#m; charlie pace
allthebestcowgirls · 2 months
if charlie pace lived to see brat i think he would've tried to get a drive shaft feature on one of the songs in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and everyone would make fun of him on twitter
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ickie · 5 months
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader song: blow - beyonce summary: charles & his oral fixation - he just wants to make you feel good, okay ? warnings: 18+ mdni !! oral (fem rec.), charles being a slut for you :) horribly written smut because apparently idk how to write smut anymore notes: requested for my blurb weekend ! wanna join in on my blurb weekend !? click/tap here to learn more !
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your fingers gripped at the once pristine bed sheets, eyes screwed shut as a broken moan passed parted lips. evereything was becoming too much, but god did it feel so good. you couldn't even bring yourself to look down at your boyfriend, knowing that he was enjoying himself too much between your thighs - evident by the fact that he was on the verge of bringing you to your third orgasm, just by his mouth.
"charlie-" a gasp as his finger entered into you broke your plea, teeth tugging on your bottom lip as you attempted to quiet yourself.
"you look so pretty for me, mon ange." charles chuckled from his place on the bed, and if you had opened your eyes you would've seen just how debauched he looked. his hair was a mess, sticking up in different places from where your hands had laid purchase when he had first began teasing you. his lips were a pretty shade of red, and his chin had traces of your wetness on it.
his tongue licked at your clit before he sucked, adding a second finger in at the same time, his fingers moving at a pace that had you absolutely wrecked.
"'m gonna cum, charlie... i, oh my god." your back arched, feeling your stomach tighten as you clenched around his fingers. your eyes opened as your orgasm washed over you, looking down at your boyfriend as he smirked against you.
it felt like your orgasm lasted ages. your stomach was twitching slightly as charles pulled away from you, a pleased expression written on his face. "i told you i missed you, mon ange. sometimes i feel like you think i lie." he teased, moving to be next to you.
"i don't think you lie," you grumbled, your head resting on his chest as one of his hands smoothed through your hair. "i just forget..." a giggle passed your lips, eyes feeling exeptionally heavy.
"nap time and then it will all be about you." you promise, sealing it with a kiss before getting comfortable against charles' chest, letting his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
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✨Dress Up, Part 2: The Ceremony✨
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Well well well, looks like you guys won. You get a continuation of this fic that was meant to be a one shot lmao! I had some awesome people to bounce ideas off of and I couldn't do this without them. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's time for the wedding! But you know I can't go a chapter without writing a little smut hehe~
*** - Scene change ~~~ - Flashback
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: It's wedding day! And Lucifer is more than willing to try and convince you to the leave the reception early...
Warnings: 18+, smut, hand job, oral (m receiving)
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"You know, if you don't quit your pacing back and forth, you're gonna wear out the carpet..."
It had only been a week since the proposal and the wedding was already here. But this is what you both wanted; a nice quiet wedding with only a handful of people with everyone else in Hell being none the wiser. You had to beg Lucifer for the week you got in between, he was practically ready to say "I do" once he put that engagement ring on your hand. It may have seemed like you two were moving a little bit fast considering most weddings take months, sometimes years to plan out! But when you're marrying the King of Hell, there really was next to nothing to worry about when it came to your special day.
The new hotel was the perfect venue, complete with a beautiful ballroom that could rival any chapel on Earth. The guest list was extremely exclusive consisting of only the occupants of the hotel, minus one Radio Demon, not that he would attend even if he was invited. It was Charlie who suggested that he protect the hotel today from any threat that might make itself known. On top of that, Charlie was more than happy to be the officiant, as being the Princess of Hell granted her that authority. Money was no object to the Morningstar family, so no expense was spared.
But regardless of any of that, Lucifer couldn't help but worry. You had one other request for him after he popped the question.
"I hate to ask more of you after asking for a week to prepare," you started, putting on the last of your clothes that you had discarded during your fun little teasing display, "but..." Lucifer approached you suddenly and held your hand in both of his.
"My love, you can ask of me anything you wish. There is no limit when it comes to you. You've already given me the best gift of becoming my future bride. Anything in my power is yours for the asking, you just name it!" He leaned down and planted a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn't help but blush, he never failed to charm you.
"This may sound a little odd, considering what just took place a few minutes ago," you breathed out a sigh, "but...what would you say to refraining from any...intense intimacy?" Lucifer cocked his eyebrow and smirked, seemingly intrigued. "B-but only for this week, I promise! Kissing and cuddling would still be on the table, of course. And no deliberate teasing from me, that wouldn't be fair. I was just thinking that...I want our first night as a married couple to be special. And I figured holding off for the time in between would only heighten the experience. If that's not something you want, I completely understand that-MMPH," you were silenced by Lucifer's soft lips on yours.
"Oh darling, was that all?," he flashed his signature toothy grin at you. "That's hardly a request! I think that's a wonderful idea...n-not that I don't want to ravish you at any given time! But you're right, I couldn't imagine a better honeymoon than getting the chance to feel you again after being denied for a few days, even though it may feel like an eternity. I'll be on my best behavior; you have my word!"
And Lucifer was on his best behavior, for the most part, at least. There were a few instances where his hands had traveled a little too low on your body and some kisses became deeper than they should have. But both of you managed to make it through the week! But today was the day, and his anxiety was at an all-time high. You decided to sleep in separates rooms the night before, wanting the next time you saw each other to be at the altar. That was the plan, at least.
It had been a while since Lucifer had slept alone. Suffice to say he couldn't sleep. He assured you that he would be alright sleeping alone for just one night, but that ended up being easier said than done. The empty bed he laid in brought back painful memories of his first night without Lilith, something that still haunted him to this day. There would be times where Lucifer would wake up in a cold sweat, only to glance over to see you peacefully asleep, and he could breathe again. Anytime you felt him tug you closer to him in the middle of the night, you knew what had woken him up. He never hid his feelings from you when he confided in you about his ex, and you didn't mind that he would wake you when his nightmares overwhelmed him. You loved him and he loved you. You would never leave. So when you heard your door creek open in the middle of the night to see your fiancé standing ion the door frame, you only smiled and gestured him to you.
"I-I'm sorry," he sobbed quietly, "I tried...I really did...I-I had a dream, a nightmare, you were there but you started to fade away in front of me. I reached out but it was no use. I woke up and…and you weren’t there, I panicked…I’m so s-sorry…”
"Hey, hey, shh, it's alright," you soothed and brought him into a tight embrace. You felt a tear that had fallen from his face make its way down your collarbone. "Don't cry, Luci, I'm not upset, not at all." You lifted his head up to wipe away his remaining tears. "Let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." You planted a kiss on his forehead, and from the dim red light that shown through your windows, you could see a small smile appear on his face. He laid down, his back facing you as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him flush to your chest. You could hear his breathing start to even about again.
"I don't deserve you," he murmured.
"You know I think the same thing every day," you respond.
He interlaced his fingers with yours at your words, squeezing you hand softly. "Promise me you'll never think that again. Please. You deserve everything and more."
"Alright," you conceded, kissing the back of his head, "as long as you promise me the same thing. You're my everything, and I'll spend the rest of my afterlife showing you that."
"Okay," he spoke weakly. You intertwined your legs with his, bringing yourself as close to him as possible. "I still intend to keep my other promise. I'll be gone before you wake up."
"You can stay as long as you need to," you whispered before drifting off to sleep once more.
True to his word, Lucifer had managed to sneak away before you woke. After adorning his typical attire, he found himself wandering the halls of the hotel, finally stopping when he reached the lobby. Thinking he was alone, Lucifer started talking to himself and paced back and forth like a madman.
"Was this a mistake? Are we moving too fast? No, no, no it's alright, it's fine! We're fine! Get a fucking GRIP, Lucifer! You're panicking for nothing! She loves you...right? Yes, yes of course she does! Why would she say yes to you?! Unless...NO! No, none of that! Relax! Need to relax..."
"You know, if you don't quit your pacing back and forth, you're gonna wear out the carpet," Husk remarked, attempting to get Lucifer's attention in his anxious state.
"WHAT THE-" Lucifer shrieked hearing the bartender's voice. After seeing Husk standing behind the bar, he breathed out a sigh of relief and clutched his hand to his rapidly beating heart. "Geez, warn a guy next time!" Husk huffed and returned to cleaning the whiskey glass he held in his hand. "How, uhh, how much of that did you hear?"
"Enough to know that you're a fucking mess right now," the cat demon replied, setting down his now clean glass. "Perhaps you need a bartender to talk to."
"Uhh, alright?" Lucifer made his way over to the bar and took a tentative seat on one of the stools.
"This is about your girl, ain't it?" Husk correctly guessed, "about the wedding?" Lucifer sighed and nodded. "Mhmm. You love this gal, don't you?"
"Yes, of course I do!" Lucifer answered almost defensively. "She's...my everything!"
Husk picked up another dirty glass to clean. "And has she given you any reason to doubt that she feels the same way?"
Lucifer huffed. "Well, I...no, no she hasn't. She's always been there for me. Listening to my ramblings, making me laugh, consoling me during the worst times, like last night...she's...she's just perfect!"
"So what's the holdup?" Husk asked after setting the other glass down.
"It's not as simple as you're making it out to be, Husker," Lucifer retorted, pushing his way back from the bar. "I loved Lilith with all of my heart and soul. And she said...that she loved me too. But then one day, she was just gone. Vanished. We fell together. We built a life here TOGETHER! And she just leaves? It's like the last 10,000 years together meant absolutely NOTHING!" Lucifer ran his hands through his hair, trying to keep his composure. "I-I can't lose her like like I lost Lilith. I just can't! I just want to be enough for her. I don't know what I would do if she...", he couldn't finish his sentence. He sat back down at the bar, resting his head in his arms. "The pain would break me..."
The sound of a glass sliding across the counter top caught Lucifer's attention. When he lifted his head, he noticed a full glass of scotch sitting next to him. "Calms the nerves," Husk spoke. Lucifer let out a deep breath and took a swig, choking slightly in the process not realizing how strong it was.
"Not much of a drinker," Lucifer admitted, setting the glass down.
"Sir, if I may..." Husk began.
"You can call me Lucifer," the angel smiled slightly.
Husk smirked. "Lucifer, all I can tell you that love is a vulnerable emotion. I understand that you're afraid. Afraid that history will repeat itself, that your love is not meant to be, and that you're going to end up alone all over again." Lucifer's face sunk, lowering his head against his arms once more. "But," Husk continued, "I know one thing for sure. That girl up there ain't Lilith."
Lucifer raised his head, now hanging onto every word from the bartender.
"If anybody thinks you aren't enough, that's their own fucking problem. And I can tell you that your girl ain't like that at all. She adores ya, can't get her to shut up about ya! Hell, I couldn't even tell you why she ended up down here in the first place! Another one of Heaven's fuck ups, for sure. But for your sake, I'm glad she did." Husk reached over and gulped down Lucifer's unfinished glass of scotch. "Be a shame if it went to waste."
Lucifer let out the smallest of laughs. "Thank you, Husker. And you're right, even in this God forsaken pit, she manages to make it just a little bit brighter. She saved me. And I'm going to devote every moment of my immortal life to her."
"Good to hear. Now..." Husk slammed his hand down on the counter, "get your shit together and go get ready! You got a wedding to attend."
*** You startled awake with the sound of knocking at your door. Your mind was still foggy, brief memories of last night flooded through your head. "Lucifer?" you sat up and looked around your room, but he was already gone, leaving you alone in an empty bed. He had kept his promise after all. There was another set of knocks at the door. "Coming!" you shouted as you ran to grab the robe you had left on the armchair. You opened the door to see Charlie bouncing giddily.
“Good moooorrrrnnniiiinnnngggggg~” she practically sang. “Did you sleep well? Are you ready for your big day?? Are we forgetting anything???” She rapid fired questions at you while you were still rubbing the crust from your eyes.
“Charlie, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re more excited than I am,” you joked, gesturing her to come in. “In order: Yes, I slept…well. Yes, I’m ready...mentally speaking. And no, we’re definitely not forgetting anything. You’re the most meticulous and thoughtful person I know, you definitely have everything planned to a tee! You practically leapt out of your skin when we asked if you would officiate.”
"Aww, thank you!" Charlie smiled as she skipped into your room. "And of course! I would never turn down such an opportunity! Being the princess of Hell does have its perks! You can never be too prepared, ya know? Especially for a day that's so wonderful and magical and full of love!" You saw tears welling up in her eyes out of pure joy.
"Hey now, I thought I was the one that was supposed to be crying today!" you joked.
"Right, right! Sorry!" She wiped the tears from her eyes and grabbed your hands excitedly. "Let's get your hair and make up done!"
Charlie dragged you over to the vanity and sat you down in the chair. You weren't one to wear much makeup typically, but Charlie insisted. And when Charlie asks for something, it's pretty much impossible to tell her no. So you obliged. But you made her promise that she would not go overboard, only the basics. Thankfully you showered the night before, so your hair just needed a good brush through. Charlie grabbed the hairbrush and began to comb through your hair, gently pulling out the knots out of the nasty case of bed head you were sporting. She truly was the kindest soul you've ever met. But that didn't stop you from feeling a little awkward.
"Charlie," you mumbled, "can I-oww...can I ask you something?"
"Yes, absolutely!" She grabbed the the already plugged-in curler and started working on adding some volume to your hair.
"Are...are you sure you're alright with this?" you asked timidly. "I mean...me and your father. I just don't want you to think I'm trying to, you know...replace your mother. I know I don't know much about her or your relationship but..."
Charlie put down the curler and kneeled down next to you, gently grabbing your hand. "You don't need to worry about that! I promise, it's alright with me. It's more than alright, actually! I haven't seen my dad this happy in a long, long time. He loves you so much! You wanna know how I know that? Because he tells me. Every single day. His eyes light up when anybody mentions your name! And I know you would never do anything to hurt him, or me. You're too kind and good hearted for that. I know it may feel like you're inserting yourself into the picture, but I'm more than happy to have you as part of our family! I know the love you have for my dad is genuine, and I wouldn't change a thing!"
A smile formed on your face. "Thank you, Charlie."
"Now," Charlie hopped up from the floor and grabbed the large make up bag sitting on the counter, “time to make magic happen! I have the perfect idea! Close your eyes and no peaking until I say so!”
*** You could feel your heart beating out of your chest as you stood in front of the closed ballroom doors. You knew just on the other side of that door was the love of your life, and he was waiting for you. Husk linked your arm with his, flashing you a warm smile. "You ready?"
You let out a few shaky breaths before you could answer him. "Y-yes."
"Don't worry, I gotcha," he comforted, "one step at a time, alright? Trust me, whatever you're feeling now, he was in much worse shape this morning. Nearly had to kick his ass to the altar myself. But I straightened him out for ya."
