#lyntel answers
fadedintheflames · 4 years
❝ I can’t go out tonight *fake coughs*. I’m sick. ❞ -Mayla @greenleavesblueflames
Lyntel smiles at the stranger, themself leaning against one of the secret entrances to the hidden Red Market. "Then you better run home, little one. This area can be dangerous for those who aren't ready."
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hydrangeadreamer · 6 years
Alouette had never wandered to this part of town, admittedly when she went out it was typically to do some errands or eat out. The slip of paper one of the kindly neighbors had drawn up for the witch was the only direction she’d had. If the young woman had any idea of who this Lyntel was perhaps tracking her with the crystal pendulum would have worked. Instead she had to rely on the map and hope that it led her to the place she needed to be.
Perched atop her head was Icelus whose dazzling shades of green and purple flexed in the cool morning air. After only a moment, the dragonfly took off knowing right where to go as it could feel the magic all around them.
“Ah! Icelus slow down!” Her familiar had a knack for forgetting this fact or perhaps he didn’t care but either way she gave chase. Somehow they’d arrived faster at the Black Rabbit than she’d anticipated but already she was out of breath. 
“Ah excuse me!” Waving down one of the patrons who was exiting the building Alouette offering a smile “Is Lyntel around?” In answer the man shrugged and headed away without further comment. “It’s up to you I suppose...” Looking at the dragonfly she followed his lead. This would be a strange way to meet but she still held the letter from the palace in hand.
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waveridden · 7 years
FIC: Hot Stuff
Campaign/Sex Criminals AU, 1.5k. NSFW (nothing explicit, lots of talk of sex and masturbation). [Ao3 link]
Okay. Tryst has a magic dick.
And the problem is, when you say things like that as a pick-up line, it sounds… well, it sounds like a pick-up line, and a pretty bad one at that. It doesn’t sound like a sincere sentiment. But no, Tryst has an actual magic dick, and what’s more, he hasn’t met anyone else with a magic dick. So he’s stuck with the best true pick-up line in the galaxy and nobody who will believe it.
Tryst is in hell, basically. But at least he’s in hell with a magic dick.
The thing is, it’s hard to talk about sex when your older sisters are determined to view you as a kid forever and your parents pretend not to hear you when you ask questions. This means that young Tryst Valentine learned everything he knows about sex from completely reliable sources, like loud tourists in cantinas and questionably-sourced holos that turn up in Watto’s market. With information sources like that, it’s only natural that some things fall through the cracks, right?
So Tryst is home completely alone for the first time in weeks, with one of those iffy holos, and for the first time in his young life, he’s in the fresher doing what horny teenagers do when they’re home alone. It takes maybe fifteen seconds from start to finish, and he feels good, and then the world freezes. Completely freezes.
“Whoa,” he whispers, because it’s cool as hell. People say that time stops during sex, but he always thought it was some kind of poetic garbage. But the world is perfectly still, and all the noise from outside has stopped. Maybe orgasms are actually magic. No wonder everyone talks about sex all the time. The world is quiet, and there are lights swirling around him, and there’s light from between his legs, and–
Tryst looks down. His dick is definitely glowing.
“Maybe that’s where they got the ideas for lightsabers from,” he says. His voice is echoing in the flat air, and it’s the second most uncomfortable thing about this whole situation. After, well, his dick glowing, and he’s not really sure what to do about that.
He puts his pants back on, and walks around the empty house for a while, and moves a couple of jars around, and finds out that apparently datapads don’t work post-orgasm, which is maybe the worst news a teenage boy could get. And the afterglow wears off eventually, and the clocks start working again, and Tryst figures, okay, that’s what sex is like. Good to know. Mystery solved, et cetera.
But he keeps finding holovids of porn. Time never freezes in the holovids. That’s his first clue that maybe this isn’t what sex is like.
“Heyyyy, Vous-Vous.” Tryst plops down next to her on the couch. “Got a question.”
Rendezvous barely glances at him. “No, I won’t take you bounty hunting with me, you’re only a kid.”
“It’s a sex question,” he blurts out before he can second guess himself.
She turns to stare at him, slowly, in a way that probably means he’s about to die. “Don’t we have parents that you can talk to about this?”
“Did you want to talk about this with Mom and Dad when you were my age?”
“Fine. You get one question. One single question.”
Tryst pauses, sorting through all the important things. He can guess some of it himself, like how long it takes till time unfreezes, and some of it doesn’t matter, like where the lights come from. Maybe there’s just one question worth asking. “Does your… does, uh-”
“Does your dick glow,” Tryst says, a little louder than he meant.
Rendezvous stares at him for another couple sentence before pinching the bridge of her nose. “Is this a lightsaber joke? Is that what you’re doing?”
“It’s a legitimate question,” Tryst protests.
“I really don’t think it is.”
“So that means your answer is no?”
