#made it slightly less yellow by suggestion of my brother but only slightly. b/c part of the point of this was i wanted to draw smthn yellow
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 1 year ago
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🌴 the perfect girl! 🍌
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queenlists · 5 years ago
A Mother’s Love (Part One)
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Summary: After a close call with death by a witch’s hand, Sam and Dean find themselves in a situation that they never thought could happen: Baby turning human. Left in shock, Dean and Sam could not even begin to think of what to do. Little do they know, they have nothing to worry about because Baby is determined to take care of everything.
Word Count: 3345
A/N: I want to thank @dacres-noodle​ for this request. I fell in love with it and I can not wait to release more parts! Now, thank you to everyone as well. We are at 130 friends. I can not believe it! You all are very much appreciated. Masterlist is at the bottom. I do have a short tag list, so if you would like to be a part of that just shoot me a message! I really hope you all enjoy this.
Post Date: 3/23/2020
“Sammy!” Dean yelled out as he lunged forward, pulling his little brother down to the muddy ground and out of the way of the witch’s magic. A purple light zipped right over the boys’ heads seconds after they ducked their heads. Scorching the trees as it passed, the purple light met its unintended victim: Baby. “No!” Dean let out a blood-curdling scream as he scrambled to his feet, running towards his most prized possession. “Dean!” Sam hurriedly sprinted after his distraught brother who was tearfully examining Baby. There was a big sizzling hole where the right taillight once was. The bumper was distorted as it slightly melted during the impact. Baby cried out, her alarms sounding off. “I just buffed her this morning. Oh Baby, I’m so sorry!” Dean weepily apologized, running his fingers along the car. “Dean, we should go. It won’t take long until the witch returns,” Sam lightly shoved Dean to the driver’s door as he made his way to the passenger side. Dean devastatingly flopped into the driver’s seat as he lazily put the key into the ignition with a very noticeable pout. With a twist, Baby sputtered and spat to life. “I’ll get you fixed, I promise!” Dean sighed out, revving Baby’s engine as he peeled off into the distance.
Speeding down the long open road, Dean and Sam sat in silence just listening to the sound of Baby’s spatters. “After Baby gets fixed, we are going back and killing that son of a bitch!” Dean growled, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. “No! That witch could have killed one of us back there,” Sam refused, shaking his head “If it wasn’t Baby then it would have been one of us or maybe even both of us!” Dean clenched his jaw as he turned his focus to the road, knowing that Sam was right. Looking from out of the corner of his eye, Dean saw Sam looking at him with watery eyes before swiping at his eyes and looking out of the window. The pain he felt now would have been greater if that light had hit Sam. At the end of the day, Sam was all he really had.
“Your brother is your number one priority. Protect him before you protect yourself, got it?” John Winchester put a hand on Dean’s shoulder as Dean nodded in agreement, looking over at his baby brother who was shoving cheese puffs into his mouth. John gave his eight year old son’s shoulder a gentle squeeze and a pat before he proceeded towards the motel door with a bag in his hand. “Dad, when will you be back?” Dean turned around to face his father. John stared intently at his son as he thought up a random estimate “Maybe a week. Maybe a month. I’ll be back as soon as I can, don’t you worry!” Dean gave a half-hearted smile as he watched his father open up the motel door and with one final nod, John disappeared behind the door with a click. John has done this plenty of times before, so this was not Dean’s first rodeo. With a sigh, Dean took the adult world onto his little shoulders as he turned to face his four year old brother with a smile. “Book?” Sam grinned at his brother, holding up the tattered ABC book that Dean had stolen from a public library months prior. The same tattered ABC book that Dean read to Sam every single night and could recite it word for word by now. “Yes, Sammy. We can read the book,” Dean smiled back at his brother before turning back to the window to watch their father peel off into the night. Dean watched as Baby sped off. He watched until Baby was no longer visible. He watched until Sam pulled onto his shirt, pulling him out of his trance “Read book now!” Sam demanded with a tiny stamp of the foot. “Okay okay!” Dean took the book from Sam’s cheesy hands and wiped his own tears away with the sleeve of his flannel before walking with Sam to the motel bed. “A is for apple. Apples are red. B is for-” “Nana!” Sam cheered with both arms raised. “Yes! B is for banana. Bananas are yellow. C is for ca-” “Carrot! Orange carrot!” Sam cheered again, bouncing up and down on the motel bed giggling. “You’re right, Sammy! C is for carrot and carrots are orange,” Dean continued to read on as Sam would cheerfully interrupt him to finish the sentences. Dean couldn’t care less and gladly cheered Sam on as he repeated the book back to him. Sam was his number one priority and if Sam was smiling then Dean knew he was doing something right. Although Dean wished that his mother was alive and he was able to be a normal kid, Dean knew he was enough for Sam and that was all that mattered.