You could help but laugh. "Thanks, Husk. And thank you for walking me down. I know this isn't really a traditional wedding, but I appreciate everything you and everyone else have done for us."
"No thanks is necessary," Husk replied, "for what you do for Charlie and the hotel, it's the least I can do. You're a good one to be sure. And the King is damn lucky to have ya." You smiled and tightened your grip on Husk's arm as you heard the faint sound of music start to play on the other side. "It's time."
Without another word, the large wooden doors opened in front of you, and the music could be heard much more clearly now. The Bridal Chorus. Husk waited on your command as you took the first step. You scanned the room. You saw Vaggie and Cherri standing to one side, Angel off to the other, while Niffty skipped in front of you throwing a mix of flower petals and roaches. You noticed Charlie straight ahead of you in a lovely blue suit, a color you've never seen her wear before. You also took notice to the fact there didn't seem to be any organ in the room, despite the music that continued to play as you walked. You guessed it was some of Lucifer's magic. He really knew how to set the scene for the occasion.
Finally, your eyes found Lucifer. He looked at you as if you were the most angelic being he's ever laid his eyes on. You couldn't quite make out the details of his face yet, but you could tell that tears had begun rolling down his face. You saw his suit for the first time. A beautiful black velvet suit with embroidered gold detailing on the jacket. He looked like royalty.
Lucifer stared back at you, fighting every urge in his body to run to you and scoop you up in his arms. Your dress was immaculate. A stunning flowing sleeveless white dress adorned with fluffy scarlet feathers that were scattered across the skirt and completely covered the bodice. An homage to your future husband. You were only a few feet from him now. His smile could have lit the darkest of rooms. The tears continued to flow from his eyes, and you could feel tears threatening to leave yours as well.
"Deep breaths," Husk murmured to you before stepping to the side to join Angel. You inhaled deeply, holding your breath until you stood directly in front of Lucifer, only exhaling when he reached out and held your hands in his.
The music stopped. Your heartbeat was the only thing you could hear now.
Charlie cleared her throat. "Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to join these two souls before us in holy matrimony. I understand that the couple have written their own vows." Charlie glanced your way and beamed. "Ladies first!" You smiled back at her then turned your full attention to Lucifer, staring lovingly and longingly into his eyes. You had spent the entire week practicing and memorizing your words for this very moment. You breathed in, and you breathed out.
"Lucifer, words cannot begin to describe how you make me feel. You have shown me so much compassion, understanding, care, and adoration that I had never experienced on Earth. My promise to you is that I will always stay by your side, I will never abandon you, and I will love you for the rest of my after life. You've changed my life for the better, and I will make sure that I do the same for you. You are my one true love, forever and always. I love you, my angel."
Lucifer pulled one of his hands away to wipe away the tears the refused to stop flowing. Angel pulled out a handkerchief and brought it over to him and began patting it across his cheeks. You looked at Charlie who had also started to cry. She quickly composed herself and turned towards her father. "D-Dad?" she squeaked out.
Once Lucifer was able to compose himself, he took hold of your hands once more. "My love, I have existed since before the dawn of creation. And in my thousands of years of existence, no one has brought me as much joy as you have. You came into my life suddenly, like a thief in the night, and stole my most precious possession. My heart. It is yours now, for eternity and even beyond. I promise that you will never know another day of sadness, of heartbreak, or of loneliness. My devotion to you is boundless and unfathomable and never ending. I am yours. I love you, my queen."
Razzle appeared in front of the two of you, displaying the silver wedding rings for each of you. You and Lucifer took your respective ring to to place on the other's hand.
"Lucifer," Charlie spoke through her sniffles "will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife; will you love, honor, and cherish her, hold her up in the good times and the bad, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do, forever," he answered, sliding the ring onto your finger.
Charlie turned and repeated the question to you.
"Yes, I do," you proclaimed, sliding the ring onto his hand in the same manner.
"By the power vested in me, as princess of Hell, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
You and Lucifer smiled at each other, no longer able to hold back any of your tears. Lucifer cupped your face and brought your lips to his for a tender kiss. You heard the cheers from the others in the room, and you definitely heard Angel whistle as your lips connected. When you pulled apart, something had caught your eye. Your rings were glowing. Magic in the form of golden dust surrounded each of them, swirling around the metal bands.
"What's this?" You asked Lucifer, who didn't seem alarmed at all.
He chuckled. "You're the new Queen of Hell, my darling. This magic is a symbol. It signifies that you are no longer bound by the rules that govern the sinners; you are bound to me. You have free reign to travel anywhere you wish, including the other rings of Hell. You're now one of the most powerful beings in the realm! But we can get into the finer details later; for now," Lucifer pecked your lips once again, "let's celebrate!"
After wiping away her excessive tears, Charlie cleared her throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar!" The crowd cheered as you walked hand in hand with your husband back down the aisle.
"Who's ready to fucking PARTY?!" Cherri yelled behind you as you all made your way towards the bar in the lobby.
Drinks poured at the reception, everyone was cutting lose and having fun! You two had decided to partake in as many traditional reception activities as you could! Neither of you knew how you ended up with so much cake all over yourselves, but it was alright considering Lucifer easily snapped his fingers and both of you ended up back in pristine condition. You invited everyone to participate in the bouquet toss, but it was Vaggie who ended up with the flowers in the end. She absolutely failed to hide her blush from Charlie who was jumping for joy! But this next tradition was something Lucifer had really been looking forward to; the garter belt toss.
Ever the showman, Lucifer hiked up your dress to your thigh and rather than using his hands, he decided to use his teeth to pull the garment down. His head lingered near your thigh way longer than necessary, and you could Angel snickering as Lucifer dragged it down the length of your leg.
"Oh, you're gonna get it," you leaned down to whisper to him, hoping no one else could hear.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" Lucifer retorted with the garter belt still between his teeth.
To no one's surprise, Angel was the one to catch the belt once Lucifer finally tossed it.
The reception was going off without a hitch. Everyone was having the time of their lives getting plastered and gorging themselves on the enormous buffet Lucifer hand conjured up. You had changed out of your wedding dress into a new purple dress; the lavender one that you really liked that you had tried on a week ago before you got yanked out of the dressing room by a certain horny angel. Thankfully, you two were able to go back to the store the next day to properly purchase it. You and Lucifer were given your own large round table so you wouldn't have to sit at the crowded bar. Luckily for Lucifer, this gave him easy access to you. As the reception went on and with no one being the wiser, Lucifer's hand found your thigh once more, gliding it up ever so slowly before you shot him a knowing glance.
"What do you say we leave early," he proposed innocently, "I have a wonderful surprise for my new bride once we're on our honeymoon."
You playfully grabbed Lucifer's wandering hand and pushed it down towards your knee. "Luci, it's only been an hour! You can't tell me you can't wait just a little longer, can you?"
Lucifer stuck out his lip and pouted sweetly. "Oh, but my love, have you forgotten? It's been an entire week! And you know how well behaved I've been, I am nothing if not a man of my word." You felt his hand begin its ascent on your leg once more. You didn't stop him. "But I can only be a gentleman for so long..."
You didn't want to admit it, but you were in the same boat as well. That week apart had been almost tortuous. But you were more than willing to wait until the party was over. Your husband, however, appeared to have a different idea.
Alright then.
Before his hand could climb any higher, your hand shot down immediately to his crotch. Lucifer bit back a yelp as he felt you palm him through his pants. His hand stopped all motion, but instead started digging into your thigh, ultimately trying to remain calm. But that task seemed nearly impossible with the way your hand continued its ministrations, his pants feeling tighter and tighter with every passing second.
"D-Darling, please..." he begged through his clenched teeth.
You grinned wickedly. "You want me to take care of you, Luci?" He nodded his head vigorously. "We're not leaving early. But, I'll help you out as a good wife should, yeah?" Lucifer panted, his nails now dangerously close to breaking through your skin. "Head to the restroom just down the hall. Give me a minute and I'll follow you. I'll knock three times to let you know it's me. I have a plan. No touching yourself, understand?"
"Y-Yes," he breathed. When he was sure no one was looking, he stood up from his chair as fast as possible before making his way down the hall. Once you saw him disappear around the corner, it was time to give yourself some cover.
"Angel!" you yelled across the room, waving your hands to flag him down. The spider demon turned his head and smiled. He said something inaudible to Cherri before making his way over to you.
"Hey there, pretty lady!" Angel bent over and folded is first pair arms on the table, "Congratulations on the new gig! Being Queen of Hell sure is a status boost!"
"Yeah, I still need time to process that," you admitted. "So Angel, can you umm, do me a favor?"
Angel stood up and slicked his hair back. "Oh, anything for the new member of the royal family! What can I do ya for, doll face?"
You let out a shaky breath. "Can you...how do I say this...cause some sort of distraction?" Angel raised an eyebrow. "I just need to take care of something real quick."
"Uh huh," Angel chuckled, "you need to take care of something? Or someone?~" You pursed your lips, a light blush dashed across your cheeks. You really should have known better than to try and tiptoe around your means of leaving with Angel. "That's what I thought. Don't think I didn't notice the King almost sprint out of here just now. Man is absolutely smitten with ya! But you'll get no judgement from me, baby, I know how it is! Consider this your wedding gift, I typically end up being the most distracting person wherever I go! How much time do you need?"
"Five minutes?"
"Oh honey, I think you're giving him way too much credit, especially considering the state he's in." Angel laughed, "I can give you three."
"Deal," Angel stuck a hand out for you to shake. He was ready to turn away when he flashed you a wink. "Get ready!"
As soon as you heard Angel shout loud enough to grab everyone's attention, you got up from the table and followed Lucifer's path down the hall. Once you stood in front of the restroom door, you knocked on it three times just as you said you would. It took less than a second for the door to swing open and for Lucifer to pull you inside. He locked the door behind you and crashed his lips into yours. You pushed him up against the door as you slipped your tongue further into his mouth. He was devouring you as his hands gripped your hips.
"We don't have a lot of time," you said breathlessly, "we have four minutes."
"How did-HHNG," Lucifer wanted to question until you began to palm at his now very apparent erection through his pants again.
"Let's just say I owe Angel big time." You started to fumble with Lucifer's belt, pulling it off of his pants with a quick flick of your arm. Your hands worked at the button and zipper of his pants next, going almost too fast for you to properly hold anything. You gripped the hem of his pants and boxers and were about to pull them down together until Lucifer grabbed your wrists.
"Wait, wait! What about you?" he asked. Even in such a lust filled state, he still only ever thought about you. God, you really hit the jackpot.
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I appreciate it hon, but we really don't have the time to argue about this. Four minutes, remember? Probably closer to three now." You pulled your hands away from Lucifer's grip and went back to the hem of his pants, pulling down his boxers in the process, finally freeing his hardened cock that was already leaking precum. You placed your hands on either side of his hips, his back flush against the door. "You better tell me what you want quickly, Luci."
Lucifer gulped hard, staring at you through half-lidded eyes. "T-touch me...please...n-need you..."
Without another word, you moved to stand at Lucifer's side as your one hand gripped his shaft while the other cupped his mouth to keep him from making too much noise. "Shh, gotta be quiet, my love. You don't want the others to hear how your queen makes you feel." He nodded his head silently as you began to stroke him. You watched as precum dripped onto the floor below; it was obvious how pent up he was. You quickly picked you the pace as your hand moved up and down his cock, thumbing over the tip only for Lucifer to mewl into your hand and buck up into your touch. His breathing became more and more staggered by the second, he wasn't going to last much longer at this rate. But you knew you were running out of time and your hands alone were not going to be enough to finish the job. "Not a sound," you commanded as you released your hand from his mouth, dropping to your knees in an instant. Before Lucifer could protest, your mouth had already full engulfed his length. He threw his own hand over his mouth to muffle his screams as best he could. Your head bobbed up and down rapidly on his cock while stopping every few seconds to lap circles around his tip. He was close.
"F-Fuu-uuccckk," he whimpered, "I-I'm g-mmph...gonna c-cum...shitshitSHIT!" And almost on cue, you felt him empty himself inside you. Strings of hot cum hit that back of your throat while you continued to suck him off, helping him ride out his orgasm. Once he was finished, you let his now softened dick fall from your lips, not letting a single drop leave your mouth. You gracefully stood up and grabbed his belt that you had flung earlier and handed it to him.
"Feel better?" you whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
He turned his head to meet your lips once more. He always loved the taste of him on your mouth. "Immeasurably," Lucifer moaned into you.
"And only with a few seconds to spare!" Lucifer buckled his pants once more while you walked over to the sink and began soaking one of the wash cloths in cool water. You dabbed the towel on his forehead, attempting to cool him down. "Can't have you looking so disheveled, my king."
"I promise to make this up to you," Lucifer swore. "You should never be left unsatisfied."
You smiled and kissed him on the forehead sweetly. "My satisfaction is knowing I'm the only one who can pull those beautiful sounds out of you." Lucifer could help but look away from you in embarrassment. "Now, if you promise to behave for the rest of the party, let's just say I have a...proposition for you later tonight. I know exactly how you can pay me back." You unlocked the bathroom door and held it open for him. "Let's not keep our guests waiting!"
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IT'S SO FUCKING LATE RIGHT NOW HOLY GOD I WAS ON A ROLL I DIDN'T WANT TO STOP! I hope you guys are ready for the honeymoon ;)
Taglist: @ask-theradio-demon @kermitdafroggy @thonethatflies620 @luc1fersducky @a-okay-rj @bat-boness @myhornybrainonlyknowsthis @misfitgirlwrites @animationmovieshipps @orbitinglumps @ramenkitten @blaackbiird @bigfatbimbo @lucisaspen @bvnnyangel @seulace9 @fluffypinkpillows @starlightdreaming @k-n0-x @rosen-und-mondlicht @raindropsfromheaven @slutforlucifermorningstar (I'm sorry if I missed anyone!)
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zablife · 8 months
Seamstress, Secretary, Sex-worker, Spy
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John x female reader
Summary: You've been seen with John numerous times and now the Shelby family is getting suspicious. Who are you and what's your true relationship to John?
Author’s Note: This was requested by a lovely anon. Tysm for the idea! I hope you don't mind that I wrote them as headcanons. I haven't had much time for full fics recently.
Warnings: language, mention of smut
🌹The first time someone sees you with John you're collecting the laundry, a large basket at your hip piled high with all his unwashed shirts. "Have we got a new washerwoman in town, Charlie?" Curly asks, scratching his head as he sees you passing on the street.
"Don't look like any washerwoman I ever saw," Charlie says ogling you.
💌The second time, you're in the betting shop, nibbling on the end of a pencil as you think of a clever note to leave on John’s desk. Linda rolls her eyes as she complains, "Perfect, they've sent me another useless idiot who can't do simple maths." When you disappear, she assumes you quit. "Thanks be to Jesus for that," she mutters under her breath.
