#lwf era
subversa · 2 years
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Marilyn Manson photographed by Anthony Silva (2005)
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the-memphista · 2 years
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Marilyn Manson photographed by Piper Ferguson
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skold · 3 years
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i don’t want to fully read myself because of known blog lurker t*m sk*ld but i do have several dozen from lwf era/aag tour even tho they are not all this makeup or even stage photos because i’m a fucking weirdo with a folder of old tim shit backed up
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lollimewirek · 6 years
qual o significado da tua url?
basicamente, quando eu criei esse meu tumblrzinho, qnd se digitava “lol limewire” no google e ia no “estou com sorte” dava nisso
posso dizer que era viciada na musiquinha e por isso essa url ahsudiah
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Lady Windermere’s Fan Representation Reflection
¿What themes are present in LWF?
Lady Windermere is, as many other plays written by Oscar Wilde, full of themes that make the reader reflect themselves on the stories.
For instance, we can clearly observe the importance of appearances in the development of the play. It is practically based on the routine of the Victorian Era and how mucho of these “values” solely relied on appearances and not sincere and honest circumstances. It is truly the characters` purpose to maintain these appearances and be faithful to them despite everything.
Another theme that can be identified is motherhood- how Ms Erlynne was not  the perfect example of a good mother for the fact that she left lady Windermere when she was just a child. This also shows how the Victorian Era mothers prioritized more banal things rather than looking thoroughly to their children’s education and raising.
Friendship is another theme that shapes the play itself. This is the basis for a lot of the relationships among characters. For instance, we can easily identify friendship as one of the core themes because Lady Windermere herself throws a birthday party and invites all of her social interests. Although most of the interactions are based on appearances and convenience, this sense of friendship and the sense of belonging shows itself gracefully throughout all of the play and how characters carry out their interactions and social life. 
Lady Windermere is a play full of themes, which enriches the work and makes the final objective be clearly shown throughout the use of different literary resources.
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leonardovargas09 · 7 years
4rd Refection
1. How does Oscar Wilde criticize English society of this time through Lady Windermere's Fan (LWF)?
Oscar Wilde uses character´s dialogues to give away his own critics and perspective of society. He includes many perspectives, some of them are from the viewpoint of women. During the party, women describe men as unfaithful human beings that must be controlled my them in order to keep the marriage. In some escenarios women talk of men as if they were superior, with much more benefits and liberties. Of course, English society of that time was characterized because of those big distinctions between men and women, and Oscar Wilde shape the idea within those specific dialogues. There are some characters like Lady Windermere, that have a whole new viewpoint of marriage, love and even gender distinctions. Other characters dust as Duchess of Berwick are more traditional, and keep the same perspective and ideal during the hole play. Within the discussions between characters, Oscar Wilde makes his critics, and also gives his own opinion of how the society must have been.
2. What themes are there in LWF?
Lady Windermere´s Fan has a lot of themes on it. Some of them are more developed of course, and some of them require more effort and analysis to be found. The main theme of the play is Love. Love is what inspire, motivate and move the main characters in the play. Their decisions are based in love, and related feelings. Characters like Lady Windermere base their judgment in love, and her passion is based in the same feeling. Another theme that contrast the previous one is jealousy. During the Victorian Era, gossips were part of the society. People was so used to it, that it was part of their life. Gossip was the main reason of jealousy between marriages, and also of misfortunes. Jealousy is present between every couple in the play, and it's consequences and impact on character´s life is more than clear.
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Reflection 4
In-between this one and last week, we’ve been going over Lady Windermere’s Fan, a play written by Oscar Wilde in the Victorian Era.
The period in which the play was written and represented is a major factor to understand the work and Wilde’s intention behind it. This is owing to the fact that Victorian morality was greatly imposed. Victorian Morality is a set of values and principles imposed to and by society to establish proper behaviour.
1. How does Oscar Wilde criticize English society of this time through Lady Windermere's Fan (LWF)?
The main purpose or intention that Oscar Wilde displays in Lady Windermere’s Fan is to expose the lack of morals and therefore, hypocrisy within the Victorian Morality.
One of the main resources used to criticise society is the character of Mrs. Erlynne. She is a strong, independent and self aware woman who is harshly condemned for committing adultery even though her husband had done her wrong too. With her character, Wilde demonstrates the double standards present in Victorian society, given that men were not judged while women were lambasted for the same wrongdoing. 
