#m’gann: canon pansexual
coffeebooh · 2 years
my main opinion on the yj cartoon is that all the members of the og team are gay
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ittybittytatertot · 5 years
Besides Kaldur, what other characters -- don't even have to be members of the Team or Dick's outsiders or the JL, just anyone on the show -- do you think are LGBT+? Do you genuinely think Rita Farr and Marie Logan were together? (Crossing my fingers!) What about the villains, like Count Vertigo, Vandal Savage -- being over 50,000 years old is bound to introduce you to some new things -- and Queen Bee? Sorry if this is too broad of an ask, but I'd love your two cents on the subject.
Besides Kaldur, what other characters do you think are LGBT+?
To start, obviously Batwoman.
Anissa, though she’s like 8 and we probably won’t see her again this season so it won’t get confirmed.
Probably Traci 13 (but I could also see them pushing the Jaime/Traci relationship).
Halo (I mean the rainbows, c’mon) is a lesbian.
Brion is possibly gay.
If asked under a truth serum or something, I think Greg would say Artemis and Conner are bi.
Bart is gay. I don’t ship Bluepulse and IMHO I can’t see it ever being canon, but Bart’s still gay.
M’gann is a pansexual trans woman. Greg’s pretty much confirmed she’s attracted to people regardless of gender, and I’ve talked a lot before on her trans coding.
Raquel is wlw. Maybe I’m projecting, but she’s the only girl on the main team who didn’t kiss a boy on the lips on New Year’s, the boy she kissed just so happened to be definitely-mlm Kaldur, and she got married but the gender of her betrothed is never stated. And that’s gay culture.
IF they were going to make a (human) trans character canon, I think it would be Cissie, but that might be me projecting again.
Greg probably doesn’t know what an agender person is, but if he did, Conner would definitely be one.
Dick, Roy, Wally, Donna, Dinah, Zatanna, Barbara, Garfield, etc. would never be allowed to be queer (though we have slightly more of a chance with WillRoy since technically he isn’t the “real” Roy) even though all of them definitely are.
Do you genuinely think Rita Farr and Marie Logan were together? 
I wasn’t the one who came up with that headcanon but I really like it, and the real-real answer is: If Rita Farr never shows up again we can assume she and Marie dated. If Rita Farr becomes important in the show she will be shown as straight.
What about the villains, like Count Vertigo, Vandal Savage – being over 50,000 years old is bound to introduce you to some new things – and Queen Bee?
Verty and Vandy are so super ridiculously het, but Vandal’s daughter, Scandal, is a lesbian, and I think she’ll appear this season since she’s dated (in the comics) a former fury from Apokolips. I still love my Raquel/Scandal theory tho, and I will never stop gloating if it comes true.
Queen Bee is a homophobe who most of the time forgets she can even use her powers on women, and then when she does, she kills them. But I also do not think she’s asexual and/or aromantic as I’ve seen others headcanon. There’s no need to villainize aro/ace ppl like that.
If any villain is ace it’s Klarion TBH
It’s comics canon that The Brain is gay and Monsieur Mallah is his lover so do with that what you will.
As much as I think he’s a creep, Lex is definitely mlm with a shit ton of internalized homophobia. No piece of official DC media will ever discuss this outright but it’s true.
There are some gay Milestone villains (one specifically coming to mind is a speedster named Blitzen), so keep that in mind if we see any of them.
Killer Frost and Tuppence Terror are probably lesbians and probably have dated.
I don’t want to see a trans villain. It would feel like such a slap in the face. I think maybe they could do an LGB villain okay, but I have 0 faith in a cis person writing a trans villain and not being offensive about it.
Sorry if this is too broad of an ask, but I’d love your two cents on the subject.
No apologies necessary! I love getting to talk about Young Justice especially queer!Young Justice. Of course, this is by no means a comprehensive list of all my headcanons, it’s just what I think is/could become actual show canon.
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iggity · 5 years
1, 17, & 20
Hey there!
1. What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
I haven’t seen any in the SG fandom that I didn’t get, tbh. Now, that might be my pansexuality going, ‘SAM OF COURSE YOU GET THEM ALL THIS ENTIRE CAST IS GORGEOUS AND THEY ALL LOOK GORGEOUS TOGETHER YOU ABSOLUTE USELESS QUEER’ but oh well. Sorry I can’t give you a longer answer on that one.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen...
