steffyanie · 2 months
hey capitalism and worldwide monopoly is fun HUHHH?????
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
I can't express to you how much I adore Weaver Márquez. The ghost in the static. A mystery not a puzzle. A person gone but still taking up space. A thing still leaving marks after it's gone.
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forever-the-elite · 11 months
I feel as though every time I try to have something nice I get faded out
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steaksex · 1 year
Yiu guys are so lucky im too lazy to learn enough anatomy to draw raunchy pictures of my ocs. Im making a new one and half of his existence is for me to give him a voyeurism kink and the other half of his reason for existing is him having a big gushy sloppy wet pussy with a cute twitchy tdick and for him to get so overstimulated he cries over the dumbest things. Actually now that im saying this you guys should be begging mw to improve so i can draw this
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boytumms · 7 months
A boy somehow encounters an Eldritch Old God. Afterwards, he can't remember much of the encounter, his mind having blocked the memories too great and too terrible for it to even fully grasp, in an attempt to prevent him from from going fully insane. All he remembers is fleeting sensations, of somwthing gliding softly across his skin, all over his body, almost a caress but still paralyzing him with utter cold dread. A sense of being filled - with joy, with terror, with something physical...
When he is found by other humans and brought to civilization, half-coherent, marks of both physical and mental suffering plain to see on him, his belly is already swollen. He becomes a medical marvel - he should not be pregnant, should not be capable of being pregnant, and yet somehow he is, and though whatever is growing within him is plainly not human, his body doesn't seem to be reacting to it like to a parasite but to a fetus.
No one's sure how far along he is, either - he has no memory of how long it had been, and it's very hard to tell when the thing within him seems to follow no logical rules of a developing fetus. Sometimes it seems much larger almost to the limits of the boy's body, sometimes much smaller to the point it hardly seems to be there at all, without rhyme or reason. Sometimes it's very lively, squirming around, pushing at the edges of the womb. Sometimes it's completely still. Its weight seems completely independent of the size - sometimes even when it's massive, it seems it weighs hardly more than a feather, and sometimes even when it's small, it weighs so much that it takes several people's strength to lift the boy up from his bed. Impossible to follow how it's growing, impossible to predict how much longer the pregnancy might last.
The boy can do nothing but bear the constant prodding of the doctors and scientists, and hope for a swift end to the pregnancy (though that seems unlikely), and hope that whenever the time comes, he'll make it through the birth alive and without losing his sanity.
ooo interesting, I wonder if there might be a possibility of him just being perpetually pregnant... With the baby growing and shrinking constantly, maybe it has the ability to warp time in order to fast forward or rewind it's development. It changes so much so quickly it never ends up being born. Sometimes it's like he's not even pregnant, and the next moment it suddenly grows to the size of a fully grown man, painfully stretching the poor boy's belly in an instant.
There's nothing he can do but try to bear through the pain, always afraid of when the creature will grow, hoping his body will be able to hold together when it does. He can only hope he'll eventually give birth, but no one knows what labor would actually look like for him, so all he can do is pray he'll make it out alive
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dumbneedyftmgirly · 4 months
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so i bought this shirt like 2 maybe yeaes ago when i was really really pretending hard to be a boy cuz i thought i could choose like what i was? and like when i was prettending really hard i was still like not very convincing at beinf a boy but anyways that was a really silly thought cuz like...ive got a cunt! ✨and that means im a girl!🌸 and thats not somwthing i can change cuz its just a fact! ✨ and that means im a dumb cunt! and it makes me happy cuz like i used to be all sad and brokwn and like cunfused and all mixed up and i made a lot of really stupid choices like getting rid of my tits and ummmm well thats thw biggest one but now im happy and wet and dumb like all the time!🍭🩵🌸 im just a stupid toy owned by a real man who makes choices for mw so i can be thw perfectest porn for him ans its my favorite things🥰✨and! he says im getting really fixed and he wants to show me off! 🥺especially since he started having me wear girly panties and since he had mw make my legs all smooth to match my cunt and my brain 🥰🩵🍭
oh right! anyways! its just a really silly shirt cuz ive always been a dumb cunt and anything else is me pretending ✨🌸🩵🍭
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magicalanimedonkeyboy · 3 months
Wall of text. Saw Thor Love and Thubder and didn't like any of it so much I wrote a bunch if words about it.
Thor Love and Thunder.
