#m. worldlydiversity
delusionaid · 9 months
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@worldly-diversity sent: "Why hello there cutie, were you looking for something specific to read?" || Lisa to Freminet
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Freminet is good at staying out of sight when he has to but when he's not actively trying to disappear into the shadows he gets noticed more often than he'd like to be. Perhaps here it makes sense; Mondstadt is a small city and he's a stranger, thus more likely to draw looks - especially with his attire that's very different from what he's seen the kids here wear. Fleeing from curious gazes is not the main reason that led him to the library but it's an added bonus.
He's been walking between the neatly sorted book shelves of the library, looking all the way up to read the titles on the top and recognizing none of them. Some older looking books are locked behind glass doors, carrying golden titles on their backs that are written in languages he can't decipher, which makes him curious - but not enough to overcome his hesitation to ask. He was hoping to find the section he's looking for without any help but before he gets the chance to do so, the librarian's kind voice disrupts the silence he's just begun to feel quite comfortable with.
It startles the words right out of him as he turns to her and his head drops, blond hair falling over his reddening cheeks. All he sees now are her shoes and while he musters the courage to respond he keeps his eyes on the delicate purple gemstones dangling from them. "I was.." he starts but trails off. She doesn't know him nor will she see him again after today, so would it be so bad if he just asked..? Mondstadt, the city of freedom, a land of ruins and dragons, a wolf spirit and the winds themselves carrying stories.. they must have wonderful fairytales here. As embarrassing it may be to ask for them now, Freminet knows he will regret passing on the opportunity if he doesn't.
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"I was looking for fairytales.." he admits, quietly. Half through his sentence he forces himself to look up, remembering the lessons he was taught about the politeness of maintaining eye contact in a conversation. However, his eyes only meet hers for a moment before they're drawn further up to the beautiful hat on her head. She looks like a witch, the kind that brews tea that makes you dream of other worlds and says spells that turn bad little boys into deer. It doesn't make him frightened, but rather incites a strange excitement that he doesn't know how to place. "I won't take any of them..I'd just like to look at them." He only has an hour or so before he'll meet up with his siblings which isn't enough time to read a whole book, but maybe if he remembers a few titles he can ask Father for one of them when he's back home.
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windgesang · 1 year
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@worldly-diversity​ sent:  "I just... It helps. That's all." He muttered avoidantly, wishing he could simply focus on the soft, absent tune the bard was playing rather than the inevitable direction that line of questioning would take them. || Xiao
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Venti’s fingers dance across the lyre’s strings, playing a calm and gently melody that is carried away by the wind, across the plain and far into the distance. It is a melody of hope and peace, one that fills the heart and mind with words of courage and promises even though none are sung to accompany it. It might be a melody older than him or one he only thought of a moment ago - either way he plays it with ease and grace, each note plucked without hesitation.
He doesn’t stop when Xiao speaks but plays a little softer, allowing for his voice to be heard. The yaksha’s words make him smile, an expression that lights up his entire face all the way up to his eyes. “Does it?” He knows it does, he hoped it would, but he wouldn’t be Venti if he didn’t act at least a little surprised at the scope of his own abilities. 
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“Hmmm..” Xiao does not seem keen on telling him more about the way his music makes him feel but Venti admittedly is curious about it. He knows what ails the adeptus, knows what is eating away at him every moment of every day, no matter how much light he surrounds himself with. “Then I will keep playing and hope that it will reach you - wherever you are,” Venti concludes. For a moment he falls silent, the only sound between them the soft notes coming from his lyre.
“--You can speak of your burdens to me, Alatus. Who knows, maybe it will also help?”
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primowishes · 1 year
"You've grown into a strong woman, I'm proud of you." || Jebrael to Jeht
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Her father's words resonated deep within her chest, with coals that glowed hot, stoked beneath the highest praise she ever could hear. A softened smile played across Jeht's lips--light, buoyant, a bird flitting from one branch to the next.
Though she could see the weight of the past upon her father's strong shoulders, there was no one in this world that she trusted more than Jebrael. His words were few because each hung heavy with importance. Jeht knew that, because of all that he kept from her, what he did say to her was more valuable than all the Mora in the world.
