lyrebirdswrites · 6 months
Picture itafushi hiking Shibuya’s concrete remains on their way to visit Hakari. City torn asunder, sky apocalyptic, offering a hand to help each other through the rubble. Yuuji puts himself back together piece by piece, one foot in front of the other, eyes fixed on Megumi’s back.
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bunnakit · 9 months
The Lyrebird King - Chapter 1
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He never knew that night would change his life but hindsight always was crystal clear, wasn’t it? 
The hooded figure on the outskirts of the crowd quickly collected his winnings before making a wide berth around the myriad of fighters featured in the ring throughout the night and toward the man that had added some extra heft to his purse. 
“You fought well,” Caius greeted, for lack of anything better to begin with, while ensuring his steps were clunky and audible as he approached. “But then again, I knew you would.”
The fighter glanced up from beneath his tousled auburn fringe, verdant gaze narrowed into a glare as he spat a mix of blood and saliva onto the dirt beside him. 
“Oi, thanks for that by the way - put a fucking target right on my head with that hefty bet.” He snarled, and the blood on his pearly white teeth sent an unbidden thrill down Caius' spine.
“And yet your winnings are all the greater for it,” Caius replied and placed an additional pouch of coin on the weathered crate beneath him. “You fought as if it was for your very survival, I watched you stretch and wrap your hands before the match even began. I think you’ll find the risk I took was calculated, and I happen to be quite skilled at arithmetic.” 
“Hmph,” Aries, the event crier had called him, snorted and snatched the pouch away. Still, it seemed the monetary apology was well received as he crossed his legs and leaned further back on his wooden perch rather than escape the encounter. “Calculated or luck, doesn’t matter to me, but I’m happy to take the coin from you.” He licked over his teeth as his eyes roamed over the lithe form in front of him, the cloaked figure a monument to androgyny and obscured gender boundaries. 
“Do you participate in these fights often?” Caius wondered, lowering his hood and instead peering from beneath inky black, swooping bangs. 
“Now and then.” Aries met his gaze as if making a challenge or a threat, and Caius could only commend him for being the cautious sort. 
“Perhaps I’ll have to stop by more often, though I’d loathe becoming a regular patron of this sort of entertainment.” He didn’t quite curl his lip in disgust but the message was clear nevertheless. 
“If it’s not something you enjoy then why did you place a bet in the first place?” Aries wondered, thumb swiping back and forth over the bunched-up sleeve at his elbow. 
“Curiosity; my reason for doing most things,” Caius confessed with a slight smirk as he lifted himself to sit on a crate parallel to Aries. “I wanted to see if my instincts were correct - It was as much a test for myself as it was for you, though perhaps to a less physically damaging extent.” 
“S’pose it’s better than most of the puffed-up nobles that deign to grace us with their presence,” Aries’ words were laced with disdain and malice, and if he hadn’t already had Caius’ full attention that certainly would have done it. “The extra coin doesn’t hurt either.” he chucked a thumb over his shoulder towards the gifted purse he’d stashed away. 
“Oh? Do many nobles come to this sort of thing? I wouldn't think they'd want to get their shoes dirty.” Caius gestured to the scattered puddles of mud, the smatterings of blood, and the general filth that came with an illegal fighting ring in the back alleys of Larkfield. 
“You’d be surprised,” Aries snorted and finally began gathering all his things into a large pack, “But I should clear out of here, too much lingering is always bound to draw the guard.” 
“Why don’t I buy you a drink and we can continue this conversation?” Caius proposed as he crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward just slightly, a charming smile curling across his lips and a mirthful crinkle in the corner of his eyes. 
Aries turned to face him and when his eyes trailed along Caius’ perched form the latter knew he’d caught him in his web. 
“Yeah, alright. Not from Wounded Wyrm, though. Fuckin’ bastard that runs the place waters down his drink and thinks no one notices.” This wasn’t news to Caius but it wasn’t widely known information, most were just happy for a cheap drink. It piqued his interest in Aries all the more for it. 
“Lucky Gryphon it is, then.” Caius hopped down from the crate before turning and making his way through the labyrinthine alleyways with all the confidence of someone who knew the town almost as if they’d lived here their entire life. He didn’t look back to see if Aries was following, the swishing sounds of fabric and plodding footsteps behind him were enough to confirm his company for the evening. 
It didn’t take long for Aries to fall into step beside him, long legs and confident stride quickly eliminating the distance. Silence lingered between them as they made the short jaunt to the tavern and yet the quiet did not feel oppressive to Caius in the way it did with most people, and that alone had him tugging his cloak tighter around himself. He could just hear the inhale of Aries readying to speak as they rounded a corner, the tavern door thankfully just in front of them now and silencing any unspoken words. 
“After you,” Caius held open the door with the toe of his boot, observing the curious way Aries’ head tilted before passing into the muted murmurings of the pub. He followed like a shadow, nearly molded to his back without touching before passing by and gesturing to a table in the corner of the room – secluded, but within sight of the stairs leading to the upper floor as well as a clear view of the doorway. 
“Why don’t you grab us some drinks and I’ll hold down the table?” Caius offered, already pulling out a chair and falling into it, limbs spread in a facade of comfort and luxury. He pretended he didn’t hear Aries’ grunt as he set down his bag and stalked to the bartop. 
Caius kept his eyes on Aries’ broad back throughout the entire interaction, gaze trailing down to his hands and watching every slight twitch and turn as he handled their tankards and brought them back to the table with a ‘thump!’ and a drizzle of foam. 
“Here you are.” He nearly growled as he sat in his own chair across from Caius and crossed his feet at the ankles, “Now, you gonna tell me where someone like you gets that kind of coin to blow?” He questioned as he took a sip of his own mug, licking away the foam mustache that lingered behind. 
Caius paused a minute before lifting his own to his lips and drawing in a long contemplative sip. Almost silently, he set the tankard down before he crossed his arms over the tabletop, leaning forward and speaking in hushed tones. 
“You see, I’m actually an exiled prince on the run.” He whispered, eyes narrowed and mouth pinched in a serious expression. 
“Seriously?” There was a hint of disbelief in Aries’ tone, but more there was awe and a bit of… hope? 
“Absolutely not, I’m just someone with a lot of skills that isn’t afraid to take an odd job here or there.” It was vague enough to not be a lie but it also revealed nothing, damning or otherwise. 
“Fuck you, man,” Aries kicked his ankle beneath the table, causing Caius to sit back with a chuckle and shake of his head. “Still, good for you.” 
