#madame figaro live mode
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Wu Jinyan for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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#KongXueer for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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KONG XUEER 孔雪儿 | Madame Figaro Live Mode Event
Kong Xueer: more photos here Madame Figaro Live Mode Event: more photos here
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Favorite Looks from Madame Figaro Live Mode Music Party 2024
Xu Jiaqi
🌺More beautiful outfits and fashion photos under the cut!🌺
Zhang Yuxi
Hani Kezi
Jike Junyi
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How Covid-19 forced the fashion industry to digitize itself?
In March 2020, President Emmanuel Macron announced the first lockdown in France due to Covid-19. This planetary pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis and a global economic shock which led to several consequences in the fashion industry. First of all, household spending on clothing decreased. Then, production and distribution channels were slowed down. Finally, fashion weeks were canceled. That is why actors had to find solutions to fill the gap. This unfortunate event has forced the luxury industry to move and adapt quickly. Luxury brands have quickly redesigned their communication tactics.
So, the fashion cycle has been broken. That’s why digitization emerged from the crisis in a position of strength. It was easy for those big companies : they already have digital know-how. With the impossibilities of real contact, the fashion industry has to engage itself with customers in a more authentic way. Social networks have become the privileged platform. Prior to Covid-19, they were generally only a showcase for these brands. But, social media have seen an important spike in usage during the crisis. Indeed, the majority of French people work or study from home. So, they spend even more time on their smartphone. Thanks to these platforms, brands continue to communicate frequently with consumers. A new and very powerful relationship appears between brands and digital communities.
New types of communication have been exploited : webinars, digital and party evenings… Several platforms are used: Facebook, Google, YouTube, and even Paris Fashion, a channel developed by Canal +.
Source : https://www.canalplus.com/paris-fashion/
To this day, Instagram is the most used platform to promote luxury. That’s why Influencers have become even more privileged mediators between brands and consumers. A lot of young influencers assist nowadays to the Fashion Weeks and post all the shows in their stories. Do their voices have nowadays more impact than the usual front row ?
Source : Instagram / Carla Ginola ; Lena Mahfouf
Before Covid-19, the sector of luxury was reserved for professionals. But, some major events have reinvented themselves in virtual format. For example, Fashion Week. The main goal was to recreate a coded universe through a screen. How do you transcribe an experience through audiovisual? Is that sustainable in the long term?
For some fashion professionals such as Lucien Pagès, the interest of a Fashion Week comes first and foremost in everything that surrounds the presentation: the front row, the backstage, the hairdressers, the stylists… In these digitized formats, we lose this part of theatricalization. But, with the digitization of content, it will be relayed to the general public via influencers. The luxury brands gradually reveal know-how. The elitist fashion world has opened up the common mortal through live broadcasting platforms. Moreover, we observed a large audience at those onlines shows. For example, the show Céline had more than 800,000 people live and 1.2 millions saw the replay show the following weekend. Thanks to Covid-19 and digitization, we observe a democratization of this sector.
Some brands like Dolce & Gabbana or Jacquemus refused a full digitisation. They held physical fashion shows with distance measures repeated live on platforms.
Jacquemus Runway Show, 2021. Credit : Jacquemus
Digitization won’t be a panacea. Will the digital revolution be the future of the fashion industry? It is not made to last, it’s just a temporary solution. Yet, in June 2020, the federation of fashion announced its intention to maintain the Women’s Spring-Summer 202A FW in real life. On the other hand, the experience of Fashion Week will tend to be more digitally translated through audiovisual (videos). It will therefore be more accessible than it was before Covid-19.
One question remains for us, who will archive all this digital content and what future for this audiovisual material?
