violetlunette · 29 days
Yuu: Alright, you wanna prove this Malleus exists? Invite him over to Ramshackle tonight. Sebek: Fine!! I will! And you better be ready to repent for your words, human! Yuu: Yeah, I gave up on repenting along time ago. Easier to burn at this point. Anyway, make sure to bring him by later. If he exists. Sebek: HE DOES EXIST!! Just wait, I’ll prove it to you tonight!! ~Night comes and Sebek is unable to find Malleus~ Yuu: You know denial’s only cute for so long before it becomes pathetic. Sebek: *about to cry* HE EXISTS DAMMIT! ~Later~ Mallues: Hello, child of man. Yuu: Sup, Dr. Hornton. -- Part of this series
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violetlunette · 29 days
Yuu: I’ve never seen this Malleus guy, ever. And you know what I sneak in to Diasomnia several times a week to see Silver. Sebek: Yes, I recall Lilia pulling you out of of Silver's closest. Yuu: Moving on, I’ve gone to dorm leader meetings and never saw him once. I even went to the gargoyle club to get a visual. I didn’t even see Goliath, Demona, or anybody. Yuu: You know what, I don’t think he exists at all. I think you just went crazy and made him up in your head. Sebek: How can you say that?! Yuu: Well, it’s not that far a leap. And it’s not like you’re mentally sound or anything. Sebek: YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT. Yuu: Theory two; no one in Diasomnia qualified for the position as as not to lose face, ya’ll made up a dorm leader. Sebek: WE DID NOT!! -- Part of this series
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violetlunette · 29 days
Yuu: You know what, there’s an easy way to settle this; Oi, Leona! You're a dorm head and therefore woulda met him if he's real: Does Malleus exist? Leona who was napping nearby and heard everything: No, he’s an outdated concept Diasomnia made up. Sebek: HEY!!
Part of this series
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violetlunette · 2 months
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Mad Yuu's SSR. There was supposed to be a story to go with it, but it's taking longer to come together that I thought.
I love how Yuu turned out. His usual bruises are missing for story purposes.
For once I drew the BG myself. It's not perfect, but eh. I tried to do "warp perspective," but as you see, I still need practice.
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violetlunette · 29 days
Sebek: HOW CAN YOU NOT BELIEVE IN LORD MALLEUS?! Yuu: I’m an atheist! I don’t believe in any god, it’s nothing personal. Sebek: Lord Malleus isn’t a god! Yuu: Don’t you have a shrine of him in your room? And aren’t you always talking about making sacrifices and offerings for him? -- Part of this series
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violetlunette · 24 days
Deuce: Yuu, don’t you feel bad for desecrating graves to use people’s skeletons in your—for your—whatever? Yuu: Why? They ain’t using them and there’s still life in them old bones! Why let ‘em go to waste underground? Yuu: Besides, if they don’t like it, they can file a complaint. Long line of Ghosts: AHEM! Yuu: Crap, I forgot they could do that here. -- Part of my MadYuu series
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violetlunette · 24 days
Ace: Hey, how does Crowley feel about the bone heads? Crowley: *appearing out of nowhere* Well, it’s a bit creepy, I’ll admit. But as a teacher it would be unkind of me to stunt my student’s growth and creativity. Yuu: He gets free labor out of them, so he’s fine. Crowley: Get to work, skeletons! We have a lot of Yuu-holes to repair. -- Part of my MadYuu series
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violetlunette · 2 months
Lilia: WHAT? The school thinks were dating?!
Carter: Well, it’s more like they think you’re in a poly with Silver and Yuu.
Lilia: *groans!* That is wrong in so many ways.
Yuu: Hey! Silver’s the most perfect ten in the world and if I got sleep, a little sun, and actually took care of myself, I’d be a solid eight! You could do worse, six!
Lilia: *Offended* Six?!
– Part of this
for those curious here's "normal Yuu";
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And here's Yuu if he actually took care of himself;
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Cute, but who wants to tell him he's a 5 at best? Or maybe that's just me, what do you think? On the hot scale 1-10 with 10 the highest, where would you rate him?
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violetlunette · 1 month
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Since the Glomas Re-run is out, I decided to make a Glomas MadYuu.
His outfit is based on Grim's outfit with Esmerelda inspiration with Silver's eye color incorporated. The cape is torn as I imagine Yuu tore it to make a cape for Grim who wanted a costume as well. (Forget that I forgot the mask.) Yuu's hair always gives me trouble but the boots were surprisingly fun. Anyway, I hope you all like it!
I had no idea what to do for a backdrop and even them I had no idea what to do, which is why it's--not the best. I wanted to have a storm which represents Yuu and the red flower's glow below. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again eventually.