Caius was quiet a moment, brow drawn up in surprise. This was usually the part where someone asked for money, for a job, or whatever he was willing to give. He gave it a moment but when it seemed no such request was forthcoming he spoke again. 
“I suppose it is. Took me quite a few years to get here, but here I am nevertheless.” he smiled and took another long gulp of his drink. “What is it you do? Besides the fighting, of course.” 
He waited patiently as Aries took his own time to mull over his answer, which only made Caius more eager to hear it. 
“S’pose I’m between jobs at the moment, just doing what I can to get by.” He averted his gaze to stare down into the amber liquid in his barely-touched tankard. There was clearly more to what he was saying, but Caius knew better than to prod at a festering wound. 
“Fair enough. You mentioned nobles attend the fights. You have any interesting stories about them?” He wondered, setting his elbow on the table and propping his chin in his hand. This was what he was here for, this was the only reason he’d bothered to indulge a stranger in a drink at the late hour. 
Aries hummed and finally took a long swig of his ale before setting it down with another clunk, drawing a slight wince to the corner of Caius’ eyes. 
“Hmm… There was one a few weeks back, Lord Pendleton, some local Duke or something – Real fucking prick,” Aries began and Caius nodded for him to continue. “Shows up with some puffed-up bodyguard he calls his ‘champion’ and says he can’t wait to take home everyone’s coin. His ‘champion’ only lasts three rounds and once he’s out cold Pendleton starts shouting that he’s going to have the ring shut down and have all of us arrested. Real fuckin’ stupid thing to say when his bodyguard is busy holding down the gravel.” 
“What an ass. I have to wonder though, if he’s a Duke why was he so desperate to make money in an underground fighting ring?” 
“Who knows? Every once in a while we get some jackass that thinks they’re better than everyone and they come and drop a ton of coin and spit in our faces afterward. Or they lose and threaten us or slink away to lick their wounds. In my experience, all nobles are the fuckin’ same.” Again, his gaze dropped and this time traced the wood grain of the table. 
They sat in silence for a moment and once again where it should have been awkward and stilted, it was instead comfortable and calm. Caius shifted his gaze to peer around the tavern, taking in the low sound of conversation, the pattering of rain he could hear just beginning to tap at the windows, and the clinking of tankards and glasses. It was almost soothing in its predictability. 
“So has Lord Pendleton been the worst encounter you’ve had?” He wondered, looping back around to the information he was most interested in.
“No, not by a long shot. It was probably my second week attending when Sir Reinald showed up, one of the guards stationed out here, Knight Captain I think,” Aries paused to drain the remainder of his drink. “Damn near won the whole thing, but he was cruel about it. Had to scoop fella’s out of the ring before he killed them. Suppose it makes sense, with the rumors.” 
“Rumors?” Caius wondered, taking a perfunctory sip for something to do with his hands, and in an attempt to make his inquiry seem more like casual questioning and curiosity. 
“Aye. Rumors float around that he’s involved in human trafficking. Don’t know much more than that, that’s the nature of rumors after all.” Aries hummed as he flicked the rim of his mug and watched it teeter and wobble before settling again. 
Well, that had Caius sitting up straight and paying full attention. Aries may have brushed them off as rumors, something idle gossips participated in while shopping in the market or at a dinner party, but he knew rumors of this severity didn’t sprout without some inkling of truth or suspicion. 
“That’s awful. Was that the only night he attended?” Caius wondered as he stretched his legs beneath the table, his ankle pressed gently to Aries’. He watched as he raised his eyebrows before answering.
“Mm, as far as I know. I can’t make it every night but I’m sure it would’ve come up.” Caius smirked when he felt Aries press against him in return. 
He took a moment to drain the remainder of his own mug before setting it aside and standing. He took measured steps towards Aries, trailing his fingers along the fighter’s broad shoulders as he circled around him and eventually took his hand. 
“Enough of this talk. It seems the rain has picked up outside, so why don’t we get a room and learn a bit more about one another?” Caius purred, back arched as he leaned down so his lips were just a hair’s breadth from Aries’ ear. He savored the thrill of watching a shiver travel down his spine. 
“Lead the way.” Aries answered and Caius stepped back to allow him out of his chair. 
One small detour to the front counter and an exchange of coins for a key was all it took for the pair to disappear behind a heavy oaken door on the upper floor. The soft mutterings of the tavern faded into obscurity and in their place rose soft panted breaths and gasping moans, accented by the soothing sounds of the pouring rain outside. 
When Aries woke the next morning, Caius was gone – the only trace he’d ever existed being the heavy purse in Aries’ belongings and the ring of impassioned bruises along the column of his neck. 
It would be nearly an entire month later before Aries would be faced with a chilling reminder of that evening. 
“Did you hear?” One of the fighters whispered to another, huddled together as they prepared for the upcoming fights. 
“What are you on about?” 
“Sir Reinald’s dead,” Aries’ spine straightened, but he was careful not to turn his head towards the conversation. “found against the fountain in the plaza, a stack of papers pinned to his chest detailing all his slave trade dealings. Fuckin’ scum.” 
“Can’t say I’m broken-hearted over it. Men that abuse their positions like that deserve what comes to them. May the Stars shine on whoever did it.” 
Aries was no fool, despite what he’d been told the majority of his life. He needed to find that cloaked man again and he only hoped he hadn’t fled town just yet. 
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elegancemademessy · 2 years
The Lyre
I want to be noticed. I want my words to be sung in songs, to be quoted in wedding vows. I want to be in the diaries of broken souls, used as a dedication in a soft eulogy for a person with too much love. I want to be etched in a tombstone, onto tree bark and then faded away by the weather. Whether my words are forgotten or because they are returning to where they came from; I want to be known. By the soil and the grass and the fungi who will eventually find sustenance from my corpse. I want to be noticed. And then I want to disappear.
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I thought of including a bird in a cage, which would be symbolic. Also show the luxury -- some sort of exotic bird. The 1st thing that sprang to mind was a lyrebird. Something most ppl donr have. But I left it at that last night, the overhang to be continued today. This morning I looked up lyrebirds to see if it would be feasible to include. And then was reminded how good mimics they are!
This also adds to the story. It can imitate sounds it has heard in the Core.
