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philoursmars · 4 months ago
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Fin août, je suis remonté vers le Nord en passant par l'Auvergne et Vichel.
Alternés, un Milan Royal et un lyciet en fleurs et en fleurs...
Et quel est cet Ă©trange oiseau sur la 1Ăšre photo ?
J'attends vos propositions !
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ethnoplants · 2 years ago
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đŸŒ±Le goji appelĂ© aussi lyciet est un arbuste produisant de petits fruits rouges allongĂ©s. Il se cultive trĂšs bien en mĂ©tropole car il rĂ©siste sans problĂšme aux hivers rigoureux. Le goji est cultivĂ© pour ses baies, excellente pour l'organisme. Plant de goji actuellement disponibles sur le site ethnoplants. #goji #baiedegoji #lycium #lyciumbarbarum #lyciet #bayasdegoji #wolfberry #gojiberry #gojibeere #wolfbeere #ethnoplants #baie #baies #fruits #fruitier #potager #jardin #jardinage #jardiner #jardinet #permaculture #verger #arbustefruitier https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpzfz-WorTk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spotjardin · 3 years ago
Le lyciet commun
PRÉSENTATION Le lyciet commun est un arbuste fruitier originaire de Chine et plus exactement du cotĂ© du fleuve jaune. On l’appelle Ă©galement goji, Lyciet de Barbarie ou bien encore Lycium barbarum qui est son nom scientifique. Il fait partie de la famille des SolanacĂ©es comme c’est le cas de la tomate, de l’aubergine ou bien encore de la pomme de terre. Continue reading
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agendanature · 3 years ago
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santebioeurope · 6 years ago
Les poudres Ă  Smoothies
Vous connaissez dĂ©jĂ  peut ĂȘtre ce que l’on appelle les poudres Ă  smoothies, nous en vendons plusieurs actuellement possĂ©dant chacune leurs vertus, mais connaissez-vous rĂ©ellement ces vertus ? Commençons par exemple avec le jus de Goji en poudre, une baie rouge au goĂ»t sucrĂ©, cultivĂ©e dans les hautes vallĂ©es himalayennes du Tibet, une rĂ©gion aux conditions climatiques extrĂȘmes. Goji signifie « fruit du bonheur ». Elle provient d’un arbre nommĂ© le Lyciet de Chine dont la consommation Ă©tait, dans le temps, associĂ©e Ă  l’immortalitĂ©. Eh bien, grĂące Ă  leur forte teneur en antioxydants et vitamines, les baies de Goji sont efficaces pour dĂ©velopper l'immunitĂ© et ainsi prĂ©venir l'apparition de certains virus et maladies. Tout cela du fait que les baies de Goji contiennent environ 400 fois plus de vitamine C que l'orange, ce qui en fait donc un fruit idĂ©al pour stimuler le systĂšme immunitaire. L’eau de jeune coco lyophilisĂ© quant Ă  elle possĂšde de multiples vertus tel que ; Permettre une bonne santĂ© cardiovasculaire L’eau de coco Ă©tant trĂšs riche en potassium, elle va vous aider Ă  rĂ©duire le taux de mauvais cholestĂ©rol et ainsi vous permettre de lutter contre l’hypertension artĂ©rielle, mais aussi contre les effets d’une alimentation trop salĂ©e. Un hydratant trĂšs efficace L’eau de coco est connue Ă©galement en tant qu’hydratant pour lutter contre le dessĂšchement de la peau par exemple car pouvant ĂȘtre appliquĂ© en tant que lotion sur la peau ou mĂȘme plus simplement en la buvant. Point intĂ©ressant, l’eau de coco contient des cytokinines qui aide Ă  combattre naturellement le vieillissement de la peau. Permettre une meilleure digestion L’eau de coco contient des enzymes bio actives permettant de lutter efficacement contre des troubles digestifs comme la constipation vous permettant d’avoir ainsi un meilleur transit intestinal. L’eau de coco peut ĂȘtre un atout rĂ©gime L’explication est trĂšs simple, cela tient du fait que l’eau de coco ne contient aucun sucre et trĂšs peu de calories ( 13 calories pour 100 grammes d’eau ), elle est aussi connue pour lutter contre la cellulite. Ces vertus en font un produit naturel irrĂ©sistible que tout le monde devrai avoir dans sa cuisine. Notre onglet Poudre Ă  smoothies compte de nombreux autres produits trĂšs efficaces et bĂ©nĂ©fique pour la santĂ© tel que ; La poudre de Caroube Le citron jaune en poudre Le citron vert en poudre Boisson joie de vivre Bio Boisson protĂ©inĂ©e Bio Ă©lĂ©gance Vous pouvez retrouver nos poudres Ă  smoothies via le lien suivant --> https://www.sante-bio.eu/smoothies/ http://dlvr.it/R2gRqb
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aahonalive-blog · 7 years ago
