#luxurious project woodland
cheesy-cryptid · 1 year
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Thought Id repost my old art series from last year about my fae ocs i keep drawing again [ here 1 and here 2 ] 🌷🌷🌷 this story was drawn by me and written by @widdlefangs as a collab based on this prompt
| A young boy was visited by royal fae guards one day, who so happen to have searched far and wide… for his little home economics project |
“The Boy and the Flower”
Perhaps it was a memory, or just the vivid imagination of a lonely child. But he swore that there was a time he was a protector of the woodland realm. He wasn’t particularly special in any way or form, but one thing he did have was his undeniably vivid imagination. The conjured sight of a knight, a cricket, and their sparrow mount, kindly requesting him for his 1st grade home economics project. “What shall it be sir, that eases your heart in parting with your callalily treasure? Be it great or many, we are prepared to compensate you for such a loss,” said the knight. “Our Queen is gravely ill, and your flower is the only remedy,” he stutters, an aching worry deep-set in his eyes, “we folk do not usually take any thing that doesn’t belong to us…maybe borrow a little here and there… but as a token of our respect, we humbly ask for your permission. Thus, young one, what shall it be?”
Looking back, he could have asked for riches or the rarest jewels, but his young mind was bereft of that adult greed, instead he asked, “Take me with you then, let me give it to her myself.” ---
The flower was not particularly special in any way or form, he thinks. Just a bloom that is as beautiful as any other bloom. He follows the knight’s quickened footsteps as best as he can into the chamber of the Queen.
He did not even have the luxury of beholding the majesties of the realm around him.
There beyond the sheer curtains was, whom he assumed was the Fae King, the crown of ancient wood resting upon his troubled brow, and in his arms, the pale husk of a Queen. 
He falls to his knees and the King, in his worried state, wordlessly beckons for him to feed the bloom to the Queen. Laboriously, she takes the fragile petals between her cold lips. 
 She lays still for a moment, and perhaps a moment too long, until her chest rises, rises still, and she floats as the light consumes her fully, and the little boy beholds her in naked flame, terrible and divine in all her splendor.  ---
“Well then,” she swirls around him like the wind, “who is the young one who gave up his greatest treasure to save my life?”
 She took small his hands between his, the pale golden warmth speaking true that she yet draws breath.
“It’s only a flower, not really special. It’s no big deal,” he grinned his little gap-tooth grin. “I can grow more if you like, my teacher just said I need more seeds.”
 He looked at the plant, now quite more plain looking without its white crown, yet still stands proud, a stubborn stalk.
The Queen gently tilts his chin up, “It was not the flower, my dear one, that cured me. It was your gift.” 
“And then what happened after that?” piped up his dear friend, who was clinging to her seat in anticipation.
“And then,” he prompted, “they gave me this cool pin!” he declared, proudly brandishing a metal flower refrigerator magnet, tied on a piece of yarn.
“I am an official protector of the woodland realm, and a savior of her Majesty, the Fae Queen!”
His friends cheered for him, and after a day playing in the neighborhood park, they decided to get some yoghurt from the local store.
Prior to his little adventure, he believed himself not special in any particular way or form, just like his little flower.
But just like his little unassuming calla lily, his courage saved the Queen.
He didn’t need to imagine it at all. 
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invisible-shadow · 9 months
Illager hierarchy
I feel like Evokers hold the most power, they always get final say. Vindicators serve as their bodyguards and do stuff related to raids. Pillagers are the subjects/followers. Witches and other illagers are usually higher ups.
More detailed version below.
• They are the highest rank. Usually only found in the woodland mansion. • They have 3 divisions, each with varying level of power.
• What division an evoker falls under may be dictated either by their family status or by their powers.
