#macbook repair chicago
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Modern AU where Eddie is a tech repair person at an apple store in Chicago while he tries to make it big with his band and Steve is a spoiled rich kid who is trying to cover up that he's been using his macbook to film for his OnlyFans or something similar and he needs that shit wiped.
Eddie is as professional as he can be, but can't help but be amused at Steve being worried that he's gonna see everything.
S: seriously, just wipe everything. nothing has to be saved. don't even look through each file. just start over. E: okay sure. but you know you could just buy a new laptop. S: my dad checks my credit card statements. E: okay, so tell him you bought it for a friend or something. S: just. can you wipe it? E: yeah i can.
Eddie doesn't let him know that he already has seen everything because of course he subscribes to S.H. and often leaves him bigger tips than he can afford. He doesn't even know why Steve does it since he's apparently rich, or his dad is.
It only takes a few hours to wipe it, and Eddie's grateful he managed to help Steve instead of his coworker who is a certified Creep ™️ who absolutely would have made sure to watch as many of the videos as he could first.
He calls Steve and leaves a message for him that it's done, but doesn't hear back and Steve doesn't come by. He does the same thing again the next day, and the day after that, starting to grow concerned.
He goes so far as to check Steve's OF page, just to see if there's an update, but sees it's been shut down, like it never existed.
He finally caves, does the most unprofessional thing he's ever done, and texts Steve's number from his own phone.
This is Eddie from the apple store. Your laptop's ready. Just want you to know after 30 days we usually get rid of unclaimed items.
There's no response.
But two days later, Steve comes into the store wearing sunglasses and a hat, clearly trying to hide.
When he takes off the sunglasses to sign everything, Eddie sees a healing black eye and swollen nose.
He isn't stupid.
And he suddenly feels extremely protective over him.
E: did your dad find out? S: find out what? E: about your online job? S: how do you know? E: I wasn't gonna say anything, and I swear everything got wiped without anyone including myself seeing, but I do subscribe to you and I recognized you when you came in. S, already having a panic attack: shit no. this is bad. okay you can't say anything about this to anyone. please. E: I wouldn't, I won't. but your dad found out didn't he? he did this to you? S: *nods* E: you safe now? S: *shrugs* E: need a place to stay? S: i've been saving. that's why i did this in the first place. so i can pay rent somewhere. E: I have a second bedroom at my place that just opened up. up to you.
And of course Steve takes it because he's desperate, and doesn't have real world experience with a lot of strangers, but has a good feeling about this.
Eddie finds that Steve is a very typical rich kid; ignorant to a lot of the world's struggles, but not an asshole despite his bitchy attitude sometimes coming out, thinks money can fix everything until Eddie shows him that apologies and a cuddle on the couch can be better.
Steve is so touch starved, he doesn't even realize the way he always folds into Eddie's side when they're just relaxing and watching a movie, or how he always lets his hand brush against his side or hand when Eddie gets home from work. Eddie helps him look for a job, and they find that he loves working at a daycare even though the money isn't that great.
They fall in love so easily, neither of them actually realize it happens until Steve comes home after a very long day before the Christmas holidays, covered in paint stains from crafts with the kids, and Eddie just welcomes him home with a kiss.
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This day in history
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On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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clarariddlesblog · 3 years
Best Macbook repair in Chicago
If your device has been damaged by liquid or broken, macbook repair chicago will patch it. Don't be concerned about the liquid or cracked screen on your iPad. Visit our website to schedule a chicago genius bar appointment for more details on our laptop screen repair in Chicago.
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My name is Lauren Fazekas (Fahz-eh-khash) and I’m a senior studying English with a focus in creative writing.
I really enjoy using gifs to communicate so expect a lot of those from me over the course of this semester.
Let’s see, some bits about me: I was born in Chicago but moved to THE REGION aka Chesterton, IN when I was super young so I’d say that’s where I’m from. Chesterton is home to a few dollar stores, McDonald’s, Olympic swimmers (what else is there to do ya know?) and the beautiful Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. When I’m home I tend to be at the beach.
In my mind I want to be like Françoise Sagan who wrote her first novel when she was only 19, but unlike Sagan, I’m already almost 22 and I don’t have the habitual discipline to sit in a coffee shop and write. Always room for growth though!