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padfootagain · 1 month
Love in Verses (V)
Chapter 5 : ‘But here comes the lyrebird passing through the sky’
Hi, everyone!!! Here we go with the fifth chapter! Introducing new characters, and spending some time at Trinity for this one…
Also, chose a French poem for this one because it fit the theme very well, but I couldn’t find a decent translation, so I translated the poem myself… it isn’t particularly good, sorry about that, but it’s not worse than the other translations I’ve found, sadly…
I hope you like this new chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 2110
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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Writing Page
Two and two four Four and four eight Eight and eight make sixteen…
Repeat! Says the teacher
Two and two four Four and four eight Eight and eight make sixteen…
But here comes the lyrebird Passing through the sky The child sees it The child hears it The child calls it
Save me Play with me Bird!
So the bird descends And plays with the child
Two and two four…
Repeat! Says the teacher
And the child plays And the bird plays with him…
Four and four eight Eight and eight make sixteen And sixteen and sixteen what do they make? They don’t make anything sixteen and sixteen And especially not thirty-two Anyway And they go away.
And the child has hidden the bird Inside his desk And all the children Hear its song And all the children Hear the music
And eight and eight leave as well And four and four and two and two In turn go away And one and one don’t linger once nor twice One by one they leave too
And the lyrebird plays And the child sings And the teacher cries :
When you are done fooling around!
But all the other children Listen to the music And the walls of the classroom Peacefully crumble.
And the windows turn back into sand The ink turns back into water The desks turn back into trees The chalk turns back into a cliff The quill turns back into a bird.
Jacques Prévert, Paroles, 1946 – original title : “Page d’écriture”
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September was grey and rainy, or rather, it withheld the doom of a storm within its dark clouds. The ground was drenched, making the curb darker than usual, the earth smelling sweet and rich with water and life, the leaves glistening in darker shades of green. As Saoirse finally entered the grounds of Trinity College, her steps echoed louder than usual on the glistening pavement.
Finally. Finally, Saoirse was a college student, independent and entering adulthood. That was how she felt, anyway. Even though she still lived with her parents on the outskirts of Dublin, was still a student… at 18 she felt like entering university was the beginning of womanhood, of adulthood, and she was excited about it. Excited, and terrified.
If she knew a few people on the campus, she was the only one studying English, and the loneliness that came with the new experience of university was adding to her anxiety. She looked around, a little lost but trying to look like she knew where she was going. She was trying to reach her first meeting, this first day being dedicated to integration, an introduction to the life on campus and a quick presentation of the classes they would follow this year. The classes themselves were only starting the following week. This orientation week was focused on the ways of university, on clubs and other useful information for students.
But Saoirse had been on campus for less than ten minutes and she was already feeling overwhelmed, with the small white tents along the lawns that presented clubs for students to join in, with the crowd and its loud chatter pulling her attention in all directions…
All of a sudden, there was another undergraduate student staring down at her, an amused smile on her lips.
“You look lost! Want some help?”
She was wearing a badge from a theatre club, a tired look on her face and an hyper-active glimmer in the eyes that revealed she drank too much caffeine.
“Erm… I’m fine, I just…”
“That’s alright! It’s your first day, you’re allowed to be lost. Let me help! Where is it you’re going?”
“Erm… the English department…”
“Ha, no worries, I’ve got you! I’m an English major too! Come on!”
Before Saoirse could speak another word, this stranger had turned on her heels and was making a bee-line through the crowd. Saoirse followed her the best she could, bumping into students and apologising profusely in the process, until they had reached a second yard that was much calmer. She hurried after her guide, almost running to catch up with her.
“There is the library,” the stranger said, pointing at a large building, a sculpted globe decorating the space before its door. “Note where it is, you’ll spend most of your time there while studying here. And no matter what you do, avoid the tourist attraction around the Book of Kells. Busiest place on campus, and some real chaos over there. This side isn’t as fancy, it’s more concrete and metallic shelves than beautiful wood and carvings, but it’s quiet and withholds all the information you’ll need for your classes. We often see some of our teachers hanging around there too. Who is it you’re gonna have this year?”
“Erm… I’m not quite sure…”
“You should have your schedule during the week. If you can, avoid Mahon and Patterson. They’re not bad teachers, but they are terrible human beings. Proper gobshites the two of them. I heard H-B is teaching about Yeats this year; if you can, take this class, and avoid Mahon’s lecture about science-fiction. Trust me. On paper, it sounds that poetry is harder and more boring, but Mahon is going to reap you apart, when H-B is probably the sweetest teacher at Trinity.”
“H-B?” Saoirse asked, trying to keep up with both the fast pace of her guide and her precious information that she delivered at a relentless speed.
“Hozier-Byrne. Everybody calls him H-B around here, name’s too long. Or just Hozier. Anyway, he’s a sweetheart. He’ll actually care about whether or not you pass his class. Also, he’s got the prettiest mug on campus, so it doesn’t hurt to see him once or twice a week,” she laughed, throwing her head back like a child.
The two girls kept on chatting while they were waiting in the corridor for the meeting to start, and Saoirse tried to get as much information in as she could.
Before leaving, her guide had one last advice.
“Come to the S2S mentoring program this afternoon. I’m part of the mentors, we’ll give you a full tour and help you register for your classes. Also, we’ll help you to find your tutor among the academic staff, to get into a club or society… stuff like that. Oh, the name’s Gabi, by the way! I’m one of the mentors for the English department, so if you want, you can come and find me at the meeting.”
“Thank you so much,” grinned Saoirse.
“Hey, no worries! I used to be a lost freshwoman too, back in the days! You should go in for the boring meeting, General Session… Tomorrow’s meeting about your classes will be more interesting.”
With one last thank you, Saoirse finally entered the room, found a seat, remained silent, not daring to speak with the students around her.
She looked at the blackboard, the desk and chair and microphone for the absent professor.
Fucking hell, she was starting university…
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Saoirse listened to Gabi’s advice, looked for the S2S Mentoring meeting, scheduled for 2:30 pm. It was easy to spot the exuberant student, as she laughed with her friends, and she greeted Saoirse with a grin. She followed Gabi’s group for the full tour of the campus, along with a small group of freshmen. She chatted with a couple of them, especially Donal, whose colourful nails and vibrant make-up matched his buoyant personality. They then settled in a large classroom, scattered into small groups and each mentor helped their students with registering for their classes, gave them advices and a little bit of gossip.
Gabi helped Saoirse log into the orientation website and access the right page for her to register to her classes.
“You can change the classes you’ve selected up to the 23rd,” explained Gabi, “and after tomorrow’s meeting with your tutor and the presentation organised by the department, you’ll have a clearer view of what to choose. But you can still take a look now. Also, pay attention to the schedule. You can’t select classes that are happening at the same time. You can select a few classes now already if you want, just to be sure you’ll have a spot.”
