#maaan oh maaaan
sunnysideray · 3 months
I am the Perfect Human Specimen,
I’m everything
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Hehehe Jack is such a funny lil clown man~ I might post a poll later for what art to do next! I’ve got a ton of comics in mind, and don’t know where to start lol. I’m working on getting out Part 2 of the VHS Meeting comic, and a character sheet for Ray and ruSsEl!
A lil more spicy version below cut, as well as a transparent ver~!
Maaaan what a pretty boy!
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nsfw version here~ enjoy lovelies >:)
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
I finally got my roku to work... through my phone 😅 apparently my backup remote wont work with the one I have so I'll still need to find my stupid real remote... but for now I can watch tv again! Yay
#i wanted to watch cold case but they gave me the equalizer and i dont know that one so im watching mockingjay part 1#i was gonna say idr if i saw it in theaters but i tememebr the dam breaking so i must have bc i remember being like YEAAAAAH and it#as in theaters so i guess i saw catching fire and part 1 with my former best friend and then part 2 with my then boyfriend (which was like#a DREAM for me agsgdgdgd i was like my favorite series and a boyfriend?? AND WE'RE AT THE MOVIES?!?' whdgdggdgdgdgd#but i dont remember like most of this movie im gonna be honest and it hits different watching it/thinking ah the series as an adult#also i finally realized why i didnt like prim til like i reread the books later in life it's that the actress looks so much more mature than#prim in the books like she looks more like she couldve taken care of herself in the games where in the books shes like rue in that she's so#small and still just a baby and that makes Katniss's actions much more touching in the book but watching the movies its like they look like#the same age almost not like 'thats my baby sister i have to save her shes MY baby too' like that visible relationship if that makes sense?#and in the movies they look like theyre both older so it's less believable to me? i mean the actress is talented dont get me wrong im just#saying i still have beef with the casting choices for some characters#anyway anyways finiiiiiick my booooooy! my maaaan! thats my maaan! i still love him sgdhdgdgdgdgd i got in FIGHTS over him lmaooo#not over who gets him but bc my friends didnt like him as much and i would get so mad lmaooo i miss those days that was funny#my poor dad listening to the same 'fight' over and over every time he drove us to hangouts agsgdgdgdggd he was like oh god not again please#ANYWAYS i wanna reread the books now for the gazillionth time sdggdgdgd#marquilla
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mad-doodle-disease · 2 months
you caught an old boot
barney and tumbles' bobbers hit the water, sinking halfway into the water as the rest of the line sunk into the murky depths below. too murky to see what was down there. they chose a pier outlooking the ocean instead of a small pond. the fact that there were other places on the globe that weren't affected by the outbreak and were just having business as usual was... oddly comforting. cog nation, doodlevania, places completely unlike toontown, and places similar. all going about their daily life, without a care in the world. it gave the two toons hope that maybe, one day, this'll all be a distant memory they can laugh and make jokes about... maybe.
barney sighed, looking over at tumbles.
barney: i feel like you deserve an explanation. tumbles: explanation? barney: yes. for how... quickly, it seemed alton wanted to put you to work. he's stressed...
barney reeled in his line... barney caught a clown fish!
barney: ...he desperately wants us all to survive, but he also doesn't want to truly become... attached... to us. tumbles: oh? barney: yeah. he uh... there was an incident where one of the cogs got infected and bit a couple toons as well, one of those being freshie. he and the other guards had to... "put them down", as he so eloquently put it. the toons pleaded for their lives, despite knowing it had to be done. it hurt him. it hurt him in ways i never thought a cog could hurt, especially over toons...
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles caught a dog fish!
barney: alton thinks that, if he constantly puts us to work and doesn't see us often, he won't get attached. and if he isn't attached, he won't feel as bad if he has to kill us. tumbles: ...the head of the safehouse i used to stay at was, like, the exact opposite.
barney reeled in his line...
barney caught a cutthroat trout!
tumbles: he was a very extroverted guy. got to know all of us, got attached. he did put us to work but he also let us play and rest and just... have fun, maaan. barney: oh! that sounds great! why'd you leave? tumbles: ... barney: ... tumbles: i didn't... just... "leave". i didn't want to leave. it's just... i really don't want to talk about it... barney: why? tumbles: just... don't. don't ask. please.
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles caught a piano tuna!
tumbles: ... barney: oh, nice catch dude! those are really rare around here, normally you find those in mez-
tumbles rather roughly threw the piano tuna into his bucket, his heart racing as he was forced by a mere coincidence to remember.
barney: woah, uhh... did i hit a sore spot or something? tumbles: can you just... not mention mezzo? or pianos or... just. handle all the piano tunas for me, man.
barney raised an eyebrow, before shrugging.
barney: sure, dude. if you suspect you caught a tuna, just hand me your rod and i'll reel it in for you. tumbles: thank you.
the two toons continued to fish for a couple hours. the dock stretched far enough away from the mainland that they felt comfortable not having to look over their backs to see if any infecteds were about to attack them.
tumbles reeled in his line...
tumbles is struggling...
tumbles: this one is really heavy... barney: oh? it's probably a nice fat juicy fish, ooo...
tumbles caught a nurse shark!
tumbles: this any good? it is BIG.
barney's excited expression faded a bit, realizing it was a nurse shark.
barney: nah. throw it back. sharks, although big, don't exactly hold any nutritional value.
tumbles looked away for a moment, struggling to unhook the hook from the nurse shark's mouth without getting bit.
tumbles: maaaan, that's like... actually kind of interesting.
barney reeled in his line...
barney is struggling...
barney: yeah! in fact, eating shark meat can actually be detrimental to your health! they have a ton of mercury in them, which can make you really-
barney caught a-!
barney: AAAAAA-WHAT THE meow!?!?
barney threw his fishing rod in horror, losing it in the water. whatever he had hooked to his line sinked back into the depths, bringing the rod with it.
tumbles finally unhooked the nurse shark, letting it go before looking back over at barney, confused. all he heard was sudden screaming, he didn't get any context. barney, who was so calm and content just moments before, was now completely pale, looking as if he just saw a ghost.
tumbles: dude!? are you ok!? barney: ohmygod...ohmygod...
barney clasped his hand over his mouth, muttering incoherently to himself.
tumbles: what was that dude? what did you catch that made you lose your rod like that!?
barney quickly forced a smile, standing up rather quickly. he was twitchy, clearly violently uncomfortable.
barney: NOTHING! nothing! let's head back, we got our fish and i lost my rod. we should go back now. tumbles: but you're clearly- barney: let's. head. back.
tumbles sighed, before eventually relenting. he didn't know what barney saw, but it was clearly bad. and barney didn't want to acknowledge it at the moment. tumbles knew the feeling, so he let it go for now, he wasn't a hypocrite. the two toons grabbed their buckets containing each of their catches, before heading back to the safehouse.
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cosmicquill · 9 months
oh my god I was so withered about it I almost forgot to post to tumblr dot com but oh man. first time watching death note part whatever oh man. ohh man. oh maaaan :( oh man!! :0 >:D oh D: man. oh mman :'(
can't believe they had the audacity to take out both of my favourite characters in one go this is so evil /pos. top ten story beats so sad I won't even bother to capitalize. real well done though oh maaan what a scene. once I've finished the show and have rewatched it I want to write a bucket load about how it uses silence because it hits like a freight train every time both as an abrupt tone shifter and as a thematic through line. waauugghh.
Anyway the final season is like. Okay? (at least I think it's a new season? The site I'm using doesn't divide them up so idk for sure but it sure feels like it.) I have a lot more complaints so far and I'm not having as much fun with the story but I am having a lot of fun rewriting or restructuring it better in my head as I go so ya know. We find our own fun lol.
