#made me wanna write a sequel to ctrl-alt-deceit ahah
soliloquent-stark · 9 months
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đź“„ annex 11 by soliloquent
1,3k words // pairing: tony stark & steve rogers
“This annex document, filed by SHIELD operatives under the designation SR-NR-CB-AS/000008-11, contains a verbatim transcript of a conversation between Anthony E. Stark (callsign Iron Man) and Steven G. Rogers (callsign Captain America) as recorded by Iron Man’s advanced artificial intelligence, J.A.R.V.I.S.”
or: Trapped together during a snowstorm in the middle of a mission, Steve attempts to soothe Tony’s growing anxiety, only to discover that Tony had the solution all along.
written for the @cap-ironman 2023 holiday exchange
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