#lynye and lynette
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kyinpeachichu · 2 years ago
Lyney and Lynette headcanons and imagines because I am head over heels and obsessed with them rn-
Teeny tiny note: I will be writing dynamics and mostly on Lynette being a cat girl and how these two live together.
If anything sounds too 'shippy' just tell me and I'll remove it. That or you interpret it wrongly and don't know what it's like to actually love your sibling. (I have a sibling)(I actually do love her...)
I still don't get how Lyney is human and Lynette a cat girl but genetics are weird I guess.
Then again Lyney still has his own little connection to cats so maybe it just runs in the family.
Whenever Lyney is sick, Lynette handles the situation calmly enough. She goes to get medicine and takes care of him whenever she can. She acts like she isn't worried but Lyney can see right through her.
She actually cares alot. One time, Lyney woke up to see her crying on his bedside.
Whenever Lynette is sick.... Lyney is ready to make SACRIFICES.
Cancel every show, spend any amount to get her the best medicine, send her to the hospital-! (That is until Lynette insists that this can be treated at home)
Is secretly panicking. But whenever he sees that she's getting better, it always makes him immensely happy.
Yes they can spend time away from each other but they have severe separation anxiety.
As a cat girl respectively, Lynette will have heat cycles every now and then.
Lyney is always eager to help with this. Whether it's by giving her herbs and tea to help calm her down, or give her as much privacy as she needs. Always checks in on her, never judges. Gives her hugs if she ever needs them, and maybe a kiss on the forehead when he's really worried about her.
Whenever the other has nightmares or has trouble sleeping, they're welcome in each other's rooms.
Lyney knows not to touch Lynette's kitty features. But whenever he does do it on purpose, it's always in a teasing fashion.
They are cute. They are popular, as such they earn themselves a good bout of admirers here and there.
Whenever a guy tries hitting on Lynette Lyney is quick to the rescue. That is unless he actually sees that Lynette is enjoying the company. Even so he's keeping a very watchful eye.
Whenever Lyney gets hit on... Lynette abandons him. Even when he's asking for her help, what could she do? She just huffs and watches in amusement.
But if she overhears a few girls actually thinking of going out with her brother, she's quick to step up and give them warnings. And proceeds to drive the maidens away if she doesn't think they are worthy.
"you sure about going out with my brother? Y'know, he snores alot."
Lyney is the one who spends their money on clothes for them.
"Look at this dress Lynette! Wouldn't you look adorable in it?" / "Isn't that kinda pricey?" / "No price is too high for my sister to look her best~"
Lynette has to bonk him into not spending too much of their money.
Card games. Card games. Card games.
Occassionaly Lyney would find himself staring at how expressive Lynette's tail is. But he's quick to avert his eyes whenever she might catch him looking.
They do each other's make up.
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whalehouse1 · 2 years ago
Me, for like 5 updates straight: I’m holding my primos for Fontaine.
Me, after watching Final Feast: I’m saving all my primos for C6 Lyney.
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daylite-writes · 1 year ago
Lynye which you wrote about is perfect, we need more yandere platonic Lynye
Soft Platonic Yandere Lyney (+ Lynette) PT 2
Sorry this took so long, first one disappeared (it’s back up dw!) so this was set back a bit. I’m glad you liked it! I love platonic yandere it’s so underrated.
cw: kidnapping, (mild) yandere, completely platonic, child!reader, gn!reader, reader goes on a hunger strike, implied future force-feeding (but it’s vague + well meaning), Lynette feeds into Lyney’s actions,
Lyney supposed he couldn’t be too upset at your actions. After all, he had snatched you up from the streets and plopped you in a guest bedroom with a door that locked from the outside. None of that stopped the little pang in his heart when he entered the room, seeing it basically ransacked. The shelves and their contents were on the floor, the dresser tipped over, clothes he bought for you scattered about. All that, plus the pillows and comforter of the bed had been pulled off, and he could see it all shoved underneath the bed, where you were undoubtedly bundled up in a little nest. Hiding best you could from your ‘captors’.
“Hey kid.” He greeted, shaking off his disappointment and replacing it with something cheery. “Are you feeling good enough to come out? I feel as though I haven't seen you in days!”
No response.
“Oh come on. Lynette cooked this time, and she set aside a pastry just for you. She won’t even let me near those!” He laughed, taking a seat on the floor, right next to the bed.
“I’d love to run a few magic tricks by you while you eat. I really think these ones are gonna be real showstoppers!”
