers paused above the keyboard, as thought came to her. her gaze drifted back towards you and aaron, a tickled glint in her eyes. "wait, i take that back. you two are the most, adorable pair."
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terry-perry · 6 months
Hey, I see you're looking for Alastor request to write him better.
Could I get Alastor x F! Reader where they're constantly flirting with each other until someone shouts just kiss already which takes Alastor off guard enough for the reader to sweep in and kiss him, then as he kisses back she gets dragged off to is room. The rest from there is up to you :)
Inspired by the writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald
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"Do you think I ought to bob my hair, Alastor?" Y/N asked the distinguished demon by her side as they shared a few drinks at the hotel's bar. Husk busied himself by wiping some glasses, refraining from rolling his eyes as the pair continued with this back-and-forth.
"I'd look rather darling with such a hairstyle, don't you think?"
"An absolute dream, my dear," Alastor responded, regarding her more intently than usual.
He wasn't sure what it was, but something about her was especially vivacious that night. Perhaps it was the way she seemed to make a bit of effort to be on his level for the dinner-dance the hotel was hosting to celebrate its grand re-opening. Like with many of the antics that go on in the place, Alastor stood passively by, subtly scaring those who came close to him.
Then he spotted her.
He liked how becoming the dark red dress she wore was and how It set off her unnaturally shadowy eyes. Let's not forget about the way her hair glistened so! It was almost like the stars were woven into it.
"You know, back when I was alive, having such a hairstyle would be considered immoral, sinful," Alastor remarked, shamelessly reaching out to twirl a few strands of her hair around his sharp nails. "It was a sure and easy way to attract certain attention."
She took in the way his eyes floated towards hers, but not before making their way up slowly from her legs. Had he been anyone else, she would've disregarded his remark with a brutal slap (perhaps with something worse if she were in the mood). But this was the Radio Demon she was speaking with.
She knew she had him right where she wanted him the moment she stepped in. If her attire hadn't drawn him in, then it was definitely all the attention she gathered from the other party guests who would offer to dance with her. Each one that would head her way with enthusiastic determination would have Alastor's eye twitch before he finally decided it was his turn to cut in.
After that, she was his and no one else's. After all no one would dare be stupid enough to steal the Radio Demon's dance partner.
"Well, it's a good thing we're in Hell then," Y/N said, going as far as laying a hand on the normally touch-aversed Alastor's knee. In this case, however, a glow settled almost imperceptibly over him.
Their eyes met completely, and they stopped talking entirely as they stared at each other. It wasn't until an irritated voice intruded on their space and made the glow fade away.
"For fuck's sake, will you two just get it on already?!" Angel Dust screeched from the Y/N's other side. "This was amusing for a while, but you've been dancing around each other all night. The party ended hours ago, and you still haven't even kissed yet."
An awkward silence followed this. Alastor looked at Angel, eye twitching once more. He wouldn't understand that a classy lady like Y/N deserved to be wooed properly. She's, no doubt, heard every practiced line known in this side of the Pentagram. And she certainly wouldn't react well to such bold actions like hot kisses and heavy petting.
Alastor opened his mouth to explain as much when Y/N grabbed a hold of his face and placed a big kiss on his lips. He would've been more shocked had it not felt like such blissful oblivion. It was better than any glass of rye he had ever drank. He kept a stronghold of her, his claws piercing the small of her back while his other hand took hold of her hair.
They eventually released one another, going back to looking at each other.
"Forgive me," she managed to say between heavy breaths. She kept her bold smile on as well as a tight grip on his lapel. "You've got an awfully kissable mouth."
And with that, the glow returned along with a desire to finish this upstairs.
"About fucking time," Husk uttered, watching with Angel the way Alastor dragged a giddy Y/N to his room.
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7777vie · 5 months
as inexperienced as spencer was, he knew what went on behind the door of a relationship. he knew exactly what was released during intimacy that made people love each other.
"dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine play a role in determining your initial attraction to someone, while oxytocin and other chemicals aid in bond formation and in reshaping your brain when you're in love."
"when we're stimulated by our sexual partner or experiencing love, our bodies generate oxytocin, earning it the moniker "love hormone" and "cuddle hormone."
he could explain every aspect of love — but the doctor found it hard to recognize these feelings when he's approached by them himself.
he knows why people's cheeks flush when they talk to others they are attracted to. when you're attracted to someone, blood flows to your face, an emotional reaction triggering the release of adrenaline, which causes your veins to widen or dilate. but that can't possibly be why his face flushes when he sees you focused on his rambling. there simply had to be another explanation.
"mhm, what about why people kiss?" a simple question he could answer in a second, but the delirious look on your face, as you asked him, made him stumble through his words. he cursed himself for starting this topic during your debrief of the profile which was left vacant a while ago.
"i-it could be interpreted as a type of 'attachment behaviour,' like— akin to hugging or holding hands. These actions alleviate stress and enhance relationship trust, contentment, and intimacy."
he took your hum as a sign of satisfaction as he cleared his throat. he loved talking about what he knew — he took pride in filling his brain with knowledge yet he felt a twinge of embarrassment talking to you about this topic. he wondered why. this was an unshameful topic and you expressed interest in what he said, why were his cheeks flushed red?
lost in thought with a pen around his fingers, he hadn't noticed the numerous times he was called by his older colleague by the door.
"spencer?" "yes?" "gideons calling you."
you would have thought that if he turned any faster his head would have unscrewed, or that if he had gotten up any faster his legs would have fallen through the floor — but that was just the way the genius was.
gideon was nothing but aware of exactly spencer was feeling at the moment. the profiler in him was aware of every thought going through his head at every glance he took at you and every glance of yours he caught. but he could do nothing but sigh at his unawareness.
"deep in thought?" just by the sound of the younger feet shuffling next to him and the sight of his hands in an awkward position in front of him, he knew he was nervous. something that even a non-profiler could tell.
"the unsub is showing obvious signs of delusions— but we have no concrete links to what could have caus—"
"not those thoughts," gideon chuckled at the lost expression on the genius as he resembled a child who lost his mother in a crowd. "you're thinking of something else. it's distracting you."
it didn't take spencer long to track back to what he was thinking of before gideon called him. his eyes ran through the room and he didn't know how to answer, "i am a bit distracted, but i am still thinking about the case."
"i know."
the older man stifled a grin as he turned to the younger, "we have a few names you need to go by, you two are going to the first victims house. I'm going to the crime scene with hotch. got it? garcia's already sent you the information."
the younger nodded eagerly and slipped his hands into his pockets. "yes, sir," he responded promptly, showing his readiness to share with you. he felt a reassuring pat on his shoulder, and he heard the older agent say, "she likes you too, don't be so nervous." As soon as he regained composure to what he had said, he turned his head to respond, only to find the older person already walking away towards their destination.
what? 'she liked you too.' it took the genius only a second to understand what he had hinted at — but an eternity to realize something else.
he liked you too.
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noiriarti · 2 months
Trying New Things: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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NSFW!!!!!!! Literally so NSFW!!! MDNI! Summary: You and Anakin, your best-friend-turned-boyfriend, try anal and double penetration. Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x AFAB!Reader Word Count: 2.0k CW: anal sex, double penetration, definitely dom/sub elements, gentle degradation (usage of 'slut') AN: hey friends! this can be interpreted as the bonus chapter of my series 'Just Practice,' or it can be read stand alone because there's just PWP!
When Anakin bought the plug and the rabbit vibrator, he was rock hard and almost had to take care of himself while driving to your apartment. He made it there, thankfully, but didn't get far past the entryway before he started stroking himself. You were in class, and the opportunity was just too nice to resist. His body was shivering when he imagined you on your hands and knees, sticking out your pretty little ass for him.
God, how he wanted to destroy you. Make you scream. Spread your tight little virgin ass wide with the cock he was stroking. But that had to wait until you came home. For now, he had his hand. And photos of you. Anakin flipped through the gallery he had of photos of you. Some were you, splayed out under him, getting fucked while you were blindfolded and tied up. Others were your lips, wrapped around his cock. His favorite, though, was the photo of you, tied up on your knees, looking up at him with those big, innocent eyes, your face and chest coated in globs of his cum. With his eyes locked onto yours in the photo, so adoringly staring at him, he came with a grunt into a tissue.
The plug and vibrator went into a drawer, for later. Until then, he had to finish up a report for work. After graduation two months ago, he almost immediately jumped into his full-time job at Bell Labs. Sitting among the different machines and chips, he felt at home again. Moving in with you was a wonderful bonus. Since you'd closed the distance, he wanted to take you and fuck you on every available surface, sometimes multiple times a day. Ever since you explored your shared kinks together, he was desperate for you. The first time you called him sir, he nearly came on the spot. He loved having that control over you, to make you cum whenever he wanted.
