#m happy snuggly blanket clean again
aew-regression-cove · 1 month
s nearly midnight but has blankie washed an dried now 😭💞 m sleepy but don't wanna sleep-
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adoreyou303 · 4 years
Sweet Creature (H.S. Fic)
CW: Pregnancy, lots of fluff!!
Chapter Six
Sharp, short knocks echo through the dark hotel room. She groans out of frustration, rolling over and pulling a pillow over her head. After a fitful night of sleep, the last thing she needs, nay wants, is someone pulling her back to reality. She would rather stay in her cocoon of blankets and pillows where her aching body is supported by a mountain of fluff and fuzz. 
Once again, the knocks ring through the room, signaling her again of someone’s presence at her door. If it’s important, they will let themselves in… she thinks. A familiar beep sounds before the click of the door lets in a sudden rush of light from the hallway.
“Lucky I have a key to your room,” Harry chuckles, quietly closing the door.
“Whatever would I do without you,” she mutters sarcastically. 
“How’re you feeling, love?” he murmurs, sitting at the foot of the bed. He places his hand on her foot and squeezes gently. She throws the pillow off of her head and looks at him through squinted eyes. Dark circles outline the skin below her eyes. Her eyes are stormy blue, darker than he’s ever seen. The tip of her nose is pink, standing out from the pale translucency of her face. She’s cuter than a button, even when she feels like she’s been hit by a bus. 
“I felt so sick, I barely slept,” she admits, closing her eyes. She feels the weight at the end of the bed lift and for a moment, she feels white hot whips of panic roar through her chest. Did she scare him away? Is this what finally makes him leave? 
Before she can think of any more worst case scenarios, the bed dips again, but this time, it’s much closer to her body. 
“Oh, Mel. Have you thought about saying something? Your team could help you when you don’t feel well. I don’t want a repeat of last night. I barely convinced them you were just tired,” he sighs.
“What if they make me stop doing all of this? Or make me go home? I can’t do this alone,” she whispers, slowly reaching out towards Harry. His eyes search her face worriedly until their eyes meet. The eyes are the beholder of true feelings. They say everything without uttering a word. Harry’s never felt more connected to a single soul. There is no tension or awkward feelings. There’s a comfortable silence as they both drink in each other’s presence. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promises, holding his hand out, allowing her to weave her fingers through his. 
“Can I-”
Both stop midsetence, cheeks flushed at the mutual interruption. “You go, love.”
“No, you started first,” she insists. 
“I was just going to ask if I could hold you,” he asks sheepishly, feeling heat creep up the back of his neck. No one has ever held this much power over him. Usually he is the one making others flushed. He’s not used to someone making him feel this way. Instinctively, his other hand reaches up to scratch at his neck. Nervous tick. 
Instead of answering, she nuzzles her head closer, immediately inhaling his intoxicating scent. She releases their intertwined hands and wraps her arm around his torso. “Do believe you were going to say something,” he reminds her. 
“No need. It seems you happen to have read my mind,” she hums, tucking her face into the safety of his chest. He takes the moment to breathe her in. The smell of her shampoo is emintating off her hair in gentle waves. A faint trace of her favorite chapstick still lingers on her lips. Deep, glittering purple swatches of nail lacquer expertly decorate her nails, executenating her devine hands. And, no matter what time of day, she always smelled of something sweet. Call it what you will-- a sweet tooth, a lack of self control, but Melanie loves her chocolate and will go to the lengths of the end of the Earth to make sure she gets it. Something sweet for someone sweet. 
“How would I tell people?” she questions, pulling her head from it’s safe burrow in Harry’s chest.
“Well, that’s up to you. It doesn’t have to be all fancy like you see in the movies or anything. I reckon you could call a meeting or summat?” he suggests.
“That’s… too formal and rigid,” she rejects. He hums in response, lost in thought. 
“There is that label dinner next week. ’re all expected to be there. Would you consider doing it then? I know ’s in public and all, but-”
“H, that’s perfect,” she beams, reaching up and grabbing his face between her two hands. There is a deep ache in his chest, a pull at his heart. He isn’t sure if it’s because of the nickname and the sudden contact of the girl of his dreams or if he’s elated to see his best friend happy after seeing her struggle for so long.
“Really?” he smiles. “What makes you say that?” 
“We’re supposed to be discussing our upcoming projects. It can be treated like… I don’t know, a new beginning or such. You keep going on about support and what not, so why not start in a positive place? I don’t want it to be in a record label boardroom with contracts and attorneys fussing over details. It would be more like… friends finding out news. Right?” she ponders, her voice wavering slightly.
“You’re brilliant, love. I was thinking if it didn’t go well you could just fill up on pasta and breadsticks, but you really blew me out of the water on this one, didn’t yeh?” he chuckles, pressing a hand to the back of her head. 
This movement sends a thousand tingles down her spine. His thumb gently caresses the nape of her neck, slowly and softly swiping back and forth every so often. Almost as if to remind her he’s still there, he still has her. 