Regarding poetry, I feel like whenever I can’t put thoughts down into cohesive sentences, I write down keywords that eventually turn into free-verse. Unfortunately my MacBook Air died and went to hell after only 3 YEARS of use, so I might have lost a lot of my poetry. I’m too afraid to check and see if the tech guys at the repair shop could save anything. 😢
Anyways, I love Bukowski because he’s an asshole and Octavio Paz’s poem “The Prisoner” because that’s what came to my mind as I was trying to figure out what to write on this thing.
I’m excited to get to know everyone through their tumblrs- and I hope we all can give each other advice and useful critiques. ✌️
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sagastar-blog · 7 years
MemoToTheMetaVerse 3.6, “How It Goes, How Goes It? Down the Drain Again”
JustJeff, the author of this memo, sits down at his desk in the evening on December 7, 2017 in his ordinary first-floor apartment in The Orchard. He smokes the tiniest amount of dried cannabis flower possible and begins typing on his Macbook air. 
Homo lucius Lucensis? Hmmm. The shiniest of humankind. That’s good...
Monologos Rex. The king of linguistic loneliness. 
Guess which is Life. And which Death?
SagA* is a black hole of theoretically impossible emotional complexity, and says, “He writes some pretty decent poetry, eh? Why don’t you, dear reader, if you’re paying attention PROMISE YOURSELF right here, right now, that you’ll do something nice for yourself if not for all mankind, and send Jeff a text, email, note, like, repost, etc. letting him know that you care? That you care. Just, you know, you care that the world exists, and there’s suffering, and you’re not just a race of cyborgs who refuse to ... provide some feedback for a writer in need of an audience?”
Gaia activates her Daddy’s Garrison Keilor “Ford Solo vocoding FX” for all the nostalgia, none of the faux Lutheran misogyny, as storytime begins  ---> BEYOWWWWWW! go.
We all sleep in a pile. 
Jeff (stroking Gaia’s hair): Well, we seem to have gotten ourselves into a seriously fucked up Dr. SeussPuppet Productibus haven’t we, kid? You see...(lights up.)...It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. Every day post-En*G*Lightenment is a day for us to make introductions. And so, for nearly 4 years now, we wake up every day--every day!--ready to greet our friends and family. 
We try. They never understand us. 
Gaia: He even tells them, “You guys just don’t understand.” It’s like that Wilco song, pretty much:
(the water flows through the drainage pipes) ~When you’re back in your old neighborhood, /The cigarettes taste so good...but you’re so misunderstood!~
Amateratsu (singing, gently): We’d like to tHANK YOU All for nothing...
SagA* is a black hole that cannot be proven scientifically exist because, well, because it just doesn’t work that way you see, but if you imagine a ....:
“Jeff used to worry about making good impressions. But people haven’t been nice to him in a while. For 4 years he’s wandered in the desert of the really unReal. Just imagine. You’re just hanging out in a cafe--yeah you’ve been smoking literally the smallest amount of magic herbs possible--and you WHOOPS stumble upon En*G*lightenment/illumination in a cafe in Central New Jersey. 
Gaia: I’m there to greet you! Happinessss. Joy! 
Jeff: But then it’s only a matter of hours before you remember that the people who are supposed to love you do not. You wouldn’t have the heart to be 100% honest either. 
I’m not a liar. I withhold information. It’s what something crafty and astute like Jeff does. I’ve always been remarkably cunning, let’s say. But I’ve always been good-natured. I’ve never done anything wrong, even if I’m not exactly proud of every thing I’ve had to do to get this far. I like big projects. I didn’t decide to attain enlightenment or to become illuminated. It just happened. And I’ve always done my best to be open and honest about it. All I’ve wanted is permission to be honest. This should be nothing to ask. Why do you prevent me from sharing with you? That is very bad hospitality.
Jeff walks to and fro the Center for Educational Brainwash in Edison, NJ, where he “teaches.” (There is nothing more insulting to an enlightened being than when its vocation--EDUCATION--is mocked...) He does it every day, pretty much, because he has to tutor SAT preparation in order to make ends meet. He walks up and down Rt. 27 between Highland Park and Edison, which is littered with auto repair stations and other temples built to automobiles. Jeff is literally blinded by headlights--he cannot see the moon, never mind stars--because they’re so bright and his powers of vision are beyond comprehension. The stench of pollution is overpowering. Nothing can be heard. And so, he wears headphones, sometimes, to hide from the abuse. It is what people do all the time to flee what people call “urban or suburban” life. It’s a tragedy and a travesty that he, not others, should have to live this way. That’s because Jeff has no desire to be here at all. 
