#m inku
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rev-dreamscape · 1 year ago
"Thank you for all of your works!"
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"What image would you put on my lifeless body?"
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"I used to be empty, but now I'm filled with memories"
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jujutsu-kaisenau · 24 days ago
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Haruko Minato
Edad: 16 años
Altura: 1,79 m
Personalidad: calmado, serio, amable y mal humorado (cuando lo molestan mucho)
Historia: es familiar de un clan de hechiceros qué en 4 generaciones dejaron este camino por su seguridad, desde entonces vive tranquilo con su familia y su hermana adoptiva, inku Haruka luego del incidente de su hogar y padres.
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rice-n-honey · 10 months ago
Int o Post
(warning from the future: this entire post was written during a concert, and as such, is chaotic beyond belief. there is some actually useful information about tags though.)
Hey! I'm Rice!
And no, its not because I'm asian—
"'I am asian, BUT, that's not the point.'"
Yay! Another quote stolen from auto.
(the funny thing is that you're not asian—)
(I'm not asian!)
("I'm here to do an intro post but mostly to clown on auto." Not like I asked for this...)
(I need to clarify, that the entire time, you were taking to yourself.)
(Shush! ... we should probably quote that)
"Its not mine, but I'm keeping it."
Even the quote is stolen from auto. Just like their intro page.
well I'm certainly not antinoun.
TagTag Chains:
(+tagging in general)
Tag me. I will have fun. I might not see it tho bc Tumblr hates me, but I'll do my best. Tagging games are fun!
What I post about:
(subject to even MORE rapid change)
Danny Phantom (dp)
DP x DC (dpxdc)
Scum Villain's Self Saving System (svsss)
Lego Ninjago (ninjago)
(It was MINE before it was yours auto-)
(*hysterical laughting*)
Writing Prompys (writing prompts)
Other things that I love:
(ah yes, up there with spelling)
(don't call me out auto)
Batman (dpxdc is slowly getting me into batman)
Lego Ninjato (auto's fault.)
Danny Phantom (technically, I already put this. But I need somewhere to compile the fandoms auto infected me with.)
She Ra is neat
MXTX's works. All of them.
Also ErHa.
I am so normal about Malevolent
Things I Write About:
Danny Phantom
Scum Villain
There is some other stuff on my Ao3 but this is the current stuff.
(m)Y Tags
(I did not have tags before this. I once again blame auto.)
(not everything is my fault.)
(it is <3)
Rice cooks (rambles, writing, anything written tbh.)
Honey drips (art.) (Auto came up with this one.)
(that like- this is not all my fault!!)
(denial is more than a river in egypt beloved)
(denial is more than a river in... Alberta.🇬🇧🎩)
SGWoWMA (Saying Goodbye [Will-'o-Wisp Me Away] my ongoing dp longfic. I need to write more. And actually publish something.)
Chicago au (writing/art/memes for mine and @secretly-an-automaton 's dp fic)
luh-loyd ninjabuse (writing/art/memes for my lego Ninjago fic, which, as the working title implies, is angsty and lloyd-centric)
danny saves opportunity au (its literally what it says. Danny saves opportunity from mars!)
malevolent thumbnails by rice (I slowly make my way through drawling a thumbnail for every episode of Malevolent.)
save for later (I know it's generic but it's what is says on the tin. I need something to be simple in life.)
I'm always open yo eruyibng?fraeubg rwqhrstd. U nughy noy alwayd do them, rdprguakkh it I'm bhdy.bbht don't be shy about sdjung. I don't do commissions but so long as abgthing I ctsatr us inku used for personal reasons and with proper credits! In chill euth it.
(did I spell anything correct the first time?)
(... Maybe 'i'??)
Just check auto's. It's the same.
Other places to find me:
Archive of Our Own/Ao3
In your house. In your hose.
(blame auto, as always)
(*incomprehensible squawking* stAp)
Last Updated:
November 13, 2023
Next Updated:
Upon Armageddon's Dawn.
And that's all I've(?) got for now? Have a lovely day. Do it. 💙.
(Another day, another quote.)
(And we ball.)
(Tumblr is having a stroke🎶)
(No that was just me.)
