#m. alrik
prcspero · 10 days
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@alessiathepath ; @alrikhart ; @vuldak-juneau ; @zagreusx ; @zelihatheflight ; @froyofthe-ironwood
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"Heaven Sent" featuring Alrik Angel
Some angels are benevolent celestial beings that act as an intermediary between heaven and earth. Others are sexy beings with incredibly sculpted bodies, enhanced with fetish wear that benevolently dish out the perfect sensual domination experience. The latter (and quite possibly the former too?) is the case with Alrik Angel. He mysteriously shows up precisely when I am feeling helpless and vulnerable, restrained in a straitjacket with my legs bound. Alrik Angel caresses me with his impeccable flogging skills, soothes my pussy with his fingers, rescues my asshole with his tongue, and nourishes my face with his angel ejaculate. All the while, he looks insanely hot. Alrik Angel is a testament to going your own way, doing your own thing. Don’t let anyone tell you that a dom/me must look or act any certain way - do whatever you want.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Long Live The King
Pairing: King Jotun Loki x female asgardian reader
Warnings: betrayal, escapes, political drama, secret agendas, crying, angst, Alrik being the best, ostara- she's a whole warning in herself lol, magic spells
Summary: Alrik enacts his plan as truth comes to light.....
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout. A very special thank you to @mochie85 and @vbecker10 for helping me with ideas and letting me brainstorm with you!!! Your amazing and I love you!!! 💚💚
Part Seven--Part Eight-
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Alrik stood frozen, staring at the entrance debating if he should run. "Alrik, come." He heard. Closing his eyes he slowly turned seeing Loki standing in the middle of the hall, he had changed from his royal garments to his deep green robe, his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed "where are you going?" Loki asked stepping forward, making Alrik furrow his eyebrows in return "to my new post my king." He said watching the confusion spread across Loki's face "what new post...what..." loki trailed off looking down "you had me reassigned my king, to the outlands...do you not remember?" Alrik asked slowly walking towards him. "I..." loki said, closing his eyes he shook his head "right...yes of course." Loki said looking back up, his eyes meeting Alrik's his expressing vacant. "Are you feeling well my king? I could take you to the healer." Alrik offered when Loki stepped back "no, I am fine." He snapped making Alrik step back as well.
"I just...my mind has been cloudy as of late...that is all." Loki said rubbing his temples as Alrik nodded. "Well, I best be going. And congratulations on your betrothal my king." Alrik said bowing "m...my...oh yes...thank you Alrik." Loki said running a hand through his hair "have a nice evening my king." Alrik said quickly turning around gripping the strap across his chest tightly "Alrik..." loki called out making him turn back "yes my king?" Alrik asked, his heart racing "i...nevermind...that will be all." Loki said quickly turning making his way back down the hall towards his chambers. Alrik watched until Loki was out of site when he felt you bump his back "do not worry, all is well y/n." He whispered turning back to the entrance he took a deep breath and and walked out into the night.
Alrik knew where he needed to go, he had to get you off this realm and fast, it was a two day walk to get there, but first he had to make sure you were ok. He walked a bit further until he reached the entrance to a cave, he peeked inside making sure no animals had taken up refuge before he walked in genlty setting the bag down. "We will stop here for awhile." He said, untying the bag he pulled it open seeing you were shivering but not as bad "w..where are we?" You asked looking around "an abandoned cave, where we are going will take some time to get to and you need warmth." He said grabbing the flints he stood up "stay here, I will return shortly." He said walking to the opening "wait...your not..." you started, pulling the furs from you "I am going to search for kindling, stay under the furs." He said looking back at you "I promise I will return." He said with a smile. You nodded, sinking back down into the pile as he walked out leaving you alone.
You weren't sure how Iong he was gone, trying to think of everything but the situation you now found yourself in when you heard rustling by the mouth of the cave. You tried to make yourself as small as possible, shrinking down into the bag when you saw Alrik walk in, his arms full of what looked like dead tree branches. "I will need to cover the entrance so no one see the light." He said looking over to you "but let me start the fire first so you don't freeze." He said setting the bundle against the wall he took a few large pieces setting them down in front of you he hit the flints together, sparks landing on the branches igniting them. A sigh past your lips feeling the heat of the fire against your frozen skin "move closer, and I will put these at the entrance." He said picking up the furs. You nodded, holding your arms out you scooted as close as you could get without burning yourself as you watched him meticulously hang the furs around the opening, securing them into the small cracks in the rock.