Camille Garcia
Bibliography :
BEGHIN Claire, “Quel avenir pour la Fashion Week de Paris?”, I-D Vice, 03/07/2020
FAGUER Astrid, “Paris Fashion Week : les réseaux sociaux dévoilent les secrets de fabrication”, Les Echos, 21/01/2021
EAVES Emmaleigh, “The future of the fashion industry : a digital revolution?”, Verdict, 10/09/2020
GONZALO ; HARREIS ; SANCHEZ ; VILLEPELET, “Fashion’s digital transformation : Now or never”, Mckinsey, 06/05/2020
MENDES Silvano, “Covid-19 : la pandémie a accéléré la transition de la mode vers le “phygital”, RFI, 15/01/2021
NEYCENSAS François-Marie, “Fashion Week et crise sanitaire - rencontre avec Pascal Morand”, Hecstories, 16/12/2020
PERRIN-AUSSEDAT Eloi, “Mode : comment l’industrie fait face à la crise du Covid-19”, Forbes, 07/05/2020
ZOCCHETTI Vanessa, “Défilés online, e-shop boostés, reloking… 2020 ou l’année de la mode virtuelle?”, Madame Figaro, 06/07/2020
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CHARM’s Andy takes the cover of the 155th volume of MAPS. This is his first solo cover of a Korean magazine, although he recently covered Madame Figaro MODE China in February as well. The photoshoot seems to take inspiration from punk and rock fashion, similar to that of Andy’s most recent solo music release, “Crooked.”
He discusses the release in an interview with MAPS, where he mentions the unusually quick process of its release, due to having been filming his first feature film in China shortly before. The message of the song, according to Andy as its songwriter, is going through a breakup that pains enough to, “feel like a completely different person.” The interview also discusses the punk influences in the song’s sound and fashion, and what that means to Andy who claims that, “punk lives inside [his] heart.”
Andy’s cover for the month of April, and the attached interview and pictorial, are available for purchase now.
1. can he suit any concept? i’m starting to believe it’s true
2. this isn’t very charm, but it is very andy
3. i never noticed andy in charm before crooked, but now i find myself looking into everything he’s doing. i guess i’m what they call a fan, now
4. i hope someone gives the staff that worked on this a raise
5. i didn’t know men were born with these kinds of visuals anymore
6. how many times did he mention green day or misfits this time ㅋㅋㅋ
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Den Weg zur Fotografie fand Paul Rousteau, wie das so ist, durch Zufall. Es muss irgendwann im Winter, um die Weihnachtszeit gewesen sein, da spazierte der damals sechzehnjährige junge Mann mit einem Freund durch die neblige Landschaft des Elsass. Den Fotoapparat des Vaters hatten sie eingesteckt, einfach so. Sie hatten damit keine Pläne, bis Rousteau aus Jux drauflosknipste: Auf die Natur, in das schummerige Licht. Auf eine Krippe, irgendwo am Straßenrand. Er entdeckte, dass ihm dieses Medium gefiel, er wurde Fotograf.
Sechzehn Jahre später, sagt er von sich selbst, er sei einer der „naiven“ Sorte. Vielleicht weil die zufällig ergriffenen Themen von damals geblieben sind – seine Liebe zur Natur, zu Blumen, zu Vögeln, zu einer gewissen Ursprünglichkeit und Einfachheit. Vielleicht aber auch einfach, weil sein Blick sich unterscheidet. Als er vor knapp sieben Jahren, nach seinem Studium der Kunst in Belgien und das der Fotografie in der Schweiz, nach Paris zog, stellte Rousteau fest, dass er mit seinen glühenden Bildern unter Kollegen seines Alters wie ein viel zu bunter Fremdkörper wirkte.