Wilde also criticises English society by the usage of sarcastic or ironic language, which assists in making the critique slightly more subtle and cunning. than just bluntly calling out on Victorian Morality
2.  What themes are there in LWF?
Trust- represented by the fan one of the most significant symbols in the play.
Motherhood- or even lack thereof given that Mrs. Erlynne cannot confess the kinship between her and Lady Windermere
Double Standard- Exhibited by comparing male and female roles as well as marriage in the Victorian Era. 
0 notes
How to get your hands on Payroll Software.
What is Web Based Payroll Software? Payroll can be a standout amongst the most difficult parts of working your business. This implies you require payroll management software that gets results. When you swing to us, you will discover our web based payroll software gives all of you the components you require in a simple to-use bundle. You will have the capacity to lessen your HR staff and keep up exact records so your representatives are paid the perfect sum, on time, without fail. We offer the best HRMS solution for your business.
Web based payroll management software from Gizmosys Solutions is extraordinarily design remembering different payroll managers, Auditors, HR and administration entities included.
We at helpful comprehend representatives affectability towards salary. CFO, finance directors and Auditors challenge towards consistence.
Managements see as far as the organizations ROI per employee and however regular accomplish the HR center objective of employees fulfillment.
Payroll Overview
Gizmosys Solutions web based payroll management module permits organizations to produce exact payroll and different challans effectively and easily.
The system consequently computes all expenses on the employee's pay slips and helps the business to agree to every statutory prerequisite like PF, ESIC, PT, LWF, Gratuity and Bonus. Business and employee can access up to date payroll information whenever over the web.
Payroll Layout
Gizmosys Payroll permits organizations to arrange salary structure grade wise and area insightful according to their organization approach.
Gizmosys Payroll is coordinated with employees leave module, creating precise paid days, which is the essential contribution for exact payroll generation.
 Payroll Creation
Organizations can create payroll area wise, department wise, distribute salary and produce online pay slips and Bank NEFT articulation, track employees dispensing and hold cases.
Full and Final settlement should be possible without hardly lifting a finger.
Gizmosys has outlined extremely basic and easy to use representative self-administration [ESS] module. ESS permits representatives to transfer venture assertion on the web, check singular assessment extend and calculation, worker progresses/advances, costs guarantee, repayments and ADHOC/variable pays. Form16, e-TDS era is done on click of button.
 Salary Hike & Arrears calculation
Increment management module permits distributing of pay increment date and setting of payment date of augmented salary.
Process the arrears as a result of increment and permits discharge on the set dates.
Arrears calculation because of extra working/over time [OT], leave disparity and its impacts on PF and ESIC arrears can be consistently done utilizing Gizmosys Payroll administration module.
Incentive management module is an incorporated part of Opportune Payroll, which helps in incentive estimations, track payment, manages loans and advances against incentives earned. Tax calculation on procuring from incentive is likewise some portion of TDS estimation and Form 16.
 Reporting, MIS & Accounting Integration
MIS are accessible department wise; area wise, across business functions, cost center wise for payroll administrators, HR and management, reports can be exported in different formats which can further be utilized for analytical and averting payroll related cheats.
