leftalexwithnoneart · 4 years
lyssitalennon replied to your photo “Verónica and the tweet and the Dua Lipa dress”
Thank you!!! <3
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locktobre · 4 years
lyssitalennon replied to your post: lyssitalennon replied to your post: ...
thank you for finally saying it!!!!!!! like god I literally feel the same way about her!!!;
the fact that she has stans... oof. OOF!!!! some ppl really have no taste! rip to them but im different.
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Anneliese, about being trapped in the mines with Julian: Got an escape plan?
Julian: Thought I’d try punching my way out. Mix things up a little.
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lacependragon · 6 years
2, 5, 16, and 20 for Jax and Sun!
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.
Dialogue that hasn’t yet made it into Reconnection.
Jax: “I didn’t know one person could carry so many weapons and not get arrested.”
Sun: “The trick is not to get caught.”
Jax: “What if you do?”
Sun, shrugging: “Snitches get stitches.”
Jax, raising both eyebrows: “Exploding cars and killer robots? Reminds me of high school.”
Sun: “The fuck kind of place did they find you in?”
Jax: “Ohio.”
Sun: “Yeah, checks out.”
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.
Sun is medium height, probs 5′4″-5′6″. She’s Chinese and covered in sleeve tattoos. She wears her black hair in a cropped, angular bob at her chin and has angular eyebrows and cheekbones and a sharply cut jaw. She’s also got bangs. Her eyes, which are brown, are always alight with something mischievous. She tends to wear sleeveless shirts, usually tanks and those tops you tie around your neck. Plus jeans. Lots and lots of jeans.
She’s got a couple scars and she’s lean but jacked, like very built even without a ton of bulk. She likes lip gloss, usually in bright ass red or purple or black.
She’s also trans, but that’s not something that really affects her looks.
Jax is a tall and gangly motherfucker. They’re very lean, almost Tezz lean, and darker in skin tone than Sherman or Spinner. They’re middle-eastern, plus a couple other things, one of which is Navajo. Their hair is black, but they die it dark blue, and it’s shaggy, but straight, and often worn in a low ponytail. Their brown eyes are mostly golden, and a narrow almond shape. Their nose is a little crooked from being broken. Their fingers are long and their knuckles stick out. They’ve got scars all over their hands from being a mechanic and a grease monkey all their life.
They wear a crooked smile alongside well worn clothes, typically in greys, typically covered in grease stains.
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?
Sun would take super strength. She’s a fighter at heart and she loves to get into physical brawls with people. Plus, you don’t get put on the ‘no fly’ list for fists.
Jax would take telekinesis so they could balance all their shit at once and fix cars more easily. Plus, they could change music without having to cross the room.
20: Post a picture or gif that describes your OC.
I don’t have their pics on my current harddrive and I can’t think of gifs to describe them rn. Sorry.
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finnthebunneh · 7 years
I'd give my life to see 3B with Nikandros/Jord
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vonuberwald · 7 years
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Prize for @lyssitalennon who won a sketch from me from the @carvermerrill giveaway! Congratulations!
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surfthewayyouwantto · 8 years
tagged by @lyssitalennon (thank you!)