Two hours later, after you had come home from class and eaten the dinner he had made, he had you on his bed again. You were grinding against his thigh, desperate and mewling as he squeezed your throat. Your pulse raced under his fingers, and he pressed down just enough to make you light-headed and dizzy. Your movements were getting frantic--he knew that you were going to cum by the hitch in your breath, the stuttering roll of your hips. He knew you too well. But it wasn't time yet.
"Get on all fours for me, baby," he interrupted. You whined at the fact that you had to stop what you were doing, but still did as he said. You knew what was coming. On the bed, you stuck your ass up dutifully, on your hands and knees. Your heart was thrumming in anticipation of what you were about to do. You'd confessed the fantasy to him last month a just a whisper in bed, nothing serious. But he couldn't stop thinking about it, he told you.
"Okay, baby, touch yourself while I do this, and just relax," he said soothingly. You snaked your hand down your front, finally back to your clit, where you started rubbing circles and told yourself to Relax. Then you felt a pressure on your ass, and you immediately tensed up. This would be harder than you thought. Anakin's finger, warm and slick, gently circled around your asshole. Deep breath in, deep breath out. You felt yourself relax, the muscles in your thighs unclenching a bit, when he began applying just the slightest bit of pressure. You hadn't expected it to feel this good. His finger was gently pushing in, teasing you, and you could have sworn you could feel every ridge of his finger as it got deeper. Eventually, when it was in to the knuckle, he gently started working it back and forth. Fuck, that really was good. His finger was so smooth with the lube that there was no pain, just a nice stretch. Then he added another, which was a bit more of a stretch, which you groaned about into the pillow, but you soon acclimated to it. By the time that he could easily move his fingers in and out of your ass, it was time for something bigger.
He grabbed the plug, meant to loosen you up a bit with its slightly wider base, then dribbled some lube onto it before pressing it into you. The push of the plug into you was delicious, so much wider and better than just his fingers. His cock would be so much bigger than this, and you already felt so, so full, bent over like this. As it inched in, slowly but insistently, you keened, and then it popped in all the way, finally seated within you. It lit up your pussy, and you felt yourself get even more wet under your fingers.
"You're doing so well for me, baby," he whispered as he trailed his hand down your thigh. Anakin tapped the plug once, twice, three times, and a whimpering moan burst out of you. That felt amazing--it was rubbing up against all the sensitive parts of you, and you could even feel it pushing up against the walls of your pussy. He was obviously enjoying the display, based on the warm, hard flesh you felt poking against your ass. He left the plug in you for a few more minutes as you got used to its girth, only a little bit smaller than him, but still a stretch.
"Are you ready baby?" You nodded, and he started pulling it out. God. If you thought it was good going in, this was a whole other level of pleasure. But then you were empty, clenching down around nothing. You moaned and drew closer to him, trying to entice him to put a finger in, or the plug, anything. Anakin smacked your ass with a pleasurable crack that made you hiss.
"M'gonna fuck your tight little asshole now," he growled out. His tip brushed your ass, the lube cold and smooth, then the pressure started as he filled you to the brim. For a moment, it felt like he was splitting you open, but then the feeling subsided and all that was left was that gentle stretch.
"Shit," he groaned as he felt the clench of you around him. Then he started to move, and both of you let out a grunt. He started slow, scared he would hurt you, then sped up, setting the same punishing pace he did with your pussy. It was almost too much, almost too tight for him to believe. Anakin had wanted this for so long, but he was starting to think it wouldn't last. You just felt too good under him as he pounded into you.
"Ani, Ani, please please please," you begged and babbled, losing yourself in the feeling.
"What do you want? Huh? What do you want, slut?" His voice was gruff, husky. He wanted you to say it.
"More, please!! Stuff me full!" Just hearing those words was almost too much, so he pulled himself out and bit back the regret at postponing a perfectly good orgasm. But it was all for you. He grabbed the vibrator he had bought--thinner and shorter than his cock, but it had a little protrusion that would vibrate against your clit. He touched your pussy with the hand he hadn't fingered your ass with, just to see if you were wet enough that it didn't need lube. Anakin didn't expect your pussy to be so soaked. He smirked, and you could hear it in his voice.
"So wet, little slut. You want something stuffed in here?" He tapped your entrance, pleased at the wet smacks it made, then let his finger dip inside just a little bit. Not too much. You'd be taking something bigger soon. He slid back into your ass, this time with far less resistance, and your chest fell to the bed, so that you were completely ass up. Then, as he kept still, he grabbed the vibrator and started easing it into your pussy.
Your pussy, ready and willing as it was, swallowed the first inch greedily. Anakin barely held back a moan when he could feel it rubbing against the bottom of his cock buried inside you. The pressure inside you was unbelievable--it felt like you were being wound up tighter than any person could be, stretched and spread and tightened until you couldn't take it anymore. But you couldn't deny that the very idea of being filled and stuffed to the brim made you feel sinful, sexy. All for him. It had made you wet for weeks before you suggested it, and when you saw his face (and felt his cock), you could tell he would love it. Even in real life, just like the fantasy, being doubly penetrated was so dirty, so arousing. Anakin started thrusting shallowly to test if you could handle it, and the loud moan you produced told him you could. The plastic cock wedged inside your pussy was tilted at just the right angle so that when Anakin pounded into your ass, the toy moved forward and filled you out. You knew that if he kept at it, you'd cum all over him.
And then Anakin turned on the vibrator, and you shattered. Having your clit stimulated like that, on top of everything, was enough to push you over the edge. He must have felt the orgasm as your whole body twitched, clenching and unclenching around both your stuffed holes. You didn't even know what you were saying, something about how you were so dirty for him, how he was so hot, or maybe that you wanted to do this all the time. It was all background noise as you lost yourself in the feelings coursing through you.
"Fuck yeah, cum on my cock while I fu--fuck your ass," he said, his throat catching as you clamped down on him mid-sentence. Anakin tried to keep going, but was too much. The vibrations he could feel from your pussy, the sound of your moans, the warmth, the tightness around his cock. His brown hair, sweaty and dark with all the effort, fell into his eyes while he panted and grunted your name. He came so hard that his body spasmed, giving one final, brutal, thrust as he filled his condom. Now, he had to be careful. Slowly, so slowly that you could barely tell in your blissed-out state, he pulled himself out of you, then inched the vibrator out and turned it off. You flopped over to the side, your bones having become jelly about five minutes ago, so he came to circle his arms around you on the bed once he dropped off the toys on the nightstand.
"You did so well. I loved that so much--I love you so much. Did you have fun?" His question was full of affection You nodded, lazily. It was all you could manage. Your head was still swimming. After a bit, he sat up and gently swatted your ass with his hand.
"C'mon, let's get your cute ass cleaned up. Shower?" You nodded again, this time letting him pull you and carry you with his strong arms to the bathroom. Anakin grabbed some tissues and let you wipe up any lube you could feel, then helped you over to the shower to spend some time relaxing you before you went to sleep. Sometime around the middle of him shampooing your hair, you found your tongue could produce words again.
"Hey Ani?"
"Yeah, baby?" His voice was playful, stuffed full of joy and love. Just like usual.
"I love you," you told him as you looked up at him. With his hair plastered to his face under the shower water, cheeks flushed, and eyes twinkling, he grinned at you.
"I love you too."
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edenesth · 9 months
The Way to His Heart [6]
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
Part 5 | Fic Masterlist | Part 7
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"Please enjoy your meal, master and mistress. We hope the dishes are to your liking." The servants bowed before leaving the hall after serving dinner for the night.
Sitting up straight, hands folded on your lap, you patiently awaited Seonghwa to begin eating. The enticing aroma of the dishes made your mouth water, and your eyes gleamed as you observed your husband's hands reaching for his chopsticks.
He noticed your gaze, smiled, and rather than taking a piece of meat for himself, he surprised you by placing it in your bowl instead, "Eat up; you must be hungry."
The general sighed as he saw you hesitating to start eating until he had taken the first bite. Amused, he set down his chopsticks and watched as you slumped in your seat, seemingly disappointed that he hadn't begun eating yet.
"Why are you still sitting around? Go ahead and eat," He said, and your eyes widened, "But, my lord, how can I—"
Shaking his head, he picked up his spoon and reached for a tofu dish he had noticed you eyeing for some time, scooping up just enough before holding it to your lips, "Here, you want this, don't you?" Before you could protest, he pushed it closer to you, "Open up before I change my mind," and you couldn't resist, taking a bite.
Eunsook couldn't help snickering into her fist as she witnessed the adorable interaction. You chewed cluelessly on your food, eyes sparkling as you savoured the flavour, while Seonghwa continued to eat with the same spoon, indirectly sharing a kiss with you.