The next week passes way too slow for Melanie’s liking. She tries to distract herself with recording and writing, but anxiety about sharing the news swells in her chest. That isn’t the only thing swelling, either Her ankles have grown twice in size and she can no longer fit into her favorite pair of jeans. She isn’t huge, but she’s growing. Fortunately, the change hasn’t been noticeable by too many. The focus has mainly been on Harry promoting his new single. He’s been away doing various promotions, so the team has paid Melanie less and less attention. Once he returns, though, it’ll be back to the spotlight with their currently underwraps collab album. 
She has no doubt the second Harry lays his eyes on her, he will notice the changes in her body. Unsure of how his attention on a body that is quickly becoming not her own will make her feel, she soaks in all the non-attention as much as she can. 
As she prepares for the company dinner, her mind races with various scenarios of how the evening could possibly play out. She could get fired… she could be told off… her friends could leave her… they could laugh at her… anything could happen. She slips a light blue dress over her hand, letting it slide down over the rest of her body. She has to shimmy, pulling it down with more umph than usual. Her butt has also joined the swelling party. 
A soft knock at the door pulls her from her harsh gaze in the mirror. 
“Who is it?” she asks curtly. The driver isn’t supposed to be at hers for another 15 minutes.
“‘S me, love. Thought you might fancy a cuddle before dinner?” She could practically hear his smirk through the door.
“It’s open, Harry,” she calls, walking back into the bathroom to grab her earrings. Pushing through the door, he is hit with the scent of home. Fresh cookies. Vanilla. Faint Citrus. Her. He feels as though a permanent smile has been etched on his face as he places his bags on the floor near the door.
“Where are you, love?” 
“Bathroom, be out in a sec,” she responds. After placing her jewelry in the right places, she takes one last look in the mirror. She sighs a breath of relief, fixing her hair yet again. Satisfied. 
She returns to her bedroom to find a familiar face sitting on the edge of her bed. The mere sight of him makes her feel as though there is no air left in her lungs. His ring-clad fingers are sat upon loose fitting light teal trousers. One hand runs through his curly locks, bringing her eyes up to his torso, snuggly tucked in a matching dress shirt with the top buttons undone. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up, allowing for his tattoos to dance freely on the toned muscles of his forearms. If she wasn’t staring before, she was now. 
“You look gorgeous,” he smiles, standing up for a hug. 
“You clean up pretty nice yourself,” she covers, avoiding his piercing stare. Allowing herself to fall into his embrace, she remembers back to the times he’s complimented her appearance. She’s never doubted his sincerity, but why did it feel so different now? 
“I, um, need help with my dress. Would you mind?” she asks, pointing toward the back. He gives her a quick kiss on the check before reaching up to her shoulders to turn her around. His gaze falls to admire her dress when suddenly he flinches and pulls away as if she was the most repugnant thing he’s ever seen. 
“What??” she exclaims, looking over herself to see if she had some sort of anomaly or something to cause alarm. 
“Melanie, love, you’re showing,” he whispers, his eyes trained on her belly. Her gaze follows down to her stomach and back up to his face, whether their eyes meet. 
“I-I am,” she says, almost as though she’s trying to convince herself. Harry’s hands reach up to cradle her face.
“This is incredible. Can I?” he asks, breathless. Unsure of what he’s doing, but not wanting him to stop, she nods furiously. His hands drop to her sides, thumbs rubbing gently over the taut skin of her belly. “When did this happen?”
“I’m not sure, maybe a few days ago?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not exactly something to be… excited about,” she sighs, averting her gaze.
He brings her around to her floor-length mirror and pulls her in front of him. Instead of zipping her up, he pushes her straps down. 
“Harry, I-”
“I promise ‘m not going to hurt you. Let me show you something.” 
The dress slowly comes off her figure, leaving her only in her bra and panties. His large hands rest on the outer sides of her thighs. His eyes meet hers in the mirror. Her cheeks are flushed, eyes brimming with tears.
“Do you know what I see?” he questions in hushed tones. She shakes her head, instinctively retreating into his chest. “I see a beautiful, glowing woman who is growing a child. Her child. She’s the strongest person I know. Smartest, too, I reckon. She could beat my ass any day,” he snickers. This earns a small laugh from the girl in his arms. His heart gleams with pride and love as he sees her stand a little taller. He raises a hand from her thigh, trailing his fingers along her sun kissed skin, and places it on her belly. Her little swollen belly. Gently, his other hand follows until both his hands are embracing her, holding both Melanie and her baby. After a few minutes, her hands wiggle free from his embrace. She gently rests them on his large ones atop her little baby belly. She relaxes back into his chest, letting her fears melt away.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, squeezing his hands. He nudges his nose into her cheek with a soft smile. 
“Now, let’s get you dressed, yeah? Can’t take you to dinner in your knickers.”
Melanie can’t lie, dinner with friends is exactly what she needed. Although it is technically a company dinner, she loves everyone she works with. Laughter and fun stories pass the time so quickly, she almost forgets she has to break life changing news. So much so, it isn’t until Jeff mentions the collab album that she breaks into a nervous sweat. Almost as if on cue, Harry places a calming hand on her knee, talking cooly about plans he had thought up on his recent promo trip. 