❤️ The third time your presence is much harder to miss, a sharp cry of pleasure erupting from the snug in the Garrison. "Has John got a whore in there?" Isaiah asked, turning to Finn with a wicked smirk. Their suspicions seemed to be confirmed when you left minutes later, money in hand and a smoldering kiss to send you on your way.
🌹 The mystery of your presence remains in the following days and soon Tommy becomes suspicious as well. “I knew he was spending too much time in Solomons’ territory,” he grumbles, pacing the floor of his office. “What if that dodgy fucker sent her here?"
"A spy?" Polly chuckles as she leans back in her chair.
"Why not use a pretty girl to turn his head?," Tommy reasoned with a huff of frustration. When she rolled her eyes in return he shouted, "Everyone knows John thinks with his cock!"
💌 The family meeting begins without John who appears twenty minutes late, stuffing his shirt into the back of his trousers. Running to the meeting from your arms is difficult enough, but now the entire family is boring holes into him, expecting an explanation. When they begin telling him of their suspicions, his mouth drops open.
"You being serious, Tom?" he asks. "All of you?" he looks around the room aghast. Slowly everyone nods. "Bloody hell..." his voice drops as removes his cap and drops into a chair crestfallen.
❤️ Polly begins to look worried, leaning forward at the table to ask, "John, if this girl is going to be trouble, we need to know."
"Always thinking the worst, ain't ya?" he answers bitterly. Then he shakes his head with a little laugh, which angers Arthur first.
"You fucking laughing at us? Finn and Isaiah saw you pay the little tart! What's that about, eh?" he grumbles, anger contorting his face.
"What the fuck did you call her?" John seethes, lunging for his brother. A scuffle breaks out between them which Tommy and Uncle Charlie have to stop before either of them can land a punch.
🌹 John straightens his clothes as he begins, "Yeah, she's my girl. But she ain't a whore and she ain't a spy for Alfie fucking Solomons either alright? Moved to Saltley two years ago with her mum. I had it checked out....'M not as stupid as everyone thinks." He sniffs and takes a look around the room to see disbelief still hanging in the air. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?"
Polly places a hand on his arm, "We're listening, go on."
💌John's eyes soften as he speaks of you. "She takes care of me, does the laundry and shopping, leaves me kind notes..." Eyes glazing slightly at the memory he turns to Arthur adding, "Sucks me dry, I swear to God. Yesterday I thought--"
"We believe you," Polly interjects with a firm nod. Turning to her other nephew she states, "Tommy, I think this item of business is closed."
❤️ You're invited to the next family dinner as a way to placate John, but also for the others to get to know you. When they do, they adore you instantly and John is rightfully vindicated. "Shouldn't have doubted me," John reminds them.
"I know. I was wrong to say you were only thinking with your cock," Tommy apologizes.
"No, I was thinking with me cock, but for once it was the right decision," John admits with a wink.
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munson-blurbs · 8 months
Tui request?? Eddie gains a little weight after the baby is born and Ms heart looks amazing post baby and Eddie becomes sort of self conscious and Mrs sweet heart shows Eddie how much she loves his dad bod
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: When Eddie starts feeling insecure about his newfound dad bod, you make sure to prove how sexy you think he is.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), p in v, breeding kink, Reader breastfeeds (no lactation kink), mention of weight gain and a "junk food diet"
WC: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you to @jo-harrington for helping me with the pacing and to @corroded-hellfire for help with the dialogue!
Eddie Munson thought you were stunning the night you met at the Hideout. On your wedding day, he surmised that he was marrying the prettiest woman in the world. And when you got pregnant with Hendrix—especially once your bump became more prominent—he’d sworn up and down that you couldn’t possibly get more beautiful if you tried. 
That statement, of course, is easily refuted by his current sight of you with six-month-old Hendrix nestled into your chest. You gently move the rocking chair back and forth as the baby drinks from your breast, your shirt hiked up so he can easily latch onto your nipple. You wince slightly as he suckles, though it isn’t nearly as painful as when you’d first begun nursing him. 
“He’s getting so chunky,” you muse, running your finger over the roll that’s formed on his little wrist. You look at your husband to gauge his reaction, your smile fading when you see his distant expression. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
You sigh, carefully adjusting your position to sit forward a bit. Hendrix is unfazed, too focused on his lunch. “Tell me the truth. You know I always find out, anyway.”
“You’re right,” Eddie agrees with a small laugh. There’s no sense in trying to hide it, not when you can read him like a book. “Guess, um, guess I’ve just been noticing that Hendrix isn’t the only one putting on weight lately.” He looks down at his stomach guiltily.
A delicate frown tugs your lips downward; you notice for the first time that he’s wearing a jacket despite the warm May weather. “So? You’re adjusting to being a father of two. Instead of both of us taking care of only Harris, we now need man-to-man coverage.”
“Yeah, but you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he protests. Your pregnancy glow has carried over to a new-mom glow, despite the exhaustion. Christ, you even make sleep deprivation look good. “And you’re the one who had the baby.”
“Eds,” you say softly, the weight of his statement heavy on your shoulders, “you spent my entire pregnancy and this post-partum hell reassuring me that you loved every version of my body. Why wouldn’t I feel the same way about yours?” Hendrix has stopped eating, so you fix your shirt and prop him up to burp him.
He shrugs, cheek pinched between his teeth to stifle emotion. “I dunno, I just…” he exhales long and loud as he searches for the right phrasing. “Your body made life; mine made the decision to eat chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese off of Harris’s plate instead of vegetables.”
You offer a hint of a smile at his humor, though his words are laced with true insecurity. “Let me put this little man down for his nap and show you just how incredible that body of yours is.” There’s a mischievous glint in your eyes when you stand, the baby satiated and ready for his midday sleep. Harris is at Charlie’s house for a playdate, which means you and Eddie essentially have the afternoon to yourselves.
Hendrix’s milk-drunk state has him falling asleep quickly, and you take Eddie’s hand and lead him to the bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, your arms are draped over his shoulders, and you press your torso to his. You give his earlobe a little nibble before bringing your lips to his neck.
“You know what I see when I look at you?” you start, letting your hands rest on his biceps. “I see the arms that carry our boys to bed every night.” You leave a delicate kiss on the spot you just mentioned before gently pulling off his shirt. “And your chest is perfect for any of us to rest on.” Another kiss, this one received with a shiver. 
He shakes his head. “‘S not how I used to look,” he responds guiltily. “When I was younger, I lived off of Doritos and Mountain Dew–didn’t gain an ounce. Guess it’s catching up to me now,” he grimaces, giving his belly a little pinch.
You intercept the motion, gently pushing his hands from his stomach. “Did I know I love this tummy most of all?” When he cocks a disbelieving brow, you smile and elaborate. “It reminds me that you don’t have to settle for a junk food diet anymore. We’ve created a little home with safety, love, and delicious food. I mean, you could do some sit-ups, I guess, but…” you shrug, scrunching your nose as you say the words, “I kinda like having a little something extra to hold onto.”
“Really?” He still doesn’t allow himself to fully accept this truth, so you try another method.
“Really,” you affirm, pulling him in for another deep kiss. “I need you,” you growl, your core already flooded with need at the prospect of worshiping him. “Need you so bad.” 
Eddie moans under his breath when you suck a bruise just above his collarbone. His hands grip your hips to tug you even closer, and you can feel him stiffen in his jeans. With a knowing grin, you drop to your knees and leave a hickey right next to his navel. 
“You are,” you mumble against his skin, fingers coaxing open his pants button, “ridiculously sexy. ‘S not fair.” You unzip him, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His erection stands at attention, and you intend to show him plenty of it; but you have one last item on your agenda. “Eds, this ass? God, I could bite it all day.” You giggle as you lean around to sink your teeth into the meat of it, and he yelps in surprise. “Only want you, Eddie,” you say, now looking up into his eyes. “Only ever wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie groans, throwing his head back as you flatten your tongue and lick the underside of his shaft. “Thassit; take your time, Sweetheart.”
You take the tip between your lips, swiping at the pre-cum already dripping from it. Slowly, you allow more and more of him in your mouth until your nose brushes his pubic hair. 
“Mhm. Kee-Keep going, mmf, little faster now.” 
You eagerly oblige, swirling your tongue in that way that drives him wild; sure enough, you feel his thigh twitch next to your cheek. You assumed he would finish in your mouth, and you look up at him in confusion when he pulls out of it. 
“I gotta…fuck…gotta be inside that tight pussy of yours.” He grabs himself at the base, eyes begging for you to let him in. 
You shed your clothes and toss them in a heap on the floor, walking towards him and pushing him onto the bed. He grins when you straddle his waist and kiss his lips hungrily. 
“Gonna take care of you tonight, Eds,” you coo, grinding your wet center over the ridges of his cock. “You always make me feel amazing, honey. I wanna return the favor.”
Eddie nods, adjusting his hard-on so you can sink onto it, enveloping him in your warmth. He stretches you perfectly, and you let him know with a pleased moan. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses, nails digging into the flesh of your ass. “I’ll never get tired of that feeling.”
“Good,” you smirk, letting him bottom out before you begin moving again. His grip stabilizes you enough to ride him, rolling your hips teasingly. Your lips are beckoned by his chest tattoo, and you plant kisses all over it. “Mine.” You claim him with that one word, and he gives himself to you fully.
You sit back up to bounce on him, his hands reaching for your breasts and gently cupping them. A whine emanates from your throat as he thrusts up into you with more rigor.
“Kiss me?” he pleads, lifting one hand to clasp around the back of your head, bringing your face closer to his. There’s no need to ask twice; you lean in and kiss him passionately, 
As much as you want to take the lead, you can’t deny how incredible it feels when he thrusts upwards. You whine pathetically as he drives his cock deeper within you. 
“Take it so well, Sweetheart,” he grunts, pinning down your thighs. “Got me tempted to knock you up all over again.”
His words have you clenching around him, your breaths shallow. You brace yourself on his chest, moaning out his name. 
“Eddie, your body,” you whimper, unable to complete the sentence. Your mind is too focused on your building orgasm. 
“What about it, honey?”
You take as much of a breath as you can. “Your body makes me feel so fucking good.”
“Prove it,” he growls. “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
Pleasure washes over you, his length brushing against your sweet spot and driving you over the edge. “I-I’m cumming—”
“Mmf, m-me, too—fuck!” Eddie’s eyes roll as he finishes, pumping you full of his release. He pounds into you, draining himself completely. 
You lay on top of him until he whispers in your ear, “Sweetheart? I gotta pull out.” Sure enough, he’s gone completely soft, absolutely spent. 
All you can manage is an mmh, pouting when he withdraws. Eddie laughs kindly and kisses you, one hand cupping your cheek. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best wife in the world?” he asks, nose gently nudging yours. “Not just because of all that—which was phenomenal, by the way. Five stars.” You swat at him and he laughs harder. “I feel so…safe when I’m with you.”
Your lips ghost the tip of his nose. “You are safe with me,” you remind him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says, holding you as close as he can. He pauses for a beat before speaking again. “Can I ask you something?”
Eddie clears his throat. “That thing about liking when there’s something to, um, ‘hold onto,’” he starts, cheeks filling in pink, “did you mean that?”
It’s your turn to kiss him passionately, lips parted, tongue grazing his. You roll your hips again, fingertips brushing the soft side of his torso. It reignites the fire within him; his cock twitches slightly. 
“Does that answer your question?”
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*has a headache* It's ok, I took medicine.
The Observer
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Alastor X Godlike Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ reader can shape-shift to blend in, mention of blood, eye getting torn out, and wings ripped ⚠
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You rolled your eyes as you watched your youngest brother sit atop his thrown, surrounded by angels.
Admittedly, his realm was beautiful but it was quite boring and filled with stuck up persons, but at least there were a few nice souls roaming about.
"Brother, please tell me you have something fun to do?", you asked but did not get a response.
You groaned and shifted into looking like an angel, now visible for the others to see.
Flying down, you approached one of the winged creatures and they stared back at you.
Blink blink.
"Hmm.. Nope. This got boring.", you sigh and shift back. "I'm going downstairs since you are 'so busy' with work.", you say to your brother and make quotation marks with your fingers.
You still don't get a reply.
With that, you cut open a portal and step through it. Shifting into looking like a sinner as your feet touch the grounds of Hell.
Maybe I should visit my nephew.. You thought as you walked down the street, blood, garbage, and some graffiti littered about. Lucifer is quite fun.
Before you could start heading to Lucifer's castle, a startling loud introduction to a tv show began.
A sinner with a television for a head started talking in a fast pace, talking down on what you assume is another sinner.
"Hm..", you crossed your arms.
Then there's a crackle. Turning to the sound, you find a radio behind a glass window.
"Oh! What a lovely vintage!", you say with sparkling eyes.
Humans were very interesting but then they became repetitive and you only checked in when there was something new. You collected quite a bit of the items that were made for fun.
"Salutations! Good to be back on the air.", a voice came through.
You didn't notice the crowd that formed behind you as the two sinners started going back and forth. The radio man not really talking to the other, but the television man trying his best to get the last say.
Then the power went out, the only light coming from the radio that was somehow able to stay on.
"Let's begin~ I'm gonna make you wish I stayed gone. Tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know its race has run. Oh, this will be fun~", the broadcast finished.
You were grinning, hiding it behind your hands.
Oh what a funny little fight! I want to see what the winner looks like! I can visit Lucifer after, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. You thought and made your way into a dark alley before shifting.
Now invisible, you glided over to follow the trail of static like magic, finding it connected to the radio that went towards a tower.
It was such and oddly paced thing, looking like it would fall over any minute.
Hm. I should walk through the door of the building it's attached to. You decided and shifted again, looking different than the form you took earlier.
This time you were taller and had a tail like a little devil. Your arms darkening to look like the night sky, with little speckles that looked like stars. Long horns sitting atop of your head that twisted in curls before straightening out.
"Oh, I like this one. I'll save this to wear again.", you said before knocking on the double doors.
It took a second before one of the doors was practically ripped open.
A blonde smiled widely up at you, reminding you of your nephew with the pink on their cheeks.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!", she greeted and stepped out of the way. "Please come in!"
Entering the building, you saw it was a fancy but run down hotel. It was quite nice but could use a little fixing. Too bad that you couldn't do anything to alter any of the realms you visited.
There could be so much you would fix.
"What is your name?", you asked the blonde woman, turning to look at her with a soft smile.
"Oh! My name is Charlie and I am the founder of the hotel! It's purpose is to rehabilitate sinners.", Charlie answered with a beaming smile.
"My! That is very interesting."
You followed her into the lobby and let her speak more about the hotel. Then, as Charlie was speaking, you saw an angel enter the room. Her long white hair flowed with slight movement as she stood next to the blonde.
"Who is this?", she asked, crossing her arms.
She glared at you like you had done something unspeakable.