Oof, guess That was a movie. What the hell was with that? One of the most fascist pieces of garbage I've ever seen. It's pretty bad.
Like, it feels like it should have been an anti idolising thing. Afterall, in it the gods are selfish vain beings. Thing is it seems to be that idolising Thor is fine. Children see him as their hero and he kind of just is. No costs to that.
He does give them powers for a time but that's just weird. They're child soldiers at that point. I would think the way the narrative was one of them would have died cause Thor's silly actions.
I just think they should have died cause it seemed so irresponsible. Several children I a group with the powers of Thor with no martial training. It's like kids with AKs. Would have thought there would be an accident.
Another form of idolising is they meet Zeus at one point and Thor says he was his hero. Zeus is played by the guy who played Robert Barathean. King in season one of game of thrones. He didn't get in shape for the movie and I think k that's fine personally. Some body positivity. But that's not what we got.
Zeus wears fake golden abs. He wears a white skirt looking Thing he holds up in a dainty way when he goes down some stairs. Feels like they're making jokes at his expense. like “Look how effeminate he is.”
so we got this joke of a Zeus. Effeminate and soft looking. Thor's idol. Oh no! Oh, and he admits to being afraid of dying. To me this kind of all makes sense. Guess it just shows the differences in our morals. Whatever, guess its fine.
Zeus still shows himself to be very powerful because his words physically affect Thor. Tells him to be restrained and he is. So make no mistake he is Powerful. Then we have him strip Thor and people are just so floored by how Thor looks that several people pass out. Guess it's supposed to be because he's so muscled? He also has tattoos and stuff but they don't look like what I'd consider good.
Must be the muscles cause right after he shows his power by fighting Zeus’ guards after Zeus wants to keep him a prisoner. Thor and company defeat the guards and injure Zeus. Showing that Thor is better I guess. He must already be the best in fact cause he doesn't change from the beginning.
Idolising thing is bad I guess except for Thor because he's perfect. Also nothing is done about the gods not caring. Treating their worshippers as replaceable. And let's get into the worshippers of the gods.
The first worshipper is a man we see in a big desert with his daughter. They seem very weak probably dehydrated and starving. Pray to their God and stuff. We see he cares for his daughter a whole lot. Prays and shit. Lays there holding his daughters grave when she dies out there. A grave, meaning he buried her while starving and dehydrating.
Then he finds an oasis with his God just chilling, having a party. Not giving a shit. Says it's their place as mortals to worship. Gorr gets mad and an evil sword that's there teleportd to him which he uses to kill his own God.
From there he just decides to kill all gods. Sure, that's fine I guess. Christian Bale as Gorr is very under utilized I thought though cause he's mostly just dark and creepy the whole time. No dance to him or anything.
In fact he's so lacking in nuance he literally kidnaps all the children of New Asgard. Not to free them from the gods or anything like that. No, he uses children as a lure for Thor.
This man has by this point already killed tons of gods but for some reason he needs to lure Thor rather than just kill him. Probably juat so he wouod kidnap children to show how evil he is. The man who lost hia child to the carelessness of gods kodnaps a bunch of kids.
I figured he was up to somwthing more, no. They were just lures. At one point near the end a big statue appears to fall on the kids and i thought maybe he used his shadow amgic to teleport them out. No, Thor just comes in at the nick of time and saves them like he always does. Cause hes a perfect hero i guess.
Turns out he wanted the hammer because it's too conveniently a magic key to an altar at the center of the universe despite the hammer only being a few years old.
If Gorr had saved those kids that would at least show he cares somewhat for someone but no, he's just such a flat and evil villain. His kid died so he's willing to endanger a bunch of kids and let them die. Might be like a “Oh, he's so corrupted and changed by all his evil actions that he would even let kids die.” But there was no fall. He seemed to kill one God and then just became totally cool with anyone dying.
God, another thing I just realised. There’s this stuff about giving up on a romantic relationship and instead being happy being a dad but that really seemed to come out of left field. I think the writer was going through relationship trouble when they wrote this. It’s a bit shit. The romantic interest dies and he just raises a kid… a divorce isn’t a death. It’s a silly movie.
Thor also has a serious case of wandering eye. Sees his hammer with his ex, Jane And spends most of the movie trying to get it to come back to him. No good reason why other than he's envious.