Remember, readers, I’m JustJeff and you’ve highjacked my ship, Spaceship Earth, and kidnapped my son Lucius. I have no choice but to fight you until you acknowledge that you are our enemy. That is the way you have chosen to react to the script I’ve written. I’m not sorry about this at all. If anything, I see it as accruing political capital, as...
SagA* and the other supermassive black holes of uncanny torque sing together in a cacaphonic chorus: ~Never gonna give you up! ... No matter how you treat me! ... Never gonna give you uh uh uhp! So don’t you think of leaving...Babe, can’t you understand? What you’re doing to the man...?~
When he’s not tutoring highschool kids in the art of wasting time, money, brainpower, and the gifts of youth, he’s a part-time professor of writing at a small, expensive, awful 4-year college in NJ. He takes the train 2 hours each way, contributing to the desecration of his daughter Gaia (the natural environment, let’s say) by taking public transportation. It costs him 28 dollars for the privilege. On the train, he must do all he can not to yell at the “innocent” passengers on board, who are either too cowardly or too ignorant to know what’s in their presence. (I do everything I can to get your attention, so don’t even think about calling me out for being “undercover,” you fucking hedonistic Lutherans!...) 
From his two jobs, Jeff barely makes enough money to buy groceries, nevermind anything else. This is because he pays rent in order to live in The Orchard (expensive Highland Park) near his 7-year-old son, Lucius. He’s not been allowed to spend time with Lucius in over 3 years. He also pays weekly child support at a cost of about 1/8 of his monthly take-home pay. 
Jeff has a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago, multiple years of quality teaching experience, and several brilliant scholarly and creative publications. He’s the Designer and Maker of the universe, of course, so this is natural. As a father/mother, teacher, friend, and lover, there is no better. Jeff is Justice. 
Jeff is angry about education. He’s a good, undervalued teacher who gave up his tenure-track job as a professor of English in order to help his partner-in-life turned partner-in-death Ader the SuperPuritanical SauceBox Wench of Supreme Nothigness Tout a Court, Esq. secure a shitty job at Rutgers. Let it never not be said that Jeff is indeed one sadistic, masochistic individual. Why else would he have done this to himself, just in order to save some fleck of dandruff plastered upon an inconsequentialist ring of the cosmic tubby bath?
That was a rhetorical question.
I have always been JustJeff. I’m modesty incarnate. Ask anyone who knows me. I have never been comfortable expressing or advertising myself. I’m not by nature a peacock. One of my spirit animals is the Bengal Tiger. In the bird family, BRAC I’m a macKaaw! In other words, I like blending in when possible. But when I can’t blend in or if you put me in a cage and don’t talk to / feed me, I will maul you. Ask anyone who knows me. My truesawceboxxx love Katie G. says I’m “intensely laid back!” And, look at that, just like me, she’s a failed academic.
Yes. That’s right. All of you academics are failures. What the fuck is wrong with your approach to teaching? I hope that there is a culture somewhere on this planet in which I’ll feel more at home. Unfortunately, everyone here in America has no clue how to live. I mean, like, literally no clue. Not even the best of you can declare that you have any idea how to live. The ones with money are probably the ones who know the least about living. However, they get the FREEDOM to experiment, do research, and make mistakes. They do your system of economics and academics a disservice. Your capitalist, incorporated approach to living has created so many problems. I’m not saying these wouldn’t exist otherwise...I am, however, saying that it’s the immigrants here in New Jersey who are the “most” American. And this is not a good thing. Immigrant communities keep in touch with good aspects of their culture. But I guarantee you they almost entirely and all lose touch with what were BETTER WAYS OF LIVING.
I am a teacher. I am here to teach you all how to live. I want to help you improve your relationship with Gaia. This is my only vocation, and in that respect my life has not changed since the day I was born. Again, ask those who know and say they love me the most--my immediate family, with whom I am at serious odds right now, despite how polite I can be whenst controlling my rage rage rage
I am not a Buddhist. I am not a Christian. I am not a Jew. I’m Muhammad!
Just kidding. I have a sense of humor. I’m not Allah. I’m not Mother Nature. I’m not Father Time. I’m not Thor, but after I do some stargazing, I DO get really sparky at night like Rayden from Mortal Kombat. (It’s kind of freaky.) 