Oh, what have they done to you? You wondered. If an angel is down here, they must have done something wrong or someone from upstairs unjustly cast them out.
"Oh, um..", Charlie looked at you. "What is your name?"
"I am just here to look around, see something new.", you said. "I have no name but you can call me Penjani."
"What do you mean you have no name?", the angel asked.
"It's alright.", you wave off Charlie's concern. "I was never given a name, I was just created and left to wander."
It was somewhat true.
You did not get a name, but the humans and other creatures of the universe named you many things or didn't even know about you. But that's how its always been.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..", the angel, Vaggie looked at the floor.
"It's alright, no harm done.", you patted her shoulder.
With contact, you saw why she was down in Hell.
Adam, the first man, had abandoned her after she defied orders. Her wings cut off and her eye tore out by another angel, an exorcist. You took your hand back after seeing all that you needed too. Finding out Charlie was the Princess and family.
"I actually came to see something else too.", you said with a closed eyed smile.
The two looked at you, curious.
"What else did you want to see?", the Princess asked.
You pointed up. "Who occupies the tower?", you asked. "The black one with red tinted windows."
That is when you actually started to feel the buzz from the static you were following earlier. It crawled across your skin, leaving tingles as it passed down.
Then a new voice spoke up.
"That would be me."
Looking behind you to find where the voice was coming from, you saw a red deer demon. His hair, clothes, and eyes were red. A handsome face that you remember seeing before, around the nineteenth century if you recall. He was a dashing human and now he was a devilishly handsome demon.
He grinned once your eyes were on him, as if he was satisfied with your attention.
"I am Alastor, The Radio Demon."
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A song helped me get the rest of this typed out. Thank the Dolly Parton song, Jolene.
~Seline, the person.
Taglist@@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koiolii @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+?
ML II Alastor🎙
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spideyhexx · 4 months
saccharine - aka; cowgirl!reader who teases the shit out of him x billy who 'hates' you, or so he says.
tending to your wounds.
this could be read standalone or with the other parts <3
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There was nothing else you could have done. With Jesse and his boys talking shit about your gang, about Billy, you had to say something. You were passing near them in town and caught the little jesting, which seemed to only get louder when Olinger realized it was you who was walking past them. 
Part of you knows it was stupid and your impulsivity was becoming a problem, but you had to do something, right? Stand up for yourself, for Billy, for the other men that you’ve grown to see as a family. Mostly Billy. So you did. And you paid for it. 
Apparently, it wasn’t below Olinger to take a few swings at a woman. It isn’t surprising though, and in hindsight, Jesse was the one to pull him back once you started reciprocating in the fight before anything got worse. Your hand had already found your gun, had it pulled out and cocked, but Jesse gave you a look and nodded off, hoping you’d walk away. 
With small reluctance, you kept the gun trained on Olinger as you paced backward, your eyes never leaving the group of men until you could slip away. You decided to not head straight for camp in fear of them following. 
That was also a slight mistake. Your nose ached and your lip was busted, knuckles bloodied. You’re sure a bruise will appear on your side and your cheek, but a sense of pride washed over you as you remembered hearing the crack beneath your knuckles when you punched Olinger in the nose. 
Your head is already woozy by the time you’re back at camp, waving off Charlie who immediately shows his concern. The plan is to take care of yourself inside your little tent, not wanting to worry anyone and cause a commotion. 
But then you see Billy. He’s just shrugging off his coat when he locks eyes with you. He barrels over, almost tripping over his own feet, “What the fuck did you do, cowgirl?” 
You let out a breathless chuckle, “So caring,” you mutter, walking past him, purposely bumping your shoulder into his, but it makes you wince. Billy holds himself back from grabbing your wrist, but he does follow you. 
“‘M being serious, what happened?” He presses, his head turned to look at you, assess what’s hurt as you walk. 
“Your old pals,” you tell him and he rolls his eyes. Your hand presses to your lip as it stings, a wince running through you again and you look at the blood on your hand when you pull it away from your mouth. 
“What were you doin’ with them?” Billy is eyeing you so intently like he’s itching to grab you and make you stop walking. His tone sounds almost accusatory so you lean into it. 
“Fucking them.”
He scoffs and moves to stand in front of you, blocking your way, “Stop messin’ around, ‘m…,” he trails off, looking away for a second before his eyes meet yours once again, “‘M trying to help, what happened? Just let me help fix you up.” 
“I don’t need help, I know how to take care of this,” you gesture to your face and step to the side to walk away from him, but he just steps back in front of you. 
You sigh dramatically, thinking over your options. Of course, you didn’t want to say no to Billy helping you clean up. He had nice hands. They would touch your face. And you could talk to him more. But you also feared he’d make you say what happened and your pride would take a hit. But the other part of you remembered that night a few months ago when you fixed him up after a fight. The gentleness between you two that you’ve never felt since longed to see if it would be back. And you’re tired. 
“Fine,” you finally say to him and his shoulders lose their tension. You bump into his shoulder again as you walk past him. 
Billy shakes his head, closing his eyes tight to clear his thoughts at your indifference and attitude before he follows you. Still standing, you’re already taking a cloth out of your bag, but he snatches it from you, wetting it with his water and grabbing your hand to clean your knuckles. 
When you sigh, he can’t help but smirk at how much you’re defying this, “‘S okay to need help,” Billy says, doing his best to be gentle with your knuckles. 
“Think you should take that advice too.” You try to make it about him. Knowing he would typically refuse help, but you both knew that you were much worse with it. 
“Gonna tell me how this happened? Jesse and his boys, huh?” Billy moves on to your other hand. 
A silence falls over the two of you as you keep your mouth shut. Billy isn’t dumb though, he knows how prideful you can be. “Whatever did happen, you shouldn’t have let it get to you. They’re all dicks.”
“I know,” you huff, clenching and unclenching your fingers to see if they hurt much once Billy’s done cleaning them. 
He grabs his clean handkerchief and dabs under your nose without warning which causes a small flinch from you. Billy shakes his head at it, holding your jaw with his other hand so you stay still. “If you know, then you wouldn’t have gotten involved in whatever you got involved in. You can’t be gettin’ hurt like this, sweetheart. What were you thinking?”
An eye roll comes from you. “Well…they were mouthing off about you,” you tell him, flushing when you realize how it sounds, so you quickly add on, “About…all of us, the whole gang.”
“And?” Billy gently turns your head as he continues to clean the blood off your face, his brow furrowed and his lips slightly pouted. Why are you looking at his lips right now, he could notice. 
“And I can’t stand that sorta thing. You know that.” You can’t hide the slight annoyance in your tone. 
“I do. But that was risky of you. And now you’re hurt,” he sighs after he speaks, tilting his head as he cleans near your mouth. 
“Bonney, I do not need to be lectured, I was just defendin’-”
“You got hurt,” he says, his voice a little more stern as he tosses the bloody handkerchief to the ground with your cloth. 
“I don’t want you gettin’ fuckin’ hurt over defendin’ me, I can’t have that,” Billy snaps, not even mentioning your words about how you did it for the gang. 
A shaky sigh leaves your lips, “I can handle myself, Bonney.”
“I know. I know, but you got fuckin’ hurt. Are you hearin’ me say that?” Billy’s getting more frustrated, his gaze stern and he pinches the bridge of his nose after he speaks. 
“We all get hurt sometimes,” you mutter, and you roll your eyes again. It’s common for any one of you to run into some trouble, and end up with minor injuries that heal within due time. It wasn’t anything big, right?
“I know but, you got hurt, impulsively and…and…what if they pulled a gun out?”
A twinge of something warms your heart when he specifies you getting hurt. Like he does care. Even if he thinks you should’ve walked away. 
“I’m quick.” You give him a shrug and Billy rubs his hands over his face. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, exasperated. Billy doesn’t know what he’s doing. When he saw you all battered up, he wanted to just scoff and make fun of you and leave it at that, but he didn’t do that. And now he’s two steps away from blurting out that he cares for you. 
“Billy, c’mon, I’m tired, I’m aching. I know it was fucking stupid, but it’s what I had to do,” you breathe out, taking a deep breath in and out. 
“Yeah, it was fuckin’ stupid,” he mumbles back, his eyes back on yours, “really, really stupid.”
“Thank you,” your voice is monotoned to further display your sarcasm and you see the hint of a smile on his face. 
Then it starts to drop as his brow furrows more, “Your nose is bleedin’ again,” he says and he moves in close, reaching into your bag at your side. Billy invades your space with this move, his body heat radiating into yours as he finds the handkerchief and holds it to your nose. 
You want to protest, but you keep your mouth closed, eyes boring into his as he looks right back at you. A thrumming from your chest almost wills you to break his gaze, but you can’t let him win that. There’s something in his eyes you cannot decipher. His eyes are a little glossy, but he can’t be tearing up, can he? No, that’s just how Billy’s eyes are, you tell yourself. His hair looks like he hasn’t washed it in a few days, not that you blame him, but it made you want to wash it for him. To run your hands through his hair as his hands held onto your sides. It was foolish to think of fantasies like that, you think. Too much wishful thinking that Billy would ever want something like that. There was no reason to hurt yourself over it. Would save the disappointment. You hope to dear god he doesn’t understand what’s going through your head. That your eyes look full of emotion but just as blank as his own do right now. Because that’s all you can get from him. Emotion. But what kind? It’s anyone’s guess. 
When he gently dabs and pinches at your nose to help stop the bleeding, it snaps you out of your thoughts. You wince and move back. 
“Sorry,” he says, his voice softer and he looks at the bloody handkerchief in his hand. The motion you took to move back made you aware of the pain at your side, your hand resting there. Everything was too much. The pain. Billy. Yourself. 
With a shaky sigh, you mutter, “I hate this so much.”
Billy’s brow furrows and he takes a tentative step closer, “Hey, ‘s okay. Like you said, we all get hurt, I just-”
“I know, it was really stupid of me. I acted on impulse like I always do, but hell, I-I had to. Fuck, I just had to. I’m so tired of hearing people talk shit about you when all you’re doing is trying to help the right people.”
Billy is a little surprised at your words, but you don’t even seem focused on that. 
“I hate h-how much I feel, Billy. I feel so much and I need to act,” you blurt out to him, rubbing your hands on the sides of your face and then you realize something. 
“Fuck, my hat.” The nice little cowboy hat that Billy bought for you, paid with his own money to make it up to you after he messed something up, was not with you. 
“It must’ve fallen off in the commotion,” Billy says, his face strewn with concern over you more than anything else. 
But you take it as him being disappointed. “God, I’m sorry, I know you paid a good amount for that.”
“‘S okay, we can get you a new one,” he says softly. You scoff. 
“No, I can’t let you do that. I’m such an idiot,” you say to yourself, your hand rubbing over your face, forgetting about your nose, so you only irritate it more. “Shit!”
Billy sighs torn between staying put where he is and coming closer to you, “You’re not an idiot. Maybe it’s still there too, we can get it.”
Your mind is going a mile a minute, your hands getting shakier as your chest overwhelms your entire body. The thoughts are coming too fast. 
“No, it’s not there, someone probably took it. And I can’t let you buy me a new one. I can’t. I fucked this up. I should’ve just left as you said. I shouldn’t have fought or even said anything. And now I lost my hat and I’m feeling, feeling so much, like a lot a lot, Billy, it’s like a lot,” you take a breath.
As you speak, Billy’s trying his best to listen to every single word. He’s a bit exasperated with you still. Your stubbornness was fucking difficult to deal with, but he’d never live without it. He can’t help but smile. Just a little. A very tiny one that you don’t even register. He’s not sure why he’s smiling, but maybe it’s because you’re you. He finds himself watching your lips for a quick second when you’re speaking. Just a quick second. 
You continue, “I don’t understand why I have to feel so much you know, and why I do act so impulsively but it just feels right, you know? It always feels right and sometimes I regret it sometimes I don’t I mean I do regret it tonight but at the same time I did break Olinger’s nose I think. So that’s cool but anyways, I still hate it, I hate that it feels right to be impulsive but then I end up feeling so much, I just want-”
Billy is compelled by your words to lean forward and quickly peck your lips, effectively stunning you into silence from your rambling. He’s just as frozen as you are, staring at you wide-eyed. 
“What…what was…,” you try to get words out, but you’re only thinking about the small feeling of his chapped lips on yours. He kissed you. A peck. But he kissed you. Oh, maybe you’re dead! 
Billy’s shoulders are tense as he shakes his head and gives a light shrug and breathlessly says, “Shut the fuck up?” 
A grin worms its way onto your lips and you grab at his neckerchief to pull him in and properly kiss him. The rough feeling of his lips as he presses back into it, and the warmth of his body being close to yours only lasts a few seconds before you’re wincing and mumbling, “My lip, my lip, forgot about my lip,” and you bring your fingers to the cut that’s there. 
Billy laughs. Your hand hits his arm, almost wanting to linger so you can feel the muscle he's been gaining recently. He feigns hurt, holding his hand to where you hit him. You wish your hand was there. You call him a prick. He calls you an ass. 
Maybe you love him.
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noemilivv · 8 months
Requests are back open woo! How do you feel about platonic Alastor and male teen reader? Like he was around when Alastor was alive, same time period? And reader would sell newspapers to Al on the street. Reader could be a an orphan during the great depression hinting what Al said in the pilot. Reader is a huge fan of Alastor. When reader dies he willingly works for Alastor. And dont get me wrong! But i would kill to see Alastor and Lucifer just try to one up each other about who’s kid is better. If you don’t wish to do this i understand.
yeah, requests are back open!! huzah!!! but this is actually so cute what the flip, i’m gonna spend all my time thinking about this now KAHSBBSNSBSBAB
i’m imagining this kid to be ages like 11-14 btw so i hope that’s fine!!
Warnings: None(?)
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Alastor + M!Teen!Reader
“Hey, young one!” Alastor says, you turn your head to face the much taller deer-like man, “I need you to go run a few errands for me,” Alastor says, you nod your head enthusiastically, as much as Alastor wasn’t the most sane man ever, he was the coolest person in your book — he could do anything!
“I have to stay here, at the hotel, and handle some business, so be a good lad and drop this off to Rosie, off in Cannibal Town,” Alastor explained, softly dropping a medium-sized gift box in your hands, “If anyone gives you any trouble, use that small, cellular object to contact Angel, to my dismay, he said he’d take care of it, if worst comes to worst, contact me, I’ll have it on me, but remember, I only use it when I have to, understood?” Alastor confirmed, looking down at you.
You gave him a nod with a smile as you exited the hotel lobby and left off to your adventure in Cannibal Town.
“Heh, imagine needing a child to run your errands.” Lucifer remarked with a smirk smudged on his face, Alastor snapped his neck in his direction, “A reliable and trustworthy child at that, don’t mistake him for less than he is.” Alastor said, the grin on his face tightening at the ends in annoyance.