• The most powerful are those amongst the high council. They make decisions that affect everyone, in the mansion or not. Some Evokers in the high council are known to be unjust. Those who disobey the high council will face death. • The second most powerful are the Evokers that participate on raids. They work closely with the vindicators who plan the raids, often advising and instructing tactics and strategies. During the raid they must be obeyed. Illusioners, Geomancers, windcallers etc often fall into this division but are often deemed to be more powerful that a regular evoker in this division. • The lowest rank of evoker also resides in the mansion. They play no role in raids not the high council, but in other matters. They may be embassies or diplomats for the mansion. Sometimes they supervise projects commissioned by the high council.
They are second on the hierarchy
They have a vast range of roles in the mansion, what they do depends on their family status and physical strength.
The highest ranked role is helping plan raids, vindicators in this role tend to be well respected and live lavishly. They rule over the pillagers in accordance to the high council Evokers. They work closely with Evokers that take part in raid, but many of these vindicators choose not to take part in raids.
Also amongst the highest ranks are vindicators who were hand selected by Evokers to be their bodyguards. They are very loyal and close to their Evokers, often they will cover up the Evokers’ scandals because without them they wouldn’t have luxuries.
The second highest rank includes vindicators the take part in raids. They, also, are to be obeyed but what the evoker says will always overrule what they say. It is seen as a honourable role to have. They make sure what is obtained from the raid is distributed accordingly, most goes back to the mansion.
The lowest rank will often do jobs around the mansion. Whether that be cooking, looking after others or maintaining equipment. Sometimes they are raid captains.
The highest rank are the raid captains. They overlook and lead the raid. They take orders directly from those who plan the raids. Whilst not raiding, it is their responsibility to protect the outpost and the pillagers in it.
The lowest rank in the hierarchy are the regular pillagers. They live fairly normal lives but can be called upon to participate in raids and have some aspects of their lives dictated by those who are higher up. Poverty is common in this rank, unless they have a very successful raid.
Witches aren’t counted as illagers, they choose how they want to live their lives freely. If they choose to involve themselves with illagers, their position on the hierarchy may depend on their abilities. Some may be kept by Evokers to be their doctors, witch would give them a higher rank. Some may be assigned to work in the mansion to make potions that may be used in raids.
Overall, they are usually in the middle of the hierarchy, but it isn’t unusual to seem them with Evokers in the high council or others Evokers.
Other types of Illager
This includes windcallers, geomancers, iceolgers, illusioners etc.
They choose how they want to spend their lives freely, but are open to working with illagers.
Due to their specialisations, they can be equal to Evokers. Their powers prove to be useful in many different ways in the mansion and on raids.
Thanks for reading until the end!
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winterpinetrees · 4 months
Into the Honest Desert (The Gap Years Part 18)
June 30th 2019
Las Vegas, NV
The road trip resumes. How does one write distinctive dialogue? How does one write (risky, involving an elf) romance? I can do neither and I must do both. 
Brian has realized that this is the island of the lotus eaters, and he really hopes that doesn’t make him Odysseus. He and his friends have spent the past nine days on the Las Vegas Strip, a few manicured miles of electric lighting that promises safety with its high population density. They left once, rediscovered the mythical horror of plague, and then turned right back around. They need vaccines, they need allies, and they need a goddamn plan. Would Brian rather risk death than stay here and wait in luxury for the end of the world? Once he rode his bike off of a woodland trail and tumbled halfway down a mountain before stumbling back out with a mad grin. He’s been hurt in fights more times than he can count, and only learned to stop once he was on a school wrestling team and seeing blood meant pausing the match. Once he swung a crowbar at an enemy soldier so hard that its ribcage shattered and it bled out into the pavement. He’s more of an Achilles than an Odysseus. He’s not desperate to make it home. 