Throughout dinner, your husband focused more on taking care of you, he filled your bowl with a variety of dishes and wiped the corners of your lips whenever your excitement caused a mess. After finishing his own meal, he continued to watch you with admiration as you kept eating.
Concern crept in when he noticed your movements slowing down, and you started breathing rather heavily. It seemed like you were already full but were pushing yourself to eat more, "Hey, slow down. Are you full? You need to stop eating if you are."
You shook your head, reaching for another slice of rolled omelette. Furrowing his brows, he realised you were struggling to swallow. Why were you continuing to eat if you were already so full? It was as if you didn't know when your next meal would be, and you were trying to consume as much as possible for the time being.
"Stop, stop," He repeated firmly, gently holding your wrist and taking the chopsticks from your hand, "Look at me," You took your eyes off the food and finally met his gaze, "Are you afraid you won't get to eat again?" You avoided eye contact and that confirmed his suspicion, it broke his heart to see you still in survival mode.
Feeling like you had done something wrong, you bowed your head and nervously fiddled with your fingers, "I-I'm sorry... I just have never had a proper meal like this before, a-and..."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," He assured, moving to hold your hands and rubbing his thumb over your skin comfortingly, "You're the mistress of this estate now. You can eat anything you want at any time. All you have to do is call for the servants, and they will serve you. As long as I live, you never have to worry about not being able to eat again, you hear me?"
You nodded, moved by the sincerity in his tone and the warmth in his touch and gaze, "I understand. Thank you, my lord."
However, he seemed unsatisfied with something you said, contemplating for a moment before murmuring, "Seonghwa. Just Seonghwa, please."
Your eyes widened, "Wh-what?"
He looked away from your questioning gaze, embarrassed, "You're my wife now, there's no need to be so formal. Just call me Seonghwa from now on."
"Okay... S-Seonghwa." You muttered unsurely, suppressing the blush on your cheeks as he lifted his eyes to stare at you in wonder.
Little did you know, the sound of his name coming from you melted his heart, further deepening the growing affection he had for you. Though it had only been a day or two since he met you, and despite his initial misguided disdain, once he learned the truth about you, an irrational desire to protect you took root within him. For the first time in forever, he found someone worth caring for.
As much as the head maid enjoyed watching the two of you exchange deep gazes all night, the rest of the servants in charge of the dining hall were waiting to clear up and get some rest.
With a loud clearing of her throat, she finally broke you both out of your little staring contest, "Master, mistress, are you finished with dinner? It's getting rather late now, we should probably make haste and clean up the hall before we attract all sorts of insects."
Suddenly remembering that you weren't alone in the hall, the general swiftly collected himself from his slightly flustered state, "Of course, send the maids in. Is the mistress' new quarters prepared?" He checked with Eunsook, moving to help you out of your seat with your hand still in his.
The elderly woman, with a concealed smile, nodded and bowed, "It is, master. I'll leave it to you to show mistress to her room then."
You waved to her as you followed your husband out of the hall, "Thank you for the food, Eunsook. Please tell the kitchen staff they did a wonderful job; every dish was incredibly tasty!"
She nodded with a beam, bowing again, "Yes, mistress. They'll be happy to hear that."
Leading you along, Seonghwa made an effort to appear composed, attempting to hide the joy he felt from walking with your hands intertwined. The passing servants were surprised at the rare sight of their master and mistress walking hand in hand. As they bowed, their smiles widened when you waved at them, and the general's soft chuckle didn't escape their notice.
It amused them how resolute he had initially been about getting rid of you, and now he seemed to have a hard time tearing his eyes away from you for even a moment.
"Come on, you'll love the new quarters," He said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You raised your eyebrows, "But what about my previous room? That was fine too."
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly at the sudden reminder of The Cold Palace, "Well, I may have broken the door, but that's not the point. The point is that you are now officially my wife, and Lady Park deserves nothing but the best, understood?" You nodded, simply feeling grateful for everything.
"We're here. Welcome to the House of Lotus."
Your jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful private garden surrounding what was to be your new quarters. A pavilion on the right of the main chamber faced a small pond filled with lotus flowers, "You can relax over there, have some tea and read when the weather is good. This is all yours. If you ever need me for anything, I'm just down the path; we're practically neighbours."
The general panicked when he saw your eyes welling up with tears, releasing your hand to grasp your shoulders, "D-do you not like it? We can arrange a different one for you if you want—"
Shaking your head, you sniffled, "N-no, it's not that. I j-just can't believe this is really all mine. Th-thank you so much, Seonghwa..."
He breathed out in relief, pulling you into his arms as you cried into his neck, "What did I say, you silly girl? Only the best for you." He gazed around in satisfaction; he had intentionally requested his maids to arrange the room closest to his private quarters, wanting to be near you.
Aside from that, the abundance of lotus flowers in this specific area earned it the nickname House of Lotus. Known for its connection with purity, rebirth, and divinity, the lotus flower symbolises rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth, mirroring its growth process. This was precisely what the general had envisioned for you—a metaphorical representation of new beginnings and a fresh start.
"Master, we have come to prepare mistress for bed. Do we have permission to proceed?"
"Of course, I'll leave you to it then." Your husband had no choice but to leave you as the group of servants assigned to you for the night arrived, hands carrying bath supplies, Yunho's prepared ointment for your wounds, and a fresh piece of nightgown.
"Have a good rest tonight, my dear. We're paying the dressmaker a visit tomorrow; we're getting you new clothes." He pressed a firm kiss onto your head and did not leave until he was sure you had entered the room, reluctantly heading towards his study to wait for updates from Jongho.
Reaching for the Jang family records he had hidden from you earlier, he got back to work. With the week off granted by the King for him to celebrate his wedding, Seonghwa was determined to gather as much intel as he could before setting his plans into motion, "Just you wait, minister. Savour the peace while you still can."
Just when the general believed he had prepared himself to learn the extent of the abuse you had endured throughout your life, he managed to keep his rage in check as he listened to the harrowing details. However, nothing could have prepared him for the new revelation that his aide brought to him.
His disgust for the Minister of Military Affairs, already intense, reached new heights with the secret he had just uncovered. The assistant bowed his head as his master broke into a grin of disbelief, "And here, I thought I was labelled the heartless monster. Clearly, the minister is the rightful owner of the title."
Pointing towards the copy of your family records on his desk, Seonghwa inquired, "What about this? Have you been able to confirm the suspicions I have about those three she-devils?"
Jongho shook his head, "Not yet, sir. We'll need evidence to prove your theory; we might have to dig deeper. Just getting someone to talk about it might not be sufficient for your plan to succeed."
The general nodded, "It's alright, Jongho. We still have some time. So long as we have that piece of evidence before I return to work next week, is that doable?"
After a brief moment of contemplation, his aide replied, "Yes, I think that should be enough time. If that is all for now, I'll be taking my leave, sir."
"Thank you, Jongho. You may go."
Left alone with his thoughts, your husband resisted the urge to run to you immediately. He felt so angry for you that he could almost cry. The depth of your suffering was unimaginable to him, and all he wanted was to embrace you, shield you from the harsh and cruel world, and erase the pain and traumatic memories.
Clutching the book with your family crest, he glared at your father's name, imagining all the ways he could take the old man out.
I promise you, my dear. I'll make them pay.
At the same time, he couldn't stop beating himself up for the way he had treated you on your first day here. His heart ached as he recalled you travelling this far all on your own, only to face continuous mistreatment from him. Even if you had already forgiven him—you weren't even angry at him in the first place, you had to be crazy for that—Seonghwa would never forgive himself for his actions. He would be spending the rest of his days trying to make up for it.
That night, he experienced another restless bout of sleep, tossing and turning as the endless imagined scenes of you being tortured, starved, and treated like cattle haunted his mind. At some point during the night, he couldn't resist the impulse and walked over to your quarters, standing by the entrance like a fool, contemplating whether he should knock.
But he quickly realised that you must not have had any decent rest for who knows how long, and here he was, on the verge of disturbing you just because he couldn't sleep. Gosh, how selfish could he be?
He trudged back to his own room, trying to focus on the thought of you being soundly asleep in your new and comfy bed. Thankfully, this image managed to bring a smile to his face, and just like that, he gradually joined you in dreamland.
"Good morning, mistress! We're here to help you get ready. May we please enter?" Your eyes fluttered open as Eunsook's voice reached you, and a yawn escaped your mouth after having what felt like the most amazing sleep for the first time in years.
You were tempted to hop off your bed and rush to open the door for them, but then you remembered you weren't supposed to do so. Clearing your throat, you answered politely, "Yes, you may enter."
The servants bowed, unable to hide their smiles upon seeing you sitting up on your bed, still marvelling at the grand interior of your new room despite having already spent one night there.
Unbeknownst to you, the maids had been competing to be chosen to serve you. In just your third day here, you had become the most precious figure in the entire estate, and everyone wished to work under you. This particular group of maids had been selected, and their excitement was palpable as they enthusiastically bathed, dressed, and fixed your hair and makeup for the day.