SOMEONE has been looking at my old post-S2 content, huh?
Since Alura’s necklace didn’t turn out to be a plot point to keep Mon-El alive like I thought it might be, I would have him give it back to Kara at the end of S3. I would have Eliza insist that therapy would be really good for Kara now that she’s out as Supergirl and saving lives and blaming herself when someone dies and when she makes a mistake because I’m sure there are therapist other than Kelly Olsen so???? Because Kara going to therapy would make Alex realize that she should probably do that too so that she can start coping with a lot of other stuff too.
I have a bunch more but I have to get ready for work soon.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Do I have to pick one? I’m not gonna. J’onn and M’gann. Nia and Brainy. Alex and Kelly. Fandom!Lena and Canon!Kara (yeah come at me fuck current canon lena luthor)
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superkaramels · 7 years
I read your response to the ask about discussing character's sexuality, and TBH I found both the question and response a bit narrow-minded. I mean, I understand if it is something that makes people uncomfortable - those discussions, I mean, but just because a person only had partners of opposite sex it doesn't mean they are straight. And just because we see a character presented one way it doesn't mean that it is all they are. Look at Alex, for example. TBC
2/ I think there, for example, can be made a pretty good canon case for Mon-El to be bisexual or pansexual. And a lot of the interactions between Kara and Lena mirror those of Alex and Maggie. So telling people not to interpret something one way or the other, often based on their own experience, is not really a way to go, IMHO. The thing with writers is, there is a lot of them and different ones may have different images for each character. Plus, queerbaiting :(
Okay, I see what you are saying but that is not what I was trying to explain in that ask. I was just pointing some facts. In canon the show has only showed Kara having romantic interests in men. Yes, that doesn’t mean Kara can’t be bisexual or pansexual but right now we can’t say that she is because we haven’t seen anything that may indicate that she is. If we talk about Kara and Lena’s relationship, I don’t count that as a romantic relationship or dinamic. I see that as a friendship, at least from Kara’s POV. That’s also what the writers are trying to present.
As I was saying, we can’t say what Lena is because we really haven’t seen anything of her private life (apart from how she feels about her mom and brother) so I understand why some people think she might be gay. In canon, we don’t know if she is gay, bi, straight… I was trying to explain that I don’t think Kara and Lena are going to have a romantic relationship because the actress who plays Lena has said that she doesn’t think that’s the direction the writers want to take. I’ve read some articles about the show in which the producers/writers gave their opinions, and the relationships promoted there, are Sanvers, Karamel and J’onn x M’gann.
I didn’t make any assumptions in S1 with Alex’s sexuality because, once again, the show didn’t show us anything about her private life (apart from her relationship with her mom, dad and sister). In S2, Alex realized that she liked Maggie and that she’d felt atracted by women in the past. So, right now, we can say Alex is gay because that is what the show has told us.
As for Mon-El, in canon he has romantic feelings for Kara. Once again, I can’t say anything about his sexuality because we haven’t seen how he was or who he was with back in Daxam, but on Earth we’ve only been seeing him showing interest or flirting with women/female aliens (Kara, Eve, that blue alien in the bar, that one that died in 2x08…). So, I don’t think we can’t afirm he is bi or pan because we haven’t seen anything to prove us that. Of course, you are right, that doesn’t mean he isn’t, but it also doesn’t mean that he is.
My intention with that answer wasn’t to tell people not to interpret something one way or the other. I’ve said I’m totally okay with people shipping whoever they want as long as they have respect for other shippers, the only thing I was trying to explain is that, according to writers/producers/actors that is not where things are going. I don’t know if that is going to change, but right now that’s where we are.
I want to apologize if you have felt offended by my words, I didn’t mean to offend anyone. As I was saying I’m not good at explaining myself and it’s even more difficult to do it in english (which is not my first language).
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coffeebooh · 2 years
my bisexual artemis headcanon apart it’s overall dumb than to have a canon pansexual m’gann who isn’t affected by queen bee’s powers
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coffeebooh · 2 years
idk there’s smth abt the way artemis, zatanna and raquel are portrayed that screams queer to me
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