"That will also keep the heat in, but..." he trailed off picking up a small fur wrapping it around your shoulders. "W...won't you get too h...hot?" You asked seeing him smile "I can step outside if I need to." He smiled leaning back against the wall. "Where are we going?" You asked looking back at him "there is a place, Two days time from here." He said leaning forward "a portal if you will, a realm between the realms, loki showed it to me many years ago...that is where we are going." Alrik said looking to the entrance. "I need to get you off this realm, and I cannot send you back to Asgard so we are sending you to Alfheim." He said looking back at you. "But, what about you?" You asked shifting around. "You'll be accused of treason...executed." you said watching him. "It is what I believe is right." He said sternly as he leaned forward "and what better thing to die for then what we believe in." He said winking.
"B...but Alrik..." you started when he held his hand up "you need to eat...there is a stream near by I saw on the way here. I am going to see if any fish are in it, you stay here." He said standing up "I will return as soon as I can." He said walking to the entrance "add wood to the fire if you need to, and if you hear anything other then me climb into the bag and stay quiet." He said making you nod. He lifted the furs enough to get through before they settled back into place. You sighed staring into the fire maybe I can convince him to come with me you thought holding your hands over the fire. You felt tears well in your eyes, the events of the last few days finally settling over you as you closed your eyes. Fear, anxiety, loss, rage....everything swirled around inside you as you opened your eyes, a tear sliding down your cheek.
You had lost your home, your friends...you would never see the realm eternal again....be able to spar with Thor....you would have to start anew in a realm you had never even been to. And Loki...as much as you hated to admit it had grown on you. And when he kissed you...held you...you thought he felt the same. "Why was I so stupid..." you said gripping the fur around your tighter. "he just wanted information...even without the spell he would have discarded you anyway." You said to yourself as you laid down on your side, keeping your eyes on the fire you pulled your knees up to your chest letting your new reality sink in...you were alone...
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Two days later- Back in Utgard-
Loki slowly opened his eyes, a throbbing pain behind them making him wince when he felt an arm around his middle. "What the..." he trailed off, turning his head to see the princess pressed to his back, a smile spread across her face as she slept. He was about to wake her when a knock sounded at the door. "My king, we have a situation." He heard through wood making him furrow his eyebrows. He pulled the thick fur back, realizing he was naked "did i..." He said, looking back to her seeing her lack of clothing "no..." he whispered, standing up he grabbed his robe striding into his sitting room seeing you were gone "what is happening?" He asked aloud as another knock sounded at the door "what is it?" He asked sternly throwing the door open. "My king, the prisoner has escaped." The guard said as Loki stared at him "what prisoner? We have no..." he trialed off trying to remember anything about a prisoner.
"The asgardian my king, she is gone." The guard said as Loki's eyes shot to his "what do you mean she is gone!?" Loki yelled stepping towards him "a...after the feast she was taken back to her cell, we went in to retrieve her this morning for the execution and found a pillow in her place." The guard rushed out stepping back. "Execution! What are you talking about? Why would I have her..." he stopped, looking back to his bed chambers as realization hit him "bring the head guard to me at once!" Loki said slamming the door closed as he went back into his his room, seeing the princess still sound asleep on his bed, the green sheets wrapped around her body as she smiled. He snapped his fingers, a green light washed over him as his robe melted away, replaced by a dark green tunic and leather pants he sat in the large chair in the corner of the room...waiting.
Loki sat watching her, trying to remember the events of the last few days but nothing came to him until a memory made its way to the forefront...the kiss with you flooded his mind. The way your soft lips felt against his...the way your body molded to him as he held you against him when another memory flashed in his mind...you on the floor, the princess standing over you as she kicked you...a kiss and then... A few moments past when he heard a knock at his door bringing him back to the present "enter!" He yelled, startling the princess "loki...what..." She trailed off sitting up, pulling the sheet up to cover herself as the guard stepped in "my king, you summoned me?" He asked bowing "yes, I need you to take this...harlot to the dungeons." Loki said crossing his arms. "My king, you would imprison your fiancé?" The guard questioned as Ostara's eyes shot to his "what is the meaning of this!" She yelled standing up "you are under arrest for treason....princess." loki sneered as the guard looked between them "and she is not my fiancé, she is a spoiled, gold digging trollop who cast a spell on me to further her plans to steal the throne!" Loki yelled standing up.
