#made my word count today yay!
rimunagenius · 1 month
I Could Die For you
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x reader
ʚ word count: 1.2k
ʚ warnings: RPF!! , fluff, fluff, literal fluff, so much love that it’s sickening
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: to make up for that last post about emily because what the flip!! also the first Kate fic i’ve released that hasn’t been in a series!! yay! also ofc i had to write Kate to one of my favorite love songs!!💕 if you guys do not listen to this song and love it, i’m quitting writing and reporting everyone’s blog…
| Women’s Basketball Masterlist |
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Something inside the cards I know is right
Don't wanna live somebody else's life
Kate was so happy. She knew her life was exactly where she wanted it to be. Cold mornings like this, wrapped in the bed sheets, both your bodies wrapped together to create the most perfect fit to a puzzle.
With your head resting on her body, your nose nuzzling perfectly into her neck, your soft snores and exhales ticking her skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
The way your hand rested on her chest, and the way Kate's hand rested on your waist from the way she was holding you into her body. She knew she didn't want to be anywhere else but here. Lying here, wide awake admiring you and thanking god or whoever was out there, that she was able to do this, and do it with you.
This is what I want to be
And this is what I give to you because I get it free
"Oh my god, Kate." You stood in shock in your guys' kitchen. You had a rough day at work, letting Kate know that while you sat in your office, counting down the minutes until you could come home. So when you walked through the door and wandered into the living room where Kate was watching the NBA finals, she got up to greet you and took you to the kitchen, giving you the flowers and chocolate she picked up on her way home from practice today. 
You had a new adjustments to make since leaving Iowa. Picking up your life and moving to Las Vegas with Kate when she found out she made the roster officially, after living in a hotel room during training camp. You loved her so much, and you had so much faith in the person she was and the skills she had, you knew moving across states wasn't going to be a regret you had years down the line. 
Tears welled in your eyes, the overwhelming feeling of love and appreciation radiating from the blonde who stood a few feet away. "Aw, don't cry. Why are you crying, baby?" Kate walked up to you, wrapping her arms around your neck so you buried your face into her chest. 
"Because. You do this for me just for having a bad day. Your days are full of stress with basketball, still proving yourself, and tired from your work. I don't deserve you, Kate." You were a mess. You missed a lot of things. You missed your old friends, how close your guys' family used to be, and you missed Kate while she was gone. You missed a lot of things—you've longed for those things, but you loved your life here with Kate. You two away from what you knew and grew accustomed to, to independently make what you want and need. 
You loved it but you couldn't help but long for what used to be your life sometimes. "You deserve everything. You deserve the world and more because you packed your life up just because you believed in me. This is the very least I could do for you. I will continue to show you how important you are to me and who I am. You make me better so I'm going to show you every day til I can't anymore. I love you. You work hard and you deserve to be appreciated and seen." 
That made the tears fall harder, but you looked up at Kate, and couldn't believe this was your girl. The woman you got to spend and do life with. You kissed her lips chastely, hugging her close again. You two stood there, looking at the pretty flowers and sharing some of your chocolate. 
She smiles while I do my time
It was so early in the morning. Kate waking you up for a travel day for the Aces. It was an away game to Los Angeles and you wanted to make this game so you took the days off. 
You hated getting up early, and the stress that came with traveling was truly not a great time. Kate knew it, but she loved that you were willing to do it for her.  You didn't like most things, but the look on your girlfriend's face when you watched her do the thing she loves most, play the game that gave her many of the amazing opportunities she's had, it was all worth it. 
Kate walked onto to the court, looking at you behind the Aces bench, and smiled. You already smiling right back at her. She knew that no matter how early she woke you up, or how many times she did it, you'd be there, lift her up, and cheer her on. You knew this was where you wanted to be. 
I could die for you
It was the day after Kate had won the WNBA Finals, and you two had been lying in bed since last night. You couldn't believe that she had come so far from the little girl who idolized the Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball team, to a woman who's grown into the most tremendously courageous and strong woman who won her first WNBA Championship. It was so surreal. 
"You know I love you so much, right?" Kate whispered. One arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to her body, while her other hand held your thigh that lay across her hip. 
"I would hope so." You giggled softly, looking up at the blonde above you, your hand went from her chest to the side of her face, resting against her cheek. You looked into her eyes, the blue of them convincing you more by the second that they were better looking than the sky outside. 
"No, I'm serious. You are the love of my life. I would be so lost without you. I don't think I could live without you—let alone do what I've done this past year without you." Her voice wavered, you could tell her emotions still running high after the night she had last night. 
"Kate, my love." You chuckled nervously, the confession making you giddy, but also overwhelmingly more in love with Kate, if that was even possible. It brought tears to your eyes.
"You make me so happy. Just being right here, with you, is more important to me than winning another ring." 
"Oh my god Kate, stop it. You're going to make me cry. I'm so in love with you." You wiped a small tear that fell down your cheek. Kate smiled down at you, willing herself to not close her eyes and just die happy right here with you. 
"I'm so in love with you, I could die." Kate giggled softly, wiping her eyes before leaning down and kissing your lips softly. You smiled into the kiss. You smiled so hard you couldn't even kiss properly. A fit of giggles came from the both of you. 
"Ah! Kate, stop it! Oh my god, Kate!" You screamed and giggled as she left kisses and tickles everywhere she could reach, especially in your most ticklish spots. You two couldn't be anymore happier. Kate wouldn't want to be anywhere else unless you were there, under her arms or wrapped in them. 
Oh, this life I choose.
You two were just simply two girls in love and wouldn't have it any other way. 
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hiiiiiii so idk if you saw how Kourtney Kardashian revealed her pregnancy to Travis Barker but it SCREAMS Rockstar!Eddie to me…
Just imagine him jumping off the stage after a show all sweaty and shit, kissing you over and over again, just over the moon so happy… I- it’s doing things to me 🥵
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AN | I have not seen it, but looked it up, and it’s totally rockstar!eddie! Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Rockstar!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"No way," you looked between the small stick in one hand and the box in the other. You weren't sure if you were more excited or nervous or downright terrified, "no way!"
You looked in the mirror and studied your reflection; you were wild-eyed and flushed, hair in a messy bun and still in pajamas. You'd basically woken up and run to the store as such and still hadn't made much progress. You were much too excited. 
Today marked the second period in a row that you'd missed. Combined with the way you'd started to feel lately, you couldn't help but wonder. And that led you to this moment - finding out that you were pregnant.
Your first thought was to call Eddie right away to tell him the good news. You hadn't been trying to get pregnant but you hadn't been trying to prevent it either. But - Eddie was still away, so close to being home from the tour Corroded Coffin was currently on. Tomorrow night was the hometown and last show of the tour. You'd see him soon.
And that gave you a wonderful little idea.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Nancy," you called her as soon as you'd gotten showered and dressed, still feeling like you were in a daydream, "I've got a big favor to ask!"
"Uh oh," you could hear the amusement in her voice, "what did you get up to this time, trouble?"
"I may or may not have gotten myself knocked up," you waited with baited breath for her to catch on. Trying to keep it casual and nonchalant was already proving to be a challenge. It took her a few moments before you heard her excited gasp.
"You're pregnant?!" She was practically squealing in delight as you nodded enthusiastically, barely remembering that she couldn't see, "oh my god, that's amazing! When did you find out?"
"Like an hour ago," you still had the test on the kitchen counter next to you, "you're the first to know."
"Yay," your best friend sounded like she was tearing up as well, "I'm so happy for you. Seriously, this is wonderful. Our babies will be able to grow up together!"
"And Steve and Eddie can be the dorkiest dads ever," you sighed softly, "I haven't told Eddie but since tomorrow's the last show of their tour, I figured I'd surprise him then. I have an idea-"
"I'm in!"
"I haven't even told you what the plan is yet!"
"I don't care," you loved her tenacity, "I'm in regardless!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Later that evening the two of you were camped in your living room, with big, colorful markers and poster boards. Your plan was to right some sort of announcement on them to Eddie, letting him know that you were pregnant. You played around with a couple of different ideas, but eventually settled on one. You'd be front and center at the show tomorrow and would make sure he saw your sign.
"Do you think he's even going to notice?" You looked at your handiwork and let out a long sigh, "or do you think he'll ignore it? Maybe he'll think it's just a random fan."
"Seriously?" Nancy scoffed playfully as she nudged your leg with hers. You offered her a sheepish grin in return, "he always looks for you. He's…such a sucker for you."
"Hopefully," you couldn't help the way that her comment made you feel. You knew he loved you, that much was always obvious, but knowing others saw it too was an entirely different type of sensation, "especially now that I'm carrying his kid."
"He's going to freak out," you raised your eyebrows in question and she shook her head, "freak out in a good way! He's going to he terrified, but he's going to be a great dad. And you'll be a great mom. Swear."
"I hope so…if not I've got months to agonize over it," you finished coloring in the big block lettering of your word and leaned against the couch, "was it both incredibly amazing and terrifying for you when you found out?"
"Duh," she teased softly, "its normal. No one's got it all figured, but that's okay. It's going to be amazing."
"What if I'm not ready?"
"It's a little too late for that, I think," she winked at you, and your entire face flushed. You'd always been all in for Eddie - this just made you even more sure of that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm having second thoughts," you looked over at Nancy who was standing to your right with a huge smile on her face. She understood your nerves - she'd felt the same way the first time she told Steve she was pregnant. You were clutching the poster in your hand so tightly that your knuckles were turning white, "maybe I shouldn't."
"You should and you will," she wiggled the poster in her hands and offered you what she hoped was an encouraging smile, "we're here, the posters are ready, and Eddie will be on stage any moment!"
"Okay," you felt sick to your stomach, but you were pretty sure it wasn't anything due to your pregnancy, "right."
Before you could argue with her any further, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers. The sudden shift in the excitement caused you to startle for a moment before nerves settled into your bones. You were in the front VIP area, close to the stage as you often were, which gave you a perfect view of the stage. 
You almost swooned when Eddie came onto the stage along with the rest of the band. The crowd was cheering their name and you couldn't help but join in. This was exactly where he was meant to be - he owned the stage with grace and ease. 
Eddie gave a little speech before the band rolled into their set. Any remaining nerves went away as you sang and bopped along to the music with Nancy. It was easy to lose yourself in the moment, but you were quickly pulled back into reality when you saw Eddie looking around the crowd. He was looking for you, just as it always was. 
You heard your heartbeat in your ears as everything around you seemed to disappear. You weren't in a sea of thousands anymore - it was just the two of you. His pretty face lit up with a saccharine and beaming smile as his eyes found yours. Your own smile in return was practically ethereal as you blew him a kiss. He winked before slipping back into rockstar mode and continued playing his heart you.
 You always wondered how he could even find you, considering the bright lights of the stage made it difficult to see much of the audience. He said it was because his heart always knew where to find you. He called him a dork; he called himself a hopeless romantic for you.
"Oh come on," Nancy practically squealed as she held onto your arm, "the two of you are disgustingly precious!"
"I know," you admitted softly, "I know."
As the rest of the show went on, you kept trying to find the perfect moment to hold up your poster. You decided to save it for the last song - what better way to end the show?
You shouted your little plan into Nancy's ear and, to no one's surprise, she totally supported the idea. Once they started playing the last song you threw up your posters and started calling Eddie's name loudly. The two of you were attracting attention from all around you. Part of you expected to find angry looking faces ready to tell you to keep it down but instead you found a lot of excited faces.
"Eddie!" You shouted his name at the top of your lungs, jumping up and down to capture his attention. That seemed to spark something in him and he turned towards you. It took him a few moments to lock eyes with you, but once he did you saw him look at the posters the two of you were holding up. 
His expression blanked for a moment before he seemed to realize what they said. In big, bright letters your sign said, Eddie, I'm pregnant! while Nancy's said Eddie, she's pregnant! 
“Hold on,” Eddie stopped playing, looking at you the entire time as he grabbed his mic, “pardon me for a moment.”
And with that, he practically ripped his guitar off and set it on its stand at the edge of the stage before jumping down into the audience and making his way over to you, pushing eagerly through the crowd. He stopped right in front of you, reading over your sign again before looking at you with a nervous expression. His heart was beating so wildly that he was surprised that it didn’t burst through his ribcage. 
“Baby,” his voice was almost trembling as you looked at him with teary eyes, “are you serious? We’re having a baby?”
“Yes,” and just like that, the tears were running down your cheek as you nodded at him, “I’m pregnant.”
“No fucking way,” he eagerly, but still tenderly, took your face in his hands before leaning in to kiss you. You could feel him smiling against your lips as he kissed you; the fact that you were in the middle of a giant crowd didn’t both either of you. He pulled back and gently brushed away your tears, “we’re having a baby?”
“We’re having a baby,” you confirmed as he looked at you incredulously. To him you were, and had always been, pure magic. You were the girl of his dreams and now you were having his baby? It seemed like a dream, “surprise!”
“Best surprise ever,” he promised as he kissed you again. He looked back at the stage and then at you, “let me, ugh, let me wrap things up real quick.”
“By all means,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek before nudging him back towards the stage, “I’ll be right here.”
He nodded before almost running back to the stage, leaping onto it and grabbing his beloved guitar again. He turned back to the rest of the band and they looked at him in understanding, already well aware of where this was going. 
“Ladies and gents,” he looked through the crowd that was eagerly watching him, “I think I’ve just gotten the best news ever from the best person ever. My girl - she’s pregnant!”
Your entire body warmed up as you shook your head at his antics. But you knew him and loved him, and the fact that he was immediately so excited made your heart feel happy and relieved. You could feel the crowd turn to you as they started to cheer. 
“She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and now she’s giving me the best thing ever,” he took a moment to breath, already feeling a rush of emotion bubble up, “baby, I love you so much. And, on that note, we’re gonna end this night on a song that I wrote for her when we first started dating. So if you know the words, sing along!”
He launched into your song, one of many, and a huge part of the crowd joined him. It was such an odd thing to have so many people singing one song in unity and to know that it was al for you. Eddie might have a been a lot of things, but he was the love of your life. That much you’d always known.
Sure, the idea of being pregnant and having a baby was terrifying, but with Eddie at your side, you were sure it would all be okay.
After the show, you made your way backstage, not even having to bother to flash your access pass as you looked for Eddie. You felt electric, but you couldn’t wait to have a moment alone with him.
As soon as you were in his proximity, he spotted you and made his way over to you. This time he was able to wrap his arms around you and pulled into his body, hugging you tightly.
“Eddie,” you laughed softly, feeling him pepper kisses all over the side of your head, “I can’t breathe!”
“Sorry,” his cheeks pinked as he looked you over, almost as if he was trying to see any visible sign of your pregnancy, “I’m just…wow. You’re pregnant and I’m just…wow.”
“I found out yesterday,” you reached into your pocket and handed him one of the several tests you’d taken, “and I wanted to surprise you.”
“Best surprise ever,” he looked at the small stick with a look of awe etched into his features, “and that little reveal? Baby, you’re a genius. This is…fuck, I’m so in love with you.”
“Are you…happy?’ you asked softly, still craving the reassurance despite his clear indication of happiness.
“So happy,” he brushed his knuckles along your cheek, sighing softly, “this is amazing, baby. There’s no one else I’d ever want to do with this. But, it’s about you too - are you happy?”
“Yes,” you promised, taking his hand and settling onto your belly, where soon you’d be able to see evidence of your child, “happier than ever. I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you too, baby,” he whispered so only you could hear it. You felt him gently rub your belly, “and you too, baby. Both of you - so much.”
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: Confessions of love lead to a place you never thought you’d be.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
Word count: 6.6kish
Warnings: Idiots to lovers, SMUT (over 3k of it), oral sex (fem!receiving), raw sex, cream pie, multiple orgasms, undertones of Dom!Draco, pretty much making love
A/N: hi!!!! Omg, it’s finally here! Yay!! Here’s PART 4 of my Heather series. 🥺 my baby!! I’m so happy for this part. Hopefully you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think at the end!! I love them so much 😭💚 please read the first three parts before this one (linked below) Song for this fic: “You are in love” by Taylor Swift
Also hit 400 followers recently 🥺🫶🏻 thank you!!
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other side nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The cold November chill felt welcomed on your skin as you stood in the Astronomy tower. You overlooked Hogwarts with a smile, knowing this is the last Thanksgiving you’d ever spend here, but you didn’t feel sad right now. 
You felt grateful for your experience here because not many were that lucky. You had stayed for Thanksgiving break once back in your second year and it was magical. So beautiful. You loved it. Draco had stayed with you then. He never left you alone. 
But you were alone now. You knew he was back at the Malfoy manor. You watched him leave to catch the train just days ago. You pretended to forget something at the castle as your friends went to the train, but it was just an excuse so nobody would know that you were staying for the holiday. 
You didn’t want Draco finding out. You wanted to be alone. 
You slowly let your fingers run along the railing, the cold metal against your warm skin making you shiver slightly, and you tug your orange sweater over your palms to warm you up again. 
Today was Thanksgiving. One of your favorite holidays. You mostly enjoyed it because of the food. But truthfully, who didn’t? 
You were going to miss your mom's homemade Thanksgiving dinner. Especially the apple pie you and your dad always made for the holiday. But Hogwarts is going to have to make do. You’re sure they won’t disappoint. They never do. 
You had noticed there were a bit more students that had decided to stay. You were surprised to see so many students in your class. They probably wanted to enjoy their last Thanksgiving here as a student at Hogwarts. You were surprisingly happy to have chosen to stay. 
You start making your way down to the Great Hall for Thanksgiving dinner. Your belly is begging for food already. You only drank a warm cup of hot chocolate this morning because you loved to wait to eat until dinner time. That way you had more room for the feast. 
You had chosen to dress up today either way. You had paired your orange oversized sweater with a black skirt, it was one of those fitted ones that you really liked, black sheer leggings, and your pair of black booties. It was simple, but you felt pretty. 
You had even applied some makeup and styled your hair to your own liking. You even managed to find your cute pair of thanksgiving earrings. They were two little pumpkin pies. You thought it was hilarious when your mom gifted them to you when you were a kid. You’ve worn them every year since. 
You enter the Great Hall with a smile on your face, the different foods filling your space, you inhale deeply, almost moaning at the thought of eating already, and look around to see where you can sit. 
You spot the Golden Trio sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Talking amongst themselves enthusiastically and laughing. You noticed all the different students from different houses had all gathered at the same table. You smiled at that and made your way to Harry.
Ron notices you first, his elbow shoving Harry suddenly, Harry whimpering an “Ow!” He's about to shove Ron when Ron raises his eyebrows towards you, you’re still smiling as you walk towards them. Harry does the same thing he always does when he sees you. 
He sits up straighter, fixes his glasses, and smiles at you. 
“Hi, Harry!” You say as you reach them, standing next to Hermoine. Who has an empty seat next to her. She looks up at you, smiling, they all welcome you, “Is this seat taken?” 
“No, of course not!” Harry blubbers out with a rush. 
Ron and Hermoine snicker at his reaction, Hermoine places her hand on your forearm, “Sit, Y/N. You’re more than welcomed to join us.” 
You beam at her as you sit next to her. You both fall into conversation, completely forgetting about Ron and Harry, and gush about different topics. It was so incredibly easy to talk to Hermoine. Even Ron and Harry. 
They had even admitted to you a couple days ago that they were scared of you because of your friendship with Draco. You laughed loudly when they told you and teased them about it. You had even told them that Draco only puts on a front at them, but was truthfully a nice person. They were hesitant to believe you, but you didn’t force your words at them. 
Ron watches you and Hermoine with wide eyes, he looks at Harry, who looks about the same, “It’s like we don’t even exist, mate.” Harry hums in agreement. 
Soon enough, the long table is filled with the Thanksgiving feast. 
You gawk at the food in front of you. All the classics. The delicious looking turkey, the honey glazed pineapple ham, sweet potato casserole with brown butter on top, extra cheesy Mac and cheese, mash potatoes, corn casserole, and everything pumpkin flavored. 
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin juice, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin topping. It was overwhelming. 
You noticed your favorite butterbeer cookies eyeing you already. You reached over to grab some before they finished. 
You all start digging into the food, you enjoy a little bit of everything until you feel satisfied. 
The talks and laughter around you never stops. You feel happy with a belly full of food and a mouth filled with laughter. 
The Great Hall starts emptying slowly and you feel someone sit down next to you, you turn with a smile, and it doesn’t falter when you see Cedric. Dressed in his favorite Hufflepuff sweater and scarf combo along with a dazzling smile. 
You turn to face him, tilting your head on your arm, “Hi!” 
“Hi,” he chuckles out with crinkling eyes. 
You were happy that thankfully Cedric was okay with being only friends with you. It was a slightly awkward conversation the next night after what had happened she tween you two. Or what had almost happened. 
He had caught you on your way back to the Slytherin quarters, you had both gone to sit at one of the benches in the hall, and spoke openly about the past events. 
You apologized profusely about what had happened and he stopped you midway so he could apologize. He repeatedly asked you if you had felt he had taken advantage of you. With careful reassurance that you had consented to what had happened, every step of the way, and explained to him how you didn’t think it was fair to either of you to pursue something when your heart was truthfully with someone else. 
He didn’t ask who, but you knew that he knew. 
“How are you doing?” You ask him, nibbling on a butterbeer cookie. 
“I’m doing alright, are those good?” He questions curiously, you had him a piece, and he chews on it and rolls his eyes back, “Bloody brilliant, yeah?” 
“Indeed,” you hum back with a chuckle. 
Easy conversation flows between you two about the end of the semester and how lovely it is to be here for the Holidays. You both agreed that it was the right choice to stay here and that maybe you’d both stay again for Christmas. You had never stayed for Christmas and the Trio said they were going to stay as well. 
“I’m staying then,” you state happily, sipping on your pumpkin juice, and laughing at Ron’s comments to Hermione about something ridiculous. 
Hermoine nudges you suddenly, you look at her confused, her face falling as she’s looking towards the Great Hall double doors, and you turn quickly to see what’s she’s looking at. 
You feel your heart drop to your stomach when you see Draco standing there. He’s wearing his sweater, your favorite one, black slacks, and you notice his hair is loose and framing his forehead in curls. 
His eyes are already on you. 
You furr your eyebrows in confusion as you wonder what he’s doing here. You look around at your friends, who are looking at you in confusion, only knowing the bare minimum of what you had told them. But they knew something was going on between you two. 
“Excuse me,” you say quickly, grabbing your extra butterbeer cookies, and walk towards Draco. 
He waits for you at the entrance and immediately follows you as you walk out. 
You stop in the empty hallway, “What are you doing here?” You question him as you try to keep your voice steady. 
You fumble with the cookies in your hand, not wanting to look up at him, and he sighs deeply above you. 
“My mother told me you were spending the holiday here. Why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve come home with me.” 
You huff, “No, I couldnt.” 
“Why not? Because we’re in a fight?” Draco’s tone is not harsh, but in disbelief. You avoid his gaze and look to the side. 
“It doesn’t matter if we’re in a fight. You’re my best friend and I don’t want you to be alone on one of your favorite holidays.” 
“I’m not alone…I’m with my friends,” you reply quickly, brushing your hair away from your face, and trying to keep your heart from racing. 
“And what am I?” 
You finally look up at him when he says that. His gray eyes peering at you, his lips turned down into a frown, and he waits for your reply. You notice his fingertips are itching to grab your wrists. His hands go into tight fists to keep them to himself. 
Your heart skips a beat because you miss him so much. It’s only been over a week that you’ve spoken to him. Been in his bed. 
But it feels like a lifetime and it’s slowly killing you. 
You tilt your head to the side as you watch him, the corners of your lips frowning, your eyes taking him in, “You’re… you’re my Draco.” 
You both start casually walking down the hall, you both on instinct go towards the peach three in the courtyard, and you both sit down on the bench under the tree.
You shiver slightly as the cold wind brushes against your warm cheeks and Draco silently curses at himself for not bringing a coat with him to the Great Hall. 
You turn to face him, still holding your cookies in your hands, and look at him. Your heart feels heavy as you both stare at each other. 
His eyes look into yours with such sadness in them that it makes you want to curl into a ball and weep. You feel yourself starting to shake slightly because of how nervous you feel. 
Is this the end? The real end between you two? 
“Hey,” his voice startles you, soft and sweet, his hands finally inch towards you, and he takes your free one into his warm palms. His big hand covering yours completely. 
“Why are you shaking? It’s just me,” he whispers as he pushes a stray hair away from your face, his thumb caressing your cheek slightly, you feel yourself flush underneath his gaze, and you shuffle on the bench. 
“I feel this way because of you,” you admit, not breaking eye contact with him. 
“I…” Draco starts to say, but quickly stops talking when he notices a couple people walking around the halls and chatting in the corridor as well. 
He doesn’t let go of your hand, “We should go somewhere more private.” 
“Like where?”
He opens his mouth, but closes it. His jaw locks, his eyes slowly avert from yours, but then he looks back. Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you wait for him to speak.
“What about my room?” His voice filled with uncertainty. 
You still. You haven’t set foot in his room since the argument you last had in there. You hadn’t even bothered to go and get your things that you had left there. You hadn’t wanted to face him yet. 
A part of you wants to go back in there. You miss the warmth and comfort you felt there. 
Lately, all you’ve felt is loneliness as you sleep alone every night in the empty bed in your big room. 
The emptiness of his side next to you never left your mind. You find yourself nodding, he gets up, you follow, and he leads you towards his room. 
He stops in front of the door after walking up the steps, you behind him, and he whispers his password to the painting in front of the door. 
He whispers your favorite spell.
Your heart tugs a bit that he didn’t change it. You know it hasn’t been that long, but it’s been the longest time the both of you have gone without each other. 
He opens the door and the sweet smell of apples mixed with cinnamon and vanilla fills your senses. You let your eyes close slightly, inhaling the mesmerizing scent, and you follow him inside his room. 
He walks around the room and you stand near the door, feeling a bit awkward, not knowing what to do anymore in this room, and you watch him. 
He peers at you as he sits in his emerald green loveseat, he gestures to the matching chair in the corner of the room, and you start walking towards it. You glance around the room, taking notice that all your belongings are still in the same place, and you wish they weren’t. 
You secretly wish he had already packed up your belongings into a box to make this easier. You sit down and set your cookies onto the table in between you two. 
“Do you want some tea or coffee?” He asks as he’s about to stand up to make some. 
“No, it’s okay.” 
He pauses and sits back down. He turns his body towards you, his leg bouncing up and down, and he lets out a deep sigh. 
A couple minutes pass with you both sitting in silence. You gulp down your nerves and open your mouth to speak. 
“Draco?” You ask. 
Your voice fills his ears like sweet honey. “Yes?” 
“Why am I here?” You question him as you let out a sigh. 
“I’m a coward,” he blurts out, turning his face to look at you, you frown. 
“I am a coward. Draco Malfoy is a coward.” 
You adjust yourself into your seat, placing one leg underneath your bottom, and fully face him.
“Draco,” you say, reaching over to him and taking his hand in both of yours. “What are you talking about?” 
His hand grips yours, “The last time you were here… You, uh, you asked me if I ever thought about doing.. what we do… with, umm, someone else.” Your eyes furr because Draco is fumbling with his words and he never does. 
“I remember,” you tell him, a pang in your chest when you remember what he said after you asked him that last time. 
“Well.. I.. I, uh, I lied to you.” 
You sit up straight. His eyes racing over your face, taking in your different expressions, “I know I insinuated that I thought about doing that with Heather, but I lied. I’ve never thought about doing what we do with anybody else. Ever.” 
You scoff at him, not believing him, “What are you going off about, Draco? You’ve fancied Heather since the day you met her.” You try to pull your hand out of his, but he grips onto it.
“I told you that day that I never thought about doing this with someone else and I meant it. I know I said I fancied Heather, but I swear.. I… I never have.”
“You lied to me?” You say in disbelief. A part of you wanting to be happy that he never fancied her, but why did he lie to you?
“I… I did.” 
“Why? What are you saying?” You pull your hand out of his with force, standing up quickly and starting to pace around the room, as the memories of that conversation fill your mind. 
Draco sits up in the loveseat, facing you, and pouting. 
“I asked you if you felt anything for me! I asked you if I was more than just your friend! You didn’t say anything! I gave you a chance to say anything, to say something, and you bloody stayed quiet! You never said anything! And then I’m with Cedric that night and you burst into his room, demanding I go with you, and for what? For you to never say anything else to me? Then we didn't talk for almost a week and now… now… now you want to say something? Why?” 
You continue to pace the room, confusion filling you, and you stop in front of him. Hands on your hips, chest raising angrily, and you watch him. 
He doesn’t say anything, biting the skin around his fingernails, and he bites his lower lip with nerves. 
“What’s going on, Draco? You’re confusing me,” you cry out at him.
“I am a coward that didn’t see what was in front of him until it was too late,” he stands up, towering over you, taking his hands in his, and you both look into each other’s eyes. 
“I am in love with you,” he confesses in a whisper. You suck in a gasp, your world stills at his words, and you start shaking your head. 
You frown deeply, “Stop it.” 
Draco grips your hands in his tightly, “This… this thing between us started in fifth year.. we were barely fifteen years old. We both decided to do this, but a part of me only agreed because I wanted you to want me the same way I’ve always wanted you,” you mouth parts in shock, “A part of me has always loved you. I… I think I’ve always known that I have, but I’ve always been a coward at admitting it to myself. That was almost four years ago next year… And… my-my love for you has only grown.” 
You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you stare up at him, trying your hardest to wrap your mind around his words, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks. 
“Please, don’t cry,” he whispers as his thumb wipes away your tears gently. 
Your lips quiver, “I… I’m having a hard time believing you, Draco.” Your confession stuns him, he looks at you with confusion. 
“Wh-what?” His voice is shaky. 
“What about Heather?” 
His eyes darted away from your face for a second, “I… I, um, I made it up.”
“You what?” You feel different emotions filling your body. Confusion at his confession. Anger that he lied to you. Happiness because he feels the same way. Guilt for what you had done with Cedric. 
“I didn’t lie when I said I met Heather because of my mom in the summer. But I’ve never felt anything towards her. Ever. I only said that to you because I was hoping to make you jealous,” another confession slips his lips. 
“To… make me jealous?” You repeat his words, feeling distress. 
He nods, his body language showing you he’s ashamed of his actions, and he sighs. “I… I know my actions are confusing you.. and I know you might need some time, but…” he pauses and his palms cup your face gently, “I am in love with you.” 
Your breathing is picking up, you’re looking at him in shock, everything you’ve ever wanted to hear… he’s saying it right now. 
“I’m so in love with you that I was deeply afraid of letting you know because of the fear that you didn’t feel the same way about me. But if I would have just looked deeper… I would have seen and heard what you were trying to tell me…” 
“And what was that?” You whisper out, your hands slowly moving to palm his hands on your face. 
“That you’re in love with me too,” he pleads, voice wavering with hope. 
“Draco,” you whisper, tears falling down your cheeks, closing your eyes as you let a whimper fall out between your lips. 
“Do you not believe me?” He questions, hurt filling the room. 
You sniff as you lean your face into his palms, crying out, “Can you blame me?” 
Before you know it, you feel Draco’s hands leaving your face, you look for his hands, and he’s kneeling in front of you. 
“What? Draco, what are you doing?” 
He holds your hands in his, his knees touching the floor, he lets out a quiet cry. 
Your heart breaks at hearing him cry. 
“Y/N…” he begins, “Its always been you.” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, “I have always loved you, never anybody else. I swear it. I have never once felt the way I feel for you for anybody else. Never.” 
He grips your hands in his, kissing the palms of your wrists, “You are the only one I’m ever going to want.” His voice is shaking, “It’s you who I want next to me. Warming my bed, forever. You’re everything I want. Everything!” 
You both are staring at each other, crying together, he continues, “I know I’m a bloody fucking idiot for not saying this sooner and I know it’s hard to believe me right now after everything… but I’m so in love with you that merely thinking about anybody else… It sickens me. You are the only person that matters to me. You’re the only one I see in my future.” 
You fall to your knees in front of him, your arms wrapping around his neck, his hands gripping your waist so your knees don’t hit the floor as he tugs you into him, and you cry. 
“Draco, I…” your lips quiver, “I’m so sorry for what I did with Cedric. I… I thought you didn’t feel the same way and I just wanted to forget about you.” 
Draco shakes his head rapidly, “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I was a coward and you were just trying to move on from my bloody dumbass.” 
You let out a giggle at his words, you wipe his tears away from his face as he wipes away yours, “I’m in love with you, too.” You confess, your heart rate accelerating at saying those words out loud. Finally. 
His eyes lighten up at your words. 
“I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. It has been hell without you since our last argument and I never want to go through that again.” You lay your head on his shoulder, sniffing and whimpering into him, and he holds you in his arms tightly. 
“It won’t ever happen again, I swear.” 
“I love you,” he whispers into your ear as his hands tangle into your hair. You scruff your head onto his shoulders, taking him in, and breathing in his warm scent all around you. 
You both lean out, his forehead on yours, your eyes are closed, you can feel his heartbeat against you, and his breathing increasing slightly. 
One of his hands grasp your neck, you lean up to look at him, his eyes wander your face and land on your lips. Your hands are holding onto his biceps as one of his free arms wraps around your waist, gently and with hesitance. As if he’s scared to touch you. 
“I’ve missed you terribly, my love.” 
You lick your lips, “I missed you more.” You let your gaze stop on his lips, he parts them open, and you both start leaning into each other. 
You met in the middle, your lips centimeters apart, you can smell his mint breathe, and you shiver at being this close to him again. 