Her hand curled against the coarse bandages around her abdomen. The wound would leave a scar, among the others, but thus far no man would have opportunity to leave mark on her twice.
At times, it may seem that Jeht's thoughts belonged to the clouds. Yet, in the midst of a job, not even the scratch of a scorpion's tail in the sand, nor the tiniest flutter of vulture's feathers would slip by her unawares.
"You can rely on me, father," she said, her face glowing beneath the acknowledgement of her growth.
Between the two of them, not even the riskiest jobs could overcome them. And Jeht was determined; she would work hard, meet his skill with her own. She would never be a weakness to endanger him, so that her father may never worry about covering for her at his own expense, and rather trust that they both would make it through safely.
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yunhuntress · 2 years
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@worldly-diversity​ asked:  "So were you going to tell us what this is all about, or did you plan on keeping us in suspense?" || Lightning
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“I was planning on not saying a word and handling it myself like always.” she uttered honestly only to glance toward Lightning.  She had intended to handle the trouble alone without backup as she could withstand if things went badly. Her body could mend no matter the amount of damage done to her with the brand still intact upon her skin. Why should she risk getting the others hurt in such ordeals? It wasn’t worth it in her mind. 
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ducitestella · 3 years
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● – || @worldly-diversity​ sent :  "You didn't think you could run away from me forever did you, brother?" || Vanitas to Ven~
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● – || Ven would consider his visit with his brother the [ [ e p i t o m e ] ] of unexpected .  He thought he had seen the last of him for a while , so coming to turn the corner to see him [ [ s t a n d i n g ] ] there , well . . . 
Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly something he was overjoyed by . 
“ I wasn’t running , I was playing hide and seek . You’re just . . . Really bad at it. ”
Ven replied , keeping his ocean eyes locked on the dark - haired - reflection of himself . He REFUSED to back down from this interaction . He dared not move either , or let his voice show anything other than the usual strength and light that it often carried . He knew all too well that that was what Vanitas was [ [ a f t e r ] ] -- FEAR.  Despite how they were tied together , he had the {dis}pleasure of using that to his advantage . 
“ Don’t you have somewhere else to be ? ” 
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spacymuses · 5 years
‘ favorite book? ’ || Marianne (Strange Magic)
Interview the Muse || Accepting
“Well, if I ever managed to sign an author, their book would naturally become my favorite! There’s actually a graphic novelist I’ve had my eye on, but--well, that’s a work in progress.” 
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“As to what I actually read... well, I’ve read and enjoyed all the standards in business. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The Four-Hour Work Week, the Art of War by Sun Tzu, the Portable Machiavelli... you know, the classics! It’d be hard to pick a favorite.” 
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delusionaid · 1 year
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@worldly-diversity​ sent: "I don't think we've had the opportunity to meet before. I'm Haniyyah, one of the new organisers of the Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamer's Tournament." She held out a hand for him to shake.
Quite frankly, going to talk to the leader of the Forest Rangers was a little intimidating despite her own origins as an Eremite. She'd heard a lot of contrasting rumours about him, so figuring out how he'd react to them and their project was difficult. If possible, she'd certainly like to get his opinion, if not outright enlist his help.
"We're still working on finetuning a lot of the process and details to make the tournament properly safe for all involved, but the Fungi that were originally tamed by the Wisdom Orbs have continued to show stable behaviour."
Balfour really was more suited to the whole introductory thing than she was, and she'd happily let him take the lead during their recent mechanical strategy event to keep the tournament alive, but according to him she would make a much better impression than a merchant from Fontaine.
"Quite frankly, we decided to approach you for your opinion because you're one of the few people best acquainted with the flora and fauna of the forest. We want to make sure we're taking care of the Fungi properly in the interim, even if they seem happy at present.”
Now all they could do was hope he'd agree to at least visit their little setup and have a look at how they'd organised themselves. || Haniyyah
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Tighnari’s response comes a little delayed, his hand reaching to shake hers -  because that is what politeness requests - but his ears slightly fold back against his head. He’s heard of the tournament and since his initial reaction of skepticism and irritation his feelings haven’t changed much. The idea of any kind of wildlife being caught and forced to fight does not sit right with him and the fact that they chose these fungi for their games when the issue of their unusual behavior has not been fully resolved causes him additional headache.