They both watched her as she began to laugh "you know, your smarter then I thought." She laughed grabbing her dress she slid it over her head "I beg your pardon?" He asked stepping forward "well, you are a bunch of animals...I didn't think you had it in you to figure it out." She snarked lacing up her dress "guard, take her away...and just in case..." Loki sneered holding his hand out a green light shined, leaving behind a pair of metal cuffs "w...what are those?" She asked stepping back making Loki smile "oh...you don't know?" He asked smiling "these will neutralize your powers...witch." he sneered, lunging forward he latched them around her wrists.
looking down he saw the large emerald on her finger "oh, you won't be needing this anymore." He said pulling it hard off of her finger "l...loki please! I love you! I only wanted..." She stopped as Loki held his hand up "one more word and I'll have your tongue cut out" He growled stepping closer, pushing her against the wall "you will regret crossing me." He gritted, clenching his jaw seeing her eyes widen "get her out of my site." Loki said taking a step back as the guard grabbed her arm pulling her across the room "I need to speak with Alrik at once." Loki said following them into the sitting room "my king, you had him assigned to the outlands, he is not here." The guard said as Loki rubbed his temples "who was assigned to guard the asgardian then?" He asked looking up "Leinriek my king." The guard said. "Very well, send him at once." Loki said sitting down at his desk "yes my king." The guard said bowing as he dragged the princess out of the room kicking and screaming closing the door behind him.
Loki closed his eyes, fragments of memories swirled behind his eyelids when he saw Alrik, standing in front of the entrance, a large bag strapped to his back when Loki's eyes shot open "y/n..." he whispered, realizing you were out in the wilderness of Jotunhiem, but he took some solice in knowing you weren't alone "thank you Akrik." He said closing his eyes when another knock sounded at the door "enter." He said, turning to see Leinriek walk in "my king, you sent for me?" He asked bowing "yes, have a seat, we have much to discuss." Loki said crossing one leg over the other as Leinriek sat on the chaise across from him, the one you so recently made your own "tell me...when did Alrik take y/n?" He asked seeing Leinriek stiffen "you will not be punished, I only need to know the head start they have." Loki said linking his fingers together "i intend to retrieve them....to bring them home."
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@lady-rose-moon @your-taste-on-my-lips @noideakitten @loopsisloops @pics-and-fanfics @animnerd @arsonfrogger @usagishira @myworldgoesboomz @thomase1 @lokiandbuckysdoll @kats72 @littlespaceyelf @janineb86 @mochie85 @lokiprompts @eleniblue @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @crimson25 @johnmurphys-sass @marygoddessofmischief @goblingirlsarah @asgardianprincess1050 @ladyofthestayingpower @jaidenhawke @lastlovesong17 @nina25sblog @simplyholl @evelyn-rathmore @lokidokieokie @yelkmelk @cyntanism @javagirl328 @libbybeaz @loki-laufeyson-1054 @commanding-officer @lokixryss @lokisninerealms @chloesmessylife @high-functioning-lokipath @nate-ate-hate @pianomad @jennyggggrrr @ladymischief11 @vickie5446 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @irishhappiness @avoliax @writingsfromsaturn
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ziskandra · 2 years
Fic: Compromise
Fandom: Dragon Age
Relationships: Orsino/Meredith Stannard, Cullen Rutherford/Meredith Stannard, Orsino & Cullen Rutherford Summary: Sometimes you can't save the woman you love. Sometimes all you can do is stop her.
Words: 1950
Rating: M
Notes: Written for @venatohru for the DA Poly Exchange!
Orsino knows Meredith, and contrary to popular opinion, the opinion he himself has been known to propagate because it’s the only way he knows how to get the support he needs, she’s not the kind of templar motivated by base cruelty. Maker knows the Order has more than enough of them. Truly, if Orsino could get away with killing a templar with no repercussion, he would murder Alrik in a heartbeat. That would alleviate more of the Circle’s misery than deposing the Knight-Commander.
