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Per qualcuno sarai sicuramente un mostro ma, fai parte delle meraviglie anche tu.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For some you will surely be a monster but, you too are part of the wonders .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #nikon_photogroup #nikon_photo #nikon_photo_contest #50mmphotography #50mm #50mmlens #nature_shooter #nature_pics #animal_photogroup #coleottero #coleotterorosso #redbeetle #beetle #criocera #lilioceris #liliocerislilii #gardenphotography #gardenphoto #macro_garden #macro_creative_pictures (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COs1wRbBQfT/?igshid=6qjo1dwff4sc
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Daffodil Narcissus #daffodil #narcissus #narcis #flower #cvet #plant #biljka #garden #basta #vrt #park #macro #macro_flowers #macro_photography #macro_garden #macro_world #macro_spring #insta_macro #insta_flowers #insta_garden #insta_plant #green #yellow #photography #pentax #dubeed_photography
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Anima ribelle... ruggisci ancora.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebellious soul .. roar again .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #samsungphones #samsunga40 #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_photogroup #macro_creative_picture #macro_creative_pictures #macro_gardener #nature_shooter #naturelovers_photogroup #abstractart #abstractphoto #abstractphotoart #astrattismo🎨 #astrattismofotografico (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNKPL3-hO5F/?igshid=nv7dwk7xjtg4
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Estremo.. fino quasi ad essere incomprensibile.. anche questo sono io.. ma a volte è necessario.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extreme .. almost incomprehensible .. this is me too .. but sometimes it is necessary .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikon_photo #macro_garden #nature_shooter #nature_pics #chiaroscuro #abstractart #abstractphoto #abstractphotoart #astrattismo🎨 #astrattismofotografico #chiaroscurophotography #macro_champ #macro_photogroup (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2CGhBhZy0/?igshid=tgjlie6g99zi
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Come nastro di porpora le tue labbra, la tua bocca è piena di fascino; come spicchio di melagrana è la tua tempia dietro il tuo velo. (Cantico dei Cantici) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your lips like a purple ribbon, your mouth is full of charm; like a slice of pomegranate is your temple behind your veil. (Cantico dei cantici) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikonitalia #nikon_photo #50mmphotography #50mm #50mmlens #macro #macro_garden #nature_shooter #naturelovers_photogroup #melograno #canticodeicantici #pomegranate #pomegranates #ritrattistica #portraits_maniac #portraitphotography #portrait_photogroup #fruitphotography #amepiaceilsud #sud_addicted #ig_mediterraneo (presso Calabria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF9t7GDnDo2/?igshid=5t482ab5oxgr
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C’è un’Ape che se posa su un bottone de rosa: lo succhia e se ne va… Tutto sommato, la felicità è una piccola cosa. (Trilussa, Felicità) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is an bee that poses on a pink button: she sucks it and goes ... All in all, happiness it's a small thing. (Trilussa, Happiness) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #55_200 #55_200mm #nikon_photogroup #nikon_photo #nature_shooter #naturelovers_photogroup #trilussa #felicità #animal_photogroup #animal_portrait #natureza🍃 #macro_garden #macro_photogroup #macro_creative_pictures #microworld (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjg6CwB1Oc/?igshid=2mjl5z926bhn
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Alcuni dicono che la pioggia è senza scopo e altri dicono che è piena di ricordi e desideri. Tagor Manroo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some people say the rain with no purpose and others say with memories and wishes Tagor Manroo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikonitalia #nikon_photo #50mmphotography #50mm #rainyday #rainy #rainypic #giornatadipioggia #macro #macro_garden #macro_photogroup #macrophotography #tagormanroo #macro_photography #macro_captures_ #nature_shooter #naturelovers_photogroup (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-h-WDlnDvr/?igshid=1j9unciudcaht
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Niente si sa, tutto si immagina. Circondati di rose, ama, bevi, e taci. Il resto è niente. (Fernando Pessoa) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nothing is known, everything is imagined. Surround yourself with roses, love, drink, and shut up. The rest is nothing. (Fernando Pessoa) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikonitalia #nikon_photo #55_200mm #55_200 #fernandopessoa #nature_pics #nature_shooter #naturelovers_photogroup #flowers #macro #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_photogroup (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_j02YPHfkX/?igshid=1jtzg2vlwgo2
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La realtà non mi impressiona. Io credo solo nell’ebrezza, nell’estasi, e quando la vita ordinaria mi incatena, scappo, in un modo o nell’altro. Nessun muro mi può bloccare. (Anaïs Nin) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reality does not impress me. I believe only in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life chains me, I run away, one way or another. No wall can block me. (Anaïs Nin) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikonitalia #nikon_photo #50mmphotography #50mm #50mmlens #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_captures_ #macroworld_ #anaisnin #nature_shooter #redroses🌹 #macro_gardener #chains #naturelovers_photogroup (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5m0RwAoi4k/?igshid=yxb75hhn0ja1