“Draco,” you whisper out as you close your eyes, letting your body melt into his, and he pulls you into his space with his arms. 
His lips touch yours gently, you whimper at the feeling as fire erupts in your belly at the contact, goosebumps breaking out over your skin, and your eyes flutter closed. 
You move your arms to wrap around his neck as your lips move against his, it’s as if you’ve never been apart, and you feel fuzzy like you always do when you kiss him. You feel your body already reacting to his touch and you cry out for him. 
Draco’s tongue slowly lines your bottom lip, you part your mouth open for him, and your tongues meet in the middle. You both moan simultaneously, one of his hands gripping your waist, the other on the back of your neck, and you grip your arms together around him. You lean up to kiss him harder and he bites your bottom lip which causes you to whine loudly. 
You pull away from him, his mouth sucking on your lip, and you groan against him. His hands move towards the end of your sweater, you feel him hesitate, and you look at him with a small smile. Feeling your skin flushed. 
“I trust you,” you breathe out, his eyes flutter, and he smiles sweetly at you. He wraps his lips around yours once more, his hands inch underneath your sweater, and your skin feels as if it’s on fire. His big warm hands on your skin making your belly erupt with butterflies. 
“God, I’ve missed your skin.” He starts to kiss down your neck with big open mouthed kisses, leaving love bites down as he goes, his eyes looking up at you with pleasure, and you moan with every kiss. You grind your hips against his, your hands clinging onto his shoulders, and you pull away from him. 
You stand up quickly, pulling him up with you, and you both stand in front of each other. 
You take one step back, letting yourself take him in, the big dent in his slacks making your mouth water, and you reach down to tug off your sweater. 
You throw it to the side, letting him look at your chest, your breasts are covered with a lacy black bra, and you're both breathing heavily. You kick off your boots with ease, he follows your lead by tugging off his sweater, and unbuckling his belt. 
You both hold eye contact as you lower down your skirt and him his slacks. You lick your lips once you see him in only his tight black briefs, your mouth feeling dry when he palms himself to try and relieve the pressure he’s feeling, he hisses at his own touch, you tighten your legs together for a second to slow down the throbbing you feel, and you slide your hands into your sheer leggings. 
You bend down slowly to pull them off your legs and you stand in front of him, holding the lace of your panties in between your fingers. 
Draco's eyes are taking you in, every single inch of you, and you don’t feel insecure under his stare. You missed the way he ate you up with his eyes, he’s biting his lips as his eyes go down to your breasts, your navel, and land on your most private area. 
You feel yourself wet with anticipation and want. 
“Lay down,” Draco orders, chills run down your spine at his tone, and your body follows before your mind can. You lay down on the bed, with your arms underneath you to hold you up, and Draco moves to hover over your body. 
You feel him against your thigh, hard, and you moan when he kisses your neck. 
His arms are caging you underneath him, “Can I touch you, baby?” 
You nod at him as you reach up to kiss his lips, slowly. 
His hand slips underneath your torso, he unclips your bra, you let it fall over your shoulders, pulling it off your chest, and his mouth immediately meets with your already perked nipples. 
You gasp when his warm tongue laps on your nipples, he moves between both of your breasts, his hands cupping each one of them, the moans you let out only fuels him, and he starts moving down your stomach. 
He lets his tongue swirl around your belly, licking your naval, and his hands grip onto your panties. 
He swiftly pulls them down, he sits on his knees with your legs on his shoulders, he pulls off your panties, he kisses the inside of your ankle, and you open your legs for him. 
Your hands grip your breasts as he admires you. You’re soaking and he knows it. 
He watches your glistening pussy underneath him, all for him, he moans at the sight, and curses. 
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he licks up your calf, bitting the inside of your thighs, and you whimper. His eyes are locked on yours, he’s making sure you’re watching him, and you bite your bottom lip when his mouth hovers over your pussy. 
“Dray,” you whisper, hitching your hips to him, and he tsks at you. 
“Always so inpatient,” he says with a chuckle, he lowers himself down flat, and spreads your legs wider. His mouth latches onto you, you moan out loudly when you feel his wet tongue on you, his tongue laying flat on your folds, then flicking up to your clit. 
You gasp sharply, your breathing increasing with pleasure, and you tilt your head back as your hands grasp onto his almost white locks. 
Your hips move with his mouth in sync, he licks and slurps your wetness, your clit throbbing against him, “I’ve missed your taste, princess.” His breaths on you, you move your legs onto his shoulders, and pull him down to you again. 
He continues to eat you up, he slowly lets a finger enter you, you cry out at the sensation, feeling yourself tight around his digit, and he works you open slowly. 
He groans against your pussy as he feels how tight you are around him, he couldn’t believe he had gone so long without you, and he inserts a second finger without warning. 
You gasp again, feeling yourself burning up as he opens you, his fingers curling inside of you is something you hadn’t realized how much you had missed, and Draco starts moving his hips into the mattress. 
Your mouth parts with pants as his fingers find your sweet spot, “Draco!” You breathe out with a moan, his tongue lapping your wetness faster, his lips wrap around your clit, sucking on it, your legs are starting to shake as you near your orgasm, and he increases his speed inside of you. 
His fingers keep fucking into you, his tongue licking you in the right places, and playing with your clit at all the right moments. 
“You’ve always tasted amazing, sweetheart.” Draco quickly says to you before he continues doing what he does best. 
You whine out, hands locked into his hair, your back arching up with pleasure, and he moves his free hand to play with your nipples. You tug onto his locks feeling yourself getting closer and knowing that’s the signal you use to tell him.
Draco moans against your pussy, sending vibrations to your clit, and you feel your lower belly start contracting with your anticipating orgasm. 
You feel tears in the corner of your eyes, your hips grinding against his mouth, and he curls his fingers inside of you one more time. 
“Draco!” You yell out in pleasure as your orgasm takes over you suddenly. His mouth latches onto your clit, sucking on it, your entire body shaking with euphoria, and Draco only slurps up all your wetness. 
Draco moans against your pussy, licking you slowly as you come down, your chest raising up and down to catch your breath, and Draco slowly pulls away from you. His fingers inside of you exit slowly and you bite your lip looking at him. 
Draco’s lips are swollen and puffy, he licks them and sucks his bottom lip, you reach down to him, pulling at him from his arms, and wrapping your lips around his. Moaning as you taste yourself on him. His hand wrapping underneath your neck, pulling your naked body into his, his warm-flushed skin feeling hot against you, and you both lean your foreheads together. 
You look down at his still covered dick and look into his eyes again. He waits for you to say something, his gray eyes looking beautiful, and you reach down to shove off his briefs. 
Draco moves one of his hands to help you, you feel his big dick hit your thighs, and you know he’s absolutely throbbing against you. 
“I can’t wait to feel you,” Draco whispers into your neck as he pumps himself quickly, you spread open your legs, placing your hands on his face, he aligns himself with you, you both stare into each other’s eyes, he rubs his dick up and down your wetness, hitting your clit gently, you moan, and then you feel him at your entrance. 
You’re both breathing deeply, his dick entering your folds, and you bite your lower lip. One of his hands underneath your waist and the other holding your face. It’s as if the world stills around you both. It feels as if it’s just you two at this moment. Just you two in this world and nobody else. 
Draco's eyes never leave yours as he slowly moves himself to enter you, you gasp at the feeling, he moans at your tightness around him, and his tip moves deeper inside of you. Slowly. 
You pull him closer into you, your pussy stretching around him, feeling so full once again, and you cry out to the missed feeling. 
His lips connect on yours passionately, “Always so fucking tight for me.” 
You nod at his words, kissing his lips, clenching around him, his mouth parting open on yours, you both letting out moans against each other’s lips at the pleasure, and he starts moving his hips against yours. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper against his lips, licking the inside of his mouth, rocking your hips against his, your noses nudging together, and he lets out a whimper as he bottoms out inside of you. 
“I’ve missed you so.. so, fuck, so fucking much.” His lips kiss your face, down your chin, and your neck. Leaving sloppy kisses all over you. 
He sucks on your collarbone, leaving more love bites because he knows you love to see them, and you roll your hips against his. 
His tongue swirls around your breasts again, your bodies moving together in sync, sweat already coating your skin, and his thrusting gets deeper inside of you. You feel so full right now. Feeling so full of Draco. 
Tears prick your eyes as you realize you are making love to Draco Malfoy. He’s making love to you. Maybe this isn’t the first time you make love, but it’s the first time you do after confessing your love to each other. 
Draco notices your tears, he kisses them away without pausing his motions, and whispers sweet nothings into your ear. 
“You’re perfect, baby. So fucking good for me. Like always.” 
He praises you, licking your earlobe and sucking on it, you grip the back of his neck as his words consume you, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks slowly. 
You moan out when he wraps one of his arms underneath your waist to hitch you up higher, his angle making his dick go in deeper, and all you feel is bliss. Blissfulness and love all around you. The room smells like vanilla, caramel, and sweet sex. 
His lips wrap around yours once again, your pussy squeezing around him, wanting to make him feel you, and he moans into your mouth. 
Draco swiftly switches your positions as he’s now sitting down on the bed, his legs parted open, you sitting down on him, hovering over his dick, and you align yourself again with him. 
Draco holds your hips with his big hands, looking down at himself as you reach down for him, you hold him steady while you lower yourself down into him. He’s watching himself enter your sweet pussy.
“Fuck,” he whispers at you, admiring the view. 
His hands grip your hips while you take him in, squeezing your walls around him, “Fucking shit.” He curses as he watches you take him in deep. 
You moan out, eyes rolling back at the sensation, setting your hands down on his shoulders to get a good rhythm, his hips moving into yours, and once you both get a good rhythm.. he pulls you into his lips once more. 
You kiss him, mouth open, both moaning together, your hips grinding down on his, feeling him everywhere, he’s filling you up so nicely, your breasts against his chest, his arm wraps around your waist holding you, and his forehead is against yours. 
In this position, you could feel him so deeply. Your walls contracting on his dick with every thrust, his moans as your clench only makes you wetter, and you both cry out at the feeling. 
His free hand moves in between the space of your bodies, his fingers inch towards your clit, and you whimper when you feel him touch your sensitive bud. 
“Draco,” you cry in a whisper, he slowly moves his fingers against you, kissing your neck, and you tilt your head back to let him. 
“Look at me,” he says, your body immediately reacts to his words, and you’re facing him. You look fucked and he loves it. He finds the most pleasure in making you feel this way. He loves it. 
You make eye contact with him, he licks his lips, and you don’t look away. You’re both panting together, bodies moving as if they are one, and you slowly start feeling the orgasm coming again. 
“I’m close,” you whisper, “Are you?” You ask him because you won’t come again until he does. He knows this. 
His hips are still meeting yours, soft and slow, but with so much passion. His dick hitting your soft spot inside of you, getting you closer to your release. 
He nods, kissing you slowly, and he increases his speed on your clit. You both keep staring at each other, panting only getting louder, whines getting closer together, your legs are shaking slightly, his hips are moving faster and sloppier, and you’re waiting for him to reach his orgasm. 
You feel your orgasm at the brink of taking over you when Draco orders, “Come for me.” 
Instincly, both of your hands intertwined together tightly. 
You cry out as your orgasm takes over your body, shaking entirely, his hips moving into you as he releases into your pussy at the same time you do, and you pull him into a kiss to ride out both of your orgasms. 
“I love you,” he whispers into your mouth, his hips still moving underneath you as you both ride out your orgasms, he’s filling you up deep with his cum, and you kiss him harder. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” you repeat into his mouth, tears running down your face, and you feel tears running down his as well. 
“It’s always been you. Always.”
You cry at his words, you both pull away from each other, foreheads leaning together, still connected, and feeling the post-orgasm bliss. 
You look into his eyes, wondering how you could never tell how much he loved you, and you smile at him with tears in your eyes. 
“You’re my best friend,” he admits with a smile. 
He’s so in love with you. 
You cry out a giggle, placing your hands on his face, kissing him slowly, “You’re my best friend.” You never thought you’d be in this situation.
You can feel it all around. All you feel is love. Love between you and Draco. There’s nothing but silence in this room, but you know he feels it too. 
You’re in love with Draco Malfoy. 
And he’s in love with you. 
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babyjakes · 7 months
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a diamond's gotta shine.
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | toys
pairing | soft!daddy!lloyd hansen x little!reader
warnings | ddlg (daddy!lloyd, little!reader.) super soft!daddy!lloyd, just how we like him! butt plug (and me not knowing shit about luxury brands lol.) reader has an oral fixation; sucking and licking. anal prep/fingering/stretching. clit rubbing <3. mostly praise and encouragement. an orgasm as reward, yay!! implied aftercare. err hints at exhibitionism later? idk just to be safe.
word count | 1,425
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an | this wasn't really the plan for this prompt originally, but i woke up today and decided i wanted a fic of lloyd gifting reader a luxury butt plug so we're just rolling with it lol. this one's dedicated to my sweet sweet angel sabby @hansensgirl hope you're well bby, and happy holidays to you!! <33
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"C'mon, princess. Up on my desk."
Lloyd was gently nudging you toward the large surface, which he had suspiciously cleared off from its usual state of mild disarray. You lifted a curious brow at the broad man, earning a pearly grin as he gently stepped in to sweep you up in his arms. Lifting you effortlessly onto the desktop, he set you down with care, as if you were the most delicate and precious thing in the world. He trailed a playful hand up your thigh, fingertips teasing at your skin through the silky fabric of your nylons. "Daddy," you hummed eagerly, letting out a soft squeak as he gently pinched at your tender flesh.
"Panties off, baby. Lay back for me," Lloyd instructed steadily. And he sure as hell didn't have to ask twice.
As you moved quickly to remove and discard your hose and panties, you couldn't help but try to sneak a peek at what your daddy was up to as he made his way to the other side of the desk, opening up a drawer and pulling something out discreetly. He then strode over to one of the couches in the middle of his office, grabbing a few throw pillows before returning to you. "Here you go, angel. Let's get you nice and comfy," he murmured, propping you up with the pillows supporting your back.
"Daddy," you whined again, a hint of neediness now present in your voice. Lloyd smiled as he brought up the gift to finally show you; the contents of his hands made you gasp. A beautiful plug, shiny gold, with a stunning ring of crystals embedded along the base. "Oh Daddy," you breathed, unable to take your eyes off the glittering piece.
"Genuine Winstons," Lloyd told you proudly, taking a small bottle of lube from his pocket and placing it on the desk beside you. "Only the best for my princess, of course."
"So pretty, Daddy," you remained in awe, earning a loving chuckle from the man as he watched you be entranced by the gift.
"I'm glad you think so, sweetheart. Now be a good girl and open up for Daddy, need you to get this nice and wet for me while I'm prepping you." He teased the tip of the plug against your glossy lips, guiding one of your hands up to hold the base. You sucked and licked happily at the metal's impressive curve as Lloyd got to work between your legs.
He parted your feet, bending your knees up to lie at either side of you as your dress slipped up easily in cooperation with his efforts. Pausing, he took a moment to revel in the sight of you. His gaze fell to your perfect folds as they sat before him on display. With a low hum of approval, he brought a gentle hand up to smear your wetness around teasingly. "Look at you, already getting wet for Daddy. That's my good girl," he smiled as he brought a finger down to begin gently prodding at your tighter little hole.
Still working the toy you'd been given between your pouty lips, you let out a whimper at your daddy's tentative nudges. You gasped softly at the feeling of a cold glob of lube being dripped onto you. Heat rose up through your cheeks in slight humiliation as the slippery mess was worked thoroughly over your puckered rosebud. "Okay baby," Lloyd hummed encouragingly, "time to open up this pretty little hole. Are you gonna be good for Daddy and take it?" You offered the sweetest nod you could manage, earning a beaming grin from the mustached man. "Of course you are. My sweet little girl," he crooned lovingly, giving no further warning before starting to push his first digit past your difficult outer ring.
You squirmed gently, big pleading eyes looking up at Lloyd as you let out a weak whine. "Hmmph... Daddy..." your voice wobbled.
The tall man brought his unused arm up to stroke back your hair in a calming manner. Furrowing his brow in gentle concern, he did his best to soothe you. "Shhh, my love," he cooed as his large finger worked up to the first knuckle, then the second, gradually stretching out your sensitive walls. "That's it, see? Nice and gentle. Look so pretty like this, taking Daddy's fingers up your sweet little bottom. My pretty girl," he kissed your forehead, holding you steady as he began introducing a second finger.
It was a slow, steady process; Lloyd knew that it had to be. He rarely played with you like this, mostly due to how much you struggled to take anything up your poor little ass. But he hoped that getting you a toy like this might help you adjust to the unfamiliar sensations; you had discussed prior that you'd like to do some proper anal training and play. Needless to say, you both felt this was the perfect first step in that endeavor.
Once you were comfortably and confidently taking two fingers, Lloyd finally felt ready to transition you over to your shiny new toy. "That's it, sweetheart. Fuck, so perfect for me," he was chuckling as your hips bucked up to meet his hand, his digits driving steadily into you. Much of the initial discomfort was gone, replaced with the most deliciously sinful burn blooming in the base of your tummy. Your eyes were shining with pride as you looked up hopefully at your daddy. Kissing your forehead again, Lloyd nodded as he slowed his fingers to a stop, retrieving the now-soaking plug from your drooling lips.
"Okay princess. Here we go-" You hummed eagerly as the tip of the gold bulb was rubbed up against your slippery opening. Lloyd surprised you a bit by bringing his free hand up to gently dip into your leaking pussy; much to your daddy's delight, you had made quite the mess during his generous preparation period. He dragged his fingertips up further, liberally smearing your glistening arousal over your clit to coax the tiny pearl out from under its protective hood with his expert touch. Your knees were trembling as he began working the nub in steady circles, while finally beginning to ease the large plug up into your awaiting walls.
"O-oh my- Daddy," you mewled as the warm, slick piece of metal stretched you out across its broad curvature. At its widest circumference, the object's insertion was bordering on painful. Lloyd's eyes never left you as he did his best to rub your clit faster, hoping the added stimulation would help ease the burn.
"Almost there baby, almost there," he promised, letting out a breath of relief in tandem with your own as you finally made it past the peak, the rest of the toy slipping perfectly into its place with little effort. As the glittering base nestled itself between your smooth cheeks, Lloyd looked on in pleasure and pride. "There," he hummed lowly, gently giving the center a few taps, earning the sweetest little whimpers from you. "What do you think, angel? Has someone earned an orgasm?"
His pace was quickening over your clit before you could even process his words. Hands flying down to grip the edges of the desk below you, you nodded desperately. "Y-yes Daddy, please Daddy!"
Your daddy smiled as he continued his steady rubbing, finding your sweet spot with ease. It wasn't long before you were reaching up to cling to his sturdy arm, your breaths stuttering as you chased your release. "That's it, baby. Go ahead and come for me. Been such a brave girl for Daddy," the man allowed, nodding as your high ripped through you.
"Daddy, o-oh Daddy! Aahhh-" you cried, the plug lurching within you as your poor little cunt clenched down on nothing. You were carried lovingly through your high, Lloyd's fingers only slowing as your spasms and contractions finally began to cease.
"That's my girl," he murmured gently, reaching up to brush your hair back out of your face as he gave your pussy and puffy button a few playful pats. "Now what d'you say we get you cleaned up, huh princess?" You were too weak to respond, only managing a lazy nod as you slumped against the pillows behind you, struggling to catch your breath.
He moved from your side momentarily to grab a cloth from one of the desk drawers. "Oh, but sweetheart- the toy stays in," he informed you with a wink. "We're having guests over later; Daddy wants his pretty girl to shine."
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ebodebo · 27 days
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summary: alex is your friends-with-benefits, and it’s your cousin's wedding, and you need a date.. (this whole plot was made just so he could eat box)
pairing: alex keller x f!reader
a/n: alex keller is a certified munch and i stand by that. also this wasn’t even supposed to be a whole fleshed out fic, just a little thought buttttt unfortunately i can’t summarize… also the jason todd fic is coming but it is also unfortunate that i’m lazy:) IT WILL COME THOUGH (also i am trying to get through my asks so don’t worry bbs IM GETTING TO WORK) enjoy alex being nasty;) ALSO NEED MORE ALEX APPRECIATION HE'S SO HOT
word count: 2.7k+
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❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
Backyard Barbecue
"Please.." You beg Alex as you sit up in his bed, naked, with his fluffy comforter covering you. He sits on the edge, carefully putting his boot on, with his abdomen bare.
"You know I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't  desperate." You enunciate the last word. He turns to face you. "Desperate. Huh?" He raises a brow and turns back down to lace up his boot.
"Yes." You sigh. "My cousin is younger than me, and she's already getting married." You bring your knees up, so you can rest your head on them. "My aunts are always nagging me about when I'm gonna finally get a boyfriend." You huff out.
"Look, I feel for you—I really do—but they're going to know I'm not your boyfriend," he said, bending up and turning towards you.
"Don't make that face at me." He says, noticing your big puppy-dog eyes and deep frown. "What face?" You murmur, obviously lying.
"You know the face." He leans down to pick up a white shirt and slips it on. You silently curse and crawl your way across the bed to him with the whole comforter wrapped around you.
You rest your chin on his shoulder. "Please.." You purr as you press a kiss to his clothed shoulder.
"Uh-uh." He tuts. "What?" You question as you kiss your way up his neck and gently nibble at his ear. "I'm not-fuck-I'm not falling for that." He protests but makes no real effort to move away.
"Please.." You say again, this time whispering it directly in his ear. He could feel your hot breath, full of need. "Go with me." You leaned more on him, slowly dropping the blanket encasing your naked body so he could feel your nipples graze his shoulder as you leaned to look him in the eye.
He turned to look down at you, now at his eye level. "I'll make it worth your while." You grin, threading your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on the roots.
"Are you trying to barter sex?" He groaned out, a smirk playing on his lips. "Maybe." You play with the hem of the joggers he had on, slipping a finger beneath the waistband.
"God, you're gonna be the death of me." He huffed, roughly gripping your waist and pulling you onto him so you were straddling his lap. You could feel the fabric from his shirt rub against your bare nipples and the fabric from his joggers rub against your cunt.
He gripped you tighter, dragging his hand from your waist to grip your ass. "Uh-uh." You say, gripping his hand on your ass and moving it away. "You don't get to touch if you don't go." You use your hand to tug at his hair again.
"Fuck, fine." He gritts, bringing both hands to grip your ass. 
"Yay! Thank you." You exclaim, sliding off of him.
"Seriously." He huffs as you wonder to pick up your dress and bra off the floor, as you laugh at him. He doesn't stay sour for long as he notices the way your bare ass swings as you pick up your clothes.
"Jesus Christ, sweetheart." He leans forward, elbows on his knees. You pop back up and look at him. "Bad boy." You laugh out. "Quit looking at my ass, and get yours dressed."
"Why?" He sighed as he laid back on the bed. "Because we have to leave in thirty minutes." You casually said as you slipped your dress back on.
"It's today?" He twisted his head to face you, his voice carrying a lethal tone. "Surprise. Get dressed." You harp as you swipe some lipstick over your swollen lips. "God damn it." He grumbled as he begrudgingly got off the bed to head into the bathroom.
❀・。.。* ❀ *。.。·* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *。.
The ride to your cousins felt exhausting and long because Alex kept whining the whole time. Though, you didn't take his complaints too seriously because his hand rested on your thigh the entire drive.
You looked out the window to see the white, bricked, picked-fenced house—the house you had spent so many summers at. 
"We're here!" You chimed as you scooted closer to him to pull up the neck of the tie he pulled down as soon as you put it on him. 
"Was the tie really necessary?" He tilted his head, raising his hand to push a strand of hair away from your face. "I want you to make a good first impression." You gently pat him on the chest. 
"Let's go." You beamed.
You both made your way to the front door, which swung open without you even knocking on it.
"You made it!" Your cousin chimed, bringing you in for a tight hug. She made quick notice of the hunk of a man behind you. "You must be the boyfriend?" She asked, shamelessly looking him up and down.
"Yes, ma'am." He politely said, sticking his hand out.
"Oh, please. We're family!" She quickly brought him in for a hug, and he gave you a "help save me look" and you let out a quiet laugh. She let go. "Well, come on in! Your dad's inside." She stepped aside so you could both come in, but she gently grabbed your wrist and gave you a wink and a thumbs up.
"Nice catch." She whispered, referring to Alex. You let out a little laugh, covering your mouth. She led you both to the kitchen, where the rest of your family was. Alex noticed a familiar man leaning against the counter. He made his way over to him.
"Keller, what the hell are you doing here?" Captain Price questioned as he took a sip of his whiskey.
"I could ask you the same, Captain." He laughed out.
"Well, I'm-" Price begins.
"Dad!" You chimed, making your way over to Price and hugging him tightly. Alex's eyes widened. "Wha- Dad?" You pull away and tug on Alex's arm, so you're side-by-side. "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Alex." You beam as you thread your fingers through his.
"Boyfriend?" Price questions as his eyes dart to Alex's.
"Maybe boyfriend is a... strong word," Alex says, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "We've been dating for five months." You inform your dad, smiling.
"Is that right?" Price's eyes are still on Alex as he slowly sips his drink.
"Yes," you say as you turn to see your cousin struggling to bring in some fruit trays through the front door. "Sorry, let me go help her. Stay here." You say to Alex. His eyes widen, and he tries to grip your hand, but you are already off to the door.
"Keller." Price starts, as Alex turns back towards him. "What the hell are you doing with my daughter?" He gently places his whiskey glass down.
"Look, I didn't even know you had a daughter. You think I would have started dating her if I knew she was yours?" He counters. 
"I would hope not." Price cooly says as he crosses his arms. He notices Alex's pleading expression and decides to cut a little slack—just a little, though.
"Look, I know you're a good guy, and hell, she looks smitten. But that's my baby." Price gestures to her over by the door.
He continues. "If you do anything to hurt her, Keller, I'll-" 
"You'll kill me?" Alex interrupts, causing Price to let out a low chuckle.
"Christ, no. She would never speak to me again." Price leans a little closer to Alex. "But, I do know some guys who would if I asked." He's quick to step away from Alex and chuckle as he sees you approaching. He gives Alex a nod, and he puts on a fake laugh.
"Sounds like you two are getting along." You smile, grabbing Alex's hand. "We're going to go grab some food. You want anything, dad?"
"No, no. Your aunt already made me eat three plates." He pats his bloated stomach. You let out a laugh and drag Alex outside the back door to the burger station.
You assemble your burgers, carefully adding an array of veggies and a slice of cheese. As he puts ketchup on his bun, you turn towards him.
"Are you having fun?" You question shyly. 
"Why're you actin' all shy, sweetheart?"
"Well, you know." He raises a brow. "Because we aren't really da—" You are interrupted by a hand gently moving you aside. "Excuse me," the voice says. "Oh, sorry—Jack!" You smile, raising your arms to bring him in for a hug.
"I was wondering how long it would take ya," Jack said, encasing your body in a hug. It felt strange seeing him after all these years. You never dated, but your parents always joked that you two would get married.
You pulled away and looked at Alex, whose eyes were narrowed and his body visibly stiff. "This is my boyfriend, Alex." You grabbed his hand.
"Boyfriend?" Jack questioned, his eyes drifting to where your hands were connected. 
"That's right. Boyfriend." Alex confirmed, enunciating the last word.
You looked at him and made a confused expression but turned back to Jack. "So, are you having a good time?" You took Alex's cup of iced tea in his hand and sipped some. 
"I'm... ya." Jack's gaze slowly fell to the dip in between your breasts. 
"Eyes up," Alex commands, bringing his hand to rest on the small of your back. Jack immediately raises his eyes to meet Alex's as his face reddens at getting caught. "Sorry. I should. I... okay." Jack steps away from both of you, forgetting his plate with his burger on it on the table.
You turn to Alex with your hands on your hips. "What was that?" You question. "I don't know. Maybe he was busy?" He picks up his burger and takes a bite, playing dumb.
"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Keller." You continue. "I'm talking about you getting all jealous." He swallows. "Me? Jealous? When?" Widening his mouth at the accusation. 
"You so were. Oh my God!" You say, lightly hitting his bicep.
"I wasn't jealous. He was being weird." He explains. 
He pauses for a moment, trying to ease out his next words. "Have you two had sex?"
"What?" You laugh out. "No, Alex, we have not had sex." You grab a napkin off the table. "But, we've... done other stuff."
"Other stuff?" He shifts on his feet. "What other stuff?"
"Like you know.." You trail off.
"No, I don't know." He tilts his head, feeling his body tighten. "Go on." He pushes.
"I can't believe you're making me say it." You look down at the ground briefly. "Fine. Like oral or whatever," You continue before he can speak. "Well, he didn't like going down on me. It was mostly me going down on him."
"You're fucking serious?" He put his burger down on his plate. You nodded, taking another sip of his tea.
"I'm glad you like to though." You smile, drinking more tea. You tilt your head a little, a puzzled expression taking over your face. "You like to, right?"
He laughs. "You don't think I like to?"
"I don't know.." You tug on your bottom lip with your teeth.
He takes another bite of the burger, scanning your needy face and puffy lip tucked between your teeth.
"Where's the bathroom?" He roughly asks after swallowing. You weren't picking up what he was putting down. "It's... ah... to the right of the front door, then your turn to the left."
"Care to help me?" He asks, setting his burger down. He then grabs his tea from your hand and sets it next to his plate.
"Oh.. sure." You smile as you grab his hand and direct him inside.
It was nice everyone had moved outside, so now you and Alex didn't have to worry about anyone hearing you two.
You stepped into the bathroom first, and Alex followed suit, locking the door as soon as he stepped in. He was quick to connect his lips to yours. His hand wandered down your body, stopping just above your ass.
You begin to sink to your knees, but Alex quickly pulls you up and places you on the edge of the sink.
"You don't want me to?" You skeptically question, shifting on the cool porcelain of the sink.
"I only want to taste you." He sinks to his knees and pools up the fabric of your dress so it's gathered around your waist. You eye him and bring your hand to thread through his light hair. 
He places hot, open kisses on your lower thigh, slightly nipping at your skin, causing you to squirm. He continued moving up your thigh, painfully slow. You could feel his facial hair graze you, sending goosebumps across your skin.
"Can you.. can you just.." You threw your head back as he made contact with your upper thigh, grazing your cunt. 
"What was that?" He said, a smirk playing on his lip.
"Can you just.." You tried to gently scoot his head closer to where you ached.
"Talk to me. What do you need?" He gruffly said against your thigh.
"Fuck. I need your tongue." He let out a rough laugh that vibrated throughout your entire body. He leaned in closer and licked a small strip across the outside of your dripping cunt.
"Fuck." You moaned, tightening your grip on his hair.
His tongue was firm but not too firm. It felt just right against you. You craved more. No, you needed more. It was almost as if he read your mind because he slipped his tongue in you so it was grazing your clit.
You buck against his face at the contact. "I swear you're a mind-reader." 
"I know what you like." He gently licks your clit, making you cry out in pleasure.
"We gotta' be a little quiet, baby. You know I like to hear you, but I don't think your family would." He gruffed as he took your clit between in lips and sucked it slowly.
"Alex." You moaned out, leaning your head against the bathroom mirror. 
"Feel good?" He murmured against you as he licked your clit.
You quickly nodded.
"What was that?" He paused his actions, awaiting a response.
"Yes. So good." You whine out, trying to move him back.
"Good." He dipped his head back down and lightly licked your clit, then dragged his tongue along your inner lips, earning sweet moans from you. He moved back to your clit and drew soft circles on it. Once your legs began to shake, he knew you were close.
"I'm so-" You began, voice gravely.
"I know." He finished as he started to increase his pace. He kept it consistent as your moans became more frequent and your body pulsed.
He reached his arm up to gently caress your inner thigh, squeezing and kneading the fat of it, just how you like him to. You felt your stomach tighten, and the pleasure clouding your mind as your arousal covered his tongue.
He hadn't stopped his pace until he knew you were down from your high, standing up and letting you lean on him. 
You pulled back a little to look up at him. "I know you didn't want to come to this. But I'm really glad you did." You smile, gripping his arm.
"You're just saying that because I gave you an orgasm." He laughs, gently rubbing your cheek with his hand.
"No. I'm serious." You laugh. "I know you don't want to label this, but-"
"I want you to be my girlfriend." He says, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Really?" Your eyes widened in surprise. "What changed?"
"Just came to my senses." He confessed. "And the thought of you with any other guy doesn't make me so happy." He smiled.
You smile back at him before your eyes widen again. "You'll have to meet my uncles. Don't worry, they're great." You say as you grip his shoulder to slip off the sink. 
"They work with my dad." You confirm as he fixes your dress.
"Oh, maybe I know them. What are their names?" He casually questions. 
"Simon, Johnny, and Kyle." Your eyes beam. "They're the best!"
"I'm so fucked." He sighs. 
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
taglist: @artemis-b-writes @yuenity @sceletaflores @starsofang
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bas-writes · 2 months
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morning after ↬ nanami kento, higuruma hiromi, kusakabe atsuya & gender neutral reader
a/n: debuting post for the monday afterhours, yay! i'm really excited to start, especially with the topic that's been at the back of my head for a while. i love casual intimacy and i love giving touch starved men the oh moment of their life cw: suggestive themes, implied bottom reader word count: 2.3k
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Nanami is not used to noise and smells in the kitchen so early in the morning. Such disruption of his routine would bother his mood under other circumstances—but now, with the soft sound of your bare feet at the other side of his apartment, it feels only right. Familiar, he would even say, despite the atmosphere of a special occasion lingering in the air.