Saoirse nodded, went through the list of classes.
On the schedule, the classes about Yeats’s poetry and science-fiction were clashing. She hurried to select the class about poetry, following her mentor’s advice.
She also selected a class about modernism taught by the same Hozier-Byrne, trusting Gabi that it was worth skipping a class about Shakespeare, not that she held much regret about avoiding that class, to be fair. She registered for a class about ‘the use of gender-normative language and patriarchal norms in modern literature’, excited about this class already.
“Erm… sorry…”
She turned towards the student by her side.
“Can you show me how to get into the schedule? I didn’t understand where I should click…”
He looked a little lost, a little overwhelmed, like most people in the room, and certainly as she felt herself. Dark hair, brown eyes. An attempt at a stubble colouring parts of his cheeks.
She showed him how to log into the schedule, he thanked her, a little shy.
“I’m Sean, by the way.”
She grinned.
He seemed nice, they kept chatting for the rest of the day. She hoped they would have classes in common…
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Y/N Y/L/N.
Saoirse read and re-read the name of her tutor. There was a small group of students in the classroom, ready to meet the member of the academic staff who would be in charge of their well-being for the year. Sean was part of the group too, and they sat together on the third row. Donall was there too, he joined them as soon as he spotted Saoirse.
Y/L/N. Saoirse had recognised the name immediately, belonging to the teacher in charge of what seemed to be a very feminist class.
And indeed, when you entered the room, looking tired but benevolent, Saoirse liked you immediately. There was something in the way you spoke that was gentle, patient, that sounded like you actually cared, that you were happy to meet your students, too.
You gave your students some extra-information about their classes, gave them advices depending on the majors they wanted to select for the rest of their degree. You helped them register, you answered their questions. The meeting took longer than expected, but you didn’t seem to mind.
You smiled when you noticed Saoirse had already selected your class.
“Looks like we’ll see each other every week for a couple of months!” you smiled at her and Saoirse was even more excited about your class now.
“Yeah… the class seems very interesting.”
“I’ll do my best to make my babbling interesting, indeed,” you joked, before moving to Sean’s computer to check that he was managing.
And Saoirse had such a good feeling about this year. Things would turn out great, she was certain of it.
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You let yourself fall into your office chair, letting out a tired groan. You heard Andrew’s chuckle, but chose not to acknowledge it. His meeting with the students had been a little briefer, he was already in the office when you had come in.
“You’re alright?” he asked, checking on you with an amused smile still tugging at the corners of his lips.
“It was to be expected…”
“Aren’t you exhausted too?”
“I’m on my fifth coffee of the day.”
You laughed at that.
“Hmm… looks like professors are as addicted to coffee as students.”
“It’s standard sleep-deprived diet.”
You looked over at him, and you exchanged a smile.
You weren’t friends, per say. Your break-up had made you more distant, and Andrew’s reaction to his own heartbreak had been to close in on himself. But you still got along, even though you weren’t close. A shame, you kind of regretted that. You could have been closer already, if it weren’t for your pain. Still, you chatted, and he helped you get used to Trinity, and you discussed your classes and his. You simply weren’t more than colleagues, and for now, it was fine. You couldn’t handle getting your heart broken and finding friendship at the same time. Your life was too messy for that. It was easier to build professional boundaries, and Andrew seemed to be in silent agreement. You hadn’t discussed much about your two separations, both preferring for that part of your lives to remain private, and outside the walls of Trinity.
The Heartbreak Department. You had joked about renaming your shared office that way, and Andrew had had no choice but to agree, it was quite on point. Perhaps it was this office, indeed. Maybe it was bringing bad luck, to both of you, when it came to love…
“I can’t wait for the weekend,” Andrew heaved a sigh, rubbing at his eyes before he would readjust his glasses.
“My weekend will be busy, though…”
Indeed, you had agreed to attend a party that Frank was hosting on Saturday night. He said that he had a big announcement to make, and you wondered what he meant by that. Also, his new girlfriend would be there. You hadn’t asked her name, weren’t interested in knowing anything about her, but you wanted to meet her, to see who had stolen your life away. Because that was what you had lost when Frank had left. It wasn’t just a break-up, it wasn’t a simple heartbreak… you had lost a wedding, a life you had planned and thought you would get to live. If you could have forgiven the pain of getting your heart broken, you couldn’t forgive the life that you felt had been stolen from you.
So, you were curious. Also, you were desperate, addicted, and wanted to see Frank, no matter why, where, or when…
“Mine is busy too, but orientation week is a lot.”
“It is, indeed.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, your head thrown back towards the ceiling.
You pictured Frank’s face against your eyelids, and couldn’t imagine that it had been over a month already that he had shattered your whole world…
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lyingbard · 8 months
Why Nothing Sounds Quite Like LyreBird
Fans of RTVS may remember Joshua, beautiful baby boy of wayneradiotv. If you're like me, you might be wondering why Joshua stayed dead after LyreBird shut down. Why couldn't he be brought back with a different TTS? The fact is that LyreBird was a product of a very specific time in AI TTS. In March 2017, Google released a paper on Tacotron [1], one of the first AI TTS's with real success. In April 2017, LyreBird began showing off their TTS buisness [2]. As AI bros are wont to do they took that shit. LyreBird is a version of Tacotron. It incorporates technologies that would be published in the next few Tacotron papers [3] including multi-speaker, prosody encoding, and prosody prediction. And in February 2018, Tacotron 2 came out [4].
Tacotron 2 is better in every way. It's faster, better at imitation, and simpler. This makes it much more economical to run and fine-tune on a specific speaker, so every subsequent AI TTS is based off of Tacotron 2.
If you read the paper, Tacotron 1 has a lot of arbitrary and untested choices. It's clear that they published it in a hurry to prove that it could be done, but they hadn't refined it to cut the unnecessary fluff.
This brings me to why I'm writing this. I hope it's clear that I did a lot of research for this. That's because I did my best to recreate LyreBird, named LyingBard, and I've put it up for you to play with here.
You may notice though that it's not quite right. The main reason is that I had to go with a low quality version (reduction factor 5 for those who read the paper). A high quality version would take too long to train with my current set up and I'm almost certain that's what they used.
If I got about $100 in donations, I'm pretty sure I could get a high quality version trained in about a month. It still wouldn't sound exactly the same. Due to the chaotic nature of training a neural network, anything short of getting the actual files off LyreBird (now Descript's) servers won't make it sound exactly the same.