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shadow-laviko · 2 months
Maaan That's shit My parents are pressuring me to work (fairly okay), but at the same time, I can only work ONE SINGLE month total on the WHOLE year (otherwise I'd pay taxes because I "gain" too much money between work and what my parents give me for my rent, charges and groceries, etc...) I barely ever buy anything for myself. No games no cheap silly little things, I try to save up with the financial help of the state...
But, well, the problem is not that I don't want to work. Quite the opposite, because damn, I want to buy myself some games and merch from things I like Like, please, let me have a bit of joy in my friendless loser fucking life But I can't find a job, because, given I can only work one month on the whole year, it has to be consecutive (because I doubt anyone would employ me for just one fucking hour of work per week...) So, I can only work during the summer And, again, no probs with me But first one, it's already fucking hard to find a summer job for two months (I've tried to give CVs to retail jobs, fast foods, restaurants, campings... Basically everywhere I could give a CV, I did About half of the places I went to did not take my CV because they were "Not looking for employees/workers" And in the remaining half, ONE or TWO told me they would call be back... They never did. So now, imagine what the fuck would happen if I told them "Oh yeah, by the way, I can only work for one month, lol" Like, heck, I want to work. I genuinely do. But, nobody wants me?? And, fortunately I know I'm not the only one But with the parents who keep pressuring me to find a job... I don't know what to do Like. I can only work during summer, and even then, nobody wnats to employ me. I can't really do much better than trying and being refused. (I mean, technically speaking, I could threaten them, but, you know, that's not a thing you do...)
So like What the fuck do they want me to do (more) about it?? I don't even have any marketable skills like drawing or painting or something
Maybe I should really stick to eating salty pastas, that would reduce the grocery costs... But maaaan... Unless it's in my "favourite food" category, I can't fucking eat the same thing over and over every single day... I'd rather not eat *sigh* I really don't know what to do
Maybe I should do like some friends (jokingly?) said they were doing and sell foot pics lmao ... What's the market price for those? :thinking:
No but really I'm just I'm just gonna lay down like a stickman and stare at the ceiling. Maybe some fucking cosmic shit will invade my thoughts and give me an answer
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teamrocketmemes · 3 years
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ACNH - Pascal’s Deep Thoughts - Part 6
meme inspired by the shit pascal says in new horizons
Never count your chickens before they've hatched. You gotta respect their privacy, maaan...
Next time you're feeling down, ask yourself: Am I blue, or do I just need to eat a big pile of scallops?
No one likes a traffic jam. But traffic jelly? Slap some peanut butter on it and it's aaaall good.
Nobody ever asks a tree what its five-year plan is, maaan. Maybe that's why they can grow so tall.
Nobody ever asks the pineapple if it WANTS to be on the pizza, maaan.
NookPhones give you all those apps to keep you from ordering an entree. They're fillin' us up on bread, maaan.
Noses are weird, maaan. They're like tiny vacuums on your face. But where do all the smells even go?
Nothing is impossible. Except for ignoring your paws when they’re sticky. Maaan, try it sometime.
Octopuses have eight arms. You know what that means? Eight. Ice Cream. Cones.
Oh maaan...I forgot what I was gonna say. Or, like, maybe my words just had somewhere else to be.
One otter's trash is another otter's recycling. Blue, green... It's so hard to tell those bins apart, maaan.
Outer space doesn't need to be the way that it is...but it is, maaan. So unreasonable.
Owls make terrible news reporters. I mean, they only ever ask the one question, maaan.
Pancakes, maaan... Just... Pancakes.
Patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time...you gotta work for it. But, maaan, it is worth it.
Peanut butter knows EXACTLY what it's doing...and it should be ashamed of itself, maaan.
People are always looking at clouds and seeing whatever they want. Just let a cloud be a cloud, maaan.
People ask what's the difference between morals and ethics. Only five out of six letters, maaaan!
People ask, "Where does the time go?" But I know, maaan. There's a used-time store near my place.
People compare tuna to chicken, but that's so unfair, maaan. Some of the bravest folks I know are tuna.
People gotta stop asking if a hot dog is a sandwich. Just eat your lunch, maaan.
People used to try to turn lead into gold, but did they ever think about just accepting lead the way it was?
Procrastinating is just havin' optimism for the future while optimizin' the present, maaan.
Remember, even if things are bad, there are always hammocks.
Rock? Ska? Polka? All insecure. You don't have to name the genre in all those song titles. We'll remember.
Rocks are the oysters of the land.
Rule of thumb, maaan. Spend more time doing [random hobby] than you do thinkin' about work.
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freyja-veens · 4 years
Reborn the Stage (2018)
Reactions or more like random thoughts I took down lol. I actually got to watch the 1st play last kinda like how I started the anime from the future arc and went back 😂 I haven't watched the backstage extras so maybe I'll add (someday).
This is the most hdiest thing I have ever seen thank you so much kind uploader.
Nice music
Maaaan they're really doing THAT opening scene
Okay anyone else instinctively cry at drawing days?
Omg yams that smile is so bright what is your toothpaste
That jump on the bed is sooo cute
Tsuna you're already wearing your uniform...lol
Man the bullies are mean poor tsuna lmao
Tsuna and kyoko already know each other?
Haru scary woah
Eyyy we finally got the first reborn and naked tsuna
Imma shorten takenaka ryohei to takeryo
Having watched varia part 1 and 2 it kinda feels like takeryo here is a babey hihi
Oh man they actually put the family tree
Uwahhhh and we have yamamoto's worries show thank you
Demm hayato really be smokin also he's a different hayato actor well actually I got it backwards because this is the first one lol
Tsuna's silhouette looking like saiyan
This is some doctor strange level of magic effects
Takeryo cutiieee
I know this is a stage so a lot are exaggerated but I don't mind 😂
Omg I love you yams
Why didn't we get this in the anime
Princess hold lmao
Teru-san you are a literal sunshine
Okay what what time is it at the school because a lot has already happened
Also KAO CHIKA (your face is too close) LMAO
Ito yui cutie
Neeko as elder pao pao cutieeee
I'd also like this energy when saying no to someone lmao
Takeryo be undressing and dressing 😂 hardwork
Tsuna going "un" is too cute hnggg
Tyl!Lambo yare yare
Bianchiiiii and then I-pin. The character introductions are so abrupt but also fun.
Omg hayato got ignored FSGAHAJAH
They put the the dead crow lmao AGAGSHAHAHA
Hayato keep calm AHAHAHAHAHSHSHS
Omg that romeo pic AGSFAHAGAHA
How da hell did haru get inside the school lmao
Another princess hold ASGSHAAGAJAH
Who was in the picture lmao
Another one falling
He's almost the same height as tsuna lmao
Fuuta puppy eyes
Yams really be having the same level of loyalty to tsuna as goku
Reborn used the trident mosquito!
Ken! Chikusa!
Byon and tongue rawr
Okay that was really scary but I was fangirling lmao
Ryohei's teeth lmao
Hibari ringtone lmao
Maaaan chikusa's stand is scaryyyy
The effects are really cleeeaaan
Dino on the phoooone
Umm yes hello 6918
Mukuro scaryyyy
Bianchi really be worried for hayato awwwww
A song? A SONG? A SONGGGGG!!!!
MM hello the clarinet sounds awesome
Monkey! Gorilla! Cheetah!