When was the last time he made breakfast from scratch, he wonders when the door of his bathroom closes behind you. Normally, he would be still asleep at this hour; his alarm would go off in thirty minutes, he would take a necessarily short and cool shower, check emails in case of an emergency, and then head to the 7/11 on the corner, to eat a humble meal of a pre-made sandwich and a cup of coffee from the machine, maybe an onigiri too, if he felt particularly greedy. Today, he barely slept and rose with a crack of the dawn—yet he felt the most relaxed since what seems to be ages to him. He still had the taste of you lingering on his tongue after the night, and decided to savor it until the flavor of cooking he had to test on the way would eventually wash it away. Scratched marks on his shoulders and back stung when he leaned to check what he had in the fridge. His hips, unlearned of moves he had been using on you since you had devoured the takeaway dinner together, ached as he tiptoed to reach the rice cooker, left dusty on one of the highest shelves. His eyes kept the afterimage of your blissed out face over the selection of vegetables and spices he chose for this meal.
When was the last time he was so peaceful?
Nanami finishes cutting the fresh cucumber and tsukemono, pours water into mugs with instant miso soup inside, and finally checks on the rice. It's warm and fluffy, just waiting to be put into the bowls he prepared—the cutest he had, with a long-tailed tit pattern. He brought them from Hokkaido and didn't use them even once, until he spotted them today and decided you would love them.
Rice has to wait; he can't let it grow cold like the sheets you two left behind are undeniably growing. First, he checks on the piece of salmon—a luxury that waited for a day when he could cook again—getting ready in the oven, then cracks a few eggs and beats them well with a pinch of salt and pepper. His stomach growls when they hiss on the red-hot pan—and he can't help but wonder if you're as hungry as him. Things you had in your mouth through the night couldn't feed you, as your corny, vulgar jokes suggested. Nanami rarely smiles but the memory of them and the startled look you gave him as you worried if you hadn't been too much for him has him grinning for a short moment.
When was the last time he felt strain in the corners of his lips?
The omelet is ready in no time. Nanami knows how you like your eggs, but he can't remember how and when he learned about it. He's sipped many details like this from your lips, through the whole year of waiting for the day you crossed the threshold of his bedroom. He was feeding on crumbs for so long... Being full out of the sudden fills his heart with content and anxiety at the same time. He wants to savor this moment, afraid to stomp on the thin shell of happiness too strong, but he knows he's already too addicted to stop. Whatever happens, happens.
And the food can wait only as long. He can't feed you a cold meal.
The hum of the shower ceases shortly after he takes the salmon out of the oven. Nanami listens to the commotion in the bathroom while he finishes the last cuts. Bowls are filled with steaming rice, plates and mugs find their right place on the table. He hasn't cleaned the kitchen—but even if he could do it quickly before you join him, he can't bring himself to disturb this disarray. It looks—it feels—so good to have his place messy at least once, at least today, at least for the first hour you spend together after the night of passionate lovemaking.
His hands still remember the shape of your hips, he realizes when you appear at the entrance, fresh yet still sleepy—and smiling bright at the sight of him by the table.
Nanami doesn't want to ever forget it.
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Out of the first mornings Higuruma experienced, this one is not the most...extraordinary. But he definitely would place it somewhere at the top of the list.
Seated on the edge of the bathtub, head leaned down, he still feels drowsy. The night was deliciously long and so worth the lingering fatigue in his muscles. He hasn't worked that hard in a while—well, physically at least—and he's undeniably going to pay the price with the top soreness of the last decade. He's more than okay with it...as long as you're not going to ask him for the repetition within the next few days. He's crazy for you—but he's not twenty anymore, and his job squeezes much more energy from him than he would have sacrificed, if he had any choice in this matter. 
Speaking of squeezing—he barely managed to find time to bring you home, for dinner and a movie you didn't even start watching, hungry for something else than a story. And he did so only by nipping time off somewhere else—and by paying the carrying charge now, in his bathroom, awaiting the blind judgment of your skill...or the lack of it, to be honest. He has no idea if you've ever done a haircut before.
But you seem at least familiar with it enough to know how to hold and turn the hair clipper around. Higuruma watches you from the corner of his eye: you're right behind him, scrunching your nose as you're studying the shape of the device and options the various buttons provided. Bare-chested, wearing your pajama shorts only, you secure the towel wrapped around your head with the other hand. It's on the verge of falling apart, some of your hair already got out. He feels an urge to get up and help you tuck it where it should stay but just thinking about feeling it pushes blood where he really doesn't want it, if he wants to leave for work on time. He had his share of touch a few hours ago, stroking and playing with your locks as you had your sweet lips wrapped around his cock.
He's ruined the position when trying to take a better look, so you gently nudge him to lean fully again, a brush of your warm palm enough to have hair on his forearms standing. He had your hands all over him for hours, pulling him close, securing him next to you when you both finally collapsed into well-deserved sleep, so he could swear he's learned your touch enough. 
But now...it's different.
You run fingers through the hair at the back of his head, testing the line you want to cut—and Higuruma is melting. He has to clench hands on the edge of the bathtub to stay collected; the last thing he wants is to get scolded and deprived of your digits slowly threading through his locks. You mumble something about being jealous of how thick they are and something about how badly he needs this cut—but all he can think of is how your voice is so raspy after moaning out his name over and over again. He wonders how your mewls would sound with this tone but thoughts evaporate from his head as soon as they've appeared, this time with the steady buzz of the clipper.
So the sound can be ticklish, such a weird sensation...
You're quick and as precise as only you can be at six in the morning, scrunched over his back in a rather tight space. You cut his hair just enough to keep him somewhat tidy for the few days before he can see an actual hair stylist; there's no time for more and Higuruma doesn't want to make it too much of a struggle for you. Even if it was his own request, he immediately regrets it when you're finished with brushing the cut dust off his neck and shoulders. It's such a pity you have to abandon him and rush with your own preparations. If only you had more time...
Right as he's straightening his back, you touch him with both hands, fingertips scratching lightly at the freshly shaved part of his head, right at the point where it meets his neck. Warmth explodes in his chest—and Higuruma lets out a low, needy growl. It's good, so good, oh gods, just touch him more, just do it one more time, he hasn't had anything like this for so long...
Humming, you move towards the longer strands, then down the sides of his face until you're cradling it between your palms. You tilt his head back and pull him close, until he rests it against your exposed, warm belly. Dry sob shakes his whole body and tears prick at the corners of his eyes—but Higuruma can't bring himself to close them or at least to look away. He's begging for your attention like starved and he's not ashamed.
All he wants is for you to never let go of him.
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Holy shit.
Kusakabe didn't get a wink of sleep through the whole night—and the fact that he doesn't have anything to do for the day to come doesn't help the case. He always had problems with falling asleep after sex, but he thought the long break since the last time and, well, the overall busy period in his life would crumble this irritating habit by sheer force of exhaustion. He's as good at taking an accurate measure when it comes to love as he is with dozing off, it seems.
You're sprawled by his side, lying face down and on his arm, butt-naked with the exception of the blanket loosely wrapped around your leg and covering half of your ass. You've taken his share of sleep since you collapsed as soon as he rolled to his side and reached for wipes to clean you both, much to his amusement—and horror once he realized he was sentenced to his thoughts alone for the hours to come. Your smell, soft, twangy breathing, and warmth is just helping them race now. Your weight, pressed tight from his wrist to shoulder, keeps him in place too, cutting any attempt of shameful retreat short. It's nothing he wouldn't be able to move, he's carried you around not once and not twice and it meant nothing to his strength, but he dreads to wake you up.
You deserve that rest after taking his pent up tension over and over again. And he really has no idea what to say to sound appropriate.
Good morning? Good job? Did you sleep well? I love you?
Kusakabe groans and does another trip around the room with his eyes only. The more light sips through the loosely drawn curtains, the more details he could pick up, and shame already pricks at his cheeks. He couldn't remember the last time he cleaned around properly but even if he had it squeaky clean for the night, the area just screamed: a confirmed bachelor. Well, at least there's no trash lying on the floor or furniture, but he could easily pick up the smell of cigarettes and a badly aired room. None of it mattered when you tussled in darkness, sucking sloppy kisses from each other's lips and peeling clothes off your bodies. But once you wake up and take a look around—Nope, he doesn't want to think about it. That's a problem for Kusakabe from in-a-few-hours-future.
He rolls head to the other side, ashamed to even look at your sound asleep body, and stares right at his shirt, casually thrown over the bed stand. He doesn't have to look at it to know it definitely has its best days behind it. He could at least wear something presentable when seeing you for that unplanned job, hasn't he learned anything from his past relationships? Maybe he did, but it was so long ago he wasn't sure anymore if his sloppiness was ever addressed. His chain-smoking, however, is a different story.
Holy shit, he really needs to smoke.
Kusakabe knows there's a spare cigarette and a small pack of matches hidden in the little pocket of his shirt, this very shirt within his reach. Carefully, he scoots to the side and reaches for it, fingers already brushing the sleeve, just an inch more, just a little...
You mumble his name and shift, sheets rustling around your legs. Kusakabe freezes, sure he's finally done it and woke you up, but you just adjust your position, face turned to him, and continue with your softest snores. You're all messy and exhausted, in need of a shower even more than his room is in need of tidying. With amused relief pushing his worries out of his mind, he reaches out and gently strokes your hair.
You repeat his name, with a mewl dangerously close to what you screamed into his ear a few hours ago.
Out of the sudden, the thought of smoking by your side has him disgusted. You're going to wake up to this mess, to crumbled sheets and clothes all over the place and dying plants and papers lying on the floor in piles—and he wants to add smoke right into your eyes? You deserve better than that. You deserve him to be better than that.
Hell, he's been thinking about it for a while anyway. Maybe if he remembers your face from now, so calm and smiling through your dreams, it will be easier for him to finally quit.
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thank you so much for reading ❤ i'll be really happy, if you reblog it and/or leave some feedback! you can read more of my jjk fics here.
tag list: @lale-txt @mirkaaaluv @ohnococo @clumsyraccoon @honey-deku
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chunghasweetie · 1 month
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— pairing | collegestudent!oc x collegestudent!pjm
— summary | friend of taehyung and jungkook’s ends up spending more time
with you than he thought he would.
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
forced proximity, unprotected sex, play fight, light dirty talk, semi public sex, exposed
— word count | 3.3k words
— song suggestion | closer — jihyo
“Alright. Meet up on Saturday right?” Jungkook asked the girls. “Maybe we should go bowling this time.”
“No way. Let’s go shopping again.” Jeonghwa shook her head.
“We just did that today!” Taehyung argued.
“Omg so what? We had fun didn’t we?” Hani shook her head. “It’s not our fault you have to carry the bags. It’s called being a gentleman.”
“Fuck that.” Jungkook shook his head. “We want to go bowling. Even Y/n wants to go!”
“I do.” She spoke up. “Come on. They have good food there too and we can drink. It’ll be fun.”
“You guys should be like Y/n. She always has the best ideas.” Taehyung nodded, making the other two girls roll their eyes.
This was their friend group. Three girls being Hani, Y/n, and Jeonghwa whereas the two boys were Taehyung and Jungkook.
It was their senior year of college and the two had been friends since their high school years. They considered themselves family at that point.
They went out all the time, even with no location in mind.
“Okay fine. We’ll go to stupid bowling.” Jeonghwa agreed, earning a ‘yes’ sound from Jungkook.
“Yay!” Taehyung cheered. “It’ll be fun I promise.”
Y/n was at the bowling alley with her friends finally after a long week of studying.
“Oh look how pretty you guys look!” Taehyung announced as they all got out of the car together. “And here I was thinking this was a regular hang out.”
“You just have hot friends.” Hani replied.
“Eh, I’ve seen better.” Jungkook mumbled, earning a punch on the arm from Jeonghwa.
“Okay! You guys look cool I guess.” He shook his head, rubbing his arm as the group walked in.
“Oh shit. Jungkook we forgot to tell them.” Taehyung cursed.
“Tell them what?” Jungkook blinked. “Oh yeah, we wanted it to be an even 3v3 so we invited Jimin.”
“That’s fine with us.” Jeonghwa shrugged. “Whatever makes you guys feel better about losing.”
Jimin hung out with the group occasionally. He transferred to their college about a year ago.
He was closer with Jungkook and Taehyung and everyone else. Everytime he was hanging out with them, Y/n seemed to be busy that day so they didn’t ever really cross paths besides a ‘hello’ here and there.
“Like we’re gonna lose.” Taehyung nudged Jungkook before making eye contact with Jimin so was by the shoe rack.
“Yo Jimin!” Hani’s outgoing voice announced, “We’re here!”
It was hard not to notice the group of adults acting like children, pushing each other and bickering on the way in.
Jimin flashed an inviting smile as they made their way over to him.
“Jiminnn” Jungkook cooed, “You cameee”
“Why wouldn’t I? I like hanging out with you guys.” He laughed. “Oh and Taehyung texted like 16 times asking if I was still coming.”
“Goddamnit Taehyung.” Hani glared at him. “That’s why he only hangs out with us ever so often. You’re a fucking weirdo.”
“Dude he likes it. He sent me a heart emoji” Taehyung made a heart shape with his fingers, making everyone gag.
“Yeah because that’s not creepy.” Jeonghwa rolled her eyes. “Jimin do you already have your shoes?”
He nodded. “Nah. I wanted to wait for you guys.” He told her.
The group ordered their shoes to enjoy while they played.
“Aren’t you scared to drink Jeonghwa?” Y/n asked. “You got shit faced last time.”
“Yeah. You fucking threw up all in my car.” Jungkook groaned, reminiscing the brutal moment of his car seats covered in bile.
“Whatever. It’ll be fine this time!” Jeonghwa slipped on her bowling shoes.
“Who has my shoes?” Y/n looked over, not able to find her pair.
“Oh my bad.” Jimin handed her shoes to her, “Wasn’t really thinking, my bad.” He apologized.
“You’re good. I just thought Hani stole them.” Y/n chuckled.
He stared at her as he handed them back, analyzing the girl in front of him.
The two hardly ever interacted up close. Barely ever spoke full sentences to one another.
“Jimin! Y/n! Go get us drinks and snacks yeah?” Jungkook ordered.

The two looked at Jungkook then back at one another, “Oh okay.” Y/n replied.
“What do you think they’ll want?” Jimin walked with her to the snack bar.
“No idea. I’m just ordering what I would get myself.” Y/n shrugged. “Beer and chicken sound okay?”
Jimin nodded in agreement. “That sounds fine to me.” He ordered for them, getting his card out.
“You don’t have to get that. You’re a guest.” Y/n stopped him. “I got it.”
“Not a guest. You’re just never here when I’m around.” Jimin tapped his card on the reader, buying for the group. “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t think that’s fair but— Thanks.” She gave in, not wanting to argue to pay since it was already over and done with.
“Let’s start playing.” Jimin and Y/n came back to the group. “We can take a break to eat once the food gets here.”
The group bowled over and over, doing absolutely terrible.
Everyone was trying to show off for each other but it wasn’t going well.
Hani, Taehyung, and Jeonghwa were incredibly drunk towards the end of the game. They could hardly roll the bowling ball.
“D-Did I win?” Jeonghwa hiccuped.
“Oh my gosh.” Jungkook groaned in irritation, knowing it wasn’t the best idea to get stupidly drunk at the bowling alley.
“Jiminie will you drive us home?” Hani tried to act cute, but ended up looking like a drunken mess. “Pleaseeee”
Y/n looked over to him. “If you could…”
Jungkook drove them all there so at least one of them had to stay sober.
She wasn’t drunk like the rest of them but she was a bit tipsy. She didn’t feel comfy with driving.
After a long exercise of trying to take off their bowling shoes and replace them, the group finally made it to the car.
“Not enough room— Let me sit on your lap.” Jeonghwa whined, sitting on Jungkook’s lap. who happily agreed.
Y/n was buckling up in the front seat.
“You probably don’t want to ever take us out again.”
“No, I like this.” He chuckled. “It’s funny.”
“Are you saying that just because?”
“No.” Jimin began driving Jungkook’s car. “It’s refreshing. Yeah it’s sticky and gross but you guys are actually cool people to be around.”
“I don’t see how you feel that way, but that’s sweet.”
His heart dropped at her reply, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
He wasn’t ill, but he definitely didn’t feel good. Maybe anxious, or some sort of nervous sweat.
How strange.
They pulled up to Y/n’s apartment. The two worked together to get the drunken adults in the car and into the guest rooms in Y/n’s extra bedroom.
“They’re kinda cramped in there.” He eyes the adults.
“Does it matter?” Y/n spoke. “They’ll figure it out.”
“Guess so.”
“Did you want to spend the night too?” She offered. “Your cars still over there. He just take you in the morning to get it.”
“You sure?”
She nodded. “Of course. The least I can do for you helping put up with them.”
“That would be nice yeah.” He smiled. “Are you going to sleep right now?”
“Nah, I’m wide awake honestly.” She shrugged. “Recently I haven’t been sleeping until damn near 4.”
“Same here. Don’t know what it is.” He replied.
“Oh sorry. Jungkook and Taehyung actually have some clothes if you want to borrow them.” She suddenly remembered.
“Yeah I’ll take them. I feel sweaty and gross.” He made a sour face.
“Go shower.” Y/n grabbed him some clothes for him to wear.
“Thank you so much.” He smirked. “You’re actually a really good host.”
“Yeah, that’s only for tonight only. Every time after this you’re on your own.”
“You think I’ll be over again? Nice to know you’ve thought that far ahead about me.” He tilted his head.
“Well— I don’t know. Just go shower.” She shooed him.
She was warming up to him. He could feel it.
He took the clothes and went over to her bathroom.
As he got in her shower he couldn’t help but have a stupid grin on his face, thinking of how cute she looked when he spoke.
He couldn’t help but be nosy. He examined her shower, looking at all the products she had.
“So many vanilla scents.” He mumbled to himself.
He barely knew anything about her. Everything he knew was simply an assumption.
The two spoke rarely ever and a lot of the knowledge he had came from being one of her followers on social media. He wasn’t sure she even followed him back.
Her friends spoke about her a lot. Telling him all sorts of adventures they had.
Her friends cared about her a lot, all four of them spoke so well about her.
It made him grow curious about her.
He finished up his shower, getting out and drying himself off.
He changed into the clothes she provided him.
He smelt just like her. The clothes he was wearing and the scents from the body wash he used.
He didn’t mind at all, he felt so comfortable and relaxed.
He got out of the bathroom, walking out to the living room where Y/n was on the couch.
“Feel better?” She looked over at him.
Her voice was like honey to his ears, even if before it was a few sentences here and there.
He nodded. “Much better. You have so many options to clean my body with.”
“I love vanilla scented anything. So I stocked up.” She laughed. “The boys hate it. They don’t understand how I’d want to smell like something edible.”
“I love it.” Jimin took a seat next to her.
“Oh it smells good.” She got a whiff of him once he sat down on the couch. “I must smell so good.”
“You do. I took a sniff earlier.” He joked.
“Cause that doesn’t sound creepy.” Y/n laughed.
“You’re such a hater.” He shook his head. “It was a compliment.”
“Creepy ass way of complimenting someone.” She giggled.
“Yeah, whatever.” She mocked him, “I’m gonna watch something.”
“Oh you’re gonna hang out with me on the couch?”
“You sound so excited.” She teased him. “You thought I’d go to my room and shut the door?”
“Something like that.” He shrugged. “We’re not too close so I figured you’d avoid me.”
“Why would I do that?” She furrowed her eyebrows. “You’re everyone else’s friend. Shouldn’t I get familiar with you too?”
“That’s true.” He agreed.
“Want to build a fort?” She blurted out randomly.
“You can’t be serious. At your big age?” He snapped his head in her direction.
“I’m up, you’re up. Wouldn’t it look suspicious if me and you are on the couch together when they wake up?”
Her logic didn’t make much sense. It’s more difficult to explain the fort.
But who was he to say no to a pretty girl asking him to build a fort?
“Okay fine.”
“This looks so bad.”
“Well they have all my blankets. What do you expect?”
It was a very sad attempt at a fort. With about 3 blankets a few chairs holding it up, it was the saddest fort she’d made in a while.
“You sounded like you knew what you were doing. I just went along with it.” He shook his head, turning her TV to face the entrance.
“It’s called fake it till you make it.” She told him, tossing some pillows inside. “Clearly that didn’t work out in this case.”
“I think it’s sorta cute. Especially with these pink girlie blankets.” He crawled inside with her, his legs almost sticking out.
“In its own way— sorta.” She agreed, climbing next to him.
“And you said this was better than being seen on the couch.” Jimin mumbled.
They were even closer than they were on the couch.
Their legs were touching and they were forced to be close to one another.
“Mm yeah. But it’s cuter like this no?”
“For us maybe. For them we just look like freaky losers.” Jimin joked, making her laugh.
“Yeah I guess that’s true.” She put on a movie for the two to watch.
The two cuddled under the blanket, finding themselves oddly comfortable with one another.
Jimin kept sneaking glances at Y/n.
She was prettier up close.
And she was actually funny, hilarious even.

The camera didn’t do her enough justice. Sure, she was beautiful on screen but damn she looked even better in real life.
She was cute. Her little giggles made him smile and he was more drawn to her with each sentence.
The two talked for hours, watching multiple movies under the fort together.
He felt like he really got to know her good. The forced proximity made it much easier for him to communicate with her.
She was able to know Jimin for Jimin. Not just her friend’s friend.
She wished she had been around a bit more.
It would be a lie to say she didn’t check him out multiple times during their talks.
She instantly felt comfortable with him, just like how she was with Jungkook and Taehyung.
Except in a slightly different way.
“Damn I wish I went that night. That’s so funny” Y/n’s cheeks hurt from giggling.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked her.
“Studying. Always.” She sighed.
“You can take more study breaks. You’re taking one now aren’t you?”
“I mean yeah.”
“And it feels good huh? Don’t stress yourself out too much or you’re gonna crash out.” He scolded her.
“Yeah okay dad.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
“Awe, why not daddy?”
“You’re gonna make me throw up.” She fake gagged.
“Whatever. You’re no fun.” He pouted cutely.
“Oh I’m plenty fun.”
“Sure you are.”
“I am!” She argued.
“Oh you must be. Cooped up in the house all day and then going out with your friends ever so often to do what? More studying?” He cocked his eyebrow. “So much fun.”
He got here there, making her grumble. “Whatever.”
“Awe her feelings are hurt.” He baby talked her. “Come here baby Y/n.” He opened his arms up to her.
She fell into his embrace, pretending to be hurt.
“Poor Y/n.” He leaned closer, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair out of her face.
She looked up before meeting his eyes with hers.
The two remained eye contact with each other for a minute.
He holds her gaze, his heart pounding in his chest as he feels the tension building between the two.
He leans in closer, his breath hitching as he feels her breath against his lips.
The two naturally collided into a sweet kiss. He closes his eyes as he feels her lips against his, a surge of emotion coursing through him.
His arms wrap around her waist as he deepens the kiss, feeling lost in the moment.
When he finally pulls away, she looks at him. “Jungkook is gonna kill me.” She chuckled.
Jimin couldn’t help but smile into their next kiss before the kiss deepens once again.
His hands wander up her back, pulling her closer to him. He breaks the kiss again, his forehead resting against hers as he catches his breath.
“Goddamn that’s addicting.” Jimin kissed her again, getting rougher with his mouth.
The kisses were now wet and sloppy, demanding more and more.
His tongue slipped into her mouth as he explored every inch of it. His hands wandered down to her ass, squeezing it tightly as he grinds against her.
She could feel herself growing wet from just his kisses alone, whining into his mouth.
He can feel her liquid arousal and it only makes him want her more.
“Fuck, I’m wet.” She whined into his mouth.
He growls, his lips trailing down to her neck as he begins to nibble and suck on it.
He can feel her growing wetter and it only makes him harder. He reaches down, his hand slipping into her pants as he begins to rub her clit.
She knew she had to be quiet because her friends were in the other room but she couldn’t help herself. “J-Jimin.” She whimpered.
He smirks against her neck, his fingers moving faster against her clit. He can hear the desperation in her voice and he loves every second of it.
He sucks on her neck harder, leaving a few marks as he continues to pleasure her. "Shh, we can’t have them wake up? Specially not to their precious Y/n whining like that. Filthy girl.”
His fingers moved faster, feeling how wet and ready she was. He groans, his own desire growing with every whimper and moan that escaped her lips.
"You like that, baby? You like it when I make you cum?" He whispers, his lips trailing down to her ear.
“Mhm.. so good.” She tried her best to stay decently quiet, enough for only Jimin to hear.
He shivers at the feeling of her warm breath against his ear. He can feel his desire building up.
He knows he needs to be inside her soon. "I need to fuck you, baby. I need to feel you around me now already."
He knows he should stop now, but he also knows he won't be able to control himself once he gets inside her.
“Are you on anything? I don’t have a condom” He looked down at her as he laid her on her back.
“On the pill.” She replied, a hint of whining in the tone of her voice.
He slid her panties to the side. He was almost in shambles once he seen her glistening pussy in front of him.
"Fuck... I'll pull out, okay? I need to be inside you." He slid his boxers down. “Can’t wait for this pretty pussy.”
He positions himself at her entrance, his eyes locked onto hers. He can feel the heat radiating off her and it's driving him crazy.
He slowly starts to push inside of her, his breath hitching as he feels her tight walls gripping him. "Fuck... you feel so good Y/n"
He groans at the feeling of her squeezing around him. He starts to move his hips, thrusting in and out of her. "You feel so fucking good, baby. I won't last long."
Took them this long to finally meet, this was definitely the best introduction.
Her pussy was so wet and warm, inviting him in instantly the second he slid inside of her.
Their skin slapping sounds echoed through the living room. It didn’t help that Jimin was picking up the pace.
“Fuck— We’re gonna make them wake up.” She mumbled against his ear, almost dying trying to stay silent.
He smirks against her neck as he continues to thrust into her, the feeling of being so close to the edge only turning him on more.
"It's so hot, knowing we could get caught. You're so fucking hot for this, Y/n.” He leaned forward, kissing on her neck some more.
“Using every excuse in the book not to meet me. Always studying.” He continued. “Now look at you.” He chuckled.
His words went in her ears and straight to her pussy, making her whine.
He groans and thrusts deeper, his hips snapping harder as he feels her start to tremble beneath him. "That's it, Y/n. Cum for me. I want to feel you cum all over my cock."
“Fuck I’m cumming.” She whined out his name multiple times before the two both reached their high.
Jimin pulled out, cumming on her stomach.
“Shit.” He cursed, instantly cleaning her up.
“Wow.” She panted. “That was something.”
“Yeah. I would stay home too if my pussy was that good.” Jimin added, cleaning her up.
“That good?” She rose her eyebrow. Jimin looked up at her seriously.
“That good.”
“Fuck it.” Y/n looked out the window. She could see the sun rise.
“One more round before they get up?”
163 notes · View notes
eddieschains · 9 months
Dirty Little Secret
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a/n: i’ve had this idea in my head for literal months and i finally decided to write it so yay 🤭also this is barely proofread oops
Word Count: 1.7k
TW// 18+, masturbation (m and f receiving), sex toys, daddy kink, degradation, voyeurism, cum play, cum eating, let me know if i missed anything !!
You and Eddie didn’t keep secrets. At least that’s what he thought. You never kept anything big from him, just the little things that might’ve embarrassed you. There was really only one secret you kept from him, and that was your… collection. Your toy collection, that was. Of course you and Eddie had a healthy sex life, an abundant one at that. But, letting him know the things you do to yourself in your alone time? No way were you letting that cat out of the bag.
You kept them all hidden away in a little box in the back of your closet. A place Eddie would never think to look. Until today, that was. He had let himself in your house as he waited for you to get home from work. It was normal for both of you to let yourselves in each other's homes, even if the other one wasn’t there.
Eddie made himself at home in your bedroom, getting comfy on the mattress as he passed the time by writing out his next campaign. As time passes, the nighttime chill starts to creep in through the window. There’s still a couple more hours until you come home from work, so Eddie decides to look in the closet for an extra blanket to keep himself warm until you get home.
He gets up from his place on the bed, walking over to the closet to grab a blanket from the top shelf. As he grabs a hold of it, a little brown box nearly falls with it. He quickly catches it and goes to put it back before glancing inside. His eyes grow wide as they’re met with multiple little vibrators, and most importantly, a large pink dildo. It’s just about the same size as him, and had looked to be used quite recently.
“Dirty girl…” He whispers to himself as he adjusts himself in his jeans. The thought of you being so needy without him you just had to fuck yourself, had him hard as a rock already. He absentmindedly starts to palm himself through his jeans as he stares at the colorful toy, your arousal still lingering on the tip.
He unbuckles his belt and pushes his pants down to his ankles, his boxers following suit. He keeps the dildo tight in his hand as he spits in his other. He brings it down to his cock, twisting his hand around it to lube it up just the way he likes it.
He keeps his eyes on the not so little pink toy in his hand, imagining you spread wide on your bed burying it inside of your wet cunt as he quickly begins stroking his cock. He doesn’t take his time one bit, as he’s gotten himself so worked up just with his imagination his cock is nearly crying out to him to spew his hot cum all over his hand.
“Such a filthy fucking whore, aren’t you? Fucking yourself to the thought of me, hmm?” He whispers to himself, the wet shlick sound of his wet cock pumping into his hand filling his senses. It’s not long before he starts twitching in the palm of his hand. His legs begin shaking slightly as he speeds up, stroking his length and rubbing his palm around the tip once he reaches it.
He lets out a guttural moan with every stroke of his hand until he can’t take it anymore. He can’t find the strength to stand up anymore, so he falls back onto the mattress, pumping his cock at lightning speed while he holds the dildo in front of it.
He throws his head back as he loses control of his body, and is soon cumming all over the bed, coating the dildo with his seed as well. He keeps his eyes closed and his head thrown back as he catches his breath, still slowly stroking himself to milk his cock for all it’s worth. He was so focused on reaching his high that he didn’t even hear you come home.
You stand in the doorway of your bedroom in shock as you watch his chest heave up and down, before he finally opens his eyes and they land on you. He flinches slightly, not expecting you to be standing in front of him, before his face turns into a lustful smirk.
“There’s my dirty girl.” He says lowly, finally removing his hand from his cock. He notices your eyes are widened, and your mouth is agape, mortification spreading over your entire body. “Aw, is my pretty girl embarrassed? Embarrassed that daddy found your special toys? Embarrassed that now I know how fucking dirty you really are?”
Your mouth closes and opens quickly, wanting to speak up but not being able to find the words. Goosebumps rush across your arms as you stand still in utter shock. Eddie holds the dildo up, admiring the cum dripping down it as he brings his attention back to you.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and join daddy on the bed, huh?” He slams the mattress with his empty hand as you slowly walk to that side of the bed. “C’mon don’t be nervous, honey. You trust me, right?” You nod quickly, sitting on the bed next to him. You did trust him, that wasn’t the issue. You were just genuinely so embarrassed you barely knew what to do with yourself.
He places his hand on your thigh, hiking your dress up just enough to show the slightest bit of your flower print panties. “You know… thinking about you fucking yourself with this…” He flails the cum soaked dildo in front of you, some of his seed dripping on to your thigh. “I really think I need to see it in person. My imagination only does so much.” He smirks.
You feel yourself grow wetter with each touch of his hand and each word that comes out of his mouth. You squeeze your thighs together while keeping your eyes on his, earning a soft chuckle from him. He pulls your dress up higher and begins to ghost his fingers across your clothed pussy, making you shiver.
He rubs his fingers around your clit through your panties, groaning as he can feel your arousal seep through. He slides your underwear to the side, slipping a finger inside of you with ease as you let out a soft whimper. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking the soft skin as he pumps his finger in and out of you, soon adding a second one with just as much ease as the first.
He continues fucking you with his fingers, keeping a quick yet steady pace. He moans into your neck while nibbling the skin in between his teeth, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. “I think you know what I need you to do now.” He whispers, pulling your panties down your thighs as he taps the head of the plastic cock on your clit.
“Hmp, okay.” You grunt, keeping your eyes closed as you ride out the bliss from his previous attack with his fingers. You open your eyes once you come back to reality as he holds the dildo out for you. You hold it in your hand and rub it through your wet folds as Eddie watches.
You close your eyes once again, spreading your legs wider as you slowly begin to push the toy inside of you. Your breath hitches in your throat as you insert more and more until it’s buried inside of your cunt. You close your walls around the toy, keeping it in place for a moment as you get used to the feeling.
Eddie places his hand on your thigh, rubbing softly while he moans as he watches you slip the dildo inside of yourself. Once you adjust to the feeling, you start pumping it in and out of you, your breathing getting heavier with each thrust.
“That’s it baby. Fuck my cum into you. Wanna see it drip down your pretty little legs.” Eddie coos, going back to kissing up and down your neck which only makes the pleasure intensify. You already feel yourself getting close after only a mere few minutes of fucking yourself. Eddie’s previous finger fucking probably helped with that.
You bring your spare hand down to rub your clit to speed up the process, making Eddie moan loudly in your ear. “God, you’re so fucking sexy you know that? Watching you fuck yourself full of my cum… jesus I could cum again just looking at it.” He bites down on your shoulder, making you moan in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
“This… this is the craziest, fuck, craziest thing I’ve ever done.” You breathe out, throwing your head back as you speed up pumping yourself full of Eddie. He sucks on your skin harder as he can tell you’re getting close.