Regardless, LyingBard is here to stay. It's hosted on a free server so I have no reason to take it down. I'll be posting about updates here on this blog. I'm working towards getting custom voices ready at the moment and I've got some ideas for new features and fun toys for the future.
Thanks for reading!
Here's some sources if you wanna learn more about stuff I mentioned:
[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.10135
[2] https://www.pcmag.com/news/lyrebird-can-listen-and-copy-any-voice-in-one-minute
[3] https://google.github.io/tacotron/
[4] https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05884
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sunsetcougar · 26 days
So I’m writing this at like 1 in the morning to toss in my queue and I’m exhausted but like, whatever. I was on my BS again, and I decided to look up what lyrebird nests look like, and like these are really cool
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So I’m making it canon to the Lyrebird AU that the exorcists, even those without fledglings, nest. Mostly out of bedding materials but some will use branches or pieces of wood for support. Having a nice little hollow to curl up in makes them happy. It’s not uncommon for them to share nests with friends or family, and new fledglings often have a tendency to stick near their nests after they’re brought home, since it’s a place of comfort and safety.
Imagine Adam’s surprise when after Lute started spending more time in his apartment he came home one day to find she’d used pretty much every piece of bedding in his house to make a nest in his bedroom. He wasn’t expecting her to start associating his apartment with “home” enough to think it warranted a nest.
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stormbreaker101 · 10 months
Music(ology) headcanons! Part 2
My friend @klaraflamez and I have been writing a shared story based upon the wizard101 AUs we made independently. Things go somewhat off the rails, and so these headcanons that we made for Music absolutely do not work for canon, which is part of why I'm making this post separate.
An overview of our AUs:
In both Corrupted Spiral (my AU) and the Cleaved AU (Klara's), the Spiral learned so heavily on its dependency upon its Wizard that it led to the Wizards' demises. In CS, before Arc 4 could properly begin, Nora lashed out in fury, sick of being Nothing but a title and weapon, and abandons the Spiral. In Cleaved, Scarlet was killed in the final fight of Lemuria, a 1v8, abandoned and alone because the Spiral assumed she would have handled it.
The main characters of the next generation after the two Wizards (~0-5 years after Nora's departure and 25 years after Scarlet's death) each realize that even though they're not The Wizard, they still have a duty to serve the good of the Spiral.
Overall there's a major theme of destiny and responsibility not falling on just one person's shoulders. The Wizard is not the only Paradox, and the primordial magics of Light, Shadow, and Music are no longer reserved for the Wizard and the gods. They become proper schools, integrated with the other ten (7 playable schools + 3 Astrals).
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I've written and come up with spells for the Music school, as one of the characters I'm writing ends up as the Scion of Music, while Klara's writing the revamped Shadow and Light schools because her OCs become the Scions for those.
More details on Music as its own school in CCSAU (both lorewise and mechanicswise because i am gamerpilled), and all the spells themselves plus their explanations (where I derived inspiration from) are under the cut!
Music is the magic of creation. 'Outgoing' mechanics are the name of the game. It is a major hitter like Fire and Storm, but also has access to heals like the more defensive Life magic that came from the Song of Creation. Music's greatest weakness is that it is a major glass cannon, with no spells in its repertoire able to mitigate incoming damage.
The reason Music is tied to Fire and Storm alongside Life lorewise is because the Scion of Music first studied Fire and Storm magic alongside Musicology, before Music was its own school. Our Scion shaped Music as much as Music shaped him.
Now onto the spells themselves!
1 pip - Lyrebird - 90-130 damage. Based on the lyre instrument, and also a nod to Lyra, the fanon Music school tree in the Cleaved AU.
2 pip - Trombun - 220-260 damage. A pun on trombone and bunny.
3 pip - Earworm - 500 damage over 3 turns. Colloquially, earworms are catchy bits of song that just stay in your head and WON'T GET OUT, which is the inspiration for making this spell a pesky overtime. Also, taken from the Earworm/Brainworm mobs in Empyrea.
4 pip - Melodeer -  465-525, + 20% heal OR damage blade to self. Melody + deer. Here we begin to see some utility and niche poke its way into spells so that they're not plain and pure damage. Also, just to balance Music against the other 'hitter' schools a little bit more, it doesn't get a 4-pip AoE.
5 pip - Volta Bracken - 400 damage AND 400 health to self. A reference to volta brackets (an element in musical notation), with language nodding at Storm and Life magic (volt as in electricity, bracken as in a kind of plant). Yes this spell is an objectively better version of Beary Surprise. I hate Beary Surprise so much why is the bear both anthro and nude. why does he fucking smile like that. why can i see the whites of his eyes. WHY THE HUG?
6 pip - Resonance - 525-610 damage + remove all blades on 1 target. A single-target version of Myth's dreaded Earthquake.
7 pip - Horschestra - 700 damage to all enemies. Your classic 7-pip AOE. Horse + Orchestra, taken from a song in the Homestuck OST because it made me laugh tbh.
8 pip - Revivace - 1200 Heal to all allies. Name derived from Revive (synonym of Rebirth) and Vivace (musical mood). Meant to be a parallel to Life’s Rebirth spell, since Bartleby is the closest thing to a Music school tree in CS. However Rebirth gives an absorb-shield, which counts as temporary HP even if the spell heals someone to full, while Revivace has no extra defense.
9 pip - Crescendo! -  100 damage turn 1, then a DoT for 200, 300, then 400 damage, to all enemies. Crescendo is a musical term for "get gradually louder"
10 pip (Azteca) - Ceramic Drake - 1000 damage to 1 target, then 625 damage to all enemies over 3 rounds. The first of Music's spells that take on aesthetics derived from the world they're learned in. It takes inspiration from the tlapitzalli, an Aztec flute-like instrument made of ceramic.
5 pip + Shadow (Darkmoor) - Rehubution - 810 damage + 25% Music trap to all enemies. The spell's name comes from the word Retribution and the rehu, an instrument made by the Māori of Aotearoa. All of the canon Darkmoor spells are actually Khrysalis themed, and @chrono101 (now deactivated) made a really cool post about how the Hoppers had Aotearoan references that I remembered while coming up with this post. The effect in combat is derived from Fire from Above before it was nerfed and then slaughtered.
6 pip + Shadow (Polaris) - Luphilymn - 1260 damage, +1 turn to Damage over Times (DoTs) on enemy and +1 turn to Heal over Times (HoTs) on self. Luphilim + Hymn.