“Nice to meet you, Haniyyah. I’m Tighnari-- which, it seems, you know.” After all, the way she’s approached him implies that she is aware of whom she is talking to. 
He decides to listen first, folding his arms before his chest but keeping his gaze an open and friendly one. He doesn’t want to judge her unfairly without knowing any details, despite his instinctual hesitation. With just a few words she comes across quite reasonable and responsible and he’s the last to punish someone who is willing to learn and respect the necessary rules to avoid harm and danger. 
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“I see,” he says, mentally checking the list of things he still wanted to get done today. He’s not under any illusion that they would cancel the tournament even if he offered his unfiltered opinion on it, so finding out more about it and having a look for himself might be the best course of action at present. And seeing as the tournament is set to start soon, this matter takes priority over most other things on Tighnari’s list.
“I appreciate that you value my opinion. In this case, I would be happy to help in any way I can. I admit, when I heard of your tournament it did raise some concerns - would you mind showing me how you are keeping the fungi? And what exactly it is that you are planning to do with them?”
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windgesang · 1 year
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@worldly-diversity​ sent: "Thank you for agreeing to participate in this years Windblume, Venti. I— We all very much appreciate it." In her opinion his performance had added something to the atmosphere that somehow seemed to have been missing in the years prior to the bard's return to Mondstadt, even if she couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was. || Jean
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“Ehe~ my pleasure!” The bard says cheerfully, tucking his lyre away for now. The crowd seems ready and willing to listen to more of his ballads but he’s been playing for a while and as much as it pleases him to bring joy to their hearts by sharing his music he doesn’t actually want to be the center of the festival for all that long. There is so much more to enjoy - stories of past Windblume festivals, myths of its origins (arguably his favorite part), the ceremony of choosing this year’s flower and, of course, all the delicious mouth-watering festival food.
Food-- and drink, that is. “A few bottles of Master Diluc’s dandelion wine are payment enough for me!” Venti adds, smiling at Jean with the sweetest smile he can muster. “Surely you won’t let me go thirsty after my performance? There is enough to go around for everyone, right?”
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delusionaid · 2 years
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@worldly-diversity​ sent:  "You spend a lot of time chasing after me for someone who's made his choice." She regarded him coldly, perhaps precisely because of the fond memories that threatened to break through her frosty exterior. Yet despite being Khaenri'ahn, having lost everything and even becoming cursed, Dainsleif had chosen to turn against her. She cannot understand it and indeed rather refuses to. He's made his choice. Much as she wishes things were differently, he has made himself her enemy, and there can be no exceptions when it comes to how she treats her enemies. || Abyss!Lumine
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Her words are as cold as they were once warm, the absence of the smile on her face - the smile he’s been missing for so long that the longing for it has become a part of him - like the absence of the sun during an eclipse. Unnatural and frightening. But it makes sense; only a being who could love so strongly could hate so violently.
His memories might be eroded by time but her he will not forget no matter how many more centuries he walks this world. Every moment spent at her side is a treasured memory, kept safely in his mind for all eternity if need be. And he wonders-- behind that layer of ice that coats her voice and her gaze, what memories of hers might be hidden that she treasures still? What feelings that can withstand a life in the darkness?
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“There was no choice to be made. The Abyss is no ally of mine, nor will it ever be,” Dainsleif says calmly. Why did you choose the Void?, he wants to ask, but there is no point in uttering those words. Though her new path may be drawn by destruction and death he knows that her heart is not taken by the darkness. She witnessed the calamity and the cruelty of Celestia, felt the pain of a world going up in flames and heard the cries of its people until they faded into the land of the forgotten. Her deeds may speak of evil but they are born of grief and disillusionment.
“It’s not you I am chasing,” Dainsleif closes, wondering if it hurts as much to hear these words as it does to say them. But he cannot be so selfish; not even now.