Maybe they were trying for a B plot but it just seemed like an excuse to make silly jokes about relationships I think. Seems a little weird cause I don't see it relating to the A plot much at all. Not like his ax decides to leave him cause he's so envious.
His ax is mostly a plot device and portrayed like a dog. Maybe that's how the writer sees loyalty. I don't know but it mostly seems like someone Thor is trying to cheat on but poorly covers his tracks. Maybe it's supposed to be a jealous wife.
Some issues Here. It was mighty in the other movies, so what happened? Well I guess the novelty wore off. The hammer meanwhile has new abilities like a meteor shower like attack.
I feel bad for his new kid at the end though. How long until the novelty of having a kid wears off? Thor is clearly very easily bored.
A bit I don't think I touched on is Gorr's God not giving an afterlife to his followers but the movie implying Asgardians do get one. Feels weird. Is there some kind of energy cost that he was just too cheap to provide? With the afterlife probably existing for some people it feels like some wind is taken out of the plot's sails.
One doesn't even need to say that it's an energy thing. Maybe he's just a vain God who couldn't be bothered to set something like that up cause he's lazy. But then why would Odin? The man only seemed to care about conquest. There's a lovely thought. The colonisers get their heaven but no one else. Guess Odin was old. Maybe he did it after his great conquests when bored or fearing death.
Thor never really had to deal with anything like Gorr did from what I saw. Hardly reflect or related to each other in any way. Gorr is only a problem I guess for Thor just because Thor is a god.
The existence of no afterlife for a god could be something. But that's our marvel movies for you. Villains with a thing to be truly upset about that needs to be changed and heroes who fight against them just because they're affected personally. The heroes even get to live in whole other realities.
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aphnatasha · 9 months
LISTEN I've been wanting to make them as bjds for a year at least the urge is so strong it's grabbing my neck
Although in my case I want to do the designs I have of them and also I am determined to figure out how to design fat bjds cause I refuse to make my girl Mary thin 😤
I actually have no experience whatsoever with bjd making but I've been watching some videos and I might save to get a bunch of supplies 👀✨
Like part of the reason I'm so excited about it it's because it requires different skills – character design, hairstyling, painting, even sewing!!!! And idk it just brings me joy to be able to create something "out of thin air", so to speak
Okay rant's over wjfhejfhe I wish you happy holidays!!! ✨✨✨
BRO IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO BJD'S FOR AGES its only recently that i kinda want to make the sandersons sbndndndnd. i still wanna do the plushies first cuz im not super great with making things by hand and i dont have the materials to make bjd's of 'em yet. i do have some old dolls, but i get the feeling that if i try to work on them, theyre gonna get really badly messed up
initially i wanted to make the redesigns i have for some of my fave monster high characters so they look more monstery, mostly headmistress bloodgood cuz i am determined to make her look more like a dullahan cuz i have so many thoughts about that in particular and im a lil saddened they never really took that route, but its understandable cuz a) that'd probs take a lot of time to animate and b) dullhahan are actually really terrifying and i dont think they wanted to make her so scary that she'd frighten kids (i feel like if they did go that route, lil kid me wouldve fallen even harder for her than i already did and that is saying something sbdbdn)
i feel like you could probably use some kind of sculpting or modeling clay to add on to the dolls to make them fat, but idk what types of clay would work for that dbbdbd. like, ive seen so many people use clay to sculpt out horns or thicken and/or lengthen a doll's arms or legs, so i dont see why you couldnt do somwthing similar for mary
i swear its something about creating a 3 dimensional thing that feels so exciting and so intrinsicly human, if that makes sense? like, being able to make dolls and figurines and charms and stuff out of clay and puting it together onto something sturdy to make sure it doesnt fall to pieces, something people have done since forever and changed it over time with new materials to work with and new processes to use it just. idk if im maoing a lick of sense, i just woke up shdjdnnf
i dont really have much experience in the sculpting area, but i think thats what makes working with new mediums so much fun. just being able to mess around and learn firsthand what works and doesnt work and learning from that, using your old creations and inspiration for something new. thats part of the reason why i keep a lot of my sketches, even if theyre really old. i always wind up inspired by it, and i wind up recreating the thing with how i do art now, or i try to put it into a new medium i learned as a sort of testament to how much that thing meant to me
aahh, i rambled on too shdjjd. i really wanna make dolls of them now. maybe i should see if my community college has any sculpting classes, that way even if we dont quite learn to make human/human adjacent things, it might give me just the help i need to be able to do it
(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ happy holidays!! ☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。*⁠.⁠✧
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Please help me. My dash is filled with nothing but recommended posts about the Reddit migration, and almost t nothing from the people I actually follow.