On the other hand, the less fortunate few found themselves assigned to prepare the general for the day. Especially now, with Jongho, the only one capable of handling Seonghwa, engaged in special duties elsewhere, they had no choice but to put up with their master, even as their hearts yearned to be in the House of Lotus.
The morning unfolded with remarkable ease, thanks to your presence. Your husband proved more manageable than usual, his typical grogginess dissipating as he witnessed your excitement over breakfast. It made him both happy and sad—happy to see you so easily satisfied but sad at the realisation of the deprivation you had endured. Your genuine appreciation for even the most basic necessities was a testament to your difficult past.
Repeatedly, he had to remind himself that your history was just that—history. There was nothing he could do to alter it. But he was your present and future, and he would do everything to ensure you had nothing but the best moving forward.
Having already provided you with the best quarters on his estate, the next step was to adorn you in the finest clothes in all of Joseon. Whether or not you arrived with clothing from your old home was irrelevant to him; he would have burned every piece of it to the ground regardless. His goal now was to ensure that, at first sight, everyone would recognise you as the esteemed and beloved wife of the terrifying General Park.
Waiting for you by his carriage, he was not disappointed by your reaction to the vehicle as he assisted you inside. Your eyes widened, and your jaw fell in astonishment as you took in the spacious interior. Usually, he kept the carriage's small windows closed, but anticipating your excitement, he left them open. A subtle smile played on his lips as you gazed in awe at the passing scenery.
The dressmaker's shop was situated in the middle of a lively street in town, requiring the two of you to cover the remaining distance on foot while the carriage and its coachmen awaited your return. Accompanied by two servants trailing closely behind, the four of you began making your way through the bustling crowd.
While Seonghwa found himself irritated by the unending stares drawn by both of your extraordinary visuals, your attention was captivated by the surroundings.
This marked your first visit to the town, evident from your childlike fascination, a source of amusement for the observing servants who shared delighted giggles. Throughout the journey, your husband ensured a tight grip on your hand, apprehensive about the possibility of losing you in the busy crowd.
The commoners, oblivious to your identities, continued their activities nonchalantly. Little did they know they were looking at the famous General Park and his new wife. If your true status were known, the street might have cleared within seconds.
Growing weary of the continuous gazes, the general promptly guided you towards the shop he intended to visit.
Upon entering, you were captivated by the array of colourful and elegant hanbok on display. The servants remained close by, engaging in lively discussions about their preferred designs. Typically, Seonghwa would disapprove of his employees being so casual around him, but witnessing the joy on your face as you excitedly joined in on their conversation, he couldn't bring himself to reprimand the two maids. Sighing, he moved further into the establishment, searching for the owner.
Spotting the familiar back hunched over work at the rear of the salon, he couldn't help but roll his eyes before saying, "I still don't understand why you won't hire a helper. You could be robbed in broad daylight, for all we know. You weren't even aware you have a customer, being busy back here."
Turning around with a raised brow, the dressmaker countered, "You're wrong, Park Seonghwa. I didn't bother heading out because I knew it was you. That's how good I am, and that's why I don't need to spend unnecessarily on a helper."
Before the general stood an old friend from his early military days, one who had decided the life of a soldier was not his path and had pursued his passion in fashion, "Yes, yes. It's nice to see you too, Kim Hongjoong. Good to know you haven't changed much."
The shorter man grinned deviously at his friend's sarcastic response, glancing at you, "Aye, I haven't. Unlike you, General Park."
Hongjoong set his tools down and continued, "Heard you finally got married, and I didn't believe it, not until today. That lovely woman over there, that's her, isn't it? She must be quite the special one for you to accompany her all this way. This isn't like you at all. The Seonghwa I know would never waste his time coming here."
If there was one thing your husband did not miss about his friend, it was his relentless teasing. He rolled his eyes again when it went on, "You know, I really thought I'd never get to see you again, but here you are, all because of her."
Seonghwa crossed his arms over his chest, "One more word from you, Hongjoong, and you can kiss this business deal goodbye. Don't come crying to me when I end up employing another dressmaker for all of my wife's clothing."
Jaws falling slack, Hongjoong exclaimed, "Hold on, did I hear that right? All of your wife's clothing?"
The general smirked, "Yes, you heard correctly. I'm hiring you for the long term, enough for you to shut down your shop and work exclusively for my estate."
Hongjoong chuckled, "Closing my shop might be a stretch, but a steady income is tempting. I'm on board. You have good taste, Seonghwa. I assure you won't regret hiring me. I'll make Lady Park the most beautiful woman in all of Joseon, mark my words."
"Excellent. I'm counting on it, Hongjoong."
As pleased as your husband was to have secured a reliable dressmaker for you, there are moments when he regrets such decisions. He experiences a sense of déjà vu as he observes you interacting with his friend, recalling the uneasy feeling he had witnessing your reaction to Yunho.
"My lady, it seems my task is already defined. Your beauty is already exceptional, and I'm afraid I won't have to work too hard to enhance it at all." Hongjoong has always been quite the charmer, and Seonghwa disliked that he was using it on you, his wife, of all people.
The blush on your face, as adorable as it was, irked the general at the moment, as he wasn't the reason for it. He watched, unamused, as the dressmaker smugly took your measurements.
Contrary to your calm and oblivious demeanour, the two maids were keenly aware of their master's internal fury, manifested in the glares he shot at his friend. They trembled at the thought of his wrath, unaware that Hongjoong was the only one audacious enough to tease the general without fearing severe consequences. The two had always shared what people termed a love-hate relationship.
Other than you, your husband and the servants felt a sense of relief once the dressmaker completed noting your measurements, checking your design preferences, and determining which colours suited your skin tone best.
"Alright, it looks like we're done for now. I'll do my best to deliver the first batch of dresses to your estate by next week. Is that okay?" Seonghwa softened as soon as he recognised his friend's serious and professional side, nodding quickly, "That sounds perfect. Thank you, Hongjoong."
The shorter man gave him a sincere smile, "No, thank you, Seonghwa. I mean it in a good way when I say you've changed. Your wife is lovely, by the way. I'll be seeing you soon, my friend."
As the four of you made your way out of the shop, the general's irritation resurfaced as quickly as it had dissipated just moments ago when Hongjoong sent you a flirty wink, "Have a safe journey back. I can't wait to see you again, Lady Park."
Cutting short your innocent wave, Seonghwa swiftly wrapped a strong arm around your back and guided you away, not missing his friend's annoying laughter, "Let's go; the carriage is waiting." He grumbled, jealousy and petty anger flooding his veins.
But those emotions vanished as soon as you both got into the vehicle, the rhythmic rocking motion lulling you into drowsiness. In your sleepy state, your head landed on his shoulder, and you whispered, "Thank you, Seonghwa. I had fun today."
He pulled you closer, ensuring your comfort, and pressed his lips against your hair.
"Anything for you, my wife."
« Preview of Part 7 »
"Can you all believe this? Just a few days into marriage, and the general has already sent word to His Majesty that he has an important agenda to discuss in our next assembly?" The minister guffawed, downing a glass of rice wine in amusement.
His wife grinned slyly, "Do you reckon it has anything to do with her?"
"Oh, I bet it has everything to do with her!" Jinah chortled.
"He must have been so disgusted by the sight of her bare from all that makeup," Jinhee shook her head before panicking, "Wait a damn minute, what if he asks to swap her for one of us?"
Jinjoo whined, "Father, you better not agree to that if it happens!"
"You silly girls, your father would never let any of that happen. Right, honey?" Their mother drawled, curling up to her husband seductively. The mere thought of your potential misery brought them satisfaction.
Minister Jang nodded, "Don't worry, girls. Knowing Park Seonghwa, he most likely would not entertain the idea or ask for anything like that. We'll just have to wait and see what he wishes to talk about. This should be interesting."
"That better be the case." Jinhee muttered, arms crossed.
Jinah smirked, "Or who knows, he's already disposed of her and decided the only right thing to do is to report it."
Cruel laughter echoed through the dining hall of the Jang estate as your family speculated on the possible whereabouts of your remains. None of them noticed the mole within their staff, attentively listening to every word.
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I know you're all probably dying to know Minister Jang's secret but what fun will it be for y'all to find out so soon, am I right?😝 Not to worry though, I promise it'll all be revealed in due time.
Thank you so much for 900+ followers! As always, hope you enjoyed and let me know all your thoughts! <3
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ethereal-night-fairy · 8 months
Silver Tongues, like Bullets
Chapter 3
Werewolf!141 x Female Reader
So maybe you weren't the spy they thought you were..
That just meant they had to find others reasons to keep you...