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primowishes · 1 year
"I'd be happy to help if I can." || Aether to Sucrose
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"Really?" Sucrose's ears twitched, perking up at the offer. Where she'd first stressed about the experiment that seemed too great an undertaking for only herself, and quite expensive for her own pockets, Aether's offer wiped away nearly all of her worries in one fell swoop.
"Thank you so much, any assistance you're willing to offer me will be a tremendous help!"
Sucrose shed her typically-reserved exterior, livening up under the topic of her interests like a flower unfurling its petals at the touch of sunlight. She preferred not to impose, but she knew Aether, and he'd offered first, with a well-documented list of skills that went far beyond what Sucrose could handle on her own.
"Getting materials from Inazuma has always been difficult, and it's still fairly expensive--you've been there, correct? If you happen to have found... well, I'm interested in the properties of Naku Weed, if you don't mind finding me some of that. And I've been interested in seeing if I might find some of Stormterror's scales--oh you don't have to get those for me on your own; if you just go with me to the ruins, I can look for them on my own. If I can just study their properties, I think I may be able to create a tracker that can make finding them so much easier..."
Sucrose trailed off, to think of what else she might immediately need. Then, with a small gasp, she suddenly grabbed Aether's arm, eyes wide behind her spectacles and ears stiff at attention.
"I've heard there's a dragon in Sumeru, too! If I find anything out from the scales, might you be able to tell me some differences between them? I really do wonder what causes the birth of a dragon; they're so very rare. If I could create one myself... oh, wouldn't that be wonderful?"
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primowishes · 1 year
"Oh come now, are you certain you won't let me design you anything, Bonanus? You know that what I made for Bosacius was a joke... I wouldn't do that to you." || Menogias to Bonanus~ (he promises!)
"Quite certain."
Bonanus refused to be the target of this particular prank, whatever he had in mind. Two things were certainly true about him--he created a great many lovely garments of his own design, and he wasn't above a joke at another's expense. Something in his tone told her not to trust him.
She could easily imagine something that tangled up in her horns to the laughter of the others, or that which caught on her claws or her arms.
"That's not true. You'd absolutely do that to me, I don't believe you," she said, raising a clawed finger to point accusingly up at him, the other hand a loosely-curled fist planted upon her hip. "I mean it, you better not design anything weird for me, or else."
And they would find out together whatever 'or else' entailed, if it came down to it.
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primowishes · 1 year
"An interesting approach, certainly. I don't know much on the subject myself, but please don't let that discourage you." Come to think of it… "The Traveller told me of a rather interesting scholar in Sumeru who may be very well suited to aiding you in this project. Perhaps you might correspond with her? Her name is Layla, if I recall correctly." || Albedo out here helping Sucrose be more social x3 plus she and layla would get on i feel x3
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"Oh, I see."
Sucrose's shoulders deflated. Although their specializations differed, she loved to pick Albedo's brain whenever she needed help figuring the direction to take her research. It was inevitable, however, that in some things, for all his genius, he couldn't provide input greater than what she had already considered herself. Disappointing, but a reminder that Sucrose should better temper her expectations. Albedo was incredibly knowledgeable and talented, but certainly not omniscient.
"A scholar in--? Oh no. No, no, I couldn't bear to bother them with something like this." Her ears twitched in alarm; the thought of attempting to contact a complete stranger had her stomach in knots. Even if they must be truly incredible to be both an acquaintance of the Traveler and a recommendation from Albedo, she didn't know how she could even begin to make that first step in correspondence.
Socializing in person was difficult enough. While writing her thoughts down came far easier, she knew how poorly tone could get across in writing, but if she attempted to overcompensate for that, Sucrose would likely just annoy them.
"I mean, they're probably incredibly busy with way more important things that helping out with some personal project of mine," she said, a fist pressed to her chest, willing her swift-beating heart to calm. She hadn't even started yet, and already the concept had her so anxious. "I..."
Despite her objections, however, the guilt of so quickly rejecting Albedo's kind suggestion crept in beneath that anxiety. She slipped a hand into her pocket, fiddling with a bone that she'd kept on her, just to soothe herself with the distraction.