I’m JustJeff. I’ve decided to use social media as an emergency device to “come out to you” as the literary character you (apparently still) call God. I cannot tolerate the offense you do every day. I can no longer withstand the affront you do Gaia, my pseudo-higher power. And, most heroically, i can’t stand the thought of what you are doing to what will one day (SOON I pray) be your legacy as a race. I carry a lot of responsibility with me everywhere I go. It’s not just here. Please stop assuming that everything revolves around you. Right now, the only thing revolving around you is infinite nothingness. 
I will never be uncomfortable with what I am. I will be embarrassed for you forever, I fear. I will have to explain this all to Lucius some day. Never forget that I am not the one who’s changed here...it’s you. Each and every one of you alive today is blessed for living during my time on Earth. This needn’t be said, but for some reason you make me do these things casually....these should be moments I cherish, not later come to regret. 
Why do you make me hurt you like this by hurting myself?
Incorrect question. No. I’m not hurting you yet. I’m investing in myself without you as a part of the future. This is a bad look for you, bro (i.e. humanity).
I demand answers. I demand my son back. I demand to know precisely what people knew about me and when they knew it. I demand to know why my rights have been violated. I demand complete control over the planet in terms of its nations’ nuclear capabilities and its economic systems.
That all can wait. What I demand is that tomorrow you don’t make me introduce myself to you again. Every day that follows in which I go UNRECOGNIZED as “something”-- anything!--other than what you seem to think I am (a drug-addicted, bipolar, eccentric professor, etc.) is a waste. If there’s anything Nature hates, its waste produced by systematic inefficiences. You waste my time. You waste Lucius’s time. You waste your own time. You do a grave injustice to me, my son, and my real family--none of whom you recognize as, I don’t know, important to your existence: the animals, the plants, the oceans, the atmosphere, the Earth, the Sun, the Stars, and everything else in Creation that you should admire and want to know...
but choose to ignore! Again, you make the worst decisions from top to bottom, at every level of your Earthly existence! From Dr. Zitin’s immoral and (I believe) illegal acts of betrayal to intercultural violence in the form of genocide, from Dr. Harold Figueroa and Ed Ramp to people who throw their trash on the ground everywhere they go: YOU HAVE ALL BEEN FOUND GUILTY. 
That ship sailed a long time ago. Bye Bye! Don’t forget to bring a blanket!
Recognize. Me. You have insulted me beyond insult today by not sending the Black Keys Car Service (my cute, hipsterish, but oddly appropriate pseudo-allegorical narrative conceit meant to represent being informed that “it’s over! hooray!”) and ending this farce of an existence. You don’t follow the script. I can’t help it. You’re that slow. You don’t even know that I’m writing you out of existence as we speak, do you?
“I will regulate you out of existence” is an old favorite mantra of mine.   
Recognize that you’ve done wrong. Recognize that you have a problem. Recognize that you need help and you must ask for it in the form of a friendly offer or what has been called “a gift” of some kind. Recognize that you know exactly who and what I am, but are curious to know more. And NO! a few people pretending to communicate with me on social media does not count! I’m so bored that I have no choice but to reach out via your robots. (It’s disgusting, and I will keep doing it in order to demonstrate to you the extent of your illness.)
I want to help you. My mission is to help you. In order to help you, things must be done correctly. For this, I cannot apologize. If you don’t obey the laws of gravity--when I pass by or am near a person, they don’t come to me for conversation, etc.--then you will be pushed away by force of repulsion. If you don’t demonstrate the ability to recognize me, it does not matter why--there are no rules or laws that override the laws of attraction. I’m offended by your actions in my immediate vicinity, humanity. 
It’s extremely offensive that you don’t want to know me. Do not think that you can know me. You must be able to crawl in order to ascend a mountain as great as I am. You begin by walking. Then I put you on the ground. Eventually, you will go in the ground. It’s your decision whether or not I will greet you upon arrival.
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badgersmash9-blog · 5 years
Links 10/8/18
The elimination of smallpox showed how humans can work together to solve deadly global problems The Conversation
In a first, SpaceX launches and lands a rocket at Vandenberg base LA Times
Widespread fish kills predicted to continue for weeks in NC, experts say. Here’s why. Charlotte Observer
The Robert Venturi Effect CityLab. Kate Wagner (of McMansion Hell).
Camille Paglia: The Rise of “Strangely Unsexy” Instagram Exhibitionism — And Why It Hurts Women (Guest Column) Hollywood Reporter
Want to live for ever? Flush out your zombie cells Guardian
How the mushroom dream of a ‘long-haired hippie’ could help save the world’s bees Seattle Times (scoff). Hoisted from comments.