4 pip + Shadow (Mirage) - Spirit of the Groove - 900 damage, divided between targets (like all other Mirage spells). This spell is less a reference to something Miragian, and more a nod to a character who had a major impact on the Scion of Music's development. Ceramic Drake, Luphilhymn, and the upcoming spells of Ramalong and Jungle Drum Jam also are nods to characters that the Scion of Music was greatly supported by.
X-pip + Shadow (Karamelle) - Ramalong - 220 damage per pip. A blend of sing-along and the candy rams. This spell is an X-pip because there are a handful of songs/lullabies about counting sheep. Count your pips up!
6 pip + Shadow (Lemuria) - Jungle Drum Jam - 850 damage to all enemies, +40% Music blade AND +40% heal blade to self. Taken from this once-off moment in Lemuria where Bantam says that he and the Koolakamba just casually use advanced musicology for the sake of boogieing.
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The effect is taken DIRECTLY from the far superior path of the Life Lemuria spell, Lord of the Jungle, before KI nerfed it to bits. I am so fucking mad about the nerf. I fucking liked having a decent shadow AoE on my Life and now it's useless again. <- had to get my gamer rage out sorry.
1 pip + Fire pip + Storm pip (Novus) - Tempo Inferno - 800 damage, gambit 1 blade into a DoT for 500 over 4 turns, gambit 1 trap into a HoT for 500 HP over 4 turns. Tempo refers to the speed of a musical piece, and both pieces of this spell's name are nods to Storm and Fire as well (Temp- for tempest, Storm's most iconic spell, Inferno for fire). This spell would also hold visual reference to that one sidequest about how clocks don't work on Novus.
1 pip + Death pip + Myth pip (Wallaru) - Crab Grave - 575 damage to all enemies. A reference to the extinct Juggernaut crabs of Wallaru, the still living Tasmanian giant crab, and the legendary Crab Rave meme. Given that all of the Wallaru spells' archmastery pips are the ones backwards from the Novus spells' pips, it made sense to make Crab Grave's pips the roshambo opposite to Tempo Inferno's. Myth is the roshambo opposite of Storm, and Death is the roshambo opposite of Fire. Don't believe me on Death and Fire? Look at how Balance's Novus gear has 3 variants that pair Ice-Life, Storm-Myth, and Fire-Death as its archschools. No I don't know why the Balance Wallaru spell is Death-Storm instead of Death-Fire I don't get it <- gamer raging again.
There are some utility spells that every school gets access to, simply changed per school: the basic Blade and Trap and Shield are simply named Music Blade, Music Trap, and Music Shield, because they're standardized for all the schools (Except Ice Shield, which is actually Snow Shield, for whatever reason?). Though, to put a wrinkle into things and keep with Music's theming as hyper-outgoing, Music Trap is the only ward spell (a spell that affects incoming damage rather than outgoing) that Music gets permanent access to. Music Shield would be TC only. Traps get special treatment because of Maulwurf von Trap existing. I like the guy don't @ me.
Then there's the utility spells that are just about the same for each school but with unique names. These include:
the 2 pip damage bubble - Circle of Fifths, after an important element in music theory. +25% damage to all outgoing Music spells AND +25% to all outgoing Music heals (the boost to healing alongside damage is unique to Music. Life gets Circle of Thorns (+25% damage) and Sanctuary (+60% healing) as two different bubbles.)
the 4-pip critical and pierce bubble - Acoustic Arena, +15% Music critical and +20% Music pierce.
the dispel - Mute
the Taunt/Pacify - Soloist, Taunts the enemy for 2 turns, making you the only target they can hit. Yes, having a glass cannon school gain taunt is a bit poor in game design, typically you want your glass cannons to have some form of Pacify so that they're not killed as quickly, but thematically Music becoming a loud center of attention makes more sense to me.
the complementary triad shield - Eclipse Shield, -70% incoming Light and Shadow damage. The parallel to Storm's Thermic Shield (-70% Fire and Ice) or Death's Dream Shield (-70% Life and Myth). Like Music Shield, because this spell is both a staple piece of utility that every school should have access to and a defensive ward that goes against Music's school identity, it would only exist as a treasure card.
The level 75 minion from The Professor - Baronness Webberfeld - 5 pips, summon a minion of Music. She is a reference to Baronness Elberfeld, a minor character from the Sound of Music. Because I had to get a reference to that in. Because I am normal about Maulwurf von Trap and his source media.
And then we get to the unique utility spells, the gimmicks that gives Music its identity in-game or give it thematic support.
Tune Up - 0 pips, +20% accuracy to the next outgoing Music spell. A parallel to Storm's Lightning Strike (which back in my day only gave +10% accuracy, not +25%). Music spells have a base accuracy of 70% like Storm, so the accuracy buff would be greatly needed at lower levels.
Bangsnap! - 2 pips, Confuse or stun each enemy for 1 turn.
Gurdy-hurdy - 3 pips, Confuse or stun each enemy for 2 turns.
Bangsnap and Gurdyhurdy go together, I'm thinking of them being from the Grizzleheim and Wintertusk spell quests at level 35 and 55. Bang snaps are small explosives that only release a loud sound but do no damage. Gurdy-hurdy is a reference to another in-game moment.
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(The hurdy-gurdy, un-reversed, is a kind of musical instrument.)
And, yep! Myth is no longer the only school with the Confusion mechanic! Yippee! (I can hear the gamerbro players scream.) This is because before Music became a standalone school in CCSAU, Klara had the idea that, the way some Wizard101 spells are musicological despite not being in the school of Music, some Pirate101 abilities are inherently musicological as well, namely Blast of Discord.
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And this is an ability that our Scion of Music was able to learn before Music became an independent school, so rather than take that ability away from him, we decided to incorporate it into Music's entire repertoire.
Leitmotif - 2 pips, 305 HP to 1 target, then 305 more HP 3 turns later. A leitmotif is a snippet of a musical melody that comes back later in a piece or in another piece (Toby Fox, one of my favorite composers, uses leitmotifs to the MAX.)
Sonatyr - 4 pip, 650 Health + 30% Healing Blade to all. Satyr + Sonata. Does less health than Life's Satyr because I don't want to completely upstage Life, but giving an extra blade to everyone is useful. It buffs every healer, and would count for any blade-based gambits/secondary effects.
Adagio - 1 pip, +1 turn to a HoT on an ally or to a DoT on an enemy. Adagio means for a piece of music to slow down.