“Actually, if I might chime in,” Mitch interrupts, eyes darting between dinner guests. Mitch has been with Harry since he went solo, so his word is just as important as Harry’s. Everyone’s attention turns towards the guitarist as he pushes his chair to stand. “I think this collab album is a great idea. It could really showcase both Mel and Harry’s strengths and teach them a lot about each other as artists.”
He pauses as he walks around the table, nervously pulling at his black velvet blazer. “However, I don’t think the timing of this is… ideal.”
Melanie gulps and she swears the whole table could hear it. Her frantic eyes meet Harry’s, who looks just plain confused. There is no way he knows… could he?
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in favor of this project. Here’s my issue.” Here it comes… I’m ruined. “When I started working for this company, for Harry, I only had myself to think about. I could drop everything and go to studio and write for hours on end. Hell, Styles dragged me to Jamaica at a minute’s notice. Well, I can safely say that is no longer the case. I’m not on my own anymore and I don’t want to be ever again,” he says softly, training his eyes on Sarah. Her mouth drops, clearly not expecting his speech. “Sarah, you took my breath away the moment I saw you. Somehow you manage to bring me out of my shell and make me unafraid. I never want to imagine what it would be like without you practicing drums at the worst hours or praising my cooking even though, darling, we both know it belongs in the bin,” he admits, a water chuckle escaping his lips. Tears are fully dripping down Sarah’s cheeks as the realization sinks in. “I loved you when you rejected my first attempt to ask you out and I love you now. I will love you always. Please, darling, will you marry me?” he asks, bending on one knee, gently grasping her hand in his. 
The whole table is dabbing tears away from their eyes as they take in the scene in front of them. Melanie sheds a few tears herself, but promptly feels a kick to the gut, like the wind has been taken out of her sail. 
“Yes, yes, I will,” Sarah finally answers, fully crying. Mitch slips the ring on her finger before engulfing her in a full embrace. There is a full uproar of cheers and congratulations from the party, but Melanie just feels sick. She joins her friends in happily (and tearily) congratulating Mitch and Sarah before quietly excusing herself from dinner. This wasn’t her moment. Not yet. 
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
Repentance Pt. 5
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Please read all warnings!
Characters: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: Soft Jimin, Needy Jimin, a bit of angst
Word Count:  2379
Jimin was a skilled hitman in one of Gwangju’s notorious Mafia families. When tragedy struck him personally, he began to regret his lifestyle. He was haunted in his dreams by the lives he took and the families he destroyed. Setting a plan into action that would change everything, he went into hiding. Can a mysterious young woman who showed up at his hideaway doorstep convince him to change his mind?
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credit to the original owner of this gif.... he looks so sad here...
 Hurt drove you on, making you get back up each time you fell down. When your lungs were burning and your legs could carry you no more, you finally stopped. You had no idea which direction you took off in, and you couldn’t remember how long you had been running. Reaching for your side, you felt the sticky fabric as it clung to your skin. You searched for a sharp rock, finding one and using it to cut a strip from your shirt. You folded it over, pressing it over the already soaked bandage. You sat down in the fallen leaves, letting the tears you had tried so hard to hold at bay fall freely down your cheeks. You cried until you ran out of tears, your body becoming dehydrated at a rapid pace. You picked yourself back up, slowly walking this time as the pain from your wound and the overwhelming desire for something to quench your thirst took you over. Night fell and you looked for a place to rest. You slid down a small ditch, whimpering at the raging pain in your side. You were exhausted and you couldn’t push your body any further. Laying your body down on the grass and leaves, you lost the fight to sleep, your body shivering in the cool nighttime air. 
When you didn’t return after a few minutes, Jimin knew you had really left. He mentally kicked himself at the guilt that stabbed at him. He knew it shouldn’t of happened, but he wanted you. What he didn’t want was to take his anger at himself out on you, but that is exactly what he did. He hurt you, and now you were out there alone and injured. He walked outside, seeing no sign of you around. He sat on the porch, waiting to see if you would come to your senses and come back. When one, then two hours passed he began to worry. Different scenarios flashed through his mind at what could come of you being alone in the woods. He cursed himself as he grabbed his gun and knife, then set out to search for you. The most likely direction would have been to run straight ahead, so that’s what he did. Minutes passed into another hour, which passed into two more hours. It was getting dark, the sun hanging low in the horizon. Then he smelled it, the faint metallic odor of blood. That scent was seared into his brain. Using his flashlight that was on his gun, he scanned the area around him. He eventually caught sight of some blood soaked fabric remnants on the ground and a bloody handprint on a nearby tree trunk. At least he was headed in the right direction. Night fell as he continued looking. He heard a faint rustling of leaves off in the distance to his right. Following the sound he came to the ridge of the ditch. At first he didn’t see you, your small frame half covered by leaves, when the edge of his light hit the shirt you were wearing. He scurried down the side, landing near your head. You were cool to the touch but still breathing. 