The twins really look creepy
Tyl!Ipin wasn't that mama? lol
LANCIA-SAAAAN oh wait he's not yet lancia 😂
Yamamoto x wall
Wrecking ball
Okay but props to takeryo for the voice change
Maaan that's a big kid mukuro lol
The hibari theme here be like menacing, sexy, and kinda lonely
Fuuta lost his ranking ability?
Also kyoya wasn't healed?
The whole possession scene is superb
Wadanari just chillin in the background
They added rebukes wow
Awiiiee ken chikusa saaaad
The vindice!
Another song! Everyone included but kyoya is just mumbling lmao. I don't know why I feel ticklish lol
Aaaanndd bowwww
Cast greetings!
I'm gonna end here and maybe make a separate thing for the cast greetings but overall that was so much fun and the cast is spot on and superb. Can't wait to watch the making footage.
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krizaland · 5 years
I've got an idea for Zim x Reader story. Zim lost his PAK and didnt get it back on time which led to his body death. But then Reader found PAK and uploaded Zim's consciousness to a computer. And now both Reader and Zim trying to figure out how to bring Zim back to the physical world. P.S. I know, that PAKs attach to every being availible, but can we just skip this? P.P.S. Sorry if i make mistakes. English is not my native language. P.P.P.S. Your stories are really cool. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words and your very interesting request! I’ve actually got the perfect idea for this one!
Be warned: I decided to take inspiration from Issues #24 and #25 of the Invader Zim comic series. So there will be some spoilers ahead! If you haven’t read issue #25 then I highly recommend you do so. However, if you’ve already read it or just don’t mind spoilers then read on! Reader will also be hit on by a very gross creep! While, there won’t be anything sexual, things might get very uncomfortable. There will also be some swearing ahead.
Here’s the song I used btw
You let out a groan as you slowly opened your heavy eyelids.
“Oh hey! You’re finally awake!”
You let out a gasp as you were greeted by none other than Fitzoo-Menga!
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you there!” He chuckled as he pressed a few buttons on his chair.
The moment he got closer to you, the most foul odor assaulted your nostrils.
You nearly gagged as you started to cough.
“I take it you....must be...Fitzoo-Menga” You wheezed through your coughs.
“Please call me, Virooz. It’s who I am on the inside!” He purred as he circled you.
“Why did you kidnap me?!” You heaved as you managed to catch your breath.
“Because your Zim’s life mate! At first I was gonna destroy you for making Zim all soft and stuff but you’re actually kinda hot so I think I might keep you around for a while!” Virooz chuckled as he stroked your face.
“Hey! Quit it!” You whined as you tried to turn your head away from him.
“Aww! Playing hard to get I see.” Virooz cooed as he patted your cheek.
“Let me go! I wouldn’t date you even if I wasn’t already dating Zim!” You snarled as you struggled in your restraints.
“Aww, Come on, baby! You gotta be crazy to not want to date a High-Tech qudrillionaire genius!” Virooz pouted.
“Well then throw me in the crazy house! Because I’m not interested in dating someone who smells like he hasn’t showered in 300 years!” You snarled as you shot him a glare.
“Oooh! Feisty! Virooz likey.” Virooz crooned as he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Eww! Stop looking at me like that!” You gagged as you tried to avoid Virooz’s hungry gaze.
“Don’t worry! You’ll learn to love me, baby!” Virooz chuckled with a wink.
You were just about ready to vomit when
“Oh! Looks like your now ex boyfriend is nearby!” Virooz sang as he turned to his main computer and pressed a few buttons.
Zim was lifted off the ground and sucked up into the ship
Zim fell onto a bright green couch.
“Welcome, Zim.” Virooz crooned without turning his chair around.
“Virooz I presume! Why have you brought this humble janitor to-” Zim asked.
“You’re not a janitor and you didn’t fool anyone with your stupid disguise, Zim!” Virooz’s voice was ice cold as he spoke.
“Fine! I am indeed Zim! Just as you, ‘Virooz’ are Fitsoo-Menga! I’m right about that right?” Zim’s voice shrank a bit as he spoke.
“JUST WHAT IS YOUR GAME, VIROOZ?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY Y/N?!” Zim demanded as he snapped a finger in his direction.
“My game is to make you stop sucking! And as for Y/N? They’re right here! ” Virooz cackled as he spun his chair around and revealed you tied up in a chair.
“RELEASE Y/N! RELEASE THEM OR SUFFER THE WRATH OF ZIM!” Zim roared as he stomped his foot.
“Relax, Zim! I’m not gonna hurt Y/N. I wouldn’t want to hurt my new life mate!” Virooz chuckled as he put his hands on his stomach.
“Eh?! Your life mate?! But Y/N is my life mate!” Zim whined as he gestured to himself.
“Not anymore! Y/N is my life mate now!” Virooz taunted as he patted your head.
“No way! Get your hands off of me you creep!” You snarled as you tried to move your head away from Virooz.
“You know, I was going to like destroy them and stuff but man! They are feisty! Y/N is the only thing about you now that doesn’t suck, Zim!” Virooz purred as he kept stroking your head like a cat.
“GET YOUR FILTHY CYBER APPENDAGES OFF OF MY Y/N!” Zim let out a war cry and lunged at Virooz
Virooz moved his chair aside, causing Zim’s face to kiss the floor.
Zim let out a groan as he peeled himself off of the floor.
“Wow! Even your attempts so save your life mate are lame!” Virooz shook his head as he pushed a few buttons on his chair.
A chair came zooming into the room and knocked into Zim’s legs, causing him to fall into it.
All you could do was watch Zim scream in agony as he was forcibly tied to the chair.
“There! Now that everyone’s here, I think you need a reminder of just how awesome you used to be!” Virooz exclaimed as he pressed another button on his chair.
A large monitor in the center of the room crackled to life and the lights dimmed.
Inside the Irken Dooqbase, Commander Poki was giving the Invaders-in training a lecture on why they should never remove their PAKs.
“…And, as Private Sox is showing us, rookies, that is why you never detach your PAK! The PAK is all that you are as an Irken! It controls your body! It contains your memories! And emergency directions to the nearest snack stockpile.” Commander Poki explained as she held up Private Sox’s PAK.
“There you go, Private Sox! Neurothing on!”  Commander Poki dropped Private Sox’s PAK and pulled out a small pen like device.
And with that, several metal tentacles whipped out from Private Sox’s PAK.  Private Sox’s PAK then scuttled off to reunite with its host.
You hummed as you slowly became invested in the recording. Zim mentioned that his PAK was basically his brain but you never knew that it could come off.
“Enjoying the show so far?” Virooz whispered.
You let out a gasp as you felt his hot, smelly breath burn against your ear.
“Heh. You sure are jumpy.” Virooz teased as his arms slithered around you.
“Get off of me!” You hissed as you tried to shake him off of you.
“Mmm…Keep that fire burning baby.” Virooz purred as he released you.
A shudder ran down your spine as you turned your attention back to the monitor.
As the recording went on, you couldn’t help but giggle. Zim was so cute when he was younger, despite blowing up the entire Dooqbase.
Soon the recording came to an end and the lights came back on.
“That was amazingness, maaaan! The way you blew up that dooqbase? Sick! And your first mission, too!” Virooz gushed as he zipped in front of Zim.
You and Zim exchanged confused glances for a moment.
“Of all your videos that I hacked from the Irken military archives, that is definitely top three. Well, top five. If you don’t include that things with the Electro-slugs and the rubber shorts. That was killer, maaan!” Virooz bailed as spittle begun to fly from his lips.
“So you’re a fan of my work. Great. So am I. Now let me and Y/N go.” Zim growled as his ruby eyes narrowed.