They’re in different rooms now than when they first arrived, for the sake of secrecy. The humans have a suite of their own again, but most nights one of those beds is empty. Brian is political-dynasty-rich and a varsity star. He knows that everyone up to and including the media think he’s some manipulative jerk for sleeping around. Zerada… Zerada is a very different sort of situation. The noblewoman might as well be Circe, minus the ability to turn ancient Greek sailors into wild animals. She’s ninety-four and basically a princess and if this is a horrible choice, then he is the one that’s going to pay. Honestly though, Brian’s already on a deadly quest to save the world. In the shadow of such a stupid, self-sacrificing decision, he’s not going to bother with second thoughts. If he gets turned into a pig, then Clay and Sierra can laugh at him once he’s back to normal. He’s having a good time. He’s not an idiot. He promises. 
They’re all ready to leave this place.  Clay’s been distraught since they saw the victims of Project Excalibur, and Sierra can’t stand the noise. The three of them have been working to see where other elves might be. If they like to hide in ruins and forgotten villages, then the American West is full of possible locations. There’s so few people out here. That’s the problem though. Marin and Zerada have been very clear that their enemies know exactly where they’ve been staying, they just won’t risk an attack because there are so many people nearby. They will be hunted the moment they step out into the desert. Brian remembers the attack in Vya, that little Nevada ghost town. Clay mentioned the place to a local in another town just before he was charmed, and he assumes that the boy told on him. Of course, they also need to gather allies while maintaining utter secrecy. 
Their only advantage is speed. Sierra’s car (The Audacity, for the years it took to make) is electric and the elves can charge it while they move. It can seat five, but it certainly won’t be as comfortable. She’s confident that it can handle going a hundred miles per hour, and that she can make repairs if it comes down to it. With illusion magic and relatively desolate highways, Brian’s told everyone to expect that pace. What that actually means is that they could get to Salt Lake City or Tucson by tonight, or easily reach the Atlantic Ocean by the Fourth of July. If they make up their plans as they go, the elves think they can outrun Ishtar’s forces. They’ll have to change roads often, travel constantly, and be ready for an ambush, but it’s possible. All of that sounds less stressful than finals week, so Brian’s down for it. 
They’re leaving today, even though Zerada has booked the rooms for another night. Hopefully they’ll be lost in the shuffle of tourism and the elven government won’t notice they’ve left. Even as they leave the city, disappearing into the crowd remains their only hope. The United States of America has a population of nearly three hundred and thirty million. That’s a third as large as the entire elven world. Without data sorting algorithms (advanced technology breaks down around magic. He’s heard Sierra talking with Marin about the details), tech like license plate readers and facial recognition becomes far less useful. They’d still totally have been caught by now without Marin’s illusions, and they still have to take precautions. 
The team has split up to do some tasks of their own. (jokes about not splitting up in a horror film have been shockingly rare).  Sierra and Marin are trying to check the car for tracking devices, though the pair might have gotten distracted. Clay’s taken on the job of organizing Marin’s messenger bag so they can actually find things in the heat of the moment, and Brian’s back in the room leaving a paper trail. On some level, he and his friends got into the colleges they did because of their fathers, but they are also very good at what they do. While Marin and Zerada ran off to wherever, the three of them scanned the entire Mountain Time Zone for places where elves might hide. There’s an old rocket testing facility in Utah surrounded by industrial waste, an abandoned site once used for creating chemical weapons, and, of course, thousands of square miles of not-quite untouched wilderness. He’s packing up most of their research, but leaving a little behind. Surely the elves will search their room soon. 
The plan is to stay in the desert for a while longer.  However, most of what he’s leaving behind points north to Idaho and Montana. He’s no spy (he’s just read a few books about them) so his work isn’t anything particularly good. He imagines a bunch of paper-pushing bureaucrats in a place that looks straight out of Middle Earth getting fed up with the misinformation, but they probably won’t fall for it. Either way, they’re heading for the hottest region in the nation, and he’s worried how well Marin can handle it. He’s agile, but weak. No, not weak. The elven prince is fragile. Brian remembers his carnival duel against him and how Marin never lost a game about accuracy or balance. He’s certainly an athlete, just not the same type as Brian. 