“Y/N. Shit, I ‘m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to do this. Please be okay.” He couldn’t rouse you, as you were in a deep slumber, the cold dropping your temperature to dangerously low. The first thought he had was to gather you in his arms and pull you onto his lap. Rubbing his hands up and down your arms quickly he tried to get you warm. He heard a faint murmur coming from you, and it was music to his ears. Hearing your voice meant you still had a bit of fight in you. He hoisted you over his shoulders and carried you the long distance back to the cabin. When he got back, he checked the clock inside which told him it was almost five in the morning. He had spent the entire night looking for you. Carrying you to the bed, he stripped you down, rebandaged your wound, and then crawled in behind you. He had your back pressed to his chest, his naked body giving off heat to help warm you back up. He fell asleep with you wrapped in his arms. His last thoughts were of you running out his door in tears and the fact that another twenty four hours had passed and he was still alive.
Jimin was the first one to wake up, the sun was already high in the sky. Looking at the small clock by the bed, it read two p.m. You were still snuggly wrapped in his embrace, your temperature having returned to normal sometime during the sleep. He thought about getting up, but thought better of it and laid back down with you. It felt oddly comforting to have you next to him. 
Don’t think it, Jimin. You came here with a purpose and you are supposed to fulfil it. You can’t let her get to you.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He told himself that he was just going to take care of you until you were well enough and then let you go. You weren’t to that point yet, and he could extend his time another day or two. But for now, he allowed himself to savor the feeling of a woman in his bed, cuddled up against him and how good it made him feel. 
Later than afternoon you slowly woke up, confusion edging at your brain as to why you were in a bed and being held in someone’s arms. Turning your body in the arms that were around you, you came face to face with a sleeping Jimin. Relief washed over you as reached up to touch his cheek. His features were softened during his sleep, the hard edged lines relaxed and his brow no longer furrowed. Everything that occurred the night before came flooding back, a hint of joy filled you that he had gone out to search for you after you had left. Guilt soon replaced that joy when it hit you that he was still here, suffering another day, because of you. When you attempted to squirm out from under his hold, his arm tightened, trapping you.
“Jimin. Wake up. I have to go to the bathroom.” you whispered. His lids fluttered open, groggy recognition filling his eyes as he moved his arm from around your hips.
“Morning. You feeling okay?”  he asked as you scooted off the bed. Your limbs ached and your side still hurt, but even after yesterday- Yesterday. The memory struck you to the core. The fighting, the sex, the running. The sex. Your face flushed as the images filled your mind’s eye. Thankfully he couldn’t see you, and you took a second to clear your head.
“I’m okay. Umm, about yesterday.” you replied as you came back into the room. He was sitting up, propped on the pillows. His expression fell when you mentioned yesterday.
“I owe you an apology. What I did, after- after that, was wrong. I was just angry at myself for letting it happen. I should have been stronger, but you also should not have been made to feel the way you did when I told you to leave.” His words flowed out of him and you just sat at the edge of the bed listening.  
“Jimin, please. I was wrong to push it with you. I think we have both been through a ton of shit and we just needed some sort of release. I promise it won't happen again.” You kept your distance, giving both of you space to accept each other's apologies.
“I suppose you're right. But when you left, I knew what I said to you was wrong, and for that, I'm sorry.” He gave you a weak smile.
“All's forgiven. Now let's eat. I need to build up my strength so I can get out of your way. You have plans to fulfil and I’m keeping you from them. Get up and get ready.” 
He watched as you walked out the door, heading for the kitchen. You were right. He did have a plan to fulfil, but strangely enough, that was at the back of his mind. He felt an overwhelming need to protect you at this time, and he was going to make sure he filled that need first. His plans could wait a bit longer. He rose out of bed, throwing some clothes on and joining you in the kitchen, You had already started cutting up some fruit, using the last of the eggs to make some omelettes. You plated his food, then joined him to eat. When you had finished, he checked your side, satisfied that is was healing up nicely. You helped him redress it, willing your body not to react when he touched your bare flesh. 
You spent the remainder of the day cleaning around the cabin, taking the dirty clothes to the rain barrel out back to wash them as best you could. You hung them on a line by the back door, happy with your handiwork. Jimin spent his time hunting for some more food. He came back with a couple of rabbits which he skinned and prepped outside. You both made dinner of rabbit stew and vegetables, putting the leftovers in the fridge. Sitting down by the fire later that evening, you decided to pass the time playing word games. It was nice hearing him laugh like he didn’t have a care in the world. Looking at the clock, you were surprised to see that it was almost midnight. You stretched your limbs, feeling how you didn’t hurt as much as you thought you would. Pulling yourself up on the couch, you grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“We need to get some sleep Jimin. I think tomorrow I’m going to be ready to leave. If you still want to help me start over, I would greatly appreciate it. Only if you still want to, that is.”
“Are you sure you’re ready? If you need another day or two, I’m okay with it. And yes, I still want to help you with that. I can give you my bank card and you can draw out as much as you need to get away from here. It would make me happy knowing that I did something right for once.”