He heard a small, unamused huff from under the bed.
Spurred on by the acknowledgement, no matter how negative, he continued. “I mean it! The crowd is gonna love this one. I can show you it if you come out.”
The offer was met with a small sniff. Then another.
Panic flooded his veins. You were crying. Oh no you were crying. He was already failing as a big brother and and—
“Move, Lyney.”
His head turned to the door, where Lynette had strode through, closing it gently behind her. Lyney frowned—he absolutely did not need his sister’s help, not when he promised he could take care of you all on your own.. “Sh! Lynette, I’ve got this.”
“You don’t.” She kneeled by the bed, peering under it. Her ears twitched as she waited a second. Then, after one still moment, she reached under the bed, grabbing your small frame and pulling you out.
You make your anger known, your small cries turned into a shriek of fear as you tried to escape her. “Let go! Lemme go!”
She tucked you onto her lap, holding you tight against her chest. Your arms and legs were skillfully trapped and detained as she held you there against her chest, shushing you quietly. “Yes, yes I know. It’s all very scary and unfair. Shh. I know. I know.”
“Let—I wanna go. I wanna…” blubbering wails turned into hiccuping sobs as she comforted you. Eventually, you collapsed against her, hiding your face away in her neck, letting her place her chin atop your head.
“There we go.”
Lyney sat there uselessly. The gaping hole in his chest aching to hold his new younger sibling in the way Lynette was. Rocking you gently, shushing down your exhausted whimpers and sobs. He watched as you slowly fell asleep, exhausted from your outburst.
When your breathing leveled out and your limbs stopped moving, Lynette relaxed her hold, sighing down at you.
“You said you knew what you were doing, Lyney.” She chastised him. He looked away shamefully.
“I really didn’t expect… this.”
“You should’ve.” Lynette said simply. “They havent been eating the food you’ve been giving them. I doubt they've been drinking the water—I can hear the bathroom sink turning on at night. I assume that’s where they've been drinking their water. Also the reason they passed out so easy. They’re hungry, dehydrated, and most of all, scared.”
“I can’t fix their fear, Lynette. Only try to work through it.”
“You’ve kidnapped them, Lyney. They won’t allow you to work through it. You can’t play big brother when the doors and windows are locked.”
He sighed. “I don’t want to hold them down and force the family thing down their throat.”
“They’re young. They’ll hardly remember this part.” Lynnette brushed your hair back from your face. “When they wake up, make them eat. Whether they want to or not. And maybe make them take a bath.”
“…You’re right Lynette.”
“Of course. Now take them back.”
“Happily!” He chirped, back to a peppy demeanor. Lynette rolled her eyes, passing you into Lyney’s arms. You mumbled a bit in your sleep, shying into the cold chest. Lyney’s face erupted into adoration, eyes wide as he glanced between you and an unamused Lynette.
She rolled her eyes, “Good luck, brother.”
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draclula · 1 year ago
”Magic and Desserts”
lyney x f!reader
chapter 2
Author’s note: This chapter got very delayed for which I am very sorry. A lot of things have happened in my personal life and some technical problems popped up in the process of editing the second part. Also just started working on the 3rd chapter!
word count: 2.2k
“‘Lyney, the..’ no way.. THAT WAS LYNEY ‘THE’ MAGICIAN??” you try to keep your voice down but the surprises just keep coming. Your brother hanging his had in disappointment but still smiling. “You are a lost cause. How can you forget his face?” he asks, looking at you under his brows. “I have only seen him ONCE. But he DID look familiar.” you taunted yourself with the image of his face while getting the coffees on the serving tray. “He invited me to go and see their show this Saturday. Can I go?” you asked quietly. “Well, their shows are a big deal and a lot of people will most likely be there to watch it. Hm, it’s too early to say, let’s wait some more, okay?” his ‘deep-in-thought’ face was on display, turning around so he can see the customers. “Okay.”
Thru the remaining week, your mind was occupied with the show and it’s needless to say your spacing out caused you some burns here and there while making new desserts. It was obvious to, your older brother, Arouet that you wanted to go and what else would he do besides leg you go and watch it. Once again, it’s needless to say your face lit up. The only thing he did is ask for your instructions of how to serve your sweets to the customers. “And there should always be a flower on the right side facing you, remember?” you were teaching you older brother the right way to decorate them with  dry edible flowers. “Is it that important?” he asked a bit confused with a sweat drop on his left cheek. “Well, the presentation is very important. It makes the customer more intrigued and-“ “Yea, yea I get it, it’s all manipulation of the mind and blah blah blah. Oh, look at the time, shouldn’t you be waiting for the Aqua bus already?” he cut you off and looked down at his watch. “Ah, you are right! Don’t forget how to tuck in the napkins!” you remind after taking your basked beside the inside counter and coat from the installed hanger near the door. “I won’t, now sho!” he yelled at you while crossing his arms and smiling warmly.