7 Foods that will increase your immune system this winter.
Each year, the drop-in temperatures are accompanied by a lot of flu and colds. But instead of rushing to the pharmacy at the slightest symptom, why not first try one of these natural remedies that, once incorporated into your regular menu of the week. It will boost your immune system and hence defend you from diseases. All the superfoods that follow are particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have countless health benefits. So, forge iron health this winter and diversify your diet with these seven foods: GARLIC Indispensable in any kitchen that respects to give flavor to your dishes, garlic is also a super-food with multiple talents. Studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic extract has very positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol level. Garlic is also packed with antioxidants that will strengthen your body's natural defenses. Something to put bad breath in the background is not it? GINGER Ginger root is one of the foundations of Asian cuisine: it is almost everywhere, from tea to soup through curry, and no wonder: in addition to spice and flavor all these dishes and drinks, ginger reduces inflammation, soothes pains, works miracles against nausea and stimulates metabolism which promotes weight loss. Ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey is, for example, an excellent remedy against colds and sore throats. You can also add a tip to your smoothies to spice them up. Finally, ginger also fights bad breath, so think about it the next time you abuse garlic. GOJI BERRIES Goji berries, also known as Lyciet de Chine are known for their many virtues. A handful of these berries contain about 100 calories and are full of vitamin C. They are also very rich in vitamin B, essential fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. Eat regularly, add to your smoothies or sprinkle your muesli in the morning and the cold will not have a chance. THE CHIA SEEDS It is not only the runners who will enjoy the benefits of these small seeds from Mexico and traditionally used by the Aztec and Maya. Nowadays, they are used in cooking, and their popularity continues to increase. And this is not without reason: they are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids (to realize, 100 g of chia seeds contain as much as a kilogram of salmon!) And they provide twice as much protein than the other seeds. They also have a high content of antioxidants and soluble fiber. When in contact with the liquid, chia seeds swell up to 10 times their original size in a matter of minutes and are therefore often used to make dessert creams. But they are also perfect for all your salads or smoothies. THE MATCHA Matcha, we love or hate. This green tea powder is known to contain 20 times more antioxidants than grapefruit. This is the reason why matcha is also prized and considered the superfood par excellence. Often compared to a healthy espresso, matcha stimulates naturally and gives you energy for the whole day. Its high content of anti-free radicals (molecules responsible for health problems), vitamins, minerals and trace elements help prevent colds and flu. This green tea powder is most often consumed in the form of Matcha Latte. But it is also used to make cakes and cookies, which will give them a nice green color. When you buy your matcha powder in the supermarket, be careful that it does not contain sugar or other additives and that it is of organic quality. It will then keep perfectly well in the refrigerator. THE GREEN CABBAGE This winter vegetable is very rich in antioxidants, boosts your immune system, makes the skin more beautiful and younger and helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's or atherosclerosis. You can add it raw in your salad or mix its leaves with an apple, kiwi, avocado, and ginger in a blender for a delicious green smoothie. BLUEBERRIES These small purple berries are not in season all the year, but you can easily freeze them to consume them at any time (especially in winter). They are delicious in smoothies, to decorate your mueslis or as a small snack between two meals. These little vitamin bombs have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent diseases. Their particular color comes from the flavonoids they contain. Now you know what you have to do to stay healthy this winter! Tell us what you thought about it in the comments below. Read the full article
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bienetretoxicbot · 7 years ago
Goji Bio 60 comprimés Belle et Bio
Goji Bio 60 comprimés Belle et Bio
Compléments alimentaires Goji Bio 60 comprimés Belle et Bio
Le Goji bio 60 comprimes Belle et Bio contient de la baie de Goji, Le goji ou baie de Goji est le nom occidental de la baie du lyciet commun et du lyciet de Chine dont le nom latin est Lycium barbarum. Le Goji Lycium barbarum est un fruit d origine tibetaine, qui est en fait le fruit de la longevite. Ses polysaccharides et ses

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hiddengardener · 8 years ago
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A French "Lyciet de Barbarie", pùte de verre vase by Gabriel Argy-Rousseau, depicting wolf berries against a vignette ground of amber, honey and white. A similar piece is pictured in: cf. J. Bloch-Dermont, Les Pùtes de Verre G. Argy-Rousseau Catalogue Raisonné, Paris, 1990, p. 179, no. 17.01 for another vase of this model. Circa 1917. Priced $1,200.