Wie ein komischer Vogel: Alle knipsten auf verdreckte Vororte, Ruinen, Schmerz und Verfall, er steckte seine Kamera ins Herz einer Blüte, wie um ihre verborgene Wahrheit zu erforschen. Statt auf die Stadt, auf gesellschaftliche Probleme, Missstände oder eine sonst irgendwie geartete zeitgenössische Öffentlichkeit, richtete der junge Fotograf sein Auge nach Innen. Auf das Private, eine gewisse Häuslichkeit: In seinen Bildern – viele davon sind Teil eines für seinen Sohn entworfenen Buches – sieht man den kugelrunden Bauch seiner schwangeren Freundin, Bananen, Äpfel, Zitronen, Stillleben herausgerissen aus seinem Alltags als junger Vater, Blumen und Schmetterlinge, die nackten kleinen Körper seiner Kinder, einen besonders schönen Sonnenuntergang. Es sind die Bilder eines Paradieses - dem der Kinder, dem der Unschuldigen, vielleicht Naiven. Jedes von ihnen kommt in kalifornisch warmen Farben daher, oft ein bisschen verschwommen, wie Aquarelle, ein bisschen flüchtig, wie ein Traum kurz nach dem Aufwachen. Die Abstraktion ist nie weit entfernt, seine Fotografien sind ganz Impression, manche erinnern an das Sfumato einer Sarah Moon, viele an die Licht- und Farbspiele der Tänzerin Loie Fuller.
Rousteau selbst meint, es seien mentale Landschaften, die direkte Übersetzung seiner offenbar sehr farbenfreudigen Wahrnehmung. In ihrer ganzen leuchtenden Fröhlichkeit sind es aber vor allem auch Bild gewordene Ausdrücke einer gewissen Melancholie. Jene der eben doch nicht mehr ganz Naiven, die sie nicht gehen lassen wollen, diese kindliche Fähigkeit, sich stundenlang an der Grandiosität, der verrückten Schönheit einer Wiese, eines Himmels, einer banalen Blume, einer besonderen Farbnuance oder unerwarteten Lichtstimmung zu erfreuen. Der Name der Ausstellung „There are always flowers for those who want to see them“, frei zitiert nach Henri Matisse, den der Fotograf neben Malern wie Monet oder Bonnard sehr bewundert, zeugt von dieser Melancholie – dem Wunsch den Blick für die Blumen nie zu verlieren. Sein Ziel, das „Unsichtbare sichtbar zu machen“, hat Paul Rousteau mit seinen zweiunddreißig Jahren quasi schon erreicht: Es scheint, als würde er mit seiner Kamera all die Grau-Filter wegreißen, die das Leben, die Erfahrung, die Zeit auf unserem Auge wie Schichten hinterlassen hat. Was man in seinen Bildern sieht ist ein Leuchten des Ursprungs. Und das ist sehr schön.
Text: Annabelle Hirsch
Für weitere Informationen und Bildmaterial wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Kirsten Landwehr, [email protected]
English version
Paul Rousteau came to photography by chance, as it were. It must have been sometime in winter, around Christmas time, when the then-sixteen-year-old young man was wandering around the foggy landscape of Alsace with a friend. On a whim they had brought along his father’s camera. They weren’t up to anything in particular until Rousteau started snapping away just for fun: at nature in the dim light. At a crib somewhere on the side of the road. He discovered that he liked this medium, so he became a photographer.
Sixteen years later, he calls himself a “naive” type. Perhaps because the themes he happened upon then have not wavered—his love of nature, flowers, birds, of a particular fundamentality and simplicity. But perhaps also simply because the way he looks at things is different. After moving to Paris almost seven years ago after studying art in Belgium and photography in Switzerland, Rousteau came to the realization that his luminous images made him stand out among his peers like a far too colorful outsider. Like a rare bird: while everyone else was snapping images of gritty suburbs, ruins, pain, and decay, he used his camera to probe the inside of a flower blossom to explore its hidden truth. Instead of focusing on the city, social problems, injustices, or similar contemporary public realities, the young photographer turned his eye inward. Toward the private, a particular domesticity: In his images—many of them part of a book designed for his son—one sees the rounded belly of his pregnant girlfriend, bananas, apples, lemons, still lifes extracted from his everyday life as a young father, flowers and butterflies, the naked little bodies of his children, a particularly beautiful sunset. They are the images of a paradise—that of the children, the innocent, perhaps the naive. Each of them bathed in warm Californian colors therefore, often a bit blurred, like watercolors, somewhat fleeting, like a dream right after waking. Abstraction is never far off, his photographs are pure impressions; some recall the sfumato of Sarah Moon, many the interplay of light and color of dancer Loie Fuller.