No, despite the common belief that Knight-Commander Meredith hates mages simply because it’s her divine duty to do so, Orsino knows, better than anyone, how much she fears them, and that the only thing in this world she fears more than mages themselves is her inability to protect them from themselves.
Even though she’s never directly told him about what happened to her sister, he's been able to follow the trail of clues she’s laid out for him over the years. 
Many people have told me that I am imagining things, Meredith had once said. That I am paranoid. That my concerns are misplaced. And all of those people are dead.
He’d heard, of course, what she’d left unspoken: and perhaps if I had not listened, I could have saved them.
He doesn’t know where these next few years might lead: he might be a mage, but he’s no fortune-teller. The future is always uncertain, malleable, changing. The only way to affect it is in the moment, in the now, so when Meredith comes to him, Orsino opens his arms.
Read the rest on AO3
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alrikhart · 1 month
@hiddenbrynn location: Brewed Awakening notes: m said this was meant to be a coffee place and I made it a mead place so love me despite my many flaws
Homesickness had plagued him since they'd landed in Lysara. Eterna, in so many ways, reminded him of Yggdrasildal. Shit still landed in the sewers wherever you went. Alrik's view of the nation as a whole was biased from the start - a boy obsessed with stories had heard countless tales of the violence of the Olympians and the cruelty of the Game that Lysarans played.
He'd been given a coin when he arrived here, now a man was dead, and Alrik had taken some measure of comfort in looking down at the noble's swollen throat, and the blood as it seeped from the corners of his eyes.
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"Rare to see Iskaran anything around here." Alrik pointed out as he looked at the bottles of mead that lined the walls, mouth practically salivating at the thought of drowning himself with them. "Except for the refugees," accent thick, he appraised the other and tried to ascertain what he could from their body language. Their candor, their tone - a fellow refugee? Maybe? He hadn't seen them on the road... so maybe from before?
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acmedeus · 4 months
Rehashed #2
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Hello hello hello, and welcome back to Rehashed, a.k.a Alrik’s media recap of the month. This is the second edition, as I have posted the first one last month.
May was quite the journey... I’d say it leans more towards character development (iykyk), but hey, I enjoyed some fun stuffs anyway. Without further ado, here are the medias I have enjoyed in May.
The Architecture of Love [2024]
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Okay, hear me out. I know some people will gasp at the fact that I even watch this movie—not because it’s horrible, but it’s in the genres of movies that I won’t be voluntarily watching—but I will still be including this in the list. My mom, who pulled me into watching the movie, highlighted that she was there for Putri Marino. Fine, that’s fair. About the movie: I don’t know if it’s because I rarely watch these kinds of movie, but I found it really cheesy and somewhat a bit shallow. I’m disappointed that they didn’t do a deeper dive on Raia’s character and backstory, and suddenly the focus shifted to River and it… didn’t come back to Raia’s POV? I was hoping there would be balanced views from both protagonists, but oh well I was wrong. I loved it only because it was set in New York. That is all.
Passengers [2017, Netflix]
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What’s with this month and emotionally upsetting movies that I watch? Two in a row, damn. ‘Passengers’ tells a story about this male passenger, apparently waking up from his supposedly long hibernation period with still 90 years into moving to a new planet, with like hundreds upon thousands of others seeking for a new start to life. Having lived one year by himself, he became a bit insane (bro who doesn’t, bffr) and he decided to force open the hibernation capsule of an elite-class passenger… basically forcing this poor woman to accompany him with 89 years left drifting in the space. I’ll just get to my thoughts: I like how they are from very different backgrounds, but somehow, they got to connect to each other, albeit there are fights in-between, of course. Also, one thing that I’m mad at this as BE graduate: why the fuck would you fly a big ass starship, to another fucking planet, with all of the fucking staffs HIBERNATING as well??? Why don’t they have assigned shifts to make sure the ship is flying just fine? Dumbass.
Too Sweet by Hozier [2024]
“But while in this world…” Yeah, you can continue. Go on.
I, of course, found this on TikTok. No brainer. The funny thing is that, this song reminds me of my last year of university because, “I think I’ll take my whiskey neat (not this one); my coffee black, and my bed at 3.” See that last line? r/actually_me. Even until now, lol.
