#lyrics are from kawaita sakebi btw :) the season 0 opening
caitlin-makes-stuff · 3 months
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There's an answer within me that nobody else has
Rambling under the cut:
So I do project onto Atem a lot, because I think if he came back, he would definitely have some identity stuff going on. He's not anyone he used to be; how does that feel? When all of that is taken away, what's left? Who are you? Some people may see it as an opportunity to discover yourself, but what if it leaves you feeling empty, uncertain, directionless? Even afraid?
This is something that I tend to deal with myself. There's lots of times where I have no idea who I might be. If I take away all my interests, for example, what's left? Who am I, really, underneath everything?
This comic isn't saying others can't help you with figuring it out (and we do carry pieces of our past selves, no matter what). But it comes down to each of us, doesn't it, to really look inside and figure out who we might be at our core. For people with identity disturbance, this is really difficult; when you feel you have no core self, you feel really lost. You can reach out to others as a starting point, ask what they may see, ask them to support you. And then you have to go in, yourself, because, you know, there's answers inside that only you can know.
(Kofi ☕️)
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