Warnings: MDNI, dark themes, manipulation, lying and gaslighting, drugging, humiliation, kidnapping, non-con touching, non-con looking, forced proximity, forced nudity, groping, manhandling, panty stealing, poly 141 taking care of reader, reader is bedridden for a while, she needs help with everything...and I mean everything, some religious themes, reader comes from a religious household, sorry if a missed any.
Silver Tongues like Bullets Masterlist
Words: 5.1k
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-24/11/2023 11:00am
The cabin was pleasantly warm, the air carrying notes of burning cedar throughout the rooms. The fog had cleared up but no one was in the mood to leave the cabin. Even Soap decided to stay in, which was surprising. He’d be the first to take any chance to run in his wolf form. But since you left a little over an hour ago things didn't feel the same. The cabin felt colder, emptier, not as lively as before. Soap was gazing out the window from his place beside Simon who was on the laptop still going through your emails and social media trying to find information. They've both been mopey since your departure though Simon hid it pretty well. Price felt the same; he was much better at hiding it though. It was so odd how infatuated with you they had become. Yet the older two would never admit it…not yet anyways.
They received a call from Laswell in the early hours with an update. She hadn't found anything useful but she said she'd keep searching and call later. Price had caught Simon gazing at your sleeping form when he woke to take the call, though he had decided not to say anything to the brooding man. They all acted normal when you woke up, trying their best to get you to eat breakfast with them. But you were evasive and skittish, asking to leave as soon as possible. It seemed you had caught on that they drugged you. Your scared expression made Gaz and Soap heart ache since you didn't talk to them like you did yesterday. All they wanted to do was hold and cuddle you but it was too soon for that. Just as Gaz was about to make an excuse. Simon had chimed in and said that the hot chocolate was meant for him since he didn't like taking his pills straight. You looked surprised when he had spoken to you but accepted the lie without question.
You really needed some common sense knocked into you…or fucked into you...preferably fucked into you…they'll get to that eventually. You still refused to eat breakfast though and waited patiently for them to be done.
The rest of the plan went smoothly enough. You seemed upset when the truck had ‘broken’ down but didn't make a fuss about it. Rather you just asked for directions to find your way home alone. Even accepted their lie about having no reception on their phones without even checking them. That’s when the real plan kicked in and Gaz grabbed a map insisting on taking you back to the hiking trails himself as an ‘apology’.
Since then Gaz has been keeping Price updated through sneaky texts sent here and there. And Soap only just quieted down trying to convince the other two men to keep you. It’s not that Simon and Price didn't want to keep you because they definitely did. Imagining you in their shared countryside home was an absolute dream come true. Thinking about coming home to your loving arms after a long mission would fix their souls. But kidnapping you wasn't the answer, it wouldn't exactly make you trust them now would it? It was better to do it the proper way. Though they had to leave soon they could always come back and try to court you properly. If the infatuation with you stays, that is. Price was still convinced that this reaction they were all feeling was because they haven't been around anyone but themselves and Laswell for a really long time. You were a change of pace, something new, something exciting, something for the boys to sink their teeth into. For now they all waited patiently for Laswell's call. When the *ping* rings out throughout the living room, everyone's head snaps to the phone sitting on the coffee table. Soap lunges for the phone first but before he can text Gaz for pictures Price takes it from him.
Gaz: Arrived at the lake. She's upset and crying thinking we both got lost even with a map. It's kinda cute ngl. Any updates?
Price: Not yet. Should be soon. Keep her calm.
Gaz: 👍🏽
The phone rings not a second later which Price immediately picks up
Laswell: Nothing was found John. She's just a civvie from a religious family. Nothing to be worried about. It's a small town where she lives in doubt anyone would believe her if she said anything. There's a couple recent facebook posts from her parents shunning her. Claiming she ran away to join a city cult or something. And a bunch of older ones just insulting her for her choice in career. Apparently they wanted her to marry a youth pastor but she had rejected him and gone to college instead which upset them. They've been quiet since she began depositing majority of her paychecks into their accounts but a fight broke out recently when she told them she accepted a job offer in London. Her story checks out she wasn't lying. I do feel kinda bad for her though. It seemed like they had kicked her out. Poor girl probably has nowhere to go even when she makes it back into town.
Price thanks Laswell before hanging up. This…this changes everything…Soap and Ghost are on him instantly but he just holds his hand up as he texts Gaz a new plan of action.
Price: Bring her back by whatever means. We're keeping her… (message not sent)
Price tries several times to send the message but it doesn't work. A cold sweat runs down Price's forehead as he forces himself to stay calm for the sake of his lovers. As their captain in situations like these they were relying on him. Dread and panic sets into the other two as they scramble to their phones trying to call Gaz but it never connects. Immediately Price tells Ghost to track Gaz’s chipped necklace on the laptop after 10 minutes of calls not going through. Soap is pacing the room ready to bolt into the forest any second now as Ghost works frantically to get the screen to load up. Price waits patiently with his hands clenched. This was like that sedative incident all over again. The fear, the pain, the looming destruction of their pack, of his lovers was something he never wanted to face again. He had promised himself he wouldn't let it happen again. That he wouldn't allow them to be taken away from him. He was second away from calling Laswell screaming at her that her intel was wrong that they had got his boy. But the screen finally loads up. They stare at it shocked, not really comprehending what it was showing them. It showed Gaz's location right at the cabin but he couldn't get back in such a short time unless he was running in wolf form. They all ran to go check the treeline to see what was chasing him. There's no way that they think they'll go down without a fight.
They all burst out the cabin door, almost taking it off the hinges. Their body's heating, muscles bulging ready to tear their clothes right off them. But they stand there in shock as Gaz breaks through the treeline not fully in wolf form but not entirely human either. His eyes were glowing amber as heat radiated off his defined muscle. His clothes were ripped where his muscles bulged too much but he was cradling something close to his chest.
They ran, meeting him halfway as he shifted back slowly. He collapsed onto the grass as he called out for help. As they got closer they realised he was drenched and he was holding your unconscious body. You looked paler than before, the colour completely drained from your lips. Your clothes were soaked through and clinging to your body. Your jacket was missing too.
Price is on Gaz in an instant helping him get up as Ghost takes your unconscious form from him bolting inside as Soap goes to get Gaz a towel. Everything was frantic for the next few minutes. They didn't have time to ask questions, they just went off instinct as they moved around getting things ready for a warm bath.
Price brought Gaz to your room as Ghost began stripping you of your wet clothes. You weren't responsive and your body was very cold which concerned the men. They needed to get you warmed up as soon as possible.
“Soap get the bath ready!”, Ghost shouted over his shoulder as he tried his best not to ogle as he peeled your bagging clothes off your beautiful body. Ghost threw your wet clothes and panties to the side as he took your soft body into his arms, instructing Soap to go put them out to dry. Price begins stripping Gaz as they reach the bathroom. He seemed to be in need of a warm bath too. The poor lad looked shaken. He'll wait before asking questions. Once everything was in order Gaz settled into the tub waiting for Ghost to lower your body onto his. Ghost did so though a bit reluctantly. He didn't seem to want to let you go.
Before you lost consciousness all you felt was the prickle of cold water entering your lungs. You watched as the blue liquid engulfed your vision as you felt yourself sinking deeper into the depths of the lake. Your limbs had locked up the second you touched the water. The cold penetrating through your clothing, freezing your skin over. Your last breath comes out in strained bubbles as you try in a last ditch effort to call for help. Was this how you were going to die? Was this the end of everything? You hadn't even had your first kiss yet…you hadn't even begun to experience life. Sad thoughts run through your head as your vision began to blur.
Your eyes are forced awake by the feeling of your body being submerged in liquid fire. The smell of pine and mint wafts through the humid air making your head spin. You open your teary eyes to find yourself in a tub. You watch someone leave the bathroom as two strong arms wrapped around your naked body. They massage your waist, running fingers up your sternum between your breasts. You try moving your mouth but your muscles are tense and sore. You feel your head spin from the whiplash in temperatures you're experiencing. You watch as someone gently tilts your head back as they run their sudsy fingers through your hair alleviating some of the pain you're feeling. Price meets your eyes with a gentle smile as Gaz holds your body closer to his. You feel the hard muscles of his chest on your back, as well as his toned arms wrapping around you to keep you warm. You try moving your mouth again but your body feels like lead. You tried desperately to tell them not to touch you so casually. That you needed to go home but nothing came out of your mouth apart from gentle moans and whimpers. They just shush and coo at you as your eyes become heavy with fatigue again, not before catching the end of some conversation Soap was having.
“Put her in my clothes.. they'll fit her the best…no I don't know where her panties went…I swear I don't have the-…”
Then everything fades into black as you let the warm fingers massaging your head lull you to sleep.