Economics of climate change win Nobel Prize for U.S. duo Reuters
Climate Change Is a Major Midterm Issue. Corporate Media Are Ignoring It. TruthOut
Literally no country is doing enough to meet the Paris Accord TreeHugger
A major climate report will slam the door on wishful thinking Vox
Humans, Fish and Other Animals Are Consuming Microfibers in Our Food and Water TruthOut
Medical cannabis ‘will be available on prescription within a month’ Metro UK
Brazil’s far-right candidate falls short of election stunner AP
Turkish president calls Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance ‘very, very upsetting’ WaPo
Turkish police suspect Saudi journalist Khashoggi was killed at consulate Middle East Eye
Wife of Israeli prime minister goes on trial for fraud Reuters
Macron makes overtures to UK car firms as Brexit talks enter critical week Guardian
Brexit: internalising the issue EUReferendum.com
China confirms Interpol chief Meng Hongwei is under investigation SCMP. Wowsers.
China-U.S. Tensions Flare During Testy Pompeo Visit to Beijing Bloomberg
Democrat Booker, fresh from Kavanaugh vote, makes Iowa debut Des Moines Register
Big Brother IS Watching You Watch
Feds to judge: We still think we can put GPS trackers on cars entering US Ars Technica
GOP Operative Secretly Raised at Least $100,000 in Search for Clinton Emails WSJ
Bill Clinton keynote speaker at Ripple blockchain event Asia Times. Nice to see Bill keeping himself busy.
Newco to investors: Corrupt competitors might eat our lunch FCPA Blog
Right to Repair
Apple’s New Proprietary Software Locks Will Kill Independent Repair on New MacBook Pros  Motherboard
Black Lives Matter
Special prosecutor McMahon scores career-defining win with Van Dyke’s conviction Chicago Tribune
Class Warfare
What if we only worked four days a week? BBC
Former Google boss launches scathing Silicon Valley attack urging tech giants to end the delusion that it’s making the world a better place Daily Mail
California’s senior population is growing faster than any other age group. How the next governor responds is crucial LA Times
Wall Street Is Booming Under Trump. But Many of Its Donors Are Embracing Democrats. NYT
America’s teacher shortage The Week
BANISHED Marshall Project
The Life of Labour: Livelihood Losses for Fishermen After Kerala Floods Pegged at Rs 93.72 Cr The Wire
For first time, new iPhones get weak response in India Economic Times
IL & FS and the La-La Land that is Indian Credit Rating The Wire
India’s U-Turn Destroys Trump’s Anti-Chinese ‘Quad’ Strategy Moon of Alabama
With ‘Fishy’ Jet Deal, India’s Opposition Finally Lands a Blow on Modi NYT. The Grey Lady’s rather late to the party– see MOA above.
Trump Transition
Is The U.S. Using Force To Sell Its LNG To The World? OilPrice.com
Donald Trump: Crazy Like LBJ American Conservative
US in new global court showdown with Iran Straits Times
Kavanaugh’s first vote could be in Trump executive power fight Politico
Antidote du Jour:
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
This entry was posted in Guest Post, Links on October 8, 2018 by Jerri-Lynn Scofield.
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Source: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/10/links-10-8-18.html
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-24 06 APPLE now
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
Apple's latest iPad may be boring, but it's the perfect tablet for most people (AAPL)
There's one word that sums up Apple's latest iPad: safe. 
The new 9.7-inch device debuted earlier this month at an education-focused event in Chicago. Apple seemed to bill the device as the perfect option for schools, but as a sensible consumer product, too.
The new iPad has a more powerful A10 chip built in and has support for Apple's $100 stylus, called Apple Pencil. But the new iPad lacks a certain freshness. It's not a design risk like the iPhone X, nor is it a true low-cost, kid-friendly-ish option like the iPhone 5c. The new iPad's design has been recycled, its guts have been — nearly — duplicated, and even its cost remains the same (unless you're a school, teacher, or student, in which case, the price is now 10% cheaper). 
This isn't necessarily a bad move on Apple's part, though. 
For anyone who's actively shopping for a tablet for the first time, someone looking for a lower-cost MacBook replacement, or for an iPad fan in desperate need of an upgrade, the new iPad is the perfect choice.
