#maaaan i literally let my fluff/hurt heart have it
dynyamight · 3 years
Hello! Could you do this one :
192 - You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.
Thanks ☺☺
192. You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.
“My, you’ve grown so tall and handsome, Katsuki! I can barely recognize you!”
Bakugou shrugs stiffly, hands deeply shoved in his pockets. “..Evenin’, Auntie.”
“Hurry, hurry!” Inko quickly beckons him inside the apartment, with frantic hand motions. “The cold air will get you sick the longer you stand out there.”
After a few tentative steps inside, and offering a mumbled pardon of intrusion, Bakugou makes a look around the small home.
God, everything looked eerily the damn same.
The miniature sofa, the kotatsu, the TV airing the local news, the rickety old dining table, in the same faded wood color just like before. The kitchen, probably looks the same, too.
Nothing new.
And, oddly enough, Bakugou was glad. Familiarity was very much needed, right now.
“Let me take your coat, dear.” Inko shushes quietly, right beside him. When Bakugou twists his head down, he looks to see her offering a soft smile.
Something in his chest clenches. “Nah, s’fine.” He coughs, struggling to meet her gaze. “..We’ll be leaving soon, anyway.”
“You know, that’s what you always told me, back when you two were kids.” Inko voices gently, “Waiting at the front door. Ready to head out, as soon as Izuku stepped out.”
“It warms my heart to see you two together.” She says, gazing at him, with that same comforting expression she used to give him long ago.
The inside of his palms are damp, sweating nervously. All he can offer is a quick nod of acknowledgment, without losing his cool in front of her.
Sure, they weren’t close before, but Inko only remembers him as that child. The one that was her son’s best friend. The one that knocked at her front door, jumping in his sneakers excitedly. The little boy who guided her son out of her home, and brought him back, safe and sound.
And, the same guy who was once the source of all of her beloved son’s distress, turmoil, and torment.
He hopes Midoriya has told her redeeming things about him, now that she knows that part. Because, there’s no way in hell he can sell himself any better.
A door to the right of the hallway opens in that instant.
With his back turned away from them, Midoriya steps out in an obnoxious All Might pajama set, barefooted.
He’s holding up two sweaters, dangling from each hand. “Mom!” He calls out towards the dining room, “Which one looks better? Yellow or red?”
“I can’t tell, Izuku.” Inko states easily, “Turn around.”
Doing a double take, Midoriya pivots in his stance, almost tripping over the long pants. “Oh, when did you get behind-?”
Midoriya’s face drops, before the shirts hit the floor.
Bakugou snorts, while Inko intently gazes at the fallen clothing. “I would think the burgundy one would look wonderful, sweetie.” She advises, regardless.
Quickly, Midoriya gathers and shoves his sweaters in his arms, and hurries back into his room, slamming the door shut. The click of a lock echoes, alongside a bunch of stressed, inaudible words.
“..You sure you don’t want me to take your coat?” Inko asks him. This time, there’s a knowing, small teasing expression on her face. “Izuku might take a while longer.”
Bakugou doesn’t wait for long, seated under the warming kotatsu. His drums his fingers on his thighs, here and there. And, the heat does get a little stuffy, while wearing black jeans and a turtleneck.
But, otherwise, it’s not intolerable. Inko had offered him plenty, during his wait; a hot mug of ginger and cinnamon tea, a small plate of cookie biscuits, and her silent, yet welcoming company. She even insisted on covering his shoulders with a large blanket, engulfing him completely.
“Anything for you.” Inko reassures him, despite having not voiced anything. “You have done so much to keep Izuku happy. It’s the least I can do.”
The overbearing politeness runs in the family, like a disease.
He feels he should thank her, or better yet, try to have a conversation with her. But, each time he builds up the internal guts to say something, the words get caught in his throat.
He wants to make sure he says the right thing to Midoriya’s mother. Unfortunately, he desperately wants her approval.
So, when Midoriya finally walks around the corner, in a nice pair of jeans and that same burgundy sweater from before, Bakugou’s relieved to say the least.
He feels saved.
“Now, the night is only getting colder, by the minute.” Inko hurriedly tells them, as the three of them walk to the front door, “This winter season has been terribly freezing! My heart can’t handle either of you catching the flu, let alone both of you! So, try to make it home not only safe, but healthy. Oh, and if you are unable to catch the last train, please let me know! I will gladly-”
“It’s okay.” Midoriya reassures her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll be okay.”
“I know, I know. Just please-”
“Call you when we’re on our way home.” Midoriya answers easily. “Yeah, I will.”
“..You promise?”
“I promise, Mom.”
They share a sweet, long embrace, which Bakugou can’t help, but look away.
Something about their close bond, and unashamed love for each other feels intrusive for him to be a part of.
Something that he doesn’t deserve to be a part of. At least, not yet.
Instead, he solely focuses on readjusting his winter coat over his shoulders.