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aahonalive-blog · 7 years ago
7 Foods that will increase your immune system this winter.
Each year, the drop-in temperatures are accompanied by a lot of flu and colds. But instead of rushing to the pharmacy at the slightest symptom, why not first try one of these natural remedies that, once incorporated into your regular menu of the week. It will boost your immune system and hence defend you from diseases. All the superfoods that follow are particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have countless health benefits. So, forge iron health this winter and diversify your diet with these seven foods: GARLIC Indispensable in any kitchen that respects to give flavor to your dishes, garlic is also a super-food with multiple talents. Studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic extract has very positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol level. Garlic is also packed with antioxidants that will strengthen your body's natural defenses. Something to put bad breath in the background is not it? GINGER Ginger root is one of the foundations of Asian cuisine: it is almost everywhere, from tea to soup through curry, and no wonder: in addition to spice and flavor all these dishes and drinks, ginger reduces inflammation, soothes pains, works miracles against nausea and stimulates metabolism which promotes weight loss. Ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey is, for example, an excellent remedy against colds and sore throats. You can also add a tip to your smoothies to spice them up. Finally, ginger also fights bad breath, so think about it the next time you abuse garlic. GOJI BERRIES Goji berries, also known as Lyciet de Chine are known for their many virtues. A handful of these berries contain about 100 calories and are full of vitamin C. They are also very rich in vitamin B, essential fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. Eat regularly, add to your smoothies or sprinkle your muesli in the morning and the cold will not have a chance. THE CHIA SEEDS It is not only the runners who will enjoy the benefits of these small seeds from Mexico and traditionally used by the Aztec and Maya. Nowadays, they are used in cooking, and their popularity continues to increase. And this is not without reason: they are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids (to realize, 100 g of chia seeds contain as much as a kilogram of salmon!) And they provide twice as much protein than the other seeds. They also have a high content of antioxidants and soluble fiber. When in contact with the liquid, chia seeds swell up to 10 times their original size in a matter of minutes and are therefore often used to make dessert creams. But they are also perfect for all your salads or smoothies. THE MATCHA Matcha, we love or hate. This green tea powder is known to contain 20 times more antioxidants than grapefruit. This is the reason why matcha is also prized and considered the superfood par excellence. Often compared to a healthy espresso, matcha stimulates naturally and gives you energy for the whole day. Its high content of anti-free radicals (molecules responsible for health problems), vitamins, minerals and trace elements help prevent colds and flu. This green tea powder is most often consumed in the form of Matcha Latte. But it is also used to make cakes and cookies, which will give them a nice green color. When you buy your matcha powder in the supermarket, be careful that it does not contain sugar or other additives and that it is of organic quality. It will then keep perfectly well in the refrigerator. THE GREEN CABBAGE This winter vegetable is very rich in antioxidants, boosts your immune system, makes the skin more beautiful and younger and helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's or atherosclerosis. You can add it raw in your salad or mix its leaves with an apple, kiwi, avocado, and ginger in a blender for a delicious green smoothie. BLUEBERRIES These small purple berries are not in season all the year, but you can easily freeze them to consume them at any time (especially in winter). They are delicious in smoothies, to decorate your mueslis or as a small snack between two meals. These little vitamin bombs have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent diseases. Their particular color comes from the flavonoids they contain. Now you know what you have to do to stay healthy this winter! Tell us what you thought about it in the comments below. Read the full article
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bienetretoxicbot · 7 years ago
Goji Bio 200 comprimés Belle et Bio
Goji Bio 200 comprimés Belle et Bio
Compléments alimentaires Goji Bio 200 comprimés Belle et Bio Le Goji bio 200 comprimes Belle et Bio contient de la baie de Goji, Le goji aussi connu sous le terme de baie de goji est le nom occidental de la baie du lyciet commun et du lyciet de Chine. Le Goji est un fruit d origine tibetaine, qui correspond a un sigle chinois proche de l appellation de fruit de la longevite. Ses polysaccharides

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