Nobody Knows by KISS OF LIFE [2023]
I’m going to be honest. I was bored, and I decided to watch KISS OF LIFE’s Midas Touch M/V. The song? Amazing. The music video? Got me repeating again and again like I’ve never seen of K-Pop before. But then, I came across the dance practice video of a song that they previously came up with, titled ‘Nobody Knows’, and my God Julie Han you can step on me whenever you want. Jokes aside, but their songs are really good, and I’m very delighted with the fact that their live vocals sound just exactly like the studio version. 10/10.
“How to develop the habits you want – and get rid of the ones you don’t (w/ James Clear)” produced by How to Be a Better Human (TED and PRX) [April 8, 2024]
Lately, I have never been so distrustful of the internet’s guide to be productive, because one will tell me to hustle so hard that I can see nothing but money, and the other will tell me to just do it in my pace. I want the best of both worlds! So, as I was listening to this podcast episode, I’m just taking key points of what I could implement into my life, e.g. there’s no perfect way of doing and/or implementing habits, falling out of habit is fine and it doesn’t mean that you’re failing, you need to change your environment to get out of bad habits, etc. I could see myself applying it, and boy is it harder to say than to execute it. But hey, it puts my mind at ease knowing that I’m just a human, and mistakes are inevitable sometimes. At least, I’m learning every single day.
“The best camping gear, according to National Geographic staff” written by Iona Brannon, National Geographic
Am I a camping person? No. Am I a hiker? Also no. But one thing about me: I like being nosy about what people brings for different occasions (with their consent, of course). I was scrolling through WhatsApp channels in the morning (can you tell I’m pretty old?), and I found this article being posted by National Geographic. I was rearranging a situation in my mind where I need to go on a hike & I magically can’t say no, and scrolling the list like I need to pick which one is the best gear for me. They also listed the considerations you need to be taking in terms of the trip that you’re going for, the cost of the gears, the sustainability of them, etc. It’s a good read.
And that is all for Rehashed #2, a.k.a May edition! I know it is more lengthy than the first one; but I hope you enjoyed it, still. A presto, lettrice e lettore!
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edgeworth-s · 4 years
Both Lena and Tael because I'm weak :p 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20 and 21!! Have a great day Karo ♡ :3c
oooh, thanks for asking! :3 (im gonna go with Canon Lena, which may be a bit different from the RPG Lena jkshjkhfhsf)
5. Guilty pleasures Lena: true crime videos/articles, playing dating simulators Tael: he actually enjoys gossips, but he pretends he doesnt XDXD also singing/humming when he’s alone; MAKING LITTLE CLAY FIGURINES (this is canon now)
11. Bad or petty habits Lena: smoking, occasionally drinking, tried drugs a few times; doesnt have a problem with manipulating people Tael: switches between being extremely messy and very pedantic; ‘i-would-do-it-better’ remarks every now and then
12. Grudges and vendettas Lena: her family (first her sister, later her parents), people that used her Tael: ALRIK SFHDFDSDHK 
13. What gets them flustered Lena: talking about her soft sides Tael: calling him pet names
18. Things they’ll never admit Lena: feeling hurt, liking forementioned dating simulators XDXD  Tael:  😏 wouldnt you like to know, weather boy; also being wrong
20.What-ifs/Alternate Timelines Lena: being a citizen of Binowo and somehow getting a persona lmao; also an au in which her sister didn’t leave and helped her realise people arent shitty (and maybe made her realise sooner that she is indeed an ace lesbian) Tael: if he hadnt had his arm broken and leave, he would probably keep living as a mediocre painter, even more bitter than he is now, probably getting killed soon for being a smartass when dealing with wrong people 
21.Turning points in their life Lena: meeting M., reuniting with her sister Tael: getting his arm broken LMAO 
thanks for asking me these, it was so much fun OwO have a great day as well!!
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ao3feed-cullistair · 5 years
by Tatteredleaf
As Templar trainees, Cullen gave Alistair something he needed like breathing. Nothing else--no one else--would ever compare. But fate had other plans for them both, forcing them to take different paths, until the day the Maker himself brought them together again in the most unlikely of times, in the most unlikely of places.
Fate, however, simply wasn't done with them yet.