On their languid walk towards the metro station, a few blocks away from the apartment complex, Midoriya slips his hand in his.
“You told me 20:00, Kacchan.” He whines, however.
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “It was.” He corrects in a huff, “Until you fucking said I could drop by an hour early.”
“Wha—? When did I say that?”
“During our damn lunch break, yesterday.” Bakugou incredulously stares at him. “The hell? You were the one who came up to me and literally said it yourself. How your conference for today with the academy got cancelled. ”
For a moment too long, Midoriya stays silent, visibly mulling over the words in his head. Each quiet second makes Bakugou more internally baffled, downright shocked.
If it weren’t for Midoriya’s warm hand loosely holding onto him, he’d crackle a couple explosions, in spite.
“Oh. I did.” Midoriya breathes out laughing, bringing his other hand to his face. “I completely forgot.”
“Shitty Deku.” Bakugou grunts. “Starting the night off wrong, already?”
“Hey! Don’t go making me feel bad, Kacchan!” With pleading eyes, Midoriya looks up at him. “I didn’t mean to forget. School’s been hectic recently, and you know that.”
Those huge, bright green eyes. His kryptonite.
Bakugou clicks his tongue. “..Whatever. S’not like the wait was awful.”
“Oh god, I hope my mom wasn’t too much with you.” Midoriya messes with Bakugou’s fingers in between his, tightening and letting go of them.
“Not at all.” Bakugou lies.
Smiling, Midoriya lets out a big sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. If you two didn’t get along tonight, I might have had an aneurysm.”
“If you had to choose—” Bakugou starts.
Midoriya narrows his eyes. “Stop it.”
Bakugou scoffs, slipping out an air of mirth into it. “Obviously your mom.”
“Obviously, it would be too hard of a decision to make.” Midoriya corrects. “Hopefully that time never, ever, ever comes.”
Despite trying not to smile, Bakugou feels the traces of a smirk on the corners of his lips. “If that day ever happens, always pick Auntie.” He states easily, “Her heartbreak would be so fucking intense. Put all natural disasters to damn shame.”
With a small, slipped out laugh, Midoriya bumps their shoulders together, softened by their winter coats. “You are weirdly making sense, Kacchan.”
“Of course I’m making fucking sense. She cries over the thought of someone taking you away. Villain, or not.”
“Every mother is like that!”
“Hell, I’m damn surprised Auntie didn’t flip her shit from seeing me.” Bakugou honestly confesses finally, more to himself than to Midoriya. “Dating her one and only son, and she didn’t even freak out about it.”
And, just like that, Bakugou knows something is wrong, from the moment Midoriya stays quiet.
They continue to walk, despite the sudden tense mood between them. But, that doesn’t mean Bakugou doesn’t want to demand Midoriya to speak up, the longer he keeps his mouth shut.
But also, he doesn’t want to ruin their night, and so, he waits begrudgingly.
Right as the two are on the outskirts of the metro tunnel, Midoriya twiddles Bakugou’s fingers nervously.
“..I haven’t told her about us yet,” He admits, face morphed in guilt. “But, I mean, she could very easily guess our intentions tonight. So, maybe— I don’t know —she might know.”
Bakugou hums, allowing himself a few seconds to process that. He then breathes a long air through his nose. “..I figured.” He simply says.
“It’s not like I want to hide us.” Midoriya voices aloud, furrowing his brows. “It’s just with graduation coming up, and the academy still looking for an agency to accept me as anything, and then my father suddenly wanting to come back into our lives, she’s just been a little stressed with everything going on, including myself. And, I don’t want to potentially ruin us and-”
With a tight grip, Bakugou halts them to a sudden stop.
When Midoriya worriedly gazes at him, he offers him back a nod. “Yeah, I get it.” Bakugou firmly states.
“Kacchan, I-”
“You’re fine. Don’t worry about it.”
And, he really means it.
While people bypass them, heading through the automatic doors of the metro station, they both remain standing, staring back at each other.
The first to break is Midoriya, releasing a big, tired sigh. “You’re right.” He frowns, looking away. “I’m totally ruining this date night. I’m sorry.”
Pulling his hand out of the hold, Bakugou instead brings his arms over Midoriya’s shoulders. He hugs them close. “No, you’re not.”
“I am.” Midoriya responds backs, muffled.
“We’ve been on more shit dates, Deku.” Bakugou tells him in his ear. “And, this ain’t one. It barely even began.”
“A whole year, and I—I haven’t even told her.” Midoriya shakingly admits. “I’m such a coward.”
Bakugou huffs. “You’re not. The talk ain’t easy. Hell, telling my hag and old man about us was like pulling teeth out of my damn mouth.”
“..At least you told them.”
“Listen, you went through a lot of shit, two years ago.” Bakugou reminds Midoriya, bluntly. “The running away. The dropping out. The undercover work. The public hate. Getting together after all fucking that, probably wasn’t even the best move.”