“That’s it baby, cum for me. Let me see you cum for daddy.” He squeezes his hand tighter on your thigh. You look down to see his cum mixed with your own arousal dripping down on the mattress which is just enough to push you over the edge.
“Oh my- FUCK!” Your legs shake as you squeeze around the toy, moaning loudly with your head thrown back. You keep fucking yourself through your orgasm as Eddie attaches his lips to yours.
“That’s my girl. My dirty little girl.” He whispers into your mouth. You keep your eyes closed in bliss while you try to regulate your breathing. You slowly pull the dildo out of you and chuckle as you look at it covered in both of your guys’ cum.
“Uh, I’m gonna go clean this up.” You giggle as you move to get up from the bed. Eddie stops you and wraps his wrist around yours, taking the toy from your hand.
“I can do that for you.” He smirks as he wraps his mouth around the toy, sucking every last drop from it. “Mm, tastes good.” He smiles.
“Oh my- jesus christ, Eddie.” You scoff. “Who’s the dirty one now?” You playfully slap his chest and climb on top of him, attacking his face with kisses.
“Listen, you’re the one keeping all your little trinkets a secret from me. Which we will also have to use at some point.” He laughs, tickling your sides. He looks over to the spot on the bed covered in your arousal and smirks before looking back at you. “Now that, we will have to clean up.”
1K notes · View notes
✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 2: NCT bias wrecker - Jaehyun✨️
In the a.m.
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AN: I was originally planning to post another fic today but, it got too frustrating so, I scrapped it for another day. Fortunately, my brain seems to have plenty of ideas when it comes to Jaehyun. Also, yay to the first NCT fic on the blog :D
Synopsis: Some harmless scrolling on Instagram takes a turn you could've never seen coming.
Heads up: Jeong Jaehyun x Fem! Reader, friends to lovers, Reader going through it because of her feelings for Jaehyun, Reader mentions wanting Jaehyun to choke her one time, Jaehyun being a little shit, mentions of facesitting, dirty talk, video call sex, guided masturbation of sorts (f. receiving), mutual masturbation, praise kink (f. receiving) and Jaehyun calls Reader pet names a lot throughout this.
Word count: 2989
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You don't expect much when you open Instagram.
It's been a relatively uneventful Tuesday night, all things considered. Your laptop sits on your desk, reminding you that you very much have work you should be attending to, but you try your best not to pay it any mind.
Your mindless scrolling comes to a halt when you notice a post from Jaehyun.
It's honestly embarrassing how much just seeing him affects you. Your heart stuttering in your chest as you take in his carefully dishevelled, dark hair and his handsome, almost apathetic expression. You're probably reading more into a singular picture than strictly necessary, but the way his face is angled makes it look like he's looking down at you, and that only causes you to spiral further. Insides squirming violently.
It definitely doesn't help that you wish his hand was around your throat inside of his phone, too.
You're honestly just speechless. You knew you were really looking for ways to procrastinate if you resorted to Instagram of all platforms but, it's a blessing in disguise since you were graced with this.
However, because you're an idiot and you weren't careful, you like the post without thinking. A post he made months ago.
Would it be too much to hope for the Earth to open up right now and swallow you whole?
Panic takes over then. Maybe you could just uninstall Instagram, and he wouldn't notice or get the notification. Maybe you could just unlike it really quickly and he'd never even know-
Luck is not on your side, however, because you notice a message from Jaehyun, and you've never wanted to cease to exist more than right now.
Maybe you could just pretend you magically passed out seconds after liking his post. That wouldn't seem too suspicious, would it?
However, because you're still an idiot and a curious one at that, you open his message.
Jae💕: See something you like?
The fucking nerve of this man. You resent the way your body betrays you. Your face heating up considerably as you just try to comprehend what the fuck is happening. Is he...flirting with you? It wouldn't be the first time. Jaehyun enjoys flustering you, and it works more often than you care to admit. However, flirting with you when you're pretty sure it's around 3 a.m. in Tokyo seems like a little much, even for him.
You: Shouldn't you be asleep? Isn't it like 3.am. there?
Jae💕: Couldn't sleep. Then I got the notification that you liked my post. Isn't it pretty late over there too?
You groan into your pillow. Jaehyun doesn't need to know about you lusting after him so late at night.
You: Yeah, I was doing some work but, I'm pretty much finished for the night.
Jae💕: And you were thinking about me after finishing your work? I'm flattered, baby
Jaehyun has called you baby before. It's nothing new. Honestly, the pet name would make you cringe if anyone else was saying it, but, as you're coming to discover, apparently anything and everything he says and does renders you a flustered mess.
You: No! I was just scrolling, and I accidentally liked it. Don't flatter yourself
Jae💕: Sounds like denial to me~
You: You're so annoying 🙄
What you don't anticipate, on this already fever dream of a night, is for your phone screen to light up with his name. You only hesitate for a few moments before answering.
"I'm annoying, huh? That hurts my feelings," he teases. You can hear the smile in his voice, and the mental image of his dimples hits you like a truck. Though he said he couldn't sleep, his voice sounds gravelly and, you feel yourself squirm instinctively.
"Something tells me your feelings aren't all that hurt," you retort, hoping against hope he doesn't notice the breathy edge to your voice. Talking to Jaehyun always left you feeling a little lightheaded.
"Now you're calling me a liar too? I was being serious earlier. I am extremely flattered that I was running through that pretty mind of yours,"
Yeah, you're definitely going to uninstall Instagram after tonight. You don't even want to begin to unpack him calling anything about you pretty.
With a heavy sigh, you respond, "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Nope," and he has the nerve to chuckle.
"You really are so annoying. You're lucky I like you and you're cute,"
You were wrong. Now, you've never wanted to cease to exist more. Why in the fuck would you ever say that? Especially tonight? Yeah, sure, some harmless flirting isn't out of the norm between the two of you, but tonight feels decidedly...different. You can't help but feel you're treading a very dangerous line here.
You're half-tempted to just hang up before he responds, "You like me and think I'm cute, huh? If you wanted to ask me out, you could've just said that."
"That's not- I wasn't trying to- I didn't mean to say that,"
"You don't have to get all shy, baby. If anything, the feelings are very much mutual,"
That stops all your higher order functions all together momentarily. What. Jaehyun likes you? Is this actually happening?
"W-what?" Your brain intelligible supplies.
"You really think I just call everyone baby and flirt with them. I'm a little surprised it took you so long to catch on,"
Now that you think about it, he has always treated you...differently compared to your other friends. Johnny and Mark had teased you about it from time to time, but you always thought they were just being little shits. Guess you should learn to take your friends' word more seriously moving forward.
"You could've just been direct with me,"
"Where's the fun in that?" He laughs, but his tone shifts to a more serious one, "I wasn't sure if you felt the same way. I know I joke, and I tease, but you-you mean a lot to me, and I didn't want to jeopardise the friendship we had. I was content to have you in any way you wanted me, even if it was just as your friend."
You were reeling. You couldn't respond to him even if you wanted to for a few seconds. Your brain trying to pull itself together enough to say something.
"You know, this isn't how I was expecting my Tuesday night to go,"
His laugh is warm and throaty and quiet, and all the months of pining finally boil over.
"In case it's unclear, I like you too. Like a lot. Um, yeah,"
"Well that's a relief. I was worried there for a sec," god, you wish you could see his face. You know he's probably grinning ear to ear. Well, you could...
"Could we video call instead?"
"Sure but, do you mind me asking why?"
"I want to see your face,"
You're sure that'll inflate his ego for weeks to come, but you can't bring yourself to care.
You're already proven correct when you see him with the world's largest shit-eating grin and the butterflies in your stomach flutter more violently.
His hair is even more dishevelled than in the picture, and you can see his sleeping shirt cling to his shoulders in a way that heats the blood in your veins.
"Here I am, baby. It's nice to see you too, if I'm being honest," it only hits you when his usually mischievous eyes are heavy with something else entirely as he takes in the sight of you on his screen what you're wearing.
"You're such a perv. I was trying to be sweet,"
"I'm being sweet too! I just have eyes. Also, I saw that look in your eyes. Don't play coy with me,"
"I have no idea what you're talking about,"
"Really?" His grin takes on a more sinister edge, "because I definitely noticed you looking like you wanted to sit on my face as soon as I popped up on your screen."
You're sure you look stupid with how you're gapping at him. Too stunned to speak and your body, once again, betrays you when you feel yourself clench at his words.
He's not wrong but, he doesn't need to just say it like that.
"You can't just say stuff like that, Jaehyun," you whine, and you see his eyes flash so briefly you're wondering if you imagined it.
"Why not? We both know it's true. It's just unfortunate that I'm not there right now to give you what you so obviously want," he drawls, lidded eyes dropping to take in as much of your generous cleavage as he can.
The butterflies shift lower.
"You'd let me sit on your face?" Maybe you're finally learning to just embrace the unexpectedness of this night. You two like and obviously want each other. Fuck it.
He chuckles again, but his voice is already a few octaves deeper, and you feel yourself growing slick. Thighs rubbing together in a way you hope is some level of unnoticeable.
"Happily. I'd do a lot of things to you if you'd let me,"
You're finding it really hard to think straight right now.
"Really? Like what?" You're too far gone for him to even feel ashamed how delicate your voice already sounds.
"And you were calling me a perv earlier," You're not sure if you want to punch him for attractive that arrogant, dimpled smirk of his is or kiss him. God, you really wish he was here too.
He continues before you can butt in, "Well, I'd take my time with you." Your blood feels molten as his lidded gaze takes in every detail of your face, stopping briefly to stare at your lips, "I'd kiss you until your lips were bruised and all you could think about was me."
This time, Jaehyun notices you squirming, and he pounces.
"Aw, is my poor baby already getting all hot and bothered just from me talking about kissing you and letting you sit on my face?"
A desperate whine tumbles out of your mouth before you can help yourself. Between him calling you his fucking baby constantly, what he'd do to you and the gravelly quality of his voice, it's no wonder you can feel yourself begin to leak onto your panties.
"I asked you a question, baby," his tone is still mostly playful, but you can hear the command clear as day.
"That's a good girl. Why don't you show me just how hot you are for me?"
Honestly, you should probably feel some semblance of hesitance, but the exhilaration that comes with his praise would likely make you do anything.
You angle your phone as best as you can, the low light of your bedside lamp illuminating the visible wet spot on your panties.
"Fuck, baby," he groans and your pride swells at seeing him just as affected by all of this as you are.
"Can you show me how you touch yourself?"
Your unoccupied hand flies to your panties without much thought, ready to slip a few fingers past the waistband-
"Wait, don't touch yourself directly yet. Touch yourself over your panties,"
"But Jaehyun," you whine, sounding a little pathetic to your own ears, "I'm so wet, and it aches."
He shuts his eyes for a few moments, jaw clenching as he tries to find his words.
"I can't wait to get my hands on you," he mutters, but you don't think he meant to verbalise that particular thought. Either way, the feeling is very much mutual.
"I know, baby, but if you're good for me, I'll reward you, okay?"
You nod almost frantically, and he tuts in response, "Words, baby. Don't make me remind you again."
"Good. Now I want you to touch yourself how you usually would, but over your panties,"
You do as he says. Drawing slow circles against your clit. The brushes of the fabric of your panties and the pressure from your fingers making your eyes flutter. More and more of your wetness drips out of you, making your panties stick to you. Your hips jolt up into your touch sporadically, quiet moans falling from your lips.
"You look so pretty playing with your pussy for me, princess," Jaehyun breathes, his own hand slinking down his body.
You keen at the praise. Adding more pressure to your ministrations against your sensitive clit, "Jae-Jaehyun ah please. I'm so - it's so -" you whimper, your train of thought leaving you with each brush.
"I know, baby. I know. You're doing so well," groans, his heavy gaze intently focused on the mess you're making between your thighs. His cock throbbing in the confines of his boxers with every twitch of your hips and quiver of your thighs.
"Can I see you too?" You ask, clamping down hard around nothing when you notice his arm moving. Putting two and two together and coming to the realisation that he's palming himself.
"Well, since you've been doing so well. I suppose you deserve some kind of reward," he says after some faux deliberation. Angling his phone downwards. Your thighs squeeze your hand hard, never feeling excruciatingly empty as you take in the way his cock strains against his boxers.
Considering the menace he's been all night, you expect him to tease you. Touch himself over his boxers until you're begging to see him properly. However, Jaehyun loves to keep you on your toes.
The air is knocked out of your lungs when he haphazardly tugs his boxers down. His cock smacks against his toned abdomen, flushed and hard and looking good enough to make saliva pool in your mouth.
"Too bad you're not here to sit on it but, I guess we'll have to make do for now, princess,"
Jaehyun is trying to kill you. That's what this is. An elaborate plot to stop your heart right here and now.
"Jaehyun, please. Can I touch myself pr-properly please? I've been so good. Please," you whimper. Slick walls throbbing incessantly when you notice his cock twitch in his grasp.
"I don't know, baby. How badly do you want to?"
"So badly. Please, please, please, I'll do whatever you say. Whatever you want,"
His eyes glint at that, and nervousness and anticipation course through your veins. Maybe he was more calculating than you gave him credit for.
"Since you ask so nicely, go ahead. Take your panties off for me, and let me see you play with yourself properly,"
In a likely incredibly ungraceful display, you impatiently tug your panties off with one hand. Tossing them aside and shoving your hand back between your thighs. Your eyes shutting when your fingers finally come into contact with your poor clit. Whimpers and curses and moans of his name falling from your lips with every circle.
"Fuck, you look so fucking pretty, princess," he groans and, you open your eyes to look at your screen. Fresh wetness gushes out of you when you realise that he's stroking himself. His tip now broaching into an angry red territory, and he's slick with pre-cum.
"I wish you were here," you whine out, increasing the pace of your fingers in time with each stroke of Jaehyun's hand. The obscene sounds emanating from your phone's speaker going straight to clit.
His chuckle is even more gravelly than before, "Me too, princess. Watching you like this...fuck. You're driving me insane," he mutters, hips jolting up to fuck into his fist. You've never envied a hand more than in this moment.
"Th-the feeling is mutual. I'm so-so ah,"
"Are you close, baby?"
"Ye-yes," you whimper, your toes beginning to curl, and the knot that's settled in your core tightening more and more and more.
The moan that falls from his lips is low and drawn out. His hand picking up its pace considerably as he watches you begin to fall apart on your hand.
"You're going to be a good girl and cum for me, right?" Oh god. The whine that's ripped from your throat is desperate and pitchy, your wetness drips down your thighs and begins to pool onto your sheets.
All your brain can manage is a jumbled mess of what you think is his name and 'please' and choked noises of pleasure. You're so close you can practically taste it.
You're distracted from your encroaching release when you hear Jaehyun's own sounds of pleasure. It takes a considerable amount of effort to open your eyes and, you're glad you do.
You open your eyes just in time to watch Jaehyun cum. His cum spurting onto his toned abdomen, parts of his thighs and all over his pretty hand. Strained, breathy gasps flooding your ears and the soft blush on his face, all combining to send you over the edge.
You try your best to muffle your cries as your hips twitch away from your hand. Insides spasming sporadically and even more wetness gushing out of you. Smearing your thighs and adding to the mess on your sheets.
It takes you both very long moments to regain your higher order functions. The stickiness underneath you and between your thighs quickly becoming uncomfortable but, you can't bring yourself to care right now.
"This is probably the most unconventional way anyone's ever confessed to me and asked me out,"
The laugh he gives you makes the butterflies roar once more. Considering you just watched each other cum, you suppose you have no real reason to be shy anymore.
"It's definitely the most unconventional way I've asked someone out. Luckily, the Japanese leg of our tour ends in about a week, so I can take you out properly then,"
"A whole week huh," you pout.
"Unfortunately, princess. Hey, I'm not opposed to more calls like this until we're able to meet in person," he responds with a wolfish grin.
You resent the way your still sensitive walls clench at the suggestion.
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saerins · 4 months
PREV: #002 PLAYING DOMINO 𖧧 #003 THE FIRST RIPPLE 𖧧 NEXT: #004 THIS SPARK, IS IT REAL? ꒰ series masterlist ꒱
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — ever since the first meeting, you’ve proven to be an anomaly. and yet again, sae finds himself out of character, doing things he didn’t think he would.
content: itoshi sae x female reader. angst/fluff, profanity, physical/verbal abuse, violence, mentions of infidelity, broken homes, unrequited love, manipulation/gaslighting. word count: 6.7k
༝༚༝༚ more yn and sae for this chapter yay !! ty to all of you who are reading this heh mwah you guys are my motivation <3 let’s hope i keep this pace up so some of you can get the tea faster :p
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somehow, the fact that you’d managed to help land an interview with itoshi sae has given you some perks at work. (you’d let sumi take the credit for it, but considering your voice is on the recording, it was hard to deny your involvement.) the best of it all? sumi’s right; mr tatsuji is so absolutely pleased that he barely bothers to visit your department to chide any of you.
that way, at least if your personal life is a mess, your career is not. (for now.)
after three days of staying over at eita’s, you’re finally lugging your feet back home today. besides, he has a date and you’re not about to play third wheel when he inevitably comes home with her.
that’s otoya eita for you.
he insisted that it’s fine and if he really wanted to get some that he’d bring her to a hotel, but you’d really rather not get used to putting up at someone else’s house. especially when, technically, you do have a place to stay.
as you unwillingly (and slowly, painachingly) trudge back to your apartment, you can’t help but revisit your messages with sae. ever since you told him you’d let him follow you if he made a private account, he hasn’t responded since.
were you just in over your head? maybe he was just bored and was passing time by texting you. maybe he didn’t really mean it. maybe someone else took his phone and texted you just to make fun of you. 
time to time, you still think of the night you met, how his eyes fluttered close, how he stayed rooted in position, how you would’ve actually done it out of curiosity if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a public place with cameras littering every few inches of space.
you sigh, locking your phone and tossing it back in your purse. in the end, maybe itoshi sae really is just someone for you to admire from afar. maybe that’s for the best; you can’t imagine how it’d even feel like dating someone who has such a big spotlight cast on him.
the evening air is chilly, the lights of the nearby shopping mall a warm golden, the sea of people walking past you soon to drown out. if you didn’t know better, you’d think you’re living a privileged life—being able to live in such a nice district, with a better-than-average apartment that had been fully paid for since you were born. and if life had been kind to you, then maybe you’d like living at home more than you do now.
but as it is, going home only serves as a reminder to all your problems. unescapable, unavoidable, unbearable. and maybe it’s not such a good move for you to depend on eita a lot to be your escape, to help you forget about all of it, at least when you’re with him, but you can’t help it. escapism feels nice. it’s nice to be around someone who knows about it and still accepts you, even though you and him don’t see eye to eye about it most of the time. 
your stomach’s growling, and the macarons at the bakery’s display that you walk past are both nostalgic and tempting. but you can’t afford that.
something as simple as a box of macarons.
hang in there for the long term, you tell yourself. one day, you’ll get everything back. 
not ten minutes later, you’re at your own doorstep, hesitating to even enter. through the door you can hear the sound of the television. it’s loud and playing some drama that always airs at this timing. you’ve heard the same voices so many times before.
it’s funny to think that these sounds used to feel like home to you.
either way, you have to get this over and done with, so you slot your key in and walk through the door, carefully toeing off your shoes as though being quiet would make you escape her notice.
“and where did you go off to the last few days? can’t even come home and be a dutiful daughter and eat with her own mother?”
it hasn’t even been five seconds. 
all that ever awaits you at home now is the vile spit of your mother’s. it’s laughable because all she says is nonsense. you haven’t eaten on the same table together in years, even if you have been living under the same roof.
some part of you can’t help but be defiant. you know it’s a bad idea, but she’s out of line, and yet you’re still helping her. and you can’t figure out why.
“how about you be a dutiful mother and stop spending all your daughter’s money and go find a job?”
there’s a sharp sound that bounces off the walls of the living room quicker than you can expect it, and it takes you five seconds and the sting on your cheek to realise your mother had just slapped you with all her might.
not an ounce of hesitation or regret. there is only fury in her eyes as she looks down at you, summoning every bit of disdain she can muster. 
of course, how could you forget? this is what you get for talking back to her. it’s been a while since she’d last laid a hand on you, so maybe you’d gotten cocky, thinking she wouldn’t do it again.
“is this all you’re good for? you’re not using that filthy mouth to jack people off so you’re using it to spite me?”
there’s a lot you want to say.
you want to talk back to her again, to say that she’s the useless one out of the two of you. the one who doesn’t work yet gambles all day. the one who spent all the savings and insurance money so she’s fully depending on you month to month.
you want to tell her that you’re not some whore who goes around fucking everyone you see. she always hated eita, but that’s because he knows she’s no good. that’s also why you never tell him if she lays her hand on you. you don’t want to get them into any altercations. you also want to tell her eita’s taken better care of you than she ever has, and you don’t even have to jack him off for it.
but you stay silent.
because silence is the most comfortable you can get with her. no matter what you say or do, it will never suffice for her. she wants money, and she’s only angry because you haven’t been home to give it to her. it’s why you lock your own door every time you head out or go to sleep. you don’t want to find your own belongings gone by the time you’re back. neither do you want to find her snooping around your room in the middle of the night.
both of which have happened before.
taking advantage of your shock, she yanks your purse out of your hand, fishing for your wallet and grabbing all the cash she can find before tossing it back to you.
there’s no mercy in her eyes as she glares at her own daughter, the one she carried herself in her womb for nine whole months and once sworn to love. and now she blames the same little girl for ruining her body and refuses to take responsibility for her.
“listen, be a good girl and just give me what i ask for okay?” her tone is nothing but condescending and threatening. “if you’d just behave yourself, i wouldn’t have to do shit like that. think a little, would you?”
the demon that is your mother speaks as if you’re in the wrong, sighing to herself as she lights a cigarette and walks away, stuffing your hard-earned money in her purse before making for her room and slamming the door as she completely disposes of you for the day. she already got what she wanted, after all.
utterly defeated, you completely forget about your hunger, retreating into your room, locking the door behind you and falling to the floor. your vision blurs and your cheek still stings. you wonder if it’ll leave a mark like it did the last time.
your phone vibrates once.
blurry vision aside, you can tell it’s eita from the name alone. his talk to me if you need anything, okay? is bright on your phone screen, the only light in this room because you don’t have the energy to turn on the lights. you’re not feeling exceptionally hopeful today. the dark seems just right.
you’re thankful that you have a friend like him. you probably don’t deserve how nice he is to you. but you don’t want to talk to him. you don’t think you want to talk to anyone.
maybe just one person.
but he’s six foot under and inaccessible to you.
you’re not sure when you made it onto your bed—your head’s a mess. it always is when you speak to her. that’s why you scream into the pillow, willing your energy away, trying to drown your thoughts with your voice, dreaming of the day you can break free from this cycle.
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thunder, pitter patter, raindrops against the windowsill.
the lightning helps you make out the time from the clock on the wall above your door. 
1am. your lips are chapped and the tears are dry against your cheeks. you’d subconsciously slept on the right side, your left still aching from earlier.
slowly, you get up, legs crossed and sitting on your bed, your earlier distress dissipated just slightly, mind a little clearer. (and always questionable.) your phone’s dead and you honestly don’t really care—what you do care about is your stomach’s incessant growling.
it wouldn’t take a genius to know that your mother cleared out all the food in the kitchen. it looked barren earlier from what you could see, maybe just a couple slices of bread and some condiments. you wouldn’t want to start cooking in the middle of the night either, lest she wakes up and you have even more to deal with.
the rain starts to lighten up by the time you’re out of the house, comfortable in your oversized windbreaker. you walk slowly, your slides already soaked from walking in the rain. it’s a nice cooling temperature, the wind in your face making you feel refreshed, like everything that’s horrible could be just a dream.
if only.
a light ten-minute walk later, you’re browsing through the aisles of the convenience store, wondering which brand of processed food is worthy to be your dinner. you hover between the cup noodles on the shelves and the sandwiches in the chiller, taking your time because home is not a place you’re exactly aching to go back to.
can you even call it a home at this point?
eventually, you waltz out of there with a warm tub of noodles, palms relishing in its warmth and your nose inhaling every last bit of its aroma.
dinner could be better, but you suppose you can’t complain when you’re trying your best to save up. after all, it’ll be a pain if your mother figures out the stash of savings you’re hiding. the last thing you want is for her to steal that away from you. then how would you ever move out on your own?
shaking your head as you settle down on a park bench on the opposite side of the road, you decide to throw those thoughts aside for now. it’s not a current problem that you need to mull over right now and destroy your mood. no, right now, what you need is just a peaceful night.
what’s past (earlier) is past.
even though it’s easier said than done when your tears start flowing one by one, and suddenly these noodles are saltier than you remember.
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“sure you can’t come?”
sae looks at bianca through the passenger side window, her pout ever present. “nah, i’m tired. besides, if i oversleep who’s gonna drive you to the airport, huh?”
bianca grins at him, seemingly pacified. she reaches a hand into the car, perfectly manicured nails in full view before she clenches it into a fist, holding just a pinky out. “promise you’ll see me off tomorrow?”
there’s something between the lines that sae doesn’t get, nor is he sure he wants to. in all honesty, he’s not even sure why a promise is wanted here but he sticks out his pinky all the same anyway, because he’s pretty sure he won’t miss the alarm when it rings.
“yay, see you!”
“see you,” sae echoes as she bounds towards her friend’s place, ready for a last night of catching up over a game of cards before she flies back to america. as she disappears from his view, he wonders why she even tried to invite him in the first place. they’re her friends, he’s not really needed there anyway.
tuning out of those thoughts, sae drives off, already planning the remainder of the night. it’s 1am, and it’ll be near two by the time he makes it back to his apartment. that leaves him around a six hour sleep before he has to get up and send bianca off.
now that he’s thinking about it, since when has it become routine for him to send her off every time?
before he can even gather his thoughts about it, he steps on the brakes abruptly, wondering what the hell is wrong with some people to not be looking at both sides of the road before they cross, nearly pressing on the honk before something tells him not to. it’s distracting; the fact that the passing silhouette looks familiar and yet not at all.
against his better judgement, he pulls over by the side of the road, deciding to trust his gut. it’s late at night and there’s no reason for it but is that really you sitting on a park bench eating cup noodles past one in the morning? alone?
sae steps out of the car, mask on, pulling his hat down and his hoodie over his head to conceal himself, though some might argue he looks like he’s about to kidnap someone like this. he’s painfully aware this is dumb, and there’s no point to this, because what if it is you? it’s not like he has any reason to talk to you.
he stops midway, checking his phone and scrolling to your messages, his okay still sitting in the text box, unsent. fuck, he didn’t even realise until now. it didn’t help that he had a hectic schedule back to back for the past few days either. he never got around to creating that private account. he’ll just have to do it later.
a fleeting thought comes to him, wondering if you thought he was just pulling your leg about wanting to follow you. sure seems like it to him.
but he continues walking towards that park bench, towards that girl he thinks might be you, without knowing whatsoever what his next move will be. all he knows is that if that really is you, he’d rather say hello than say nothing at all.
even if it means making a detour that would undoubtedly make him endlessly tired the next day. for some reason.
and call him crazy, but as he draws closer, even without seeing your face, he knows it’s you somehow.
there’s something off about you, he doesn’t know what it is yet, but he can feel it. maybe he’ll find out. maybe he’ll try.
“hey, rude girl.”
just by the way your body stiffens up, he knows you recognise his voice. you choke on your noodles, coughing a little and rubbing your face before you whip your head upwards to face him, your eyes going wide with surprise.
“itoshi sae?”
why doesn’t he like it when you call him by his full name? it sounds weird, but he keeps his mouth shut.
“what are you doing here? do you live in the area?” you ask, setting your almost-empty cup of noodle on the bench. your voice is a little hoarse than he remembers, and your eyes are slightly puffy. there’s a faint swollenness on your left cheek, something he can see you’re desperately trying to hide behind your hair. it’s not really working.
he shakes his head, hands in his jacket pocket. “no, i was just dropping my friend off.” his eyes shift from you to the noodles. “supper?”
sae notices your eyebrow twitch ever so slightly, your nostrils flaring a little before you grin at him. “yeah, i missed lunch so this is me making up for it,” you giggle, offering a thumbs up.
is it bad to say he doesn’t believe you? you’re alone in the middle of the night on a park bench eating instant noodles with a slightly swollen cheek. yet you’re in front of him acting like nothing’s wrong.
this is already far from what he’d usually do. if you were anyone else, he would’ve just drove past and forgotten in a few days that he ever saw them. but as it is, here he is, standing in front of you, car parked illegally by the curb, just to verify that it really is you for no apparent reason.
still, he’s glad he did. you look like you’ve gotten a year’s worth of bad news judging by the state you’re in. and sae usually doesn’t cater to people, expects people to tell him what they need, not make him guess, but he’s already guessing what you might need.
your stomach is still growling, though you’re trying to hide it by slumping on the bench, arms over your stomach. sae has no idea why you feel like you have to hide, or who probably slapped you in the first place, but he finds himself disposing of your noodles before he’s grabbing you gently by the hand, tugging you along with him.
“hey, uh, where are we going?”
despite your shallow hesitation, sae feels your fingers curl around his palm. his heart skips a beat. he stops in his tracks, turning back around to face you. there’s an inexplicable emotion stirring inside him when he looks into your eyes.
his free hand comes up to remove his cap, putting it over your head and pushing it down to fit better. he doesn’t have a mask for you, but it’ll do. something tells him you don’t really want other people to see your face right now. and while the circumstances are different, he supposes he understands how it feels.
maybe you think he’s doing this because he’d rather not be papped with a girl, rather not have any more dating rumours. he’ll let you keep thinking that. he’ll keep acting like he doesn’t see the wound you’re desperately trying to hide.
for now.
“i’m hungry, eat with me,” is all he tells you before he resumes dragging you along behind him, calloused hands wrapping over your own.
sae’s not hungry in the least. he’d eaten probably three meals worth of food with bianca before this since she’d dragged him to a korean barbecue joint.
but you’re hungry. you’re starving and you’re not acting like it and you don’t say a thing about it—he doesn’t really get you.
he wants to.
maybe that’s why he’s doing all this. maybe that’s why he lets you in his car, drives to an izakaya he knows all too well. maybe that’s why he keeps stealing glances at you in the car, and maybe that’s why he feels a little warm inside when he catches you smiling to yourself.
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as you sit silently beside him as he drives, your fingers fiddle nervously with each other. never did you think that you’d end up in sae’s luxurious car tonight of all nights. as if it wasn’t apparent enough before, after seeing his car, this definitely looks like a life that’s far beyond your reach.
you wonder if sae is the type of person who likes cars. it’s never indicated anywhere if he is. you recognise the brand; you don’t know the exact model but it’s a maserati, wrapped a matte black, at that. the interior leather seats are comfortable, and his air freshener smells nice.
on top of that, he’s driving you to someplace because he’s hungry too. talk about luck and coincidence.
you were thinking of just taking a short walk before going back home, but you’d take his invitation over that any day. you’re not sure where he’s taking you, but your feet are tapping in anticipation, though you hope it’s not anywhere expensive because you’re definitely not dressed the part.
beside you, sae’s not exactly dressed in anything fancy, but with looks like that? he would look expensive dressed in anything.
“quit staring,” sae mumbles, and you hurriedly avert your gaze, embarrassed at getting caught although you snicker a little when you catch the hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks. “what are you laughing at?”
you try to suppress a grin, biting on your lower lip. “you’re not as uncaring as the internet makes you seem,” you ponder out loud.
sae accepts your train of thought. he’s well aware that’s how he comes off in real life too. “and?” it’s a red light so he stops the car, turning his head to look straight at you.
is he asking you what you think of him?
you feel your heart skip a beat. he’s pretty, and he’s staring at you with those clear teal eyes of his and it makes you want to drown in them for some reason. he’s not as unfeeling as he comes across, and for him to bother taking you with him just to eat must mean you don’t fall into the category of people he finds to be just a waste of time. 
you want to know what this is.
“i don’t know, you’re like a cat,” you shrug, reverting back to your unserious self. “but i’ll let you know again once i get to know you better, itoshi sae.”
he looks away, the green light barely seeping through his windows. he doesn’t understand. “if you even get that far, that is.” (he likes how you already assume you’ll get to know him more. are you looking to spend more time with him?) 
you grin, making an internal bet with yourself. “just you wait,” you tell him, confident in your abilities. “i have a habit of growing on people.”
(sae chuckles internally, because he doesn’t doubt you. you already are.)
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“are you sure this place is open?” you ask, discreetly tapping lightly on your cheeks, deciding that maybe you look just fine now. and it doesn’t seem like there’s a soul here anyway.
once sae parks his car into the lot, you take his cap off and look around, the sleek stand-alone three-storey building looking completely closed on the outside. there’s no other cars parked here—surely they’re not still open?
sae takes his keys out of the ignition, stuffing it into his jacket pocket. he looks nonchalant for the most part. “don’t worry, i know the owner, let’s go.”
you shrug to yourself, placing his cap neatly on the dashboard before getting up. he waits and observes as you get out of his car, making sure you’re beside him before he starts walking towards the restaurant. you notice him matching your pace, with you shamelessly adjusting it just to check.
before he enters through the doors, he looks at you, “there’s no one else around. just the owner’s nephew who’ll be cooking for us.”
the shopkeeper’s bell chimes as he makes his way inside, holding the door for you, and you wordlessly enter, even though you’re wondering why he feels the need to tell you that. is it because you look like a mess and he thought you’d care?
it’s cosy and warm inside, classical music filling the air, every table wiped spotlessly clean that they’re shining as the lights from the ceiling bounce off of their surfaces. there’s nobody you can see here, are they in the kitchen?
sae puts his fingers around your wrist this time, walking you through the restaurant, meandering expertly like he’s been here a thousand times. your eyes fall to his fingers; they’re gentle yet firm, and you’re only hoping he doesn’t realise how fast your pulse is right now.
in the end, you find yourself seated across from him on a tatami seating in a private room, browsing through the menus that are already placed on the table.