( ... Rice is having a stroke🎶)
Hi, I’m Auto!
This is an intro post; if you’d prefer, just shuffle my blog for a sample of the madness 💚
I’m cool with whatever
Tag chains:
(and tagging in general)
Feel free to tag me—I won’t always participate if I don’t have the time but I love to see what my mutuals are up to! Don’t be shy about sending asks or DMs either.
What I post about:
(subject to rapid change)
Danny Phantom (#dp)
Lego Ninjago (#Ninjago)
The Magnus Archives (#tma)
Miraculous (#mlb)
DP x DC (#dp x dc)
Malevolent (#malevolent)
Starkid musicals - mostly Hatchetverse (#starkid)
Aromanticism (#aro)
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (#svsss)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - mostly 2012 (#tmnt, #tmnt 2012)
Dungeons & Dragons (#dnd)
Other things I love:
(but are rarely found on my blog)
Project Hail Mary
Gravity Falls
Alice: Madness Returns
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Mr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
The Hunger Games
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Tokyo Ghoul
Things I write about:
Danny Phantom (16 works)
The Magnus Archives (1 work)
Unposted (as of yet)
TMNT 2012
My tags:
Auto speaks (general ramblings)
Auto does art (mostly digital fanart, occasionally other crafts or cosplay)
Auto writes (writing challenges, AO3 links, and fanart based on my writing)
WAYHiL au (art, memes, and writing pertaining to my dp au fic)
Resource (mainly for personal use, contains any posts I want to refer back to)
Note: I try to tag common triggers like gore, needles, SH etc. but my TWs aren’t perfect so follow me with caution. If I post something you think I should tag, feel free to tell me.
I’m always open to writing/drawing requests! I might not always do them, especially if I’m busy, but don’t be shy about asking! I don’t do commissions, but so long as anything I create is only used for personal reasons and with proper credit, I’m chill with it.
Other places to find me:
Reddit (u/Aut0mat0nWitch)
Archive of Our Own (Aut0mat0nWitch)
Last updated:
April 13, 2024
And that’s all I’ve got for now! Wishing you all a lovely day 💚
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official-saltbag · 5 years ago
(Dream Ink blinks open his eyes, staring up at the ceiling.)
(He groans, bringing a hand to his head, wings curling around, light shifting through the mattress-)
(Wait. Light?)
(He looks at his hands- very much bigger, very much glowing with golden magic between the bones. Everything feels, lighter. Bigger. Heavier.
...what. The. Heck?
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grimmborg-in-the-bog · 2 years ago
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Rune Stone U29 - The Hillersjö Stone
raþ| |þu kaiʀmuntr -ik · kaiʀ[l]a[uk ·] (m)aytumi| |i þa · finku · þau sun · aþ han · truknaþi · in sun to : siþan : þa + fi(k) (h)(u)- --þrik · ha- … (þ)(i)nsa · þa · finku þa(u) [bar](n) … (i)(n) maʀ ain lifþi · [hu]n hit ' …g[a] ' h(a)… fik raknfastr · i · snutastaþum · þa uarþ han tauþr · auk · sun · siþan · in · moþir kuam + at sunar ' arfi ' þa ' fik hun ' airik ' þar ' uarþ hun tauþ ' þar kuam ' gaiʀlauk at arfi ' inku tutur sinar þurbiur(n) ' skalt ' risti runar
Eng: Read! Geirmundr got Geirlaug (to wife) in her maidenhood. Then they got a son, before he (= Geirmundr) drowned. And then the son died. Then she got Guðríkr. He … this. Then they got children. And one maid lived; she was called Inga. Ragnfastr of Snotastaðir got her (to wife). Then he died, and thereafter the son. And the mother came to inherit from her son. Then she got Eiríkr. Then she died. Then Geirlaug came to inherit from Inga, her daughter. Þorbjǫrn Skald carved the runes.
The Hillersjö Stone is the second largest rune stone in Sweden(the largest in younger futhark) and is 2,8 by 1,8 meters. It describes a complicated inheritance of the Snottstad Estate(which I think is still around) and the unfortunate marriages of two women. I’ve made a messy little gif trying to explain.
