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lyak12 · 3 months ago
Lots and lots and lots and lot and lots of forehead smooches for uuuuuuuu
Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
Loveee youuuu ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Thank you for always having my back and lighting up my mood♡♡♡♡♡
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hereliesbitches--me · 6 years ago
@quantahope liked for  a starter!
She checked the file again.   Once, twice. Three times to be sure.
To be certain of every detail. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again.  Mistakes cause accidents. Accidents caused lives. And she couldn’t afford to lose another.        It occurred to Rosie that she hadn’t checked twice the last time.              Perhaps if she had been more attentive, Rocky would still be alive.
She made a face at the thought. her lips pulling into a bitter frown as she stared at the compiled papers in her hands.    ‘ Ya makin’ dat face again, cat.’ Rosie didn’t have to look up to recognize the voice -- the accent -- nor did she want to; It wasn't real.                     He wasnt real.     ‘ Ya face gon’ get stuck like dat. don’ worry so much.’ His accent was a sound she took comfort in, once upon a time. It was home... blissful assurance of his presence. No more. Now it sends a cold chill down her spine, coiling dread in her gut like a heavy weight in her body. Instead, she focused her eyes on the papers in hand, narrowing upon the fine print til she drowned out all else. Anything that curved the urge to look at the murky cadaver that smiled next to her. Rosie occupied herself by tracing the printed words on the page, memorizing maps and directions until it became engraved into her brain. Her hands felt clammy, her cheeks growing hot despite the cool air that circulated about the jet cabin. It was only she and the Angels. They were real.         Her love had died months ago. And there was no changing that. Her grip tightened and crinkled the papers in her hold.   “Hey, Rosie, you okay?”     Amy brought her out of her thoughts with a gentle hand on her shoulder. By instinct, Rosie had flinched when she realized the physical sensation resting on her body, but her attention was drawn out nonetheless.  “I’m fine, just thinking.” Rosie answered curtly, with noted defense. She nudged off the hand briskly and took a short, haggard breath.   Things hadn’t been the same since their last mission. She hadn’t come back the same. Months of grieving and guilt, drowning her sorrows in a bottle had put her out of commission. Rosie hardly had enough energy to maintain herself, after everything was poured into holding herself together just enough for her kids. Her anxiety in returning to the project was no secret to her team.       But it was time to grow up,    she told herself bitterly, and willed herself back onto shaky feet.          This isn’t what he would have wanted.    “ Relax a bit. We have a few hours before we land, then you can go robotic leader overdrive. ”   The spy gave Rosie a knowing, sympathetic look, much to Rosie’s own annoyance. But Rosie knew she meant well. Amy gave a pat to her leg and smiled with a warmth in hopes of perhaps soothing their leader, “ Maybe take a nap. You look like you need the beauty sleep.”  To that, Rosie said nothing. She simply looked around the cabin at all her sleeping teammates.  The cadaver was gone. Perhaps she should get some sleep.. Even if she knew the awful things that awaited in her dreams.  She needed the energy.
     By the time they had landed, it was still early in the afternoon. Ironically, compared to the time they left, they were now an hour behind the time it would have been in New York City. Wisconsin was different from the concrete jungle they called home. It was Jacob, Amy, Fei, Lyak, Zoey, and Kasimir that Rosie had picked for this trip. Each bringing their own particular skill sets to the game which Rosie felt would best fit their investigation. Though, Rosie has a hard time imagining why they were needed when the city they were headed to seemed so small. She rather bring her heavy hitters, than be sorry for it later.       This was farming country. Small, close knit towns where everyone knew everyone. The worst things that happened here were drunks, cow tipping, and gun blazing idiots. Maybe aliens. But to need the Angels to come investigate? It was either Ed or the government that saw something to gain. Rosie minded herself to not be so careless about the situation. To underestimate could lead to dire consequences , and she was not ready to pay so heavily again.  They needed to get to their safehouse soon. To unpack and get planning. Rosie looked into her file one last time before the group gathered into the military truck, and then they were off.
   The drive was hardly maybe half an hour. The usual pairs talked, the usual few sat in silence, all while Rosie was left to her thoughts.  When they arrived, they poured out in a uniform line onto the watered green lawn they would call their own for the next few weeks until they solved the case. Rosie stood aside with her dufflebag as she watched the group take their belongings and quickly shuffle into the safe house. It was a nice, sizely two story home, surrounded by lots of crop fields.The nearest neighbors were a few miles away, which promised working in peace.  Their driver left them once all the gear was unloaded. He gave a stoic nod and a tip of his hat to Rosie, to which she nodded back, and then he drove away to leave her once again. For a few minutes she watched the dust cloud form behind the heavy vehicle, til it disappeared into a black speck over a hill. Once gone, she went back into the details of her file report expectantly, then raised her head to scan around her. In search of something that was suppose to be there, but was not. She frowned in a way that scrunched her face, then checked the digital watch on her wrist.     He’s late. Not good. 
    Punctuality was a peeve of hers.  He should have already been here. In her aggravation, Rosie looked to the paper again to see if perhaps her deprived mind had made a mistake,  despite herself. She checked the name, the meet time, and found things were as she planned. Things were not going according to plan.  Again, there came that nagging feeling that ached in her bones. Tilting her head back, she glared angrily into the sky with an angry groan. Setting her stuff down fully and pacing about the grass, she was just about to make a call when something caught her attention.  There came the crunching of gravel in the distance. 
It was an old pickup truck, whose driver she could not make out in the kicked up dust that came from the dirt road they drove on.     That must be him... The ache in her muscles quickly subsided as her body relaxed. Her face smoothed out with sweet relief.     Back on schedule.
Rosie made her way over at a leisure pace, waving her hand through the dust cloud and snorting to keep it out of her nose. She walked around the hood and made some attempt to make out the figure inside the car as she did, waving politely through the haze just as the engine cut off. The door opened, and out emerged a tall man. 
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“ I was just about to complain that you were late.   You came just in the nick of time. I’m impressed. ”   Rosie opened the conversation playfully as she came around her meet him, her voice smooth and adjusted for civility and diplomacy. She made her space right up against the car door as the haze of smoke finally passed and drifted with the breeze, at last fully able to get a look at him, she offered her hand. 
   “ Are you our guide, Wendell?          My name is Rosie. ”
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lyak12 · 3 months ago
Sad to see you not writing anymore but totally understand why. Thank you for all the amazing fics you have written and if you ever do write again I will be here waiting.
Thank you anon, that's very cute and I really appreciate your support.
If you have something you really want me to write, don't hesitate to send it in. Maybe I'll give it a shot:)
Love you lots♡♡♡
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