#lyfrassir answers
inspectorsecondclass · 3 months
Hey Lyf, how was Hodmimus Holt?
The mining colony obviously
... i never made it.
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cryptile · 9 months
Garden... Brian....
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Hcs with @stowaway-society (yellow)
This is ao cute i love this. On the groujd sobbing punching down with my fists
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Sorry for how shitty this drawing is im back at it again in ms paint
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hershelchocolateart · 1 month
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A quick comp of all the new icons I made for characters on Art Fight this year! It's an absolute godsend on actually getting me to update my character profiles <3 Two of these were also updated icons rather than new ones! Can you guess which ones?
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lyfedda · 3 months
Favorite Violinspector fic?
Do you think I'm just sitting around my flat reading "fictions" of myself and someone whom I despised at one point? I have a job. I'm trying to save the world. I don't have time for things like that.
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bugsinthebayou · 5 months
I see you’re having a normal one about pla and pokemon black and white. 🤝
I LOVE LEGENDS ARCEUS AND BW SO MUCH RAAAAAH... i need to finish my pkmn black playthru SO BAD. i also need to finish my second pla playthru... maybe if i do them both at the same time.....
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 years
I've been re-listening to The Bifrost Incident, so fix-it fic where Lyf gave up and went to the Mechs for help a few days earlier. There still wasn't enough time for a full-scale evacuation of the Yggdrasil system, but Lyf were able to get the message out widely enough (including by making social media accounts on every platform when she hadn't used social media much before the train arrived and also by misusing all the Transport Police social media) that Lyfrassir wasn't the sole survivor of the system.
Like, still a tragedy, but not such a widescale tragedy.
Put a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
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sp1resong · 2 years
almond. came up with it on the spot. tph your blog prolly does taste like almonds tho
[this is for the name thing from a while ago]
inch resting... not quite what i'm looking for but not bad either
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rkart221 · 5 months
WIP Lyfrassir Edda ultimate sketchbook
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I turned Lyfrassir Edda into my dnd character, over a few months I have now over 300 drawings of him. This is a wip of all the traditional art I have of him, compiled together in a cohesive way :)
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He’d be a warlock to a great old one, unknowingly spreading the horrors of the Bifrost through knowledge alone as he flees further and further into the outer universe
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A bit of backstory on his life back on Midgard :) I’m writing a dnd oneshot set there though I have enough lore to make a campaign
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This page is still a wip but this is more of the cultural side of Midgard/ Yggdrasil system as a whole
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Fun Yogsothoth endeavours :)
I have so much lore, lmk if you want any more/ I can answer any questions! It’s really thought out.
I’ll keep updating and slowly drop more art here hopefully under rkartlyf tag !!
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bisexual-lemon1 · 9 months
I wanna talk about the main four mechanisms albums, and the ways in which they tackle tragedy. This shouldn’t be too long, and I’m kinda new to writing essays like this, but it seemed like fun.
Firstly OUATIS, I could go on and on abour OUATIS, like how the tragedy of OUATIS is baked into the genre. from the get go it’s about war and trauma and fascism, all things that while not exclusively, lend themselves to death and murder. You can listen to the first half of OUATIS and realize “oh shit, everyone involved is gonna die” by genre and the thematics of it alone.
Because that’s what war does
That’s what war is
For UDAD it’s a little more esoteric, and I probably have the least to say about it cuz it’s not my least Favoirte, not bad, just my least favorite. I think the best way to describe it is the line from twisted threads “how can you expect to escape if you were caught in a web before you began.” It’s made clear from the base set up that the olympians control everything, and as much as a heroic victory and triumph would be nice, some things just truly are too big to fail. Though arguably, amongst all the albums it has the best ending, the Olympians may not be brought down(in the album), the city might not be saved
But Ulysses gets to die, truly die and rest.
Something billions, perhaps trillions had stolen from them.
HNOC is definitely one of my favorites on this, being such a distinct and fun story and narrative. The tragedy is of the people themselves, and in a way I think it makes it the “most tragedy” out of the four, all of its preventable, yet entirely understandable. Hell, “just this once there could be a happy ending” is literally a line in it. Mordred’s actions are deplorable and violent and ruin everything but they’re understandable. He lost everything, why should the world live? It’s a dip into true nihilism and whag could lead someone to feel that way. Sometimes worlds are saved, and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes worlds are killed, sometimes they simply grow old, but sometimes they kill themselves. And I think what makes it the most special compared to the other three is when it becomes doomed. OUATIS is about a bloody war, UDAD they were born into a web, TBI yhe conflict itself was resolved 80 years before the modern day the story is told through. But HNOC wasnt doomed from the start, the station wasn’t guaranteed to die, the Saxons weren’t guaranteed to be slaughtered. Yet nonetheless they were.