Gizmosys payroll supports joining with different accounting software like SAP, Microsoft Navision, Tally User rights and workflow can be designed in Gizmosys Payroll system
'Gizmosys web based payroll management module, gathers all applicable data in one place in electronic format, lessening botches by disposing of the need to synchronize and oversee generally copy information which diminishes the costs identified with payroll management'
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seputarbisnis · 7 years
KN-LWF Gelar Seminar Pophetic Diakonia Related To Power And Structure
Pematangsiantar (SIB)- Dalam rangka memperingati 500 Tahun Reformasi Marthin Luther, Komite Nasional Lutheran World Federation Indonesia (KN-LWF) menggelar seminar akhir pekan lalu, dengan thema Prophetic Diakonia Related To Power and Structure. Seminar dibuka Sekretaris Eksekutif KN-LWF Pdt Basa Hutabarat MMIN, dengan pembicara Kadep Diakonia HKBP Pdt Debora Sinaga MTh dan Direktur Karina FM Pastor Thomas Sinabariba OFMCap. Koordinator Diakonia KN LWF Indonesia Janri Damanik kepada SIB mengharapkan agar gereja semakin menyuarakan hal-hal menyangkut kehidupan manusia seperti ketidakadilan, pengerusakan lingkungan hidup, diskriminasi, kemiskinan dan lainnya. Diharapkannya untuk tidak larut dalam liturgi dan ibadah, pembinaan fisik, namun juga didorong menjadi jemaat yang diakonal, siap diperbaharui dan memperbaharui. Kerjasama antar pelaku diakonia dalam bentuk aksi bersama sangatlah dibutuhkan. Sementara itu, Kepala Departemen Diakonia HKBP Pdt Debora Sinaga MTh mengatakan, sifat dan sikap gereja dalam ber-diakonia berdasar pada sifat dan sikap Yesus Kristus sebagaimana telah dinyatakan dan dilakukan di dalam pelayanan-Nya. Sebagaimana Kristus hidup demikianlah juga gereja hidup. Yesus Kristus bukan hidup untuk diri-Nya sendiri tetapi juga untuk orang lain. Demikian juga orang Kristen telah menjadi warga gereja atau tubuh Kristus. Baik secara pribadi maupun secara bersama-sama, gereja harus melakukan pelayanan terhadap sesama anggota pesekutuan dan terhadap orang lain di luar persekutuan. Berdasarkan kasih inilah semua pelayanan gereja dilaksanakan. Oleh karena itu, semua pelayanan haruslah menjadi suatu jawaban terhadap Allah yang lebih dahulu mengasihi kita. Jadi, konsep diakonia ditentukan keseluruhannya oleh Yesus Kristus melalui kehidupan, pekerjaan dan perkataan-Nya. Dari sudut pandang sosiologi dapatlah dikatakan bahwa diakonia merupakan suatu sikap solidaritas yang mendalam terhadap orang lain berdasarkan kasih. Solidaritas itu diwujudkan dalam diakonia. Artinya dalam diakonia ada sikap tanpa pamrih, sikap yang menekankan hidup bersama dengan tidak mencari keuntungan diri sendiri. Karenanya tujuan pekerjaan diakonal adalah membantu orang lain dan menempatkannya pada posisi yang benar di hadapan sesama manusia dan Tuhan Allah. Memperdulikan keberadaan umat manusia secara utuh yaitu kebutuhan rohani, jasmani dan kebutuhan sosial. Tujuan diakonia juga mendukung realisasi sebuah persekutuan cinta kasih dan membangun serta mengarahkan orang untuk hidup di dalamnya. Oleh sebab itu, diakonia mempunyai fungsi kritis dalam jemaat maupun di dalam masyarakat. Adapun bentuk-bentuk diakonia seperti Diakonia Karitatif adalah diakonia yang lebih cenderung menekankan perbuatan belas kasihan yang bersifat kedermawanan atau pemberian secara sukarela. Motivasi perbuatan karitatif pada dasarnya adalah dorongan prikemanusiaan yang bersifat naluriah semata-mata. Diakonia Reformatif atau Pembangunan. Yang mana model diakonia ini lebih menekankan pembangunan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah Community Development  seperti pembangunan pusat kesehatan, penyuluhan, bimas, usaha bersama simpan pinjam, dan lain-lain. Diakonia Transformatif tidak bisa dilepaskan dari misi Allah untuk meyelamatkan isi dunia di mana pembangunan gereja tidak boleh menjadi penghalang dan hilangnya semangat diakonia transformatif dari orang percaya. Untuk itu, diakonia transformatif memiliki tendensi pada  beberapa dimensi kehidupan, yaitu Diakonia sebagai ibadah,Diakonia sebagai upaya untuk melestarikan lingkungan hidup,Diakonia sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan perdamaian dan persaudaraan dengan sesama manusia. Diakonia sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan keadilan sosial dan perwujudan Kerajaan Allah,Diakonia sebagai upaya menciptakan kemanusiaan dan kesejahteraan bagi semua. Prophetic Diakonia masa kini sudah semakin tidak terdengar karena keperdulian gereja terhadap orang-orang yang termarginalisasi semakin terabaikan akibat pengaruh globalisasi di bidang teknologi dan informasi bahkan era digital saat ini karena rasa kebersamaan sudah digantikan dengan sifat individiualisme dan egoisme yang semakin tinggi. Orang lebih suka berkomunikasi di dunia maya dengan media sosial yang ada dibandingkan dengan dunia sekelilingnya yang secara langsung bisa menerima dampaknya jika terjadi hubungan timbal balik, interaksi, melalui tatap muka, dialog yang secara langsung. (C03/h) http://dlvr.it/NnLq6c
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subversa · 2 years
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Lily Cole and Marilyn Manson during the 56th Berlinale, 2006
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subversa · 2 years
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Dita von Teese and Marilyn Manson at British Harper's Bazaar Launch Party, 2006
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the-memphista · 2 years
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this look my god
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subversa · 2 years
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MTV icon 2004
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subversa · 2 years
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By Dean Chalkley (2004)
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skold · 7 years
me: i hate tim’s dreads/braids i’m glad they only lasted one era
also me, watching any LWF promo or against all gods tour bootlegs: holy shit tim **** in my ******* and ***** me in the ******* till ** ***** ***
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How Web Based Payroll Software Helps your Business!