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better. @arielgirly @majorabbey @erikajuno @queen-erika-the-songful @frangonamesa
Relationship status: single as a pringle 
Lipstick or chapstick on a normal day? I wear neither but if I had to choose one it’d be chapstick
Last movie I watched: MyScene: Jamin’ in Jamaica
Last song you listened to: Willingly? Life is a Runway. Was in a show? Littlest Pet Shop theme song
Top 3 shows: Barbie (not a show but counts), Young Justice and it’s a tie between MyScene, LPS, and Monster High
Top 3 characters: Skipper Roberts, Princess Genevieve, Frankie Stein 
Honorable mentions: Delancey, Jonas, the entire Young Justice team, Cleo de Nile, the rest of the Robert’s sisters (minus Chelsea), Ellis
Top 3 ships: Jonas/Skipper, Karbie, Spitfire, edvieve
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jojoautonoe · 3 years
I regret to inform you that due to a frustrating interaction, I have aged rapidly. I am now 75 years old. Because this age has passed my current life expectancy (40) I will be promptly passing away. Please use the following as my informal will and testament
1. To my stinky boy Apollo: The two cans of wetfood left in the cabinet (please ration), my bed (he likes to sleep on it), my keyboard (he likes to sleep on it), the carpet in the apartment (he likes to vomit on it), my shower (he likes to shit in it), my bathroom closet (he likes to nap in it), any water left in the apartment (he needs it he doesn’t drink enough)
2. To my little sister Abbie: My computer and Webkinz account, my various subscriptions to streaming services, literally anything she wants from my room
3. To anyone who wronged me: My vengeful spirit that will haunt you for the rest of your lives.
4. The commies: My car so they can fucking drive finally
I appoint @lyssitalennon to uphold my will and divide my assets.
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lyssitalennon · 7 years
thanks @ Tumblr for recommending me my own posts
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wobblyjellyfish · 5 years
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it’s that time again
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HD screencap once again provided thanks to the wonderful @lyssitalennon
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comicsandslushies · 5 years
lyssitalennon replied to your post: My birthday is tomorrow!
Happy early birthday!!
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leftalexwithnoneart · 5 years
lyssitalennon replied to your post “I can't draw please send questions about assassin au”
what does everyone do exactly? is it just the original six plus sage or are AJ and Tezz there as well? does anyone have a Big Knife?
Oh boy, its a long post apparently. I'm gonna Talk
Okay so, mostly everyone has a different role, including AJ and Tezz.
Sage is the reason they get together in the first place.
Zoom and Agura are both hitmans, Zoom was trained to be an assassin and Agura just saw the oportunity and took it, it’s a little bit more complicated than that but yeah. Zoom makes them look like an accident and Agura just Snipes You.
Vert is usually a getaway driver or he does like, recon inside the buildings and keeps an eye on people. Will not kill unless he has to.
Stanford is like, a singer at these fancy parties/events that have live music. He's 99,9% of the time a distraction and usually has "gossip" that might be useful.
Spinner is out local tech connoisseur, a hacker, basically. Works at a security company that competes with Zemerik's.
Sherman is still in the air but right now he works as security/bodyguard at the same company, mostly just looks out for Spinner.
Tezz is the guy that Cleans Up Your Mess. Prefers to work on his own but AJ probably convinces him later to be part of the Gang.
I honestly don't know where to put AJ. A bartender that knows way too much? He works with Tezz and looks after him? Secondary getaway driver? Idk man, idk. What I do know is that he's the kind of guy that will say "oh, I can take care of that :)" and he does but nobody really knows how, when, where, he just do :)
Who has big knives:
Agura, in case anything goes wrong. The knife looks good af, cool and practical design.
Zoom, and he WILL use it if so desired.
Tezz, probably. He would rather carry something more efficient
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locktobre · 4 years
lyssitalennon replied to your post: well. shera is sure over.
spill your tea because I was also dissatisfied with the ending!!!
ok phew here we go. i mainly have 1 point.
basically it just boils down to me finding catra to be utterly unlikable and undeserving of a redemption, much less a romance-based one. i was literally more invested in shadow weaver and hordak than her, bc at least they were interesting. catra was a toxic person and continued to be toxic even when there were multiple opportunities to like, not do that. double trouble called her out on that and i thought they had finally gotten thru to her but NOPE she’s back on her same bullshit for half the final season and also continues to be a bitch after they go to EXTREME lengths to rescue her. she’s so ungrateful! she just sucks a lot and they literally waste SO much fucking time on her, and then the ending ended up feeling really rushed bc of that, imo.