“No, my dick doesn’t glow during sex.” Rendezvous shakes her head. “Next time you have a question about how dicks work, ask Dad. Kriff, Tryst.”
“Come on, Vous-Vous,” Tryst starts, but she’s already getting off the couch. He sighs.
Okay. Maybe the dick-glowing is a problem.
Except… it’s not a bad problem to have. Maybe a little awkward in one-night stands, but he’d hazard a guess that those would be awkward anyways. It’s like he has this built-in way to get a couple of extra hours of sleep. Get some extra light in a dark room, if he needs it. It’s not foolproof or anything, but it’s something.
And it’s convenient for stealing, which is the kind of thing Tryst wouldn’t admit even if anyone else knew that he could magically stop time. Never anything big, of course, a few credits here and there, some extra food if they really need it. Enough to screw over Watto, occasionally, but only when he’s feeling extra spiteful.
The whole “sex criminal” thing on the business cards isn’t on purpose, but he laughs till he kriffing cries when he finds out that’s what they say. It’s the three things he does the most, all rolled up into one: sex, crime, and crime via sex.
They’re flying away from Tattooine, from everything Tryst has ever really known, when Grizelle looks at him and says “Is there anything special about you?”
“Anything special about me?” Tryst snorts. “I’m Tryst Valentine.”
“And I’m Leenik Geelo,” says Leenik, “but I don’t think that’s what she meant.”
“Special abilities,” Grizelle says, a touch impatiently. “Things you can do.”
“Fly ships,” Tryst offers. “And I’m a pretty good haggler.”
Bacta sighs. “Anything else?”
Tryst thinks about it. This is as good a way as any to test the waters. “My dick glows when I have sex.”
Leenik makes a retching noise. Bacta sighs again, with a lot more weight to it this time. Grizelle is radiating disappointment. Tryst decides that probably means none of them know what he’s talking about. “Listen, if you don’t believe I’m that good, I can’t help you guys-”
“Moving on,” Grizelle sighs, and thankfully, they move on.
Between Mandalore and Phindar, after a bit of the shell-shock wears off, Neemo starts asking questions. Mostly to Lyn, because she probably has the best answers, but he asks the rest of them questions all the time, too.
“How can you fly for so long?” he asks Tryst at one point. They’ve fallen out of hyperspace long enough that Tryst has to navigate some nasty space debris, and has been navigating it for hours on end.
“Because I’m just that good,” Tryst scoffs. He definitely sneaks off for bathroom breaks and rubs one out and takes a nap, but that’s for him to know and nobody else to make fun of. “Good pilots don’t need breaks.”
“Wow,” Neemo murmurs. “What else can you do?”
Leenik says, perfectly casual, “Tryst has a glowing penis.”
“Tryst has a what, ” Lyn says flatly.
Tryst wriggles around in the captain’s chair to glance at Leenik. “I didn’t think you’d remember that!”
“I listen when you talk,” Leenik says. “And I remember when people say crazy things. That’s a pretty crazy thing.”
Neemo takes an uncomfortably scrutinizing look at Tryst’s crotch. “Does it glow all the time?”
“Obviously not, only when I have sex.”
“Trystan,” Lyn says, obviously disappointed, “don’t lie to Neemo.”
“I’m not lying to Neemo!”
“I don’t know why you’re coming after me for this, Leenik is the one who brought it up.”
“But you’re not denying it,” Lyn says exasperatedly.
Tryst shrugs and takes the ship around one particularly large piece of debris. “Why deny the most unique thing about me?”
“Things can’t be more or less unique than other things,” says Leenik.
“You’re missing the point,” says Lyn.
“So does it actually glow, or are you making fun of me?” says Neemo.
Tryst groans. “Alright, new rule, I’m the only one allowed to talk about my dick.”
“Normally you’re the only one who wants to,” Lyn mutters.
“Then I guess today isn’t normal, Lyntel,” Tryst says, and the cockpit falls into merciful quiet for another minute, and then-
“What color does it glow?” Neemo asks, and Tryst says “just white” before he can help himself, and then Lyn is yelling again. Which is, to be fair, probably a reasonable reaction to Tryst breaking his own rule.
And then, in a hotel room on Phindar, overlooking BHIKKE-
“Wow,” Tryst says, staring up at the ceiling.
“You weren’t so bad yourself,” Aava agrees, crossing her legs. “You’re glowing, by the way.”
Tryst looks at his dick, and then at a definitely not-frozen Aava, and says, “You’ve got to be kriffing kidding me.”
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
Who is it I ‘ship’ you with? Well, I’ve been away a little while, but I’ll give you a clue - our moment in the Coliseum has been on my mind for a few nights now....
Lyntel can’t help but laugh, pulling their lovely doctor in to press a warm kiss to his lips. “You don’t need to hide behind a mask, sugar. You could have told me straight to my face.” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
"Why did you buy this?" - Soris
“Because I thought you would look great in it! Just try it on for me, please? You’re going to look so handsome.” They had bought him an entire outfit, hoping it was the right size. 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
🌲 (Wouldn’t let me use my apprentice blog so ;;) @Vince-The-Apprentice
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
fight : my muse stops your muse from getting into a physical fight with someone else.