Words: 3120, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alistair (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Cailan Theirin, Anora Mac Tir, Cassandra Pentaghast, Rylen (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi, Original Grey Warden Character(s) (Dragon Age), Mabari (Dragon Age), Meredith Stannard, Otto Alrik
Relationships: Alistair/Cullen Rutherford
Additional Tags: Cullistair, Prince Alistair (Dragon Age), Alternate Universe - Historical, Thedas' Version of the 1850's, Automobiles, Gas lighting (not that kind the sputtery kind), Telegraphs, Trains, Order of the Fiery Promise, Red Lyrium, Lyrium Addiction, Lyrium Withdrawal, Seekers of Truth, Alrik is a sadist, Meredith is crazy, Alistair is a brat, lots of cussing, wanking, Fucking, Angst with a Happy Ending
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ao3feed-handers · 5 years
"Then come with me, this is your fight too!"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DSlRE5
by CaiusG
Words: 3266, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Ralph Hawke – The Rise of a Blood Mage
Fandoms: Dragon Age II, Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Male Hawke (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Ella (Dragon Age), Otto Alrik, Custom Male Hawke - Character
Relationships: Anders/Male Hawke
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DSlRE5
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therron-shan · 6 years
therron-shan’s Ao3 masterlist
This is - exactly what the title says: a masterlist of all my fics on Archive of Our Own!  Mostly for my own benefit, and to get word of mouth out because who doesn’t love hits and kudos?  Under a read more for length!
Star Wars: the Old Republic
Series: Among the Stars
Part One: Hope
Rating: TPairing: NoneWords: 874Chapters: 1/1
Jedi Master Orgus Din and his companion Sergeant Harron Tavus stumble upon two lone survivors from the wreckage of the Jedi Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant.
While not canon for me anymore I keep this fic around because I’m very proud of it, and I really enjoyed writing Orgus.
Part Two: Seven Devils
Rating: MPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords: 6475Chapters: 3/?
Scourge takes it upon himself to train Aurelia in the dark side so she can defeat the Emperor.  She lives on Dromund Kaas with him for months, pretending to be his apprentice.  And they slowly fall in love, going from enemies to friends to lovers in the face of danger and the Emperor’s might.
On hiatus indefinitely though I do plan on returning to it.
Part Three: Sun and Snow, Spice and Smoke
Rating: MPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords:  1174 Chapters: 1/1
Sometime after the battle of Ilum, Aurelia waits not so patiently for Scourge to return from his journey to be cured of the Emperor's ritual.
Part Four: Anything in the Galaxy
Rating: TPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords:  1588Chapters: 1/1
Aurelia and Scourge trek to the Shrine of Healing for a cure. Set sometime after the class story and Makeb.
Again, while not canon for me, I keep this fic around because I really love it.
Part Five: Gala
Rating: EPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords:  2948Chapters: 1/1
Aurelia and Scourge attend a celebratory gala and - have some fun.
I really have to revise this one lmao.
Part Six: Reflections
Rating: TPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords:  1245Chapters: 1/1
Set sometime after the destruction of Ziost. Aurelia awakes to a cold bed, and finds Scourge brooding on the balcony.
Part Seven: Home
Rating: TPairing: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord ScourgeWords:  747Chapters: 3/30
Thirty days of domesticity, starring Aurelia and Scourge. All prompts taken from a Tumblr challenge.
Incomplete and most likely will not be completed, unfortunately.
Rating: MPairing: NoneWords:  950Chapters: 1/1
Valirah Carver has given everything but her very life in service to the Empire, as a loyal citizen, soldier, and Intelligence Operative. And the moment she kills a rogue Dark Councilor - the Sith decide she can't be trusted. They give Keeper an ultimatum: brainwash his best cipher or kill her. Keeper chooses the former, effectively betraying one of the most dangerous individuals in the galaxy. 
Rating: MPairing: NoneWords: 744Chapters: 1/1
Scourge is one of few Sith of his time to have visions. He is also the only documented seer at the Academy. And apparently, both are grounds to be brought before the Emperor. He is seventeen and fearless, and enters the throne room buried beneath the Citadel with a streak of confidence. The Emperor summoned him, an acolyte, personally. How many people could say that? He stops several meters from the throne, and bows low. He feels as if he belongs here, before the Emperor, as if he exists only to serve his will. As any good Sith would feel.