“Fan? Man, I am like all over your work! I mean, yeah, by day I’m Fitzoo-Menga, high-tech quadrillionaire genius. But at night, I am totes into your stuff!” Virooz gushed.
“And sticking cyber-things on your hideous body, it seems.” Zim muttered.
“And being a disgusting creep.” You added.
“Oooh! There’s that fire again! Man, I’m glad I didn’t destroy you, baby! We’re gonna have sooo much fun together!” Virooz giggled.
“Stop calling me that! I’m not your baby!” You snarled as you shook in your seat.
“Yeah! Y/N is Zim’s baby! Not yours!” Zim added as he tried to scoot in front of you.
“Whatever.” Virooz scoffed as he flicked his wrist.
“Anyway, Fitzoo-”  Zim began
“Call me Virooz! It’s who I really am inside!” Virooz crooned as he gestured to himself.
“Well, Virooz-”
“Virooz got your attention by getting GIR to attack you!” Virooz cooed.
“Well, Virooz-”
“Virooz led you inside GIR’s programming to give you the coordinates to Cyberflox!” Virooz chuckled.
“Well, Virooz-”
“Virooz kindapped Y/N and seduced them.”
“No you did not!” You gagged.
“Then Virooz watched your every move on mall security cams!” Virooz squished his cheeks.
“Well, Virooz-”
“And Virooz grabbed you when you figured out the truth! I am Viroooooooz!” Virooz cackled.
“WELL, VIROOZ!!!!! If you will stop blowing your word-hole!!! WHY ARE WE HERE?! Do you want my autograph?” Zim roared as he shot Virooz a glare.
“No way maaaaan! You’re terrible now!” Virooz whined as he pressed a few keys on his main computer.
“Terrible?!” Zim parroted.
“Ever since you’ve been on Earth, you’ve gone totally downhill! Squishing the Earth with Mars? What is that?! Or that bologna serum? And what’s with the big-headed kid?! Who cares about him?!” Virooz complained as gestured to all of Zim’s previous schemes on screen.
“All right-”
“Oh, and now you’ve given up on being an Invader?! Just because you got a totally hot life mate?! Maan, I don’t even know who you are anymore! You’re not my Zim that’s for sure! Why can’t you go back to destroying things?! I’ll bet Y/N would look so much hotter setting off some gigabooms with you!” Virooz pouted as he folded his arms.
“You’re right, he’s not your Zim. He never was! Zim is his own awesome person, who doesn’t exist just to please sweaty man-babies like you! Things change, Virooz! Things change! Zim has indeed changed and he will continue to change whether you like it or not! You wanna know why? Because Zim is growing up! Maybe you should try it sometime!” You ranted as you wriggled in your seat.
“Hot damn! Did you hear that?! Maaan, That was so spicy! What a savage! See, Zim?! At least your life mate is cooler than you!” Virooz squealed as he dragged you closer to him
“GET YOUR CYBER HANDS OFF OF MY Y/N!  And as for your feedback, I will take it….And ignore it! NOW LET Y/N AND I GO!” Zim demanded as he scooted closer.
“Nuh-uh! See, I know how to fix your slump! I’m going to become you!” Virooz cackled as a creepy grin spread across his face.
“WHAAT?!” You and Zim exclaimed in unison.
“Oh, look! We’re here, Planet Dooq, site of your first awesome mission” Virooz announced as he  begun to land the ship.
“Well, it was pretty awesome.” Zim admitted.
“Do you know what this is?” Virooz chuckled as he pulled out a large poorly constructed PAK.
“Terrible?” Zim retorted.
“Garbage?” You grumbled.
“It’s my version of an Irken PAK! I designed it myself!” Virooz boasted as he patted his mechanical abomination.
“You designed it terrible.” Zim noted.
“Come on, Maaaan! It does everything the Irken PAK does! Holds your personality. Controls a body. Plus full surround sound speakers!” Virooz beamed as he made the PAK play horrible music.
“So you want me to endorse it?” Zim asked as he tilted his head in confusion.
“Nope! I’m going to dump my mind in it… and attach it to your body!” Virooz squealed as he shoved the poorly constructed PAK in Zim’s face.
“WHAT?! Never!” Zim screeched.
“Yeah! This is insane, Virooz! I don’t even think your underdeveloped brain is even compatible with Zim’s body!” You added.
“Just wait here, duuuuudes. While I get just one sick thing from the wreckage! Oh and one more thing!” Virooz chuckled as he made his way towards you.
Virooz planted a sloppy, wet kiss onto your cheek.
“Bye baby! See you real soon! Computer! Lock the hatch!” Virooz purred as the door locked behind him.
You sat gobsmacked for a moment as you tried desperately to hold back your vomit.
“Y/N! Are you alright?!” Zim yelped as he scooted his chair next to you.
“No….Oh god I feel so violated…” You shuddered as a few tears trickled down your cheeks.
“Don’t cry, my sweet, Y/N! I’ll get us free from these primitive chairs!” Zim reassured as he activated a multitool from his PAK.
“At least we’re in this together.” You sniffled as you tried to regain your composure.
“He tied us up with rope! What kind of idiot uses rope?! Now let’s see.. Ion inverter…Transphasic screwdriver…Quarkmonker….Transcranila Binulator…..Polarmonistonic Corkscrew…Lot of stuff in this thing..” Zim grumbled as he searched through his multitool.
“Why don’t you try the-”
“Shh! Not now, my sweet! I need to concentrate!” Zim hushed as he continued his search.
You let out a sigh and shook your head. You loved your boyfriend but sometimes he was just so stubborn!
“Ah ha! Tweezers!” Zim announced as he selected the small pair of tweezers amongst the sea of other gadgets.
“Really tweezers?” You groaned as you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes! Tweezers are the perfect tool for a job like this, sweet Y/N! Now just hold on while I tweeze myself free! Once I’m free of this primitive rope, I can set you free as well!” Zim explained as he begun to tweeze away at the rope.
Meanwhile, Virooz ventured out into the ruins of the Dooqbase and stumbled upon a first aid kit.
“Aha! An Irken Neurothing!” Virooz cheered as he held up the neurothing.
It wasn’t long before Zim was almost free of his rope prison.
“Almost completely tweezed through…” Zim muttered as he got a communicator device from his PAK.
“Zim to GIR! Come in GIR!” Zim screamed into the communicator.
GIR was hanging out in a birthday cake alongside Minimoose who was wearing a purple flowery sun hat.
GIR’s head opened up and projected a hologram of Zim.
“GIR! It’s an emergency! I need you to-What are you doing?”
“I’m a birthday cake!” GIR chirped.
“Ohhh-kay. I need you to get the ship and get to my coordinates immediately! Understand?!” Zim commanded.
“Yes, my master!”
“Good! Zim out”
GIR was about to cut the call but Zim stopped him.
“I mean now GIR!”
“Oooh! Ok! Come’ere ship!” GIR chirped.
The ship crashed through a wall and zipped in front of GIR and Minimoose.
“WE GOIN’ TO SPAAAACE!” GIR sang as he hopped into the ship.
“Neyah!” Minimoose squeaked as the ship blasted off into the starry sky.
Meanwhile, Zim had finally managed to tweeze himself free of his primitive prison.
Zim burst free and rushed to your side.
“Fear not, my sweet Y/N! For Zim is here to set you free!” Zim sang as he untied you.
You let out a sigh of relief as you felt the rope loosen.
“Thanks, Zim!” You hopped out of your chair and stretched for a moment.
“Of course! Zim wouldn’t leave you with that DISGUSTING Virooz! Now let’s clean your beautiful face free of Virooz’s FILTHY SLOBBER!” Zim pulled out some wipes from his PAK and cleaned your face.