As Lyney peaked out behind the red velvety curtains to spy on his audience he noticed your place was still empty. A little sigh escaped his lips, but the show had to start soon and even if he wanted to - he couldn’t wait for you to show up much longer. 
“Greetings, ladies and gentleman! This evening we are here to appreciate the great show that Lynye and Lynette have prepared for us!” the showman introduced the young twins and the curtains were going upstairs. Him and his sister were holding their arms together up in the air, chests puffed out and hands holding together in a lock. People were cheering and clapping loudly getting up from their seat, impatient as to what was awaiting them! And just then, in the middle of that chaos, your figure appeared on top of the staircase that was too, covered in a red coloured carpet. Even if nobody noticed, his eyes softened with relief. As you walked down, you were also looking around to find your seat. It was just right next to the steps. Quite convenient as you needn’t go through people’s seats and bother them with going right in-front of their view. 
“Thank you, thank you! It’s our pleasure to have such pleasant people here to watch our magic show!” the audience died down now seated and waiting for what Lynye has to say. “I am sure you all know that a magician’s most recognisable feature is his hat.” he says, lifting his own hat up from his head “So I could like to start with showing you what a magician can fit..” he pats it on it’s bottom in attempt to make something fall from it “..into this tiny space. But first, so you can believe the reality of all this I will be needing an assistant that will be one of you” kids and adults started waving their hands and yell ‘Me! Me!’ to signal him that they wanted to participate. Lyney mimicked a ‘thinking hard’ face with his hand on his chin, squinted eyes and a pout, walking in circles around the stage. “Hmmmm, who should I choose? All of you look like worthy candidates!” he said thoughtfully and then his eyes landed on you, who was quietly sat. “Ah, why such a young lady not raising her hand! Aren’t you exited?” the magician questioned. Now all eyes of the auditorium were on you. “What do you all say, why don’t we show this young lady what a magic show is about?” he turned to the rest of the audience. Screams of excitement started to echo between the wall of Opera Epiclese, hyping you to go and take part in the show. You were nervous, but thought it could be rude to you refused so you got up from your seat and started making your way to the podium. “Everybody, please, let’s encourage her with applause!” and clap sounds filled the air. All of this made you more nervous and just as you started to walk up the stairs you tripped on the next step. Blush from embarrassment appearing on your cheeks, Lyney crouched down as to make sure you didn’t hit yourself, lending you a hand. “Now, now! We don’t want for you to get hurt!” he smiled softly, looking up, you grabbed his hand and he helped you up. “Why don’t you introduce yourself?” he smiles at you, leading you to the centre of the podium “My name is [name].” you say quietly, smiling and facing him. “Alright [name], hold my hat.” he hands you his hat “Now look inside. Tell us, do you see anything inside?” you looked inside and it was empty “There is nothing in here.”. In the crowd there were people saying ‘Show us!’ so they were sure you weren’t lying. “Now Miss [name], show it to the audience so they can make sure too.” as he instructed you clasped it on the bottom and started to show the crowd turning it from the left to right and back to left. “Was there anything?” he asks again and everyone yells out a ‘NO!’ “Heh, sounds like I can show you the first trick then! Please hold the hat upside down.” you do as you are told. While you and everyone else were waiting he somehow managed to summon a magic wand in this hand by simply shaking it, he then bends down a little bit and gently did circles around the hat’s hole with it. “Hmm what were the magic words again?” he hums out, hand rubbing his chin, looking like he was in deep thought. Everyone started to laugh at his word, you cracked up a bit and laughed out loud too. “Shouldn’t a magician practice his magic before a show?” you ask him lightheartedly, still smiling, to which he responds with “Oh I did so many times but your beauty suddenly made me forget every single magic trick I know!” he winks a bit and cocks his head on the side. You blushed, wide eyed, not expecting this response.
