#mabel's crush on dib would be one-sided
emeraldspiral · 5 months
if you've watched Gravity Falls, how do you think a crossover with Invader Zim would be? Would Dib try to summon Bill Cipher to catch Zim? How would that backfire? Zim maybe follows Dib to Gravity Falls. Also, I think maybe unlike Dib, Dipper and Mabel would like to befriend Zim even if he's an alien, tho' Zim would push them away or be scared of they knowing he's an alien, while Zim denies everything and Dib tries to expose him; also Mabel being friendly with everyone and maybe the voice of reason (because she's neither straight nor a man xD), Ford being the father wishes he had also maybe Dib venting to Dipper how Dipper and Mabel are better siblings than him and Gaz. Also that crashed UFO. I can see both Dib AND Zim wanting to explore that place. Dib because it’s a crashed alien ship and Zim because he knows how rare alien life is in this part of the galaxy and he wants to know what exactly came here. Ending with Dipper forced to leave, because I think he'd love to stay in a place so full of paranormal, but he can at least get a way to stay in contact with Dipper (as a treat) and he finally gets a human friend by his age. Sorry for yapping too much.
I think IZ and GF have different rules in play. In IZ, everyone is terminally stupid except Dib and no one's allowed to see through Zim except for him. But in GF, nobody's as stupid as the average Zim character, and plenty of people are allowed to recognize and admit that the paranormal exists. Dipper is basically the Dib of his universe, so it'd be really OOC for him to either not see that Zim is an alien or not believe Dib about him being a hostile alien.
I could see a scenario where Dib knows Zim is at GF, but hasn't found him yet, bumps into Dipper, they hit it off and he believes Dib about Zim. Meanwhile, Zim runs into Mabel. She recognizes that he's an alien immediately, but Zim pretends to be benevolent and she buys it and he becomes her new Crush of the Week. She doesn't believe Dipper and Dib when they finally meet up to warn her about Zim, because she's been with him all day and he's been "nothing but a perfect gentlemen". But then Zim inevitably shows his true colors and Mabel gets her heart broken once again, but then she switches to Dib as the target of her affections after seeing the way he handled that alien jerk who lied and messed with her feelings.
Dib, upon meeting Bill absolutely would fail to heed Dipper's warnings because he overestimates how much of a threat Zim is and his own ability to outsmart Bill.
Because GF's world is softer than IZ's and we're playing by their rules since the story's taking place on their turf, the ending wouldn't be super harsh on Dib. Dipper and Mabel would save him and he'd feel like an ass for not listening to Dipper after Dipper was the first person to ever listen to him. But Dipper would forgive him, recognizing that he was just desperate to stop Zim and thought he was doing the right thing. Overall, Dib would really enjoy his time in GF, but knows he can't stay there because duty calls him to return to his city to keep watch over Zim, but maybe he dreams of moving there after he graduates because it's basically his idea of paradise.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Cousin Shinsou and Izuku shenanigans in Snipe’s little Cowgirl: (Reminder/information: Izuku is a trans girl in this AU)
-Shinsou totally has the ability to mimic voices right? So he can do accents.
County!Shinsou in Snipe’s Little Cowgirl picks up the ability to do a southern accent and goes: this is me now. And refuses to speak English without it. He then taught Izuku how to do it so she does the same.
-Izuku learns to dance and Hitoshi gets dragged into it cause he’s tall and can move. He proceeds to drag her into going hunting through the streets to look for stray cats in revenge. (Neither actually mind)
-when they met, Bethany (Snipe’s cousin) hadn’t married Dr. Shinsou (he needs a name but I don’t know what I want to use so I will take suggestions or scroll through fanfics to find one) and Izuku didn’t have her egg cracked yet. So these two kids who got heavily bullied are just side eyeing the fuck out of each other and being nervous as fuck. At least until Izuku talks about Eraserhead and Hitoshi goes !!!. Besties after.
-They don’t go to the same school but through Izuku going to Mustapha Private they meet Kirishima and Ashido. I am seriously thinking Hitoshi gains crushes on both for funsies.
-Izuku and Hitoshi have in fact pranked all of UA one time when Snipe had them there while he was doing teacher stuff. Nezu and Aizawa included.
-Hitoshi HATED Inasa when Izuku dated him but tried to be supportive. When the bullshit happened, Hitoshi actually did threaten him.
-I feel like someone tried to blackmail Hitoshi into dating them but Izuku out of NOWHERE would just slam down so much evidence of their bullshit.
-Oh wait. Wait.
These two are the ONLY LGBTQ+ members of the family so far. Everyone else (except maybe Mabel) is straight as fuck. This also means though that the family will go rabid for them.
-Bethany once tried to murder someone who commented about Hitoshi liking boys. With her heel. It was at a gala she went to with Snipe and the kids cause heroes and she was going to throw down with a minor hero.
-I feel like Hitoshi isn’t friends with Yaoyorozu or Iida but he is with Todoroki.
-Yeah that’s what we’re doing. Izuku got the two nerds and Hitoshi got his fellow emo/silent type.
-Todoroki still has his issues though. So does Hitoshi actually cause fuck it I can.
-It’s just when your Quirkless cousin gets into UA and you don’t you get a wake up call you need to buff up and work out.
-Izuku lords it over him for months. (I headcanon there are hero universities for kids who didn’t go to hero high school so she thought he’d go there if he didn’t get in through the sports festival)
-Not that… okay so, Hitoshi didn’t think it would be robots and while he isn’t Quirkist he did think he and Izuku were on the same level for UA. But they weren’t cause Izuku worked her ass off. She didn’t do recommendations cause the ‘favouritism’ issue, but still got in. Hitoshi didn’t. So it’s something he’s got to admit.