As Dean zoned back in, he took a quick look at his watch and noticed that hours had passed since the two last spoke. “We’ve been on the road for hours. It’s late and the bunker is still a few hours away, we should stop for the night,” Dean suggested before looking over to a sleeping Sam. “Yeah, we’re stopping,” Dean whispered to himself as he steered Baby towards the highway exit.
The motel door creaked open allowing the cold air of the night to creep into the room. Careful footsteps thudded through the room startling Sam awake from his deep slumber. Chest heaving, Sam propped himself up. His wide eyes scanning the dark room until he spotted a figure standing right there staring right back at him. Squinting his eyes, he noticed a beautiful naked woman, wide eyed with a big smile. With a quick swipe underneath the flat motel pillow, Sam pulled out his gun. Cocked back and ready to fire, Sam held the gun in the direction of the woman. As her smile twitched into a devastating frown, the woman stared down the barrel of the gun with bright watery eyes.Who are you?” Sam questioned the woman who did not move nor say a thing. “D-Dean!” Sam stuttered as his breathing became erratic. Looking from the woman to his sleeping brother, Sam scrambled to the other motel bed and shook his brother awake “Dean, wake up!” “I’m up. I’M UP!” Dean growled, running a tiresome hand over his face. “Tell me you know her,” Sam gulped, looking at the woman again. “Who?” Dean finally looked at Sam who was pale-faced with his arm extended out with his gun in hand. Dean allowed his eyes to gaze over in the direction that the gun was pointing until he saw the naked woman. Dean jumped out of bed with a gun in his hand, he stared at the woman “Who are you?” The woman turned to Dean and her face twitched into a smile “Baby,”
Dean looked over at Sam who was already looking at him. Both boys had guns pointed at the woman and yet she looked more disappointed than scared. “I think you have the wrong room. We don’t know anyone named Baby,” Sam lowered his gun as the woman turned to him, tears beginning to fall down her face as she took a step closer. “But, you do Sammy. It’s me!” Baby smiled at Sam who started to raise his gun again. Upset, Baby snapped her head towards Dean “Dean, it’s me. I’m Baby!” Dean glanced over at Sam, clenching his jaw. Baby turned so her backside was facing the boys “That witch shot my taillight out, remember?” There was a thick silence in the air that Baby could sense. Quickly turning around, she saw that the boys had already dropped their guns and were staring at her with wide eyes and open mouths. “Believe me now?” Baby smiled. Without hesitation, Baby pulled both boys into a hug “I’ve wanted to do this for forever!”
“What do we do now?” Dean ran a hand over his face, sitting back in his chair with a sigh. Sam shrugged, shaking his head at his brother. Baby came out of the bathroom wearing one of Dean’s shirts and a pair of Sam’s sweatpants “You boys need to go back to sleep. It’s still very late,” “We will. Right after we figure out what to do since our only form of transportation is now a two legged woman!” Dean huffed, taking a drink of his beer. “Oh, was I supposed to be a four legged woman? I’ll get right on that, Dean!” Baby retorted. Sam cracked a smile as he let out a small laugh “Okay, okay. Let’s get some sleep and figure this out in the morning!” Dean mumbled to himself, taking a gulp of his beer as Baby sat down beside Dean. “This is just a weird situation right now. I understand your frustration, Dean. I would be frustrated as well, but we will figure this out together. It’s not all on you anymore. I’m here for you both,” Baby put her hand on Dean’s knee and gently squeezed, giving him a soft sincere smile. Dean’s face relaxed into a smile as he nodded. “Let’s get you both to bed, huh?” Baby giggled, taking the beer from Dean. “Hey!” Dean began to protest but stopped once Baby shot him a look which he held his hands up in defense to.
