#made me an avid playlist maker
d1sheclectic · 7 months
listening to music is even more fun when you have a hyperfixation to relate the songs to as you pick apart every lyric and find some way to tie them back to it
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shadowofthemoth · 6 years
tycutio and escalawrence for the ship meme please ♥
Thank you! 💜
Tycutio: I don’t really ship it (due to some unpleasant personal experience I had several months ago, which was not fun)- or, actually, I do, but only as part of bentycutio. But I’ll try to answer this to the best of my abilities!
who hogs the duvet: Mercutio.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Tybalt. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Mercutio.
who gets up first in the morning: Tybalt.
who suggests new things in bed: MERCUTIO I mean like can there be any doubt about that.
who cries at movies: no one (actually it’s Tybalt, but it’s a rare occasion and he’ll never admit it).
who gives unprompted massages: Mercutio. But it doesn’t mean he’s good at them. 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Tyyyyybalt. Mercutio too, but it’s a more worried and panicky sort of fuss.
who gets jealous easiest: both are disasters in this regard. 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Mercutio. His playlist is a mix of EVERYTHING. Fun fact: Tybalt’s playlist is alphabetized. 
who collects something unusual: Tybalt collects guitar picks even though he doesn’t play the guitar. 
who takes the longest to get ready: Mercutio. Because he doesn’t give a damn about being late.
who is the most tidy and organised: TYBALT. He is pedantic and organised and Mercutio is the opposite of that.
who gets most excited about the holidays: both equally, but Mercutio’s excitement is a bit more… noticeable. xD
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Tybs is the big spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Tybalt.
who starts the most arguments: Mercutio. 
who suggests that they buy a pet: Mercutio doesn’t suggest buying a pet. One morning Tybalt wakes up and the pet is just sort of already there. 
what couple traditions they have: no idea.
what tv shows they watch together: I have no idea because I’m no specialist in TV shows, but I think Mercutio would be an avid fan of B99, and Tybalt would be surprisingly into Big Bang Theory.
what other couple they hang out with: Romeo&Juliet; Benvolio&Muette (that is, if it’s not bentycutio); Rosaline & her girlfiend. 
how they spend time together as a couple: you mean, when they’re not having sex? xD Well, Tybalt is a busy guy (he works etc), so when he’s free they prefer to just chill at home. Sometimes they go to the movies, but Tybs is fond of long walks and so that’s what they do when the weather allows. Mercutio doesn’t mind walking in the rain, too, but Tybs is responsible enough to avoid it (or maybe he just knows that dealing with Mercutio-with-a-cold is one hell of a task xD).
who made the first move: Tybalt. He was drunk, too.
who brings flowers home: Tybalt, when the mood hits him. Which happens even less often than crying at movies. 
who is the best cook: Tybalt. Mercutio is awesome at making coffee though.
Escalawrence: THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT THEM and sorry in advance, I’m going to call Lawrence Lorenzo, I’m too used to it by now. xD
who hogs the duvet: Lorenzo. 
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both do. Only through texting though, because both are busy af and respect that.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Lorenzo. Escalus is more traditional (or just lacks imagination) but he tries. 
who gets up first in the morning: Escalus. Even on weekends, days off and holidays. Lorenzo is so used to it by now that it doesn’t affect his deep slumber in the slightest.
who suggests new things in bed: both, but it depends on what sort of things those are. 
who cries at movies: neither. Lorenzo makes sassy comments and Escalus shushes him. 
who gives unprompted massages: Lorenzo. He’s damn good at that, too. 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Lorenzo is a gd doctor, he doesn’t fuss. He doesn’t. HE DOESN’T OKAY …actually it’s Escalus. Lorenzo may be worried but he’s in control. When he gets sick though, Escalus is like “I know what to do but omg omg omg whaT DO I DO”. 
who gets jealous easiest: neither. They trust each other so deeply that jealousy is not an option.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Lorenzo is never embarrassed about his taste in music, but Escalus honestly thinks some of his choices deserve a facepalm and a set of earplugs. 
who collects something unusual: Lorenzo collects small tomes of poetry (and puts leaves and flowers in them). 
who takes the longest to get ready: they’re both pretty organised and good at sticking to their schedule. But Escalus’s job requires that he look more than presentable, so naturally he spends more time getting ready and making sure everything looks as it should.
who is the most tidy and organised: Escalus, for sure. 
who gets most excited about the holidays: Lorenzo (and Escalus too, but he keeps his emotions in check).