And finally TBI, now it’s what rly got my brain going on all of this, because I had the question “where does the tragedy become inevitable?” And frankly, there’s a lot of answers. TBI is doomed because the nuclear chaos was on its way before lyfrassir was even before. Because Odin wouldn’t stop no matter what. Because even if they hadn’t of messed with kyvasir there would have been dozens of other bifrost trains. But more than ALL OF THAT I think that the tragedy is inevitable because, as the album says. “A day, a week, a thousand years, means naught to what the train draws near.” It doesn’t matter, even if Loki’s missile had killed Odin and stopped the bifrost, someone else would have come along. Even the victory we got in the album itself, it wasn’t a victory, it was merely a prolonging, inevitable death was merely stalled, that’s the closest thing anyone could ever get to victory against the roiling nuclear chaos.
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rosesandfrills · 9 months
Every time I listen to The Bifrost Incident, at the part where Lyfrassir starts going obsessive with the need for answers my brain just goes Jon? Jarchivist? Jonathan Sims, The Archivist? In Space? What is he doing here? Did he get lost?
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secretlyhuntokar · 6 months
(There is a right answer to this. Or rather, one of these is a definite Wrong Answer.)
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
Which of the Mechanisms would you date?
None. None of them.
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You're torn between asking about yourself and the person next to you, but ultimately decide knowing more about your own situation would be more beneficial. After all, you've had a pretty confusing morning. So, casually, you ask.
"Inspector...You've called me that a few times. Would that happen to be...my name?"
He pauses.
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Faintly, under his breath, you can hear him whisper.
"It's gotten that bad, huh?"
Before you can ask for clarification, he smiles. "Course not! Inspector is a title! Well, was your title. You're Lyf! Lyfrassir Edda! And you slept in!"
He's out the door before you can respond.
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"Everyone's waiting for you! Come on out when you feel up to it, okay?"
It seemed he was more uncomfortable answering your questions than you felt asking them. You figured you'd have to go somewhere else if you wanted any more information.
Deciding it was best to head outside and see who was around, you quickly got dressed and crept down the hallways, keeping your eyes peeled for anyone wandering around. For some reason, you felt like you might get shot if you weren't careful. Who in the world would you be spending your time with to make that something instinctual?
You hear voices, and follow them. They're quiet. It sounds like a serious conversation.
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As soon as you turn the corner, the voices stop. You thought you heard your name in there somewhere, but one of them responds first.
You freeze.
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This is wrong
You blink
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"Hey, Lyfrassir!" The woman with the wings is speaking. Your mind helpfully supplies you with the name Raphaella.
"We were just talking about you! It's great to see you up!"
The other two, Marius and Ivy, wave and nod their greetings respectively. These three feel...familiar. Safe.
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But after what you've just seen? You don't exactly feel like talking.
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hell0 Hell0!! y0u can call me Will 0r any 0ther name Like it, i'm n0t picky ! i g0 By any pr0n0uns !
y0u can Find me in the artefact St0rage 0f the Magnus institute !
i am A sp-Eye-ral Avatar ! d0 with That inf0rmati0n what y0u will :)
d0 ask Me ab0ut anything Regarding myself, artefacts 0r Anything 0n y0ur mind :) can't pr0mise Pr0per answers th0ugh !
i H0pe t0 See y0u ar0und :))
OOC: [ greetings!! im lyfrassir (xey/xem) and this is my silly little ask/rp blog for my tma oc!
main blog : @gunpowdertimsleftgun lyfrassir edda rp blog : @inspectorsecondclass jonny d'ville rp blog : @captainnotfirstmate my buried oc rp blog : @woods-in-the-ground agnes montague rp blog : @this-lesbian-is-on-fire
#it Answers - asks #will's sillies - in character posts #🌀🌀🌀 - reblogs #will interacts - self explatatory methinks
thank you for stopping by and I, as well as Will, hope to See you around :) ]
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v0idspeak · 2 years
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I've been told this meme had already been made but I put way too much effort into this so. Have some Lyfrassir/Marius shenanigans.
[ID: The "Let me see what you have" Vine, with the little boy repainted as Marius Von Raum, complete with teal coat, red undercoat, a gray handkerchief tied around his neck, a monogoggle, leathery shoes, and a beard. The mother in the vine's hair has been repainted in an inkspill-like rainbow. The first frame shows Marius approaching, holding something in his non-Mechanical hand. Lyf, in rainbowed text, says "Let me see what you have". In the second frame, Marius is much closer, and holding a violin up to the camera while still running. He answers "A violin!" In the third frame, Marius is running away, violin in hand, while Lyf rushes up to intercept him. They are screaing "NO!". End ID]
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
assigned The Trigun Mutual
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