Allegro - 1 pip, -1 turn to a HoT on an enemy or to a DoT on an ally. Allegro means for a piece of music to speed up.
Adagio and Allegro are spells that go together. If they were to be implemented in-game, I'd have them be learned at the same time. Having a spell that does different things depending on whether it's on an ally or enemy is really interesting to me, though it would be a pain in the ass to code.
Encore - 5 pips, force your target to cast the same spell for the next 2 turns. Encore, of course, means "to play again". Taken directly from Pokemon because why not?
Baton Pass - X pips, give your blades to an ally, universal and at half-value, (1 pip per blade). Also derived from Pokemon because why not? The half-value gimmick comes from Bantam's cheat of "I'll be taking that, thanks!" Where he replaces a blade you cast on someone else with a universal blade of half value. The devs intended that cheat to be annoying and discourage buffing one player to the max, but it's actually a REALLY HANDY mechanic when used correctly. The half-value blade would count as a unique blade that therefore stacks with whatever other blades your ally has.
Perfect Pitch - 1 pip, +20% accuracy to all allies. Perfect pitch is defined as the ability to tell exactly what note(s) a sound is without any reference. This spell would be copy-pasted over from Life, and also derived from the Pirate101 abilities Call to Arms and Esprit de Corps, which both boost your team's accuracy. (Esprit also gives dodge, a stat that I cannot find any way to translate into Wizard101 that wouldn't be a defensive ward, which Music does not do). The animations for those two powers feature musical instruments (a drum and a trumpet), which makes it feel very musicological to me and therefore fitting for Music itself.
Fortissimo! - 2 pips, +15% Critical chance to all allies. Fortissimo is music speak for "BE FUCKING LOUD!" This spell is derived from the Pirate101 abilities Discipline and Enduring Discipline, which (are supposed to) give +5% and +10% critical chance to all allies. (I have heard that the abilities that purely increase critical chance rather than another stat simply don't work because Pirate101's code is made out of silly string, but that's besides the point). There are very few spells that affect critical, so it's a niche that Music could fill in if it wanted to.
This probably isn't even enough utility, Wizard101 has a SURPRISING amount of spells it throws at you. It's such an in-depth game. I love it. I am normal about Wizard101.
Also, Klara was absolutely AMAZING and drew some of the spells!
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pocket-watcher · 3 months
If it wasn't a joke and you really wanted an infodump, then here you go. This does not apply to hypnosis, but it is interesting nonetheless:
There is a beautiful bird with a long tail in Australia - the lyrebird. The most amazing thing about them is that they parody sounds much better than parrots. The accuracy of their onomatopoeia reaches 80 percent! They can even imitate the singing of other birds, which can be confusing. Crying babies, a chainsaw or a ringtone - they will torment us with any sounds! The videos with them are funny. Usually, as expected, males sing more often than females, especially during the breeding season. The mating song of males is a mixture of their own singing and the singing of other birds. And the females parody the sounds of predators in order to protect the nest! Amazing! It's awesome! Unfortunately, due to forest fires in 2020, some species of this bird are now at risk of extinction. Okay, I'll give you a hypnotic supplement: the lyrebird imitates the singing of sirens.
I never joke about infodumping. This is so interesting!!
Also the whole bird thing feels very on brand for you considering your name aha
Pocketing this idea for future writing if you don’t mind :D
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idkfitememate · 2 months
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Harry Bastard Potter OC
Name: Eden “Crow” Alaister
Age: Sixteen
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Standing: Half Muggle/Wizard
Appearance: A black person with curly hair that falls around the waist and covers the eyes - which are deep brown, rounded glasses with dangling chains that wrap around the shoulders. Sharpened teeth and a longer tongue, a couple of piercings, and nails usually painted black. On the taller side, around 6 ft and 1 in (182 cm) and thinner side. Has a sleeper build.
Gender: No one knows. Anyone who asks gets a stupid answer. (I.e. “Wanna check my pants?” “Which would you prefer?” “How ya wanna take it in bed later?~”)
Backstory: Raised in a Mafia, Eden was born with high expectations on their shoulders, especially with being the bosses kid. All their life has been surrounded by violence and bloodshed, never getting close to another. Hand to hand, gun, knives, wrenches, they can do it all. But one day, their Mother - the boss - pulled them aside and revealed the truth of their father, the fact that he was a wizard. They had magic in their veins and suddenly their world of pain and murder was flipped on its head when a letter was relieved to their doorstep. Now they’ve got to navigate this new world, and… wait a second. WHAT DOYA MEAN THEY CAN TURN INTO AN ANIMAL?!-
Pet: Technically two. Snuck in a regular ass chameleon and was gifted a ‘magical’ bird. It was a White Bellbird. Loud ass motherfucker-
Animagus: Lyrebird. Why? Even they don’t know. But now even in human form they’re pretty damn good at copying noises and voices. Like Michael Leslie Winslow in all the Police Academy films as Larvell Jones. Look it up it’s amazing I promise.
Random Shit:
They can pick a lock
They have killed before and will do it again
If you really wanna get to know this bitch you’re gonna have to PRY-
They bring roller skates to Hogwarts and rollerblade around but always keep them under their cloak, so people just think their fast as fuck boiiii
Favorite colors are the blood of those who wronged them and their friends and teal :3
Can and will tell you how to disassemble any gun imaginable and perfectly rebuild it from memory but will struggle with basic grammar
They have a classic mobster accent because the watched to much TV as a kid
Can swim, due to assassination attempts. Can also taste/smell many types of poisons, same reason
They smoke, not cigarettes though, full ass custom made cigars
They like to practice mixology every now and then, and make killer margaritas
(Any questions please ask I’ll probably write a more cohesive backstory later I’m tired lololol. Questions are more than welcome tho I did make this bitch on a whim!!!)
@libraryraccoon dis 4 u :3
(Yeah ima re-write this later with more shit I promise hehe but have this base for now :D)
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lyrebirdswrites · 1 month
Idk how I feel about jjk ending in 5 weeks 😭 I knew it was happening soon but it feels So Soon and immediate all of a sudden. Jjk was where I met my best internet friends and how I started writing for myself for the first time since I was a kid. I think I regret not writing more while it was running… I feel a bit like I missed my chance to finish my wips. Obviously the anime will keep running for a couple of years so it’s not like the fandom will die overnight or anything, but the finality of the ending just feels very. Final. To me.
I’ll try not to get too emo about it lol. I’m just gonna write and share as much as I can over the next month and make the most of what we do have left while it’s still here.
