#macgyver review
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nativestarwrites · 11 months ago
Thanks for the tag @abubblingcandle! Its always fun to look back on the writing year!
1.How many stories did you post?
15! 2 for Endeavour, 6 for Macgyver and 7 for Ted Lasso.
2. Which ones were your favorites?
Running Through Emotions (TL) and for Macgyver Brothers in Blood, I had a lot of fun exploring the characters in both fics, especially with Brothers in Blood, looking at a new way Mac and Jack's partnership started with the addition of it being a Vampire AU.
3. Which one was the most satisfying to write?
Technically still a wip, but I've posted the first chapter and have nearly 19k written in total so I'm counting it, When Darkness Falls the Ted Lasso Apocalypse fic. I'm having SO much fun writing this one, its an AU I never thought I'd be writing when I first watched Ted Lasso earlier this year but I'm so glad I've started this. And I'm super happy with how the first chapter came out and the lovely comments I've had on it! Next chapter (or chapters with a bit of luck) will be posted in January.
4. The most difficult?
Buried Beneath the Rubble (Macgyver) took me over a year to fill in the gaps and finally get it ready to post.
5. Rec something that you're proud of.
I really liked Running Through Emotions (Ted Lasso) I loved writing this quiet, tender moment between Roy and Jamie while still feeling like I was staying true to their characters. I think I managed it quite nicely.
6. Wow us with whatever big thing you might want to work on next!
It's a lot of wip finishing right now, I've got a couple of small Ted Lasso ideas bubbling in the background though but nothing big or started yet. The biggest thing I want to finish first is the Ted Lasso Apocalypse wip. Here's a tiny terrible teaser of the bit I was working on yesterday:
“If he dies, I’m not telling you fucking anything.”
7. Show us that word count stat!
34,191 which is not my best year (but that was 2020 so doesn't really count!) I'm thinking I'll aim for 50k this year.
I'm gonna tag @altschmerzes @impossiblepluto @jamietarttdodododododo @rosieblogstuff and anyone else who wants to do this!
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appalachianapologies · 1 year ago
Ok SO I've got some fishes I would like to share from the aquarium we went to a couple weeks ago. First here is my very very favorite fish. I have no idea what it was, but if I was naming it, it would be "patchwork quilt fish" because it looks like somebody just jammed 3 fish together. (Also here's a clownfish.)
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And then there's THIS nightmare horror from the deep which apepared to have one red mouth and like 6 white eyes. I couldn't get a very good picture of this monster but trust me, it looks like it's about to start sucking out your blood while hypnotizing you with its 6 white eyes.
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I have a request for a MacGyverism (maybe gone wrong? in a whumpy way? or maybe just a fact?) related to your chemistry homework. (Ok I literally have no idea what type of chemistry you're studying maybe this is impossilble in which case just.... whatever Mac thing strikes you.)
that fish just went thrifting and is showing off its outfit!! and ofc The Horrorsâ„ąïž
“Shit, shit-”
“Uh-” Mac shakes his head, having momentarily forgotten that he had his earpiece in. “How much time can you buy me?”
“I got three bullets and six assholes. Probably not as much as you need.”
“Can you at least keep them occupied?”
“I’ll do my best,” Jack mutters back. “What’s goin’ on?”
Mac swallows, glad that Jack can’t see what he’s seeing. “The casing is starting to erode.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means that whatever container Moore was keeping the virus in, he chose the wrong one.”
“Can you fix it?”
“Temporarily, sure.”
“Good enough for me.”
Mac gives a nod to himself. He needs chemicals, and very specific ones. If the container starts leaking, which it inevitably will, he needs it to leak into an acid. The only problem is that he won’t be able to keep the solution acidic for long enough. At best, it’ll take a hazmat team hours to arrive. 
Mac exhales, eyes running up and down the shelves of cleaning supplies. Too many of them are bases, but finally, his eyes settle on the vinegar.
Unfortunately, that’s only half the battle. Before he can use it for any type of temporary containment, he needs to create its conjugate base to keep the solution at the same pH.
“Water,” Mac mumbles.
“What’s that?”
“New plan. Let the rest of the guards do whatever they want. I need you to find me some water bottles.” Mac looks back down at the canister, now blistering and looking more than ready to burst. “And Jack?”
“Do it fast.”
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gambitandrogues · 1 year ago
I'm so boreddd oh my gosh
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el-rincon-de-la-ardilla · 2 months ago
Pati y Selma tenian razon
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MacGyver no es el tipo de serie a la cual se le puede hacer un review en un solo pårrafo. Una cosa es escuchar que es una de las series mås emblemåticas en la historia de la televisión y uno de los íconos de la década del 80, pero otra cosa es saberlo por experiencia. ¿Después de todo, cuantos personajes existen cuyo nombre se haya convertido en un verbo? Un término sinónimo de la improvisación, el ingenio y la astucia en una sola palabra, reconocible en cualquier lengua en que se haya emitido. No, un pårrafo no es suficiente.