"Well... if she has both your and the Traveler's recommendation, Mr. Albedo..." Her cheeks were flush with heat; her mind was racing through a million and one ways that she would most certainly offend Ms. Layla, before even attempting. "I-I suppose it couldn't hurt to send a letter. At most... yes, the worst that can happen is she'll ignore me, right?"
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primowishes · 1 year
He had watched her picking up seashells with some of the local children by the beach, a faint smile tugging on his lips as they laughed and splashed water at each other. It was a gentle scene, so unlike what he had been mired in that it felt at the same time calming and deeply foreign.
Still, after a while the sun begins lowering on the horizon and the children take their hauls home, no doubt going to chatter excitedly about their day at the beach and the things they had brought back. Yet even with only Bonanus remaining silhouetted in the fading light, he hesitated to approach…
Even so, he had migrated from his spot atop the cliff to the shade of a lonesome tree surviving on that edge where fertile soil became sand, and hanging on against all odds. What are you doing? The question burned in his throat but remained silent, not daring to speak and break what felt like such a precious and fragile moment.
If only such things could be bottled, to be cherished and looked upon in fondness again later, a physical representation… || Xiao || You have to make him a seashell necklace now Bonanus, it's law xD Guili Assembly Xiao is so soft and conflicted dhfjksl
As the children returned home, Bonanus watched over their paths 'till her sight reached them no longer. She remained in the water despite the cooling evening, her stance wide and strong against the gentle push of waves that rolled past her calves, occasionally just high enough for the tips of her claws, one arm handing loosely at her side, to cut through the surface.
Her cheeks faintly ached from the afternoons smiles and laughter. A contented exhaustion filled her chest; these little ones would grow up in their happy childhoods, a peace that she defended with the very claws that dug shells from the sand with them, and splashed water to their shrieks of joy. These children, who had so little fear of even the weapons of Bonanus' arms, she wished to protect.
Bonanus noted when Xiao came closer. He lingered at the closest tree, just shy of the sandline, coming no closer despite how the children had already long gone. Had he been watching over their play the entire time? She smiled fondly in his direction, though the backlighting and the descending darkness may obscure her expression from him.
She dragged her feet along the sandy floor, and knelt when the waves no longer touched the sand. There she'd kept her own small pile of shells. The small, delicate things fascinated her, a protection so easily crushed by her fist, but once home to an ocean creature. And they were beautiful.
One of the children had left behind a craft kit--he had shown the other kids and her how he'd gently drilled a hole into it, and threaded the string through. Most of the kids hadn't the patience for it; too much pressure, and the shell shattered, depleting their hauls. Bonanus, too, found difficulty in it. Her hands were formed to maim and tear apart her enemies, not for such delicate work.
Still, she made one last attempt, sifting through her pile for the best clamshell. She bit her lip, concentrated on the barest pressure of her index finger at the end of it, twisting as she gradually wore away the shell, until she'd bored the hole to the other side. It was bigger than the nail had done when the child made his necklace, but she accepted it as an inevitable feature of her own work. She chose the thin cording, a pretty blue-green that suited her brother--both in-arms and in bonds--the best.
Concealing it between clasped hands, Bonanus met him where he was at, rather than beckoning him to her.
"Close your eyes, I've got something for you," she said, no greeting or ceremony to it. She barely even waited for him to obey or not, too impatient as she parted her hands. Her thumbs hooked through the cording on each side, she carefully placed it around his neck.
"Ta-da!" A singsong tone as her hands retreated, fingers splayed in the air to frame her proud smile. She only wished it could better compare in quality the shell headpiece that connected her horns, but Bonanus had not the ability to make such a thing. "Not bad, right? Now we match!"