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Escalus is the little spoon. Yes.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Escalus when it comes to chess.
who starts the most arguments: they don’t really have arguments, so neither.
who suggests that they buy a pet: they need no pets, they already have Mercutio, Valentine and several other problematic teens to look after Lorenzo does.
what couple traditions they have: they play chess together regularly.
what tv shows they watch together: all sorts of ridiculous romcoms.
what other couple they hang out with: none. They don’t really like to make h\their relationship public like that, since both of them have to deal with lots of people at work. So their relationship is just for the two of them, no one else is required.  
how they spend time together as a couple: they don’t have much free time to spend together, so when they do get it, they basically just stay at home together, all snug and comfy, just talking and stuff. And yep, they spend a lot of time on, ahem, amorous activities of all sorts.
who made the first move: in the canon setting it was Escalus, in the modern AU it was Lorenzo. I can describe both situations separately if you like - just let me know! ^^
who brings flowers home: Lorenzo. And then he puts them in his poetry books to dry.
who is the best cook: Lorenzo. Escalus is spectacularly bad at cooking and no one knows how his nephews survived being raised by him without starving to death. But, just like his nephew, Escalus is a born coffee-maker (guess who taught Mercutio how to make coffee? Yep).
I hope you enjoyed these! I. for my part, loved answering them :3 Don’t hesitate to ask me for comments/explanations/details if you want or need any!
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evanrosierr · 6 years
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pinterest board ------ did you ever have a heart?  full playlist ------- too bright, too harsh, too divine.
flying too close to the sun ( his life has just begun ), leather brief cases, ancient typewriters, a devilish grin, the absence of a heart, red wine, always getting even, wool sweaters, unfinished sketches, grinning as he approaches an early grave, dried paint on pale skin, ‘there’s a god in the dark and he’s got a hand between your thighs’, making friends with the devil, humming while cooking, always ready to make a new deal ( sell a new soul ), daring you to do something unspeakable, running headfirst into danger, writing long letters at the crack of dawn, collecting old books, half empty bottles of champagne, soft laughter as you take your last breath.
name: evan edward rosier. occupation: head of the department of international magical cooperation and foreign affairs. nicknames: rosie, ev.
+ persuasive, sharp, well spoken, daring. - corruptive, destructive, stubborn, tyrannical. 
age: 30. date of birth: november 12, 1950. zodiac: scorpio. hometown: portsmouth, england. current location: lives in a penthouse apartment in london.  gender: cis male. pronouns: he/him. orientation: bisexual. spoken languages: english, latin and french fluently. can also get by on german, spanish, welsh. moral alignment: lawful evil / neutral evil. element: water. house: slytherin.
Evan grew up as the lone heir to the Rosier legacy, and thus had to endure the overbearing attention of both of his parents. They both had teachings they wanted to instill ( his father, determined to make Evan strong, powerful ---- well adept at the dark arts. and his mother, equally as determined to form her son into a diplomat. someone who could use words to bend people to his will ). From his birth and onward, he became stuck in a tug of war. His mother pulling him one way, and his father pulling him the other. They could never find common ground, realize that maybe Evan could be both.
Eliana Malfoy and Edward Rosier were a far cry from the perfect parents, but the pureblood society have seen worse. 
His parents weren’t in a loveless marriage, at least not at first ( both had met at Hogwarts, knew each other quite well, used to be best friends ). But they were also very different people, and both were incredibly stubborn. Used to getting their way. Once upon a time, they used to be in love. Once the stakes were raised, they fell out of love ---- instead, becoming enemies, bound by marriage.
Both had vastly different ideas of how to do.... pretty much everything, and Evan was the only thing to unite them. After the wedding, they never got along, but stubbornly stayed married, always bickering over everything. Most arguments had Evan at its core. Should Evan learn German or French first? Should Evan be tutored by himself or with other kids? Should we really let Evan hang around Tom? Should you really teach Evan how to torture someone, already? As a child, Evan was more of an argument, a conflict, than he was a son.
Kind of grew up with two different personalities, depending on what parent was around? Sort of formed himself into whatever they wanted him to be, at that given moment. Mostly to just make the nagging, the bickering, the arguing stop. He grew tired of hearing their constant instructions / demands well before he left for Hogwarts. Most of it may have been well meaning ( or self serving ), but it was also constant. There is only so much advice that a ten year old can absorb.
His parents were also very adamant on forming strong connections for Evan, so he was forced to go to all of the parties and socialize with an abundance of pureblood kids ( constant play dates? yes ). There was also a bit of competition involved in this, since his mother was VERY determined that Evan should be better than all of the other pureblood kids. To her, he was more of a trophy, than he was a son.
Once his cousins were born, competition increased.
Evan was sort of an apathetic child? Just went along with whatever. 
Examples! Though he was never really drawn to torturing animals / muggles himself, his father wanted him to learn, so Evan obliged. Played the role he was meant to play. Nowadays, he only ever really tortures someone if it gets him what he wants.