ouf thats rough. maybe try disabling the "based on your likes" thing? idk play around in the settings maybe. or block the reddit migration tags. i dont know how this site works, i'm still rather new here and all i do is post dumb art and be unfunny. so i wish i could help you, but maybe the things i suggested would work? i remember i had a problem where i would only see my posts/reblogs but i changed somwthing in settings and it helped. i dont remember what it was though
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hoghtastic · 8 months
I think what is the most upsetting is not that Alex is with someone like Jo, who most definitely is a narcissistic and very manipulative, but that we have all been fans of Alex and he cultivated such a "good boy next door" image as a advocate for Red Cross and children, mental health and prides himself on his art as a photographer that is really deflating to see that it really was just an act, he is just as narcissistic as she is. He willing played a part in Mikel being possibly cheated on and emotionally hurt with no conscience about it. Why else did lie about when their relationship start when is obvious he was sleeping with her back in Sept/Nov 22. Come on do you really think they where just friend going to Paris and each other apartments. What ever. Her history of bullying? To me her behavior just solidify that history, in fact I think she bullys Alex and is manipulative his feeling towards her to get what she wants. That much is obvious too by his drained appearance and change in social life. example: His IG posts patterns have completely change in last year..As a artist himself he didn't care one bit that she lied about "creating" her own art and taking credit for someone else's work. Who does that?
I think what we are seeing is the real Alex, desperate for a relationship and weak, stubborn to a fault and down right an idiot. I do think she will use him until he is completely drained and eventually she will dump him for someone better and she will leave him broken and his reputation in shambles but he will deserve it. I honestly think she gets off on how much power she has over him, it's not love, it the feeling of control. She makes a fool of him and he allows it. She is smart and master manipulator and she knows just how to work him to get what she wants. A true narcissistic amd somewhat psychotic. It sad to see but I think maybe we all misjudge who we thought he was and that is why this is so much like watching monkeys throw shit at each other at the zoo, it was fun to watch for awhile but then it just stupid and when we all tired of their immature shit show of a relationship and it's not the attention show she wants. she will move on or doing somwthing reqlly dramatic to pump.it up! I am already tired of them both, they are really so annoying and childish at this point. They is not a life long loving relationship at all and it never will be but I do think Alex will hold on to it bc he already lost so much of himslef in it, it will be Jo that gets tired of it and moves on for sure!! She doesn't really love him, she loves what he can give her and that's horrible to do to ppl but she has done it before! I am really shocked his friend and family haven't said something but maybe they have which why you don't see them together as much as we use to. It all about Jo and he needs. Um, yah that's a healthy relationship. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon. 😊
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steffyanie · 2 months
hey capitalism and worldwide monopoly is fun HUHHH?????
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notwaitinginthecorner · 5 months
I'm getting rly tired of feeling miserable every single day. It's such a beautiful spring day and I don't even get to enjoy it bc I work. Not saying tht I'd go out if I was home but I could. I could go for a walk or somwthing. Relax. Drink some tea. Write some stories. Idk I'm just feeling so worn out. Maybe ill take the whole summer session off and try to come back in the fall idk....I dont know anything except I'm tired and sad and I need to make changes in my life for the better but I can't find the time or energy to do it at the moment
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forever-the-elite · 11 months
I feel as though every time I try to have something nice I get faded out
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doebt · 3 years
I REALLY am glad for this opportunity glad to make money glad to be away from home w animals etc but it is seriously like reinforcing to me that I am a cat person through and through😭
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
im...... SO sorry guys,,,, ,, im questioning the designs of my inclusive lesbian flags again HGKDHKRHSF This is what happens when youre extremely particular about designing things but also. very indecisive fjfkcjd
i also have wips for designs for some mspec gay flags but,,, i like them but i dont feel completely happy with them yet... so im gonna mess around with more colors for a while until i maybe find some combination that feels better !!
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ghostskyee · 5 years
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sonas i did for inktober!! i’ve been keeping up everyday on insta so far and it’s so close to be done!!! excitinggg
im way more active on my insta if you wanna follow me there!!!!
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