Dragon Age
Rating: TPairing: Anders/Male HawkeWords: 1,221Chapters: 1/1
Set in the three year period between acts II and III. Anders has grown even more reclusive and paranoid since he nearly killed Ella in the fight with Ser Alrik, spending hours and hours either cooped up in his clinic or hunched over the desk in Hawke's study, researching Maker knows what. And Hawke is worried for his love.
Sink Into You
Rating: MPairing: Anders/Male HawkeWords: 1,474Chapters: 1/1
Set in Act III, after the completion of the quest "Best Served Cold". Hawke and Anders return to the estate, and Hawke's in a mood. Between the rising tensions in Kirkwall, the stress of his sister being kidnapped, and a lack of sleep, Hawke wants nothing to do with anything. Anders takes it upon himself to take care of his lover.
and that’s all, folks!
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prcspero · 4 months
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It felt…karmic that he’d lose them and there would be nothing he could do to save them.
@lotharx & @alrikhart & @alessiathepath
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 2 years
Don't Cry Mercy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LkgrRy9
by LadyVader
“Do your worst,” Loki spat, hoping that Thor would remember him this way — defiant to the last.
Alrik’s smile twisted, his face going suddenly slack, “Oh, I’m not going to… He is.”
He lifted a hand, and Loki spun, already extending his leg, ready to plant a foot directly in Thor’s face. But, even as he moved, Loki heard a strange, rattling exhale from behind him, and a wave of viscous, cloying magic poured past him, dark wisps like spoiled ink surging through the air to sink directly into his brother.
Thor caught Loki’s foot mere inches from his cheek and smiled, wide and bright, his remaining eye the gleaming black of polished obsidian.
“Well now,” said Thor, rising to his feet, his cuffs falling in shards to splash into the water at his feet, all the familiar warmth from his voice and smile missing as he stared, unblinking, at where Loki wobbled and shook on one leg, “this is… unexpected. Wouldn’t you say, brother?”
[In which an old enemy uses the one tool he knows will hurt Loki the most, with decidedly less fatal consequences than intended.]
Words: 13871, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki/Thor
Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Asphyxiation, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Mind Control, Slapping, spitting, Canon Divergence - Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, mild violence, Fuck Or Die, Degradation, Verbal Humiliation, Dom/sub Undertones, Electrocution, Consent Issues, Dark Thor (Marvel), Non-Consensual Bondage, Dark Magic, Angst and Smut, Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LkgrRy9
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ao3feed-fenders · 6 years
Disappearance of the Dalish Statue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NoHazI
by ContreParry
Anders takes residence in Kirkwall to uncover the perpetrators of the attack that left his lover Tranquil many years ago. However, snooping around Kirkwall means snooping into other people's business. When a Dalish diplomat is accused of stealing a priceless artifact from the Kirkwall Museum of Art and History, Anders can't help stepping in and teaming up with taciturn Detective Fenris to put matters to right.
Words: 7491, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Messere Anders's Murder Mysteries
Fandoms: Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age II
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Anders (Dragon Age), Isabela (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Carver Hawke, Otto Alrik, Merrill (Dragon Age)
Relationships: Anders/Fenris
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Alternate Universe- 1920s Thedas, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mystery, Museum Heist - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NoHazI
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briidunviing-a · 7 years
FFXIV stats
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D I S C I P L E S  O F  W A R
Gladiator || Paladin: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Marauder || Warrior: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Dark Knight: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Pugilist || Monk: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Lancer || Dragoon: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Rogue || Ninja: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Samurai: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Archer || Bard: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Machinist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  M A G I C
Conjurer || White Mage: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Arcanist || Summoner || Scholar: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Astrologian: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Thaumaturge || Black Mage: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Red Mage: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  H A N D
Carpenter: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Blacksmith: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Armorer: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Goldsmith: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Leatherworker: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Weaver: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Alchemist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Culinarian: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  L A N D
Miner: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Botanist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Fisher: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Tagged by: No one ;_; Tagging: @dawnhorned, @prince-hien, @redheartedmage, @aetherilily, @hellfists, @yael-xiv, @season-of-maha, @an-ale-of-a-tale, @sibutum, @kannacchi, @qara-ffxiv, @tsukikotanshi, @dreadwyrm-trance, @thaneratelesia, @taracelica, @ffxiv-ofthewhite, @puckish-bard, @chxsingthemoon, @pink-songstress, @alrik-dotharl, @lithia-lacrima, @istolin, @punchycatte, @dice-domino, @oftheblack, @ahm-al, @ansjahs, @hellxcleaves, @theforestsquiet, @finalvalor, @acorncookie, @eternxloptimism, @wanderers-minuet, @sunlitpeony, @kohaku-son, @clerical, @dantroziman & anyone else that wants to do this !