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ambitionsource · 5 years ago
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Front Nine Fashion || Farkle Xavier Minkus
From the get go, we can easily state that a big contributor to Farkle’s sense of style comes from his wealth. It’s one of those things that is interwoven whether consciously or not -- where Maya strives to create a false image of prosperity through her clothes and Lucas’s lack of care demonstrates how little funding there is to support it, finances are part of what build Farkle’s external impression. This is most symbolically represented by his blazer (more on that below), but also bleeds through in other details like the quality of his clothes, the material they’re made of, the general palette of colors such as evergreen, shades of gold, and deep greys and blues. These are hues that give off an association of power, refinement, and regality. They’re then worn down a bit with more earthy tones to create the unique existence that is Farkle.
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In terms of putting the ensembles together, the amount of care that goes into it depends on where in Farkle’s journey we’re talking. Season 1, full feral Farkle, is much more vigilant about putting together a suave and polished exterior (the perfect coiff and blazer being evident of that), whereas in his mental health decline those seams visually and literally fall apart. Thus, when he puts himself back together and starts rebuilding, Es and I believe that his fashion would become markedly more quirky and erratic, driven by day-to-day whims rather than a dedicated act of composition (and as Es says, “sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”) This is notably demonstrated by his hair as well, a major visual clue utilized throughout season 2 -- as we say goodbye to the perfect coiff and it deteriorates into a pulled-upon, falling out mess only to finally be buzzed off entirely. The buzzcut is a literal representation of Farkle’s ground zero rebirth as much as his actual change in attitude and behavior.
Additional notes on the above:
The blazer is inherently symbolic. As shown in his S1 class portrait and in R1, C1, the slate grey blazer represents a whole piece of Farkle’s identity. It’s his entitlement, it’s his upbringing, it’s his all-consuming ambition and his resourceful cleverness he employs to achieve it. We see much more of it in S1 than we do any time after that -- it kind of is S1 Farkle, in a sense -- and that’s why his moment of debating throwing it out in 213 was included. Farkle takes a moment to look at the blazer, debates tossing it away forever... but then keeps it on a rack. He can’t throw away a part of himself, but he will no longer let it define him anymore. It’s not his safety blanket anymore, protecting him from self-awareness and external criticism, but rather a statement piece he can pull out when the moment justifies it. And that, my friends, is growth.
Farkle is a nightmare in the summer. I say this in the nicest way possible, but if you look at the examples up there (R5, C1; R5, C3), they are downright cringe-worthy. He should take a note out of Lucas’s playbook and consider not letting people know he has knees. As I’m sure Isadora and Maya would point out, what’s the point of wearing shorts if you’re going to insist on wearing long sleeves. In the summer? Sometimes his fashion whims work and sometimes they don’t, but I think they decidedly work less in the summertime. He was built for the cold months, there’s no doubt about that.
As refined as he is day-by-day (or not), Farkle understands the importance of a statement performance look. When it comes to performance attire, I would put Farkle right up there with Maya in terms of knowing to glam up an ensemble. The outfit pictured in R1, C3 is meant to represent that, mainly the tighter, glossy pants that I have always envisioned being part of his look for “Not The Boy Next Door.” There’s always something about it that makes him stand out, save for moments where he knows subtlety is key or doesn’t have a choice (i.e., having to wear his funeral suit to the audition in 213).
Family pride is important. The pin represented in his senior portrait (and thusly shown in R2, C3) is a family crest pin.
Even when going casual, wealth shines through. Farkle’s wealth is never unnoticeable, especially in small details. For example, even if he is wearing sneakers or chucks just like a majority of the main cast now and then, the proof is in the quality. Farkle’s shoes, clothes, bags, etc. will always look essentially brand new, void of imperfections or signs of wear-and-tear. To contrast, characters like Lucas, Isadora, and even Dylan will consistently show signs that their items are well-used, well-loved, or just worn down to the last thread.
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possumbreath · 8 years ago
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eiruan · 8 years ago
I already yodeled in the tags but goodness gracious, was not enough. That was so FRIGGIN cute and amazing. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to bring it to life because oh my gosh, you added so much sweetness to it and legit, legit, my heart did a little jump of happiness when I saw it. It's so beautiful and I absolutely adore it!!