“Mediocre, at best.” Lucifer mumbled, did he really mean it? No, the kid was actually pretty neat. But after the fued Alastor and Lucifer had about Charlie, everything became a competition.
“My kid is so much better than yours.” Lucifer said, more confidently then before, puffing his chest out.
“Prove it.” Alastor said, his static getting more noticeable.
“I bet that squirt won’t be back in 20 minutes.” Lucifer proposed, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Yes, he fucking will.” Alastor said, his eyes darting at Lucifer, his smile still on his face.
It had been two hours. Two hours, since you’d left.
Alastor was moments away from beginning to pace, his grin was strained, and Lucifer couldn’t help but grin as the clock continued to tick.
All of a sudden, a small boy, being you, burst through the door.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Angel asked from the bar, his tone unreadable, but it was obvious he wasn’t upset.
“Talking with Rosie.” You answered, eyes innocent.
Alastor felt a bit of him die on the inside, as Lucifer snorted.
“She’s a nice lady.” You started. “She gave me tea. And offered me a leg.”
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pray4saint · 1 year
how it was on your honeymoon with chuckle sammy
masterlist & descrip. rated r. 16+. smut. afab!reader & gn!reader. 2.2k words total. sfw version.
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ted - afab!reader, shorter blurb, ted being a tease, teasing, fingering, dirty talk, sheet humping, implied oral sex (reader receiving)
ted teased you all throughout the day, mercilessly. he wanted to work you up for that night. after all, you were married now, it wasn't the same as dating sex.
”ted c'mon hands off.” you pulled his hand from your thigh and dropped it back in his lap. ”you can wait until we get to the hotel, can't you my love?” ted faked a moment of thought. ”yeah, course i can.” you nodded to him and quickly kissed his cheek. not even five minutes later, his hand was back on your thigh, inching closer to your sex.
by the time you'd gotten to the hotel, you were all hot and bothered and frustrated. ”what is wrong with you?” you roll your suitcase out of the way and turn around to face your husband. he reached for your arm, pulling you closer until he can get his hands perched your waist, flushing your chests together. ”what do you mean sweetheart? what did i do?” in all reality he knew what he was doing and he was enjoying every second of your irritation. you scowl at him and he laughs, pressing a kiss to your lips. when he pulls away, it's not far, just far enough to whisper against your mouth, ”is there anything i can do to make it better my dear?” his hands travel south, to the sides of your thighs. ”i think there might be.” despite the small smile on your lips, your tone is still firm and frustrated. ”oh yeah?”
there was a flurry of sloppy, open-mouthed, loud making out and clothes flying everywhere as ted guided you back to the bed.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
”sweetheart look at how wet y'are for me.” your husband pulled his hand away from your slit and you whined at the loss of contact. you watched him turn his middle and index fingers in the light to show off the slick you'd covered them with. ”ted, c'mon. stop teasing me.” he chuckled and kissed the inside of your thigh before he slid his fingers along your slit and when you went to protest again, cut you off by plunging his fingers into your cunt.
the sleep depravity, the hours of buildup, him, his fingers, the warmth of the room, how the sheets felt, it all added to how good his fingers felt pumping in and out of you, his other hand plants firmly on the plush of your thigh, keeping you close to him. on occasion he'd kiss at your clit, trailing down to where his fingers worked you open. ”god you're gorgeous hon'.” you almost didn't pick up on his words because all you could really hear was your mewls and the sound of his fingers moving with your fluids.
when you pulled your head up from the pillow and down at the man between your legs, you could see his hips moving. he was bucking into the sheets trying to release some of the friction in his pants and it only turned you on more. ”baby, fuck– come up here and–” you whined at how he slowed his fingers and tilted his head at you in interest, although he knew how you hated it when he slowed down. ”teddy come up here and fuck me.” you reached your hand down from where it had fisted at the sheets to the side of his face, caressing his cheek. ”not until you've come undone like this f'me. you understand right my dear? just wanna make you feel good.” before you can challenge his words, he picks up the pace and puts his tongue to work at your clit. your hand moves rather frantically up to his hair and you grab tight, throwing your head back once again. it was gonna be a long night for you.
charlie - afab!reader & one use of 'girl', nervous!charlie, praise, kind of service dom!charlie
since you and charlie got on that first plane, he'd been worried about what your expectations would be for your first night as a married couple. sure, you'd had sex plenty of times before but this was different. you were married now and in his mind there were certain expectations that came with that. of course you were so preoccupied with the flights and getting to the hotel that night that you didn't seem to notice his nervous demeanour.
”you ready to go?” you squeezed your new husband's hand to get his attention away from the ceiling. ”hm, yeah, m'ready.” you gave him an unsure look but nonetheless kept walking through and up to the ticket check for the next plane.
with how unsure he seemed in the airport about whatever was on his mind, it made you worry, and that entire next flight you held your hand in his or on his thigh, even while you were asleep. and as much as he enjoyed the physical display of your care, it didn't ease his mind much. also, with your hand moved on his thigh in your sleep, there were a few times it seemed like your hand wandered dangerously close to his crotch, leaving him both nervous and a little horny.
”char come here would you?” your husband perked up from the bedroom, getting up to find you in the bathroom. ”what's up?” you stood in front of the mirror, towel up high around your chest and it really was not helping how his mind still continued to wander to what could happen tonight. ”does this spot look like a pimple?” you turn to him with a pout on your lips. ”no baby, y'look beautiful.”
”you know you don't have to say that just because we're married right?” you look at him through the mirror with a smile. he puts his hands up in self defence, ”i'm not lying, you look gorgeous.” you tap at your lips and your husband rushes over, pressing a kiss to your cheek and then to your lips. ”m'serious, you look so good, always do.” you smile against his lips and in no time you find yourself straddling charlie in the bedroom, towel discarded on the floor.
”charlie, honey, it's okay.” you hold your lips close to his ear, your hands running under his shirt.
”no baby, i want this to be special for you.” you smile at him but you don't move. ”please.” after a moment of thinking you give in and roll over.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
once your husband had gotten his cock nestled inside you, snug against the walls of your cunt, there was this renewed sense of confidence in him, and it was evident in how he pressed his hips against yours, hands moving along your sides while his mouth pressed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses to your chest, making you moan with your hands rested on his shoulders.
”charlie f– charlie fuck, feels so good.” you held him close as you could, the combined feeling of his cock dragging inside your pussy and his mouth sucking hickeys into your navel and the surrounding skin. he mumbled something against your skin but you couldn't hear, too enamoured by everything else.
he's like a dog waiting for and wanting your approval. ”really? feels good?” you can only nod in response, whining as he rolls his hips into you over and over again. even without your verbal praise, the nod you gave him made him more confident and he moved with a faster pace. ”ohgodohgodohgod,” the little swears you let out under your breath and praises you managed to mutter between moans encouraged charlie, and bit by bit the original nervousness he had was removed entirely, replaced with this need, the need to make you cum.
”please don't stop, i'm so,” another moan was torn from your body, making your face scrunch up and charlie absolutely loved how you looked, wrecked for him, whining and clenching down on his cock. ”so close handsome.” he almost purred at the nickname, pulling one of his hands low to your pelvis where he pressed his thumb down against your clit. the action solicited a louder moan from you, your cunt begging his cock to keep fucking into you.
as he got closer, he kept pushing it away, focused entirely on making you cum on his dick. ”charlie, m'gonna cum.” he breathed against your chest, pressing a soft kiss between your breasts. ”yeah? y'gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” again you can only nod. ”god y'so beautiful.” all you can do is moan under his touch, letting the feeling in your stomach grow even further.
”fuck, charlie, fuck!” you screamed as you let your orgasm wash over you, your husband fucking his cock into you through your orgasm, praising you through it, kissing along the the expanse of your chest. ”so good baby, that's my sweet girl.”
once you'd gotten through your high and he'd pulled out, you were quick to sit up and slide off the bed to your knees. ”what are you doing love, come get some sleep.” despite his words, you're not gonna leave him unfinished, his cock still hard.
with a heavy breath you reach up, settling yourself between his legs and reach for his dick, him gasping at even the light touches ”m'gonna make you cum now honey, okay?” now it's his turn to only nod in response.
schlatt - gn!reader although many uses of word 'wife', desperate!schlatt, dom!schlatt, size kink, praise, dirty talk, superiority kink, calling schlatt 'sir', mention of cumming inside/creampie
your husband of barely a day had kind of been fixated on having his way with you since the moment you sliced the cake at the reception. because of the constant moving around airports and getting on and off planes you didn't notice the darker glint in his eye when you looked up at him. plus, as horny as he was, he knew he shouldn't distract you while you were in the zone, getting from one place to the next.
the scheduled pick up time for the car rental was tomorrow morning, but for the evening you and schlatt clambered into an uber.
”thank you.” you waved with a small smile at the uber driver, but then schlatt was dragging you by the wrist into the hotel, the bell boy moving your bags. he was quick with reception, getting the keycard to go upstairs.
you tried to talk to him but nothing changed, he didn't say a word. once you'd reached the room he waited for the bell boy to put your bags inside and nodded to him as he left.
”j, baby what the f–” his lips were on yours in an instant, pushing you against the door while he turned the lock. the action took you back, but still you gave him, kissing him back with your hands against his chest. when he pulled away from you there was a string of saliva connecting your lips and he smiled at how flushed your face was. ”i've needed you s'bad. so bad.” pressed against you, you could feel his hard-on and it made you gasp. ”go get on the bed for me sweetheart.” his tone was sweet but you still heard something bitter in the words.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
once he'd got you on your stomach with your ass up and his cock inside you, his pace was brutal, as was the grip schlatt had on your hips. you were sure by the time morning rolled around there'd be marks left behind by his hands.
”y'so small under me, hm? my perfect little wife?” it was a rhetorical question that was met with only the sounds of you moaning his name. it wasn't a sense of ownership – maybe it was – but he loved how tiny you looked beside him, and under him, and on top of him. he loved knowing he could cover your entirety like a blanket, and something about it made him so needy to have you even in the most tame situations.
”god, bet'ya didn't know how close i was to havin' you meet in the plane bathrooms, huh?” again the only response he got was your sounds of pleasure. he allowed his hands to move from your hips to your back, feeling along the arch and you screamed for him, he could feel how it reverberated close to your heart and it made him chuckle.
every word he said to you made it harder to hold out, but you kept trying. you wanted so badly to be good for him. to be his sweet little wife who took everything he gave you. ”m'gettin' so close pretty..” his voice trailed off, low grunts making you squeeze against his cock. ”cum, cum inside, please..” your words were barely audible, a long low mutter, and schlatt leaned over, his hips still pressed against your ass. ”what was that sweetheart?” now you could feel his breath against the back of your neck and it made you shiver. it also made you clench down on his cock yet again. you whined at him when he kissed just behind your ear. ”c'mon pretty, what was it?”
”want you–” you interrupted yourself with a moan. ”want you to cum inside, please sir.” the words only seemed to encourage your husband to rut into with a faster fervour than before, his breathing and low noises of pleasure like music to your ears.
”i know you'been holdin' back baby but you can go ahead, you can go on and cum. cum f'me like the perfect little thing you are f'me.” there was no other warning and your moans became pornographic when you came. ”good job baby, did so good” he kissed the back of your neck as his hips continued to rock against you. ”just hold on a minute for me, okay?”
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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hazbinshusk · 2 months
I would like Husk with prompt 12 please <3
prompt #12: a kiss along the collarbone
“Fuck me…” Husk sighs heavily as he collapses onto the sofa beside you, eyes closed and wings limp with the day’s exhaustion. Every part of him aches just for the effort of holding himself up for so long behind that goddamned bar. His eyes are closed, but he hears you set your book aside immediately, feels you shift in your seat to climb across the sofa and into his lap. Husk opens one eye as you wrap your arms around his neck and press yourself against him. He smirks softly, his paw coming up to rest on your hip. “I wasn’ talkin’ literally, doll.”
You giggle quietly, bumping your forehead against his. The small gesture is enough to make his more affectionate feline instincts take over, and he closes his eyes again, tilting his head forward to return the gesture with a muted groan. “I missed you today.”
Husk exhales a small smile, his other paw smoothing over your thigh. “I wasn’t far.”
“I know,” you say simply. The combination of firm muscle and soft fur is enough to leech away any tension left in your body, and you hope the feeling of you against him is doing the same for him. You slide your arms down his chest to instead curl around his middle in a loose embrace.
Husk hums, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Missed you, too.”
You tuck your head up under his chin, shivering pleasantly as he trails the claws of one paw up and down your back at a lackadaisical pace. You nuzzle up into his neck, rewarded with a soft, even purr. “Y’know, I’ve been thinking…”
You smile. “…about asking Charlie to give you a day off, pervert.”
He chuckles, the sound melting into a happy groan as your fingers dig into the knot that sits between his wings, massaging away the tension with a practiced touch. “’s not the Princess you gotta worry about.”
“Hmm…” you frown. “And the chances of the Colgate King giving you time away from the bar?”
Husk seems to consider your question for a moment. “Depends. Is this place freezin’ over anytime soon?”
You pout.
Husk shifts reluctantly, trying to dislodge you from his lap. “Speakin’ of…”
“Uh-uh,” you shake your head, refusing to release him. “Alastor is in the middle of a broadcast and should be up in his tower for at least another hour. We’re safe, baby.”
Husk sighs, and you feel him press his lips to your hair. “’m sorry, doll. You shouldn’ have to be sneakin’ around jus’ to spend some quality time…”
“Hey,” you interrupt him gently, pulling back to meet his eye. “D’you see me complaining?”
He doesn’t answer right away, but he breathes a quiet laugh as you arch an eyebrow at him. “No, I don’, but—”
“No ‘but’s. I’m happy, Husk.” you assure him, pressing a kiss to one cheek, then the other. “Just how we are.”
Husk exhales, shifting beneath you as you move your hands to his chest, scratching your nails through his fur.
“Besides,” you continue, kissing the side of his throat. “It’s kinda hot… sneaking around.”
The bartender laughs quietly claws tightening on your hips as you brush kisses along his collarbone. “Doll…”
“We’ve got time.” you remind him, your hands moving lower. His stomach jerks under your touch, your fingers lingering teasingly over the waistband of his pants. “D’you want me to stop?”
“Christ, you’re a naughty little thing…”
You nod slowly, biting you lip against your smile. “Uh-huh.”
“Gonna get us in so much trouble…”
You unfasten his pants, kissing up along his other collarbone. “Maybe…”
“Fuck it,” he growls, and you laugh as he pulls you down into a kiss.
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
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spookyghostbunny · 8 months
I missed your smile too
Alright everyone, come get your yummy bread crumbs!
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Lucifer was pacing back and forth in his room full of rubber ducks. That fight with the hotel's busboy really got to him. What was his name again? Doesn't matter. He stops when he sees a duck that looks like Charlie. He picks it up, beginning to rant aloud.