“I still remember it all.” Midoriya mumbles.
Bakugou tightens his hug. “And, since then, life’s been a total bitch to you. I fucking wish you didn’t get half the crap you have to deal with, because it runs you into a damn mess.”
“But, I—”
“So, just focus on the important shit, right now.” Bakugou breathes out, pressing his head against Midoriya’s. “Us? We can wait. No, I can wait. I’ll be right beside you, until then, and even after that.”
Lifting his arms up and around Bakugou’s back, Midoriya holds onto him, just as tight as him. “..You promise?”
Bakugou exhales a short sigh. “I promise, Izuku. We’ll be okay.”
Letting go, Midoriya gently pushes away from Bakugou’s grip, causing them to finally part, for who knows how long.
Before the secondhand embarrassment of people witnessing them sinks into his pride, Bakugou’s redirected to the watery eyes of Midoriya, as he quickly blinks them dry.
“God, when did you get so—?” Midoriya wildly moves his hands around, gesturing over at Bakugou.
On the other hand, Bakugou scrunches his nose. “The hell does that mean?”
“So supportive?” Immediately, Midoriya shakes his head. “No, you’ve been supportive, that’s not the right word. So kind? Uh, that doesn’t sound right..”
“You mean romantic.” Bakugou puts it bluntly.
A rush of red floods Midoriya’s face, matching his sweater and shoes. “Don’t say it so loud, Kacchan!”
“I wouldn’t have to, if you weren’t asking dumb ass questions!” Bakugou yells back, crossing his arms definitively. “We’re together, Deku! Of course I’m gonna tell you fucking sappy shit.”
“Shh! You are making us be a public scene!”
“Too late! We were a public scene the fucking moment we stopped in front of the damn metro like stupid lovers at the altar!”
It starts slow, with nothing, but Midoriya blinking up at him.
But then, a slipped sputter starts and a bubbling laughter erupts from Midoriya. He grabs onto Bakugou’s arm, helping him from not bending over in giggles.
“W-We really did!” Midoriya barely says, wheezing, “Lovers at an altar. A-And, you literally gave me vows!”
It takes Bakugou forcibly grabbing his idiotic, cackling boyfriend to finally move aside, and walk through the station’s entrance. He refuses to focus too much on the fire heating his face.
He’s never making outlandish, romantic gestures in public, ever again.
They missed their train, obvious from the lengthy moment they had outside. But, neither of them were upset about the ordeal. Instead, they gradly bought tickets for the next train to Tokyo, with only a thirty minute wait.
As Bakugou starts to shift comfortably in his bench seat, right beside him, Midoriya rests his head on top of his shoulder. “Thankfully, we still won’t miss the movie premiere.”
“Because your weird ass is making us leave hours before midnight.”
“For situations like these!”
Bakugou scoffs a short laugh. “I guess it’s reasonable.”
Grabbing his hand into a loose grip, Midoriya twiddles with Bakugou’s fingers once more. “Thank you. For tonight.” Midoriya whispers.
“You needed time to chill the fuck out. With the shit you’ve been facing, let tonight be the night you forget about it.” Bakugou grumbles, “Besides, I haven’t been able to steal you away, for my damn self.” He tacks on.
Midoriya smiles back at him, head comfortably slumped on his shoulder. “You make me feel alive, again. And, for the first time ever, since the start of this year,” He sighs, longingly up at Bakugou, “I feel like I can breathe.”
Bakugou brings him closer, chin tucked in his curls. “Good. I need you to breathe, at least once and a fucking while.”
Midoriya snorts. “Just at least once?”
“And, a fucking while.” Bakugou reiterates, “I’m not a monster.”
“No, you’re not.” Midoriya chuckles, bringing his legs over Bakugou’s lap. “You’re my monstrous boyfriend.”
“That’s fucking right.”
For a while, they stay just like that; close, intimate, and stuck together, without a care of the outside world. Maybe it’s from the intense conversation from earlier, but Bakugou doesn’t feel deterred to back away. Instead, he feels comfortable in holding Midoriya, and not letting go.
“You know,” Midoriya starts, “My mom wouldn’t freak out.”
Bakugou raises a brow. “..Hm?”
“About us. She wouldn’t freak or flip out like that.”
“C’mon, Deku.” Bakugou scoffs, shaking his head. “You don’t gotta lie to me, now.”
“I’m serious.” Midoriya reaffirms strongly, emphasizing his words with a tightened grasp around his hand. “She wouldn’t.”
“I’m not the type of guy you bring to your damn family. Seeing me as anyone’s partner is like fucking failing at life.”
Midoriya brings a tentative hand, cupping the side of Bakugou’s face. His fingertips are rough, yet linger there softly. “Just promise her you’ll make me happy and keep me safe.” Midoriya states easily, smiling brightly. “And, she’ll welcome you with open arms, all over again.”
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