“Victory! I have successfully eliminated all traces of Virooz’s FITHLY SLOBBER!” Zim cackled as he put the wipes away.
“Thank you so, so much, Zim!” You squealed as you rubbed your now clean cheek.
“It was no trouble, sweet, Y/N! I-”
Zim was cut off by you planting a much cleaner kiss on his cheek.
Zim’s PAK sparked as his antennas sprung straight up. His face turned a darker shade of green as his worm like tongue hung out of his mouth. He let out a few chirps and purrs as he rubbed his cheek.
You let out a giggle at Zim’s lovestruck behavior.
Zim shook away his infatuation and cleared his throat.
“Now, the door is locked! So we shall escape through the ventilation ducts!” Zim announced as he gestured to one of the ventilation ducts.
“Are you are that’s the best way-”
“Of course it is, sweet Y/N! Now come on! We don’t have much time!” Zim insisted as he ripped off the ventilation duct’s grate and pulled you inside with him.
Zim’s spider legs clicked against the inside of the ducts as he held your hand and lead you along.
After what felt like a few minutes of struggling to navigate through the maze of ventilation ducts, Zim had found an opening.
“AHA! Freedom!” Zim squealed as he burst open the grate and pushed you out with him.
You fell flat on your rear as Zim plopped into your lap.
“Hey duuuuudes! Trying to get away? Epic fail!” Virooz taunted as he floated back into the room.
“We did this on purpose! To show you we escaped your primitive rope!” Zim lied as he gently crawled out of your lap.
“Yeah! Seriously? Rope? How uncreative! You claim to be a high-tech quadrillionaire genius and all you had to capture us with is rope?” You added as you got up and put your hands on your hips.
“Primitive? Uncreative? Rope is classic, maaaaan! You’ve gotten so lame you couldn’t even save your life mate and leave the ship, Zim! But hey look what I got! An Irken neurothing! For detaching and replacing Irken PAKs! Killer right?!” Virooz sang as he waved around the neurothing.
You gasped as you stood in front of Zim protectively.
“Move aside, baby! It’s time for me to take over Zim’s body, go out there into the galaxy and restore his former glory!” Virooz cheered as he shoved you aside with his chair.
You let out a yelp as you plopped onto your bottom.
“Y/N! Listen, Virooz! You will never be Zim! I am Zim! Your Zim would be a grubby shadow of the real Zim! Weak as a sickly mweep! Stinky like the rotten fruit of the filth-squeezing filth tree of-”
Suddenly, Zim’s rant was cut off by the sound of the Neurothing activating.  
Zim’s PAK popped right off his back, causing his body to follow suit.
“Even your speeches got dumb!” Virooz groaned as he hovered Zim’s lifeless body.
“ZIM!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!” You seethed as you rushed to Zim’s side.
“Relax, baby. Zim’s gonna be juust fine!” Virooz tried to sound reassuring but his voice dripped with malice.
A sinister grin spread across Virooz’s face as he pulled out his poorly contracted PAK and tried to jam it into Zim’s back.
“NO!” You screeched as you tried to stop Virooz.
But you were too late.
Virooz had already attached his poorly constructed PAK and hooked it up to his brain.
“Transferrrrr!” Virooz sang as he begun to download his brain into the new PAK.
Virooz screamed in agony as all of his mind and spirt was ripped from his brain.
All you could to was watch in horror as that sweaty man child took over your boyfriend’s body.
Soon, Virooz’s disgusting, sweaty body was left a lifeless husk as the download finished completion.
Soon, Zim’s body begun to shudder and squirm about.
You let out a shriek when you heard Virooz’s voice come out of Zim’s body.
“See, baby? I told you your Zim would be just fine!” Virooz crooned as he flopped about in Zim’s body.
“You-You’re not my Zim! Get out of his body, you monster!” You commanded as you backed away form him.
“No way, baby! This is my body now! I’m going to go out there and start a new era! By rolling in the dust of my enemies! C’mon! Let’s go on a rampage together!” Virooz sang as he tried to grab you by the hand, only for his to go limp.
“That’s not your body, Virooz! You don’t even know how to control it!” You seethed as you gestured to his now noodle like arms.
“I’m not Virooz anymore! Didn’t you hear me?! I am ZIM! Don’t worry! I’ll get used to this body in no time!” Virooz insisted as he tried to reach for your hand again only to miss and have his hand wiggle about.
“Give Zim his body back, NOW!” You commanded as you shot him a fiery glare.
“Oooh yeah, baby! Gimme some more of that fire!! Mmm! We are gonna have some fun tonight!” Virooz purred as he continued to flail about in Zim’s body.
“You’re disgusting! Give Zim his body back now, you creep!” You demanded as you snapped a finger in his face.
“How many times do I gotta say this, baby? I. AM. ZIM!!! The other guy you keep talking about is  dead! I’m Zim now and there’s nothing you can do about it! Now, come on! We got a galaxy to doom!” Virooz cackled as he continued to throw around Zim’s body like a rag doll.
“I’m not going anywhere until you return what you’ve stolen!” You snarled.
“Fine then! Who needs you anyway?! I AM ZIIIM! I don’t need anybody! Computer! Lock the hatch!” And with that Virooz stumbled out of the ship as the door locked behind him
“Virooz! Come back!! Zim needs his body!!!” You pleaded as you banged on the locked door.
You slowly slid to your knees as you realized that your pleas weren’t going to be heard. All you could do was sob.
“Zim….I’m so sorry…I couldn’t save you…” You choked out as you picked up the neurothing.
You let out a gasp as you saw several metal tentacles slither out from Zim’s PAK.  Soon the PAK scuttled off in search of a new host.
Luckily, Virooz had abandoned his chair. It smelled a bit but it would have to do.
Zim’s PAK latched onto the chair and projected an image of Zim’s face.
“You cannot defeat me, Virooz! I activated the emergency attachment protocol and attached to… A CHAIR?! I’m a chair now. Great.”  Zim grumbled.
“Zim!! Oh thank god you’re ok!” You squealed as you ran up to the chair and tried to hug it.
“Y/N! Don’t worry! Zim is fine! I’m just…a chair now I guess.” Zim sighed.
“We gotta get you out of this chair and back into your real body!” You yelped.
“Worry not, sweet Y/N! Chairzim will triumph!” Zim insisted as he unlocked the door and took you outside with him.
You activated your special space helmet and held onto Chairzim tight.
“If we’re gonna get your body back, we’re gonna need a better vessel than a chair. Do you think we can find something in these ruins?” You asked as you scanned the area.
“Well…I suppose you make a good point. Let’s see what we can find.” Zim hummed as he floated around.
After a few minutes of searching, Zim let out an excited gasp.
Standing before you and Zim was a MASSIVE mech!
“THERE! The Dunedoomer! The perfect vessel for Zim! Besides my SUPERIOR IRKEN BODY of course!” Zim cheered as he gestured to the mech.
“Holy crap! This is awesome, Zim! But how are we gonna get it running?” You asked as you hopped off of Zim and knocked on one of the mech’s rusty legs.
“Just leave that to me! Y/N? Did you happen to find a neurothing by chance?” Zim asked.
“Huh? Oh! It’s this thing right? Virooz dropped it before he left!” You chirped as you held up the neurothing.
“Excellent work, Y/N! Now on the count of three you will activate the neurothing and I will activate the emergency attachment protocol. Once I’ve activated the emergency attachment protocol, I will attach my PAK to the mech!” Zim instructed.