“Don’t say that, you have done nothing but nice things since I ended up on your doorstep. We’ll talk about it in the morning. Now get some rest” you turned on your good side, tucking the blanket under your chin. 
“Aren’t you going to come sleep in the bed? I- umm- Since it will be your last night here, I thought that maybe you would need a good night’s sleep.” His heart raced a bit faster at the prospect of having you sleeping next to him one last time.
“I don’t think that is a good idea Jimin. After what happened yesterday, I think I should sleep in here. I don’t want to upset you again” you lowered your head, not wanting to look into his eyes. Those eyes that you could drown in if you stared into them too long.
“What do you mean, upset me again? You slept with me after I brought you back last night.”
“You want me to be honest with you? I don’t regret what occurred between us. What I regret is that it upset you like it did. I don’t want you to leave this world feeling like that. I want you to leave this world in peace. If I come to bed with you, then I would want something more than what you want to give me. So, I think it’s better for both of us if I stay out here. Please don’t look at me like that. All I want is for you to be okay, to be happy when I leave. I don’t want my last bit of time with you to have to see you upset or angry at yourself anymore. I want to see you smile before we part ways. I want to see you happy, knowing that when I’m gone, you will be okay with what you’re doing. I want you to be happy that you helped someone in your last bit of time.”
You could feel your heart breaking as you felt him gazing at you with a sad look. All he wanted, in his last few hours was to be at peace, and for some reason, having you beside him was peaceful. He wasn’t sure if it was just the feel of someone holding him close or the fact that he was going to miss you, but he wanted to be next to you before you were gone. His words were coming out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop his thoughts from pouring out.
“I need you, Y/N. I need you next to me. I need the comfort of someone holding me, someone who doesn’t care about what I’ve done in my past. Someone who cares about me. I want you to be beside me for my last night here. Please come to bed with me.” he was standing on his feet, his proffered hand waiting for you to take it. You slipped your fingers into his hand, letting his fingers curl around yours. You lifted yourself off the couch, letting him lead you to his bedroom. Silently you crawled under the covers, then felt him climb in behind you. You held your breath as his arm came to lay across your waist. His breath fanned over your neck and you let a soft purr escape as he tugged you closer to him. Closing your eyes, you did your best to keep your wants and desire at bay, wanting to give him this little bit of comfort that he craved so badly. Soon his breathing had become steady and you knew he had fallen asleep. At last you could close your eyes, hoping that sleep would take over you soon.
@min-shookga-yoongi @beautifulseoulliar @agustd-suga-yoongii @astronomyturtle @aspaceformyself @dreamyoongi@holy-yoongi@trashkazuya @maxinaptak @micky1518@rosiemilas @karri570
@seoulsunshineandstories @kwonnansi @xjamlessparkx@berryjam17
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justtamisfitt · 6 years
Heated love
reader x hybrid Jimin
warnings: fluffy fluff,  smut, hybrid heat
word count : 2000 give or take
authors note: not proof read, sorry too tired. read with caution! hope I got it right Anon! smut got a little out of hand but what ever. Thank you so much!! 
You pulled up the driveway to your house after a stressful day at work. As you put the car in park you could already feel your self relaxing because of your precious kitty boy inside that you know is waiting for you to come home. Getting out of the car you walked up the porch steps, right as you reached for your keys the door flew open revealing a smiley Jimin standing there.
“Y/N!! I’ m so happy you’re home!! I missed you so much!” JImin sweeped you into a powerful hug before you could get a word
“Hi baby, I missed you too.” you say returning the hug 
Jimin pulled you inside, talking about how his day was. You followed him to the couch knowing what exactly he was after. So, you sat down, Jimin crawled in your lap, arms wrapping tightly around you, Once you started rubbing behind his ears JImin started purring loudly rubbing his head into your hand. between purrs he spoke to you.
“ how was your day, Y/N?” Jimin asked curiously.
“Stressful but boring like any other day at work. im just glad to be home with you.” Jimin purred louder and started rubbing his nose in the crook of your neck scenting you. 
“H-Hey that tickles, you know!” you giggled out.
“I cant help it you smell so good.” He smiled into your neck continuing to scent you. You knew he wasn't going to stop any time soon so you grabbed a blanket and threw it over the both of you, grabbed the tv remote and put on your guys favorite movie. Letting the snuggly cat love all over you until dinner.
Awhile past, Jimin settled down a little bit ago but he kept his tail wrapped firmly around your waist and he sat next to you but with his arm wrapped around you and his legs thrown over your lap. It wasn't until you heard his belly growl that you realized it was going on 7:30. You looked over at Jimin, who now has pink cheeks. You decided to tease him a little and squish his cheeks, he giggled and shied away, but you weren't going to let him. You pushed him down on the couch straddling his waist. You grabbed both his cheeks squishing them together in the process, kissing all over his face making him melt. You decided to tease him further and kissed him lovingly on his on his forehead as he gasped lightly in surprise you slid your hands down his chest and began tickling his sides hard. He starts laughing loudly and thrashes under you’re hold.