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violetlunette · 24 days
Ace: Dude, I don’t wanna do this! Why don’t you get your skeleton slaves to handle it? Yuu: They’re terrible at high stressed jobs. Yuu: They’re too easily rattled. Ace:… Ace: *unfriends Yuu on Social media* Yuu: Oh, come on! That was humerus! -- Part of my MadYuu series
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violetlunette · 1 month
Hey ya'll! By next month I'll doing my MadYuu posts for a year now, and thought it would be fun to do a vignette of Birthday interviews for him and for that I need an interviewer, so since making choices is hard I thought I'd let ya'll get in on the fun and vote. Also, if you have any desires to, you can send questions for our moonstruck doctor to answer. Thank you for your time and hope you tune in next month to celebrate!
The Birthday interview will be out Sep. 24, next month! (I'll need a week or two to write and edit, hence why the poll for the interviewer is up now.)
(Note: These options are people Yuu would actually talk honestly to in an interview as he knows they're unlikely to use anything against him. They're also ones Yuu doesn't get to interact with very much.)
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violetlunette · 1 month
I'm curious about something; pls reblog what kind of cereal / cereal mascot your Yuu would be.
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violetlunette · 5 months
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I decided it was time to finally do a SilYuu image with my MadYuu! So I drew one where it looks like Yuu is threatening poor Silver, lol.
One of the reasons people are so uneased around Yuu is because he always seems to have a crazed expression. Only Kalim and Silver are naive enough to ignore it. (Silver has resting bitch face, Yuu has "bitch I'll cut you" face.) This is partly why Lilia and Sebek are on guard around him. (Ace, Deuce, and Grim get used to it.) I love how Silver turned out but Yuu is someone I'm still getting used to drawing. (I forgot how I drew his hair the first time and I neglected to make his face rounder.)
Random thing but I really like using pencil brushes for Yuu's backdrop as I think it helps illustrate that something is off about him, but adding color to them--using Silver's eye lights, btw--shows color being added to what would be a static world to him otherwise, if that makes sense.
Anyway, I hope you like it!
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violetlunette · 24 days
Ace: Hey, can borrow some of your skeletons to help me with my chores? Yuu: Sure, go ahead. But will Riddle be okay with it? Ace: ‘Course! Why wouldn’t he? ~Later~ Yuu: You’re back early. Ace: Yeah, well, apparently I was wrong. Riddle was not okay with the shambling bones wandering around. Yuu: What, does he have skelephobia or something? Ace: Well, to be fair everyone has skelephobia when they come to life. Yuu: Why? Ace: “Why” he asks... -- Part of my MadYuu series
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violetlunette · 4 months
A little SilYuu from my MadYuu series.
“I don’t want to be your friend.” The words were like an icy dagger. Pain flashed across Silver’s otherwise stoic face, his brow furrowing over iridescent eyes as he dropped his head.
“I… see…” Silver tried to push down the awful feeling that erupted in his chest. “I apologize--”
“I don’t want to be your friend, because I like you.”
Yuu stepped forward, his face patterned with dark bruises drawn in an unfamiliar seriousness. Silver's heart always clenched in worry when he saw Yuu.
At first, he worried that Yuu’s battered form had been the result of bullying and fights. However, aside from Lilia’s playful bouts, no one seemed to be interested in fighting with the boy. (Ruggie mentioned that all the saws he playfully swung around had something to do with that.) Eventually, Silver learned from Ace and Deuce that the results of his injuries came from his reckless disregard of safety when dealing with his rather creative—and extremely explosive—inventions.
Yet despite what must have been rather painful injuries, Yuu never paid any mind to them. In fact, he rarely seemed to notice them. And never once did he lose his wide, bright smile, filled with childish glee.
So when Silver saw the grin drop from the cracked, slightly swollen lips, the teen felt his body tense. He barely processed Yuu’s words as he spoke.
“I like you. A lot. Not as a friend but as—a mate? No, someone I would like to date—I like you romantically,” the other babbled. It was odd whenever Yuu stumbled to find words, as the other was always so sure of himself and confident. Now he fidgeted, fingers twitching at his side, till he ran them through his messy black waves. He rocked on his heels, as if he were unsure what he was supposed to do with himself.
“I like you,” he repeated, as if that was the only thing he was sure of. The gray skin that wasn't painted with wounds flushed bright pink, a strange color on the other. (Yuu's palette was usually monochrome.) “I like you. I know I shouldn’t. I mean, it’s like Mother always said, ‘Falling head over heels for someone is the best way to loose your head,’ or something like that. But I can’t help it.
“I’ve not only fallen over heels, but down the stars, out the window, in an open grave. Now all I can do is wait for my feelings to be laid to rest.” He hesitated, but reached out his gloved hand to take Silver’s. Silver was too shocked to react, but then felt his heart jump to his throat as the rubber rubbed against his skin.
“Sorry, I—this might be too forward, and this is probably the wrong way to do this,” the gray teen murmured. “But Rook’s way didn’t work, the ghosts’ way failed, and I don’t have the hips for Crowley’s body language. So, I have to be straight—even though if I like you, I’m gay—and hope for the best. I like you. I like you. I--” I love you.