“You got it, master!” You giggled with a salute.
Zim let out a dopey giggle before clearing his throat.
“Ready? One…Two… Three! NOW MY SWEET!” Zim commanded.
“I love you, Zim! You wailed as you activated the neurothing.
Zim’s PAK fell off the chair and into the ground.
And with that, Zim’s PAK scuttled off and attached itself to the mech.
Meanwhile, Virooz had stumbled his way into an abandoned weapon chamber.
“Now these are some real weapons!” He giggled as he browsed the weapon rack.
Soon, Virooz’s browsing was interrupted by an all too familiar laugh echoing throughout the room.
“Who’s there?! I got a bazooka and I’m not afraid to use it!” Virooz yelped as he struggled to hold up a large bazooka.
“Let me introduce myself”
The wall burst open to reveal Zim in his new mech body with you sitting on it’s ‘shoulder’.
When the dust settled, Virooz’s floppy jaw hit the ground.
“What the-? Really, dude?! Now you decide to stop sucking?!” Virooz stuttered as he almost dropped his bazooka.
“You didn’t think I was done? Did ya?” Zim sang as he thundered forward.
“Well I just begun having my fun, baby!” The ground shook as Zim continued to show off his new body.
“Some people live for attention, playing the victim. But baby, I was born to do the KILLING!” Zim cackled as he activated his laser guns and burst a hole into an empty slot on the weapons rack.
Virooz gasped and desperately struggled to pull the bazooka’s trigger with his limp fingers.
“I see how you’e going crazy, always thinking ‘bout me baby on the daily! Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me! I know that you love me. LOVE ME!” Zim roared
Virooz loaded his bazooka and started to fire.
Every shot ricocheted off of Zim as he continued his song.
“Funny how you think I’m bothered! Know, I’m nothing like the others! You shouldn’t have messed with me ‘cuz I heard that you’re afraid of monsters. MONSTERS!” Zim stomped his foot, causing Virooz to shoot upward for a moment.
Virooz let out a shriek as the bazooka went flying out of his noodle hands.
“Are you ready for the monster?” Zim stomped forward as Virooz picked up a later gun and tried to fire it.
Not a single shot even made a dent on Zim’s new body.
“Are you ready for the monster?” Zim continued his rampage, slowly getting closer and closer to Virooz.
Virooz picked up another weapon and tried to fire it.
Once again, no luck. Zim’s body was still intact and Virooz ran out of ammo.
“Are you ready for the monster?” A sinister smile spread across Zim’s face as he left tracks on the sandy floor.
Not wanting to give up just yet, Virooz picked up another weapon and tried again.
Still no luck. Zim was still standing and Virooz was growing more and more panicked.
“Are you ready for the monster?” Zim had never felt more powerful.
Virooz let out a growl as he kept trying to take Zim down.
Virooz had lost once again and scrambled to find more weapons.
“You ain’t ready for the monster. Monster!” Zim cackled.
“Man! Why couldn’t you have been this cool before I had to steal your body!” Virooz spluttered as he frantically rummaged through the debris.
“I’m just being me! Cut out the things that I don’t need!” Zim growled as he begun to follow Virooz.
“But you need me, dude! Without me you’d just keep on sucking!” Virooz countered as he continued his search.
“I don’t care if you disagree! I don’t need no sympathy! Winning the game on my own! Yeah, BABY!”  The ground shook as Zim savored every second of his power trip.
Virooz gasped as he tried to run but ended up falling flat on his face.
“I see how you’e going crazy, always thinking ‘bout me baby on the daily! Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me! I know that you love me. LOVE ME!” Zim cackled as he loomed over Virooz.
Virooz peeled himself off the ground and kept running.
“Funny how you think I’m bothered! Know, I’m nothing like the others! You shouldn’t have messed with me ‘cuz I heard that you’re afraid of monsters. MONSTERS!” Zim stomped his foot again, causing Virooz to let out a loud yelp.
“Are you ready for the monster?” Zim blocked Virooz at every turn.
“Aha! Got you now!” Virooz let out a nervous laugh as he struggled to hold up a large laser gun.
Virooz let out a squeak as he ran out of ammo once more.
“Are you ready for the monster?” You sang along as you gave Virooz the smuggest grin you could muster.
Virooz had finally found another weapon and gave it one last try.
“C’mon! C’mon! Don’t die on me too!” Virooz whined as he shook his weapon.
“Are you ready for the monster?”  Zim’s stomps grew louder with each step.
Virooz desperately tried to search for another weapon but there were none left.
He tried to make one last run for it but realized he was at a dead end!
“Ah, it could’ve been so different between us! But then you went and messed everything up!” The room darkened as Zim’s shadow engulfed Virooz.
Virooz almost found a way out but you jumped off of Zim and blocked his exit.
“Going somewhere, Baby?” You sneered sarcastically.
“You took a knife and stabbed me in the back! Took everything I had! Sat in your chair and laughed!” Zim’s words dripped with venom as he drew closer.
“C’mon! I’m in your body! You wouldn’t want anything to happen to it right? Right?!” Virooz pleaded as he found himself drowning in stolen sweat.
“This is the last time, I’m gonna tell you now! If you try to break me, I’m gonna burn you down! Baby I’m done with you! Not coming back for you!” Zim’s voice was a low growl.
“Please man! I’m your biggest fan!” Virooz pleaded as he shrank down to his knees.
“NOW, Y/N!”
“With pleasure!” You sang as you grabbed Virooz and activated the neurothing.
Virooz’s PAK fell to the ground with Zim’s stolen body following suit.
“Funny how you think I’m bothered! Know, I’m nothing like the others! You shouldn’t have messed with me ‘cuz I heard that you’re afraid of monsters. MONSTERS!” Zim roared as he let you climb back onto his ‘shoulder’.
“Are you ready for the monster?” Zim stomped towards Virooz’s PAK
“Are you ready for the monster?”  You joined in and started to clap along to the beat.
“YOU AIN’T READY FOR THE MONSTER!” Zim let out a maniacal laugh that rumbled throughout the ruins of the weapons chamber.
“Alright, Zim! Let’s get you back into your real body and get rid of Virooz’s PAK before he tries anything.” You giggled.
“Aww! Can’t I stay in this one for just five more minutes?” Zim pouted.
“Well, I can’t exactly kiss a mech.” You teased as you hopped off of his ‘shoulder’ and grabbed the Irken neurothing.
“Oh, ok! But only because you said so!” Zim huffed.
“Alright! I’m activating the neurothing!” You warned as you hopped onto Zim’s ‘shoulder’ one last time.
Zim’s PAK fell to the ground with the mech following suit.
And with that, Zim’s PAK was reunited with its proper host.
“HA! VICTORY! I AM ZIM!! AGAIN!!” Zim cheered as he peeled himself off of the ground.
“I’m so glad you’re you again! Now what are we gonna do with this hunk of junk?” You asked as you held up Virooz’s PAK.
“I think I have an idea!” Zim chirped as he pointed to the sky.
And with that, Zim snatched Virooz’s PAK out of your hands and carried it outside.
“Where are you going?” You asked as you followed Zim.
“You’ll see.” Zim assured as he stopped in front of a large couch.
“Let’s see how he likes his new vessel.” Zim chuckled darkly as he threw Virooz’s PAK onto the couch.
Soon Virooz’s PAK attached into the couch.
“Ugh…What?! I’m still alive?!” Virooz whined.
“Unfortunately.” You grumbled.
“Really, Zim? You’re too lame to properly kill me?! And here I thought you were actually cool again! You really are terrible!” Virooz griped.