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seascrapes · 7 years
[ FFXIV Muse IC Class Knowledge: Tal Brook ]
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D I S C I P L E S  O F  W A R
Having began on the seas, Tal first grew to be a ‘jack of all trades’ when it came to weapons, as he had the time and the need to have a decent understanding of whatever was closest at hand. He’s handy with a firearm, but the weight, the noise, and the jolting, all put him off the things. Tal can handle a harpoon well enough, and while not an adept with knives, can draw one of his hidden blades and cut across a vital point if given the chance. Physician training has many applications!
His preferred weapon is the bow. Though he does not boast, he is a masterful shot, a skill which he attributes to needing to compensate for not only his own movement and that of his enemy, as archers train to do on land, but of the ships and the seas, where he learned the craft. Tal aims for the neck, and if he misses, it is because he is not comfortable sharing his skill with others.
He was initially designed to have decent skills from the ‘rogue’ tree, but a guild joke about ‘Backhand Brooks’ has lead to those points being reworked into a more brutish fist fighter than elegant knife dancer. Tal is not a monk by any means, but his mishmash style of hand-to-hand combat can be dangerous, if one is ever unlucky enough to see it.
He is a threat with a sword (his husband was a Paladin) but hates the weight of a metal shield, so was learning to compensate with an aetherical solution, before events saw him leave the art.
Gladiator || Paladin: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Marauder || Warrior: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Dark Knight: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Pugilist || Monk: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Lancer || Dragoon: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Rogue || Ninja: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Samurai: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Archer || Bard: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Machinist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  M A G I C
Having honed his skills into a specific sect of magic, Tal has a great understanding of the various magical acts, however can only effectively use one. While he has adapted some techniques to suit his set, he cannot wield their weapons, so the levels below reflect his ability to cast the magic, not his knowledge of it.
That being said, Tal is a master arcanist, though hides this close to his chest, keeping his prowess to himself and those unfortunate enough to require a level of healing beyond a simple calculation. Any enquiries are met with a sly smirk, vague answer, and a change of topic.
He practices a belief that the body cannot be a master of all disciplines, given how they draw and store aether differently. His magics are based in the Umbral: the healing, the shielding, the defensive. His offensive magic is weak, near useless.
Conjurer || White Mage:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Arcanist || Summoner || Scholar: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Astrologian:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Thaumaturge || Black Mage:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Red Mage:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  H A N D
From growing up in the freedom and confines of a ship, Tal knows enough of the basics of many arts to step in when needed for a common task. He still whittles with a scrap of wood and a knife when he finds himself wanting time alone, and he’s read and taught himself enough to battle toxins and wards to learn his way around an alchemy set.
Carpenter: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Blacksmith:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Armorer:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Goldsmith:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Leatherworker:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Weaver:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Alchemist:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Culinarian:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  L A N D
Tal knows his way around the plants that he usually needs, but has no formal training in botany. He dislikes being underground so has stayed away from mining. As for fishing, he’s average with a rod, but an excellent spear fisher.
Miner:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Botanist:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Fisher:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Tagged by: @lordofcrowns (thank you for the tag <3 but how can you hate carbuncles?!) @adanceofblades (you war machine!)
Tagging: @bonawoy @miss-balentine @alrik-dotharl @keltgeim @tales-of-red-and-black @diet-coke-in-blue
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transnameswap · 7 years
Hi, I already changed my name once, to Sam, but I feel like it's too gender neutral for me, so I wonder if you can suggest any masculine names starting with either Z, or a letter that doesn't have a S-sound at all? Preferably similar to Northern European names because since I'm Swedish, I want to be able to pronounce it when I speak my own language AND English :) sry for being very specific lol (ps. no M-names)
and for the Swedish names not starting with M and no s sounds...
sorry! i’m not the expert on Swedish here, but hopefully these help you with your search! ^^;
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