Normalmente, esta serĂ­a la parte en que comienzo dando una sinopsis de la historia en cuestiĂłn. Pero en este caso, eso es inĂștil, ya que, a grandes rasgos, por la pura Ăłsmosis cultural, todes tenemos una idea de quiĂ©n es MacGyver y que hace. CrĂ©anme, lo que ustedes ya saben, ES la sinopsis: MacGyver es un individuo que arregla problemas con su ingenio, carisma y su singular habilidad de inventar artilugios sobre la marcha con cualquier elemento que tenga a mano. Punto. Todo lo demĂĄs acerca de Ă©l es intencionalmente ambiguo o un completo misterio, incluso su nombre de pila. Y precisamente porque no sabemos nada sobre Ă©l, significa que puede estar en donde sea y hacer lo que sea sin ningĂșn tipo de justificaciĂłn inmediata. De hecho, no serĂ­a hasta la segunda temporada en que la serie finalmente nos da contexto puntual para el personaje. Dicho siendo la introducciĂłn de la FundaciĂłn FĂ©nix y a su jefe, Pete Thornton (quien serĂ­a su mejor amigo y el personaje secundario mĂĄs recurrente). Dicha organizaciĂłn es un “Tanque Pensante”, una compañía que se dedica a arreglar problemas para el gobierno o cualquier organizaciĂłn que los necesite. Una descripciĂłn tan ambigua como MacGyver en sĂ­.
La serie corriĂł por 7 temporadas, entre 1985 y 1992. Hoy en dĂ­a cuando pensamos en “temporadas” lo asociamos con arcos argumentales, pero en aquel entonces, una temporada era mĂĄs bien un pack de episodios. Todos los episodios eran historias perfectamente autocontenidas e incluso anacrĂłnicas (Ăłsea sin importancia de orden o tiempo). Sin embargo, sĂ­ hubo contextos culturales que dejaron su marca en el guion y que influenciaron la temĂĄtica general de la historia. En ese sentido, creo que la serie se puede separar, ambiguamente, en 3 Ă©pocas. (digo ambiguamente porque MacGyver puede ser y estar donde sea, solo necesita estar en el lugar y momento correcto)
La primera Ă©poca es lo que yo llamo “MacGyver el EspĂ­a”. Recuerden que la serie comenzĂł justo al final de la Guerra FrĂ­a. Por esta razĂłn, muchos de los episodios de las primeras 3 temporadas eran historias de espionaje o adyacentes al tema. Es aquĂ­ cuando La FundaciĂłn Fenix, cooperaba con el gobierno para operar en Europa, detrĂĄs de las lĂ­neas enemigas, sin causar problemas diplomĂĄticos. Cosas como rescatar prisioneros polĂ­ticos, transportar inteligencia, etc. MacGyver obviamente siendo su operario contratista favorito para llevar a cabo estas misiones. Aun asĂ­, MacGyver nunca se siente como un espĂ­a convencional. No solo por su polĂ­tica pacifista de no usar armas, sino por su actitud. Él no tiene una razĂłn explĂ­citamente polĂ­tica o un impulso patriĂłtico. Él hace lo que hace porque genuinamente quiere ayudar, lo cual es la versĂĄtil motivaciĂłn que lo lleva a participar en cualquiera de sus aventuras.
Luego, llegando al año 1988, la Guerra FrĂ­a estaba llegando a su fin, por ende la serie empezĂł a tomar otro ĂĄngulo. AcĂĄ es en donde siento que comienza la segunda Ă©poca de la serie. Lo que podrĂ­amos llamar “MacGyver el diplomĂĄtico”, la cual transcurre entre la 3ra y 5ta temporada. En este contexto, la FundaciĂłn Fenix deja de participar en el espionaje y se vuelve una organizaciĂłn mĂĄs filĂĄntropa, con episodios sobre el desarme nuclear, misiones de paz internacional y sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente. En tĂ©rminos culturales, esto refleja el optimismo que tenĂ­a la sociedad en Estados Unidos. Con el fin de la Guerra FrĂ­a, habĂ­a este sentimiento de que los grandes conflictos del mundo estaban llegando a su fin. Esto tambiĂ©n significaba un cambio en el discurso popular en los medios, el tema principal ya no serĂ­a sobre guerras lejanas, ni amenazas externas. No, es aquĂ­ donde Estados Unidos, y por ende MacGyver, comienzan a mirar hacia adentro de su paĂ­s y sus problemas contemporĂĄneos.
La siguiente Ă©poca de MacGyver comienza aproximadamente con la introducciĂłn del Club de Desafiantes (The Challenger’s Club), una organizaciĂłn de asistencia social que se dedica a rescatar jĂłvenes de las calles y a rehabilitarlos para ayudar a la comunidad (la mayorĂ­a de estos siendo gente de color). Un lugar donde MacGyver es un voluntario y en donde ocurrirĂĄn varios de sus episodios. Esta es la Ă©poca que yo llamo “Macgyver el asistente social”. Es acĂĄ en donde comenzamos a ver los arquetĂ­picos episodios de tipo PSA (public service announcement) que marcaron muchas series en la Ă©poca de los 90. Episodios sobre las drogas, la prostituciĂłn, el racismo, la pobreza, la violencia por armas, etc. Obvio que, en papel, comparado con sus aventuras anteriores, esto sonarĂ­a aburrido, pero realmente no lo es. Incluso dirĂ­a que muchos de los mejores episodios de la serie se encuentran aquĂ­ en este trayecto final. En todas estas historias, MacGyver encara estas problemĂĄticas con empatĂ­a, inteligencia y conciencia social (o por lo menos la mejor versiĂłn de esta que pudiera tener una serie de los 90). Incluso tuvo algunos episodios en apoyo de los manifestantes pro-democrĂĄticos de China (aquellos que murieron en la masacre de Tiananmen Square). Algo que, gracias a la presiĂłn del gobierno Chino, serĂ­a completamente impensable en la televisiĂłn hoy en dĂ­a.
