lxkeeeee · 2 years
Adeptus [y/n]: damn you're so short
Adeptus Xiao : well put some inches in me then
Adeptus [y/n]: what—
Adeptus Xiao : wHAT—
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
Xiao: Morax died for me? Damn that's manipulative
[y/n]: he didn't stay dead either, so add gaslighting into the mix
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
One Kiss
xiao x male!adeptus reader
↬mlm, mildly spicy scene, fetishisizers dni!
↬xiao notices some humans kissing and got curious.
↬hundreds of years of oblivious mutual pining, internalized homophobia but he soon understand so don't worry lol (xiao), long time best friends to lovers trope, swearing, short drabble, and ooc xiao.
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Xiao doesn't understand humans, he never do—that's why majority of the time he tends to avoid them not just to save them from his karma, but humans in general are very confusing—especially their practices and culture, he's a complete boomer, be gentle with him.
You might be thinking that he's alone most of the time but I assure you that he absolutely isn't—why would he? He has his long time adeptus bestfriend ever since the archon war, and is named [y/n]?
The first time they met was very anticlimactic, xiao was never really sociable ever since then and even right now. The [h/c] haired adeptus made it his personal mission to befriend the certain Yaksha.
It started off as a simple game of cat and mouse, with him hiding from the [h/c] haired adeptus. It was annoying to him.
But things escalated, he started to slowly enjoyed their banter.
Those feelings soon evolved into something warmer.
He hated it, the butterflies in his stomach or the way his cheeks heat up when the certain adeptus enters the same room as him.
He swore that the adeptus carries some sort of disease, he just don't know what kind of disease and so he went to his archon for some sort of advice.
He told Morax about it and the archon just chuckled before ruffling his hair and told him "to not worry about it and you'll soon realize."
Like sir, it's been decades. what soon are we talking about?
Xiao just sighs and just silently agreed whatever his archon suggested and decided to actually accept the [h/c] haired adeptus' presence.
Even until today, he still has no idea what Morax meant. Thankfully, he and [y/n] managed to get along well—if he tries to ignore the fuzzy feeling enveloping his chest.
Everyone—Yanfei, Morax, Madam Ping, Cloud Retain, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver, Ganyu and etc. can see the way he looks at the [h/c] haired adeptus, they didn't tell him though—they had a bet going on.
He sighed as his eyes stared at the two young boys, their hair colors just a different shade of blue—light and dark blue.
He's currently at the Wangshu Inn, at the highest floor—golden eyes scanning the people going in and out of the inn.
His eyes widened when he saw the dark blue haired teen gave the other light blue haired teen a quick peck on the lips—a teasing smile etching to their face afterwards.
Xiao watched the two walked out of the inn, small complains from the light blue haired male and chuckled from the darker blue haired male can be faintly heard.
Xiao sat on the balcony railings, confusion written on his face.
'aren't those types of kisses only for couples?' he asked himself, finding it odd and slightly weird to see someone kiss the same gender.
This is a first time for xiao to see, so he is extremely confused.
His golden eyes linger on the spot where the teens once stood..
His mind can't stop thinking about the intimate actions from the two teens.
'what if I kissed [y/n] like that?' he unconsciously thought.
His face immediately burst into a flaming shade of red, an image of him and a certain adeptus kissing—now constantly replaying on his mind.
Xiao shook his head, immediately feeling the cold Liyue air—cooling down his flaming cheeks. He huffs in annoyance.
"How foolish, thinking of those thoughts about [y/n]" he huffs in annoyance, not noticing a certain adeptus walking into the balcony the same as he, with confusion in his face and two plates of almond tofu on his hands.
"What thoughts?" A familiar voice asked out of blue.
Xiao never whipped his head so fast, he swore he almost fell off the balcony.
Xiao's amber like eyes filled with panic meeting [e/c] one's filled with extreme confusion.
Xiao huffs in annoyance and [y/n] can only raise his eyebrow in slightly offended way.