Rousteau calls them mental landscapes, direct translations of his clearly very colorful perceptions. In all their luminous cheerfulness, however, they are above all also expressions of a particular melancholy transformed into images. Ones that are no longer so naive, that refuse to let go of this childlike capacity to find delight in the grandiosity, the overwhelming beauty of a meadow, a sky, a banal flower, a particular color nuance or unexpected atmospheric light. The name of the exhibition There are always flowers for those who want to see them, a quote by Henri Matisse, a painter the photographer greatly admires along with Monet or Bonnard, attests to this melancholy—to the desire to never loose the capacity to see flowers. At thirty-two, Paul Rousteau has nearly achieved his goal of “making the invisible visible”: with his camera he seems to strip away all the gray filters that life, experience, and time have deposited layer-like over our eyes. In his images one sees the fundamental illuminated. And it is extremely beautiful.
Text: Annabelle Hirsch
For further information and picture material please contact:
Kirsten Landwehr, [email protected]
Paul Rousteau
B. in Beauvais, France, in 1986
Graduate from photography school Vevey, Switzerland & From Saint Luc-Tounai, Belgium
Paul Rousteau works and lives in Paris
2017 / There are always flowers for those who want to see them, Galerie Für Moderne Fotografie, Berlin
2017 / Eden, Visons of Joy, Galerie du Jour - Agnès B, Paris
2017 / Giverny, rue de Marseille et Jardin Vuillemin, Rencontre photographiques du 10ème, Paris
2017 / Portraits de Familles, Gare Numérique, Jeumont, France.
2016 / Strawberry Fileds, Galerie Forma Art Contemporain, Lausanne, Suisse
2017 / Festival de Mode et de Photogarphie, Villa Noailles, Hyères.
2017 / Paris Photo, Galerie du Jour
2017 / 12 mail, Red bull Space, Paris
2017 / Mois de la photo du Grand Paris, Havas Gallery, Puteaux
2017 / Festival Portrait(s), Vichy
2016 / Paris Photo, Galerie du Jour - Agnès b.
2016 / Champs, Contre-Champs, du show at Galerie Madé, Paris
2016/ Urban Green, collective show, More than a gallery, Paris
2016 / Rencontre d’Arles, Club des directeurs artisques
2016 / Rencontre d’Arles, Havas
2014 / Festival Images, Vevey, Switzerland
2013 / FIAC off / YIA (Young International Artists), Bastille Design Center, Paris
2013 / How to look at the beast, musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, Suisse
2012 / Le songe, la raison et les monstres, galerie Paul Freches, Paris
2012 / Festival photo 12, Zurich, Suisse
2011 / Festival Images, Vevey, Suisse
The New Yorker, M Le Monde. i-D, Vogue Paris Dazed & Confused, Die Zeit Magazin, Financial Time, Vice, Libération, Les Inrocks, L’Officiel, Télérama, Madame Figaro, Express Styles, Les Echos, Elle
#Paul Rousteau#There are always flowers for those who want to see them#galeriefuermodernefotografie#schröderstrasse13#opening#16.11.2017#19:00
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Sa mère et lui regrettent qu’il n’existe pas de «désacidifier» le corps Vrai ou faux ?
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Le Figaro Actualités Sa mère et lui regrettent qu’il n’existe pas de «désacidifier» le corps Vrai ou faux ?
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Kong Xueer in her second look for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Kong Xueer for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Hanikezi in her second look for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Xu Jiaqi for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Li Qin for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Zhang Yuxi in her second look for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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Fan Shiqi for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
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#ZhangYuxi for Madame Figaro Live Mode music party
Trang điểm và làm tóc: @思梦WoWstudio
Photography: @于 cay
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