En tĂ©rminos de guiĂłn, esta serie es mĂĄgica. Sin importar donde MacGyver este, o que estĂ© haciendo, Ă©l se siente natural en toda situaciĂłn. Sea que estĂ© salvado al paĂ­s de un ataque terrorista, entrenado a un equipo de hockey, buscando un tesoro, o salvando a un pibe de las drogas, la serie encuentra la forma en que todas estas historias se sientan igual de importantes. Eso es porque son igualmente importantes PARA MacGyver. MĂĄs allĂĄ de su habilidad de inventar aparatos, lo que realmente eleva el personaje, es su carisma y su empatĂ­a. De hecho, hay mĂșltiples episodios en que ni siquiera llega a inventar cosas, pero los episodios son tan entretenidos que solo despuĂ©s te das cuenta de que no lo notaste.
Sin embargo, todo lo bueno tiene que terminar. Con un formato tan versĂĄtil y un personaje tan popular, la serie podrĂ­a haber continuado por muchas temporadas mĂĄs y nadie los hubiera cuestionado (otras series lo han hecho con menos). Sin embargo, al terminar la sexta temporada, tanto los creadores como los actores sintieron que la historia debĂ­a llegar a su fin. Tanto por razones creativas como personales. Los productores y escritores temĂ­an que la fĂłrmula tarde o temprano se volverĂ­a repetitiva. Por otro lado, Dana Elcar, quien interpretaba a Pete Thornton, habĂ­a perdido la vista por razones mĂ©dicas. Por lo tanto, tuvieron que reflejar eso en su personaje y en la historia, algo que seguramente era muy estresante para el actor. Reemplazar o remover su personaje no hubiera sido fĂĄcil tampoco. Por Ășltimo, estaba el propio Richard Dean Anderson. Unas de las cualidades que destacaba a la serie era que Ă©l mismo realizaba muchos de sus propios stunts. Pero despuĂ©s de tanto tiempo, Ă©l comenzĂł a sentir que interpretar su rol se estaba volviendo muy demandante fĂ­sicamente. Tengan en cuenta que cuando la serie comenzĂł, Ă©l ya tenĂ­a 35 años. TambiĂ©n es probable que tampoco querĂ­a quedar eternamente encasillado en ese personaje toda su carrera. Por todo eso, colectivamente decidieron terminar.
La Ășltima temporada, con 13 episodios, es la mĂĄs corta de la serie, y en cierta forma pseudo revisita todos los temas a travĂ©s de su existencia. Un “greatest hits” espiritual por asĂ­ decirlo. Incluso nos da un episodio especial de dos partes en que finalmente se revela el misterio mĂĄs grande sobre MacGyver: su nombre de pila. Luego, en el Ășltimo episodio, MacGyver, por medio de un descubrimiento personal (que prefiero no spoilear), dejarĂ­a a la FundaciĂłn Fenix y se irĂ­a en moto hacia al horizonte. Esta escena final estĂĄ acompañada de un mensaje narrado por Richard Dean Anderson agradeciendo a su pĂșblico por haberlos acompañado.
Posteriormente, en 1994, dos años despuĂ©s de su Ășltimo episodio, MacGyver tendrĂ­a su final definitivo en forma de dos pelĂ­culas stand alone que se emitieron por televisiĂłn. Me hubiera encantado verlas, pero actualmente, encontrarlas en español latino, en buena calidad, es virtualmente imposible. PrĂĄcticamente son Lost Media. â€œïżœïżœAh, pero porque no simplemente la vez en Ingles?” Se preguntarĂĄn. Eso serĂ­a por la misma razĂłn porque la que no miramos los Simpsons en Ingles. El trabajo de doblaje de la serie es tan impecable e icĂłnico como la serie misma. DespuĂ©s de todo Macgyver es interpretado por el legendario Mario Castañeda (Goku, Bruce Willis, Jim Carrie, etc). DespuĂ©s de 139 episodios, separar a su voz del personaje es imposible en mi mente. SerĂ­a como si un amigo cercano de repente le cambiara la voz.
Ahora mientras escribo esto, pienso en que curioso fue elegir la palabra “amigo”. Hoy en dĂ­a, las series llegan, vemos los 8 episodios que tienen y luego desaparecen, y luego saltamos a la siguiente y a la siguiente. Muchas son excelentes, pero, aun asĂ­, son efĂ­meras. En aquel entonces, corriendo semana tras semana, durante muchos años, una serie se volvĂ­a parte de nuestra rutina. Parte de nuestra vida. Llegabas de la escuela, te sentabas a merendar, prendĂ­as la tele y ahĂ­ estaba, como un amigo que esperaba a saludarte. En mi caso, lo consumĂ­ mirando uno o dos episodios por dĂ­a. A la hora de la cena con mi abuela, por 3 meses. Cuando finalmente terminĂł, no pude evitar sentirme algo triste. Incluso en esos pocos meses, ya se habĂ­a convertido en una cara familiar. No es solamente algo que me gustĂł, es algo que voy a extrañar. Cosas como reĂ­rme con mi abuela sobre cada invento ridĂ­culo o escape imposible va a ser un recuerdo que voy a atesorar.