“Naaah! I AM ZIM! I AM AMAZING! Anyone who says I’m terrible is just too stupid to see it!” Zim boasted as he put his hands on his hips.
“The only terrible one here is you, Virooz! You harassed me,  tried to possess a body that wasn’t even yours and you were stupid enough to tie us up with rope and to leave the Irken neurothing back on the ship!” You ranted as you punched one of Virooz’s couch cushions.
“OW! How does a couch feel pain?!” Virooz whined.
“Shut the fuck up, you literal couch potato!” You snarled as you stood in front of Zim protectively.
“At least you still have that fire…” Virooz whimpered.
You were about to rip him to shreds when,
The Voot Cruiser zoomed by and plopped right in front of both you and Zim.
“HI MASTER! HI UNICORN! HOP ON IN!” GIR urged as he motioned for you two to get in.
“Looks like our ride is here, Y/N.” Zim chuckled as he grabbed you and pulled you inside the ship.
“Maybe now that you’e a couch you can finally get laid!” You quipped as GIR closed the Voot’s entrance and blasted off.
Zim, GIR, and Minimoose burst into hysterical laughter as the Voot left Dooq.
“That was glorious, Y/N!” Zim wheezed as he wiped away a pink tear.
“Thanks! God, he was lucky that GIR showed up with the ship! Otherwise Virooz would’ve been all stuffing!” You giggled.
“Now, about that kiss you were talking about earlier…” Zim purred as he nuzzled next to you.
“But of course, master.”
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isas-identity · 4 years
Oh god oh maaan i was reading the novel "death is the only ending for the villainess" because i found a bunch new chapters translated and maaaan
That novel is so good, i didnt slept at all last night because i just kept reading and i spent most of today reading too and im left without any more chapters
And i still havent finished it!!!!!
Aaaa now i feel so empty inside, i love that novel so much 😩😭 pls end my misery and let me read the rest of the chaptersss
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moviestorian · 5 years
Rock Montreaaaaal 1981 - Liveblog!!!
Hi there, it’s me again, did you miss you! I certainly did miss you! <3
Let’s get straight to the liveblog, shall we???
- OMG this is so HD - I'm EXCITED - the candles are a nice touch - of course they start off with a series of dramatic explosions and thunder-like sounds XD my fave band is so extra and dramatic and I live for it - Roger's face on a drum kit! - this version of WWRY rocks - finally a cameraman that doesn't fail to show a fair amount of Deaky power - the godly lighting department - Freddie with a Superman t-shirt? Give me that DC spinoff with Queen members as superheroes - they'd fight with evil producers, stupid critics, close-mided people - "you wanna get crazy?" Heck YES - Brian, please STOP making that face... I'm feeling my sin - "We'll give you crazy performace" I BET YOU WILL - Deaky seems to like blue as uch as I do, also he looks SO HOT - Roger's backing vocals are everything - Freddie: *takes off his leather jacket* crowd: *cheers* - man, the cinematography is better in this concert than in some movies I've recently watched - I adore the colouring - this version of Play the Game is far superior to the album version - okay, I'm totally gonna screencap this concert like crazy - Brian looks so elegant, oh my - YASS Roger, bang the drums! - SOMEBODY TO LOVE! - Freddie looked directly into the camera! - Oh my, this is killing me... I can't start crying on the train, please stop making me feel - ROGER'S VOCALS ARE DIVINE, you can't change my mind - all of them are pouring their hearts into this heart, you can SEE and HEAR it - now this is what I call the perfect performance - slay that guitar solo, Bri! - THE DRUMS OH MY - this HD and high sound quality is too powerful - Find me...somebody to love...find me...somebody to love... - *gulps beer* - Freddie cries - I cry - I died BYE - "shift your asses" XD "take off your clothes" XDDDDD - KILLAH KWEEN - where's the triangle!? - perfume came. *naturally*. from PARIS!.! - daaaamn, that transition! - Christ, Roger's killing it - he sounds a bit tired but STILL GOOD - Brian, please remove yourself from camera when they're showing Roger pls - Roger's drumming... I'm dead and in love - that drumset looks amazing, so sparkly and silver - sexy Deaky - Get down make love - cringy lyrics but it sounds pretty cool - ESPECIALLY live - Freddie & Roger are the most powerful vocal duo on earth - the lighting-mist-drumming coordination: POETIC CINEMA - some crazy sci-fi shit going on on - I feel I'm being abducted by aliens - awww, Brian on a piano - their tiny interaction, I MELT - "how I loved you, how I cried" - daamn, Freddie, I didn't know you were singing about me and my love for Queen - I want to offically apologize to everyone for forgetting how beautiful "Save me" is - I love that you can totally hear how better Freddie's control over his voice and vibrato become (compared with Rainbow and Odeon) - HeRe I sTaNd *dum dum* - oh hi shirtless Freddie - hop Deaky Deaky hop Deaky doo - Freddie and Roger - the ultimate brotp - YEAH! YEAH!  - I love those interactions with the audience - Freddie & Rog looking at each other. I'M CRY - Roger was doing a weird thing? Are u okay babe? - LOL Roger back spitting - some fine ass drumming - "are you in a mood for singing?" sure I am - "This is love of my life" NO YOU - the lady in the audience: *heart eyes* SAME GIRL, God I wish that were me - SLAY thay bassline, John! - okay I love this version of Under Pressure better than the David Bowie one (and you know, I LOVE the original!) - Rog smiling at Freddie <3333 - that falsetto, maaan - well, Freddie didn't do the highest note... I'm not surprised though, after 50 minutes of continuous singing I wouldn't expect him to hit a super high falsetto note, and he’s doing a splendid job all the same so - ...the.best.version.of.Under Pressure - Keep Yourself Alive always slaps - especially when Rog is banging his drums like that - noooo he threw the tambourine! He has no RESPEC - this shit is better than the entire Greatest Hits compilation - Roger's legendary drum solo strikes again - Maaaan this is extraordinary - the concentration! the SKILLS! - where you going, Rog? Come back! - OH HELLO THERE - how can he do it so fast??? - and some people still don't remember his name jgajgsdjhgsdjhgsdjhsd - *bows* *thumbs up* Roger, I'm coming to get you!!! - I can sense the longer guitar solo approaching - scratch those strings, Bri!!! - I love how you can see the audience's enthusiasm, and when you compare it with the relatively cold applause at the Rainbow, it's so uplifting and beautiful that people's love for them kept growing and growing - this one guy in the audience hyping Brian... bless you, man and your positivity - Crazy Little Thing Called Freddie with his gutar - love his vocals here - you know, how he rapidly makes this super high and quick sound - "ready Freddieeeee?" - give me a proper shot on Deaky! Yes, that's what I wanted - licky Deaky - Brian changed his clothes, still looking very nice - they really liked Jailhouse Rock, didn't thye? - "move it you fuckers" OMG so mean - Freddie & Brian <333 Brian's smile <3333 - Roger must be really hot in that shirt....in every possible sense - it's Bohemian Rhapsody time! - my mum would cheer, it's her second fave - the best thing about the live versions of Bohemian Rhapsody is that they always play my favourite parts - I'm actually gonna turn up the volume for that godly guitar solo - Oooo they played the operatic part via playback??? - I didn't see that coming actually - Nice touch! - SPARE HIM HIS LIFE FROM THIS MONSTROSITY - ROGER'S DRUMS - okay that hard rock section SLAPS hard - this is my favourite version so far - please tell me there's a CD version of this concert? I want it all (no pun intended)on my phones - I'm totally gonna search for a victim who's gonna watch this with me again - Sensing my mum or my flatmate - SMASH THAT GONG ROGER BOY - the flowers Freddie deserved - I'm pretty sure I'm watching this way too loud (on headphones but still), considering I'm on a traine...I have no regrets though - the editor knew what he was doing, unlike the Odeon one - they have more energy than me, - more explosions...SO EXTRA - Another one bites the dust! - Deaky's time to shine again - Freddie...I'm in