While you were in shock he loudly remarked “Hmmm, ah yes! Alta Vola!” and suddenly 7 white doves flew out of his hat. One of them accidentally hit you with it’s wing on your face, which caused you to drop the hat to hold where the dove had hit you. When his cylinder hat hit the floor a rabbit came crawling out of it! Lynette started to run after it to catch the fluffy animal. The whole audience started to laugh not expecting this to happen. “Oh no, Miss [name], are you alright? Here have a napkin!” he theatrically said and started to go thru his pockets, all of a sudden, he started to pull out a tin rope from one of them. One, two, tree pulls and still no napkin was found but only rope came out. “Uhh, could you mind to help me?” Lyney looked at you with a pleading look on his face, “Of course.” you took the rope in one hand and still held your face with the other. You tugged on it as he started to walk backwards. Then the rope has finally come out completely, there was something tied on it. He picked it up, untied it and neatly showed it to the audience. It was a napkin and on it was his face with the tongue out. Laughter erupted again in the air, even you’ve forgot about the hit that dove have you. He then folded it, clasped your hand and put it in yours “Here. Take it as a gift, no need to bring it back to me.” Lyney smiled sweetly, it almost made you blush from his gentle touch on your hand. “You may now take your seat, thank you for participating in these tricks!”
After the magic show you were waiting for a meet up for them. It took them a while to showed up. “Hey, Lynette ‘n’ Lyney!” you greeted, happily and a bit nervous to see them face to face. “I am sorry if I caused you some trouble during them show.” you clutched your basket’s handle. “Don’t worry, there was nothing wrong you did.” Lynette reassured, “If anything, I think you made the show even better! I just hope the dove didn’t hit you in your eye, did it do so?” worry could be heard in her brother’s voice. “Ah, no it didn’t hit me in the eye, just below it.” you even pointed where exactly and if they looked really hard there would be seen a little red spot. Now trying to gather some courage to keep the conversation going you started to play with the handle of your basket. “And also..” putting it down on the table, you started to rummage thru it and held out to them two things in your palms “I have made you some desserts. It’s Lynette’s favourite type of mousse, but I hope you like it too, Lyney.” you handed it to them carefully and with a little awkward smile. “Thank you, [name].” Lynette said now fascinated by your thoughtfulness and carefully observing the dessert. “Oh, [name], thank you! You shouldn’t have, really.” Lyney looked surprised at your gift, not really expecting it. “Maybe I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help myself. I really hope you like it.” you said, embarrassed a little if it was really uncalled for to bring them dessert. Now it will be even more embarrassing to ask them to return the complex design, crystal-glass, dessert bowls whenever they could. But as per always, the male twin observed them and asked you right after “These bowls look very beautiful. I suppose you use them at the caffe?”. Honestly his sharpness made you question if he read your mind but answer the question “Yes I did them yesterday after we closed. We rarely use them and I decided that it would be nice to put them at use.” gentle smile appeared on your face thinking of it. Lynette, while the two of you were talking, actually have already started her mousse (she pulled out a little spoon she always carries around for special occasions like this one) and enjoying it quite a lot as she listed to you. 
Some time has gone by. You and Lyney were talking about different topics and simply didn’t notice how late it have gotten. During one of your sentences, you happened to yawn and when your eyes were finally not looking at him, you noticed how the sky got dark blue. Your stunned expression shifted to one of worry really fast after realising you might have missed your Aqua Bus. Lyney noticed that but before he could speak, you were looking at your pocket watch “Oh no, I am going to miss the Aqua Bus!”. In panic, you jumped up all of a sudden, looking around to gather your things. Lyney also arose from his seat, looking around to help you with something but you were ready and started to run towards the big doors at the Opera Epicles. Already out and about to get on the bus, Lyney shouted for you from the entrance of the Opera “[name]!”. Your head snapped back and looked at him, his gaze now was softer “Thank you for today.”. His warm smile made you calm down. “Today was wonderful..” you said, smiling widely, now that you recall everything from today. Quickly, you began to climb up the stairs of the Aqua bus. The boy stared at you, as if he was in a trance. The bus started to move and you looked back to check if he was still there and surely he just stood there. You raised your hand to wave him goodbye, the force of the wind behind you, making your hair gently fly around. Lyney raised his and waved back. He stood there, his arm slowly falling down to rest. Lynette was standing far behind him and observed everything, but now she was slowly making her way to her brother. Standing on his left she eyed him to see his expression. Just as she expected- he was blushing, eyes big and lips slightly parted. A little huff left her and after a second she spoke “You are a lost cause.”
Tag list (open): @swivy123
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