PodrĂ­a escribir mucho mĂĄs, pero prefiero quedarme con ese Ășltimo pensamiento. Cada une tenemos tiempo libre muy limitado y un backlog infinito de cosas para consumir, pero si en algĂșn momento quieren mirar uno o dos episodios de una excelente serie de confort, no puedo pensar en una mejor opciĂłn que MacGyver.
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bargainsleuthbooks · 1 year ago
Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond by Henry Winkler #ARCReview #AudiobookReview #BookReview #TheFonz #Television #MacmillanAudio #NetGalley
Remember #TheFonz from the 70s #television show, #HappyDays? #BeingHenryTheFonzand Beyond is a forthcoming book by #HenryWinkler. I was privileged to get an #audiobook #ARC from #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio #bookreview #Hollywood #macgyver #newbooks
From Emmy-award winning actor, author, comedian, producer, and director Henry Winkler, a deeply thoughtful memoir of the lifelong effects of stardom and the struggle to become whole. Henry Winkler, launched into prominence by his role as “The Fonz” in the beloved Happy Days, has transcended the role that made him who he is. Brilliant, funny, and widely-regarded as the nicest man in Hollywood

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macgyvermedical · 2 months ago
I encountered a drug called "Dextromethorphan" when looking up things that react with grapefruits for a fic. I found out it's been banned in Sweden since the 90s, so I couldn't use it for this specific story, but if you've got any interesting history I'd be happy so know!
Are you ready for this? Like. Ask yourself. Are you really ready for this?
In 1954, a researcher with the US Public Health Service received $282,215 (1954 dollars) from the US Navy, ostensibly to find a non-addictive alternative to an opiate drug called codeine (used for pain and and as a cough suppressant).
So the researcher found a bunch of people who had substance abuse disorder and tested 800 substances on them, trying to find ones that couldn't cause physical or psychological dependence, even on people who were prone to that sort of thing.
(Now, you might be asking if this experiment was ethical. The USPHS was concurrently doing the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study, so while I couldn't find any concrete answer, imma guess no.)
Out of these 800 tested substances, we use 3 today: propoxyphene (used as a painkiller), diphenoxylate (used as a diarrhea medication), and dextromethophan (a cough suppressant (and, as of 2022, part of a fast-acting antidepressant)).
Importantly, it was later noted that all of these are addictive substances and today most of them require a prescription. Though depending on where you are in the world, you might just have to be over 21 and show an ID.
You might think this sounds like a pretty standard story.
You would be wrong.
Because while the US Navy was the one handing the money to the USPHS, the US Navy had come by it via the Central Intelligence Agency.
Yes. The good ol' CIA.
So what stake did the CIA have in a non-addictive codeine replacement? Nothing, it turns out. That's just what they'd told the US Navy. What they really wanted was an incapacitant- a drug that causes incapacitation like unconsciousness or continuous hallucinations- without killing. Incapacitants are also useful for discrediting prominent political figures by making them look like they have severe mental health concerns, which was another reason the CIA wanted them.
This was part of a project called MKPILOT.
And wouldn't you like to know which of the three listed above they liked the most? Dextromethorphan. Because at high doses it causes severe- and incapacitating- hallucinations (this is also why it is banned in Sweden).
The problem with it is that it requires really, really high doses (about 3 grams, which would have to be packaged in some other substrate)- this would make it difficult to slip into a drink or food.
(It should be noted that around the same time, the US Army was doing research into a much more usable incapacitant called 3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate which required as little as 150mg of the substance to be useful- it was featured in a MacGyver episode and I did a nice little review of it here. While I have no sources that say the CIA was directly involved in funding this, based on their extensive funding of similar DoD projects at the time, they probably did.)
But you wanted to know about how grapefruit interacts with dextromethorphan:
A substance in grapefruit (along with seville oranges, limes, pomelos, and possibly pomegranates) blocks the pathway by which many drugs are metabolized in the liver. This causes the levels of drug in the body to be much higher than expected. In the case of dextromethorphan in particular, it can mean that the drug stays in the body a lot longer- up to 24 hours instead of the usual 3-4 hours. It can also make side effects and toxic effects significantly worse, leading to hallucinations and sedation, even at low doses normally used for coughing.
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vinnieswife · 9 months ago
Hi :D, I'm sorry to bother you, but I just found your page and I love it!, so I was thinking of a story of Macgyver.
When the Reader is recruited in Phoenix, and she is as intelligent as Mac, and have similar skills. So Mac is amazed and he starts to feel attracted to her because he have never met a person that understands him.
Idk if I'm asking to much, if so, I'm SO sorry. :c
Btw english isn't my first language I'm from Argentina so I'm sorry if my grammar sucks :'(
OMG I LOVE THIS, it’s so short tho, i’m from Spain no worries amor <3
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Angus Macgyver x fem!reader
wc: 357
warnings: none
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At Phoenix headquarters, the air is charged with anticipation. You've been recruited for a crucial mission, and as you meticulously review the documents, MacGyver, a seasoned maverick from the agency, enters the room with his characteristic calm yet alert demeanor. “who’s this matilda?”, she smiled looking at him “y/n she will help us with a couple of missions her occurrences match yours so having both on our team will be great”
Your gazes meet, and he, with his ability to read people, immediately recognizes the spark of ingenuity in your eyes. Intrigued, as matilda leaves you two, he approaches you, and you begin exchanging ideas about the upcoming mission. Amid improvised schemes and creative solutions, the spark of a unique connection ignites.