Thank you for your support
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jujutsu-kaisenau · 25 days ago
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Inku Haruka
Altura: 1,64 m
Edad: 15 años
Personalidad: amable, energetica, curiosa y terca
Historia: tras perder su familia en un misterioso incendio en su casa, termina siendo adoptada por la familia minato, teniendo una vida tranquila hasta que ingresa a la academia jujutsu
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chainsawbettyloo · 8 years ago
m-inku -> s-aizo! :3c
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dratinimartini · 8 years ago
m-inku replied to your photo: GUESS WHO JUST GOT FUCKIN FEATURED ON THE FRONT OF...
CONGRATS!!!! That’s so friggin awesome!
thank you!
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ebisss-my · 6 years ago
Mahkamah menolak tawaran untuk menghentikan sementara inib Adib | Malaysia
Mahkamah menolak tawaran untuk menghentikan sementara inib Adib | Malaysia
Peguam M. Visvanathan telah meminta penangguhan interim sementara yang sedang menunggu pendengaran yang sewajarnya. – Gambar oleh Mukhriz Hazim
PUTRAJAYA, 22 Feb – Inkues yang berterusan ke atas kematian pemadam kebakaran, Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim akan diteruskan tanpa alasan Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini menafikan permohonan untuk sementara menunggu prosiding.
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Datuk Umi…
View On WordPress
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eiruan · 8 years ago
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I fucked up OTL
Permission of the prompt was kindly given by @m-inku
Thank you so much~~ (///v///)
You can read the original prompt here
And my 1st scene here
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humanspectre · 8 years ago
dokimakura replied to your post “One of the worst things about being old in fandom + sexism is that you...”
i feel this so hard aaaa
king-of-space replied to your post “One of the worst things about being old in fandom + sexism is that you...”
I feel you
roguishtrevelyan replied to your post “One of the worst things about being old in fandom + sexism is that you...”
omg so true. and as someone who did write mary sue characters when i was (much) younger, there's so much pressure and stress to NOT do that... but at the same time, people are always gonna have their own fucking opinions and you can't please everyone, so at the end of the day, you need to create a character YOU want to write about
m-inku replied to your post “One of the worst things about being old in fandom + sexism is that you...”
I really hate that so much. I just want to write a fricking female character and not have to worry if I'm putting too much of myself into her or if I'm making her too powerful, too beloved by the other characters, too special, you know? Most of the time, I can just say FUCK IT, there are special snowflake male characters out there and goddamn it, I'mma make this character the way I want them to be but it's still annoying that that is a process my brain goes through
sloth-race replied to your post “One of the worst things about being old in fandom + sexism is that you...”
Yes! Yes, absolutely. And part of me frets really hard about it, and the other part is like "It's so subjective, it's almost impossible to avoid traits that SOMEONE would view as Mary Sue-ish."
I think most writers wrote a Mary Sue/Gary Stu at some point of their lives, especially when young. We make heroes for ourselves, over-idealized versions of what we wanted to be, because who doesn’t want to be special? That this process is so vilified, especially when it comes to female creations and female-dominated spaces is horrible. We’re telling people they can’t be special, ever. Not even in their own imagination, or through their creations. How evil is that?
We’ve been taught that a Mary sue is the worst sin a writer make, ever. We’ll never be able to build a character without thinking about it, which is unfair,  downright limiting and, sometimes, anxiety-inducing. 
Granted, the cautionary tale of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu isn’t completely bad. It tells us that our characters need to have some degree of normalcy so they can be relatable. But when that translated into policing female characters, and making them smaller? Bad bad bad.
Why must I aim for ordinary? Why, in fact, only female characters must be “realistic”, and why does that equate with borderline mediocrity? Why the ideal female character must aspire for being common instead of being phenomenal?
What exactly are we telling the readers by doing this? What are we telling girls by saying they can’t be special?
Well, we know why and we know what. Sexism is a very very powerful thing. It permeates everything. Including creative process. Going deeper: one of the tools sexism has to spread and perpetuate itself is artistic expression as a whole.