"That busboy is insane! He really had the fucking nerve to call him your dad to my face! Me! Lucifer!The King of Hell! Your real dad! Your flesh and blood! Your kin! He can't possibly think he's a better dad than me!? No one in Hell is a better dad than me!" He paused, looking down at the Charlie duck. "Right?"
The duck of course didn't respond.
He lets out a pathetic sigh, holding the duck close and flopping on his bed. Who was he kidding? Anyone would be a better dad to Charlie than him. He was barely in her life! He doesn't know her favorite drink, her favorite color, anything! He didn't even know she had a girlfriend until today!
Lucifer rolled over, shoving his face into a pillow with a groan. He was the worst dad in the universe!
The sad little man looked up from his pity party when he heard a soft knock on the door. He quickly gets up, clumsy running around and fixing his appearance. "Uh- C-come in!" He answered once he looked mostly presentable.
Charlie opens the door, peaking around the messy room. She doesn't remember there being this many ducks.
Lucifer stared at her in complete shock. His daughter? Here? HIS DAUGHTER WAS HERE!!!
He coughs, trying to act cool. "Heeeey, Char-Char! What- what are you doing here? Couldn't get enough of your old man today, eh!" He rubs the back of his neck. What do you do in a situation like this? It's been years since Charlie came to visit him. Did she somehow know he was thinking about her?
Was the princess psychic this entire time!?
Charlie carefully steps into the room. "Hey, dad. Nice ducks?" She picks one up to examine. The ducky flipped in her hand before it suddenly started spitting fire. "AH!-" She yelps, dropping the duck and jumping away in fear.
Lucifer freaked out. "CHARLIE I'M SO SORRY THAT DUCK WAS A NEWER ONE I KNEW IT WAS STUPID PLEASE DON'T HATE ME-" He was cut off when Charlie placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Deep breaths, dad. It's ok. I don't hate you. I never hated you." She helps him get his breathing normal as she leads him to the bed.
They sit down, Charlie taking her dad's hands in hers. "I just wanted to thank you for... Everything. I know we were... Distant- But today was a huge step forward!" His daughter smiles, and Lucifer had to hold back tears. "You're an amazing dad. I wouldn't want anyone else."
That did it. That broke the camel's back. He choked on a sob, pulling the sweet princess into a tight hug. His daughter really was psychic!!
Charlie hugged back just as hard. She didn't like seeing her father cry. A frown wasn't a good look on him. Like Alastor says: You're never fully dressed without a smile!
And she knew just the trick to bring his back.
Without any warning Charlie pulls back and tackles her dad.
"Oof! Wha- Charlie! What are- Oh no. Nononono!" His eyes widen with panic from the mischievous smirk on her face.
"Who's this Charlie you speak of? I'm.... The Tickle Monster! Rawrrr!" She broke character for a second to giggle. Lucifer used to use this trick on her when she was sad, so now she's returning the favor! She formed her hands into claws and wiggled them above his stomach. "I'm here to feast!" She growled in a deep funny voice.
Lucifer panicked more, but he also felt a mixture of silliness and pride. It's been a long long time since him and Charlie played together. He thought she wouldn't remember this game. His smile turned wobbly, deciding to play along. "Pl-please, Miss T-tickle Monster! Have m-hehehercy!" He was already starting to giggle.
Charlie broke character again to squee in pure happiness. She didn't actually expect him to go along with this! She clears her throat, putting back on her scary tickle monster persona. "Silence! My meals don't talk!" She dives in, attacking his belly with many scribbles and pokes. "They laugh!"
Luci squealed, bursting into high-pitched giggles. He grabs onto Charlie's wrists, but he made no move to push them away. "Chahaharlie! Ihihit tihihickles!"
Charlie couldn't help but to coo at her dad. "That's the point, ya goober! And that's Miss Tickle Monster to you!" She moved up higher to pinch at his ribs.
The King of Hell's giggles turned into full on laughter. He kicked his feet and squirmed, still not trying to get away.
"My, these ribs give off some tasty laughter! I must have more!" With each pinch she made a nomming noise like she was actually eating his laughter.
Lucifer flushed at the silliness of it all. He had to admit, this was making him feel better. It's been so long since he had a good laugh, and the anxiety from earlier melted away with each "nom."
Charlie stopped to give her father a quick break. "Mmm! Those ribs were delicious! Now I'm craving something for dessert!"
Lucifer froze. He knew what that meant. Still, he didn't want to ruin the fun. He pretended to be curious. In reality, he was preparing himself for what's to come. "What would that be, Miss Tickle Monster?"
"Raspberries!" The Princess leaned down, blowing a huge raspberry on Lucifer's tummy.
Luci went absolutely crazy with laughter! He even let out a few snorts! "OHOHOHO GOHOHOHODNEHEHESS!!" He shook his head, covering his blushy face.
Charlie was delighted by his reaction and laughed along with him. She blew a few more raspberries before deciding he had enough and falling onto the bed next to him. "You alright there, dad?"
"Ihih'm fihihine!" Despite still being giggly he felt great!
Soon enough, they were both taking a well deserved nap.
"That's good. I really did miss your smile too, dad." She hugs him, snuggling into his side.
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wolfpants · 2 months
wolf's reading list: july favourites 📚
<- June's rec list here
I've read some really amazing fics this month, across multiple pairings and a couple of fandoms (mostly Drarry this time, though!)! It's been a bit of a bumpy month - work is busy, life's a bit hectic, so I'm very grateful to all of these authors for offering a bit of respite 😇🖤
Claim and Satisfaction 🐉
E, HP, Drarry+Charlie, 6.7k | @jtimu
“Did he?” Draco’s thumb pressed harder, rolling a knot deep by Harry’s shoulder blade. “He is very good at it. Looks lovely down there, doesn’t he?”
Charlie leaned back slightly, resting his weight on one elbow. “Does he kneel for you too?”
He wondered if this was what it had been like between them, desire bound together with ferocity. He’d never asked. Now he wanted to know, ached to find out.
'But if he wins?' 🔥
E, Captive Prince, Berenger/Ancel, 910 | @magpiefngrl
The sex scene immediately after the end of Pet.
‘You don’t have to do this,’ Berenger said, his voice hoarse, even as his arms tightened around Ancel’s waist. ‘I want you to want it, not to—’ ‘Trust me,’ Ancel said, his lips against Berenger’s, ‘I want it. I want you.’
Effervescence 🧪
E, HP, Drarry, 4.3k | @thecouchsofa
Harry has trouble asking for what he wants in bed. Draco uses Veritaserum to help him along.
Running a hand across Harry’s shoulder, down his chest, Draco stepped closer. “Do you trust me?” Harry barely spared a moment to nod, knocking back the vial before Draco could so much as blink. He tugged at Draco’s hand, leading him upstairs and into their bedroom, his pace quick. “So,” Draco said, leaning against the bedpost and smirking. “What would you like me to start with?”
[art] Heated 🪢
E, HP, Drarry | @littlewinnow
Draco's Rut is here and Harry is so ready to help out.
Like Falling Water 🌲
E, HP, Neville/Charlie, 3.9k | spookywoods
Neville finds out what love is.
“I feel...I feel something for you,” Neville manages to say. He looks down between them at their flagging erections. He thinks about Charlie’s throat, his smile, the hairs that catch the foam from his drinks. “How do you separate the fleeting desire from the real stuff?” Charlie shifts the weight of his body forward and embraces Neville. “I don’t know exactly. One day you just feel something a bit deeper, and the spark hits your spine and warms your heart instead of your prick.”
The Real Thing ❤️
M, HP, Drarry, 5.1k | @skeptiquewrites
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
Harry wanted to ask Draco what he wanted, the exact contours of what might please him and how. He cut off that line of thinking in a hurry. There was such a thing as taking advantage. They might have lived together for two years, but Harry wasn’t accustomed to hearing this much about how Draco thought, and that underlined the vulnerability of the moment.
The Tall Kingdom I Surround 💦
E, Captive Prince, Lamen, 3.7k | @yekoc
The first time it happened, in the midst of battle preparations at Karthas, Damen had dismissed it as a momentary lapse. Laurent’s voice, issuing curt orders, and his own involuntary reaction: nothing more than force of habit, the instincts he had trained into himself, deliberately, in order to survive.
Nikandros had noticed then, and had let it go with the circumspect silence of a kyroi to his king. That was as it should be, Damen thought. It was not worth discussing. It was not even worth thinking about.
“Who we are together has nothing to do with Akielos, or Vere,” said Laurent, quietly. “Let our countries have our days, and our fealty, and even our blood--but this is for us, and we decide what it will be.”
Way to go, Tiger 🐅
G, HP, Gen/pre-slash Drarry, 2.1k | houndsinheaven
Scorpius Malfoy's seventh birthday.
His dad had made a mistake when he was in school, the sort of big mistake that meant people didn’t want to be near him. It was why Scorpius couldn’t get ice cream from Florean Fortescue’s. It was why they had to get permission before going to see Grandma, or to the beach, or to the zoo today.   He had never spoken to the dark haired man before. He couldn’t hear what he said in their home anyway - Dad always whispered the charm that made things go nice and quiet when Potter knocked on their white front door.
Let me know what I should read next! Recs always welcome! See you in August!
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taylormarieee · 8 months
Unspoken Feelings...
part 5.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
Previously on Unspoken Feelings...
Your sitting there contemplating on whether or not you should really answer Charlie or not. You finally turn back on your phone and see a whole bunch of worried and missed calls from Walker, Dior, Leah, and Charlie... Oh god what have you done... Just as you were about to call them back you hear a knock on the door... Who could that be?
You get up and open the door seeing a worried Dior standing at the door.
"Oh thank god your ok!" she yells ut hugging you. You stumble back from the force of her hug a little bit and hug her back.
"I'm sorry. I just, I don't know how to tell Charlie." You say breaking down into tears again.
"Shhh... It's ok girl. He's on his way here. You have to just push through for now. You've got an interview coming up in a few hours so get some sleep and we'll figure it out later ok?" She says trying to reassure you in the best way possible. "I'll stay with you tonight, I love you!" She says lastly before guiding you to your bed.
"Ugh I love you too. What would I do without you?" You say smiling weakly. Your eyes flutter shut and you let sleep overtake you.
The next morning has arrived and you wake up. You don't see Dior next to you anymore so you assumed she went back home to tell her dad that she's ok.
You get up and brush your teeth and do your whole face routine before going back to your nightstand to pick up your phone.
You still see all the texts from Walker and Leah, and Charlie... You decide to call Charlie first. You press his name and listen to the phone ring.
When you feel like he's not going to answer you decide to hang up the phone but your thumb is stopped by the sound of his voice on the phone.
"Y/N!? Are you ok??? P-Please tell me your ok." The phone breaks up a bit but you hear his worried tone.
"Morning Charlie. I'm ok, I turned off my phone. I'm sorry for making you all worried especially you." You say feeling the tears come up in your eyes again.
You sniffle and try to get the words out but Charlie is quick to say something first.
"Pretty girl? Why are you crying?" He asks his heart feeling hurt as he hears your sniffles on the other line.
"I-I just, I don't know how to deal with all these feelings I have. The feelings I have f-for you..." You mutter out.
"You have feelings for me too? Cuz I also have feelings for you. I was scared to tell you because idk, you were giving me mixed feelings i guess. One minute were flirting and he next I feel like I'm in the friend zone again. You know what I mean?" He says as he paces around his hotel room.
"Yea, I know what you mean. The only reason I did that was because I always overthink things. I never knew if some days you were just flirting with me or just being nice. I never knew which one was happening so some days I would flirt and other days I'd shut myself out. I'm sorry Charlie."
"It's ok pretty girl. I love you yn. With all m heart. Your my future and probably the love of my life." He says chuckling into the phone.
That causes you to giggle and you feel all flustered. "I guess I'll see you at the Interview?"
"Yea, I'll see you there."
"Bye Charlie."
"Bye baby."
Your mood suddenly lifts at his voice. At the way he called you baby, pretty girl and the way he comforted you. God what did you do to deserve a man like Charlie.
You decide to text the groups chat and let everyone know your ok. Finally you check the time and start to get ready. You ordered some breakfast and indulged while you watched some TikTok.
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by aryansimhadri, leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
y/n- Me and Charlie on our way to an interview!!!
roseyposey- eeeeeee can't wait to watch it!
loveydoveydove- Oooooooo so excited! Glad everything's ok!
leahsavajeffries- You look gorgeous!
↪y/n- Thank you pooks.
walker.scobell- Hey gremlin:)
↪y/n- Hey waterboy;)
iamcharliebushnell- Stream the 7th episode of Percy Jackson and the Olympians now!!!
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, aryansimhadri, and others.
y/n- No, I didn't forget Walker! This post goes out to my favourite little boy! WALKER SCOBELL! I love this little kid sooo much! He's so funny, incredibly kind and very mischievous! I loved being on set with him it was honestly just an amazing time with everyone! I love you so much Walker! Your so talented and the closet boy I call a brother. Love you Walker💕 My little son of poseidon🪸
walker.scobell- I LOVE THIS! THANK YOU! I love you too! And for you information I AM NOT MISCHIEVOUS! You little gremlin!
↪y/n- Ok waterboy! Keep telling yourself that!
dior.n.goodjohn- Little bro! This is so cute! Love you @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- Love you too Dior!
leahsavajeffries- LUV YOU @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- LUV YOU TOO WISE GIRL!
iamcharliebushnell- I WITERALLY WUV YOU @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- WUV YOU!
| iamcharliebushnell |
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♡💬 Liked by y/n, walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, roseyposey, and others.
iamcharliebushnell- It's official! Me and @ y/n are together. I love her so much and these are some of my favourite memories with her this week. I love you so much my love, and don't worry, we can do this.💕
y/n- I love you so much Charlie. I'm going to miss you so much when you leave. I'll be calling you everyday and thinking about you non-stop. I love how kind and caring you are bubba. I love you my little hermes boy! My mischievous thief:) Mwah!💋
↪walker.scobell- There literally so cute OMGGGGG!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- LITERALLY MY ROMAN EMPIRE!
↪roseyposey- THERE SO CUTE RIGHTTTTT???!!!!!
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow
A/N: Heyyyyy! I'm extremely sick but I thought I'd pop out with this! Idk when I'll be able to get around to the fic because I'm almost finished writing it but I just lost motivation to finish it. I believe it's because I'm so sick but idk! Hope you all enjoy!
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sofs16 · 11 months
us first
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thank you for this request:)))
++ added hate to reader because ………..
