shintube-blog87 · 11 months
Casa Real al The sims 4
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Casa: Residencial Precio: 5.500 IdGaleria: Simmer-Shintube
La casa me base en una imagen de Pinterest de una usuaria llamada #madamlili , gracias a ella pude inspirarme hacer una casa, espero que les guste y agradecimientos a la creadora real :)
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modmad · 4 years
Hi Mod! Apparently Panini, the Italian publishing house, is going to put out Pride and Prejudice as a standalone comic book this nex september! So you might find a way to actually get it!
*eyes emoji* OH YOU BET IM GONNA TRY
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kon-igi · 5 years
Doc, questo lock down sta avendo dei risultati positivi, a parte che per l'acqua di Venezia?
Dopo il tubo dell’acqua e pure il bidet (di questo non mi ero ancora lamentato e per fortuna che ho due bagni), mi si è rotta anche la macchina, quindi sto andando a lavorare facendomi quei tre chilometri Casa- RSA quattro volte al giorno
Mi sono perciò reso conto che nel viale principale di Paesello si è formato un tappeto soffice e cedevole di schizzi intestinali diarroici di tutti quei piccioni che - ovviamente indisturbati - hanno eletto il nostro mondo a monumento da lordare.
Tanto per fare un po’ l’aulico-tragico (dover fare due rampe di scale per usare il bidet mi fa quell’effetto) mi sovviene quel fumetto che ho visto qua su tumblr, in cui un uomo piangente abbraccia la formosa e verde rappresentazione femminile di Gea e gli chiede scusa perché l’essere umano la sta distruggendo.
E lei gli risponde un qualcosa tipo -- Ma no, piccolino, io continuerò a sopravvivere florida e vitale... gli unici che state distruggendo siete voi stessi.
Guardate i veri figli di Gea come hanno fatto presto a riprendersi Chernobyl dopo che l’uomo è scappato via come un bambino con la marmellata ancora sulla bocca e i cocci del vaso rotto dietro di sé.
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Siamo null’altro che degli incidentali e fugaci pidocchi a un passo dallo spazzarci via a vicenda senza che la proprietaria della pelliccia che infestiamo aggrotti un sopracciglio o versi una lacrima.
Il GOTTERFUNKEN di cui ho tanto parlato è riconoscere quanto sia enorme il nostro essere infimi e nonostante tutto essere capaci di non mollare la mano di chi ci è vicino e assieme riuscire ad alzare lo sguardo sopra la nebbia del mondo, per rimirare i Bastioni di Orione e le Porte di Tannhauser.
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janiedean · 4 years
Ciao Lavi! Volevo solo dirti che stasera (31) su rai5 stanno dando una messa in scena (non so se sia una prima o una replica) del barbiere di Siviglia che sfrutta tutto il teatro vuoto causa covid come spazio in cui far muovere gli attori, piuttosto carina come cosa! Niente, visto che si tratta di opera mi sei venuta in mente, almeno da quest'anno del cacchio è uscito fuori qualcosa di interessante :') buon anno, speriamo bene!
ARRIVO IN RITARDISSIMO ma grazie!! alla fine l’ho visto su raiplay che a capodanno la tv era occupata ma comunque era veramente fatto bene ;//; grazie e buon anno anche a te!!!
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oswald-privileges · 4 years
Pachirisu, Uxie, Shaymin and Arceus! Also there isn't an ask for my fave boyo Gengar so I'm making one up, which Pokémon would you want to hug if you could?
What is your favourite thing about Pokemon? 
What is something you wish would be added to the games? 
More elaborate ways to pet your pokemon. More complex pokemon ai for when they follow you around outside the ball. More ways to do care and husbandry.
...basically I want pokemon to be monster-Nintendogs, okay.
What is your happiest Pokemon memory?
The first time the text “Smudge toughed it out so you wouldn’t feel bad!” popped up on the screen when I was playing Moon, I practically died.
I also have much vaguer but really nice memories leafing through this book of Gen 2 pokedex entries I got from a school faire when I was like. 9. until it fell apart.