The more they work together, Mac noticed surprising similarities between them: creativity in problem-solving, the ability to improvise, and a passion for exciting challenges.
As time passed, the connection between you and Mac strengthened with each mission successfully tackled together. On a quiet night after a triumphant operation, as you shared experiences in the break room, he couldn't help but express his growing feelings.
“you know y/n, every time we work together, I realize how incredibly compatible we are. Not just professionally, but also... personally."
You, with a knowing smile, nodded, feeling the same connection. “Seriously, have you turned your feelings into a compatibility test between us?" you laughed, his face grew red. “I wouldn’t word it like that but
As you shared more moments outside of missions, Mac gathered the courage to take the next step.
"And what if she rejects me, Jack? It'll be catastrophic," Mac was so stressed, but he needed to give it a try.
"Come on, Mac, you know her. We both know she's going to say yes. Be a man and get the girl."
Mac nodded, approaching you after the mission. Your hair was disheveled, and your clothes were dirty, but to him, you were the most polished girl in the world.
"Hey," you looked up. "Oh, hi," you could see he was nervous. "Are you okay?" you asked. "Oh, yeah, don't worry. Um, can I talk to you for a moment?" you nodded and Mac glanced at Jack, who smiled and gave him a thumbs-up.
"How about we celebrate something more than paperwork after this? How about going to dinner with me?" he said, smiling while scratching the back of his neck.
You, surprised but pleased, enthusiastically accepted the invitation.
Suddenly, a shout was heard, "I told you!" and right after that, Jack was hugging both of you.
"Took you long enough huh.”
That night, amid laughter and confidences, you and MacGyver discovered that your connection wasn't just professional; it extended to a romance that flourished with time and shared experiences.
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polkadotjohnson · 4 months ago
7. 💘 Love - Murdoc/Dennis (?) (MacGyver)
Redeeming qualities: loves his son above anything else. That's about it. But he does bring a lot of fun to my heart, he's one of those characters I watch with a smile on my face the entire time. Last episode was terrible, but this is not a review, so I'm not gonna get into it. He's probably out again by now, though, how many times has he escaped?
"Hate to say it, MacGyver, but
 hashtag disappointed." -Murdoc
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7. đŸ”„ Hot - Cam (Relaxer)
Cam's not exactly the best brother ever. But you can't deny just how hot he is. You can't. I tried, it's not possible. He's just very, very hot for some reason.
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pralinesims · 5 months ago
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
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@salemsimss @honeybeenrw @sharpiegirl Thanks so much everyone for sending these!!! <3
3 asks, 3 OC's to pick out facts for!
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Although straight, he (jokingly, but also not) likes to consider himself as "metrosexual". Takes much pride in the fact that he puts more effort into his looks than most of his peers.
He is SO. EXTREMELY. BAD. at lying. Literally almost never able to hide stuff, constantly bubbling like a fountain of truth. The only aspects he's kinda good at hiding are some remnants of the trauma he's experienced during his late teens/early twenties.
Writes the most annoying reviews you could think of whenever he buys something online and shares his experiences with the thing in question. At least he is honest, right?
Though he's a pretty good driver, it would be healthier for him if he simply wouldn't. The road rage he experiences sometimes can be off the charts, and even if he doesn't hurt other people, he legit is at the risk of a cardiac arrest due to his built up energy at times.
Always thinks about more methods of earning money + securing his & his families futures. Besides some of the active work he does, he's trying to write cookbooks and self-motivational guides as a side hustle.
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Got married when she was 29 years old, to the love of her life, named Mateo. He was her first boyfriend, and although it was a bit of an on and off relationship at the beginning, she wouldn't ever wish for another husband.
She's a loving mother to two toddlers (which coincidentally also are twins, just like Julieta herself), her daughters Maria and Gabriella. Would burn the whole world down for their wellbeings.
Intensely fears swimming and also to an extent, water. When she was 11 years old, she almost drowned, and since then she usually tries to stay clear of bigger pools or masses of it.
Her favorite animals are birds, specifically the extremely round, fat and fluffy looking ones. In her freetime she also likes to volunteer at animal shelters.
Just like her brother, she is a bit of a fitness nut, though not to such an extreme extent. They always used to play different types of sports together when they were younger. Especially her volleyball skills are so good to the point at being at a pro level.
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Consumes an obscene amount of coffee. He probably wouldn't drink as much if it wasn't constantly available at the office he works at, but still. Coffee truly runs through his veins.
Speaking of coffee, he's not picky with the ones he drinks, except that they have to be hot. Iced coffee, although drinkable, never has been his preferred choice.
When he was younger, he really badly wanted to become a tattoo artist, though later he's fridged the idea, because his interest and appreciation for tattoos in general has ceased within some years.
Reality TV is his guilty pleasure. If you'd ask him to tell some random facts about the trashiest show you could think of, he'd immediately be able to reference a whole list of weird happenings.
Collects an excessive amount of useless trinkets. A drawer too many at his place is bursting, but one excuse is that something could always be needed "if an emergency should occur". (real life MacGyver, my ass...)