Silver could feel his face change color as his head heated up and his mind went blank.
“Do...Do you understand?” Silver blinked a couple of times before the question registered.
“Oh. Yes. Yes, I—ahem! I—I understand,” Silver said, stammering in a way that was completely unlike him.
Yuu liked him. Not liked him, but like-liked him.
As he thought about this, Silver’s insides became light and fluttery in a way he couldn’t describe. After all, it was the first time he felt anything like this. He felt giggly, like bubbles were tickling him. And...
“And...is that okay?” Yuu asked slowly, bringing him out of his thoughts. “I mean, does it make you...feel weird? Uncomfortable?” Silver shook his head quickly, his movements surprisingly jittery.
“Ah, no. Not—not at all,” he assured the other. He lifted his hand to the back of his neck, which felt just as hot as the rest of him. “I’m just surprised.” And he was. Why would Yuu like him of all people?
Silver wasn’t exciting at all. In fact, he was the most boring person on campus. And on top of that, he troubled everyone around him with his awful snooze spells. Which, he was convinced, were in part because the teen was so dull, so he put himself to sleep. He wasn’t like Yuu, who was full of life and energy and was always up to something exciting.
Yuu chuckled, and Silver’s heart beat a touch louder.
“Well, I have been subtle about it,” he said, amused. He was smiling, but it was different than usual. This smile was small and shy, filled with emotions the other had never expressed before. Both their gazes fell to their joined hands. The sight caused Silver’s blood to race like horses on a track. They stared for a minute, unsure of what to say, when—to Silver’s disappointment—the other released him.
“I don’t expect an answer right away,” he said, forcing his smile to return. “I mean, this is all—weird, right? And really befuddling. I don’t get it myself. I don’t—I’m not trying to... I just wanted to be clear on things.” Yuu looked away as he rubbed his arm through the patched-up lab coat he liked to wear. “I like you. And if—if you, um, like—like-like me, then I would like to date. But there’s no rush! I can wait. I mean, I won’t wait forever, but for now, I’ll wait. Patience isn’t my virtue, but for you? I’ll practice.” Silver lips parted, but no words came, as he was unsure of how to respond.
“Um, thank you?” He finally stuttered, his voice reaching a higher pitch. He pressed a hand to his chin and coughed, embarrassed as he attempted to continue. “I—I don’t… I mean…” What was wrong with him? Silver may not have talked much, but he was never at a loss for words. “Forgive me. As I said, this is all so surprising…”
“It’s cool. Like I said, I’m not expecting an answer. I just wanted you to understand—to know how I feel. You—understand, right?” Yuu said, apparently forgetting he already said this.
“I—I do.” Or at least, Silver understood part of it.
Yuu liked him; he understood that, even though he didn’t understand why.
An awkward moment fell, both wanting to say something but neither knowing what that was. Silver felt very warm, his skin tingling as butterflies went mad inside his chest and stomach.
He wasn’t sure if he was grateful or not when Ace and Carter interrupted them. The two were screaming about how Floyd broke something in the lab, and now it was trying to eat him and Trey. Yuu quickly took hold of the excuse, filling Silver with disappointment.
“Don’t worry too much about it, Moonshine,” he said, using the affectionate nickname for the other. “There’s no timeline on this.” Yuu tried to walk away, but apparently his knees gave out from under him, and the other two students had to carry him.
Silver watched them till they were out of sight, a heavy weight suddenly in his chest. He closed his eyes and placed a fist over his heart, which was reacting like a frightened rabbit.
“Like…” Yuu liked Silver. As for Silver…
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violetlunette · 4 months
Yuu's Ramshackle Playlist
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I made a playlist for my MadYuu for self-indulgent fun. However, I quickly realized that I had so many that decided to cut them into parts. (They won't be posted right away for reasons.) This is the "Ramshackle" Playlist, which is basically just fun Halloween songs, lol. None are about his relationship with Silver as they get their own playlist. It's just mainly surface Yuu, however double stars are ones that hold little secrets to his deeper personality. Anyway, enjoy if you're the type to to actually click on the links of songs and listen.
**King of Villains- Voltaire
*Mad Scientist- (1989 TV theme)
**Weird Science- Oingo Boingo
*One Good Scare- (Phineas and Ferb)
*Spooky Scary Skeletons- Andrew Gold
*The Skeleton Dance- Voltaire
**Somebody’s Watching Me- Rockwell
*Rest in Peace-Darren Criss
*Grim Grinning Ghosts- (Disney Land)
*Chillin’ Like a Villain- (Descendants Cast)
*B-Movie- (Brave Little Toaster)
**Don’t Fear the Reaper-Blue Oyster
**No One Lives Forever- Oingo Boingo
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