-25/11/2023 03:00am
The cabin was dead quiet as you finally managed to peel your eyes awake from your exhaustion. You feel your head pounding. Everything felt fuzzy as if you were in a dream. The prickly pain from hunger was gnawing away at your stomach causing you to stir from your fever induced sleep. The only sounds you hear is of the wind blowing through the trees and of wolves howling. Wolves? There shouldn't be wolves in this forest. You don't think they're native to the area. It reminds you of the fever dream you had when Gaz had rescued you. He looked like a beast but that couldn't be true…right? You were probably hallucinating since too much lake water entered your system. Nothing felt real, nothing felt tangible. You weren't even sure you were alive anymore.
You don't know how long you've been asleep for. But your body felt like a dead weight. You feel like your limbs are tied down but you know they aren't. It's just extremely difficult to move with the burning fever raging through your body. You felt hot and sticky, wanting to get this thick duvet of your body to let the sweat dry.
It seems like your prayers are answered as you hear the front door open and some feet shuffling in. You'll have to ask the men for some help, it doesn't seem like you'd be able to move properly any time soon. Hopefully their truck was fixed so they could drop you back home tomorrow. You were supposed to be at work today, you didn't want to leave a bad impression before you left for London in two weeks time. Maybe this was all a dream and you'll wake up in your own bed after this nightmare ends.
You hear someone enter your room but it was too dark to see. You try saying something but your throat is bone dry and it just comes out in croaks. The person just shushes you as they peel the duvet gently off your body. You enjoy the cold air for a second. Letting it dry your clammy skin. What you don't enjoy is their hands starting to roam your body as they peel away the shirt you're wearing. You whine as you protest to the best of your ability but they don't stop. It's only when the light flicks on that your blurry vision clears after a second. Your eyes meet with Soap who's stripping you like he's done it before and has no problem seeing you naked. He smiles and coos at you while you try to get him to stop. When Ghost walks in with a basin and wash cloth his eyes are unreadable and then you understand why they're stripping you.
But you don't want them touching you, you're able to clean yourself you try to say but nothing comes out. Why did they feel so comfortable with touching you however they wanted? They weren't like this when you first met them. You were already upset by the fact they had put you in a tub with Gaz without your permission. They were taking their hospitality too far. You just wanted to go home. You hoped your parents weren't too mad at you. Maybe they've sent someone looking for you by now. The situation with these men was proving to be dangerous. You had a horrible feeling that they were stalling for time. They could have just dropped you into town if the truck was fixed, if not they could've called emergency services somehow. But wasn't like you have the energy to argue with them.
You can't do much as you're stripped bare. Tears cloud your vision as you beg them to stop in your hoarse voice but it comes out intelligible. You watch as they coo at you carefully wiping your tears and sweat away. Soap is sitting beside your head whispering reassuring words as you cry from the humiliation of watching Ghost run the warm wet cloth over your underarms, body and mound. Making sure to pay extra attention to your folds as he cleans in between them. You squirm as you cry louder making your already hoarse voice worse.
“Come on hen.. thare’s nae need to cry like that..we just want tae help ye.” Soap wipes your tears away as he nuzzles into your neck while Ghost dries you. You watch as Ghost takes off the hoodie he's wearing to put on your naked body. The smell of his aftershave hits you instantly as he gathers you in his arms while carrying you towards the bathroom. You stop crying seeing no point in tiring yourself out but the sniffles are hard to control. Why were they doing this to you? He places you on the toilet, making sure to gather the hoodie above your waist so you don't end up soiling it. This is by far the most humiliating situation you've ever been in your life. You bend over trying to hide you private parts from their view. Yes you needed to pee but they could at least leave you so you could do your business. They didn't seem to take the hint even with you glaring at them.
But Soap took your slumping figure as indication of your fatigue and decided he'll help you sit straight while you do you business. You claw at his arms with your full strength not that you had much but you definitely left marks as you hear him hiss. He didn't seem angry though and Ghost just watched intensely as you tried to hold in your pee.
“It ok hen..just do your business we'll clean ye after…nae need tae worry…”
“You need to hurry love…the food will get cold if you keep refusing to pee…I know you don't like it here…we'll take you home once you're feeling better…”, Tears slip past your waterline again as you do as your told not being able to hold your bladder any longer. Your cheeks heat from mortification rather than your fever, as the two men encourage you while Ghost goes to grab some tissue and water to wipe you clean. God please let this be a dream…a very very bad dream.
-25/11/2023 08:00pm
When you awake this time it's to throw up again. It's dark still you don't if you've be asleep for a couple minutes or for many hours. It seems like you can't catch the sun anymore. You didn't like the dark. It made everything feel oppressive and sinister. You don't know what's wrong but any food smell causes your stomach to churn. And the second the smell of meat came through your door you were fighting to keep the bile at bay. You get up on shaky legs to go to the bathroom to throw up. Your stomach felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out. When was the last time you ate? There’s only a chalky residue left on your tongue probably from the medication they gave you. But when did they give it to you? You can't remember anything. Your memories and nightmares were starting to blur together making everything feel like a drug induced hallucination.
Your muscles were sore and you weren't able to stay steady on your feet without the help from the wall as you walked along. You look down to find your clothes have changed again. Maybe you've just been hallucinating the bad encounters you've been having.
There's no way they would watch you pee or force you to take a bath with them right? Or constantly strip you to wipe away sweat right? You think you might have thrown up in your crying fits but you can't remember much. Yeah it was probably just an awful dream. There's no way they would have dealt with your tantrums and or cleaned up the mess you made. Men aren't like that. Your father certainly isn't. He never took care of your mother when she was sick. It was always you or your siblings. They probably just changed you and left you to rest with some painkillers. Even doing that was more than what most men would do so you should be thankful they were looking after you. But you wished they'd just get you home somehow. It must be some strong painkillers you can't seem to remember anything in too much detail. Like everything was blurring into one colour. You needed to cleanse your system before you pass out again.
You just about make it to the toilet bowl as your insides decide they don't want to stay inside anymore. Your stomach muscles strain and tense as your body tries to dispel the drugs you've been fed recently. The bitter taste of bile and something else was sour on your tongue. You don't even have a proper recollection of what happened in the last two days…
You feel a warm hand brush your hair out of your face as you continue to throw up. An odd feeling filled your chest… you were never taken care off like this before..It caused something warm to stir in your heart. Your head was still fuzzy so you didn't register someone holding water to your lips when you're done. It's like you're on autopilot. One second you're rinsing your mouth the next you're in bed with Gaz who's cradling your head to his chest. He coos and shushing you as he feeds you little pieces of bread with butter…At least it wasn't meat…your sure you'd throw up again if it was…
Your hazy vision catches sight of your clothing again. When did they change you? Were you hallucinating again? You silently eat your bread, not having the energy to argue anymore. Some sustenance was nice after everything that happened. It’s when the glass of water touches your lips you're met with a familiar chalky taste that makes you realise maybe you aren't hallucinating after all. But you don't get much time to dwell on it before sleep takes you.
-26/11/2023 12:00pm
For the first time in what feels like forever you see sunlight streaming through the curtains in the room. Your head felt too heavy and too light at the same time. Like you're fighting to keep your head up right but also felt like it was about to float away. Your head loses its battle as you stop trying to sit up. It was too much effort to try to move anymore and you needed to pee again…great…
You hear hushed sounds coming from outside the door just as you're about to call out for help. You try to make out words but your head's disoriented and your bladder is demanding your attention.
“There wa…search party se-…-ey found her jacket…unwanted attention….we need tae lea-…” you don't understand what they're saying but you try listening again but it's just a jumble of accents.
“...…the news rep-.... proclaimed drown-....no body fou-...-ght she's a spy…”, Spy? They thought you were a spy? Why would they think that?
“...we're taking her with us…”, your mind jolts when you hear those words. ‘We're taking her with us’…They were never going to let you go were they? Fear seeps into every fiber of your being. The fact you were drugged and unable to move was even worse. What were they going to do with you? Murder you? Torture you? Sell you off?
A sob leaves your mouth before you can stop it and the hushed voices come to abrupt stop. You hold your breath trying to keep yourself from crying, not wanting them to become suspicious of you. Soap is the first to walk in his eyes scanning the room before his eyes land on your weakened state. His eyes soften ever so slightly but he seemed on edge.
“What's wrong pretty girl…what do ye need?”, your mind races to come up with an excuse so it doesn't seem like you were crying because you heard them.
“B-bathroom”, you whisper through your tears. That seems to release the tension in his shoulders as he come to pick you up to take you to the toilet. When you pass the other men they give you gentle smiles as Soap helps you with your business. They make themselves scarce giving you some privacy. You didn't trust their gentle smiles. You knew what you heard, you weren't going to gaslight yourself into thinking these men had your best interest at heart. You needed to leave!