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motherfuckerunleashed · 1 year ago
I’m not one to celebrate when someone dies.
But, y’know, we’ve all read the Darwin Awards. There’s a point where, as an onlooker, my astonishment at their utter carelessness surpasses my compassion.
“Oceangate is a manipulative operation that preys on people who are vulnerable to suggestion”
Sure, I hear you. Just like everyone else, I’m hearing about Oceangate’s suspicious conduct and I hope this is the end of them. But I also think that anyone who hops into an experimental, unlicensed, and unprecedented excursion should do a few Google searches before signing waivers. I wait to read reviews before buying new gadgets, let alone throwing away TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS
“They aren’t all billionaires. There’s the crew and a 19yo”
Yeah, it’s fucking evil. They’re only down there because the obscenely wealthy had a whim. No one is making fun of the kid and the crew and I think you know that. (Edit: I now know that there were no crew on board except the CEO)
“They’re people, too. No one deserves to die, especially not like that”
Yep. And much like spelunkers, cave divers, mountaineers, etc — they either vastly underestimated the risk or decided to accept it. You can’t possibly expect people to have the same empathy for people who willingly put themselves in danger for fun and people who have no choice, like the refugee tragedy near Greece. These rich folks could have continued living their trouble-free lives. If Jeff Bozo or Muskrat blow up in space I promise I will not give a rat’s ass because jfc t’s unnecessary to be doing this shit
Anyway if any Scrooge McDucks out there want to burn 250k for a good time, I’ll nip out to Home Depot and MacGyver a go kart with a glider or something. Let’s toss you over the escarpment and see what happens
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rynekins · 1 year ago
Once again my mind is plagued with Sideshow Bob brainrot and I must infodump about him for a bit to clear it. This is a sorta continuation of this post where I ramble about how prison warped Bob’s personality. While I often consider doing a more structured series of Sideshow Bob reviews, I have nothing concrete planned at the moment, so posts like these will remain sporadic. However, I am rather open for more discussion with those who dare ask.
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The focus today is on Sideshow Bob’s defining character trait.
There are many popular labels used for Sideshow Bob that fail to paint a full picture because the very opposites of those aspects are also true to his character. Highly educated with a great capacity for idiocy. Sophisticated with bouts of unhinged rage. A mastermind whose plans never work. A murderous psychopath who’s never actually murdered anyone and has attempted to reform. A villain who has saved the day, more than once. A failure that never gives up. All of these apply but I feel he has a more comprehensive character trait. One that remains true in every appearance, exemplified in all of his actions and downfalls. Above everything else, and I say this with the utmost affection, Bob is an attention whore.
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Bob needs an audience like he needs air to breathe. All the world’s a stage and he lives to perform. He's pathetically desperate for your reaction, whether it’s praise, scorn, fear, or a laugh. He’ll sing, act, tell jokes, contort his body, or share the details of his cunning scheme with you, even if it jeopardizes everything he’s worked for, in exchange for a fleeting moment of recognition.
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He wants to be seen, heard, known, understood, celebrated. Don’t we all. But his craving for validation can never be satisfied, which led him down this road of suffering. In the flashback in “Brother from Another Series”, during the sidekick audition, Bob looks a bit more composed than usual.
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This is the earliest moment in his life that we witness. He’s hiding all his iconic hair in a hat and presents himself with dignity and poise; is this where he gets bit by the acting bug and everything changes for him? Doubtful, since his mother is a famous actress and he probably grew up in a home that valued the arts. I think he might have been repressing a lot of his more comical tendencies at this point, then unleashed them due to an unexpected pie to the face. Bob is angry at first, but within seconds relishes having an audience’s approval. All it took was Krusty calling him a “genius” and Bob’s fate was sealed. In “Krusty Gets Busted,” it’s up to interpretation if Bob genuinely wanted to solve Bart’s problem out of the goodness in his heart, or if his ego demanded that he prove to his audience what a good role model and host he can be. In” Sideshow Bob Roberts,” he charms everyone in town with his silver tongue, but is still so insecure about how he’s perceived that he feels he has to cheat to win the election. In “Cape Feare,” Bart compliments his voice and he’s all too eager to boast his musical talent. In “Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming,” being called “smart” is enough to let his guard down.
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He needs constant reassurance that he’s smart, talented, and loved. I believe that in “Black Widower”, Bob’s courting of Selma wasn’t a ruse, at least not at first. They probably had nothing in common (certainly wouldn’t bond over media taste) except that both were painfully lonely. They fell fast in what they thought was love because they showed each other the slightest bit of affection, then opened the floodgates of built up feelings that had nowhere else to go. But realizing there would always be another man in her life more important than him, MacGyver, any love Bob felt towards Selma evaporated.
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Combine this pettiness with his freshly warped sense of morality courtesy of Springfield Penitentiary, and he would find this sudden violent hatred justifiable. But everything has to be a spectacle with Bob, so of course he would end things with a heckin’ fiery explosion. As we have established, Bob is prone to self-sabotage. He can be unbearably pretentious, so he struggles finding others that share his passions. But Bob isn’t a gatekeeper for these interests. He would love nothing more than to discuss art, music, literature and theater and convince others to appreciate them as well. He has a desire to teach, and finds fulfillment when he helms his own educational program with an audience willing to listen and cheer him on. He doesn’t have such luck with his peers, who tend to throw his books back at him. In the episode “The Man Who Grew Too Much”, Homer mentions Mozart’s name and you can tell Bob is ready to drop everything and gush about a special interest, but Homer then reveals that he doesn’t really care. So imagine being in an incredibly niche fandom with no one but the void to hear your headcanons or fan favorites. That’s Bob's predicament, but he’s persistent (and maniacal).