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primowishes · 1 year
"You youngsters sure are ambitious~" She hummed with a quirked brow and her hands on her hips. "Good! That kind of energy is something you're sure to need. All the more so if you are to accompany me on this trip. The commissioner is offering a fair bit of mora for this little ruin diving adventure. So long as we don't get trapped for another hundred years I think we'll both walk away with a generous sum." And that being said, though the risk was always present, she's rather eager to go looking for more places to uncover and explore. "What say you, my dear junior? Are you ready?" || Faruzan to Kaveh! || This turned out a lot longer than i planned xD ig I'll have to add her now gksbfjs
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"Well I certainly hope that doesn't happen here," he said, accompanied by a nervous laugh. "I can't imagine how much harder it'll be to sort everything out after being gone for a full century."
At least he wouldn't have anyone that he owed a debt to any longer--the absence would have a bright side from that alone, even if he would highly prefer to return after just the few weeks that they'd planned on. With Kaveh's luck, Dori would've likely passed the collection of his debt onto her children or to a close friend's children, or something, and them onto theirs in turn.
Kaveh shivered; his blood froze at the thought. The interest that would have accrued in such a time would be astronomical. His life in the present wouldn't be a fraction as bad as it would be in that case, and he wouldn't have any friends other than Faruzan as support (who would be in a similar state to him, anyway, though not her first time with the experience).
More likely though, the experience would be more physically dangerous to their persons rather than temporally, and fortunately, Kaveh had his own experience in such matters. Both scholars were highly capable on that front, besides.
"But it's not my first time checking out some ruins either, so you can count on me for support. I imagine between the two of us, this commission will be both highly enlightening and a great chance to make some good mora."
And, of course, Kaveh quite enjoyed these excursions himself.
"All set, Madam Faruzan, I'm ready to get going!"
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primowishes · 1 year
"Someone remind me why I have to deal with this again…?" || Tighnari to whoever wants to overhear him lamenting Cyno being a fckin menace to society xD
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"Ah, I see you didn't understand the joke. That's fine, I can explain it for you."
Of course, though he genuinely did have trouble gauging others in their taste of jokes, sometimes he liked to play the ignorant for the sake of teasing his friend. Tighnari rarely laughed at one of Cyno's jokes, but he found the exaggerated way he lamented their friendship every time amusing.
There would be no saving him from this--what hapless bystander would dare to interfere when the General Mahamatra wore such a serious expression. He cleared his throat, before launching into his explanation.
"You see, when you dislike a type of food, many would consider that food 'gross'. In the word 'grocery', the beginning sound of that word sounds a lot like the word 'gross'. 'Grocery'? 'Gross-ery'? That is why I placed extra emphasis on the sound, to hint to the listener that it's actually meant to be a bit of wordplay." He hardly even paused for breath, and yet still wasn't finished speaking. "The story beforehand is meant to set up the pun, while also being just long enough that the listener lets their guard down, forgetting that it was meant to be a joke in the first place. That gives it more impact than just saying 'gross-ery' out of nowhere, and makes more sense in that context."
A glance over at Tighnari, judging how much torment his friend has suffered thus far. Cyno could go on like this all day, if tested.
"Do you understand now? I thought it was quite a hilarious bit of wordplay," he said, completely straight-faced. "But if there's any part you still don't get, I will be happy to explain it in great detail."
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primowishes · 1 year
"I mean it, if there's ever anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to call on me." || Tighnari to Kaveh
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A well-meaning statement though it was, Kaveh's stomach curdled at the offer. He touched his fingertips to his temple, an action meant to distract from the dreadful feeling. Exhaling did nothing to blow away the conflicted anxiety building up in his lungs; it was like water had somehow filled them, but it was entirely psychological, not something that could ever be expelled.
"No... no, it's fine," he said. Ah, well, Tighnari had long since found out about his situation, but Kaveh was still loathe to dwell on it when they met. "I mean, I won't hesitate on it in the future, thanks for the offer, but I don't need it."
It was a lie, though he didn't intend it to be one. As much as he resolved to change, Kaveh always shrunk back into old habits, and being incapable of asking for help was among the worst of them. He should deal with his lot on his own until he absolutely could not any longer. Relying on his juniors was rather pathetic of him; it was bad enough that he depended on Alhaitham for a place to stay.
What would people say, knowing their "Light of Kshahrewar" had been, for quite some time, a homeless drunk?
"Seriously, though, I do appreciate the offer, even if I end up never taking you up on it."
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