#lvscinvs / aemond / the boy with the thorn in his side behind the hatred there lies a murderous desire for love.
caointeag · 2 months
azmenka / maron / a living reminder of why men fear the sea.
wornkindness / amelia / summer sunshine sweet as honey.
robb / everyone loved robb because robb was easy to love. arya / she was joyous and wild. lyarra prayed she never changed.
sandor / for a man so adept at killing his eyes were remarkably soft.
sansa / lyarra worried about sansa constantly. she was so gentle and the world so cruel. night / night was as much a part of her as robb or jon. if they were her right arm the wolf was the left.
torrhen iii / there was no mistaking who the boy’s father was with his pitch black hair and sharp blue eyes.
ship : maron / fhir a' bhàta na hóro éile. mo shoraidh slàn dhuit's gach àit' an téid thu!
lvscinvs / aemond / the boy with the thorn in his side behind the hatred there lies a murderous desire for love.
ship : aemond / i am doing something i hate for you. this is what it means to be in love.
edrurysz / helaena / you will see her and it will always be like having your throat cut. just that fast.
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