You watch as Soap cleans you, his arms were covered in claw marks more than likely your doing. He had a tendency to get too handy when ‘helping’. He seemed to be learning though since he cleans you quickly this time around. You still weren't happy about all the touching and cuddling you feel at night though. But at least you're knocked out for the majority of it. You didn't know how you were going to escape, you barely had any energy to support yourself. Just standing for a few minutes took all your energy out of you. Soap carries you back gently. You needed to get food in you if you planned on running away. It was best if you acted like nothing had changed. Like you were expecting them to drop you off home soon. Just until you figure out how you'd escape their clutches that is. You catch Soap arms just as he's about to leave after tucking you in.
“Awe bunny are ye hungry?”, you just give him a nod with pouty lips, hoping to gather some sympathy from him.
“Lunch isn't ready yet. Ah’ll get ye something tae munch on ok?” You give him a gentle smile as he leaves. You'll have to use your charm to get him to take you out for some fresh air tomorrow. It's the only chance at escape you'll get. God why did it have to be you? All you ever wanted was to work in the city. Was that so bad? Maybe if you were a better daughter things wouldn't have ended this way. Maybe if you didn't run out on your parents you wouldn't have gotten lost in the forest. Maybe if you had married that pastor you wouldn't be in this situation. But now wasn't the time to think God had forsaken you…You needed all the help you could get.
-29/11/2023 09:00am
“Bunny please eat something…you haven't touched your food since we brought you home…”, You weren't going to either, you were tired of getting drugged. God knows what they do to you when you're passed out.
“Luv come now…he even made your favourite breakfast…everything we do is because we care for you..”, Price chimes on his way to install bolted locks to some of the doors.
“I understand yer mad hen but we just wanna take care of ye…ye'll get used tae living here.. promise”, you give Soap a particularly nasty look as he follows Price to do some renovations. They were in a hurry since they had to leave soon.
You glare at Gaz like he's the source of all your misfortune. Like he's the reason everything has gone wrong in your life. You can't believe you ever found this man sweet or charming. You're tucked into the furthest corner of the sofa you could find with a cushion clutched to your chest for protection. It was one of those nice expensive ones too. God you hated these deranged rich bastards. Everything in this home felt like it was high quality. You wanted to kick yourself because all you could think about was all the nice pictures you could take…if you had your camera that is. It was the first nice camera you bought. You had worked so hard to save up for only for it to be drowned like your hopes and dreams.
You didn't like the fact the place was so warm and homey. For some deranged kidnappers you were expecting someplace easier to hate, somewhere that didn't have so much love and character put into the design aspect of the home.
When you had first woken up you found yourself in a very large bed surrounded by them in what you later found out to be Price's room. You hadn't realised they were in that kind of relationship. You didn't understand what they wanted from you. They reassured you they knew you weren't a spy and that they definitely weren't going murder or hurt you for information. Why did they take you then?
They all had large rooms with large beds to accommodate them all. All uniquely decorated to fit everyone's vastly different aesthetic. They tried convincing you to sleep in one of their beds last night but you insisted on the sofa. You all slept in the living room last night with some on the sofas and others on a large mattress on the floor. You can't believe they bothered to carry that huge thing just so they could sleep near you. You'd find it endearing if you weren't literally trying to escape your kidnappers.
They tried claiming the guest room needed to be renovated. That they'd make a comfortable space here for you. That they'd decorate however you like once they get back home from their new mission. Had they gone insane? What made them think you were upset about a damn room rather than the fact they had KIDNAPPED you. What made them think you'd be ok being kept against your will?
You had tried asking if it was because you found out their secret. You begged and promised that you wouldn't tell a living soul but they just chuckled saying they fell in love with you and just wanted to take care of you. They really were insane…You're stuck with a bunch of lunatics. You wished you had realised that sooner. Maybe you'd be safe at home by now or possibly packing for your move to London. God why you…
You wish they would just leave so you could try to escape or call for help. It wasn't going to be easy. The house was like a fortress. Heavily equipped with cameras and an advanced locking system. But you just needed to bide your time. You weren't going let someone else dictate your life anymore. You worked too hard to get here. You were sick of being a pushover. You're sure your parents would have declared you a missing person by now. Yeah everything will work out, you'll be home in no time. You'll figure out a way to get home. You continue to ignore Gaz as you watch the men with keen eyes while they carry tools and such to ‘your’ room. They must think you're an idiot if they believe they'll get the chance to lock you in that room without a fight…
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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tomatopers · 7 months
❝ I'm. . . late?! ❞
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in honor of me also forgetting vday :,) here is my first post for this acc !! I also need to remember to make an intro post n stuff, and hopefully i'll make some friends on here eventually </3 i see ppl interacting with their anons/followers and it's sooo cute when will that be me !!!!
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They forgot Valentine's Day... surely the nineteenth is just as special? Diluc, Zhongli x GN!Reader (separate)
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Diluc watched you silently from a window, the sunny scene outside feeling worlds away from his own dim office. You were sitting on the stone wall surrounding the Dawn Winery, pretending to read one of his boring novels while pointedly ignoring him. He was very often unaware of his stumbles, this being his first relationship, but wouldn't he would catch on soon enough?
Sure it was immature to still act huffy at this age, but Valentine's day was 5 days ago! Not one! FIVE! You had to witness Lisa flirting with the Acting Grand Master for hours, which wasn't uncommon in the slightest, but the librarian seemed to make use of all her cheesy lines on the holiday.
The stone was frigid beneath your bare legs, and you were reminded that the sun hadn't yet begun to do its job this early in the month as your legs grew numb. Perhaps on this fifth day of snubbing your lover, you'd spend the night at a bar- maybe even in Venti's company, or Kaeya's. That last ditch effort to get him to notice your huffy behavior never failed.
The worst part of this whole affair was that you couldn't even be disappointed or properly upset in peace. How could you, when this was clearly not an intentional mishap? Diluc worked diligently, and was far more dependable than most; Though, this trait of his only served to deepen your guilt. Perhaps you should apologize for this childish behavior... Maybe talk it out like proper adults...
6 o'clock found you on a barstool at Angels' share, a little early for drinking but the glass in your hand was clearly not your first. Kaeya sat to your right, an arm resting on the counter as he lent an ear to your woes. Venti stood to your left, strumming his lyre quietly and pitching in jests during the quieter moments.
The door opened at 7 on the dot, and you turned around despite knowing who stood behind you. The backlighting of the evening sun made his hair glow like fire, exaggerating the irritation on Diluc's face to resemble anger. You stood up, slightly tipsy but no less aware, and grasped Kaeya's shoulder to steady yourself before walking forward.
"Good evening, Master Diluc. What brings you here so early?" He seemed to glare at you before casting a glance at Charles. The bartender visibly jumped, quickly bowing a greeting before averting his eyes as Diluc grabbed your wrist and tugged you out of the bar. His grip, though firm, wasn't the slightest bit painful- even now, in whatever bitter mood he was in, Diluc always treated you with the utmost care.
You felt even more guilty for acting the way you did.
He released his hold on you in a more private space, tucked behind a couple trees, and waited. Just as you knew he would seek you out immediately after work, he knew you'd soon crumble under his stare and explain what you wanted. Those red eyes, sometimes blazing with anger or warm with love, were now passive and unreadable.
You felt heat behind your eyes, feeling the tears before they could escape down your cheeks. How stupid. It was hard to form a sentence between sniffles, so you stood and cried as he enveloped you in a hug. Maybe you had more than a few drinks back at the bar...
When your tears were all but spent, you gripped his hand in embarrassment, unable to meet his gaze. "...I'm sorry."
"What for?"
You sighed, "I've been such a child about this, it honestly wasn't even that important yet I-"
"If it bothered you, then it's important. To me."
There it was again, the ever chivalrous Diluc and his overflowing compassion when it came to you. Despite the temptation to lie and play it off, you sheepishly admitted, "It's just that, uh- a few days ago, it was Valentine's day... and we didn't really um- celebrate together... But! It's okay! You do so much already and I honestly don't need to do anything for some silly holiday when we can do stuff like that any day and.."
Looking up, you trailed off into a confused silence. Diluc's face was red, and he was the one now avoiding your eyes. "I'm- My apologies. I admit, it did slip my mind, but that is no excuse. It's more than a silly holiday, and as such, I would be honored if you would allow me an attempt to make it up to you." You burst out laughing, and he looked relieved. You really had no reason to be upset, not with this cute of a lover.
"I would allow you all the attempts possible, Mr. Ragnvindr. All the attempts and more." He smiled and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as you followed him out of the alley. "Shall we visit that famous traveling chef then, darling? I heard he's in town. Or the Good Hunter, for something casual? Or perhaps we could buy you one of those gorgeous necklaces they have at the-"
You pulled him in by his collar, feeling him stiffen at the kiss before relaxing. "Diluc, sweetheart, I was thinking something closer to home? I can make dinner, and," you gestured at the setting sun, "the night is still young, I'm sure we can have some... fun, in that great big house of yours."