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bunnakit · 9 months
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The Lyrebird King Masterpost
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(Cover by Cameron McCafferty)
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duckclan · 10 months
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After a few days of wait, here's Moon 9! When Moon 10 is posted, I'll take a break from writing out moons to take some QnA asks.
Downy gets his full name as his mother watches on, Stem gets better, we have our technical first death, and Hyacinth receives what he can only conclude to be a prophecy.
Today we have a few things to cover! First off, the rogue that takes Crowstar's first life is Jackdawlight, submitted by my friend Lyrebird!
Second off, the cat with purple lineart is Flurryshade, a Moonclan warrior who died in the wolf attack. She was made by my friend Slasher.
Third off, say hello to Jill! Jill, the green lineart cat, is Crowstar's mom! She was an ex kittypet who was paralyzed after a rogue attack, which also caused her to lose her first litter. Her twolegs threw her out and she came to Moonclan, eventually falling in love with Crowstar's father and having Crow, which she thought would be impossible due to her condition. While she didn't die to the wolves themselves, she got caught in a bear trap and lost her leg, dying to bloodloss. It's probably pretty obvious what fictional character she's based on, and I'd love to hear guesses!
Now to explain why Flurry and Jill look different to how we've seen Starclan cats: Starclan cats have a third state I haven't explained yet! When giving a prophecy, Starclan cats appear fully solid, and are lined with their pupil color.
If you're confused on if something is actually happening in a scene or if it's a vision, look for bright neon colors [like the water in the river vision]
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anarchuu · 1 year
Make way for the conductor, Lyra songbird!
I’ve been burnt out from school and i can only handle drawing and thinking about ocs instead of doing work, i feel like i can’t make it but i can try. Recently i finished the first season of ducktales and was inspired to make my own characters, i only got to finish lyra’s reference while the others are a work in progress or haven’t been drawn yet, this is also my second making this post because i seem to have lost the previous one, i wrote quite a bit, what a hassle. Either way, i’ll try to write every down again a second time
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Lyra is a Lyrebird, Dakila is an Albino Green peafowl, Avery is a Red tailed tropical bird, Ivette, Idris, Irene and Ilana are White browed tit warbler
Lyra Songbird
Lyra comes from a wealthy family, both of her parents were famous musicians and frequently out of the house leaving lyra by herself at home, often times she spent her time in the music room or goes out of the family manor to take a stroll in the nearby woods. She doesn’t necessarily have any friends, she grew up alone. She is quite the headstrong girl with a hint of mischief, she may come off as a bit pretentious but do know she means well. She would fight for any she deems close to her and would never back down to any challenge, whether or not she can take it is out of the question.
Dakila is a model and also comes from a wealthy family, he is quite popular but often mistaken for a girl, he is simply comfortable with his femininity. He keeps a cool demeanor on all times and people seem to think he judges people but fret not, he just looks like that. He is levelheaded and rational, while he may prefer not to, the spotlight seems to be always on him but he takes it with stride and confidence. Dakila, like lyra, also grew up alone, he was around other models his age often of course but he never formed any real connection, he struggles with expressing his own emotions, please be patient with him
Avery is a young gymnast, competing in various competitions and always coming out on top, she is hardworking and unwavering when it comes to her performance, outside of it however, she is a laidback individual and charismatic, she gets along with people easily and others seem to be at ease around her naturally. Avery is highly supportive of other’s endeavors and becomes their number one cheerleader, as well as reminding them to take breaks if needed. Ironically she never takes her own advice and overworks herself to the bone with every practice, she seems to think she doesn’t need breaks, a hypocrite in that regard
Ivette is a quiet girl, she almost never speaks if not at all but she is sometimes seen whispering to her siblings at times. She doesn’t mind interacting with others, albeit non verbally. She prefers to observe her surroundings instead of interacting with it and she quite enjoys it. Ivette can be quite forgetful and easily distractible, losing her way in the day’s schedule but fortunately she always keeps a journal at hand that she spends most of her times writing in, it helps her keep on track and she also writes tidbits about the people she’s closer with in her journal so she won’t forget, all her thoughts and ideas are safely kept within this journal
Idris is the eldest out of the quadruplets, stern and a no nonsense type of person yet holds the softest spot for his sisters, he dearly loves them and can be quite protective over them and not letting anyone he deems as untrustworthy near his sisters. He is very wary and cautious around others, he doesn’t trust people easily so you’d have to prove yourself to him first before getting close. He almost never relaxes and only relaxes when he’s with his sisters where he feels most safe at. He may be a little harsh in people but he is a gentle person at heart if you look at him closely, he always keeps people’s best interest in mind
Irene is awfully timid girl, most seen to be hiding behind her siblings and never seen not holding onto them, she is very soft spoken and only speaks when needed be, she only says whats she needs to say and never adds more to it. When she’s in a comfortable environment, she can be such a chatterbox especially when it comes to her interests. Ivette takes interest in many things and like her sister Ivette, she’s fascinated by her surroundings, she’ll spend hours looking into details in what currently catches her eyes, she is very passionate and meticulous in her research
Ilana is the most carefree and friendly out of her siblings, she is the one who initiates all conversations with people in day to day life, how chatty she is. Which is funny since she can be the complete opposite when with her siblings. When in private, she’d tend to listen to her siblings talk instead, she especially loves listening to Irene since she talks about the most interesting things in her opinion. She doesn’t mind talking for her siblings at all, she’d do anything for them as long as they’re happy, she always considers others feelings before her own and will do her best to accommodate others
And that’s pretty much them, there’s others too that’ll appear once i draw them, for now just these ones. Their group together would be called ‘orchestra’ and Lyra would be the perfect conductor
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kakofonous · 6 months
i was going to write a big ol' grandiose article about it, but decided against it.
I want to celebrate my first decade of making music. As of yesterday, it's been ten years since I've uploaded the oldest track on my Bandcamp page, Revolution.
I've been messing with various forms of audio creation since I was a wee kid, but it's now ten years since I've begun sharing it with the internet.
Thank you for listening to my work.
If you'd be curious to pursue my backcatalog, be sure to check out this spreadsheet. It includes all 200+ releases I've done. I'm working to get everything uploaded to my archive(dot)org netlabel as well. I'm hoping to get some New Stuff to y'all soon.
Thank you,
The Artist Known As:
EVoL_InTheory, Kakofonous A. Dischord, Evoline Theory, The Lyrebird, raitosaikuru, いいえスキルを持つサウンド盗賊, Evoline Theory & The Masquerade, and V.V. Malaise
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