What Poke-religion do you consider yourself part of (eg. Mewist, Arceusian, Bellsprout monk, etc)? 
I GENUINELY did not know that there was pokemon religion and that idea is hysterical to me. Which it shouldn’t be, there’s like. 50 pokemon that are Actual Factual Gods. but the concept of a bellsprout monk is BONKERS. have you seen those things? no braincells head empty!!! I want to be a bellsprout monk just because I cannot imagine it could be anything other than the best possible time.
Which Pokémon would you want to hug if you could?
I mean. it has to be Gengar, right? Purble. Round. Fat. PERFECT for hugging.
I want to hug Scolipede and Goodra, for the exact same reasons.
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mspainttaz · 5 years
The best part of zucchini are its flowers to, eating them fryed is The Most Delicious thing (I severely lower my grandparent's harvest of zucchini every summer because I love eating the flowers so much)
ive seen dishes that use the flower and they look delicious!
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pengychan · 4 years
Church stories! I also went to Roman catholic catechism and never ever liked it, so I switched to a church in a "worse" neighborhood to be able to do Confirmation one year earlier than my old church would have let me. I still turned out not religious but at least I got to see a priest actually dedicated to helping people and building a community instead of those "look at our Proper Church for Proper Families" douchebags
Oooh yes, it’s a hit or miss with Catholic priests, isn’t it? I think I lucked out, the ones I dealt with were... pretty decent, as opposed to some really posh assholes I heard about. They were the “I don’t care what you do in your bedroom as long as you’re not a dick to others, help out the less fortunate, don’t judge lest you be judged” variety, with some “eat the rich” thrown in the mix. Someone I know, on the other hand, had this idiot who’d refuse to give Communion to divorced people - even if the grounds for divorce was abuse. Ugh. 
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shkspr · 5 years
Oh dip, do you think you could sing a bit from A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square? It's the only song that I know I feel confident proposing due to good omens ahah if you don't like it/it's not in your vocal range/just don't wanna do it or something it's totally okay!
yes yes yes for suresies! tumblr doesn’t want me to upload any more audio posts so here instead is a link!
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chibigaia-art · 5 years
Chibighiaia nel chibivialetto
tutte le strade che portano a roma sono fatte di chibighiaia
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musicmajor · 5 years
Hello! I just came across your Violin Timelapse on youtube and see your journey going from a little child trying really hard to an adult with a lot more fluiduty, technical skills and confidence reminded me so much of myself! I started playing flute when I was 8 and I sadly had to drop it after 12 years because I could no longer fit lessons into my university schedule, but it was such a beautiful journey! Thank you for making me relive it in a way, it made me cry:') Best of luck with everything!
Hey keep in mind that after you graduate you can probably join a community orchestra! I just spent two years working with a community orchestra and they’re a lot of fun. There were lots of people there who played when they were younger and then didn’t have time but wanted to get back into playing.
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rejectedprincesses · 7 years
May I ask you about the original draft of Brave? How was it different? You can also just point me to a site or something that has some info on it, I understand you're probably way too busy for this ^^ thanks in advance!
I don’t know much, honestly. It was called the Bear and the Bow, and it was a project that Brenda Chapman had been shepherding for at least a decade, as far as I know. I was told it was less adventure-ey and a bit quieter - I heard it compared to Totoro. Chapman was going to be Pixar’s first solo female director, but she got taken off and replaced by a dude, who turned it into Brave. 
One of the heads of story at Pixar told me that the changes were, indeed, for the better, and I generally trust what I know of his judgement, but I still would like to see the original draft to see for myself.
Be aware though, not every movie is better in its earlier drafts! Zootopia and Megamind both didn’t work at all until major tweaks later in the process. Zootopia had a whole subplot about shock collars and the fox was the main character. Megamind was… well, it went through a hundred different versions, but it was originally a live action movie starring Ben Stiller. It then switched to animated, starred Robert Downey Jr, and had lots of weird plot details. Megamind was Oobermind, he was part of a big league of supervillains, and Minion was a chubby dude in a jetpack. Hell, the Toothless we all know and love in How to Train Your Dragon didn’t even exist until a year before that movie’s release -  they completely redid the entire movie, and for the better.