@cajunspoons (I think this means Spoons stopping Lyntel???)
Lyntel almost snarls, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. “Spoons,” they huff, eyes glaring at her, “let me go. Now. That bastard deserves it.” They try to move forwards again, trying desperately to get to the man they wanted to ruin. 
‘That bastard’ was currently backed up against the wall, looking at Lyntel wide-eyed. “What the fuck is that? That- That’s not human.” Seeing that Lyntel was currently being retained by Spoons, he seemed to puff out his chest. “What are you going to do? I’m assuming this is over that bitch? I told her I would leave her in tears when I left,” he sneers with a grin. 
At this, Lyntel almost doubles their efforts to get out of Spoons’ grip. “Don’t you fucking say that about my workers!” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
Kiss…on their forehead.
Lyntel blinks at the kiss to their forehead, quickly smiling afterwards. They give a small smile, a bit embarrassed. “I- I can’t remember the last time anyone has done that... Thank you, Spoons.” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
“I’m not slowing down because you’re short.” Wis calls over their shoulder, barely looking back at them. "I told you I wanted to see the exotic plant bazaar. It closes in less than an hour." (hi i missed ya)
 @sun-and-wis​ (I MISSED YOU BB)
Lyntel whines before laughing, shaking their head. “It’s not going to take us a whole hour to get there! My steps are shorter than your’s! Just- Slow down a little bit!” They were struggling to keep up, having to half jog just to keep them in sight.
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
just-your-hand:❣ random kiss pls
19. a clumsy kiss
It was late and Lyntel was tired. Asra had been out and Lyntel had woken up at the door to the shop opening. “Mmm, you’re back,” they hum, smiling up at Asra. “C’mere~” They sleepily reach a hand out, grabbing Asra by the shirt and pulling him down until they could press a sleepy, clumsy kiss to his lips. “I missed you...” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
Lyntel chuckles, showing off sharp teeth in a grin. “Unfortunately, sugar, I am always going to be a free beast. I can’t exactly be tied down by just anyone.” They lean forward, looking over the stranger. “But you could have me for the night if you would like?” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
Just-your-hand: stuck! OwO
1. Elevator
Lyntel sighs, sliding down the wall of the darkened elevator. “Great,” they groan, combing fingers through their long hair. “I swear, I’m never getting on an elevator again!” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
"That's dirty."
Send me “that’s dirty” and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours. @nikkyatyourservice
Lyntel tosses a towel, warm from the fireplace where it had been drying towards them, before moving to wring out their own, sopping wet hair. 
“Wanna go in the shower?” It was said nonchalantly, tilting their head back to look at them. “Water should be hot. And I don’t think you’re the kind that likes to stay in dirty clothes. I can lend you some of mine.” 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
(❛ω❛) Present! Faust has appeared on your doorstep with three cards in her mouth. Which one do you pick? - @ask-asra-tarot
Lyntel crouches down, smiling sweetly at the little snake. “Well hello, sugar! One of these are for me?” After a moment, they take the card on the left, half expecting it to be The Moon. 
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
📚read to my muse
Lyntel smiles. "I don't really have many story books or anything, but I could tell you one. Would you prefer a true story or one of fiction?"
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fadedintheflames · 5 years
"So... who do we make the godparents?" Wis asked, watering the wisteria tree behind the shop. They plucked dead and dying leaves off carefully, putting them in a burlap sack of plant matter to be made into fertilizer that rested against Boreas' massive form. "We both know capable people, but the choice has to be made. I'd rather hear your thoughts before mine."
Lyntel was settled in a lawn chain, watching Wis work as they talked back and forth. They had to make sure Yuhi wasn’t around, or they would be sure she would spill the secret to Ren, though they suspected that he already knew. Ulik was snoozing on top of Boreas’ head, enjoying the heat of the sun. Lyntel’s hand was settled over the small bump of a stomach they had grown. They were still able to hide it for the most part, using their usual loose clothes and wearing some of Wis’ shirts every now and then. 
It had taken some time for both Wis and Lyntel to realize what was actually going on, as Lyntel thought that they couldn’t get pregnant. So when the first few normal symptoms came along, nausea and the like, they just pushed it off as eating something that didn’t agree with them because of their deal. It wasn’t until more and more symptoms piled up that they decided to test. To say it was a surprised was an understatement. 
“Well, I say someone from my side and someone from your side. I’m thinking maybe Jack and then either Ren or Serif?” They sigh, leaning their head back and closing their eyes. “I’m just worried, Wis... I mean, I never thought this would happen. It’s not that I’m not happy or excited, I am, beyond everything I am. I’m just worried about lots of things.” 
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