Tom Marvolo Riddle was initially a friend of his father, and the two were heavily involved during the 1960s. Edward was part of Tom’s gang ( The Knights of Walpurgis ). But then Edward became a little too ambitious, a little too sly. Tom suspected a plot behind his back, and murdered his former friend in cold blood. At the time, Evan was eighteen, and had already idolized Tom for years. Evan ( none the wiser to how his father had met his end ), stepped into Edward’s shoes, taking over the role as Tom’s avid supporter and friend.
Coming to Hogwarts was a relief. Though he received constant letters from both his mother and father ( with completely contrasting advice, telling him to do completely different things ), they were easier to ignore than their nagging voices. Finally, he could breath. 
Sort of started a correspondence with the family’s long time friend, while he was at Hogwarts. Tom’s advice and guidance always laid somewhere in the middle of what Evan’s parents wanted him to do, and sometimes, it went way beyond. While Eliana was raising Evan to be a diplomat, and Edward hoped for his son to become a tyrant, Tom seemed to see something else. The middle ground.
If it wasn’t for Evan’s talent for backdoor politics and back handed affairs, he would have made quite the Gryffindor. He’s a bit impulsive, so so brave, incredibly stubborn, willing to die for his cause, a little bit righteous, reckless to the point of it being lethal. It also helps that Evan doesn’t want to be a Gryffindor so.... we all know that the sorting hat listens to that.
But the Sorting Hat saw all that ambition ( his mother’s doing ), that slyness ( inherited from his father ), the longing for belonging ( Tom’s doing ) and the will of steel and decided that Evan would excel in Slytherin. And he would.
Evan joined the Quidditch team as a beater, and was notorious for being one of the few Slytherin beaters that actually played a fair game ( in contrast to his baby cousin smh ).
Also joined a fair amount of clubs while at the school. The dueling club, the potions club, the slug club, the astronomy club to name a few.
Did very well in school, and stayed out of trouble... mostly. Was eventually made prefect, and later head boy. Evan, though slowly acquiring a taste for violence and bloodshed, was bright enough to realize how to keep that part of himself in the shadows.
INSTEAD. Evan’s shtick was to make other people do bad things for him. He could talk almost anyone into doing almost anything. Making good people do bad things was ( and still is ) one of Evan’s absolute favorite past times.
Also... kind of known for being able to talk himself out of anything? At one point, it became a sport to see exactly... how much he ( and others ) could get away with. He would dare other Slytherins to do more and more elaborate things ( like jinxing muggle borns tbh ), and then he’d get them out of trouble.
On that note, Evan also became known as quite the deal maker while at the school. Would help others out, for something in return. Would also lowkey blackmail people into agreeing to different deals and unbreakable vows with him. 
Though the Death Eaters weren’t officially a thing until after Evan graduated, Tom was gathering up a following, and Evan ( who looked up to Tom quite a lot ), joined without hesitation during his sixth year. Pureblood principles had already been drilled into him by his parents, so it wasn’t a great leap for Evan to support his cause.
Evan is so devoted to Tom? He really, really believes in him as a person, and thus, his cause too.
Evan started off his career in the ministry as the assistant to the head of the department of law enforcement, and he slowly worked himself up the ranks until he transferred to the department of international magical cooperation and foreign affairs, where he would shine. At the age of twenty four (1975), he was promoted to the head of the department.
Was originally a sleeper agent, as he started working within the ministry before the war started. He was very careful at the time, making sure to not associate with anything that could make him look like a suspected Death Eater. Purposefully tried to make himself look softer, warmer. Adopted a dog, started going for runs, brought in coffee for the office, got a girlfriend, a favorite Quidditch team. Everything and anything to make himself look like the everyman, a normal ministry worker, just trying to get by.
His department is considered to be quite difficult to run, especially during the height of a war. Evan was promoted after the former department head swiftly quit and left the country due to supposed exhaustion ( or maybe... someone had something to do with their very Odd disappearance.... hmmmmm.....  ). Either way. Evan took over, and has managed to keep his position for the last five years.
He’s sort of well liked within the ministry? He seems a lot less shady than some other ministry officials, so that’s a win for him.
Works a lot, and does a lot of traveling with work? 
Likes painting, and also art !!!! His father frowned upon his mother’s insistence of letting Evan develop his creative side, but art is just something that has stuck with him. In his apartment, he has a small studio in which he paints.
He’s currently part of Voldemort’s inner circle.
Runs his department with an iron fist.
Very much into brewing poisons ( was highkey good at potions while at Hogwarts too ), and poisoning people is kind of his thing? Like it’s his favorite way of getting rid of someone he doesn’t like. One would do best to never drink / eat something offered by Rosie... In case he suddenly doesn’t like you.
Currently living with his two dogs in a large penthouse apartment in London. 