Still, I wonder a lot about deleted histories. For example, I wish they’d kept with the original designs for Rise of the Guardian’s steampunk easter bunny:
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Or the original version of Pitch, from Guardians - he was terrifying. My ex-coworker did some early R&D to have his skin be translucent, and a network of “nerves” running through his body, advecting smoke around inside of him. The idea was to have it look like a roiling tempest of darkness was kicking around just underneath a thin surface of skin. The end effect was that no matter what, he always looked like he was writhing in pain. They nixed that design, but I always loved it. The underlying R&D ended up being used for Sandy’s dust and Pitch’s tendrils (which are basically the same fluid simulation system, but with tweaked simulation and rendering settings).
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pestiwit · 7 years
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The field was bright and sweet-smelling as the odd pair traversed it. The television man kept high-stepping as he tried to avoid the ticklish grasses from getting up his pants legs. The small girl was more interested in the way the grass released clouds of perfume when touched.
RGB was glad he didn’t have a nose. “Do keep up, Hero,” he said smartly, swinging his cane with a laziness that didn’t match his pace.
“But I found flowers! And they’re looking at me!” Hero pointed at a bed of purplish flowers surrounding her feet. Each was equipped with one round eyeball, right in the center.
RGB looked back and her, taking in the flowers. “Ah. Those are dai-sees, they can see your future. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with them.”
“Aww but they’re cute!” As RGB took her hand to gently tug her away, she plucked one, watching it as it watched her. As she gazed at the yellow iris, she saw flickers of colors and of light, water and darkness, and so much more. But none of it made sense, and it was only flashed of possible tumultuous futures.
It confused her, but didn’t really scare her. Not having a good place to stash the flower, Hero stealthily tucked it into RGB’s jacket pocket, where it looked at her with a bemused expression. She smiled back at it before continuing to look ahead into the soft, watery light.
TPOH secret santa for @madamlily ! She requested adventurous Hero, so I came up with this picture and drabble. :)
I do hope you like it!
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dioti · 4 years
Hi! I was browsing the hades tag and saw your theme (mad respect btw, it is something I was always too lazy to learn how to do) and saw you taking about an image enhancer that seems to work really well from the example you posted, may I ask you for the name? Hope you have a good day!
heya! thank you! the enhancer i mentioned was the Smart Enhance option on letsenhance.io. heads up though, it is a mostly paid service (they give you 5 free images, but you’ll need to pay/subscribe for more)
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kon-igi · 5 years
madamlily ha risposto al tuo post “Doc, questo lock down sta avendo dei risultati positivi, a parte che...”
Ah, veramente intendevo più se stesse dando risultati a livello sanitario/di occupazione degli ospedali etc, mea culpa che non ho specificato ��
Ho fatto dell’aulicismo per nulla... :(
Purtroppo non sono restrizioni il cui effetto si possa vedere a breve termine... e infatti gli ospedali delle zone più colpite sono prossimi al collasso, @madamlily.
A occhio direi che ci vogliono perlomeno due cicli di decorso infettivo per vedere un appiattimento apprezzabile della curva ascendente del contagio, quindi immagino che dobbiamo tenere duro fino alla metà di Aprile.
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janiedean · 7 years
Fettuccine alfredo is pasta that starts singing to the nearest plant of violets about love being the cross and delight of the heart in a lovely tenor voice (I'll see myselfe out)
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oswald-privileges · 4 years
You reblogged a post about being 22 and I'm gonna turn that age in 8 days so it felt like destiny :') also this lead to me remembering, isn't your birthday like today (tomorrow)? Happy birthday!! :D
yooooooooo 22 soon! hap birth for then!
i am 25 today and ive been making it everyones problem
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