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ao3feed-aizawashouta · 5 years ago
by Scenendipity
After defying her clan and her mother, Tsuki moves to Tokyo with her brother to attend U.A. Academy despite her mother's attempt to get her into a more controlled school or overseas. There, she is able to shine but there is a catch, her mother must know she's trying to become a hero out of spite. Things only start to get more out of control when is paired up with a boy with a peculiar quirk that won't let leave her alone.
Words: 926, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Inko, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Asui Tsuyu, Mineta Minoru
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, tattoo quirk
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chainsawbettyloo · 8 years ago
Hello, hello! I recently saw that you used to be m-inku and now I'm all embarrassed to send this ask because I've been following you forever haha but because of your blog I really want to play a Fire Emblem game, but I know nothing about FE besides it having gorgeous art and it being turn-based (I think). I have a 3DS so would it be okay to start on Awakening or Fates? And if so, which one should I play? Thank you!
Hey there! I mean, my url change was pretty abrupt and I didn’t exactly broadcast it either (whoops, sorry about that) so no worries! 
That depends! Both games have similar gameplay that is turn-based style but Fates can be exceptionally easier than Awakening. If you’re looking to test the water, I’d recommend getting FE Fates: Birthright first as it’s a really good introduction to the play style of the games and isn’t overwhelming. Which isn’t to say that Awakening is that difficult but it takes a lot of time, a lot of grinding and a lot of management (keep track of weapon usage because they do break, the weapons triangle and what not) which is super rewarding in the end but if you’re just looking to start out easy, Birthright is the way to go. If not, then really any of the games will do. 
It also comes down to how much money you’re okay with spending. Awakening comes as an all package deal and has a ton of free content - essentially, get the game and you got the whole story, plus free DLC which can take hours to play through. Fates, on the other hand, is hacked to pieces. You got Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation. There’s a point in the game where it splits into three routes and you’re left to make a choice. Birthright, you go with Hoshido and your birth family. Conquest, you go with Nohr and your adopted family. Revelation, you go with neither. And there’s a war going on so you can guess what shit goes down. If you want the full story, you have to buy all three. If you want the best ending and don’t care about the full story because that’s what wikis and youtube are for, you have buy one and Revelation. All in all, that can be around $60 or more.  
I don’t know if this matters to you but Awakening has dual audio (it has both Japanese and English audio tracks) and the dub for it is pretty dang good (even though the translation can be a bit weird at times and the confession scenes from some of the dudes are cringe worthy). Fates, on the other hand, doesn’t have dual audio and the dub kind of sucks. It’s not terrible but it’s not the best in the world. The translation can also be kind of iffy in places so that’s just something to be aware of. If that doesn’t bother you then either are fine. 
Fates does have a much more interactive “romance” / “friendship” system where you can hang out with your fellows / SO in your tree house and it’s really neat. Bewarb, though, once you get married, you will be prompted to blow on your 3ds to cool of your SO and no, I’m not joking. Marriage options for both games are good, though personally I found the options more appealing in Fates but that’s just my opinion. Child units in Awakening are more compelling because they have a greater part in the story, while the child units in Fates are just kind of blah. 
As for story, both are exceedingly complicated with a bunch of fantasy jargon thrown in and a shit ton of characters to keep track of. I think Fates is a bit more simple and lacks the punch that Awakening has but it’s got charm to it and a lot of amazing characters that make up for it. Awakening is a bit more realistic, a bit more compelling, a bit more gut wrenching, a bit slower in pace while Fates kind of lacks that, though it does have it’s awesome moments which make up for it but it does feel super rushed at times. Unless you’re getting all the supports (which takes a fucking long ass time), it’s kind of super short. 
If you want something a bit more dark, a bit more gritty then I’d go with Awakening. If you want something that’s a bit more light, a bit gentler but still with a tense undertone then I’d go with Fates. Keep in mind, though, both games can be extremely sad and have moments that make you go ‘NOOOOOOO!��. 
All in all, both games are super fun and addictive. The supports in both games are fun to go through, the matchmaking is fun in both games, combat is fun in both games so really, any of them will do but I hope I was able to narrow it done a little. If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up! My sole goal in life is to get more people interested in Fire Emblem XD (mostly so they’ll come talk to me about huehuehuehue)
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