(after writing this i realized it’s kinda angsty oops im sorry lmk if u want me to redo this 😓)
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with busy days apart and the media digging into you, sometimes there were more downs than ups in a week. charles had been off racing and being a singer, it isn’t easy to always attend.
there was a particular struggle for a while at the passionate tifosi who worshipped charles. of course you understood them, but it got to a point your faith in whether you were good enough for charles was wavering.
charles was amazing on and off camera and track. he made sure to take the relationship at a pace well for both of you. he always defended you against such comments even when he wasn’t asked to, often his pr team even scolded him for being too aggressive.
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 6,799,696 others
yn nd that’s the end of our life support tour 🥹🫀🌠 thank you for being lovely, monaco!
view all 273,697 comments
sharl55 🤮🤮🤮 Horrible wag. You never show up at races and are never there for Charles. He deserves better.
⤷ charles_leclerc Please stop commenting horrible things about Yn. She does support me and likewise, I support her music. I don’t deserve her.
⤷ yn i love you charlie 😭
it’s nights like these where you and charles get to see each other not through face time. your schedules aligned finally when you got to spend nights under the same comforter.
with the monaco gp this week, and the tour ending today, these were nights where you and charles stayed in.
you bought face masks and food on your way home while charles bought some wine and ingredients for baking and cooking.
you set your keys down on the table when you made it into yours and charles’ shared apartment.
“baby?” you heard from the kitchen “hey charlie” you slipped behind him and kissed his neck as he smiled, shaking his head. “you’re late” he scolded lightly.
“i know, i know! but- i was deciding if we were goijg for strawberry or cucumber face masks” you held the bag up. “you got both, didn’t you” he raised a brow “..yeah” you laughed and made a beeline to the bedroom “‘m gonna change and we can start!” “take your time!” he replied
you giggled, changing into charles’ pajamas since they were always so comfortable. you ran to the kitchen and helped charles in making the ravioli you both wanted
“that comment was so infuriating like- did you see that? the one under your post today?” he asked, stirring the pasta in the pot while you hopped on the counter top, something he always scolded you for.
“yeah… it’s okay. you didn’t have to reply but i appreciate it” you looked at your slippers as you swung them around. he sighed and walked over to you, holding your chin lightly.
“do not listen to them, okay mon amour?” he looks into your eyes “mhm” you smile, getting lost in them.
“besides…” he walks back to the pasta “they are not the ones who get to taste my amazing pasta” he holds it up proudly and you laugh, shaking your head as he puts it in your plates.
you go to the bedroom and move the blankets over to the living room as you light the candles and turn the television on. charles sets the plates on the table and you sit on the couch, waiting for him already holding your plate.
he comes back with two glasses of wine and you put on harry potter on the tv but it’s playing at a volume less than 10.
you both face each other and laugh, talking about random things going on. he talks about his nerves for the gp, especially that it’s his hometown, but he’s glad you’re coming because you haven’t been able to go to the last 4 races. charles brought ninetnedos and you both raced each other at some point.
you both eventually fall asleep on top of one another on the couch.
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liked by pierregasly, and 73 others
charles.jpg i love my girlfriend
view all 11 comments
carlossainz55 sending this to yn
⤷ charles.jpg No! This is so I can obsess over her quietly.
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 11,191,201 others
yn a weekend well spent with myyyy loveeee 💌
view all 2,696,606 comments
charles_leclerc That last video was not necessary😊
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liked by yn, and 10,579,708 others
charles_leclerc Ma belle! My talented and beautiful girlfriend 😘
view all 1,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc Send her hate and I will send you 10000 photos of her and you will love her and you will stop.
yn my scrumptious, handsome, cutesey, fatherly, talented, fast, racer, amazing, cool, chill bf who helped me fulfill my grumpy x sunshine trope dream. loveu
⤷ charles_leclerc So much to unravel but I am NOT grumpy. ⤷ landonorris yes you are
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 20,282,585 others yn bet that person who called me a bad wag has never attended a gp like me 😉
view all 4,383,595 comments
charles_leclerc You should talk like this more.
⤷ yn anyone comes for my man I WILL FIGHT. I CAN FIGHT.
stcharles I love how Charles comments in every post of yn 🥹 ynsbabe petty yn is so iconic😭😭😭😭
0ferrari0_ love my queen
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s1llysmut · 3 months
How would the ladies of the Hotel, plus Velevet, react to their partner coming in drunk after hanging out with Angel? They slap them on the ass, calling them the hottest thing in all of hell, the love of their life, most beautiful thing ever etc etc etc?
Hazbin Women react to their partner drunk
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“Heyyyy babyyyyyyy” you slurred out as you entered the hotel with Angel Dust behind you laughing.
“Oh my gosh Y/N are you okay?! You’ve been out for hours and you haven’t texted me at all except for sending me cat memes!” Charlie ran over to you, looking you up and down for any sign of being injured.
“Relax toots they’re fine! And we would’ve stayed out longer if this one hadn’t been so eager to see you,” Angel Dust playfully rolls his eyes.
You stumble forward and place your hands on Charlie’s face while she holds her arms out just in case she has to catch you.
“You’re so pretty babyyyyyyy how did I get sooooooooooooooo luckyyyyyy?” you whine out while petting her face.
Charlie blushes a bit before tossing you over her shoulder.
“Okay party animal let’s get you to bed,” She giggles.
“Nooooooooo m not tiredddd!” You protest while weakly kicking your feet.
Charlie simply giggles and carries you off with her.
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She’s been pacing back and forth for hours now. Husks attempts at reassuring her were not helping.
“Vaggie!!!!!” You exclaim as you run into the hotel before tripping and falling on your face.
She runs over to you and lifts you up, quickly examining you for any cuts or bruises.
“God dammit where have you been?! I was worried sick!”
“Jeez calm down they only got a little drunk,” Angel swats his hand.
“A little drunk?! They just fell flat on their face!”
“Vagggieeee I looooove youuuuuu!” You sing out from your place on the floor.
“I’ll deal with you later,” she glares at Angel Dust as she picks you up bridal style.
“Come on babe let’s get you to bed,” she smiles softly at you as you nuzzle into her.
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She’s scrolling through her phone on the couch when you open the door and drag yourself inside.
“Jesus where have you been you fucking twat?!”
“I was just out with some friendssss” you slur out as you dizzily walk towards her.
“You could’ve called me,” she sighed as you flopped beside her on the couch.
“I’m sorry babyyyy let me make it up to you gorgeoussss” you winked.
Velvette suppressed a giggle as she took your hand.
“Oh trust me you will be making it up to me…tomorrow when you’re not as drunk as one of Val’s sluts,”
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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Beyond — s.h. x f!reader
Chapter Eleven: The End of All the Endings
summary: all things come to the light eventually (5k words).
warnings: 18+. oral, m receiving; p in v sex; alcohol consumption; unwarranted aggressive touch from another person.
modern day! rich! fake husband! steve harrington
  It’s easy to feel like a beautiful, powerful being when you quite literally stand in front of the mirrored elevator donning a shimmering midnight colored dress that shifts with every step, red bottom heels beneath clicking with your pacing movements. Around your neck, you wear a diamond necklace, the same very one Steve slipped around your neck that morning and whispered would be the only thing you wore when he fucked you later. 
Heat dances to life in your belly at the memory, disrupted by the ding of the elevator, revealing the handsome appearance of your husband in a too expensive suit and bow tie standing there at the entrance. He’s been at the office all day, wanting to make sure the final pieces of the New Years Eve party were set into place. Had told him to let the party planners handle it, but seeing as it was also a charity event, he wanted everything to be perfect. 
He greets you with a kiss, bent elbow there for you to slide your hand into, shoulder bumping against his. There’s a giddy spring in your step, a delighted burning behind your ribcage that has you asking him where his office is, having never been there to visit him. 
“My office?” he asks, not quite understanding, but leading you down a separate hall all the same. 
The building is all sprawling gray walls, glass cubicles, black desks. A conference room that looks more like an auditorium than anything else, a fully stocked cafeteria and countless other rooms he doesn’t get to name as you’re suddenly swept toward a door that has his name plate affixed to it.
“Mr. Steve Harrington,” you murmur to yourself with a grin, smirking up at your husband as he leans down to push the handle and allow you in. 
Inside, you’re met with a large mahogany desk set against a wall with a sprawling bookshelf that spans one wall to the other. Against the opposite wall he has other shelves, boasting plants and photos that you’ve seen before because some of which are the same you have back at home. 
Your wedding photos, with the two of you looking so happy for two people who barely knew one another at the time. Your fingers brush along the frames, over the sight of him with his hand around your waist, your veil draped over both your heads, foreheads pressed together. The next is another photo from the ceremony. Him, sliding up a ring onto your finger, saying those final, fateful words. 
“You looked so beautiful that day,” he muses, coming up behind you, arms curling around your waist and pulling your back against his chest. He kisses your shoulder, your neck. “You look stunning today, too, Mrs. Harrington.” 
Turning around, you give him a swift kiss and curl your palm around his, dragging him over to his desk. You plop him down in his office chair and notice the photo settled on his desk, set in a dark frame. It’s a newer photo from the holidays. Of you, Charlie and Steve. Your little family finally together, with wide smiles and full hearts. 
“I love this one,” you whisper, settling down on his knee. 
“I love you,” he breathes out, smiling into your searing kiss. 
It’s meant to be innocent. A soft brush of your mouth against his. But being here, in this office with this man, has heat ratcheting in your belly. Desire thrumming, you shift on his lap, hip against his stomach, fingers inching up along the column of his throat, mouth brushing over the hollow of his ear until he shudders beneath you. 
“I want to try something,” you say, sliding down off of his lap, knees resting against the carpet below. “Been dreaming of it.” 
“What are y —”
He leans back into his chair with hooded eyes and a shaky exhale, watching your fingers glide up along his thighs, pausing at the button of his pants, palm smoothed along the hardened ridge of his cock outlined beneath, straining desperately against the fabric. 
“Oh fuck,” he breathes out as you undo the button and shuck his pants down, freeing him from the confines, thumb gliding over the tip already glistening with pre-cum. “Honey honey honey.” 
Delight curls low in your cunt as his head tips back as you take him into your mouth, too eager to waste any time teasing him further. His curses spur you on, taking him halfway into your mouth, trying to relax your muscles and take him deeper, palm curling around the rest of him and setting a pace that has his fingers clutching against the leather armrests. 
The rasps of your name on his lips and the breathless sighs of him start to fill the room as you start to bob your head, wetness pooling between your thighs that rub together as his hips shift against leather, aroused knowing you’re the one pulling these beautiful sounds from him — you’re the one reducing him to incoherent babble, praises of your mouth, utterances of his love.  
“Oh fuck —” He glances down, your eyes on his face as you smile around his cock, his thumb pressing to the corner of your lips. “Look so pretty like this. Touch yourself, baby. Play with your clit. Wanna watch you.” 
You’re humming around him as you touch yourself. Fingers dip into the well of slick between your thighs, dragging up to your clit, rubbing along it in a way that has Steve’s hand falling to the back of your head, not hindering your pace on his cock, only tethering himself to reality. Craving that nearness as the veins in his neck strain against skin, hips fighting to not thrust up into your throat. 
“Waitwaitwait —” His voice comes out in a rush, your head popping off of him with a loud pop, fingers still rubbing against your clit, needing friction. “I want to be inside you when I come. Get on the desk.”
“On.” He kisses your brow. “The.” A kiss presses against the corner of your mouth. “Desk.” The last is against the shell of your ear, nipples pebbling beneath the slinky material of your dress at the unbridled desire imbuing his tone. “You’re not the only one who’s been dreaming. Know how many times I’ve thought about fucking you right here on my desk?”
He noses along your jaw, down the curve of your shoulder. Slides the shoulder of your gown down just a bit to lay a little nip into the skin there, settling into the cradle of your hips. Ringed fingers move down to push your dress up higher on your hips, fingers pushing your underwear to the side and trailing through your already slick center. 
Your lungs practically fail you as Steve grips himself in hand and tugs you closer to the edge of the desk, sliding into the hilt in a long thrust. Nothing ever prepares you for that initial stretch — the feeling of being so full of him you might explode, heart hammering away like a tattoo against his ribcage. 
“So pretty,” he rasps, setting a brutal pace, fingers clutched tight around the fleshiest parts of your hips, “God you feel so good. Always so good for me.”
It’s a dirty, frantic thing. A push and pull of hips. A furious rush to a finish line you can’t see, and yet flashes behind your eyes. Beneath you, the desk rattles. Shakes with each hard thrust of Steve’s hips against yours. Papers flutter in the air. Pens come crashing to the floor beneath. Your fingers clutch tight in his shirt, his body bowing over yours and knocking you backward so he can cradle your head with his elbows. Your thighs curl around his hips, hoarse cries and whimpers spilling freely, uncaring of those who might hear, as he picks up his pace. 
It’s perfectly obscene. The wet sounds of him sliding in and out of you. His ragged pants. Your peals of his name. The echo of his desk screeching against the floor. His fingers grip your thigh tight, opening you further, rolling into you with abandon. And you’re screaming — crying his name into the open room as the rubber band snaps and heat lights your body awash in flame. It dances behind your eyes, rattles your bones as you tremble around him, your fingers sliding behind his head to tangle with his hair, dragging him down for a sloppy kiss that’s all tongue and teeth, his hips falling out of motion as you swallow his own moans as he comes. 
You lay like that for a while. His chest rising and falling against yours, your forehead in the crook of his neck, his hands on your waist and hips. Your dress still sits high on your thighs, he’s still resting on you and within you, your thighs tremble, but all you feel is the glow of love for him. The steady beat of it that lingers behind your ribcage at all times now. 
You murmur it on a breath, his head lifting a bit to take in your features. And then once more. A whisper of, “I love you, Steve.”
He knows this. He’s heard it countless times since you’ve both said it for the first time. But that smile — that amazing smile that slides over his features will make it worth it every time. Like he’s hearing it all over again. Like he still can’t believe it, like he’s still basking in the revelation that as much as you are his, he is yours. Your person, his person, his family.  
“I love you,” he breathes back, brushing his lips over yours and murmuring quickly for you to lay still so he can run into his adjoining office bathroom to clean you up. 
He tends to you in silence. In little brushes along the insides of your thighs, along your hips where he tuts at the marks already forming on your skin, ones you welcome happily and will wear for days with the memory of being loved so well by Steve Harrington. 
Your own fingers rise up to help Steve tuck his shirt back pristinely into his pants. And his gentle palms slide your dress into place, moving down to run along your calves and give them a quick squeeze, before holding a palm out for you to take. You rise to your feet on shaky limbs, leaning into his body for a moment as the wobbly feeling in your thighs subsides. 
“Ready to go?” he asks, offering you the crook of his elbow. You slide your arm through his, looping him in close, just as he should be — as he always should be. “If I get pulled away by clients, please make sure you find me by midnight.”
“Wanna kiss me or something, Harrington?” you tease, but your heart still bubbles with joy at the prospect of ringing in the new year with your favorite person and love of your life, all wrapped in one. 