Little brother Cecil is similar, but he’s more likely to back down when the audience doesn’t indulge him.
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It is left to our imagination what their childhood was like. Their mother might have encouraged them both to pursue theater, but did either of them ever feel pride in their accomplishments? Is there a reason Cecil gives up and Bob can’t be stopped? Perhaps Bob leans into the villain role because he’s convinced himself he was born for it (give him credit, he does play it cartoonishly well), but when the tables turn he’s equally as enthusiastic playing the part of a noble hero. He seems unable to turn off the dramatics either way. There have been a few moments when he admits he does not want to commit to a violent act, and you could argue it’s because deep down he knows he’s playing a character that he's taken too far and that it isn’t his true self, or maybe he's horrified his true self is a monster and he’d rather play a different character as a means to contain it (I am not referring to moments from “Day of the Jackanapes” or “The Great Louse Detective”, moreso “The Man Who Grew Too Much”, “Gone Boy”, and “Bobby It’s Cold Outside”). His instincts during these moments seem to be to run away.
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But Bob can’t live secluded in his lil lighthouse forever, even if it means no one gets hurt and he would be free. Prison made him crazy. Isolation would destroy him.
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thethistlegirl · 1 year ago
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Some of you may remember the "Find My Mac" instructions quotes posts I did in the MacGyver fandom a few years ago...well, here's some reviews for an alarm clock I own that coincidentally happens to be manufactured by a company called Reacher, that were simply too good NOT to do this with.
@nade2308 @radical-sky
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wollemi-whump · 6 months ago
A List of My Favorite Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, & Helmut Zemo Fics + a few Matt Murdock fics
and from his bones the hills by bartonbones & LadyCharity ( @bartonbones @mykingdomforapen ). this rec goes out to my medical whump enjoyers, youll definitely get some here. really well written fic about bucky and sam getting kidnapped! :)
and the old linger by LadyCharity is GOOD FIC VERY GOOD FIC. i love the format of the three different characters confronting Bucky. the descriptions and dialogue flow so nicely into each other, it's really a wonder it wasn't written with old wizard magic (at least that i know of).
chance meeting by MedicBaymax. what an awesome crossover! macgyver and the winter soldier! this fic is short, sweet, and highly captivating. captures macgyver's wonderful resourceful antics and the winter soldier's seriousness and meshes the two characters very well together.
witness marks by bartonbones. a beautiful mixture of domestic and angsty moments and some lovely Wilson family! the emotional moments in this are wonderful.
irreplaceable by LadyCharity. this one is actually a Zemo fic! beautiful character writing in this and a really touching story. the writing flows gorgeously.
True Believers by scioscribe ( @scioscribe ) is another (mostly) zemo-centric fic that i love. i really love zemo in this fic, i think its a very good take on his character after the events of tfatws, and the plot of the fic is creative and serves the characters well. good fic!
I've got red in my ledger... by undertalefa. oh I love this fic. wonderful mix of emotional and physical whump! i love me a good beatdown :)
talking is overrated by undertalefa ( @undertalefa ). great writing in this short fic about Bucky and some trauma about the Winter Soldier he's maybe not dealing with so well.
Machines by novelti. wonderful! pure whump, this one. very angsty and dark. i love torture :)
Homecoming by Face_of_Poe. OH I LOVE THE SPUTNIK PART. I wish it would be used a million more times very awesome. Many good lines in the actual fic but I just have to share one from the author notes because "I just really like to rip out my own heart and stomp on it with the possibilities" is an incredibly funny and appropriate phrase for us writers.
Try To Do Something New by Red_Tigress ( @redtigress ). good fic with some hurt Bucky and hurt Sam! I loved the concept of the conflicting injuries too. very nice to read!
the prison disappears by LadyCharity. this fic has a certain feeling of comfort and domesticity to it that really makes it such a pleasure to read. the mood setting and descriptions work together in great tandem and the story is just so sweet. very lovely fic.
Rusted by Face_of_Poe is a fabulous collection of missing scenes/alt-pov scenes from tfatws. the character writing in this is phenomenal and the writing flows so easily. I love the Zemo POV he really is such a bitch (affectionate) thank you for your writing service.
straddled cooperation by VIKAN. ( @mustangst ) fantastic character dialogue in this, especially for zemo, and some very funny moments (ESPECIALLY for zemo lmao) the character interactions are so so enjoyable and well written. overall just a fabulous fic with some tremendous writing.
True Quiet by betterthanworse ( @betterthanworse ) A fantastic fic in which Bucky survives the war and encounters Zola. I loved how this fic explored the trauma that Bucky experienced specifically with Zola and his initial experiementation. I don't often see a lot of that in either fic or canon so it was very satisfying. and I also loved the emotional whump of course very good :)
Wrong About You, Wrong About Me by betterthanworse. In my reviewing of this fic, I accidentally read literally the entire thing again, so you know this fic is good lmao. 30k words and it literally flew by I was so immersed in the story. and boy does it have WHUMP. one of my all time favorite fics <33
open the door to heaven or hell by chaosy. one of my favorite crossovers, Matt Murdock and Bucky Barnes. exactly the scene you wanted to happen in canon but never did. well no matter! this does the job very well!!