“Goodnight, boys!” Baby hummed as she walked over to both of the boys, kissing them gently on the forehead as they quietly snored. Baby sighed in admiration as she sat in the space between the beds, watching both of the boys. Her chest felt heavy with love. She was there throughout Mary’s pregnancy. Back and forth to doctor’s appointments. Back and forth to the hospital and home during all false alarms or scares. She was the car that brought both of the boys home from the hospital. She was there their whole lives. Spilled milk and juice turned into spilled beer. Lost pacifiers turned into lost condoms. “Shut up, cry baby!” “You shut up, meanie!” turned into “Bitch!” “Jerk!” She was there through their ups and downs. When Mary was killed, Dean had to take on a heavy role that a child should never have to do. Dean never had the chance to be cared for as he was always caring for Sam as well as everyone else.  She was there every time Dean crept out just to sit in the driver’s seat and sob. Every “I can’t do this anymore” broke her heart. Oh, she wished she could have held Dean in her arms until his tears stopped. She was there every time Sam would sit in the passenger seat drowning himself in alcohol and in tears, wondering if Dean was really gone this time or not. She wished she could take on the cruel world for the boys. She saw through their tough exterior. She knew all they wanted was to have someone there for them. She knew John meant well, but he didn’t do well. They needed someone to be there for them. They needed someone to take on the world for them. They needed someone to care for them other than each other. Someone to love them other than each other. They needed the one thing they were missing their entire lives. A mother and Baby was determined to be that for them.
The motel room was filled with the scent of sweet pancakes and freshly brewed coffee. Sniffing at the air, Sam slowly peeled his eyes open. A smile stretched across his face as he heard Baby humming because that meant he wasn’t dreaming. Sitting up, Sam saw three plates laid out on the small wooden table along with napkins, glass cups, actual silverware, and a beautiful rose in a small vase. He noticed that Baby wasn’t in their clothes anymore and was wearing a beautiful 
50’s kind of dress. She quickly turned as she heard the bed creak itself to life with every movement Sam made “Good morning, Sam! Breakfast is almost ready. How’d you sleep?” “Fine, thank you!” Sam couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face as he looked around the motel room. “Did you sleep? Do you sleep?” Sam shoved his hands in his sweatpants’ pocket. “I don’t think so. My gas tank is on full!” Baby joked, opening the oven to peek inside before letting the oven door click itself shut. Sighing, Baby turned around and wiped her hands off with a cloth before reaching for a chair to sit down on. Sam hurriedly pulled out the chair for Baby. “Thank you, honey!” Baby kissed Sam gently on the cheek before sitting down. Sam joined her by sitting in the chair right across from her “That’s a beautiful dress! You look beautiful,” Sam complimented. “Thank you! I went out earlier this morning and went shopping. Also, we have a new car!” Baby chimed in a sing-song tune while dangling a pair of car keys that she pulled from Dean’s jacket pocket. “Wow! Thank you,” Sam beamed. His eyes searched hers as he felt a sense of safety and security that he had never felt before. Her big eyes were kind and loving. Her lipstick smile was bright, big, and genuine. Her cheeks were subtly rosy. Her presence lit the darkest of rooms and the darkest of moods. Sam cleared his throat as he began to feel warm. “Coffee is done! Would you like a cup?” Baby stood up from the table and walked over to the coffee maker. Sam’s eyes followed Baby from the time she stood up to the time she dished out three coffee mugs from a reusable grocery bag. His attention snapped away from Baby when he heard the creaking of the bed Dean was asleep in. Dean sat up, groggily rubbing at his eyes. “Good morning, Dean! How do you like your coffee?” Baby grinned. “Uh..just black?” Dean’s statement dragged into a question as he eyed Baby’s outfit, knowing that they did not have makeup and dresses just hanging around. “Baby went out earlier today and bought some stuff. Even a car!” Sam grinned, holding up the car keys for Dean to see. “You walked?” Dean cocked an eyebrow at Baby who rolled her eyes with a smile glued on her face “Yes, I walked. Of course, I did not get there as fast as I would have with four wheels! Now come sit down by Sam while I get breakfast plated up,” Dean slowly got out of bed and made his way to the table. Looking around, he never had a proper breakfast in a motel before. He clenched his jaw as Baby set a mug of black coffee in front of him. Dean slowly picked the mug up, letting the heat warm his hands before taking a careful sip of the hot coffee. Groaning, Dean let the hot liquid flow into his mouth and down his throat. Putting the mug down, Dean nodded in satisfaction “That is some damn good coffee, Baby!” “Thank you! The coffee maker did the hard work,” Baby neatly dished out a lot of food onto the boys’ empty plates. Dean licked at his lips as the sweet steam from the food intoxicated him. Sam took a deep breath in, sniffing up the scent and closing his eyes in pleasure. Baby joined the boys at the table, sipping at her mug “Are you boys going to eat or just smell the food?” She laughed as a big smile grew on their faces before they dug into the food.