“Y/N Y/N ST-STOP IT TICKLES!” He managed to wheeze out.
After deciding he had enough torment you stopped tickling him still perched on his waist. He threw his hands up to cover his face breathing deeply. With your dirty mind you did think Jimin panting underneath you all shy did look amazing you just wish it was under different circumstances, but you didn't want to rush him. You both loved each other greatly but you were both shy about it, you both often slept in the same bed because Jimin like to cuddle with you. He evening walked into you room while you were changing, you remembered he stood in the doorway red faced gazing at you as you had just changed into you lingerie, and before you could see the rapidly growing tent in his sweatpants he scurried to the bathroom to take care of himself.
Remembering the incident and mind filled with scenarios that would cause Jimin to be panting underneath you while you straddled him. You quickly got off his lap not wanting him to smell your arousal with his sharp nose. You went off to the kitchen to fix you both dinner.
while you were at the stove stirring the chicken soup you made, suddenly, arms laced themselves around your waist and a certain someones head buried in your neck.
“something smell delicious.” Jimin smirked into your neck knowing youd think he was talking about the soup but he really meant the arousal pooling between your thighs. Oblivious to this you spoke.
“thanks honey, it should be done in a few minutes.” turning your neck to kiss the side of his head.
“that's fine but don't expect me to move.” he remarked smartly.
“oh please. like id tell you to leave.” you replied just as sarcastically.
Later that night, you both were tired and started getting for bed. Once both of you were dressed for the night you looked over at Jimin who was getting snuggled in your bed leaving you plenty of room. you walked over to the bed. getting in covering yourself with the blankets, you moved closer to jimin settling a kiss on his cheek.
“Goodnight chim.” you said lovingly. “Goodnight y/n” he said back, kissing your forehead and he then curled into your side for the night.
Then in the middle off the night jimin woke up in a cold sweat. Sitting up he felt heat rushing to his waist. groaning quietly trying not to wake you he began to palm himself roughly hoping that his hard-on would go away. 
You stir at the sound of groaning and panting, opening an eye to see Jimin turned with his back to you. You peek over to see his eyes are closed with a hand covering his mouth while his other hand was buried in his boxers. you bit your lip, he looked miserable. 
You do remember something you read about hybrid heats back before you got JImin 8 months ago. You figured since this has never happened before this must be his first one. 
You looked back over at JImin debating whether or not to pretend to be asleep or try and help him, deciding on the latter you moved your hand, placed it on his shoulder and shook him lightly
“jimin… hey sweetie.. are you okay?” you asked carefully although knowing he wasn't “okay”. Jimin jolted up, looked at you with fear and panic in his eyes.
“Please.. im so so sorry! im sorry. Please don't be mad. I didn't mean for this to happen! im so sorry y/n!” he whimpered out, tears starting to roll down his cute cheeks. “Chim honey.. why are you apologizing? yoy don't need to apologize for this baby... its natural..you cant help it.” you spoke softly to him while gently wiping his tears off his face. “ I do-don't want you to see me like this....like a animal...like a disgusting animal..please don't be mad at me..i don't want to leave you....” he cried softly. you continued to wipe his tears bringing his head to your chest as you hug him.
“chimie I would never be mad at you about something like this, and im certainly not leaving you either. Nothing about this makes you a “disgusting animal” Jimin, its perfectly natural. Its the way you are you souldnt be ashamed about it... besides.... I love you all the same..” Jimin sniffed lightly and looked up at you with wet eyes. “re-really? you lo-love me?” he spoke in a timid voice. ‘yes chim I love you so much.” He looked at you eyes getting wet again but before a single tear could fall you crashed you lips onto his. He gasped surprised but kissed you back. You pushed him back pulling his sweaty night shirt off, hands sliding up and down his chest he groaned into the kiss and grabbed your shirt trying to rip it off of you. Once you were only in your bra Jimin groaned at the sight of your breasts swaying delightfully and you moved over him. Jimin grabbed the back of you neck and pulled you towards him, lips meeting once again, you slid your tongue on his bottom lip asking for entry, to which jimin quickly opened his mouth and your tongue dove in. As your tongues danced together you felt his hands reach behind your back and undo your bra straps.