Like damn, what did he do—
"It's nothing." Xiao says as he took the plate or almond tofu [y/n] handed to him.
"Okay...." [Y/n] says, suspicious of what the actual fuck is wrong with Xiao, [y/n] took the spare seat near the balcony, xiao still in the railings like the menace he is.
[Y/n] watched the Yaksha a curious gaze, trying to decipher what has gotten the mood down of the so called vigilant yaksha, and also to admire that yaksha's pretty face of course.
Meanwhile xiao, had an internal debate. The image of him and the adeptus sitting near him—kissing.
It's sending him to a spiraling mess. Chest feels warm and fuzzy and there's a huge urge to just kiss the adeptus right now.
But it feels wrong to think about [y/n] that way, so he just tried to shake away the thoughts.
Eventually forgetting to eat the almond tofu.
[Y/n] just stared at the Yaksha in confusion. Like, why isn't he eating yet? [Y/n] swore that xiao can inhale that shit in seconds if it's just them.
[Y/n] cleared his throat, "Xiao? Is there something wrong?" He softly asks, making xiao snapped out of his spiraling thoughts.
Xiao sighed, avoiding the [h/c] adeptus' gaze.
"It's nothing to worry about." He says and [y/n] isn't buying it.
"Xiao?" [Y/n] calls out again, too tired to deal with Xiao's shit. "What's wrong, really?"
Xiao sighed, still avoiding the other male's gaze.
"It's nothing." Xiao replied, still forgetting to eat the tofu.
"......" Xiao didn't reply, yet already starting to feel slightly annoyed with [y/n].
"Xia—" [y/n] attempted to say before getting cut off by the Yaksha, "is it weird..." Xiao paused.
"Of what?"
Xiao turned to look at the other male who had a confused look his face.
[Y/n] looks so handsome against the midnight sky.
"If two boys kissed?" He paused, uncertainty in his voice. "Like on the lips like lovers?" He nervously asked, already preparing to burn this weird fantasies of him kissing the [h/c] haired adeptus to the depths of hell.
[Y/n] hummed in thought, every second feels like an hour to xiao and is putting him into a sense of dread.
"Of course not." [Y/n] answered truthfully, a glint in his eyes. Xiao can't help but stare at their orbs.
"Times have changed, Liyue has changed. Everyone can love any gender they want. It's still love." [Y/n] softly says, the way his eyes looked at Xiao with adoration.
But unfortunately xiao is still oblivious and is busy fantasizing him kissing the [h/c] male.
Xiao hummed in thought, he felt nervous.
He doesn't know why but, he decided to continue on what he's planning on saying.
Xiao looked at [y/n] with a nervous look in his face, [y/n] thinks that it's the first time seeing that emotion on the vigilant Yaksha's face.
"Then it isn't weird that I want to kiss you...?" He asked, voice slowly becoming smaller at the end.
[Y/n]'s mind went blank, his chest erupted into a fuzzy and fluttery feeling, his cheeks slowly starting to warm up.
Xiao can only look away in embarrassment, "forget I said anything." He can feel his tiny little heart slowly break.
"It... It isn't weird xiao..." [Y/n] softly says.
Xiao's ears flutter up when he heard [y/n] say that, he slowly turned around to look at the [H/c] male, who's face held such strong adoration for him.
"Why would it be weird if I too also want to kiss you?" [Y/n] shyly says, Xiao finally noticing the red hue on the [h/c] adeptus' ears.
Xiao felt his face burn and turn red, both males just looking away from each other as steam comes out of their red and burning faces.
Xiao huffs before hopping off the railings, having second thoughts of what he's about to do.
[Y/n] looked at Yaksha curiously. [Y/n]'s face burned even more when Xiao slowly sat on his lap—facing him.
Xiao took a deep breath to calm his erratic heart.
"Then would you mind if I kiss you right now..?" Xiao softly asks, face flushed.
"I certainly wouldn't mind..." [Y/n] softly says as Xiao cupped his cheeks.
Xiao leaned in, and goodness. It's so soft.
Just like he imagined.
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