and like, to a certain extent, i feel bad for her, sure. but that doesn’t excuse everything she does, and honestly i hate the message, PARTICULARLY in a children’s show, that you should keep reaching out to someone toxic like that and never give up on them. it happened at the end of rta too with cassandra and i hated that bullshit. like, at a certain point, you just have to fucking walk away! and the way adora mentioned off-handedly the way catra tried to kill her multiple times when she was talking to the star siblings... OOF. it’s not a good romance! it’s not a win! it’s toxic and gross and i hate it.
so yeah, i just hate catra and i hate valuable time in THE FINAL SEASON being wasted on her when she added almost nothing. anyone else could have bonded with melog, so like, they didn’t even need her for that. but i mean, i hated catra from the beginning so it’s not like i was surprised by any of this, just like, disappointed and disgusted. but whatever it’s over now and i’ll probably never think of this show again honestly.
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Julian: Wait. Did you just flirt with me?
Anneliese: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
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lacependragon · 6 years
lyssitalennon replied to your post: i'm not surprised u lost followers after slamming...
come off anon and say it their face, coward
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someonefantastic · 8 years
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
Under a Read More cause it’s lengthy 
Drink: Aqua Last phone call: My mom to ask about a picture frame  Last text message: AGGGGHHGHGHGHHG Last song I listened to: S.O.S by Rihanna cause I was playing Just Dance Last time I cried: This morning when I learned I have a giant math test tomorrow
Been cheated on: Nope. Never been in a relationship Kissed someone and regretted it: See above Been depressed: Yup  Been drunk and thrown up: Nope  Kissed a stranger: Once again no  Drank hard liquor: Under age sooooo no  Lost glasses/contacts: Yes Been arrested: Nope, I’m a good kid  Turned someone down: TURN DOWN FOR WHAT nope, at least I don't think so Cried when someone died: Defiantly
Made a new friend: Yep, made one in the past day ^^ Laughed until you cried: No, I’ve never been able to do that. But I have laughed super hard  Met someone who changed you: Yes Found out who your true friends were: Kinda  Found out someone was talking about you: Nope, which is good, I’m not super noticeable in social settings
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: Nope, I wish though Do you have any pets: A dog who is adorable and lazy Do you want to change your name: Nah, I like my name What time did you wake up this morning: 6:30 :( What were you doing last night: “Same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!” j/k I was on the Barbie Chat Name something you cannot wait for:  For me to buckle down and write these headcanons, and for school to be over, and for Electrified Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yup! What’s getting on your nerves rn: My sister’s electric tooth brush  Blood type: Pfft, I have no idea Nicknames: Skipps, and others that I can't say for personal reasons Zodiac sign: Gemini Pronouns: She/Her Favourite tv show: Does Barbie count? I also like Miraculous, Once Upon a Time, and Young Justice  Hair colour: Brown Long or short: Past my shoulders Crushes: Not really, there are some guys who I think are cute but I haven't developed a crush yet Tattoos: Nah Righty or lefty: Righty
First surgery: Never had surgery. Yay! First piercing:  I hate needles First best friend:  My sister First sport you joined: Soccer First vacation: I don't remember...
Eating: Nothing, I want food though Drinking: Nothing, I need to get water I’m about to: Get a snack Listening: My sister’s complaining Want kids: Idk, I’m still pretty young
Lips or eyes: Eyes, they’re so pretty to look at Hugs or kisses: Hugs Shorter or taller: Depends  Older or younger: Yes  Sensitive or loud: Maybe a bit of both Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
Miracles: I believe it can happen.   Love at first sight: Maybe?? Idk Heaven: Absolutely Santa Claus: No
I tag (the first people who pop up when I use the @ symbol): @fragonessa, @jolie-poupee-en-rose, @theblondewonder, @ashecatcosplay, @sadrien, @ankicacicero, @erikajuno, @eizabet, @ijgirl, @letspiritsfly, @lyssitalennon, @roybelmirrorcast, @save-young-justice, @cats-and-fanfictions None of you have to do it, if you don't want to :)
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