“order anything you want,” sae says, not looking up from his menu.
you hum in excitement as you start to really look at all the options you have. “oh? if you say it like that i’m not gonna hold back, you know,” you joke around, though sae doesn’t really sense it.
he just shrugs, “sure, go ahead.”
sae ends up regretting it though, not because you’re shamelessly spending a lot on his card, but because he finds out you’re the type to over-order. by the time the food is all cooked and sent to the table, sae’s eyebrows twitch, eyes flicking over across the room to look at you, grinning from ear to ear.
“both of you must be starved, huh?”
you look to the side, only now noticing the guy in the white chef’s coat that came to deliver the food. he has curly light brown hair, with eyes a shade or two darker. a grin is plastered on his face, and by the way sae speaks to him, it seems like they know each other quite a fair bit.
“oh, by the way, this is naruhaya,” sae introduces to you, and the guy holds his hand out for you to shake. “this is y/n.”
“nice to meet you!”
naruhaya’s beaming, a contrast to sae’s usual stoic expressions, but he’s back to small talk with the latter in a second. you leave them to it, until your ears perk up when he mentions a certain model’s name.
“hey, weren’t you with bianca earlier? where’s she?”
bianca—that name isn’t unfamiliar to you. after a crash course from sumi (because somehow she decided you need to know more gossip about itoshi sae after getting to know him in person), you had learned that she’s the model that sae is most rumoured to actually be with. and you’ve seen her from the pictures sumi shoved up your neck—she’s beautiful.
was she the friend he was dropping off earlier?
“meeting her other friends. anyway, sorry to keep you open.”
naruhaya waves it off with his hand. “it’s fine, i was gonna stay and try to whip up some new recipes anyway,” he says, before shooting you a knowing look. what exactly it means, you have zero idea. “i’ll leave you two to it, enjoy!”
once he leaves, you begin to dig in, lathering your meat with sauce, unashamedly inhaling your food because that earlier stint with your mother was entirely too much and you need to destress.
somehow, with sae being as nice as he is, you feel a teeny bit guilty for trying to dupe him into that interview. but you doubt that if you’d asked him normally that you would be here with him tonight so maybe there’s some merit in being reckless like that.
“what’re you smiling about now?” sae sighs, taking a piece of meat and putting it over his rice. “pleased that you’re getting a free meal or something?”
partly. but mostly, you’re pleased that you get alone time with him somehow. maybe it’s stupid, and maybe you sound like half of the female population in the country, but you can see why people ogle over him. if they got to know him like this, then you’d have no doubt that he’d manage to charm their pants off.
though, something tells you he doesn’t treat people like this often, let alone someone he barely knows.
“mhm,” you agree, shit-eating grin on your face because there’s no way you’re going to be so upfront about it. the last thing you want is to ruin a friendship when it’s barely started.
yeah, maybe that’s what you want—friendship. is it weird if you say that itoshi sae gives you the feeling that you can trust him? the last time someone made you feel that way was eita. but somehow, this time, it feels different in a way you can’t explain.
as you’re both digging in, you ask him whatever you’re curious about; how he got into soccer, what his life was like growing up, everything under the sun, only because he entertains you like he did that very first night.
“you ask a lot of questions, are you gonna ask me to get another interview approved or something?” he asks, deadpan as he slurps up the soba.
you chuckle, shaking your head. “no. i just want to know you.”
sae stills at your honesty, this being one of the rare times you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. thump, thump, thump—it’s weird how you make him so aware of his heartbeats when you’re with him. it’s weird how he feels the same way.
then, he sees a familiar sight, you reaching your hand out across the table, your pinky pointed towards him. “i promise you, no hidden agendas this time.”
he swallows the lump in his throat, hooking his pinky with yours before he knows it, the inexplicable emotions only growing by the second.
even though he’s curious about you too, something tells him that you won’t answer him seriously. not tonight. so he keeps it to himself. he’ll find a chance to ask you next time.
if there is a next time. 
he’ll just have to make it happen.
halfway through the dinner, you have about a quarter of the food left and sae looks like he’s about to burst. he didn’t really look hungry to you, eating slowly all the way. you probably ate at least twice as much as he did. 
“you sure you were hungry?”
“not anymore,” sae deflects, putting his chopsticks down. he looks at you, leaning back and staring at the leftovers in awe. he almost snorts from how dazed you look. “i’ll get naruhaya to pack these, wait here.”
“thanks,” you call after him, knowing just how much of a food coma you’re going to be in once you’re back home.
sae stares at his phone as he navigates through the corridors to find the kitchen; it’s already 2.30am. time passes really fast with you for some reason. usually it’s a bore to sit with people he barely knows, they normally can’t keep a conversation. either that or he doesn’t really click with them. (as evident in the many times he was put in the same room with friends of friends and all that was there is awkward silence and forced conversations.) 
not you though.
you’ve always been interesting. you’re intriguing, and a little bit more daring than he’s used to. you’re not that shy, by what he could tell when you so effortlessly reached across the table and snapped a picture of the both of you eating, telling him you want to give him something to remember you by.
as if that’s your last meeting.
he looks at the picture in his photo album. a subtle smile tugs on his lips, and there’s a flutter in his heart that he can’t seem to ignore.
maybe he’s jumping the gun but… he thinks you could be worth any amount of sleep he’s going to lose.
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naruhaya enters the private room alone, armed with takeaway boxes, and you smile sheepishly at him as he does. sae must be in the bathroom if he’s here alone.
“sorry, i think i ordered a little too much,” you apologise, rubbing the back of your head. “but it’s all really delicious, really.”
it really is. you’ve never had meat so tender before, and you’re almost sad thinking you’ll probably never get to eat this again. not with the price tag on it. 
“relax, i believe you,” naruhaya hums as he carefully places the leftovers in boxes. “so, how’d you get to know sae? photoshoot?”
you narrow your gaze at him, pressing your lips into a faint smile. “if you’re trying to flatter me, it’s working,” you joke, before shaking your head. “no, no, i’m not a model. i’m just a friend of a friend.”
naruhaya blinks at you like he’s surprised. “whose?”
“eita. otoya eita. why?”
“oh, it’s nothing. just… surprised sae brought another girl here for once,” naruhaya laughs nervously, packing the boxes into a clear bag. “usually it’s either oliver and gang or, well, bianca. but i haven’t seen her here in a while, actually.”
you get the feeling that sae and bianca are really, really close. 
“i think he just came here on a whim,” you brush it off. “we only met a week ago so i doubt you’ll see me here again anyway.”
naruhaya’s mouth forms an ‘o’, before it reverts back to that knowing smile again. both of you hear footsteps against the wooden floors of the izakaya, so naruhaya takes this chance to whisper in your ear.
“i think… you must be pretty special then, huh?”
before you can even ask him what he means by that, sae strolls through the door, oblivious to the earlier conversation, gaze pointed to you. “ready to go?”
you nod, taking the bags from naruhaya as sae escorts you out of there. “bye, naruhaya! i love your cooking!”
he laughs as you wave enthusiastically to him, and he winks at you right before sae turns around to look at him. “oi, sae, bring her over anytime, okay?” to which sae only waves it off, leaving you to wonder if you’ll ever actually see naruhaya again.
“you keep those,” sae tells you after the both of you get into his car, referring to the takeaway boxes. he’d told naruhaya to give you some extra meat, just in case. if he remembered right, eita once said you have quite the appetite.
he pulls out of the parking lot after you give him your address, driving the speed limit all the way back. he’s honestly kind of tired, and he can see that you are too. won’t hurt to make it back a little quicker than you came. 
“sure you don’t want some?”
“i’m fine, i’ll be busy for the next week or so anyway. i won’t even be home.”
there’s a hint of disappointment in your chest when you hear that, though you chide yourself for your wishful thinking. what makes you think you can run into a celebrity so easily anyway if he is in japan?
“oh, you’re gonna be away? try not to miss me.”
sae chuckles, softly, at the way you can be so unserious—it’s something you hear for the first time, and you feel the flutters in your heart going wild. there’s something about the way he looks so gentle like this, away from the cameras and the public eye that makes him so much more alluring than usual.
“i’ll try,” he says, though you know he’s just playing along.
usually, you don’t feel this type of way around people. you’ve never felt like this before so you can’t even think of ways to explain it. as you sit in the passenger seat, you can’t help but feel a certain attachment growing. it makes you think foolish things like i want to see you again and wonder about even sillier things like would you want to see me too?
but you’d never actually tell him that.
when your apartment comes into view, you grab at his cap on the dashboard, putting it on your head yourself this time, looking into the side mirror. “hm, think this looks better on me, what do you think?”
sae’s a little stunned at the sudden question. you have a way of making him exasperated—in all the good ways. “wanna keep it?” he’s guessing that’s where you’re headed. not that he minds. 
“oooh, then maybe i get to sell it for a buttload of money. especially when i tell people it belonged to you,” you smirk, and sae finds himself wondering why your guard is up so high.
he starts driving a little slowly, starting to feel the reluctance brewing inside him. “it’s yours now, do whatever you want with it.” he knows you’re not actually going to sell it anyway. he might not have known you for long, but he thinks you’re not that kind of person.
he’ll bet on it.
you don’t say anymore about it, and he catches you with a blank stare straight ahead, aimed at your apartment.
does it have something to do with your family? was that why you were unhappy earlier?
sae can’t shake the feeling of wanting to know more about you. but you snap back to your usual self before he can do anything about it.
“anyway! don’t worry about tonight, i won’t tell a soul that a superstar like you took a nobody like me out for a romantic supper in a private room,” you tell him, winking as you place your hands on the door handle, ready to go.
sae nearly laughs. “can’t you say thank you like a normal person?” because by now, the both of you are comfortable enough to understand that nothing is ever said in hostility. you take it as his banter.
somehow, your hand finds itself back onto your lap, and the words haven’t left your lips. there’s no music in the car, so it’s just you and sae and the air between you, a tension looming in the air that you can’t ignore. there’s just silence as you observe him from your position, your head inching closer, ever so slowly it feels like you’re not even moving at all. you can see how sae’s gaze flickers from your eyes to the tip of your nose and then to your lips, and you think of how he looks almost like he did that night when you got close to him.
except this time, you’re really tempted. you’re alone, just the both of you, and he’s been really nice and you’re really tempted to feel how soft those lips are and what he tastes like. but that’s too much, and yet somehow his eyes feel like they’re telling you different. would he mind?
your fingers pull the cap down from your head, covering both your faces as there’s barely any space between you now.
maybe just something tame.
in one swift motion, your lips press against his cheek, a hurried thank you rolling off your tongue before you bolt out of the car and back to your apartment, hoping that sae doesn’t think you’re a complete psycho for doing that. 
back in the car, sae freezes in position even after you’ve long vanished from his sight. his heart’s still beating wildly in his chest and he wonders what the hell just happened.
and then he finds himself questioning when it could happen again.
why does he want it to happen again?
before he starts the drive back, he does three things.
one, he fishes his phone out of his pocket and creates that account he forgot about. two, he sends you a follow request because he doesn’t think he can handle this curiosity anymore. and three, he opens your messages, breathing shallow as he tries to make plans for the first time.
an hour later, after you’re showered and your heart has calmed down, you check your phone, charged to full now on your bedside table. there’s a few messages from sumi and eita that you missed since it had been dead since before you left the house, and then your heart skips a beat when you realise that sae’s name is there as well.
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for the first time in a long time, you go to bed feeling like a giggly high school girl who’s been asked out by her crush. and for the first time in forever, sae receives your message and finds that he can’t sleep now—wondering why he felt so relieved to finally get a text back, and wondering what this frantic rush of his heart really means. 
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extras !
no, sae did not get up late to meet bianca the next day. he did look extremely tired though, which made her suspicious and ask why—sae did not reveal anything, just said he couldn’t sleep. partly true.
sae was right; if he’d asked yn about herself that night (particularly anything pertaining to her family), she wouldn’t have answered seriously. there’s a reason why she won’t so easily divulge her family issues & doesn’t want sae to know about it.
yn genuinely believes that sae did not notice anything off about her and that he honestly thought she was fine.
otoya did end up bringing his date to a hotel. after she fell asleep, otoya went out to the balcony to call yn and make sure she’s okay since she wasn’t responding.
yn’s mother knows that yn and otoya used to fuck (and still thinks they are), and that’s why she used her choice of words “jacking people off”. she has been treating yn like that for the past few years.
random fact #1: otoya used to purposely get yn in trouble all the time in school so that they could spend time in detention together. that’s how they started getting close.
random fact #2: sae has, in his head, considered being together with bianca before because the guys asked him about it.
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 2 months
I know I may have requested something like 12 days ago buuttt I just love your writing.
I will do ANYTHING for you to make a story of Kokushibo x Fem!Wife!Demon! Reader and it’s the readers birthday so Kokushibo has sex with her. So it’s just birthday sex.
I was listening to the song Birthday Sex by Jeremih when I thought of this.
I also FINALLY remembered to put “demon reader” in this request so, yay.
Birthday sex
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Paring: Kokushibou x Fem!wife Demon reader
Synopsis: Your husband has a special birthday gift for you (🤫🤭)
Content: Birthday girl y/n, upper rank y/n, made up demon age for y/n, some romance in the beginning, French kissing, kokushibo's long tongue, tounge down throat, Dom kokushibo, squirting, anal & pussy fingering, finger fucking, anal sex, sexual inducing candles (a hc of mine of Canon knowledge from the manga aka how demons react to rare human blood).
Word count: 2.4k♡
A/n: Went a lil crazy with this kokushibo request 🤭 (yall I love writing smut on the (LEGAL) upper ranks omg)
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"Happy birthday, y/n! You're 198 now!" Said Douma cheerfully while on a mission with Douma. He had randomly asked when your birthday was, and you told him without realizing today was the actual day of your birthday. Your birthday was something you didn't bother to care about and decided to leave something like that in your past life as a human.
After your mission with Douma was completed, you began to head home. You had a confused look on your face, wondering why the remembrance of your birthday was the only thing you could remember from your human life. Was there never a special moment on your birthday? Did anyone care? Maybe that's why you didn't care but still had the date remembered.
You decided to forget it once you entered your home. Before you entered, you smelt something amazing inside, and as you opened the door, you saw kokushibo, your husband already there waiting for you. "Happy birthday," kokushibo awkwardly said and handed you a single dark red rose.
Kokushibo wasn't always the romantic type. However, despite his silence and reserved nature, you are his wife, and he took a day like this very seriously. You smiled and hugged kokushibo. Before you could thank him, kokushibo took your hand, leading you to the dining room where there is a romantic human dinner waiting for you.
Your eyes widen, seeing the purple candles lit, two vintage golden cups for you and kokushibo, and overall, just looking at how well this was all put together. You look at kokushibo with a thoughtful yet surprised expression on your face. "Did you do this for me?" You asked and watched your husband nod his head.
"I was aware of your birth date before. However I was just planning to take you on a night walk that you like so much since it's our alone time together." Kokushibou admitted. "Then while I was searching for the blue spider lily, I noticed a human man with a human woman having a picnic. I was planning to eat them when I overheard how he did that for her since it was her birthday and I observed." Kokushibo explains.
"I couldn't eat them since what they were doing took my interest. I didn't plan on learning anything from a human but seeing how the man treated his woman made me think to myself, "maybe my wife would like this" but I did this differently since if we did this outside, other demons would be attracted to our food." Kokushibou said in a firm tone.
Hearing his explanation, you couldn't help but giggle. He made it seem like a mission in a way, but you couldn't help but feel flattered by what he's done for you. "Thank you, darling," you said, having the rose kokushibo gabe you between your fingers and held out your hands out for kokushibo to being his face into your palms. You kissed his forehead and then smirked.
"Wait a minute. So you left those humans alive? Very unlike you kokushibo," you teased him. Kokushibo's six eyes look away from you and have a slight embarrassed expression on his face. "I simply wanted to learn. Let's eat the food I've prepared before it goes to waste," he said and then gave you a passionate kiss.
You and kokushibo had a nice dinner. It was romantic. It was nice, and even after finishing the food, kokushibo decided to have you on his lap facing him while you talked about the mission you had with Douma. One thing your husband loved was hearing you speak and just listening to you. "We should head for bed soon. It's already 3am." You wrapped your arms around kokushibo and pressed your nose gently on his.
"I've already closed all the certains in the house. We can stay up until the sun rises," kokushibo said and grabbed your tighs. Kokushibo got up while holding you up as he took you to the bedroom you shared with him. "Kokushibo..." You whispered his name, resting your chin on his shoulder. "You don't think I couldn't feel how you are right now when you first came home?" He said.
A Male demon is bound to feel when a female demon is in heat, especially during a relationship. You had the intention of it, but sitting on kokushibo's lap made you excited, even more excited now that you could feel his sexual arousal as well. "I want you," you whispered in his ear, biting it softly as you felt kokushibo put you on the bed.
You noticed that rose peddles were spread on the bed, as well as candlelight brighting up the dark room. The smell of the candles smelled and felt similar. It's almost like a rare human blood you and kokushibo had before that caused you both to be more relaxed, not caring of your surroundings while lusting for each other. You felt the same feeling again, and you couldn't keep your hands off kokushibo.
Frist touching his face, sliding your fingers down his soft lips and his chest. You felt his muscles underneath his clothing, and you couldn't hold yourself back. You needed him. "You planned for this, didn't you kokushibo don't tell me you watched those humans fuck to get this idea?" You chuckled while undoing the front of his kimono. Kokushibo got his kimono off and pushed it off the bed.
"Human or not, I wouldn't dare look at another woman's body just to get an idea on how to fuck you right" kokushibo low, husky voice whispered against your ear as he kissed your cheek, then your jawline and then your neck. Your mouth opened slightly, letting out a soft gasp from his soft slips, kissing your neck, and his hands undoing your kimono.
You slide your arms out of your clothing and help kokushibo get it off and tosses it off the bed. Neither of you wore anything underneath, so it made things much easier for you both, especially kokushibo. His large hands slide up your stomach, feeling your soft skin on his palms until they reach your tits. Kokushibo moaned softly against your neck at the feeling and began to massage your tits in his hand.
Your back arched slightly, your head tilted back as you felt kokushibo's fingers twist and pull on your nipples while licking your neck. "Just like that," you told kokushibo, having your hands on his wrists as he continued to tease your nipples and neck. Kokushibo opened a pair of his eyes to see your thighs shut together while rubbing against each other.
He didn't want to keep teasing up for too long since he knew just how needy you get for him, and on a day like this, he didn't want you to forget this birthday. "Open up for me, love." Kokushibou said, his heavy breaths hitting your neck as his hand slides between your thighs to get in between. You spread your thighs apart, giving Kokushibou more access to yourself and you whimper at the touch his fingers make to your pussy.
"Good girl." He said, rubbing his thick fingers in circles on your moist clit. Kokushibo couldn't help the faint blush from showing on his cheeks as he watches you moan and react to his touch as he continues to rub your clit before sliding his fingers between your wet folds. "Is it the candle scent having you this turn on? Or is it just my touch" he asked as he slides two of his fingers inside your pussy easily.
"B-Both, oh fuck" you answered with your expression filled with desire and need. "Mmm" kokushibo hummed in approval with your answer and kept his eyes on you while he continued to finger you, thrusting his two middle fingers in deeper and loving the sounds of your moans and whines becoming louder. "You're getting so wet. What a mess your making on my fingers.." he said.
"Kokushibo.." You whined, a bit embarrassed at his comment. "It's even leaking down here.." he said and used his index finger to smear your gooey, wet arousal around your asshole. Kokushibo used his free hand to hold onto the back of your thigh to keep your legs from shutting close when you squealed softly.
"Don't be so shy, y/n. You loved it so much the last time I fucked you here. Can I fuck your ass again? Please?" Kokushibou asked. You felt your heart skip a beat at his. "Please." He sounded so needy at the thought, and you couldn't help your walls from clenching down on kokushibo's fingers when he asked. This caused kokushibo to now have a lustful smirk on his face.
"Is that what you want too? You're pussy won't let my fingers go when I asked... fuck.." kokushibo curled his fingers inside, poking at your g-spot. Your back arched, and you nod quickly. "I want that so bad, kokushibo," you said and gripped onto the sheets once you felt his index finger push slowly inside your other hole.
Kokushibo wasted no time. He got excited and watched how your mouth hung open from just having both your holes fingered. "That's it, relax for me. You're taking my fingers so good," he said, angling his hand to make sure his fingers thrust in and out of your holes properly. "K-Kokushibo, I want a kiss. Please~" you begged, cupping his cheeks again and bringing his face closer to yours.
Kokushibo felt drawn to your lips when you pulled him closer and placed his lips on yours. He felt your soft lips against his, your mouths opening slightly in between to take in a few breaths before kokushibo's tounge made it to yours. It was a heated French kiss, and your fangs accidentally brushed on kokushibo's bottom lip, causing slight bleeding.
You can't say it was on purpose, but seeing his blood, you just had to have a taste. You moaned in response to his taste. Once your tounge licked his blood from his lips, it healed within seconds, and Kokushibo began to kiss you roughly. You moaned in the kiss as Kokushibo switched his finger movements to have two fingers in your pussy and two in your ass.
Kokushibo then deepened the kiss by using his demonic powers to extend the length of his tongue to go down your throat. Your eyes slightly roll with your eyelids flickering at his long tongue down your throat while gently massaging its inside. The feeling was very new. It felt like kokushibo was choking you while in a kissing you, yet it felt like your mouth was stuffed like his cock was inside your throat.
You weren't too sure how to describe the feeling, but you couldn't deny how it turned you on even more. You tried breathing through your nose as much as you could, you felt the water welling up in your eyes as his fingers kept hitting just the right spots and just as you felt your orgasm wash over you, kokushibo pulled his tounge out of your throat and you gasped, letting out a shaking moan.
Your thighs tremble as you cum on his fingers as your hole clenching. "Apologies.. I got too excited," kokushibo said through heavy breaths and revered his tongue back to normal. Kokushibo sat up and pushed your leg back to your chest, making your thigh squish down on your tit and grabbed your hand. "Hold it," he said, and your hand held your leg back.
Kokushibo pressed his tip on your hole and pushed it in. "Oh, kokushibo~" you moaned, trying to relax yourself but your walls so eager to clench down on his big cock. "Easy love. That's it, let me in" kokushibo said, his voice husky as he grabs his thick cock to help push it's way inside, while having his other hand grab onto your hip.
You let out a high-pitched moan as kokushibo made it balls deep inside your hole. "Don't hold your voice back. Let me- ngh, hear your pretty moans," kokushibo said, a sexual sigh mid sentence as he began to thrust his hips at a steady pace. Your tits kept jumping from kokushibo's thrusts and your pussy clenching on nothing while only your ass is being stuffed full.
You gave kokushibo a desperate look, wanting to speak through your loud moans, but kokushibo already knew what you wanted. "I know love, I know" he said, bring his hand from your hip to bringing three of his fingers to your pussy and putting three of them at once inside. Your brows raised as you mewl out from both your holes being fucked like this.
You felt the pleasure, the tingling through out your body, ready to cum as your husband fucks you. "Listen to those moans... it's just your about to cum already" kokushibo said, now slamming his hips, fucking you faster and harder. Your moans grew Louder, you gasped as you cum on his fingers and your hole cle clenching down on kokushibo's cock.
"Kokushibo~" you let out a long whine of his name as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, knowing just how sensitive you are now. "You look so pretty. Even after cumming on my cock your still taking it like the good girl you are, My good girl." Kokushibou curled his three fingers inside your cunt as his thrusts became harder and feeling him deeper.
"I know you're going to cum again" he said, through heavy breaths and his deep moans becoming Louder. "I know you want to love, go on. Make a mess on me. It's your day, all about you," kokushibo said. "Yes, yes yes, yes-" your mouth hung open as your whole body jerks forward from his hard thrusts and feeling the right spots being hit repeatedly.
Your eyes roll back, and shutting tight as your hands grip onto the bed sheets tightly as you let out a screaming moan. "I'm cumming!" You said, "Me too, oh fuck-" kokushibo's mouth opened, his fangs showing as he moaned, made a final thrust and came inside your ass.
He watched your tears run down the sides of your eyes and drool leak down the side of your mouth. His eyes gazed down to see clear liquid gush out from your pussy and how your thighs couldn't help but desperately cling to him. Kokushibo leaned down to hug your trembling body as you whimper from your intense orgasm.
Your arms wrapped around kokushibo, embracing him in your arms and catching your breath. "You did so good," kokushibo said as the both of you embraced each other for a little longer. After a few minutes, you calmed down from your orgasm and eventually let go of kokushibo. He let go of you as well and slowly pulled his cock out of your hole.
Kokushibo felt satisfied seeing his cum leaking out and the slight wet puddle beneath your ass on the sheets from your squirting. Kokushibo continued to hover over you and kiss your lips. When he pulled away, you smiled. "Thank you~" you said softly and gave your husband a kiss back.
"Happy birthday~"
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 3 months
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Pairing : Idol!Song Mingi x F!Reader TW : reader is an internatiol ATINY ; nationality unspecified ; pure angst ; long distance relationship ; arguing ; disastrous break up ; heartbreak ; it's just sad ; he's a little bit, slightly yandere ; Word Count : 8.0k A/N : Mingi angst!! Yay! Haven't written for ATEEZ in a good bit! This one is fun! I have full control and I love it! Time for some heartbreak!! This turned a little yandere... But I hope you still like it! Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm trying to write as much as I can! Request : Anonny : hi! I was wondering if you could do a mingi angst! I've been reading your angst fics and well just your gifs for like the past year and never had the courage to ask until now! I don't really have specifics and you could just do whatever you want with plot wise or something! I haven't thought about plot and stuff yet, just mingi angst 😭
The last fancall, it was kind of sad, but in a way, also relieving. They got to just relax after this call, they didn’t have to try to understand what an international fan was saying, not that it was a problem, but it was hard, although they’d never expect anyone to learn Korean just for them. They all loved talking to ATINY though, even if it were just a few, they got to personally get to know them for a minute or two, they got to joke with them, laugh with them, even playfully flirt with them. It was just nice to have some kind of interaction with the fans that brought them to where they were today. 
It was your first fancall, you weren’t even sure how you had gotten so lucky to be chosen, but you had been, and when you got the email you screamed so loud that your neighbor started banging on the walls. Something as small as a video call, but it was huge to you, it felt like a dream. Surely, anyone who wasn’t a fan of k-pop wouldn’t understand, they’d probably think you were crazy for getting so excited over something like this… But this just might be the closest you’d ever get to any of them, and it would most definitely be the only time you ever got to talk to them. 
You had done your hair and your makeup and you had changed your outfit about six times before settling on something more casual. It’s not like any of them would remember you anyway, and you weren’t even upset about that, you were just glad to be able to have this opportunity… an opportunity that had you so insanely flustered that you could barely even speak when Hongjoong showed up on your screen. 
How embarrassing it was to sit in front of your favorite idols, not all of them at once, but one by one, they all got to look at you and see you looking so absolutely enamored that they were in fact actual people. The most you could get out was a ‘hello’, and even that was kind of squeaky and they would laugh, which in turn would make you more shy. They were all so nice though, asking you what your favorite song was and who your bias is, even though you couldn’t seem to find your voice. You wondered if things like this happened often. 
Then you got to Mingi, who was last second to last in the lineup. He wasn’t exactly your bias, you didn’t really have one, they were all amazing and attractive in their own personal ways. But damn did he look good. If you were awestruck before, you were completely starstruck now, your eyes widening as you took in his perfect features and just… everything about him. 
“Oh my god…” You said, under your breath you had assumed, but he had to have heard you considering he turned around and looked behind him before looking back at the camera to smile and wave at you. “Hi…” His turn was slightly different, it made you feel different. The other guys had simply looked at you, but it felt like Mingi was really looking at you. What did he see? Did you have something in your teeth? Was your hair messed up? You felt shy, like you were standing right in front of your crush. It was crazy. 
“You ever been to Korea?” He asked, and it was so blunt, but he had this cheeky smile on his face that both eased your nerves and somehow had them going haywire at the same time. You giggled nervously and shook your head no. “You should come, it’s nice here. A lot of pretty girls, you’ll fit right in.” He… He just called you pretty? Was this fan service? It had to be! He was just really really good at it. “Do you have a boyfriend?” None of the other guys had asked you these types of questions, why were things getting so personal? Why didn’t you seem to mind it when it was coming from him? You shook your head no once again. “Good. I’m your boyfriend now. Okay?” 
It probably wasn’t a good time to take a sip of water, not that you had expected him to say something like that, but you spit it out all over your desk, completely in shock at the words that you had just heard him say. There was no way he was being serious right now. His fan service was immaculate. “Oh…Okay!” You stammered out, and you wondered how long this would go on. He had surely passed up the timer. 
“My turn now!!” You heard Wooyoung shout from beside him, and Mingi groaned loudly as his bottom lip jutted out. “I’m gonna steal your girlfriend, deal with it.” He teased, and you let out a small sigh. It was just fan service. You felt kind of foolish for momentarily getting worked up over something that he probably said to 20 other people today. 
“I’ll see you again, yeah?” He asked, his words coming out rushed, and what the hell were you supposed to do? Say no?! You obviously wanted to see him again, that would be awesome, but the chances of you winning a fan call raffle twice were so low, you would be crazy to think that you’d ever have a moment like this again. 
“Yeah… Yeah, you will.” You said, because even though you knew he was just very skilled in acting, you might as well play along with it. For a few short seconds, you had been Song Mingis girlfriend… And now that you had moved to a call with Wooyoung… All you could think about Mingi and his words and the way he looked at you. It drove you crazy… He drove you crazy. He had just become your ultimate bias though!
“I’m not gonna be able to go to the Ateez concert.” Your friend mumbled, and part of you, the more selfish part of you, was partially glad that she wasn’t able to go. She had flaunted the fact that she got front row tickets and you hadn’t been able to get even a back seat, they were sold out before payday. “Stupid fucking job, not giving me a day off. I requested it too!” 
“That’s bullshit.” You shook your head, trying your best to sympathize with her, but all you could selfishly think was that if you weren’t lucky enough to go, she shouldn’t be lucky enough to go either. “Are you going to sell the ticket? You could get some good profit considering it’s a front row seat.” You quizzed, but the way she was looking at you made you quite uneasy. It looked like she was planning something… or at least thinking of something, and you didn’t know if it was malicious or something else completely. She was hard to read. 
Long, manicured nails tapped against the table top, the sound putting you even more on edge, and then she sighed. “I know that your birthday is coming up, and… well I’m poor because I bought this damn ticket so…” Her shoulders shrugged, but there was a slight, tight lipped smile spreading across her face. “I’m just gonna give it to you. Happy early birthday! Yay! Tell Yuno I love him so much.” 
Your jaw might as well have been on the floor. Was fate really giving you a good hand this year? Was this all that good karma you had earned from being a wonderful citizen in society? “Holy shit… No way! Are you being serious right now?” You just had to be sure. There was no way someone would just give up a front row ticket, especially not for free, even if it were your best friend. There had to be some kind of clause. 
“Yes, I’m serious. Now, accept it before I change my mind and just skip work that day. I would have done that anyway if I didn’t have to pay rent.” She rolled her eyes and sunk down in her seat. “Take as many pictures and videos as you can… for me. Please! That’s all I’m asking for.” You nodded your head firmly, shit, that was the easiest thing you’d have to do. “He’ll probably look so good… Maybe…” 
“No take backs!” You blurted out, your finger waving back and forth as you stared at her, and you hoped that she thought you were just goofing around and that your expression didn’t let on just how panicked you felt just by her words. “I will facetime you just so you feel like you’re actually there… Okay?” She was sulking, as anyone would be, you knew damn well that you would be if you were in the same position as her. 
“Just have fun… And make a big sign, you have to get at least one of them to notice you, especially since you’re front row. Take advantage of those seats, bitch.” She teased, reaching her hands across the table to grab yours as she let out a little squeal, kicking her feet and acting as if she were still the one going. Maybe she was just trying to hype you up. “I gave you the best birthday gift, nobody can top me, they shouldn’t even try.” 
“They should definitely still try though… I mean… I like getting things.” She snorted loudly, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with her. She was absolutely crazy and you absolutely adored her. A world without her as your best friend would be dull and boring and you didn’t even want to think about how sad it would be. You would have the best time of your life at that concert, and you’d do it for her. 
Picking out an outfit for something like a concert was much harder than picking out an outfit for a video call. This was important, especially since you were going to be in the front row. One of them - hopefully Mingi - would look directly at you at some point. You couldn’t just be casual about it, you had to draw attention to yourself, you had to make sure that you were noticed. This decision felt more crucial than anything else in your life, and that seems quite absurd, but these guys had been the subjects of all your dreams and daydreams, you at least wanted to look good in front of them. 
You had only been to one other concert in your entire life, and it was back during middle school for an indie group when you were going through your “emo” phase. This was bigger than that, you could already tell as you pulled up to the arena and saw the people pouring into the entrance. Your heart was hammering in your chest, it was crazy, you had even gotten there 2 hours early to try to make things easier on yourself but the crowd was already massive. 