Once the concealing fabric was removed and tossed somewhere in the room with no care, jimin grabbed both of you breats and squeezed both of them, groping and rubbing them with a mix of harshness and carefulness. He reached and pinching your nipples tightly, moaning loudly into the kiss you grinded your hips into jimins, you could feel the pool of wetness collecting in your lace underwear, moaning again you felt his hands roam down to your hips. next thing, the world flips for you and you find yourself under jimin who has a smirk planted on his swollen lips. He gazes at you while biting his lip he asks you in a small but needy voice 
“y/n please I want to taste you..” he pleads at you with eyes you cant resist 
“have your way with me chim. im all yours.” with that he doesn't waste time, quickly crawling down your body and pulling your sleep shorts off, his face dives to your core taking a deep sniff and slowly dragging his tongue up your covered lips. you moan heavily at the feeling, bucking your hips slightly. You can feel jimin smirk against your heat. He grabs you underwear with his teeth and slowly drags them down you body. you groan, quickly loosing patience. Jimin tosses the unwanted fabric somewhere in room. He dives back down to your juicy core, grabbing your knees and pulling them to the side he tells you to hold you knees open, which you do losing all patience and excitement growing. He laps at your lips with haste, not letting a single drop of your arousal drip down his lips, You’ve lost control of you moans by now, succumbing to his mouth. He laps at your center, wrapping his lips around your clit  he begins to suck hard while rolling his lips against it. Bucking your hips wildly at this, Jimin growls deeply and grabs your hips and pins them against the mattress, the growling only adding to the simulation. He brings a finger up and starts tracing your hole tauntingly. Suddenly he plunges his finger in and moving it back and forth quickly, screaming uncontrollably in pleasure you cum all over his face, jimin rides out your high while cleaning your cum off. once you've come back down from cloud nine a little you look down to see him with a painful look on his face.
“please y/n I need you so bad. it hurts.” he says with needs you turn over your behind facing him with you head you wiggle you behind.
“Mate me chim.” you say breathily. you hear groaning from the back and just as you turn your head jimin slams into, your body rocks forwards, moaning at the sweet sting, jimin doesn't stop and keeps pounding into you chasing his own high. He can feels his end coming soon and he reaches down with both hands, one hand makes quick work on your clit while the other moves to your nipple and pinches it hard. You feel yourself about to cum for the second time that night. Jimin feels this too and pounds into faster than you thought possible. Eyes rolling back in your head you let out a silent scream in pleasure, JImin finishing right behind you with a deep growl. You both stayed in that position until you both floated down from cloud nine. Jimin slowly pulled out of you with a hiss. you collapsed on the bed too exhausted to move. JImin also collapsed beside you and pulled the cover over the both of you. You moved to cuddle into his side. As both of you snuggled up, he whispered you.
 “I love you too y/n” with a kiss placed softly on your lips and gently wrapped his plush tail around your waist as you both slipped off to sleep with smiles painted on your lip.
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rogerlad · 6 years
Delectation Part Two- Brian May X Fem Reader
A/N: Alright heres part two. I’ve got a tag list going so if you want to be added, just comment below or send me a message! There will be a part three!
Word Count: 1.6K
Tag List: @rogerinascigarette @anchoredbylove @spitsss @shesadramaqueen @shishterfackisback
Part Two- Coffee and Blankets
“So, you’ve made a decision then?” You asked Brian, once he stopped playing the song he had written years ago. You were hopeful, and anxiously fidgeting with your hands. He shook his head, and your stomach dropped.
“No. I’m in a rut.” He sighed. You scooted into his lap, and he happily wrapped his arms around you.
“You don’t have to make a decision Bri. I never asked you too.” You whispered, playing with the fabric on his shirt. He pursed his lips.
“It’s you, Y/N, or it’s the band. It’s a family, or it’s another tour. A proper house, or another album.” He muttered. You shook your head. 
“Why does it have to be one or the other Brian?” You looked into his eyes, trying to fish for answers. He tucked your hair back, and gently thumbed over your cheek. You closed your eyes briefly, at the sensation.
“I don’t want to lose you. If I keep leaving you for months at a time...” He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t want that life for you. You deserve a normal, happy life.” You smiled up at him.
“Brian, you give me a happy life. Normal is just so....boring. I know what I signed up for okay? The Crickets and black socks, remember?” He kissed your lips softly.
“I remember, Y/N.”
Coffee and Blankets
You swirled a small spoon around in the tea mug set before you. You glanced up at the door to the small cafe, then back down. You were beginning to grow worrisome, hoping Brian hadn’t stood you up. You listened as soft music poured through the old building, and eased in a few conversations that were being held around you. The bell above the door rang, you shot your head up, and were more than relieved to see the familiar face. 
“Sorry I’m late!” He said as he made his way over to you. You waved him off.
“It’s fine, I just got here.” Fifteen minutes ago. You gave him a cheery smile as he pulled the chair out across from you, before sitting.
“You look nice Y/N.” He beamed at you, shrugging his jacket off. You blushed, looking into your mug. You had opted for a set of skinny denims, so that you could show off your new black flats. Knowing your bell bottoms would have covered them. You wore a light beige knit jumper, and kept your hair down for the occasion. You had done your makeup as per usual, not wanting to over due the situation. 
“Thank you-”
“What can I grab you?” A young waitress asked Brian, unknowingly interrupting you. 
“Oh, nothing, ‘M alright.” He flashed her a wide grin, and she nodded before returning to whence she came. You shot him a look.
“Finish your tea, love. I want to take you for a walk, while the sun is still out.” You smiled, and complied. Taking quick sips in between light chatter, mostly just catching up on the last day that had passed, you admired the way Brian spoke. He cared deeply for his friends and you could see it in the way his eyes lit as he carried on about seeing them again. You, yourself, really hadn’t done much. You had gone to a near-by cinema, saw a show, found a neat little record store, but apart from that you had rallied up newspapers in hopes of finding a job ad. You had circled a few, but nothing really spoke to you. 