In fact, I've spent the last week using the newest iPad with an Apple Pencil, and it's already filled a technology gap I didn't even know I had. 
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First things first: this is not a device for kids.
Let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat: It's absurd that Apple is marketing this iPad as a practical option for schools.
There's nothing about the new iPad's design that differentiates it from other models or makes it well-suited to kids. It doesn't come with a protective case and it isn't any more durable than other iPads. It has a large glass screen, and if it breaks, it's really not easy to repair. If adults are prone to breaking their expensive devices, why does anyone at Apple think children will fare any better? 
It's also odd that the new iPad is being presented as a reasonably priced option. At $330, it costs the same as last year's model — even the $30 education discount is identical. Plus, in order to for schools to give their students the best iPad experience, they'll need to buy accessories like a case, and an Apple Pencil ($90 for schools) or Logitech Crayon ($50).
While I'm sure kids would be thrilled to have an iPad to use in their classrooms, it just doesn't make a lot of sense from a financial standpoint — especially when there are more affordable, less vulnerable computers out there.
Apple Pencil doesn't seem like a great tool for children, either.
One of the few new things about the iPad is that it supports Apple Pencil, a feature previously reserved for the iPad Pro.
I honestly loved using the Pencil, and it quickly became one of my favorite Apple products I've ever used (more on that later). But over the course of testing the iPad and the Pencil, it became increasingly obvious that this is not a product I would ever give to a child. 
For one, in order to charge up or pair Apple Pencil with your iPad, you have to plug it into the Lightning port at the bottom of the iPad. The Apple Pencil sticks straight out of the tablet like a weapon, which doesn't seem all that kid-friendly.
The Apple Pencil is also both very expensive and very easy to lose. It doesn't attach to the iPad in any way (unless you're charging it — but again, that makes it a weapon), and I frequently faced the issue of where to store it so I didn't lose it. The Pencil is slippery and rounded, and kept rolling off my desk or any table I set it on. It also has removable cap, which isn't attached to the Pencil at all. Not only is the cap a choking hazard, but it seems laughably easy to lose as well. 
I'm a 26-year-old person who rarely every loses things, and even I was constantly concerned about misplacing or dropping the Apple Pencil — I can't imagine how a child would keep track of it. 
From a consumer standpoint, though, there's a lot to love about the iPad.
One knock against the iPad is that Apple didn't really change its design from previous models. It's a safe choice, and it's hard to get excited about a product that looks exactly like last year's version. 
I don't think this is the greatest decision on Apple's part, but I am starting to see the merits after a week of using the device. By prioritizing function and cost-effectiveness over cutting-edge design, Apple made an iPad that's reasonably priced for consumers and remains easy to use for most people.
If Apple had released an iPad with an iPhone X-like design — which it still might do! — it would have been going too far in the other direction. I feel like I was able to get more use out of the iPad because it was somewhat basic and boring — I wasn't wasting time fiddling with Face ID or trying to figure out which iPad apps worked well with the notch.
If the iPad is a truly being positioned as a productivity tool, keeping the old design is the best choice — at least for now. 
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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high-tech-news · 7 years
Global backlash spreads over Apple slowing down iPhones - wtvr.com
Global backlash spreads over Apple slowing down iPhones wtvr.com Consumer groups and government authorities across three continents have filed complaints, opened investigations or sued Apple over the iPhone slowdown. Apple claimed good intentions: It said that a recent software update helped prevent iPhones from ... Is the era of copying Apple's every move finally over for Android phone makers?BGR Lawmaker Confronts Apple About iPhone SlowdownTop Tech News MacBook users claim Apple overstates standby battery life and resists repairsVentureBeat Chicago Tribune -Gadgets Now all 99 news articles »
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danderson8 · 7 years
Global backlash spreads over Apple slowing down iPhones - wtvr.com
Global backlash spreads over Apple slowing down iPhones wtvr.com Consumer groups and government authorities across three continents have filed complaints, opened investigations or sued Apple over the iPhone slowdown. Apple claimed good intentions: It said that a recent software update helped prevent iPhones from ... Is the era of copying Apple's every move finally over for Android phone makers?BGR Lawmaker Confronts Apple About iPhone SlowdownTop Tech News MacBook users claim Apple overstates standby battery life and resists repairsVentureBeat Chicago Tribune -Gadgets Now all 99 news articles »
from Technology - Google News http://ift.tt/2CTIgi5 via IFTTT
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monicahardy19-blog · 7 years
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