The lightstick in your hand was already shaking, but only because of your nerves, but you knew that you couldn’t just sit in the back of the Uber forever, so you climbed out, taking a deep breath before heading into the building. It was somehow more packed inside than it was even outside and it was so insanely congested that it felt more like a train station than an arena for a concert. Did all concert venues look like this or was it just because ATEEZ was performing? 
Since you were front row, you got to go in and watch them warm up… funnily enough, you felt you might miss it considering you didn’t have a single idea where the hell you were going. You were trying your best to navigate through this cluster of people that were just as excited as you were, and you wished that you had someone to help walk you through this whole thing. It was so loud and you were being bumped into, and while they apologized for it, it didn’t make you any less anxious. 
By the time you finally made it in the arena, you were just exhausted. The big sign that you had made and brought along with you had miraculously made it through all of it unscathed, but you were drained. You dropped down into your seat, hoping that your hair and your outfit had survived as well as the sign, but there was no mirror and you didn’t want to risk getting lost on your way to or from the bathroom, so you just had to rely on that hope that you still looked as good as you did when you left the house. 
It felt like you hadn’t even had enough time to really catch your breath or cool off before the guys were walking out on stage. Everyone around you was screaming, but you were so enamored by the sight of them, literally right in front of you, that your mouth was hanging open but no sound was coming out. You had really thought that the video call was the most amazing thing, but now, you were sure that you were wrong. They were legitimately real, they were right in front of you. “Holy shit…” You mumbled to yourself, and for some reason, even though there were still a pretty good amount of people around you, you were self conscious, you were shy, you were nervous. 
They came to the edge of the stage, one by one, and they all walked by and finished hand hearts that other people were making and stayed still long enough to be in selfies with certain people, none of them really stopped for longer than a minute tops… No one, other than Mingi. 
Oh, Mingi… Who had managed to make your heart flutter through a simple video call, he made you feel like you were going crazy… Surely he wouldn’t remember you though. But why… Why did he full stop on your side of the stage? Why did he kneel down in front of you, his eyes locking with yours as his head tilted to the side? Gosh, he was adorable. There was no way that he would notice you after the couple months that had passed. The video call hadn’t lasted long enough for your face to be saved in his memory. Had it? 
The chants of the people beside you seemed to pull him out of whatever trance he was in, and he quickly stood up and scurried along the stage, but it didn’t go unnoticed that he continued to look back at you, his eyes narrowing as if in deep thought. Did he remember you? 
Soon enough they were off the stage and the rest of the stadium began to fill. The noise was much worse inside the arena, the sound just echoing off the walls and filling your ears, and you wondered how people could handle it constantly. You were sure that you’d have a major headache once you got out of there. The sudden influx of people and the growing excitement of the show that was about to begin had taken your mind off of the slightly strange interaction from before. You shouldn’t think so hard about those things, it was foolish and you didn’t want to be delusional. 
As the show started, the screams that you had originally thought to be loud seemed to multiply tenfold and your ears were already ringing. Of course, you had a seat right next to the speaker. Would your eardrums even make it through the night? Were there enough ibuprofen in the world to soothe the awful ache in your head once you got back home? 
It didn’t matter now, you just wanted to enjoy the show. You were here to enjoy the concert, to live the experience… But also, not forget to get enough video footage of Yunho to thank your friend for the ticket. This was something that you wouldn’t be able to do again, at least for a long time. Screw the headache, you should enjoy it while it lasts, and that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
“I swear, I think that’s her in the front row.” Mingi said backstage after the warmups. The guys all stared at him like he was crazy, but he knew that he wasn’t. He knew your face, he knew your eyes, they had filled his dreams every night… They thought he was crazy for that too. “I’m so serious right now. I wouldn’t say it’s her if it wasn’t.” 
Wooyoung snorted, but patted Mingi on the back as he walked by. “Maybe you’re the delusional one. Spotting your dream girl out in the crowd. That’s crazy. Come on, we have to get ready. Get your head out of your ass.” Mingi pouted as he walked over to the stylist and dropped down into his seat beside Hongjoong. 
“I’m being so serious right now. You believe me, right? I mean… You saw her in the call. You know what she looks like. That was her out in the crowd… Right?” Mingi asked, trying to keep his voice down so that Wooyoung wouldn’t come over and completely crush his dreams and rain on his parade. Hongjoong chewed on his bottom lip, looking at Mingi through the mirrors that were in front of them. “You… You believe me… Don’t you?” 
Hongjoong sighed, turning to Mingi with a slight pout. “I didn’t… But if you really believe you saw her, I’m happy for you. I’m not going to tell you that you’re crazy.” He pushed himself up off of his chair and stretched, preparing himself for the show that he was about to put on for all the fans. “It’s almost time to go out there…” 
“Yeah! Maybe you’ll see your girlfriend!” Wooyoung chimed in, seemingly coming from out of nowhere. “It’s okay to be delusional, bud. I’m not judging you for it.” Although it seemed like he was judging him a lot for it, Mingi tried to avoid the teasing and focus more on the fact that he was about to head out on stage in less than five minutes. 
He was so nervous though, not for the reasons that most would think though. Being up on stage in front of thousands of people wasn’t the issue, it was being up on stage in front of you. What were the chances of you winning a fancall and being at a show too? It’s like the universe was trying to bring the both of you together. He truly believed that. He couldn’t think of any other reason for those two things to happen. Especially with you being right in front… Front row seats, like he was meant to see you. It wasn’t a coincidence, it couldn’t be, and he knew that it was you. Your face was unforgettable to him. He daydreamt about it every day, he would have dreams of you every night. He couldn’t get you out of his head. 
The speakers in front of you send vibrations through the air around you, you could feel it in your muscles, in your bones. The entire arena went dark for a moment, and then you heard the crowd roar as they walked out. You had already seen them once during their warm up, but it was like the first time again, your breath held in your lungs as they walked out, the music crescendoing the closer they got to the edge of the stage. 
It felt like when you ride a rollercoaster, the slow climb to the top of the hill, and you knew that the edge was coming soon, that feeling of falling, excitement and fear all in one… But this time there was no fear, it was just the strange tingly feeling in your stomach, that last breath of air before you’d let it all out in one loud scream. 
Building and building, their bodies like shadows in the darkness, and then with one click the spotlights turned on and they were illuminated, the bright lights shining on each and every one of them, but you were only looking specifically at one. An audible gasp left your lips as you seemed to once again lock eyes with Mingi.
Your hands shook as you held up the sign that you had made, feeling quite foolish now as it was hoisted above your head. “Call Me Mingi”, with your phone number written neatly at the bottom. It was a joke, one that your friend had laughed about right alongside you as she added the glitter to the glue hearts that had been neatly placed along the board. 
It was crazy, you and your friend both agreed to that, but it was probably a good switch up from the typical signs that asked the idols to marry them. What was even crazier though was when Mingi pulled out his phone, aiming it in your direction and snapped a quick photo. You couldn’t be delusional, being delusional wasn’t good for your heart or your mind, but you also couldn’t help but think that maybe he took the photo so that he could check back on the sign… So that he could call you… 
The rest of the concert felt more like a blur, stuck in your own mind thinking about what Mingi could have wanted that picture for. You didn’t see any of the other guys taking pictures of the crowd… Or maybe you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice if they did. You couldn’t stop thinking about it though, and before you knew it, the concert was over and you couldn’t even remember the setlist or the last song they played before the main lights in the arena turned back on and everyone began filing out. 
Your friend was going to kill you, you hadn’t gotten a single video of Yunho for her. You honestly were quite pissed at yourself as well. This is why delusions aren’t good at all. You missed the whole concert, one that you most likely were never going to be able to experience ever again, because you were too busy thinking about whether Song Mingi, a literal idol, would make the time to call someone like you. 
“You didn’t get a single video of Yunho!? Oh my god!” Your friend whined as you laid in bed, your phone next to your head, not even on speaker, but her voice was loud enough that it didn’t need to be. “Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t go to the concert. I can’t afford to be a delulu as your ass.” 
“I’m sorry!” You mumbled, throwing your hands over your face and letting out a loud groan. “I just… I’m not even thinking about him calling my number at this point. I just don’t want him to post a picture of it online and have a bunch of people trying to call me or text me, you know?” You explained, finally getting over your delusions and moving onto a safer, yet still highly panic inducing train of thought. 
“Oh! Your phone is going to be blowing up! You’ll finally be super popular!” Your friend teased, snorting loudly as she said it, but you could only muster a slightly annoyed shut up in response before your phone started vibrating. “It begins! Maybe he did post it!” 
“Oh hell no! I’ll call you back!” You said quickly, ending the call with your friend to quickly answer the incoming call. “Look. I don’t know where you got my number, but if it’s from where I think it is, I will not tolerate unsolicited calls. This is harassment.” 
“Oh…” The voice on the other end was quite timid, but you could tell it was a guy. He sounded kind of nervous, and although all of you wanted to believe who you thought it was, you didn’t want to go down that road again, at least not tonight. “But your number was on the sign… I thought you wanted the phone call.” 
“The sign was a joke!” You explained exasperatedly, kicking your legs like a toddler in the store who was throwing a temper tantrum. You surely didn’t want to deal with this right now. “Unless you are Song Mingi, I’d advise you to hang up the phone and find someone else to bother this late at night.” 
There was a chuckle, although the sound was slightly muffled, but it was extremely agitating that someone found this funny. As if harassment was something comical nowadays. “So I shouldn’t hang up the phone then… Right?” You scoffed loudly, finally getting up from your bed and pacing around your room, something that you often did when you were just too annoyed to sit still. 
“Look, this isn’t funny. If you’re doing this to mess with me, I’m sure you’ve already had your fun. I’m trying to get some sleep, I’m exhausted. It would be really cool of you to not fuck with people like this.” The words came out in huffed breaths, you were beyond pissed, not just at whoever this person was, but at yourself for being stupid enough to put your number out so publicly just on the small chance that someone like Song Mingi would actually dial your number. 
A soft hum, and then your phone started vibrating again, this time an invite to a video call that you surely weren’t up to accepting. You let it continue ringing until it ended, and you thought that it would be a one and done type of thing, but then it started vibrating again. “Just for a second, you don’t even have to be on the camera, I just want to show you something.” 
You didn’t exactly mean to laugh as loudly as you did, but you had heard that line one too many times in your lifetime to trust it. “Look bud, I don’t want to see a live action shot of your dick and balls. I wasn’t born yesterday.” You snarkily shot back, and the audible gasp that came through your speaker had it crackling slightly. 
“Who did that to you? That’s disgusting… Hold up. We don’t have to call. I’ll just… Send you a selfie real quick. Not of my dick and balls.” Were you so annoyed that you were laughing, or did you actually find him funny? You weren’t sure, but regardless of what it was, you laughed at his little quip, your hand moving over your mouth so that the guy didn’t think he was actually getting anywhere right now. 
Your phone buzzed in your hand once again, and luckily it was only once, but when you went to your texts, you were met with a selfie of the guy that was on the other end of the line… The guy that the sign had been made for. “I call bullshit!” You blurted out, because there was no way in hell your little glitter bomb sign would have worked. You just couldn’t fathom it.
“Reverse image search it then. It doesn’t exist anywhere else than in your messages.” He said rather bluntly, quite cockily too. Now that you were really listening to his voice though, you couldn’t deny that it sounded all too familiar to the voice you heard at the concert, and not just that, but the voice you had heard in your phone before when you had won the fancall. You were stunned into silence, you didn’t know what to say or what to do next, and he could tell. “You believe me now?” 
“Mmhm…” Was all you could mutter, because what else were you supposed to say? How were you supposed to think of anything coherent when you were currently in a very real, very one on one call with Song Mingi… Or was it one on one? Did his managers know about this call? Were they just standing around him listening to every word you and him say? Did they freak out when he sent the selfie to you? 
“So… I’m going to be here… Close to you… For another two days…” What was he hinting at? Ain’t no way he was hinting at what you thought he was… right? “If you want to meet up for lunch or dinner… or something…” Holy shit he was. “I know that this is crazy, I just needed to be sure…” 
“Sure of what?” You asked, and your heart felt like a freight train, speeding straight to your ribcage and you were sure it was going to shoot out in a matter of seconds. 
“I… I need to be sure that I do actually like you…” 
Two days wasn’t enough, but in a sense, it was for him. It felt like a dream when he finally met up with you, even though he had to practically disguise himself from the public, it felt nice to just be able to sit across from you for lunch and talk to you. It didn’t take long for him to be 100… No… 500% sure that you were the woman that he wanted to be with. Love worked in crazy ways, but he trusted it, because the odds of everything lining up so perfectly to get to this moment… It was fate, it had to be. 
The way your body froze for a second before melting against his when he so suddenly pressed his lips to yours. It was a spur of the moment thing, but it felt right, and he needed to kiss you now because he knew that the moment wouldn’t come again for a long time. It wasn’t supposed to lead to anything more, it wasn’t what he had planned, but before either of you could really think twice, you were falling back onto the hotel mattress and he was falling on top of you. 
In that moment, it was like his heart grew ten times bigger, and laying beside you, your hair carelessly clinging to your sweat covered forehead as you dozed peacefully beside him… Love wasn’t hard to find, the world was just waiting to bring the one you were supposed to love to you. That’s how he felt, and he believed it wholeheartedly. How could he not when he felt like he was falling deeper and deeper in love with you with every soft breath that escaped your lips. 
To live in that moment forever, both bodies hidden underneath wrinkled sheets, his feet hanging out from the end of the blanket, your arm draped lazily over his bare chest. Could you feel his heart beating beneath his skin? It seemed like now it was only beating for you. He saw his future flash before his eyes, mornings like this, every morning like this, just waking up beside you, being able to see your beautiful face as soon as he opened his eyes. What a wonderful future it would be to spend it with you. 
Falling in love was easy when it was with you, but it was hard… It was hard because he knew he couldn’t stay with you, at least not in person. He had to go back to Korea, he had to finish the rest of the tour. His heart felt like it was connected to yours entirely, and having to leave you behind was going to be painful… But it would work. He’d make it work, solely because he couldn’t imagine his life without you in it. 
“I wish I could take you with me…” He whispered, and while he knew that that wish couldn’t be granted, not yet at least, he had been able to swindle security to pick you up just so that he could ride with you to the airport, so that he’d be able to see you one last time before he had to go. “I’ll message you… I’ll call you every day.” 
“What if you get bored?” You practically whimpered, and his heart cracked at the question. How could he ever get bored of you? He had spent months before the concert just thinking about you before he even knew where you lived or what you were truly like. He had been loyal to the singular thought of you. There was no way that he’d give up so easily when he finally had you and was able to call you his. 
“I’d never get bored, baby. I’ll wait, always… Until we can be together.” He reassured you, his hands cupping your cheeks gently as he wiped away the stray tears that fell from your eyes. “Don’t cry, please don’t cry. I’ll start crying and then I won’t be able to get out of the car because I won’t want to leave you…” He kissed your forehead, and then the tip of your nose before leaning back and giving you a smile that had his eyes disappearing momentarily. It was your favorite smile, you had told him multiple times, and it always seemed to cheer you up. 
“I’m sorry…” You sniffled, leaning forward and resting your head against his chest. Could you hear his heart now, could you hear how fast it was beating for you? “You should go now… I don’t want you to miss your flight.” The words sounded choked out, and he would have said more, but he knew that his words would come out the same way. 
For some people, two days wasn’t even enough to be acquaintances, but for him, two days was enough for him to feel like his heart belonged to you completely. You were his soulmate, his everything, without a doubt… He wouldn’t even look at another woman, he wouldn’t be able to look at anything without somehow finding a way to see you in whatever it was. He loved you with every ounce, every fiber of his being. 
“I’ll… I’ll try to make a stop here after the tour… I’ll visit you again… Before I go back to Korea… Okay?” He held out his pinky to lock with yours, twisting his hand and pressing his and your thumbs together. “Wait for me… Always wait for me, okay?” You nodded your head quickly, your nose scrunched up in the most adorable way as the tears continued to fall down your cheeks. With one last kiss, he was moving away, closer to the door. He hated goodbyes. “Get her home safe, okay… Please.” He told the driver who simply nodded, and then he was gone. 
The windows were tinted, and although he knew that you could see him constantly looking back at you through the windows, he couldn’t see you at all. The last image of you that he held in his mind was your tear stained cheeks and the expression of sadness as he let go of your finger and your hand dropped back down to your lap. He wished he could take you with him, but life just wouldn’t allow that… Not right now at least. 
For a good amount of time, you both kept in touch with each other frequently. Hell, you even had your first argument as soon as he got back to Korea because he pinky promised that he’d come visit you before he left, but he didn’t. It was quickly solved though, because one of the main things the two of you had going for the relationship was communication. He promised that when he had free time he would come visit you for a week, and you held onto that promise just as you had held onto the one from before. 
You would talk about how your day was, all the little things that happened, regardless of time difference or schedules, you both always found a way to keep in contact. For months your nights would end with video calls from him, and his nights would end with video calls from you. Everything was perfect, he truly felt that way. 
But soon the messages came in less often, it seemed like you were always busy doing something when he wanted to talk. He’d call you at night and you wouldn’t answer, always miraculously not having your phone with you or on when the call would come in. He didn’t understand it, and when he went to one of the other members to talk, he didn’t want to hear what they had to say either. 
There was no way that you were getting tired of him. You couldn’t be getting bored… Because he promised you that he wouldn’t get bored. It would be hypocritical for you to ask him if he’d get bored of you and then… then get bored of him. 
The thought stuck with him though, and while that would usually make most people give up, it just made him try harder. He messaged you as much as he could, he sent you constant pictures, he tried to call you whenever he knew you’d be on a lunch break or when you’d usually get off work. Your responses were always so dry though. Were you trying to get rid of him? Had he done something wrong? He was doing his best, it’s not like he enjoyed being so far away from you. It had only been 3 months… He was willing to wait forever to be with you… Why couldn't you do the same for him? 
“Hey baby, how did you sleep?” Nowadays he felt nervous when he texted you. He didn’t know whether he’d get a one word reply or no reply at all. It felt pathetic that the days he’d get the one word replies were his favorite, but you had been leaving him on read so often now that even the smallest response felt like a win to him. 
“I think we should talk…” A five word reply, and while the words didn’t sit right with him and they made his stomach do flips, it was nice. It was nice to think that you wanted to talk to him, regardless of what it was about. 
“Yeah sure! I’m down to talk, do you want to call? I haven’t seen you in a while. I miss you!” 
“No calling… It’ll just make this harder.” Make what harder? What were you going to say that could possibly be so hard? You weren’t… leaving him… were you? You couldn’t be… He hadn’t done anything wrong. He was devoted to you, he was loyal to you in every way. You weren’t just going to give up on him that easily… Were you? 
“Well, whatever it is that you have to say, I want you to know that I love you. I can’t wait to see you again!” Maybe that text would make you rethink whatever it was that you were about to send. If you knew that he loved you, although he did tell you every single day, maybe you’d realize that whatever you were planning on doing wasn’t the right thing to do. 
“Mingi… I can’t keep this up. I… found someone else…” 
“No you didn’t… No you didn’t!” He was already crying even though he wanted his mind to just forget that he had even read that text. “You love me! Don’t you love me?!” You had to love him… Why else would you have been so sad in the car when he went to the airport? “Is this because I couldn’t visit you after the tour was over? I’m sorry! I’ll come visit you! I’ll buy a plane ticket right now!” 
“It’s not that… I need someone that’s here with me. I don’t just want to keep repeating the same conversations every single day. The schedule differences and… Everything is stacked up against us… We weren’t going to work.” 
How could you say something like that? He was doing everything he possibly could to make it work. He was the one putting in all the effort. He was the one staying up later than he should just to be able to call you and message you when you were free. “No… You just didn’t want it to work… I still do!” His fingers moved like lightning across his screen, his eyes blurred with the tears that he was trying so hard to hold back. “You can’t decide something like that.. If you would have talked to me… We could have made it work.” 
Did you know that you were killing him, that you were breaking his heart? Would you take the words back if he told you? “I don’t want to argue with you… I just wanted you to know…” Were you as nonchalant as your texts made it seem you were? You really didn’t care… But maybe… Maybe if he gave you some time… A bit of time you’d come to realize that you did love him. He won’t message you… He’ll let it simmer… Maybe you’ll end up missing him and messaging him first. 
So he waited, and days turned into weeks, and he thought he’d be able to wait a month, but then you started posting on Instagram. You looked so happy in your pictures, you looked absolutely gorgeous, and the smile that you were wearing was the same one you had given him during those two days he got to be with you. He swiped through, and he was fine… Maybe not as fine as he wanted to be, but he was fine with seeing the pictures of just you. It brought back happier memories of when he was able to actually be with you. Then he got to the last picture, the guy that you were currently with, he assumed, his arms around you and his lips planted to your cheek. 
As if your words hadn’t been enough to have his heart breaking in two, the pictures felt like you were purposely throwing it in his face that he couldn’t be with you, that he couldn’t make you happy. He couldn’t stand seeing it, he was pissed, he was devastated, he wanted to lash out and he wanted to cry. Why were you doing this to him? What had he done? 
There wasn’t a single thought in his mind as he closed the instagram app and went to kakao, not even bothering to text you before his thumb slammed down on the call button. He didn’t care if you answered the first time, he’d just keep calling until you did, and that’s exactly what he had to do. It took 6 times for your exasperated breath to come through the speaker when you finally answered, but he wasn’t going to give you any time to complain. 
“Did you post it to piss me off or upset me? Because you did both! I guess you’re really winning now, aren’t you? You got to break up with a k-pop idol and break his heart! Good for you!” Right off the bat he was ranting, and maybe he sounded a little bit psychotic, maybe he sounded just slightly obsessed, but when you’re in love with someone, isn’t that how it should be? 
The sound of a man talking in the background had Mingis ears perking up. Were you with the guy still? Oh, how he wished the guy would get on the phone, he’d love to have a word with him. “You’re being ridiculous. I had a clear, logical reason to break up with you. I didn’t do it to hurt you or piss you off. I just wanted to be happy.” How could you sound so sad when you were the one that left him. He didn’t do this! You did! 
“What about my happiness?!” He screeched, running his hand through his hair. He had become aware of the rest of the guys all coming into the room to check on him, but he didn’t care enough to stop. You were going to listen to what he had to say, and those that decided to stick around would have to listen to it too. “You gave up on everything… You’re so selfish! And you weren’t even going to tell me!” 
“I was going to tell you!” You shouted back, and for some reason, it made him kind of excited to hear you fighting back. Something about hearing you get emotional over his words… It had butterflies swarming his stomach. “I didn’t even have time to fully think about how I was going to tell you, but you kept fucking messaging me and-” 
“Of course I kept messaging you! You were my girlfriend and I hadn’t heard from you! Don’t try to act like I’m the bad guy when you’re the one who was practically cheating on me!” While he was angry, he was also struggling to keep from laughing. It would probably sound a bit maniacal to start laughing right now though, and that’s the last thing he wanted. He just found it so cute, the way you were swearing and breathing so heavily, he could almost perfectly envision your face right now. 
You huffed loudly, and the sound was so beautiful to him. Maybe it was just the fact that you hadn’t hung up yet… You were still making time out of your day that you were spending with your boyfriend to focus on him. “I don’t know why you’re being such an asshole right now… I didn’t do anything to you. I never cheated on you… We… What we had… It couldn’t even be considered dating… We were only together for two days…” 
Now he was laughing though, his head falling back as the sound built in his chest. “Yeah okay! Let’s just hope that your boyfriend doesn’t have to go out of town or leave the country for more than a week. You might replace him too!” He shot back and he could almost hear the eye roll from your end. “Maybe you’re not actually meant for relationships, you just want someone to physically dote upon you daily. Sorry I couldn’t fit your selfish needs into my already busy schedule.” 
A small sniffle and the shuffling of fabric, maybe you were wiping your tears or maybe your wonderful boyfriend had come over to wipe them for you. “You’re being unnecessarily mean to me right now…” You whispered, sniffling again before swallowing thickly. “I’m sorry that you’re hung up… And I’m sorry that my happiness is upsetting you. I’m not asking you to stick around though… I’m not forcing you to. You don’t have to stalk my life… You can unfollow me.” 
Of course he wasn’t going to do that. He couldn’t imagine not seeing you on his feed when he opened Instagram, or not having your messages to look back on when he missed you too much. “You’re happiness won’t last long… You’re too selfish to be truly happy with anyone. The first time you can’t get exactly what you want, you give up. Have fun with that.” 
“I-” He quickly hung up, and it was only then that it sank in what he had done… And a wide smile spread across his face. He’d be kicking his feet if they weren’t touching the floor over the edge of the bed. The call only lasted 20 minutes tops, but hearing your voice that long… It was amazing, it made his heart beat a mile a minute and that familiar warm and fuzzy feeling washed over him. 
“Dude… What the fuck?” Wooyoung finally spoke up, concern masking the man's features as he stared at Mingi on the bed. No one had ever heard him talk like that before, and truthfully, he looked and was acting like a complete psychopath right now. “Who was that? What’s going on right now?” 
“I found a way to talk to her…” Mingi said, his chest rising and falling heavily as he let himself drop back onto the bed. He was happy, the happiest he’s been in weeks. “She’ll keep talking if we argue… I just have to keep arguing with her… Then she’ll come back to me. She’ll realize how much she misses me… This’ll work. I know it will.”
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lu-vin-it · 6 months
��─ ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Part 2
Summary: You'd always been close to the Snow's, especially Tigris. You lived beside them, starved with them during the war, and helped feed them after. You've also had a crush on Coriolanus for forever.
Pairings: Coriolanus Snow x Reader
Pronouns Used: None Mentioned
Word Count: 10,962
Warnings: A LOT of murder, y/n is a tad evil!, poison, drug use (morphling), they drink some champagne too, typical Hunger Games stuff, somewhat consistent with the actual movie timeline, somewhat consistent with the book, most of the dialogue is pulled directly from a transcript of the movie
A/N: My first Hunger Games fic, Yay! It's a man, Boo! This is also a two parter unfortunately so get ready for the cliffhanger!! This is the longest fic I've ever written! I am embarrassed. Thanks to @lemkay-luminary , @lunatiqez , and @mictodii for proofreading, ilysm bffs!!!
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Your family, the Rose’s, had a similar standing to the Snows. Maybe that’s why you got along with Tigris so well. You knew what she was going through, you understood her day to day struggle. 
Tigris and you were pushed to be friends by your parents, before the dark days. You were two years younger than her, but still, the two of you became inseparable, especially after your parents gained back their fortune and moved into the penthouse beside theirs. Sometimes you thought you spent more time in their home than your own, after your money came trickling back.
Most of the time you spent your allowance on the Snow family. Your parents pretended to not know. You constantly bought Tigris new thread, buttons, or fabric. She refused to let you buy anything expensive; so you would go to a shop, buy the cheapest things you could find, and give those to her. Then, the two of you would sew together, usually giving the pieces to the Grandma’am or to Tigris’s cousin, Coriolanus. 
Coryo was in your year at the academy, so you spent a great deal of time with him as well. You were pretty close with him too, though you wished you were closer. 
The night before the Reaping and the Plinth Prize, you got home late. You had to lug dinner, your school books, and buttons all the way across town by foot. 
When you arrive home, you open your bedroom door to find Tigris sitting by your bed. 
She gets up and gives you a hug. “Is that bread?” She asks, glancing into your bag. 
“And stew! Come, sit.” You walk into the room and over to your table. Tigris follows suit, adjusting her robe slightly. “Is everyone asleep?” You start pouring the stew from the canister into bowls.
“Yes, your sister was already asleep when I got here and your parents stopped by thirty minutes ago to say goodnight.” You nod and hand her a bowl. “Thank you! You’re my favorite.” 
“You’re welcome! I have the buttons we needed too. Where is the shirt?” 
“Oh, it’s in my bag.” She nods to the purse sitting by your bed. She stands up and gets the shirt swiftly. You take it from her and unfold it, it looks nearly perfect. The buttons are just the missing piece. 
“This is perfect! Beautifully done, T.” 
She blushes. “Stop! It’s really your doing. That is the thread you gifted me. And these buttons are going to outshine everything else.” The way she said it made you instantly believe it. 
The rest of the night, you and Tigris slowly sew on each button. Trying different stitches in order to find the perfect one. Once you did, you lay the shirt down on your couch, and nod off to sleep, your last thoughts were of Coryo. What would he think of you helping with it? Would he smile in that one way he does sometimes? You couldn’t help but grin at the thought.
The next morning, you woke up earlier than usual with Tigris. You had to look your best today, even though you weren’t in line for a Plinth Prize, you knew there’d be plenty of pictures taken if Coryo wins it, and he will. You took the rest of the bread with you as you went to the Snow’s penthouse, just two houses down.  
“Have you seen Tigris with my Father’s shirt?” You hear Coryo ask as you walk through the door. 
“No.” The Grandma’am replies. 
“Coryo?” Tigris calls out as she walks through the foyer. You trail behind her. 
“Tigris?” Your classmate finally comes into view, shirtless. You look away. 
“I’m sorry we’re late.” Tigris apologizes.
“It was my fault, my first alarm didn’t ring.” You say with a frown. “But! We did it!” You gesture for Tigris to get the shirt, she does. 
“Well, we did something.” She hands it over. Coryo starts putting it on.
“I think it’s gorgeous.” 
Tigris looks at you, clearly thankful for the compliment. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Best cousin ever, and best friend ever.” Butterflies erupt in your stomach, you don’t let them show. “Tell me everything.” 
“Where do I start? I told Fabricia, at work, that she needed to bleach her white curtains and I slipped in the shirt while she did it. And of course we have Y/N to thank for the buttons.” 
“How much were they?” He asks, furrowing his brows. 
“Don’t worry about it. Think of it as an early graduation present.” You brush him off. 
“Oh. Did you find the potatoes? I boiled them for starch and you should really eat something today.”
He shakes his head. “Save them for Grandma’am.” He buttons the last button. 
Tigris grins, and fixes his collar. “You look so handsome! Grandma’am! Come see!” 
“Coriolanus Snow, future president of Panem,” Tigris joins. “We salute you.” You and Tigris both salute Coryo. 
Later, you and Coriolanus walk into the academy shoulder to shoulder. Clemensia, Coriolanus’s class partner and a classmate of yours, comes up to you two.
“Why, Coriolanus Snow, Y/N Rose.” 
“Clemmie.” Your friend replies. 
“Are you two sweating?” 
“It’s reaping day, we gave our drivers a day off.” You reply. 
“Ugh! Those ingrates should be begging to chauffeur you around today.” Clemensia replies, not looking at you once. “Just don’t forget I was your class partner while you’re gloating over the Plinth Prize.” 
“Prize? Please.” Coryo shakes his head. “I just want to serve Panem.” 
She hums. “Hungry?” 
“Cook served steak for breakfast, we had to throw half out.” She seemed to believe his lies. 
“Shame on you, Coryo. Don’t you know that they’re starving out there in the districts?” The three of you walk in. A friend of yours, Juno Phipps, calls you over. 
“I’ll see you soon, Coryo. You’ve got this.” You squeeze his shoulder before walking over to Juno . 
A moment passes before the bell rings and you have to rush into the veiwing room. You run over to where Coriolanus is standing with Sejanus. 
“…There’s no plinth prize today.” You overhear. Sejanus walks away. You go up to the blonde. 
“What just happened?” 
Coryo’s jaw tightens. “He said there was no prize today.” Your heart shatters for him. 
“Come on, the reaping is starting.” You place your hand on his arm. “Today, Coryo. There’s no prize today.” You emphasize. He glances at you and nods. You drop your hand and walk in, Coryo following.
You sit down right as Dr. Gual starts speaking.  
“How tantalizing to see all your shining young faces on this auspicious day.” She starts. “I am Dr. Volumnia Gaul, your humble gamemaker, in charge of the War Department and all its affiliated concerns. I’ve broken free of my laboratory today, to examine you, the leaders of the next generation. I won’t be around forever, after all.” She laughs. “And now to that end, I am honored to introduce you to the creator of the Hunger Games themselves, Dean Casca Highbottom.” Your dean steps up, clearly high on morphling, but then again when is he not? 
He clears his throat. “Select students, faculty, and of course, Dr. Gaul, I have summoned you all here today for the 10th annual Reaping Ceremony in which we choose two children from each district to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in the Hunger Games.”
He gestures to the top students, sitting in front of the room. “And here sit.. our own twenty-four top prospects all waiting to hear the results of hard study in this prestigious institution.” 
He pauses. “Eager to learn who’s won that Plinth Prize, no doubt. And a golden future. However, I am here to tell you that there’s been a change this year. One final assignment to prove your worth. Because… the esteemed citizens of the Capitol have grown bored of the Games and simply aren’t watching anymore. And if the games are to continue there must be an audience. So, Head Gamemaker Dr. Gaul has stepped in to… incentivize patriotic values with her own unique flair, starting with you. The Plinth Prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades.” 
The top students burst into a mixture of confusion and anger. “But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games. This is a brand new role. As the reaping progresses live, I will allocate each district tribute a capitol mentor behind the scenes, one who must just persuade them to perform for the cameras.” 
Someone calls out. “Obviously, the best mentor will be the one who’s tribute wins the game.” 
Arachne, an insufferable blonde girl, replies; “What if I get a pathetic runt girl from one of the poor districts, like 8 or 12? They’re just going to die in two minutes like they did last year and the year before.” 