The two of you left the busy cafe, and found yourselves strolling down the streets of the city. Brian pointed out various shops to you, and a few restaurants. You took note of each one, and you swore with every store you passed, he moved closer towards you, until your arms were brushing against one another. 
“So when do you start recording?” You asked him, trying to keep up with his long strides. 
“We have a studio session booked next week!” He cheered, allowing his dimples to peak through. You smiled up at him, admiring his beauty, until you felt a drop on your nose. And then, another drop. Another.
“Oh no.” He chuckled, as rain was fully coming down now. He grabbed your hand, and you swore the contact between the two of you made all of time stand still. “Come on!” He shouted over the pelting water. He clasped your fingers around his, and he led you down a few streets. You hadn’t paid much attention between the rain clouding your vision, and your laughter erupting. Brian was laughing too as you ran down the sidewalk, dodging others who were quickly making their way past. By now the two of you were drenched, and you roared at the sight of Brian’s hair, laying flat from the water. He turned his head back at you with a grand smile, as he pulled you up to an apartment complex. He dropped your hand for a moment, to fish a set of keys out of his pocket.
“This is my flat, come on, before we catch cold.” He ushered you in, holding his large hand on your back. You wasted no time entering his small home. It was very plane and basic, and you hadn’t really expected anything less from Brian. He led you through the entryway, your teeth clattering, and your hands rubbing your arms.
“I-it’s N-nice.” You said through shaky breathes. Brian shot you a concerned look. 
“Give me one second.” He said, before heading down a hall. “Don’t Move!” He called. You obliged, rubbing your arms, as you took in the small living space. A simple couch and recliner sat placed before a record player, laden with vinyls. A few guitars leaned against a closed off fire place, and you smiled at the sight. There was no television, but that wasn’t uncommon for people your age, especially those still in school. The kitchen was across the way, closed off by a small door frame. You stopped your examination, as Brian made his way back into eyesight, and half smile on his face. In his arms was a folded blanket, a sweater and a pair of black socks. 
“Come on love.” He nodded towards the couch. You slipped your shoes off, and walked over, sitting down slowly. Brian handed you the pair of folded socks and the jumper. 
“They’re clean I promise.” He winked. 
“Thank you.” You blushed, and slipped the socks on. They were too large, but they immediately warmed your feet. He set the blanket next you. You had noticed now he had changed into dry clothes, and had fluffed his hair back up to it’s normal size.
“I’ll make some coffee, whilst you change.” He blushed back, before spinning and heading to the kitchen. You peeled off your soaked sweater, and replaced it with Brian’s. It was a little loose, but you didn’t think about that. You had been too busy inhaling the scent that wrapped around you. You hummed out loud, before pulling the warm blanket over top of your body. Bri returned a few moments later with two mugs on a tray, with a cup of sugar and a spout of milk. He set the tray down on the table, before making his way to the record player. You fixed your coffee up, as you normally did, and admired him as he sifted through his collection.
“Crickets or....Sinatra?” He asked, smiling at you over his shoulder.
“The Crickets!” You grinned. He nodded, before setting the record into place. He walked back over to you, sliding beside you on the couch. His arm wrapped around you snuggly, and he looked at you quickly to see if his movement was okay. You leaned into his side and he relaxed, pulling the blanket to cover the both of you.
“You look good in that.” He spoke softly. You felt your cheeks redden.
“Yeah?” You whispered.
“What about these?” You stuck your feet out and wiggled your toes. He laughed loudly, pulling you tighter into his side.
“They’re yours babe.” Your heart fluttered at the word, and you tensed up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you-”
“S’okay. I like it.” You admitted. You liked Brian. What are you thinking, you hardly know him. You scolded yourself. You didn’t pull away though, or retract your statement.
“I like you.” He whispered, placing his lips on the top of your damp hair.
“You do?” You asked, staring up at him, wide-eyed.
“Mhhm.” He answered, forming a nervous smile.
“I like you too, I think.” You giggled, and he pressed his brows together.
“You think?”
“I don’t know Bri, you make a shit cup of coffee.” You teased, and he laughed loudly. Oh, how you loved that sound.
“Think you could do better?” He pressed.
“Oh, I know I can.” You were grinning a toothy smile at him now, and he just shook his head chuckling.
“I’m sorry, this wasn’t the first date I had planned.” He said, sheepishly.
“So this is a date?”
“Well, if you want it to be?” He asked, looking down at his lap. 
“It’s a perfect date.” You confirmed, and he looked into your eyes again. “The Crickets, and black socks. What more could a girl need?” You giggled. Brian bit his bottom lip, before leaning closer to you. He caught your lips with his own, only briefly, before pulling away. You searched his eyes, pleading for him to kiss you again, and he did, and he continued to kiss you until the rain let up. 
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