Bandaids Don't Fix Bullet Holes (But Punisher Does) by our lovely @whumpdoyoumean !! (221Browncoat on Ao3) An awesome Daredevil fic with plenty of whump and plenty of Frank!! :D whumpy, touching, and very funny. fantastic read! :)
Witness by ysande. A wonderful bit of Matt whump and angst. Paints very well the relationship Matt has with Stick and provides a rational perspective (thank you, Foggy) on how messed up it is.
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icountcards · 3 months ago
“Have you noticed,” he says, a little too deliberately casual, and trails off, glancing at the door, like he’s concerned their contact—who they’re unfortunately sharing the room with—is going to come back any second even though he’s not due back for at least another hour.
Desi tilts her head up to get a better look at his face and raises one eyebrow. “I probably have,” she says after a long moment when he shows no sign of finishing the thought. “But just so we're on the same page here. Have I noticed what?”
Hi! This fandom is pretty dead and this is the first installment in a series I never finished writing the rest of but I’m bored as hell so I’m throwing this out into the world! Literally haven’t looked at it since 2020 so it’s a mystery to me too!
Edit: upon review after posting I’d like to report that there’s more sex and less talking than I remembered this fic having. You’re welcome.
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barnabytremayne · 4 months ago
Inferiority Complex: Navigating the Maze of Self-Doubt
A rewrite of an early essay.
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Ah, the ol' inferiority complex—a lifelong subscription to the "Am I Good Enough?" newsletter. It's like being in a never-ending thumb war with your own psyche. You've got these decent qualities—like, you're not terrible at Scrabble, and you can microwave a Hot Pocket without burning down the kitchen—but somehow, they're never enough. It's like your brain's a snarky Yelp reviewer: "Three stars—room for improvement."
For me, this feeling of inadequacy is like a clingy roommate who overstays their welcome. It's not just about flunking the "I'm Enough" exam; it's about feeling like you're missing a crucial page from the manual of life. And it's not picky—it'll haunt you at work, in relationships, even during that awkward moment when you're trying to parallel park.
Comparison? Oh, it's our favourite pastime. We measure ourselves against others like we're in a perpetual "Who's Got the Best Existence?" contest. Spoiler alert: We always lose. It's like playing Monopoly with Jeff Bezos—no matter how many hotels you build on Baltic Avenue, he's still got a spaceship.
And it's not just one thing. It's a tangled mess of emotions, like earphones in your pocket after a vigorous dance-off. You're not just "not good enough" at your job; you're also "not good enough" at being photogenic, at making small talk, at remembering to water your succulents. It's a cosmic conspiracy—the universe whispering, "Hey, buddy, you're missing a few screws."
Now, let's sprinkle some extra complexity on this inferiority sundae. Being autistic? That's like playing life on Expert Mode. Social cues? Ha! We're decoding hieroglyphics. We're the square pegs in a world of round holes, trying to fit in while secretly wondering if we're from a different planet.
And mental health? Buckle up. Depression and anxiety are like those uninvited party guests who crash your self-esteem soirée. Depression's the DJ, spinning sad tunes, and anxiety's the bartender, serving up "What If?" cocktails. Suddenly, you're doubting your ability to adult. "Can I handle taxes? Can I adult? Can I even microwave that Hot Pocket?"
Relationships? Oh boy. We're convinced our partners will wake up one day, squint at us, and say, "Wait, you're not the person I ordered." We're like emotional impostor syndrome. "Sure, they love me now, but just wait till they see my sock drawer organisation skills."
Career? It's a tightrope walk over a pit of self-doubt. "Am I smart enough? Talented enough? Can I adult AND microwave Hot Pockets?" We hesitate to chase our passions, fearing we'll trip and fall into the abyss of "Not Good Enough."
But here's the twist: I'm learning. I'm kinder to myself now. I've got a mental Post-it note that says, "Hey, cut yourself some slack." I focus on the good stuff—like that supportive partner who thinks we're the bee's knees (even if we're more like the bee's ankles).
And therapy? It's my secret weapon. I sit in those comfy chairs, spill my emotional guts, and learn strategies. I'm like an emotional MacGyver, cobbling together coping mechanisms with duct tape and hope.
So, fellow complex-havers, let's embrace our quirks. Let's microwave those Hot Pockets and remember: We're enough—even if we're still figuring out how to parallel park. 🚗🌟
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nativestarwrites · 11 months ago
16, 18, & 36 for the year in review ask!!
Thanks for the ask!
16. What were you go-to writing songs?
I don't listen to music as I write. I do always keep an ear out for song lyrics to use as titles though!
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
All of them? 😂 I very much do not enjoy trying to find a title. Its not often I think of a good one before I'm ready to post. I think the hardest this year was Brothers in Blood (Macgyver). Honestly, I'd be tempted to change it if I could think of a better one.
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I think I'd like to spend 2024 finishing wips! I have a few I've started posting that I want to finish first and then dig out some of the old multichapters that I've started and get them posted too. If I had to pick one, it'd probably be the infamous Garden fic (Macgyver) that I've talked on and off about for a couple years now.
2023 Year in Review Questions
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