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What is Web Based Payroll Software?
Payroll can be a standout amongst the most difficult parts of working your business.
This implies you require payroll management software that gets results.
When you swing to us, you will discover our
web based payroll software
gives all of you the components you require in a simple to-use bundle.
You will have the capacity to lessen your HR staff and keep up exact records so your representatives are paid the perfect sum, on time, without fail. We offer the best
HRMS solution
for your big and small business.
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Web based payroll management software
from Gizmosys Solutions is extraordinarily design remembering different payroll managers, Auditors, HR and administration entities included.
We at helpful comprehend representatives affectability towards salary. CFO, finance directors and Auditors challenge towards consistence.
Managements see as far as the organizations ROI per employee and however regular accomplish the HR center objective of employees fulfillment.
Payroll Overview
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web based payroll management module
permits organizations to produce exact payroll and different challans effectively and easily.
The system consequently computes all expenses on the employee's pay slips and helps the business to agree to every statutory prerequisite like PF, ESIC, PT, LWF, Gratuity and Bonus.
Business and employee can access up to date payroll information whenever over the web.
Payroll Layout
Gizmosys Payroll permits organizations to arrange salary structure grade wise and area insightful according to their organization approach.
Gizmosys Payroll is coordinated with employees leave module, creating precise paid days, which is the essential contribution for exact payroll generation.
Payroll Creation
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Organizations can create payroll area wise, department wise, distribute salary and produce online pay slips and Bank NEFT articulation, track employees dispensing and hold cases.
Full and Final settlement should be possible without hardly lifting a finger.
Gizmosys has outlined extremely basic and easy to use representative self-administration [ESS] module. ESS permits representatives to transfer venture assertion on the web,
check singular assessment extend and calculation, worker progresses/advances, costs guarantee, repayments and ADHOC/variable pays. Form16, e-TDS era is done on click of button.
Salary Hike & Arrears calculation
Increment management module permits distributing of pay increment date and setting of payment date of augmented salary.
Process the arrears as a result of increment and permits discharge on the set dates.
Arrears calculation because of extra working/over time [OT], leave disparity and its impacts on PF and ESIC arrears can be consistently done utilizing Gizmosys Payroll administration module.
Incentive management module is an incorporated part of Opportune Payroll, which helps in incentive estimations, track payment, manages loans and advances against incentives earned. Tax calculation on procuring from incentive is likewise some portion of TDS estimation and Form 16.
Reporting, MIS & Accounting Integration
MIS are accessible department wise; area wise, across business functions, cost center wise for payroll administrators,
HR and management, reports can be exported in different formats which can further be utilized for analytical and averting payroll related cheats.
Gizmosys payroll supports joining with different accounting software like SAP, Microsoft Navision, Tally User rights and workflow can be designed in Gizmosys Payroll system
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cloud payroll software
module, gathers all applicable data in one place in electronic format, lessening botches by disposing of the need to synchronize and oversee generally copy information which diminishes the costs identified with payroll management'. Moreover Gizmosys Solutions also offers
payroll outsourcing service in Mumbai
Payroll software in Mumbai
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