public..stop taking off your clothes - AOBTD should be a Freddie/Roger vocal duet, change my mind - "Are you happy? Are you satisfied?" I SURE AM - "How long can you stand the heat?" I'm not sure, you guys are too good - wow Brian, how did you know I love guys wearing black trousers and white shirt? - those people who got to stand so close to the stage... they're blessed - now I'm reminded of the people from that facebook group I’m a member of...They all hate Sheer Heart Attack...BUT HAVE THEY HEARD THIS VERSION? - Me: man I wish I was born the same year my mum was so I could attend this concert  Me: reminds myself that if I were, indeed, born in the early 60s, I'd spend my entire youth in the communist Poland and I certainly wouldn't be allowed leave the country and go to Montreal to attend the rock concert  Me: *laughing hysterically* - Freddie and Roger brotp strikes again! My crops are watered - We Will, WE WILL ROCK YOU! - I lowkey wanna sing along but I'm public and I'd totally embarass myself - I DON'T WANT THIS CONCERT TO END - We are champions - again, my mum would love this concert - I'M EMO - Roger looks kinda sad, I wanna hug him - I think my brain has been forever scarred by that cursed WATC crack video - I can't unhear it XD - Freddie shaking hands with people...THIS IS TOO MUCH - I feel like my life hasn't been complete before I watched this - yes Rog, come forward! - the person who got Roger's sticks..jealous me - "thank you for being such a good sport" I CAN'T Freddie's too adorbs - In short: my expectations were very very high and yet they were grossly EXCEEDED, I'm nostalgic, emotional, happy at the same time - SO WHOLESOME OMG - Like, LIVE AID WHAT? - and they managed perfectly well without any synthesisers, because THEY ARE GREAT and SKILLED MUSICIANS, there was literally not a single weak spot in this performance??? - The bar is set very high for the Hungarian Rhapsody and Live at Wembley, hopefully I can watch these very soon! :D
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xxaesthetic-babyxx · 6 years
NCT U's reaction to their bf have a back tattoo
I know, i terrible and slow person pls love me
"Wait.. you.. your back... w-wooah.."
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"That-that's hot you know?"
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"Why you didn't tell me you have this on your sexy back?!"
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*shook* *out of breath* *probably dead*
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"Oh my god i want it too, can you gave me your skin?"
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"That's sexy maaaan."
"You're sleeping in the living room."
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"Can you.. can you uhm turn around.. you have nice ass- i wanted to say nice tattoo babe!"
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"Is it.. unicorn?"
"Babe, it's a dragon..."
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"You have.. you have... IS THAT FRUITS ON YOUR BACK?!"
"F-fruits? It's not fruit.."
"Aawwww baby, i'm just kidding it looks hot af on you, i like it."
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samsrandomshit · 7 years
lyrics - this ain’t a scene, it’s an arms race : fall out boy
i aaam an arms dealer fitti you witha weapons in the form of woOoo00ords eh don't redn caaaAAaare which sidah weeeiiins as long as the room keeps singin that's just the bidniss i'm iiiiieaAH tHIS AINT A SCEEENE AH ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT Ah SCEENE ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A GAH DAH AH RACE ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE i'm not a shulduuuh to crah on but i digresss i'm a leedeh maaaan and tah lihs ah weh are oh so intricaaaate oh so intricaaAAAaaahaate i'm a leedeh maaan and teh lihs ah weh are oh so intricaaate oh so intricaaaAaaaahyeaaaah i wrote tah gospel on given uUpp but the real bombshells have already suuuUnnk ant night weh paintin yoh trash goold while. you sleep. crashin nah liek hipsa cause NO mo like p p p parties thIS AINT A SCEEENE AH ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEEENE EITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEEEENNE ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE bandwaaag is furm puhleeease caatch anotherrr i'm a leadeh maaah and the liiihs ah weve are oh so intricaaate oh so intricaaaaaaahaaddyaaah i'm a leadeh maah and the liihs ah weeeh ah oh so intricaaaah oh so intriiiiciiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAAAAAYeAeEAaEAaeAHAhaaeeaaH wooooaaooooaaooaaaaaahooh wOOH all the boys who the dance floor didn't love and all the girls who's lips couldn't move fast enough sinG until your luNgs give oout thIS AINT A SCEEENE AH ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEEENE AH EITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEENE AH ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEEENE AH ITS A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEENE AH IT'S A GAH DAH AHS RACE THIS AINT A SCEENE AH IT'S A GAH DAH AHS RACE I'M A LEEDEEH MAAAH AN THAH LAHS WE WEAH AH OH SO INTRICAAAH OH SO INTRICAAAAHAAAaaaaaaAEAEeeaEAAH I'M A LEEDEH MAAAAH AN THE LAHS WE WEAH AH OH SO INTRICAAAAAAH OH SO INTRICAAAAAeeaaaaaaaeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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lairofsentinel · 7 years
ay man, I’ve stopped existing in this world and I’ve been doing so in Dark Souls 3.
Goddamn shit game. The fucking combination of depression, loneliness, sense of doom, The Abyss!, lack of sense with worlds and time, plots or plot-holes (you never know), and this annoying thing that I always disliked of Dark Souls that nobody exists or lives their lives until your heroe walks in. I mean, sure, it’s the sense of the game, still It annoys me. The Game starts with the fire of your bonfire; marvelously well done, your desire to play is what gives life - this fucked up sense of “life” that Dark Souls Game has- to this world. The places are astounding. Really, I can't stop dying just observing the landscapes, literally, because I always have a fucker on my back fucking stabbing me to death. (being a pyromancer is not a good option, but hell... I like to play a crazy char who wants to set on fire everything).
But really, I love and hate that feeling of loneliness it gives. You are the heroe of your own history, that doesn't matter. Nobody cares. It's out of place, out of time. And maaaan, MAAAN the last boss of the ringed city. MAN. The guy who takes blood of dark souls to paint worlds. Sometimes I think this game doesn't make sense at all. Everything is so fantastic, so magical, and so ancient, that you don't know for sure what the hell happened at the Beginning. Why everything is this way. Why human get hollow? Now.... the allegory?. Oh, shit. I truly love the allegory of humanity in all this game. How humans sacrifice part of their humanity, almost all, to remain a bit human. It's super weird, ironic, sickening. Through the link by the fire, humans have to offer their humanity, but still yet, you are human, because you still have desires (that's what you do every fucking moment you enter into the game, you want to go on, somehow). As long as you have desires, your hollow-ness wont get too hard, you wont forget about yourself.
And the whole process of staying linked by the fire and hollowness is a vicious but vital cycle. It's sick, but I loved it. Haha. Damn shit the allegory power in this game.
Now, consistency and coherence in the inside world plot?. Never. I stopped trying to make a big picture of ages, time, and worlds. Every place is like a world alone, shuttered from the big one, from the world itself, and from time too.
what an interesting game. is this the true end of the game?
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cenntaur-remaking · 6 years
to that one bad beatles song “the tax man”
cuz hes the piss maaaan oohohhh hes the piss maaan
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passportfolio · 7 years
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... ®RE: // and maaan oh maaaan are people listeniing as money speaks of nothing but lies and deceits. #FyoNairasandyodollars™ (at Wall Street Historic District)
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