Dean and Sam sat back comfortably full and satisfied as Baby finished the last drop of her coffee. Collecting the dishes into a manageable stack, Baby stood up and started making her way over to the sink to clean up. “No no no! We got it from here,” Sam quickly stood up, taking the pile of dishes from Baby. “Thank you for breakfast, Baby. It’s time for you to relax!” Dean grabbed Baby’s hand and led her back to her seat. Baby smiled at the boys as she sat back down. She joyfully watched as Sam cleaned up the breakfast mess while Dean packed up their bags. Baby sighed in contentment as she watched the boys work together without a fuss. She couldn’t help but think back on the years when Dean and Sam were just kids who couldn’t do the simplest things without an argument erupting between them.
“Sammy, clean her gently!..Not like that..Don’t scratch her..You’re gonna scratch her...WATCH IT! Just go, okay? I can do this on my own!” Dean growled before snatching the soapy sponge from Sam’s hand. John just gave Baby to Dean last week and Dean refused to have even a speck of dust on her. Sam scrunched up his nose, watching his teen brother carefully wash Baby “You don’t have to be such a jerk!” “Didn’t I tell you to go? Go do homework or something!” Dean hissed at Sam. Sam rolled his eyes, stomping away from his brother. “Kids, man! No one will ever lay an unloving hand on you I promise,” Dean cooed to Baby while gently cleaning. “Yeah, you want me to go inside so you can make out with Baby! The only girlfriend you’ll be able to keep!” Sam yelled to Dean as he made his way inside. Dean threw the sponge on the ground and sprinted towards Sam, tackling him to the ground and tickling him until he was red in the face.
“Earth to Baby!”
Baby opened her eyes, jolting out of the chair with a gasp “What happened?” She looked at the boys who were standing there with a smirk on their faces. “I guess your gas tank was on empty,” Sam joked, grinning at Baby. “Here,” Dean handed Baby a tissue. Baby slowly took the tissue, confusion written all over her face. “For the drool!” Dean motioned on his face to where Baby should wipe. “We have the car packed up. Whenever you’re ready, we can head home!” Sam grinned as his heart fluttered at the thought of what the bunker would be like with Baby there. Dean watched as Baby gently wiped at her face, standing up and following Sam out of the door. “It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?” Baby gently grabbed Sam���s arm, holding onto it and resting her head against his arm as they walked towards the car together. Dean sniffed as hot tears spilled out of his red-rimmed eyes. Putting his hand over his chest, he could feel an empty void being filled. A void that had been there for as long as he could remember. A void that he relied on beer to fill. A void that seemed impossible to fill until now because Dean was always missing one key component in his life. A mother.
“You coming, Dean?” Baby unknowingly interrupted Dean as her head poked into the motel room. Dean jumped as he wiped away his tears, sniffling “Uh, yeah! I-I was just making sure everything was out,” Baby pursed her lips together as she made her way towards Dean, taking his face in her hands. Her eyes searched Dean’s red, watery eyes “You don’t have to hide anymore. Sweetheart, I have you. I’m here now,” Dean felt himself choke on a sob as he took a deep breath in. Hyperventilating, Dean began to panic as he fought against the sob. “Let it go, Dean. It’s okay,” Baby coaxed Dean, gently caressing his reddened cheeks with her thumbs. Dean let out a whine as his shoulders began to relax, tears spilling out of his eyes as he broke down in Baby’s arms. Baby sat them both down on one of the beds, stroking Dean’s back as she slowly rocked him. “You have nothing to worry about,” Baby hummed into Dean’s ear before kissing the top of his head
“Not while I’m here,”
Taglist: @morguleth​
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