“Your role is to turn these children into spectacles, Ms. Crane. Not survivors. Victory in the games is only one of our considerations. Your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair advantage,” He laughs. “Will just not have any future at all.” The reaping music starts. “Oh! Here we go. Let the reaping begin.”
Dean Highbottom grabs cards and starts reading off the mentor to each tribute as the tributes are chosen. You zone out until you hear Coryo’s name. District 12, girl. Lucy Gray Baird, to be exact. The tribute walked to the stage, stuffing a snake into a girl’s dress on the way there— you wished you could’ve seen it, but the cameras panned away. When Lucy Gray got to the stage, she stood in front of the mic, and started singing. 
“You can’t take my past. You can’t take my history.” The room erupted in noises of confusion. “You could take my Pa, but his name’s a mystery. Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keepin’. Nothing you can take was ever worth keeping.”
“Singing? Is she out of her mind?” Arachne yells. Your eyes don’t stray from the screen. 
“Can’t take my charm. Can’t take my humor. You can take my wealth, cause it’s just a rumor. Nothing you can take, was ever worth keeping.” Lucy grabs the mic. “You can’t take my sass. You can’t take my talkin’. You can kiss my ass!” She lets go of the mic, making it thud, as she turns around to the peacekeepers. The room laughs at her. 
“Well, she’s mentally ill.” The blonde remarks. You all get up, you decide to wait a couple steps behind Coryo as Dean Highbottom speaks to him. 
“At least.. since the assignment is to turn them into spectacles.. at least Lucy Gray already is one.” You offer to your friend as the dean walks away. 
“Let’s go home.” He says instead. You frown, but start walking with him anyway. 
Once your at the Snow residence, Coryo tells Tigris everything, you chime in from time to time to add on.
 “He’s sabotaging us.” He looks at Tigris, and then to you. “That girl’s not going to win these games. You saw her. She’s underfed, unstable.” 
“The dean said it’s not just about winning.” You say.
“Everything is about winning. If not the Games now, then the crowd. Lucy Gray won’t survive a minute in that arena.” 
“So that means we have to make every second before then count.” Tigris says. 
The blonde nods. “I’ll get her to sing again.” 
You snort. “I wouldn’t sing a note for you, if I were her. I wouldn’t do anything at all, unless I could trust you.” Tigris nods.
“She’s district, Y/N.” He sighs. “She knows we hate her, and she wants us dead. How am I supposed to get her to trust me?” 
“Imagine it was your name that they pulled, and you had just been ripped out of your home. I’d just want to know that someone still cared about me out here.” Tigris says, softly. “Don’t discount her just because she’s district, Coryo. You might just have more in common with her than you think.” That is the difference between you and your best friend. She is so kind.. and you are.. you.
Coryo nods and stands up. “I think I know what I need to do.” He walks into his room with a short farewell. 
“What do you think he’s going to do?” Tigris asks. 
You furrow your brows. “If anyone knows, it’d be you.” Your best friend shakes her head. 
“I may know him the best, but you two are basically the same people. What would you do if you were him?” You think for a moment. What would you do? 
“Meet her at the train station.” You say with a nod. “Get her to trust me, and sing. Her singing is probably the only way he’s got a chance of winning.” 
“You’re right.” 
You sigh. “I just hope he is too.” With that, you stand up. “Well, I better get home. Love you, Tigris.” Your best friend stands up and hugs you. 
“I love you too, N/N. Have a good night.” 
You grab your bag which was on your chair and put it on your shoulder. “You too.” 
The next morning, you wait for Coryo outside like you usually do, but when there was no sign of him five minutes before class started, you sprint to class. 
You sat down next to Sejanus like usual. His face is full of confusion when Coriolanus doesn’t follow you. 
“Where’s Coryo?” 
“I don’t know, but I’ll be giving him an earful for not telling me I didn’t have to wait outside.” You whisper in response. You didn’t want all your classmates hearing the anger in your voice, but Sejanus knew you well, and besides, it wasn’t the first time Coryo made you mad. 
He laughs. “Sure you will. I’ve never seen you actually yell at him. He gives you one look and you melt.” 
You gape at him in offense. “I do not!” Sejanus goes to reply, but Dean Highbottom walks in, stealing all attention. He turns on the TV at the front of the room. It flicks on revealing Coriolanus and Lucy Gray Baird standing in a cage, holding hands. You are suddenly even angrier than before. 
“…But this dress was my Mama’s, so it’s extra special to me.” Lucy says, showing off the skirt with her free hand. 
“Mhm, and she’s in District 12?” Lucky, the reporter asks.
“Well only her bones, darlin’, only her bones.” Everything about her infuriates you. Her voice, her smile, her hair. “Do you know my mentor? Say’s his name’s Coriolanus Snow and clearly, I got the cake with the cream, ‘cause nobody else has even bothered to show up.” You curl your fists in your lap. 
“Did the gamemakers tell you to jump in the cage with them?” 
“They didn’t tell me not to.” You put your tongue in your cheek. ‘Didn’t tell you to hold her hand, either.’ You think to yourself. “They just said it was a mentor’s job to introduce our tributes to the citizens of Panem. And I thought, well, if Lucy Gray is brave enough to be here, then why shouldn’t I be, too?” Lucky hums.
“For the record, I didn’t have a choice.” Lucy Gray adds. 
“For the record,” Lucky looks at a couple of Peacekeepers making their way to the cage. “I think you’re about to be whisked away, young man.” Before you could see anymore, the camera pans away, following Lucky as he signs off. 
Thirty minutes later, Coryo waltzes into the classroom, he gives you a smile and you barely hold back a scowl. 
“Your little excursion was in violation of about five different Academy rules, Mr. Snow.” Dean Highbottom says. “Chief among them, endangering a Capitol student.” Coryo stops in his tracks, about to sit down in his seat beside you. 
“What, who?” 
“You. I’m moving for the Gamemakers to disqualify you immediately.” 
Coryo sits down. “You said we had to get our tributes to perform, not that we had to stay away.” 
“I’ll add insubordination onto the list.” 
“Holding her hand, Coryo, introducing her to people, you make it look as if we’re one and the same as those people.” Clemensia spits. Although you agree with her, you stay quiet. 
Sejanus scoffs. “Coriolanus didn’t show those people anything that they didn’t already know—“
“I don’t need your help, Sejanus.” 
“—That the tributes are human beings. Just like us. That’s why nobody wants to watch the games. It’s because people know deep down that winning a war 10 years ago doesn’t justify starving people’s children, taking away their freedom, their rights.”  
“Snow fell down in the cage. It fell in the cage, but landed..” You look over to see Dr. Gaul in the doorway. She wears the same smug smile she always wears.
“On stage.” Coryo finishes her riddle. 
“You’re good at games. Maybe one day you’ll be a gamemaker like me.” 
“If the games continue at all.” Sejanus mumbles.
“Oh they’ll continue with performances like young Mr. Snow’s in that zoo. And I came here to ask your star mentor a question.” We all wait in anticipation. “What are the Hunger Games for?” Instead of waiting for Coryo to reply, you turn to the book on the table and read, blocking out the sounds of Sejanus and Dr. Gaul arguing. 
After class, you leave as quickly as possible, ignoring Coryo as he tries to stop you. When he stops, you glance back to see him frowning at you. A pang of guilt racks you, but you continue walking away. You knew it’d be bad to confront him now, you were more angry that Lucy Gray got his attention so quickly than anything. And you knew Coryo would see that.
You are able to avoid him until you are on your way to lunch, and he pulls you into a classroom. 
“Why have you been avoiding me?”
You sigh. “I’m hungry, Coriolanus. I know you are too, let’s go to lunch, please?” You move to open the door but he moves in front of it. 
“What is your problem?” 
“What’s yours?” 
“My problem is that you’re ignoring me! And you didn’t defend me to Highbottom!” 
You roll your eyes. “You told Sejanus not to.” 
“You’re not Sejanus.” 
You scoff. “Yeah well you were treating me like him.” 
Coryo scrunches his face up. “What?” 
“No warning this morning? I waited outside for you for thirty minutes.” You start. “And imagine my surprise, when I finally do go to class, that you blew me off for some district scum!” You spit. Coriolanus stares at you in shock. A second passes before you realize what you said. “I didn’t.. they aren’t scum, I didn’t mean that.” You rush out. 
“You did mean it.” It’s like a switch is flipped, and you can’t help but feel drawn to this side of him. A smirk slowly appears on his face. He takes a step towards you. “You know how much I need the prize, Y/N. Forgive me for not telling you?” He takes another step, and you back up, crossing your arms. “You know I’d never purposely blow you off for Lucy Gray.” He reaches his hand up to your face. A foreign gesture. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. “Why don’t you come to the zoo with me later?” He gives you his signature smile and you melt. 
With a sigh, you nod. “Fine, whatever.” 
“Come on, wouldn’t want anyone catching us here alone, rumors may start.” You squint your eyes at your friend, was he flirting with you? “Lunch?” He offers you his arm, and you loop your own through it.  
In the cafeteria, you and Coryo sit at a table across from one another. You eat in silence, while Coryo tries to put food in his pocket. 
“Trying to fatten that girl up so you can finally start taking bets?” Sejanus asks, sitting in the other chair at the table.
“You think they’ll give those kids a scrap if we don’t give them a reason to do it? How do you think your tribute will have a chance if he can’t eat?” You reply, defending Coryo. 
Sejanus looks at the blonde boy. “I see you’ve already gotten back into Y/N’s good graces.” You roll your eyes, Coryo smiles slightly. Sejanus turns back to you. “He was my classmate, back in 2.” 
“It’s not your fault it’s him.” 
“See, I know. I’m so blameless, I’m choking on it.” He looks at his tray. “My Father bought him for me, you know, at the Reaping, just so he could show me that I could never go back..But being Capitol is going to change me.” He admits quietly. 
“So do something about it.” You say.  
“Quite the rebel.” Sejanus jokes. 
“Oh yeah, N/N’s bad news.” Coryo says with a nod. You laugh.
Later, you and the boys go to the zoo. Sejanus immediately tries to talk to Marcus, while you and Coryo look for Lucy Gray. 
“Lucy Gray!” The blonde calls out as you approach the cage. “This is Y/N Rose, a good friend of mine.” 
“Well hello there, Y/N.” It takes everything in you to smile. 
“Hi, quite a show you put on at the Reaping. Beautiful voice.” 
She tilts her head to the side with a smile. “Oh stop, you’ll make me blush.” Coryo pulls the food out of his pocket. “That for us? Jessup!” You furrow your brows. What was she doing? 
“I’m not hungry.” A boy, the other tribute from 12, replies. 
“Do you think I can’t hear your stomach growling, Jessup Diggs? Come on.” Jessup gets up and takes half of the food, and then sits back down. 
You wince, seeing a nasty bite on his neck. “What happened to his neck?” You ask.
“A bat bite. The first night on the train, he didn’t sleep a wink the whole journey ‘cause he was keeping the bats off me so I would get some rest.” Noble. ‘Is he not aware of the whole fighting to the death thing?’ You wonder. 
“Can you take it?” You look over to see Arachne taunting a tribute. “Come on, try harder than that.” 
“One thing I learned in twelve, is that hunger is a weapon.” She gestures to Arachne. “Your friend over there sure knows it.” 
“She isn’t our friend.” Coryo says quickly. 
“She’s poison with perfect teeth.” You roll your eyes. 
“Are you going to share everything that I give you with Jessup?”
“Why? You think I ought to build up my strength so I can strangle him in the arena?” She laughs. “Not exactly my forte.” 
“I might have a chance to help you, make some suggestions to the gamemakers. I might even be able to get the audience to send you gifts in the arena. Food and water to keep you going.” He pauses. “You just have to try singing again to win people over.” 
Lucy Gray crosses her arms. “I don’t sing when I’m told, I sing when I’ve got something to say. Besides, I’ve seen your arena, there’s no place to hide.”
“What’s your point?” 
“The guards say you get money if you get more people to watch and you say you wanna help me, so which one is it?” You look at Coryo, wanting to hear his answer. Knowing he would say he wants to help her, but hoping that he’d crush her instead. 
“Both.” You look down to conceal your smile. 
“One more time!” Arachne yells. 
“I’m not playing this game.” The tribute replies.
“Come on!” 
“You shut up.” She growls.
“Uh.. No, thank you. I saw you staring.” 
“Give me something. I’ve been sitting here for 15 minutes!” 
“Always thought there was plenty of food in the Capitol.” Lucy Gray says, staring at Arachne and the tribute. 
“You know, one time, during the war, I ate a whole jar of paste just to take away the ache.” You look at Coryo sadly. You remembered that day, 
“How was it?” 
“Pasty.” You smile. 
“That little one, she’s so sweet. So young.” Lucy Gray points at a young girl sitting on a rock. “Something about her reminds me of my cousin Maude Ivory. I can’t stand to think of them without me.” 
“I’m sorry.” Coryo replies. 
She gives you both a pained smile. “You two seem like a good match.” 
You shake your head. “Oh— Well—“ 
“Thank you.” Coryo interrupts you. You glance at him, but his face gives nothing away. You aren’t sure what was happening with Coriolanus, was he trying to hint at something?
“Come on, just take it.” Arachne taunts again. This time, the tribute takes the bottle, and breaks it. She then uses the broken bottle to slit Arachne’s throat.
You gasp. “Oh my—“  You grab onto Coryo, He pushes you behind some peacekeepers as he runs for Arachne. “Coryo! Stop— What are you doing!?” Fear racks your body, and your eyes fill with tears as the peacekeepers start firing without a target. The tribute that slit Arachne’s throat fell, being shot at least twice. Peacekeepers forcefully remove Coriolanus from Arachne while others grab her body. You run over to Coryo and hug him tightly. “A-Are you okay? Were you shot?” You pull away and scan him. 
“I’m fine, were you hurt?” You shake your head and hug him again. 
That night, you sat on the Snow’s couch, Tigris’s arms around you, completely silent. 
“It’s starting again. This is how it begins, the war.” The Grandma’am says. 
“It was my fault.” Coriolanus replies quietly. “I suggested that we meet the tributes.” 
“You’re just lucky that your songbird didn’t peck out your eyes, too.” 
“She’s not a rebel, Grandma’am. She’s just a girl.” Tigris argues.
The old woman laughs. “Trust me, that one hasn’t been a girl in a long time. Outside this Capitol, they’re savages, one and all. However they may smile, she will use you. You must use her too, or you’ll end up dead in the trees like your Father.” You reach out and put a hand on Coryo’s shoulder. He doesn’t react, and the four of you sit in silence for a moment. 
“I should go home, see my parents.” You give a pained smile. “Can’t spend my whole life here.” Tigris smiles at you. “I’ll stop by tomorrow with dinner.” You stand up, giving Tigris a quick hug, and then giving the Grandma’am a kiss on the cheek. 
The next day was even worse. All of the mentors went to the arena with their tributes, and after five minutes, the arena was bombed by rebels. You didn't even know until Sejanus came knocking on your door hours later to tell you that Coriolanus was injured. You ran to the hospital. 
“Tigris!” You whisper-shout when you walk in. She quickly stands up and rushes over to you. “How is he?” 
She engulfs you in a hug. “Okay. Nothing is broken.” You let out a breath of relief. You let go of her and walk to the side of his bed where two chairs were. You sit in one of them, Tigris going to sit in the other. You look at him sleeping soundly, he looked fine.
A tear falls down your face, but you quickly wipe it away. “How long has he been asleep?” 
“Couple of hours, he passed out after Lucy Gray saved him.” Your neck snaps to Tigris. 
“She saved him?”
Your best friend nods. “Something collapsed on his leg, she lifted it for him, got him out.” 
You furrow your brows. “I’ll be back.” You kiss Tigris’s cheek. “There’s food in my bag, eat some?” She nods. You rush out, heading straight for the zoo. 
“Lucy Gray!” You yell when you get there. It was starting to get dark, so there were more peacekeepers than usual. “Lucy Gray Baird!” You call out again. Finally, the girl pops her head up from behind a rock, her face morphs into confusion when she sees you, but she stands and walks towards you. 
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” 
“You saved him.” She nods slowly. Tears pool in your eyes again. “They said he may not wake up until tomorrow.” The tribute deflates. 
“Well.. I appreciate you telli—“
“Do you need anything?” You interrupt, swallowing your pride. 
“Well.. Coriolanus said he’d get me a guitar for the interview tomorrow night.” You nod. 
“I’ll get it for you, and if he doesn’t make it to the interview I’ll have Sejanus, he’s the boy from 2’s mentor, give it to you.”
“I appreciate that, but, aren’t I competition? Why would he help me out?” 
“Sejanus doesn’t see things like we do. Plus, his tribute escaped, he’s already lost the prize.” 
“Okay then. I appreciate you, Y/N Rose.” You nod. 
“Sleep as well as you can.. I know it’s hard on the ground, but..” You pause. “Coryo needs this prize.” Lucy Gray cocks her head to the side. 
“Don’t you mean I need to win the games?” 
You shrug. “They go hand in hand.” 
“Hm.” She nods. “You have a good night, Rose.” You turn around with a wave, and head back to the hospital. 
“Where’d you go?” Tigris asks as you sit beside her. 
“Zoo. Needed to make sure Lucy Gray was taken care of.” She nods. “Has he woken up yet?”
Tigris smiles. “For a minute. He asked about you.” 
You glance at Tigris, trying to not sound so eager. “What did he say?” 
“He wanted to make sure someone had told you, and then he wanted to know where you were. I told him you ran home to change.” 
You nod.  “Thanks.” You look at the clock on the wall. It was already eight. “If you want to go home, you can. I know you have work tomorrow. I’ll stay here.” 
“Are you sure?” 
You nod. “I told my Mom I would be at yours all night.” 
“You’re an angel.” She hugs you. “Get some rest, N/N.” 
“You too.”  
Tigris came back a few hours later so you could actually go home and change, but then she had work. You sit with Coryo all day. Your Mother stops by around three to drop off some food. 
“Are you coming home tonight?” She asks. 
You glance up from the food. “Probably not, doc said Coriolanus would be up soon, so I’ll probably help Tigris look after him tonight. She does work, so she’ll need to rest.” 
“The Games are tomorrow, Y/N. You need to get some rest too.” 
“Oh! Speaking of, Lucy Gray needs a guitar for an interview. It’d be a shame to buy a new one since.. Well, since she won’t be around to enjoy it. Would you mind getting Tessa’s and giving it to Sejanus when he goes?” 
She tilts her head to the side. “Does your sister know about this?”
“She will when you tell her?” You scrunch your shoulders up and give her a smile. 
Your Mom huffs. “Fine. What time will Sejanus be at the house?” 
“In an hour.” 
“Okay. I love you.”  
“Yeah, you too.” She leans down and kisses your cheek, you return the gesture, she then leaves. 
Two hours later, Sejanus walks in. 
“Y/N? Hey.” You glance up from the pants you’re sewing.
“Oh, hello, Sejanus.” You place the pants on the table beside you, carefully placing the needle on top. “Why aren’t you at the interview?” 
He shrugs and sits down beside you. “Wanted to watch it with him, I guess. And you. You guys are my best friends.” ‘What? He barely knows me.’ You think to yourself. You smile. 
“Oh, alright then.” You grab the remote and turn on the TV. The interviews were about to start. 
“Has he woken up yet?” 
“Once last night. I was at the zoo, but Tigris was here.” 
“Speaking of, where is she?” 
“Work. Did you get the guitar?”
 He nods. “Yes! Lucy Gray is ready.” 
You give him a small smile. “Good. Thank you.”
He shrugs. “I want him to win the prize. I dunno how I’d survive University without you both.” You nod and turn to the TV, the girl from district 3 was being interviewed. She was the first, since all of the tributes from 1 and 2 were dead or, in the boy from 2’s case, on the run. 
You and Sejanus watched in silence until the girl from 11 came on stage, and Coryo started stirring. 
“Coryo?” You stand up and stand at the edge of his bed. He slowly opens his eyes. 
You grin. “Coryo! Right on time, Lucy Gray is almost up.” You nod to the TV. 
“How’re you feeling?” Sejanus asks, standing. 
“Fine, really. So, they’re actually going on with the Games?” Sejanus nods. “Wow.” 
“I first met this young lady in the zoo not too long ago,” You glance at the TV, Lucky was about to introduce Lucy Gray. 
“She’s coming on.” You tell them, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“From District 12, Lucy Gray Baird! Get over here with that guitar, you songbird!” Lucy Gray walks on wearing your sister’s guitar. 
“Did you get her that?” Coriolanus asks. You glance back and smile.
“I went to thank her for saving you, she mentioned you were going to get her one.” He smiles back at you, searching your eyes. “You’re very welcome.” You wink and turn back to the TV. 
“…We fell on hard times, and we lost our bright colours, you went to the dogs and I lived by my charms.” Lucy Gray sings. The donations start going up. 
You reach back and place a hand on Coryo’s forearm. A moment passes, as you watch the donations pile up, Coryo slowly moves his arm and slots your fingers together. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
“…So who will you turn to tomorrow, I wonder? For when the bell rings, lover, you’re on your own.” 
“It’s working.” Coryo says, breathing a laugh. 
“Of course it is.” You look back at your friend with a grin. “Snow lands on top.” 
He smirks. “Snow lands on top.”
The interview ends and Sejanus leaves soon after, leaving you alone with Coryo. 
“I brought you food, it’s cold now, but I can get it heated up for you.” You tell your friend as you turn to him. 
“Y/N, thank you… For everything you’ve done to help me.”
 You smile and squeeze his hand. “You and Tigris are my best friends.” 
“You’re my best friend too.” He hesitantly sits up. “Will you help me get home?” 
“Sure, you need to get some rest, big day tomorrow.” You stand up. “I’ll go tell a nurse.” 
The next day was the start of The Hunger Games. You got up especially early so that you could have breakfast at the Snow’s and then go with Coriolanus to watch the games. 
“Tigris? Coryo?” You call out, entering the penthouse. 
“Hello, Y/N.” The Grandma’am says from the table. 
You walk over with a smile. “Good Morning! How did you sleep?” 
She shakes her head. “I barely slept. Whispers of another rebellion keep me up.” 
You give her a sympathetic look. “I’ll keep you safe if there is one. You can come with me to my family’s bunker.” The Grandma’am gives you a wary look as if you couldn’t be trusted. She did that with everyone these days, although she had yet to do it to you too.
“Good morning!” You hear Tigris say as she leaves her room. 
“Morning. I brought food.” You open your bag and pull out containers.
“Of course you did.” She sits down beside you. “How did you sleep?” 
“Fine, I’m nervous for today.” Tigris frowns, as if she’d forgotten what today is. Coryo steps out of his room a second later. 
“Good Morning.” He sits down beside The Grandma’am, giving her a kiss on the cheek. There are circles under his eyes. 
You give each of them a portion of the food you brought. “Someone didn’t sleep.” You tease. 
“I went to see Lucy Gray last night.” 
You furrow your brows. “After I left?” He nods. Why would he do that? “Too bad you didn’t tell me. I would’ve loved to see her one more time.” Tigris’s eyes flicker between you two. 
“You don’t think she’ll win?” No. 
You smile sweetly. “Of course I do, Coryo. But when she does she’ll be shipped back to 12. We’ll probably never see her again.” Coryo seems to believe you, and sinks into his seat. Your stomach aches from jealousy. 
A few minutes pass, and once all of you are done eating, you stand. “Well, I think we ought to be on our way.” Coryo nods, and stands up as well. “See you soon, T.”
“Have a good day, I’ll be watching from work!” Tigris stands up and gives you and Coryo each a kiss on the cheek. 
When you walk downstairs there’s a car waiting for you like usual. You slide into the backseat and Coriolanus follows. Once you’re both buckled, you close the privacy screen between you and the driver. 
“Why did you go alone last night?” You ask suddenly. 
Coryo raises his eyebrows. “I felt like I needed to tell her thank you, like you did.” 
“All alone at night?” You chastise. “Did you learn nothing from Arachne? You could have been killed!”
He scoffs. “They’re in a cage.”
“The Peacekeepers aren’t.” 
“The Peacekeepers aren’t going to shoot me.” 
“Not purposely but they’re awful shots! You saw what they did when Arachne was attacked, why did you put yourself in that position?” 
He sighs. “I was giving her something.” He admits. “She isn’t going to win on her own, so I gave her something, is that what you wanted to hear?” 
You blink at him in surprise. “What did you give her?”
“It’s best if you don’t know. If Highbottom finds out I don’t want you dragged into it.” 
“But I want to be dragged into it. Coryo, do you know what they’ll do to you if they find this out?”
Your friend scowls. “Of course I know. But this is the only way I have a chance at winning.”
“Coryo, you’ve already completed the assignment. Lucy Gray is a spectacle.” 
“You and I both know he won’t give it to me unless she wins so just forget about it.” You frown and scoot closer to him, laying your head down on his shoulder.
“Maybe I should just save up my allowance for a while and I could give it to you–”
“No, Y/N–”
“It wouldn’t cover the whole thing but it’d make a dent in the tuition at least.”
“No. I’m not letting you do that.” 
You can feel tears filling your eyes. “Then Lucy Gray has to win. I won’t survive The University without you.” 
He grabs one of your hands. “She will.” 
You walked into The Academy hand in hand with Coryo, you tried to let go before you got out of the car, thinking he wouldn’t want people to see, but he just picked it back up. 
When you walked into the room the games were being viewed in, Dean Highbottom walked up to you. “That friend of yours, Plinth,” He starts, nodding to Sejanus who was talking to another classmate of yours. “You might want to find him a seat near the door.” He grimaces before walking away. 
“Weird.” You mumble. 
“Coryo, Y/N!” Sejanus calls. He walks up to you both. 
“Hey.” Coryo replies, his face stone. 
“How’re you doing? You alright?” 
The blonde nods. “Better.”
Sejanus grimaces. “Tell me this will be over quickly.” The screen in front of the room turns on revealing some tributes. 
“We should take our seats.” You say. You turn to Coryo with a smile. “Good luck.” You squeeze his hand and then walk over to the viewing stands. 
“Everyone, as you know, we’re about to go live.” Lucky starts. “Just because you’re not hosting doesn’t mean you're off the hook, help me! Don’t get lost behind your screens. No yawning, no gum chewing, keep your chins down, heads up, shoulders back, and smile! It's why we have teeth.” He grins. “Okay, ready? We’re gonna start guys. Five, four, three, two…” An orchestra plays and the cameras turn on. “Good morning, I’m Lucretius “Lucky” Flickerman. A man who needs no introduction. Weatherman, amateur magician, and today, I’m honored to say, first ever host of The Hunger Games!” Everyone breaks into applause, you join in, clapping unenthusiastically. “In my hand, an envelope, sealed. My prediction, the winner, will be opened by me, at the end of the big show’s end.” He brings his hand up to his ear. “We’re getting word… alright, we’re about to start! We’re starting everyone! Happy Hunger Games!” He turns to the students. “Remember, when your tribute dies, get out.”
You can hear the Tributes entering the arena, and reluctantly walking to their marks. Then, you see something else. Marcus was tied up, half dead, in the middle of the Arena. You gasp with the rest of the room. 
Sejanus stands up in shock. “Marcus!” He yells.
Lucky grimaces. “Guess we can all sleep better now that we know he’s off the streets!” 
“You’re monsters!” Sejanus shouts at the Dean. “All of you!” He runs out. The countdown starts at ten. You sit up straighter. 
“Jessup! Jessup!” Lucy Gray shouts. You furrow your brows. Everyone around her started running to the pile of weapons in the middle of the Arena. 
“What is she doing?” You mumble. Reaper, the biggest tribute, runs straight at Lucy Gray with a scythe, but she ducks. Then Coral, the girl tribute from 4 runs at her with a trident. She dodges the first and second blows before backing up and dodging the third, causing Coral to impale another tribute through the stomach. 
One of your classmates leans down and throws up. You scrunch up your face in disgust. 
Two tributes were already dead. Lucy Gray rolls off of the rubble, narrowly missing an axe swung by the boy from 7. She stands up and manages to get away from two more strikes before someone throws a knife, hitting the boy's arm. Another knife is thrown way too close to Lucy Gray. 
She looks around, finally finding Jessup across the arena. She screams his name again and climbs on top of the rubble, knocking out one of the other tributes with her elbow once she gets up. She rolls off the other side, making brief eye contact with Coral, who pulls her trident out of someone’s chest. 
Lucy Gray reaches Jessup and pulls him up, shouting about how they had to go now. Some of the other tributes already started chasing them, but Lucy Gray manages to run into some of the tunnels, dragging Jessup with her. 
“They’ve gone underground quickly, but we’ve prepared for this!” The cameras switch and you can see Lucy Gray again. 
They run through the tunnels, checking all the doors that they pass. Every single one is locked.
“What you’re seeing now, is a live feed of security cameras.” 
“C’mon..” You grip the bench. 
Coral and her group enter the tunnels, and Lucy Gray starts frantically looking for some hiding place. She finally gets through a small entrance on the bottom of a door, then, she pulls Jessup through it. 
Two other tributes are found by Coral’s group in the tunnels. They are slaughtered on sight. 
“Do you think they’re done?” One of your classmates asks. 
“Looks like it.” Lucky turns to the cameras. “To the children watching, that was violent, horrific, and disgusting.” He turns to the girl that threw up. “Ms. Phipps, please, if you’re going to vomit, do it off camera.” He gives her a pitiful smile and then looks at the camera. “Thirteen tributes still remain. Reaper still looming large on top of the charts, while Coral and her pack try to make a play. Six tributes gone in minutes. If they keep it going up at this pace, we’re gonna be outta here in no time!” He then starts giving the weather report. 
You stand up and walk over to Coryo’s seat, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“She survived the worst part of the games, who's to say she won’t survive the rest?” You give him a lazy smile which he returns. 
“Rose, back to your seat. The rules for spectators are very clear.” Highbottom reprimands. You nod at the dean and squeeze Coryo’s shoulder before walking away. 
You stay there until 8, when all viewers are forced to leave.  You give Coryo a small wave and a smile before you leave, he only waves in response. He looks exhausted. 
At midnight, Dr. Gaul shows up on your doorstep. 
“You need to come with me, now.” 
You squint your eyes. “Why?”
“It’s about your friend.” 
Your brows furrow in concern. “Is it Coryo? Is he okay?” Was he caught? Was Dr. Gaul here to bring you in for questioning?
“Mr. Snow is fine, it’s Sejanus Plinth that’s in trouble. I don’t know how he broke in, or who he bribed, but Sejanus Plinth is currently in The Hunger Games arena and I need you and ‘Coryo’ to get him out.” 
You sigh. You always did have a feeling this ‘friendship’ with Sejanus was going to end up costing more than it’s worth. “Fine. Let’s go.” 
Dr. Gaul ends up taking you to a car that Coryo was already sitting in. She doesn’t blink twice when you sit next to him, or when he holds your hand, something that’s become a daily thing at this point.
When you arrive at the arena, you and Coryo are ushered through the gate. You both wince at the turnstile as you walk through it, it was loud enough without the voice announcing, “Enjoy the show” for all of the tributes to hear. 
Coryo pulls you closer to him and you put up no fight. You walk towards Sejanus as fast and as quiet as you can. You’re incredibly paranoid, frantically looking around you at all times. 
“Thought they’d send my Ma.” He murmurs when you get close.
“We wish they had.” You reply, venom lacing your voice. Sejanus didn’t even flinch. 
“You guys need to go.” 
“We’d like to, we really would. But we promised we’d get you out.”
“Because you're our friend.” Coryo says. You want to say ‘Speak for yourself!’ but you don’t. 
“I had to do this. I had to go where the cameras are.” His voice breaks. 
“Do you actually think anyone is watching this?” You butt in. “Gaul cut the feed.” 
“Tributes kill you in here and she’s just going to say it’s the flu.” Coryo’s tone was startling. It was vicious. You barely had a chance to react when you heard a footstep. “You need to decide right now. Do you wanna fight these tributes, or fight for them? Because if you’re going to make real change, you have to stay alive.”
“How can I make any change from out there?”
“You’re rich, and smart, and you care.” You reply shakily. You need to get out of there. Every bone in your body is screaming at you to run. 
Coryo nods. “You’re the only one in that class who stood up to Gaul, right?” You can hear metal scraping, and though you try to convince yourself it wasn’t a knife, you still cling to Coryo’s arm. “We’re dead right now if we don’t leave. Come with us, spend your Father’s money on some good, or just be another dead body in Dr. Gaul’s war.” You can’t open your mouth to voice your desperation to leave, so you continue to look around. “Trust me, please.” 
Then you hear it. A boy tribute was shouting at you as he ran towards you with a knife. 
“Run!” Sejanus yells. You book it to the exit, but you were the slowest out of the three of you. Coryo’s grip on your hand remained tight as you all ran. 
As you get to the turnstiles, the tribute grabs your other hand, causing you to scream. He plunges his knife into your hand making blood spray everywhere, and you barely acknowledge it before Coryo grabs a plank of wood and hits the Tribute over the head. He hits him with all his force four times. You weren’t sure which one was the killing blow. You didn’t think about it for long, either, because as soon as Coryo started to pull you again, you realized that the knife was still in your hand, and blood was still gushing from it. 
You lean on Coryo in the car ride to Dr. Gaul’s office. You can barely stay awake, but both your friend and the esteemed Gamemaker insist that you stay conscious. Something about blood loss. You scarcely remember anything leading up to your arrival at Dr. Gaul’s office; Just that you were given some blood in an IV, stitched up, and given some morphling for the pain. Thankfully, you were right as rain once the adrenaline went down. You were exhausted, yes, but back in your right mind. 