He turned an even brighter red, trying to cover his blush with the hand you weren't holding. "...That would be perfect."
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It was rarer for Zhongli to go a day without speaking to you than it was for him to remember his wallet. That's why it was evident to even those around you that there was something amiss. You worked at a teahouse, and that just happened to be where Zhongli's favorite tea was sold. When you weren't working, you'd help out at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, or stroll with him along the boardwalk. Plenty of time together, to say the least.
When the regulars witnessed you not serving the consultant's tea, as you always did, it immediately became a source of chatter- Some of the older women were having quite a laugh about young lovers' quarrels, though your relationship with Zhongli was far past the "young love" stage. As you walked from table to table, it was hard to ignore his stare practically burning holes through you.
The first whole hour of his visit must've passed this way; your every movement under the scrutiny of the ex-archon, your coworkers, and half the guests in the teahouse. Your work wasn't any different than usual, no. In fact, you might even be more productive now that you weren't stopping to chat with Zhongli whenever your hands were free. The owner of the place would never admit it, but he too was curious of the predicament under his roof.
Your scheduled break was minutes away, the one you would typically spend at Zhongli's table, but you clearly didn't intend to do so today. For a being such as him, it was inevitable that certain things would slip his mind, but Valentine's Day? You had planned out the entire day as a surprise, the holiday had even fallen on one of Zhongli's leisure days, but he called in the morning to tell you he'd be assisting the Traveler and would not come by. It wasn't even a brief task! He was gone for five days!
It wasn't like you hadn't told him anything, either. "Oh illustrious Rex Lapis, God among men, I beseech your presence in my humble abode on the final day of this week." He had chuckled at your attempt of mimicking the speech of those who cowered before him in his days of glory, taking your hand with a smile and a kiss. It was going to be perfect! But the plans were discarded, and the cake you made still sat untouched in the fridge...
Xingqiu walked in with his usual cheerful wave, heading to the back corner where he'd spend a couple hours reading; As though he noticed your restlessness, he smiled and offered you a seat to join him, "I'll take you up on your offer to regale me with the stories from your trip overseas, if I may?" You smiled back, "Of course! I'll bring the tea and join you."
You spent your break with the young man, and the following remainder of the shift passed with ease. At some point, Zhongli had disappeared- had he gotten upset? Most likely not, such a small matter was far from enough to garner his irritation. It was more likely that work had called for his presence. Maybe he'd notice shop owners taking down their holiday wares on his walk and remember his oversight.
You hung up your apron, bidding the staff goodnight before descending the stairs to head home. Someone was standing at the entrance to a darker alley, one tucked away from the streetlights and the watchful eyes of the Millelith. Quickening your pace, you were about to pass by when a voice, his voice, stopped you in your tracks.
"My dear, won't you tell me what has drawn your ire?" Zhongli stepped forward, his confused expression revealing his failure to decipher the issue alone. "I am unaware of any shortcoming, but I assure you it was far from intentional-"
He walked closer, "Pardon?" You looked up at him, hoping you didn't look pathetically sad. "It was Valentine's Day, the day you left for that trip with the Traveler. That's why I had invited you over." His face fell, his immediate regret making it nigh impossible to retain your frustration. "I will not make any excuses, beloved, it was entirely my fault that we could not celebrate such a wonderful day together-"
"It was, yes."
"-and I believe I grasp the value of celebrating love with a romantic partner, so while it won't compare, please join me for dinner tomorrow, where I can properly demonstrate my affections. I recall you liking when I cook, and surely such a thing is enjoyable together."
You pretended to consider the matter, before laughing and accepting his outstretched hand. "I would love to join you, and I hope I may occupy your time through the night as well." You saw his gaze sharpen for a moment before he swept you off your feet and into his arms.
"If I didn't know any better, my love, I'd think you were trying to tempt me."
"Whatever gave you that idea, darling?"
Without setting you down, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I believe you wouldn't protest to spending tonight together, as well?" You could feel the laughter rumbling through his chest, could see the smile splitting his face even with your face hidden behind your hands from the embarrassment. "My most adorable lover, I shall never again miss an opportunity to exhibit the extent of my affection for you."
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Can I request this? A wonwoo oneshot where they had a fight at the company which leads to the oc to storm out and later wonwoo finds out that on the way home she got really sick but at the moment the oc is in the library. So wonwoo mission is to get the oc out of there but she’s giving him the silent treatment somehow😁
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content: established relationship, idol!wonwoo, afab reader, public argument, angst, fluff, etc.
wc: 987
a/n: i did my best to include all the main details of the prompt into a short drabble i hope u enjoy<3
you knew you were being quite immature.
yeah, it was just a small altercation with wonwoo over some small thing, but that had just been what it snowballed into.
it had only been a few days since wonwoo got back from tour, having been gone for a few weeks with limited contact with you due to timezones and his packed schedule. you understood. you were no newbie at this. by now it had been a while since you had began dating wonwoo, so you were already an expert on the ins and outs of dating an idol. however, you still demanded some type of attention.
when wonwoo finally arrived, you had expected that maybe he'd try a little harder to spend time with you. while you understood that he was likely very tired from touring, seeing the way in which he isolated himself rather than dedicate at least a bit of his free time to you did hurt your feelings.
had he not missed you as much as you did him?
this led to a one-sided silent treatment. he, of course, didn't really notice as the two of you weren't spending much time together anyways. though you were still on speaking terms with him, you were very curt and short in your interactions. something which he, yet again, had no reaction to.
which is what led to an embarrassing argument just a few hours ago. at the company. in front of his members.
it wasn't anything too big. it was mostly complaints about his terrible time management when it cane to sustaining your relationship. already hurt and having made the mistake of not communicating your issues to your boyfriend, you snapped when you stopped by the company to get lunch with him, only to be told he already had plans with his members.
after an embarrassing rant in front of half of seventeen, you stormed out, leaving a very confused wonwoo behind and finally allowing him to realize that he had unknowingly iced you out.
it felt like shit, to be quite honest. you felt invisible to him. was picking a fight the only way to get him to react?
things weren't always like this. wonwoo had always been the most comforting person you'd known. maybe he was a little reserved and shy at times, but he was always showing you his unconditional love. whether it was through his words or through silent acts of affection, he had never made you feel unwanted or ignored.
even when he'd return from a tiring tour, he'd isolate himself with you. you'd lock yourselves away from the world and simply exist with one another, encompassing each other in the love you shared. this time around, wonwoo had somehow forgotten about you, simply sharing a living space with you rather than being your home.
the worst thing was that he was entirely unaware. the moment you confronted him, you could see the shock in his eyes. wonwoo hadn't even realized he had been withholding himself from you emotionally. the more frustrated your voice grew as you ranted, the more his confusion transformed into hurt. he was hurt at the realization that you'd been hurting because of him – all while he thought everything was fine.
this made you feel miserable as soon as you made your way out of the company. fully aware that you should've communicated your distress to him earlier, you still left, embarrassed at the scene you caused and hurt that he hadn't considered your feelings until you shoved them in his face.
was it so wrong of you to have wanted him to realize on his own? you thought he knew you better than anyone, so it shouldn't have been too difficult a task to realize. right?
and now you were alone.
upon leaving the scene, teary eyed and embarrassed that you had shown such a vulnerable part of yourself in such a public setting, – in front of some of his friends, at that – you went to the place that brought you most comfort. you needed silence, so you went to a secluded library in town.
you and wonwoo would sometimes frequent this place. as both a bookworm and the girlfriend of a popular idol, this was one of the only places you could really go with wonwoo. it was secluded and quiet, meaning that you could simply exist around each other while not being perceived by anyone else. the memory of your times together there made you feel unable to concentrate, so you simply sat in silence for a while.
it wasn't too difficult for wonwoo to find you there. he had assumed you wouldn't just go back home, so he searched from you in places he knew you loved. this had been his second guess, right after the han river, where you would sometimes walk together at night.
sitting in your usual spot, wonwoo quietly approached you, sitting next to you. neither of you said anything. the first contact between you two came in the form of wonwoo's pinky seeking your own, twisting it with yours in a sweet manner. there was no way for you to deny him, so you humored him, eventually holding his hand as his fingers graced your own.
"im sorry," he whispered, looking down at his lap.
"yeah?", you whispered back.
"i take you for granted sometimes. you wait for me here and you put up with my hectic life and i ... i forget that i should reassure you of my love. im so sure of how i feel about you that i forget to let you know every single day. it wont happen again," he finished, eyes now boring into yours.
"can you say it?"
"i love you. you'll never have to ask me again. okay? i love you."
"i love you too."
"let me take you home?" he asked, leaning into you as you sat side by side.
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