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Quello che sembra a volte non è.. la verità è relativa agli occhi che la osservano.. E quindi, tu cosa vedi? Una libellula o un ultimo petalo attaccato al fiore? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What seems sometimes is not ... the truth is relative to the eyes that observe it .. So what do you see? A dragonfly or a last petal attached to the flower? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #55_200 #55_200mm #detailshots #nature_shooters #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_creative_pictures #macro_gardener #dragonflys #petali #enigma #yallerscalabria #shotz_of_calabria #calabriadaamare (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzz_8GII20J/?igshid=ng3a7oajg0nw
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Dico alla poesia ed alla poesia soltanto sii un’ape vola avanti e indietro di giglio in giglio di sponda in sponda di attimo in attimo così leggera, così instancabile. (Adel Karasholi) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I say poetry and to poetry only be a bee flies back and forth of lily in lily of bank in bank from moment to moment so light, so tireless. (Adel Karasholi) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #travelfriends3 #yallyally #55_200 #55_200mm #nature_shooters #adelkarasholi #naturephotography #macro_garden #macrophotography #macro_creative_pictures #macro_gardener #macro_creature_feature #yallerscalabria #shotz_of_calabria #super_calabria_channel #calabriadaamare #italia_cartoline #italia_photogroup #nikon_photogroup #animal_photogroup #gardendetails #macrogarden #macronature (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzK0oAMIq9h/?igshid=21gbgw13i8g5
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E se diventi farfalla nessuno pensa più a ciò che è stato quando strisciavi per terra e non volevi le ali. Alda Merini ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And if you become a butterfly, nobody thinks about what it was when you crawled on the ground and didn't want the wings. Alda Merini ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #lumixphotography #panasonicphotography #fz200 #macro_captures_ #macro_champ #macro_garden #macro_gardener #butterflys #macro_creative_pictures #nature_shooter #nature_pics #natureza🍃 #animal_photogroup #macro_world (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iVRGKIdoX/?igshid=z2tpius42ze
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La rosa è senza perché: fiorisce perché fiorisce, non bada a se stessa, non chiede se la si vede. (Angelus Silesius) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rose is without because: it blooms because it blooms, she does not mind herself, she does not ask if she is seen. (Angelus Silesius) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #55_200 #55_200mm #yallyally #travelfriends3 #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_creative_pictures #macro_captures_ #macro_gardener #redroses🌹 #nature_shooters #angelussilesius #redroses #rebelrose #rosaribelle #nikon_photogroup #flowerphotography #flowers🌸 #macronature (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EMsIyIeub/?igshid=1uyfn92jspeqy
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Il mio sogno è nutrito d’abbandono, di rimpianto. Non amo che le rose che non colsi. Non amo che le cose che potevano essere e non sono state… Vedo la case, ecco le rose del bel giardino di vent’anni or sono! Guido Gozzano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My dream is nourished by abandonment, of regret. I love only roses that I didn't catch. I don't like things that could be and are not Been ... I see the houses, here are the roses of the beautiful garden of twenty years ago! Guido Gozzano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #18_55 #18_55mm #nikon_photogroup #yallyally #travelfriends3 #guidogozzano #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_creative_pictures #macro_gardener #detailshots #nature_shooters #naturedetails #nature_photogroup #yallerscalabria #yalleritalia #yallerseurope #shotz_of_italia #shotz_of_calabria #shotz_of_europe #calabriadaamare #super_calabria_channel (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzaGZk0IlXh/?igshid=4p5p06htzgf5
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Ti sfiora passando per strada e tu pensi di averla già conosciuta, forse sei stato un fiore nella sua mano, qualche secolo fa. Fabrizio Caramagna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She brushes past you in the street and you think you have already met her, maybe you were a flower in his hand, a few centuries ago. Fabrizio Caramagna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #18_55 #18_55mm #nature_shooters #naturephotography #fabriziocaramagna #calla #flowerphotography #macro_garden #macro_love #ig_mediterraneo #yallyally #whiteflower #onthegreen #insta_pick_blossoms #instablossom #instaspring #springtime🌸 (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPkBehB-KF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=npbc5a9a0nz0
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A volte le parole non bastano. E allora servono i colori. E le forme. E le note. E le emozioni. (Alessandro Baricco) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes words are not enough. And then we need colors. And the forms. And the notes. And the emotions. (Alessandro Baricco) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #nikond3400 #d3400 #18_55 #18_55mm #macro_garden #macro_champ #macro_love #macro_world #colourphotography #colourfull #nature_photo #naturephotography #nature_shooters #alessandrobarrico #yallyally #yallersitalia #yallerscalabria #shotz_of_calabria #shotz_of_italia #calabriadaamare #calabria_cartoline_ #calabria_photogroup #calabria_illife #super_calabria_channel #italia_photogroup #italia_cartoline #ig_mediterraneo (presso Acconia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv054GNhhcv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hascds68zuj2
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