“One of many New Year’s kisses to come,” he says with a laugh, brushing his mouth against your forehead as he closes the office door behind the both of you. He leads you back down the hall you came, the click of your heels and slap of his Prada hitting the pristine floors, echoing. “I am a man of tradition.” 
“Can we make what we did back there a tradition too? I suddenly am a big fan of family traditions.” 
You’re only joking. Trying to get a rise out of the man — make his cheeks glow red like they always do when you crack an inappropriate joke his way. Something salacious that always seems to ruffle his feathers. Your businessman husband, always so serious. Except now. Now there’s a wicked gleam in his eye at your words, and you know it’s a promise. 
  In actuality, you lose Steve in the ebb and flow of the crowd early on. As you initially entered the party, your breath hitched at the sight of the place. The rooftop of your husband’s business has been turned into the winter wonderland of everyone’s dreams, only heaters are appropriately placed so it doesn’t quite feel like one in the dead of winter in the city. 
Everything is awash in a lovely blue hue. White furniture has been placed pristinely around tables with golden accented centerpieces, with frostbitten edges. All around you, women and men are dressed to the nines. Gorgeous gowns and designer heels, jewelry with insurance policies attached to them, men in perfectly tailored suits, cufflinks encrusted in gemstones boasting their last names, proof of their elitism above all others. 
Up here, you once again feel out of place. Like so long ago now, on that night Steve had pulled you away for a game of pool. You’d felt it then. This feeling that you were merely Cinderella. Not invited to the party, garbed in a too-fancy ball gown that wasn’t your own, ready to lose one of your Louis Vuittons at the door. 
“And that’s when I said, sweetheart, I would love a third vacation home,” the woman in front of you prattles on, telling you a story that you’ve barely followed for the better part of a half hour, head glancing over her shoulder to where Steve stands near the bar with some expensively dressed clientele of his. “So we are now looking for a place in the Hamptons. We would love it if you and your husband would come by sometime.” 
“That sounds lovely, Linda,” you tell her, offering her a pitying smile. 
From what Steve has told you, her husband is on thin ice with the company as of late. Always showing up late, handing in deliverables late — simply late. But you don’t tell her maybe her husband shouldn’t invest in that new property, as it’s not really your place. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Cami rushing over to the bathroom, and your heart thunders wildly in your chest at the opportunity to escape the increasingly uncomfortable room tightening around you. 
“Oh — I’m so sorry. It was wonderful chatting with you. I need to go help my friend with something. Please excuse me.” It comes out in a breathy rush, Cami’s long head of red curls slipping further and further from view. 
“That is no worry at all, Mrs. Harrington. I’m sure we will see each other very soon at another one of these functions.” 
You want to tell her no, no you won’t but you refrain, hiking up the bottom of your gown in one hand and rushing off behind Cami in the next instant. She’s there, in front of the mirror, when you find her. A beautiful green dress that clings to her every curve. Lovely and dominant — just as she has been every time you’ve seen her. Only this time you notice the rims of her green eyes are tinged red. Like she’s been crying. 
She wipes a tissue along the bottom of her nose and sniffles, just as her head lifts and she catches your reflection in the mirror. A pitiful, watery laugh spills from her as she waves you closer, body turning toward yours once you’re beside her, her arms looping loosely around your shoulders. And then she’s crying. Not softly — full on sobs that wrack her form and have your palms sliding up to press against her back, rubbing up and down like you do for Steve before he sleeps some nights. 
“He’s cheating again,” she whimpers. And your heart breaks over the word again. You recall those memories of your initial meeting with her. How she seemed so sad when she admired your photos, claiming you’d gotten the ‘good Harrington.’ “He thinks I’m an idiot, but it’s not hard to put two and two together when he upgraded my engagement ring. Last time, he bought me diamond earrings.”
“I thought he was done,” she cries, palm wiping at her face from over your shoulder. “But he’d been working late and missing the kid’s events and I — I should have figured it out. I went through his phone.” Within your gut, your stomach drops. 
“It’s been going on for months,” she continues, sniffling loudly. “He’s been fucking her for months. His last business trip…there was no business trip. He’d gone away to Miami with her. I found the hotel booking. Two people, single bed. Fuck — how can I be so stupid?”
“You’re not stupid, Cami. He’s an asshole,” you tell her, pulling back a bit to cup her face within your palms. “Him. He’s the asshole. You have a beautiful family together and he’s taken advantage of that. What are you going to do?” 
You want to tell her to leave him. To hang his ass out to try for all he’s worth. To make him regret every choice he’s made toward his wife who quite literally radiates sunshine. And yet — you know you can’t. Can’t tether that line of friendship. Ultimately, it’s her choice. You can try and make her see the light, to make her understand what you’ve seen from the moment you met the man, but you also understand there are years of history between them. Two children between them. 
“After the holiday, he booked us a trip. He wants to work on our marriage. Apparently he got another raise and wants to spoil me.” She brushes beneath her eyes, trying to fix the mascara lines along her lower lashes. “He’d probably booked it right after I found out. So tonight we’ll put on appearances, I’ll be the perfect wife like he expects, we’ll go on our vacation…and then I plan on staying with my family for a while. I’ll take the kids with me.”
“Good,” you whisper, reaching around her to grab a tissue. Pressing it beneath her eyes to collect her tears, you add, “Steve and I are here for whatever you need. In any capacity. Even if you just want to text me.”
“Thank you.” She swipes at her face, turning to the mirror to pinch at her cheeks and bring some color back to her pale, freckled skin. “We should get back out there…before people notice we’ve been gone long.”
“Hey, Cami?” She pauses at the door as you call out her name, offering the barest of smiles. “It’s gonna be okay, you know?”
She presses her lips together. A tense line, cheeks and eyes still flushed from her crying. “Thank you. Really.”
“We’re family, right?” you offer her a little weakly.
She nods, holding out a hand that you take to offer her strength and comfort as you slip back out into the main party area. There are no words. None that come to your mind, at least, to quell Cami’s heartbreak. To ease the sting of her husband’s infidelity. But there is anger — anger that burns and grows as he appears in your line of sight, taller than most of the crowd surrounding him, taking in the two of you as you slip back into the crowd. 
Breaking away from his conversation, he rushes forward, mouth open to speak to his wife, but she cuts him off with a simple, “I’m going to grab another glass of champagne.” She glances your way, pleadingly, “Will you come wi —”
“Actually, I have a matter of utmost importance to share with Mrs. Harrington.” His eyes land on your profile. Seedy and unrelenting. Stoic as ever. 
“I’ll come find you, Cami,” you tell her, following Theo through the throng of guests, leaving the saddened redhead nodding solemnly in the distance. 
Once out of earshot, and in the privacy of a corner, Theo spits out, “Whatever she told you, you don’t know the full story.”
“Oh, I think I know enough.” You splutter the words out, shocked he even has the nerve to try and defend himself for cheating on his wife. “I knew you were an asshole, but you have a wife — and a wonderful one at that. A family. How do you sleep at night?”
He chuckles. A low, dark thing that has your skin crawling. “How do I sleep? That’s sweet, coming from you, darling.”
You pause, throat tightening. Around you, the music blares. Little sparkles of the beginnings of fireworks dance in the moonlit sky. “What are you —” Swallowing, whirl on the heel, intent on leaving, muttering, “You know what? I don’t want to know. I’ll be getting that dr —”
A hand shoots out to grip your forearm. Tight. “Listen, you little rat. I knew you were up to no good, sniffing after the Harrington name. Taking what was mine. And now I have proof.”
“I don’t know what you’re —” You wince, gasping at the pain radiating from where he’s holding you with a strength that’s sure to bruise. “Theo — you’re hurting me.”
He tugs you forward. Your side wedges between the table and his body, his form keeping you sequestered away from the rest of the party goers, just as he pulls out his cellphone. It’s what he pulls up, however, that has all the arguments rising up dying instantaneously on your lips. The realization of the image sitting before you. The forms are blurry, sure, but there’s no doubting the white dress you wore for your bachelorette. 
No doubt that the silhouette of the person glowing brightly on his iPhone is you.  
His voice is biting. A chilling, dark sound that curls and crawls uncomfortably down your spine. Leaves you breathless before him. “I think it’s best if you watch this and then listen very carefully.”
  Singing. You’re singing. Wailing. You’re not even sure. And Steve? Steve’s a natural born performer — or rather, he is when tequila is involved. It’s the loosest you’ve seen him. His hair lies messy and unkempt on his head, from having run his fingers through it a dozen times out of nervousness as you pull him onto the stage. 
Your friends start the song and you’re both enjoying yourself. Maybe for the first time throughout the whole process. And it’s nice — honest to goodness nice to simply let loose with him; to pretend you’re not getting married soon under the guise of falsifying a will and procuring money to secure a debt. 
So it’s not really all that shocking when Steve grips you and tugs you near to his side as those final lyrics of the song draw to a close. Nor as his hand loops low around your back and he lowers his mouth to brush over yours. 
It’s an immediate rush of flame. A fire that dances and brims. That grows with every swipe of his tongue with yours. You can taste the salt on his tongue, the tequila on his skin, the sweat in the summer heat. He’s perfectly delicious and, at least for the moment, yours. 
It’s dizzying. A lovely free fall. A spiral and a leap. He tugs you closer and the whoops and whistles of your friends greet your ears. To them, you’re a loved up couple on the eve of a wedding — to you? To you, it’s a stolen moment. A dropped facade, a wall lowering. Until, that is, Eddie and Robin tug the two of you apart, practically scolding you both as they lead you to a side room and toss water bottles your way, telling you to stay out for a few minutes. 
You’re giggling. Hips pressing Steve further into the wall you slam him into once the door closes, his palm tight around your hip, mouth roaming over your throat. Hot. He’s so hot and it’s so hot in this room and you want nothing more than to let the moment simmer. To let yourselves steal a second for yourselves. 
And then he’s laughing. A boyish thing that makes your stomach clench. “I can’t believe we did it.”
“They believed it.” 
“They totally think we’re in love,” he laughs out, sides shaking as he tugs you closer. “I knew it would work, but I thought we’d at least have to do a little convincing.” 
“Looks like you just got yourself a company, Harrington.” Your words slur a little, sides trembling with your own laughter. 
“Looks like I did.”
  The video ends as Steve draws you back in for another kiss, his palm clutching the dough of your ass a little indecently. The room is spilling, and you know there’s music booming loudly all around you, but all you can hear is the throbbing of your heart. 
The ringing in your ears. 
Because Theo knows. 
He knows. 
And in your silence, he catches you. 
A rabbit caught in a trap, his glittering teeth like that of a jackal. 
And he’s grinning. A satisfied looking one across his lips, his eyes locked on your form. 
Breathing becomes harder as you clutch at a table’s edge, trying to maintain your balance. 
Fear clamors like a cymbal in your chest. A loud, rattling thing. An echo that thrums in your bones. Body bright with uncomfortable electricity.  
“Where do you —”
“Mr. Hawthorne.” Linda’s husband. With him already in jeopardy of losing his job — it makes sense. Your blood chills at the realization. “Funnily enough his family owns that venue. He had the video saved to his phone in case he’d ever need it, he told me. You see, we all have our secrets in this world, and need to be prepared for anything. And, well, when he had his most recent meeting with your husband, wherein his job was threatened — well, fear is a wonderful motivator. He’d been venting to me for weeks and happened to show me the video at lunch one evening…”
The knot in your throat tightens like a crude noose. 
“He’d never watched the whole video, you know? Just saved the video of his drunken boss in case he needed to diminish his character. And then I heard it. The two of you, what you were saying. And all these months you lied to my face, tried to act like you’re so much better than me, meanwhile you’re just like the rest of us.” 
Tears burn behind your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. 
Refuse to cower down to Theobald. 
“So don’t you dare comment on my marriage, when yours is nothing more than a drunken mockery of one.”
“It’s not.” Your voice breaks and his lips tip upward. “I love him.”
“So here’s the part where you listen, darling.” 
You say nothing and he loves it. 
“You’re going to march back to your husband’s side. You’re going to pretend you know nothing — but you’re going to convince him to sign the company over to me like he should have all those months ago. Aah aaah, no speaking. I know you’re a good actress, I’ve seen you playing a role for months. That boy is in love with you for reasons I’ll never understand, but he’s in love with you all the same. And you’re going to use that to your advantage. You have a month.” 
“A month?” 
“A month. If not, I’ll bring it to my lawyers.” 
Lawyer. Figures, dollars, numbers. Meetings, hearings, depositions. They all flash in front of your eyes. All things you can’t afford. All things you would never be exposed to, had it not been for the decisions made months ago with the man you now know intimately and love. Worry follows in suit, crawling up your throat and cutting off your windpipe. 
“Now go,” Theo instructs, pushing at your back, guiding you in the direction of Steve. He’s surrounded by various businessmen, head thrown back in a laugh, and when his eyes lock on yours from across the room, it ruptures your heart. “It was lovely speaking with you tonight, Mrs. Harrington.” 
The sentiment isn’t returned, and your feet feel like lead as they carry you over to Steve, but you do as he’s instructed all the same. As you approach, Steve opens his arms to allow you in, introducing you to the people he’s talking with. He’s charming as ever, completely unknowing of what you’ve just been hit with, the gravity of your situation presently weighing you down. 
And, for now, it’s better this way. 
Tomorrow, you decide, tomorrow you’ll take action. 
But for now you giggle and trill and act. You portray the image of a dutiful wife, slipping into your husband’s world as you slip on a mask. His friends laugh at your remarks and smile at you like they’ve known you for years. They act like they adore you, and you do the same. Faux niceties, because inside you’re reeling. Inside, you’re wanting nothing more than to scream and run and hide from the crushing reality all around you.  
And later, as the countdown to the ball dropping begins, and the room erupts in chaos and cheers, Steve pulls you in close. He says, “I love you,” before his mouth descends over your own and you taste the bubbly champagne on his tongue and the sweetness of a new year. If it lacks emotion, he says nothing of it. Only kisses you harder, grinning into your skin at the prospect of his tradition he spoke so happily of only hours ago now. He’s kiss bitten and all charm, smitten and in love. And god, you love him too. 
Fireworks explode across the sky. They illuminate Steve’s face as he holds you against him, your back to his chest. His chin hooks over your shoulder as you stand, staring up at the colorful lights flashing above, mouth leaning in to press the sweetest of kisses to your cheek. 
And there, when your eyes lower and trail across the room, you find Theobald with Cami holding herself at his side. Catch the sadness on her face — her hardened stature a direct contrast to the smugness of Theo’s features as he locks eyes with you. 
“A month,” he mouths, sliding his cellphone out of his pocket just enough that the screen sparks to life once more.
And like a stem of a flower snaps when exposed to too much pressure, your heart breaks too. 
please let me know what you think. it means the world to us writers. one more chapter, and then the epilogue. 🩷🩷
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