Bit snarky, has a rapid fire tongue. But also good at controlling himself, and lowkey always knows what to say. Can also be incredibly sassy, it’d be a problem if it wasn’t because he’s so controlled and knows how to hold his tongue.
Proud motherfucker. That’s his vice, his deadly sin. Ultimately how, and why, he will eventually be killed.
Was raised to be a constant paradox, and remains that way today.
ALWAYS OUT TO MAKE DEALS. That’s probably why he’s so good at his job. But he’s making deals with everyone else too, not just for his job. #crossroad demon
Always expecting something in return. Everything has a steep price when it comes to Evan.
Highly intuitive, mostly follows his gut instincts when doing... anything.
A diplomat to his very core ( #thanks mom ), and has a silver tongue. He’s good at getting what he wants. Very good at persuading people too.
Incredibly curious, wants to know how far he can make people go. How far he himself, can go. Also very much interested in seeing what makes people tick and how things work.
Good at making himself seem very warm, inviting, friendly. Whatever he thinks people currently want him to be, he becomes. If he cares enough. But really, he is fairly cold, very cut throat, incredibly ruthless. Constant calculation and logic runs deep in his veins, and he approaches every situation with immense planning and plotting.
Highkey looks down on people who are overly emotional ( which in his book, is basically showing any strong emotion at all ). Evan values logic, rationality, common sense.
Has cared about a total of like... two people in his life. It takes a lot for Evan to actually... give a fuck about other people? Like he just. Doesn’t care. Mostly cares about himself and his work.
Loves his mom a lot. Also a big fan of Tom. : ~ )
Sort of two faced. Can be warm one minute, ice cold the next. 
Thrives off violence, but is pretty lowkey about it. His favorite forms of violence are duels, explosions of magic, lethal spells, poison slipped into coffee cups. ALSO of course, making other people do stuff, let’s not forget That™.
Though he will also sometimes let off steam by just kicking someone’s ass / having his ass kicked. But that doesn’t happen very often. If at all. He mostly stays in his lane !!!!!! Way more into backdoor affairs like poisoning his opponents.
Very patient. Can make people bend to his will very slowly, asking for small favors, asking them to do small things. Before they know it, they’re doing something unforgivable, something maddening.
Good at talking!!!! Seems kinda nice even! What! Doesn’t seem like my type of villain at all!!!
Pretty rational. Cares about the big picture. Doesn’t mind waiting for a decade before acting ( # the long game ).
He’s gonna literally die next year because he’s too stubborn & proud to surrender and I think that says a lot about him and his personality.
Evan has pale eyes that seem to go from a dull grey to an soft blue, depending on the lighting. His hair is a sort of honey blonde, almost brown color, and he wears it short and meticulously styled. He also wears a neatly trimmed beard, on most days, but also sometimes shaves it off.
Mostly wears well pressed, dark suits for work.
Outside of work, Evan is the type of person to wear wool shirts and knitted sweaters in earthy tones. Mostly wears leather boots. Looks very wholesome!!!
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS ( under construction tbh ).
" his skin tasted of wine and his voiced dripped of divinity; you’re so foolish, little lamb. nevermind, the story of Lucifer; this is the story they shall speak of, on how a man burned for his messiah” (x)
“ iv. you think of how, sometimes, he thrusts into you like feral, like animal, like redemption. you don’t have the heart to tell him he won’t find it here, don’t have the heart to tell him he’s damning you too. “ (x)
“ in case of flight, remember this: icarus belongs not to the sun, but to his drowning. “ (x)
“sunlight glinting off your skin, the trick is to be hollow, really, nothing inside, just empty. I remind you not to fall like icarus, but I forget you already have.” (x)
“apollo comes for you and he is too bright too much too harsh too divine too light. “ (x)
“ i. he bites your lower lip hard enough to draw blood and it comes out, dark and primal. everything is agonisingly slow and still - sometimes you forget he’s a warrior and he can go like this all day long. “ (x)
a modern day dionysus - the same devilish smile, cheeky grins, the same tendency to corrupt, to ask that you do something unspeakable.
patch cipriano ( hush, hush ) - bit broody, very sly, always scheming. the fallen angel aesthetic.
kaz brekker ( six of crows ) - literally. cold and ruthless, cares little for morals. quick witted. always has a trick up his sleeve. 
icarus - how he meets his end. always pushing it a little too far. some situations you can’t talk your way out of.
elian ( to kill a kingdom ) - the quick wit, the smooth talk, the deadly demeanor. 
elijah mikaelson ( the vampire diaries ) - very controlling and cold. hardened emotions. ambitious and cruel. very clever.
clay haas ( quantico ) - polished, political, diabolical, a diplomat to his very core.
more to be added... later.... thats it for now
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