-… also now actually it would be fun to explore his assumption Izuku has to work twice as hard as him to be on his level. It’s subtle but it’s a micro aggression I think would be common.
And like I love Hitoshi I do. I also think he’s a dick in the beginning and it’s not to far out he would think that. He’s not Quirkist in the sense ‘Quirkless is useless’ but he does have some thoughts about how Izuku will always be working harder and shit.
Which isn’t wrong. But… *waves hand* yeah.
-So it’s a wake up call when she gets in but he doesn’t and like yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah.
-Shit I should also include Brandon and Jeff in this cause they’re cousins to.
-I wrote half this on night shift but anyways: Brandon is Izuku and Hitoshi’s age and he’s the cousin on the other side of the world randomly texting them shit like: hey so I miiiiight have lit my homophobic teacher’s house on fire. Jeff is like two years younger and he’s an actual legit genius who called dibs about designing their gear.
-All four are chaos. Then when Mandalay marries Snipe Kouta is added and they’re even WORSE.
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Three Teams Of [X] Has Two Hands
So we’ll start off the Team Posts with a group of teams I like to call ‘[X] has Two Hands’. Specifically, it’s the three teams where I paired them up specifically because they each had a specific character in both ships.
And funny enough, two out of three of them feature a Pines twin. Good for them, good for them.
Those teams are basically just ‘X character and their two significant others’ and I love the imagine them running back and forth to both sides of the bracket for each of their rounds on both sides. I also like to assume polyamory on their end, because cheating’s no good. So I feel like everyone’s in the know-how, everyone’s cool with it, and it’s all very sweet. 
Yes, I realize it will break some previously-established lore in the case of the first team, and yes, the phrase ‘[X] has two hands’ is pretty hit or miss for me personally (sometimes people like one ship and not the other, they’re allowed to do that). But it’s just for the sake of the tournament, nothing lore-breaking will be considered canon outside of it.
Is it a little unfair to have multiple ships with the same character, leaving less room for other ships with different characters to have made the cut? ...Maybe, but it’s my contest so I make the rules.
With all that being said, we have:
Team Dewey Has Two Hands:
Dewey Duck and Whitley Schnee Dewey Duck and Silver the Hedgehog
The first but certainly not last team to have a character from Ducktales 2017 (we love Ducktales 2017 here), both teams involve Dewey Duck and were automatic-ins, based on roleplays involving either myself or one of my buddies.
One of which involves him being still new to romance and also grey-aro, with a side of being caught in a ‘Protagonist Is Crushing On His Best Friend and Vice-Versa’ plot. Which would be so cool if it wasn’t happening to him specifically, but I’m sure things will work out.
If it’s not blatantly clear, this one’s one of mine and @crossovernonshipstournament‘s from our big Ducktales/RWBY crossover, which we’ve been working on for several years now. I’ll go more into that AU as I cover more teams but for now, we’ll just leave it there. Wait until Team Science gets here~!
I’m not entirely knowledged about the second one, but I’m sure with both Dewey and Silver having canon plots that involved time-travelling, there’s bound to be a lot of angst involved. Also knowing the submitter of the ship personally, I’m almost POSITIVE that there’s a lot of angst involved. ( @decanard Would you like to confirm~? 😉)
Team Dipper Has Two Hands:
Dipper Pines and Wirt Dipper Pines and Dib Membrane
Feels like the ships are pretty self-explanatory. Dipper deals with a lot of paranormal and supernatural things, so it’d make sense for him to be interested in other boys who are similar. Whether it’s dabbling in aliens and not being believed by anyone else outside of his sibling, or dealing with an ever-approaching threat that always seems to be watching from the darkness, it’s always nice to have someone there alongside you when dealing with the unknown.
Also I think if they all teamed up, they could so easily beat Zim, the Beast and Bill together. Or maybe they’d just avoid the last two, and go on to catch proof of Zim’s existence alongside Dib. Probably safer and less anxiety-inducing. And the last thing any of these boys need is to deal with more things that will spike their anxiety further.
Also just a special shout-out to @justadoll aka Doll, who asked me to include Wirt and Dipper. They have several ships they’re rooting for in the tournament (and I will absolutely give them a shoutout at that point too) but I know this is one of your super special ones and how much you love your boys 🥺
Team Mabel Has Two Hands:
Mabel Pines and Webby Vanderquack Mabel Pines and Gaz Membrane
Mabel Pines is full of love, whether it’s for boys or girls. But for this contest, it’s for girls~! Specifically one ducky girl and yet another Membrane kid. 
Honestly, I added Mabel and Gaz in because Dib and Dipper was one of the highest submitted ships, and I thought it’d be adorable to include the other side as well, but Gaz and Mabel really fall into the adorable ‘sunshine and gloom’ tropes pretty well (along with a few other pairings later on down the line, but we’ll get there when we get there). The person who submitted them said, and I quote, ‘it’s the dynamic of all time’ and I agree.
As for Mabel and Webby, it’s yet another ship that got in automatically, based on suggestions from my friends. Adorable autistic girls with grappling hooks, special interests, and just a love of their family? It’s just SO cute and fits both of them well.
Also another thanks to Lexi for suggesting the latter ship <3 We love the autistic girl rep over here!
That’ll be the three ships I cover for now; we’ll see which ships I cover next! Hopefully the other posts will not be this long, but who’s to say for sure because we all know I love to talk a lot.
Also if anyone has any other lore/propaganda for the ships mentioned in these posts, please feel free to add it in an ask/reblog/etc. Taking any and all if you got it, don’t be shy~!
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