You walk outside of Dr. Gaul’s office to find Coryo waiting on a couch. 
“Are you waiting on me?” You ask. He looks up at you, as if he hadn’t noticed you yet. You tilt your head at him, but he just stands up and walks over to you. 
“You’re okay.” The blonde places a hand on your cheek, you lean into it. 
“I am. I’m very tired, and my hand hurts, but I’ll be okay in the morning.” 
He lets out a breath of relief. “Good. That’s good.” 
“Don’t you have to get back to the Academy?” 
He nods. “I’m going to walk you home first.” 
You shake your head, but a smile tugs at your mouth. “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I do. You lost a lot of blood, and I won’t be able to forgive myself if something else happens to you.” 
You furrow your brows. “Coryo.. This wasn’t your fault.” 
“I should have told her not to send you in.” 
“You think she would have listened to you?” You laugh. “You’re charming, Snow, but I don’t think your smile can capture Dr. Gaul.” 
He smirks.“What’s this about my smile?”
You roll your eyes to try and seem annoyed, but your smile betrays you. “There’s the Coriolanus I know. Welcome back Mr. President, I missed you.” 
“Happy to be back.” 
You giggle. “I’m sure you are.” His eyes flicker to your lips. You lean in slightly, begging him to kiss you. He listens to you. It’s three seconds long, you wish it lasted forever. Butterflies flew in your stomach, dancing in joy. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do that.” He whispers. 
You snicker. “Please, I’ve had feelings for you since I was twelve.” You accidentally confess. 
Coryo’s smirk grows. “Really?” 
Your face drops. “No. I never said that.” 
“Which part? That you have feelings for me, or that you’ve had them since you were twelve?” You cringe. 
“Oh well, no going back on it now.”
“I think there is.” 
“I’ve had feelings for you since I was sixteen.” 
You tilt your head to the side in faux surprise. “Only two years!?” You shake your head. “You have some catching up to do.” Coryo laughs, and leans in to kiss you again. You reciprocate immediately. 
You walked back to the penthouses hand in hand, something that Tigris immediately clocked when you stepped into their home. Previously, Coryo waited till you were outside to pick up your hand. She gave you a secretive grin, saying that she needed you to tell her everything, you gave her a nod. 
“Why are you back so late?” Tigris asks you. 
“Dr. Gaul sent us in the Arena tonight, Tigris.” You let go of Coryo’s hand to take off your coat. You look at him in time to see his face fall at the mention of the arena. How could you have forgotten what he had to do there? You silently curse yourself.
Tigris’ face suddenly gets serious.“What?” 
You and Coryo sit across from Tigris. “To get Sejanus out.” 
“What happened, are you guys okay?” 
Coryo replies this time. “I killed one of the tributes. A boy.” You grab his hand again. 
“That must have been awful.” She says, grasping her chest. 
“It was.” He pauses. “Then it felt.. powerful.” You don’t respond, but he sees something shimmer in your eyes. Something that tells him you’re not afraid of him. 
“Coryo,” Tigris starts, he finds the total opposite response in her eyes. “I know you want to be like your Father, but what I remember most about him, was that in his eyes, the only thing there was hate.” She pauses. “You don’t have to pay the same price to survive. You can be good.” Coryo scoffs. “You are good. Believe that, believe me.” 
“I’m going to go back to the Academy.” He stands up, giving you both a kiss on the cheek before leaving. 
“What was that? Holding hands, kissing on the cheek? He doesn’t usually do that.” 
You smile slightly, looking at your lap. “I dunno. Lately things have been different, he’s been holding my hand a lot.. and today he killed that tribute for me.” 
You nod and hold up your bandaged hand. “I think his name was Bobbin? He stabbed my hand when we tried to leave.. Then he was on the ground, and Coryo was over him with a plank of wood. Next thing I know I’m walking out of Dr. Gaul’s office.” You leave out the kiss. The timing wasn't right. 
“Wow. I’m so glad he was there.” Tigris pulls you in for a hug. “I’m even happier you’re okay. I couldn’t stand to lose you.” 
The next morning you were back at the Academy as soon as they let people back into the viewing room. You aren’t allowed to talk to Coryo this time, but he nodded to you when you walked in, and you smiled at him as you sat behind him.
“Wakey, wakey, my Capitol friends! I’m Lucky Flickerman and welcome to day two of The 10th Annual Hunger Games! Now, while most of you were getting your sleep last night, something scintillating happened. Bobbin from District 8, slaughtered. Which one of these beasts killed Bobbin? Well it doesn’t matter. Reaper is still at the top of the boards,” 
As Lucky drones on, a classmate of yours Lyssie, pipes up. “Why aren’t they showing us who killed the little boy? It doesn’t make sense, he was killed right there and there are clearly cameras surrounding him.” You tense up as she wonders aloud. She was Bobbin’s tribute. 
“They said they were old, Lyssie. Probably just another one of Coral’s gang.” Festus replies, shrugging. 
The cameras cut to Lucy Gray and Jessup, still in the same spot they were when you left last night. Jessup gasps, waking up Lucy Gray. He starts frothing at the mouth, and you furrow your brows.
“What did you do to me?” He asks. 
“Nothing!” Lucy Gray yells back. 
“Lyssie, what is he doing?” Coryo demands. 
The girl stares at the screen in confusion. “Something’s wrong. He wouldn’t turn on her like this.” Lucy Gray stands up and starts running, leaving the room she’s in, and the tunnels. 
“Go to the stands.. Go to the stands!” Coryo shouts at the screen. 
“Stop running! What did you..” Jessup groans. “What did you do to me?” Lucy Gray starts to run across the arena. 
“I didn’t do anything!” She reaches a pile of debris and starts climbing one of the collapsed pillars. It flicks to Jessup’s face again, as foam drips out of his mouth, he starts to climb the pillar too. 
“The foam! The posters from the war— Rabies!” You yell, barely being able to construct a sentence. 
“Y/N is right. Send him water.” Coryo tells Lyssie. 
“Wait what?”
“You remember those posters in the war?” She nods. “Rabies makes you afraid of water. Send him a drone.” 
“It’ll scare him!” That was true. Yesterday, the only drone that was sent went haywire, dropping the water on the tribute. 
“Yes, away from her. Jessup is done, Lyssie, you’re the only one who can get it right to him.” She bites her cheek, but looks down at her computer and selects the water. “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing to be proud of.” The drone flies in. 
“What’s wrong with me? What did you do to me?” Jessup gets dangerously close to Lucy Gray, but the drone hits him, breaking the bottle of water, and splashing all over him. He backs up off of the pillar with a scream. Lucy Gray climbs down and leans over him. 
“Jessup? I’m not going anywhere, okay? You watched over me, now I’m going to watch over you. Sleep, Jessup, sleep now.” The boy whimpers.  
Suddenly, Coral’s group enters the middle, slowly walking towards Lucy Gray. They circle her, spouting taunts. 
“Oh look at that, the pack doing what it does best. Packing it in.” Lucky narrates. “Lucy Gray is cornered, Mr. Snow going for his communipad.” You look at Coryo’s screen to see him sending ten waters to Lucy Gray. The drones fly in, hitting the group. A bunch of the waters break, causing dust to stir in the air, and broken glass to be thrown everywhere. Lucy Gray runs over to a fan, maneuvering it open, and then shutting it. 
“These drones aren’t very good.” Coryo says, acting innocent. You grin. 
“Hey! You can’t attack the tributes!” Festus yells.
“I’m just sending water.” 
You look back at the screen. Lucy Gray leaves the air duct, running to the water, and placing down the one she brought with her, dumping out all the rest. She ran back to her hiding place immediately. Coral was killing the girl from District 2, while her group watched. When she was done, she walked over to the water. One of the other Tributes held the last one in his hand, about to take a drink. 
“Hey, do you really think you deserve that water, right now, Tanner?” A sound from across the arena interrupts them. Wovey, another tribute, ran into the tunnels. “This should be fun.” Coral says as she runs after her. The group follows her. 
Once the door to that tunnel shuts, Dill, the youngest tribute in this Game, limps out from behind some debris. 
“Ah, what do we have here? Oh! It’s Ill Dill, tuberculosis on legs.” She goes to the water and takes a sip. A second passes before she starts coughing, a common plague with her. This time, however, she doesn’t stop. She coughs, and coughs, until blood splatters from her mouth, and she falls back onto the ground, dead. You put your hand on your chest, to seem upset. 
Reaper jogs up to her, calling out her name. He leans down over her for a moment, shaking her, crying. When he stands up, he brings her body to the center of the arena, he goes around bringing every body over to the center, piling them. He then gets up and walks over to one of the flags hanging, grabs it, and pulls. It falls down with ease, you weren’t even sure how it managed to stay up throughout the bombing.
 He lays it over the bodies and falls to his knees. “Are you going to punish me now!?” Reaper screams into the sky. “Are you—“ 
“Capitol students,” The screen switches to a different broadcast, revealing Dr. Gaul. “I’m afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all. Felix Ravinstill, the son of our beloved president, has, this morning, succumbed to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing. Out there in the districts, they will be celebrating this young boy's death as a triumph. I will not allow my Games to give our enemy such a victory. I swear to you, here and now, before the sun goes down tonight, a rainbow of destruction will engulf our arena. Even if it means there's to be no victor in these Games.” You furrow your brows. Coryo stands up, making eye contact with you before he looks at the Dean. 
“I need to see Dr. Gaul immediately.” He didn’t say anything else before he left the room. You frown before turning back to the screen.
Thirty minutes later, Tigris arrives. Her hair was nicely curled and she wore a pink pantsuit made of dreams. She must have borrowed fabric from her boss, Fabricia.
“You look beautiful!” You say with a grin as you hug your best friend. 
“Oh please, you should look at yourself.” She sits down beside you.
“I don’t hold a candle to you.”
She shakes her head. “Where’s Coryo?” 
“He went to see Dr. Gaul, he’ll be back any minute.” 
“Why’d he go see her?” 
You shrug. “I expect we’ll find out in a few minutes.”
As if on cue, Coryo rushes back in seconds later. “Lucy Gray, is she okay?” 
“She won’t be for long.” Festus replies. 
“Wait, what’s wrong with Treech?”
You look at the screen, Treech suddenly starts coughing, just like Dill did before she died. You didn’t think anything of Dill’s death, but Treech was fine before. When he coughs up blood and falls to the floor, you know what happened. Coriolanus gave Lucy Gray rat poison. That’s why she left a water bottle. She must have put some in the water. Your mind is swirling with potential scenarios, if you’ve already found this out, Dr. Gaul definitely has. 
You hear the wind start blowing, causing you to snap back to reality. Something was being lowered down into the arena, and Lucy Gray was finally out of the air vents. The huge cylinders get set down, and the drones fly off. They start to crack, before both cylinders break, and millions of colorful snakes fall out. You gasp. 
Wovey comes out from her hiding spot, curious as to what everyone was so surprised about. “Is it over now? Can we go home?” The snakes went after her immediately. 
“Wovey!” Reaper cried. “Wovey, no!” The little girl screams as the snakes wrap around her legs and bite down. 
The arena bursts into chaos. Everyone remaining was taken by the snakes, all but Lucy Gray, who sat on the mountain of debris with snakes covering every inch of her body as she sang. They weren’t hostile towards her. 
“It’s over! Dr. Gaul! Dr. Gaul you need to get her out of there!” Coryo screamed at the Gamemaker. 
You stood, going over to Coryo. “Dr. Gaul, let her out, she won, you have to let her out.” 
“It’s over!” The entire room shouts at her. 
“Get her out.” The Gamemaker finally says. 
“Yes!” The room cheers. You jump into Coryo’s arms, hugging him tightly. 
“You did it!” You yell. You pull away and grab his face. “You did it, Coryo! You won!” He laughs. 
“I won!” He places his forehead against yours, before backing up and giving Tigris a hug as well. 
Later that night, you, Coryo, and Tigris opened a bottle of champagne in their living room. 
“To Coriolanus Snow, winner of The 10th Annual Hunger Games!” You toast clinking your glasses together before taking a drink. 
Tigris finishes her glass in one drink. “Okay, as much as I’d love to continue celebrating, I have work tomorrow so we’ll have to celebrate this weekend.” She stands up, kissing you both on the cheek. “Goodnight! Congratulations, Coryo.” 
“Goodnight, T!”
The second she disappeared behind her bedroom door, you set down your glass, then took Coryo’s to set his down as well. 
“What are you doing?” You look at him, and lean in to kiss him. His hands instinctively go to your waist, and yours go to his shoulders. This kiss is longer than your previous ones, you savor each other as you move in sync. 
When you break, giddy grins take over both of your faces. “I wasn’t able to do that before.” You say with a small shrug. 
“Maybe you should do it again, you know, to make up for it.” You roll your eyes but lean in again.
Two hours later, you and Coryo were laying on the couch, silently looking at one another as you traced his features. “You’re so handsome, Coryo.” 
“Thank you.” He cusps your cheek. “I don’t deserve you.” He whispers with a frown. “You’re so good, and I’m so.. awful.” 
“If either of us are awful, it’s me.” 
“You’re not awful.” 
“I am. I didn’t even flinch when you killed that boy in the arena. I was.. happy that you defended me. And that’s only a bit of it.. I am rotten. You and Tigris are so much better than me.” Coryo sits up, causing you to also sit up, basically all the way on his lap.
“Not only did I kill someone, but I felt good while doing it. And I can’t tell myself I wouldn’t do it again. Especially if I’m defending you in the process.” He confesses. 
“I think I’d do the same for you.” You reply. 
You went home a few hours later, completely exhausted. You slept until twelve the next day, when Tigris barges into your room, yelling that Coryo is to be shipped off to District 12 in the morning. Your heart drops.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Part 2
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tetsuskei · 5 months
‘too-too’ - kuroo tetsurō [fluff]
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notes: repost. also inspired by work (yay capitalism) and self indulgent. wrote this for a piece of mind, if you will.
warnings: toxic work habits, etc, bad title names, not edited completely
word count: 1.4k
“is everything alright?”
your eyes snap up to your coworker, kuroo tetsurō. he leans against your cubicle. tall, muscular figure moving to look down at you with concern.
you blink, fingers pausing their movements over your keys. “what do you mean?”
kuroo is a strange individual. he’s funny, and nerdy, and a little clumsy sometimes (you’ve seen him burn his hand one too many times with hot coffee). but he has a good heart. one probably made of gold. he’s always genuine when it comes to his actions.
“i’ve just been noticing the boss has been piling a lot of work on you as of lately…i didn’t know if maybe you were overwhelmed.” he suggests, shrugging. he stuffs his hands in his pockets and peers over to the stack of files on your desk. “that all need to get done today?”
you sigh, running your hand through your hair, “no, but they will need to by the end of the week. i can handle it all though, with a couple of late nights. i appreciate your concern, kuroo.” you send him a weak smile.
at work you’re known as the one who can handle anything and everything with no complaints. your boss seems to hold you in high regards to it, coworkers are jealous of your ability, and your family has always been proud of how hardworking you are.
the only problem is, people take advantage of this. they ask for your help on minor things, interrupt you when you’re clearly busy, or assume you’ll have the time and tell your boss you’ll take care of it (without your notice).
kuroo is one of the only people who doesn’t do that. he genuinely comes up to you for conversation and asks about you. he’s taken you out to lunch (usually by force to drag you away from your work), brought you coffee, and always made sure you’re okay.
you don’t want to say his actions have caused a small crush to develop, but you’d be a horrible, horrible liar. after spending so much time with him, you begin to see just how handsome his features are. how sharp and angular his jawline and cheekbones are, how he laughs and has dimples appear, how his hazel eyes sparkle with mischief whenever he tells a (horrible) joke—
suddenly fingers are snapping in front of you and you’re brought back to the present.
“you sure you’re good?” kuroo looks down at you with concern and you feel your heart swell a bit. “you’re spacing out.”
“peachy!” you respond, and feel your cheeks get warm. you hope he doesn’t notice. “I couldn’t be any better!”
his perceptive eyes pensively train on you. “well, I’ll be on my way then. don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.”
“sure.” you nod, smiling.
and just as stubborn as you are, kuroo is more stubborn.
for the next few days, the man is always lingering around when you’re working late.
“what a coincidence, i’m here late, too! need a buddy?” and he’s already invading his way into your space before you can say ‘no’.
you feel as if there’s something he isn’t telling you, but you don’t ask.
the two of you share ordered dinner, chatting and bantering. time goes a lot faster with him, and you think it’s because he’s made you more productive (despite his antics), but you also know it’s because it’s him.
“you know it’s okay to ask for help, right?” kuroo points out again one day. “you don’t have to take on everything by yourself.”
“well, what do you know?” you say spitefully.
he senses your offense, and he knows quickly explains, “i-i’m not saying you can’t handle things, but you shouldn’t work yourself to death. i mean, you’re amazing at what you do, and—“
“look, i’ve been in your shoes before, and i know the feeling all too well. i just know it doesn’t feel great.” he finishes.
“thank you, kuroo.” you smile, “and I’m sorry for snapping at you…maybe i’m just tired and need a break.”
he perks up at this, “then why don’t we go do something?”
you shake your head, “i can’t…i have to finish this.”
“don’t worry. it’s already done.” he assures.
your mouth falls open, “how…?”
he laughs nervously, “well, don’t hate me when I say this…”
you narrow your eyes teasingly. “can’t promise that. but how bad can it be?”
“i rallied up those coworkers you talked to and told them you weren’t available to help them because we’re going on a date.” he confesses, scratching the back of his head. “may have also threatened them to not take advantage of you again…”
you sputter, choking on your food, “a date? like…a romantic date?”
“if that’s what they assume, then yes. which by the way, did you know people think we’re dating?”
there’s another strike to your heart, “they do?! but…how? why?”
he hides his face in his hand, cheeks a light pink, “dunno, maybe it’s because i spend most of my time with you…”
you’re shocked at his words, feeling like you need someone to pinch you. “really?”
“really.” he nods, leaning in towards you. “i thought it was obvious but I guess not…” he laughs.
you shake your head. “i didn’t want to assume anything, so i just thought you were being nice.”
“i mean, yes and no. i always like helping people, but i’d really use any excuse to talk to you.” he admits with a goofy grin. “but i’m sorry if i’ve made you uncomfortable in anyway.”
“no…i just didn’t think you’d feel that way about me, too.”
“‘too’?” he parrots.
you’re quiet for a moment and then say, “well maybe i have feelings for you and wasn’t going to confess unless i knew you liked me back. you do, right?”
“yes! i like you too—too!” he exclaims, probably louder than he means to. “i mean—“
you giggle, “i like you too-too, tetsu.”
he relaxes, like a weight has come off his shoulders. “well, as your date, i say we leave here. one more file to look at and i’ll cut my own head off.” he says.
“agreed.” you nod, standing up alongside him.
you both pack your things up and soon make your way outside. you’re brutally reminded of the cold autumn air as you feel it hit you in the faces.
a shiver comes over you, and you shrink within your own coat, trying to retain any and all warmth.
“here,” kuroo quickly wraps his scarf around you and you quickly smell mint and some form of expensive cologne. you bury you face in it and feel more at ease.
“thank you.” you gush.
he hums, “no problem.”
the two of you quickly find yourselves in an arcade. you both play games and you quickly learn how 1. competitive, and 2. horrible kuroo is at games. to soften his sour mood, you do win him prizes on his behalf.
“i haven’t had fun like this in awhile!” you beam. the two of you leave the arcade, kuroo offering to walk you home.
“i can tell, you haven’t stopped smiling since we left.” he says, chuckling.
“thanks to you, i guess.” you joke.
“you’re welcome, i’ve been losing on purpose just for you.” he admits.
you blink, not convinced. “sure.”
kuroo pouts, “it’s true,” he gestures down to his bag full of toys, “worked out in my favor, too.”
“right, tetsu.” you snicker, smirking.
the ravenette feels his heart swell at your words. “heh. well, more important prize is you, though.” he says cheekily.
“corny, but I’m flattered.” and before he can say another (horrible) pun, you pull him to your height by his work tie before abruptly kissing him on the lips.
this definitely throws the man off as he stumbles a bit, gasping against your mouth in surprised. his lips are soft and a bit chapped, his mouth tasting like candy from the arcade.
when you pull away, you say, “thank you for treating me to an evening like this. i didn’t realize how much i needed it.”
he slips his hand into yours, his large palm enveloping your smaller one in comforting warmth.
“of course. i just think someone as pretty as you shouldn’t have to worry about things so much.” he says, a faint blush appearing across his cheeks. “you shouldn’t let them walk all over you. make sure you have boundaries.”
you lean onto his shoulder, squeezing his hand. “you’re absolutely right. but you know what?”
he looks at you, “what?
“the only boundary that was worth crossing, was the one involving you.” you confess.
and in kuroo’s honest opinion, you couldn’t have been more right.
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withwritersblock · 16 days
Please Please Please
~Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter~
Author's Note: I love this song with my whole heart Summary: Kirby and Y/N soft launch on social media Warnings: none I think Word Count: 1,907 Kirby Dach x fm!reader
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Kirby and Y/N have been together for almost a year. It was safe to say it was the best year of her life. They were both in the limelight, at different levels. Kirby played for the Montreal Canadiens while Y/N had a few million followers on Youtube and Tiktok. 
For the two months leading up to their one year anniversary she wanted to slowly introduce her followers to him. A few years ago, her followers hated the idea of her being in a relationship and Kirby’s fans tended to attack any girl that was involved with him. So they thought it would be for the best to ease into the relationship.
She laid on the bed, running her fingers along his chest. Today was the first day she was planning on giving her followers a glimpse of Kirby. She had briefly mentioned having a boyfriend in her most recent Youtube video. Her followers were instantly invested in the idea.
“Are you coming to the game with me?” Kirby asked, his voice rasped as he spoke. She hummed as she stared towards her light pink nails tracing along his skin. “Good, I’ll hang in the WAGs suite with you,” he leaned towards her, kissing the top of her head. 
“Yay,” she mumbled as she slowly climbed out of the bed, he pouted slightly. He watched her walk towards the bathroom. 
“Hey, where are you going?” he asked, a small smile on his lips. She spun around, running a hand through her slightly messy hair.
“Coffee, want some?” she offered. He stood up from the mattress instead, “Oh, are you going to join me?” she asked in a teasing tone, “Don’t want breakfast in bed?” she continued on. 
He smiled widely as he bit his bottom lip,”Pretty sure I already had my breakfast in bed,” he teased as he took a hold of her waist pulling her towards him. She gasped as her back hit against his chest. 
“You’re awful,” she mumbled as he guided them both out of the bedroom, while he still held her to his chest.
“You love it,” he mumbled into her hair. She rolled her eyes as she reluctantly stepped away from him pulling her phone from her pocket. 
“Yeah, maybe,” she mumbled as she pulled up her Tiktok, “Do you want to start to be a little bread crumb in my videos?” she asked in a dramatic theatrical tone. He chuckled as he walked towards the coffee pot.
“Wherever you need me, babe,” he said excitedly. He began adding coffee grounds to the pot as she began searching for songs for her video. “Do I need to pose? Smile? Flirt with the camera?” he asked dramatically. 
“I don’t think I’m going to show much of your body. My fans are nuts, they’ll find you by the ring on your finger,” she said laughing. He nodded while chuckling. She stared towards his bare back, admiring the muscles as they slightly tensed as he moved. “I think I’ll wait until you’re in your suit for tonight,” she mumbled as she leaned forward onto the counter.
He turned the coffee pot on before he spun around, meeting her gaze. He crossed his arms over his chest, a small smile on his lips. “They may show me on the broadcast, you know. If your fans are as crazy as you say then they’ll find out that way,” he expressed.
She let out a dramatic groan, “You’re right but I got an idea that it won’t be too obvious,” she teased. He rolled his eyes playfully.
It was about an hour later and she had about fifteen seconds filmed. It was all short but aesthetic looking moments of her day. Her Tiktok persona was vastly different from the videos she posted on Youtube. She was a daily vlogger for both accounts but her Youtube was more raw and real. Her Tiktok stuck to the more aesthetic and pretty parts of her day. 
The first clip was a sleepy moment in the mirror, the second was her cup of iced coffee she made, and the third was her getting dressed. It was simple but it was cute. It was a weird way of helping her mentally. Creating a cute video of her day helped her avoid staying in bed. 
She sat in her vanity, recording for her Youtube channel. She was doing a Q and A for her channel. She had a collection of questions from her Instagram she planned on using. She was halfway through her makeup and halfway through her video when she finally addressed the boyfriend situation. 
“This next one is-are we going to get to see your boyfriend soon? So my boyfriend and I have been talking about that and we are going to do a soft launch. I hate that phrase but after what I expressed with my last boyfriend, I think this is for the best. I already know that many of you will try and investigate who he is. I can’t avoid that but I can spare my feelings for a while,” she explained, a small chuckle falling from her lips after she finished speaking. 
“Hey baby, what suit looks better?” he asked as his head was down staring towards his feet. He was holding a dark blue and a cream colored one. He lifted his gaze to see the camera set up on her vanity. His mouth formed a small O shape as his cheeks flushed red, “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were filming,” he clambered as he stepped away towards the door.
“No, it’s okay, let me see,” she uttered as she tilted her head to the side. She only had one eye done. He tilted his head to the side, a small smile forming to his lips.
“You look gorgeous,” he mumbled.
“It’s not even done yet,” she mumbled shyly.
“Still gorgeous,” he let out. He took a deep breath, holding the dark blue to his body for a few seconds. He then did the same with the cream. 
“I haven’t seen the cream in a while, go try it on,” she ushered. He nodded, leaving the room. 
“I did see this question a lot-What’s your boyfriend’s name?” a small chuckle fell from her lips, “If I told you guys that you would probably figure it out right away. So all you guys get for right now is boyfriend. You guys kept asking if he didn’t like being on camera and that’s why I haven’t shown him. But it’s more of a privacy thing. We wanted to be secure in the relationship before I plastered it all over social media. Also, people who put every aspect of their relationship on the Internet scare me,” 
She paused as she continued finishing her eye shadow, it was a subtle look but it was glittery. “Babe,” Kirby mumbled. She spun around, admiring the cream color suit. She nodded dramatically with a wide smile on her face. 
“You have to add this back into your rotation, I love it,” she muttered. He dropped his head, smiling shyly before he stepped out of the room. 
“Thank you, baby!” he shouted. “We have to leave in like twenty!” he explained.
“I’m almost done, promise!” she shouted back. She looked back towards the camera, “I think I will definitely film moments with him, of course. May even leave that moment in the video. I don’t know yet, but he’s going at my pace and what I’m comfortable sharing. So it’ll definitely be soon. Anyways-” she finished off with her outro, showing off the finished makeup look. 
After ten minutes, she was completely ready. Kirby stood still, his hands in his pockets as she rested her hand against his chest. Her light pink nails were in view. She filmed a short clip, practically showing him off. “Got what you needed?” he asked while resting his hand onto her hip, toying with the belt loop on her jeans. She hummed, her chest aching slightly.
She filmed the outside view of their drive from her apartment to the arena. She didn’t film the arena, or the game itself. It would’ve been extra obvious. Despite the difficult season the Canadiens were having, they won their game 2-1 in an OT goal by Nick. It was amazing to watch. 
She ended up filming the dinner the team and the WAGs all went to, she filmed her food, not anyone involved. She drafted the video to post tomorrow morning instead. It was a great day and documenting it made it even better.
The following morning she had shown the Tiktok to Kirby before she posted it. He helped her with the caption, finding himself clever in the process. They both kept refreshing the app, looking at the comments waiting for someone to try and guess who it was. 
It took four minutes for someone to guess that it was Kirby. Although, the longer the video remained up on Tiktok the faster the comment got buried on her page. Everyone else was simply freaking out that she wasn’t lying about having someone. Which was a common comment she got when she first brought him up.
He rested his head onto her stomach as she had her laptop on her chest. He ran his hands up and down her side soothingly as he was in and out of sleep. She was editing her video while he slept.
She watched the clip of Kirby asking her which suit looked better. A small smile formed on her lips to see him act all shy. She spent twenty minutes simply editing that twenty second clip, trying to disguise his identity. She covered the majority of his frame with a meme photo. She didn’t distort his voice, simply covering the majority of his body. She would just let people speculate on if it was him or not based off of his voice.
She watched the clip, smiling to herself. She tapped his back, and she sat up quickly. “You okay?” he forced out, blinking his eyes rapidly. She chuckled.
“Yes, pretty boy,” she mumbled, reaching behind her computer, rubbing the small stubble on his jawline. “Watch this,” she explained, spinning her laptop around, playing the small ten second moment. 
He laughed as he saw the megamind meme covering the majority of his frame. “What the hell?” he said while shaking his head.
“What do you think?” she asked with a small smile on her lips.
“I think it’s funny,” he let out as she spun the computer back towards herself, “I think you should also leave it in,” he mumbled, laying back down on her stomach. She nodded.
“I think so too. They’ll definitely recognize your voice but it’ll work out,” she mumbled as she continued to finish editing the video.
It took her another hour to finish editing the video, and another hour and a half to process and upload the video. For the second time that day they laid beside one another staring at the comments.
No one seemed to try and dissect who he was. “The way she looks at him! Stop it right now,” she read out loud, “This is cute,” she mumbled.
“He sounds hot,” he read out, “They know what they’re talking about,” he teased.
“Of course that’s the one you read,” she said, shoving him slightly. 
“It’s true,” 
“Oh please,” she let out while rolling her eyes playfully.
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darthannie · 9 months
day twenty-two: dacryphilia with jackson rippner
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pairing: Jackson Rippner x f!reader word count: 698 warnings: dubcon/noncon, degradation, name calling, Jackson is abusive, hatefuck (?), reader doesn’t cum a/n: Two in one day! Yay! Hopefully I catch up. In the meantime, enjoy mean Jackson doing terrible things. kinktober masterlist
Jackson really was an asshole sometimes. Your fights with him became more and more frequent, usually when you asked him about work. He never explicitly told you what was going on, but you could tell something was eating away at him. Anytime you mentioned it he snapped at you. This particular spat got ugly.
“Jackson, I just don’t understand why you won’t tell me what’s going on. You’re being a fucking asshole to me for no reason.”
This time he decided to make it personal. “I didn’t ask for my girlfriend to be such a fucking bitch.”
“Choose your next words wisely, or you won’t have a girlfriend to fucking abuse anymore.”
His eyes bore into you, closing up the space between you and pushing you up against the kitchen table. He grabbed your face to force you to look at him. “You make me sick, you know that? You should be fucking ashamed of the things you let me do to you. You’re a good for nothing whore. You’re worthless.”
“Jackson, you don’t mean that…” You hadn’t meant to start crying but something snapped inside you causing a torrential downpour of tears. You loved him, but he could be so ruthless. You couldn’t wrap your head around it.
To Jackson, these situations were foreplay. They were very real insults to you. To him, they were playful comments designed to get you right where he wanted you. Broken. Submissive.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty when you cry,” he said under his breath. The statement gave you whiplash. It wasn’t the first time he went from berating you to being sweet, or at least trying to be sweet. He got off on making you miserable. You could tell what his end goal was when you saw the bulge in his pants.
You couldn’t stop crying. For whatever reason, today was the day the dam broke. “I’d tell you to stop crying and suck it up if it wasn’t turning me on so much,” he gestured with his head, “Get on the table.”
You did as he said and pulled up your skirt in the process. One less thing he had to command you to do. “Good girl. You already know what to do. I have you well trained, don’t I?”
“Yes, Sir. You do.” You were on autopilot. Your responses were mechanical and your tears stopped. You were exhausted by the constant hot and cold temperament that Jackson displayed.
He unzipped his pants and pulled your panties to the side. He was lining himself up when you tried to close your legs. “Shhhhh,” he cooed as he opened them back up again, “It’s alright. You’re gonna feel so nice by the time we’re finished.”
“I hate you, Jackson.” Your tears started again as he thrust in you. He grabbed your tits through your shirt as he railed into you. His eyes never left yours. His jaw clenched as he watched the tears stream down your face. “My little crybaby is all worked up isn’t she?” He thrust faster. He went as deep as he could, feeling the way your wet hole sucked him in. You could tell this would be over quickly. Jackson wasn’t going to last long if you were crying; he made that clear when you saw how quickly he got turned on.
You tried to wipe your tears away while your body moved back and forth on the table. Jackson took your arms and pinned them above your head, getting close to your face as he said “I love it when you cry. You’re so pretty when you’re a mess.” His thrusts started to get sloppy.
He quickened his pace and came inside you, his groans filling up the room. He pulled out and watched his semen pour out of you; he liked to watch. He put your underwear back in the right position, fixed your skirt, and then put himself back in his pants. He pulled you off the table and into a big embrace. He held you tightly, hoping to keep you close for at least a moment longer.
“I love you. You’re so perfect for me,” he said. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond.
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@devotedlyshadowytheorist, @dxnger-dxys, @tommyshelbywhore, @quinnlilias,@madnessandobsession, @mvpr-moon, @nela-cutie, @faebirdie, @charmed-asylum, @anasanthology, @ilikefictionalmen, @akanne-aka, @no-fooking-fighting,@queenofstresss, @flwrs4aust, @mrkdvidal1989, @00hsv, @laylasbunbunny
(If something is up with your tag or you would like to be added, let me know!)
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