There is a quick beep from the door. He bolts upright, hand moving to the holster on his belt. The door swings open. A tall woman smiles back at him. Zerada Adust. Brian slowly moves his hand away from the gun and smiles. Her hair is loose and she wears a stylish cut-out shirt that is probably as red as his blushing face.
“Don’t go and do Ishtar’s job for her,” she laughs. “Are you almost done? It’s about high noon”. 
“Yeah, I was just checking to make sure we hadn’t left anything important behind”. He feels this need to justify himself to Zerada, but why shouldn’t he? She has the easy confidence of a person who knows she is the most important person on a team. It’s been a long time since Brian was the star. 
“Sorry to drag you away on this quest. There isn’t much where we’re going”.
“You have no idea how human you sound. I’m from a desert family, and they love this stuff”. She leans against a wall and says something with what he guesses is a fancy elven accent, “our burden as nobility to preserve the worlds”. 
“But you wanted more”. It’s not a question. He’s already heard about Zerada’s love for all things new and thrilling. It’s a desire he recognizes, and what drew him to her in the first place. 
“I do”. 
“So the desert is it?”
“So the desert it is”.  
He gathers the few items that aren’t already with Clay and brushes imaginary dust off of his shorts. Brian has no delusions that Zerada is a kind woman. He is a passing interest to her, a boy clever and attractive enough to have earned some of her time on this deadly mission. He tells himself she would sacrifice him in an instant to save herself. It’s almost refreshing.  He throws an arm around Zerada and gives her a kiss. There’s no debts or legacies, just two people in the same space with no reason to do anything else. Unlike Clay, he is not a person with a need to plan. Worrying about something bad just hurts you twice, right? 
He finds the other three members of the party gathered around the car on the top level of an underground parking garage. The ceiling lights are dim and warm, but the car itself has Back To The Future style rear doors and cool fluorescent accents. It’s a prototype from her father’s company. It had too many flaws to go to production, but she and her mom tried to fix one themselves. The Audacity, as the Brackens call it, looks like a spaceship. It matches the Vegas Strip, but not the infrastructure underneath it, and it will be all too recognizable out in the desert.  Sierra unplugs the charging cord and tosses Brian the keys. (Luckily, the curse has mostly affected her left arm). The car can more or less drive itself but always obeys the speed limit. 
They take their seats and the doors swing down into place. Brian is the driver, his sleek black sunglasses resting on the dashboard until they get to the surface. Zerada has been offered the passenger seat again, mostly because no one dares to take it from her. Clay and Marin sit by each back window, and Sierra is in the middle. He puts the car into drive. Clay fiddles with a paper map and passes it forward. Their first stop is a state park less than an hour away, just for fun. 
The car radio crackles to life as they leave the garage and reach the surface.
“New stop or new state means new music!” Brian says triumphantly, as he’s the next one in their rotation. The radio is still set to Sierra’s 80s rock.  He prefers modern pop, specifically the more hip-hop side of things. He’s not really musical though. The Vegas Strip is a road lined by hotels on either side. All of that flair has been replaced by square buildings and dust by the time that they pull onto the Las Vegas Freeway. Nothing ahead of them rises higher than three stories above the dry ground. He can see mountains ahead, and the skyscrapers of The Strip are clear in his rearview mirror. 
They drive. He expects that the scruffy bushes and bare stone hills will be very familiar after the next few days. The whole situation is strange with Zerada in the car. She upsets the balance. Before, it had been the three of them and Marin the outsider, but he was nervous and willing to adapt. Zerada is calm and stunning and when she takes his hand while he leaves the car on autopilot he can almost feel Clay and Sierra sharing a look from the back. In an attempt to avoid talk shows, (it's fun to listen for celebrities they've met, but one host mentioned Sierra and ruined her entire day) they hear three Billie Eilish songs in ten minutes. Sierra puts her headphones on and Marin starts to argue that he has CDs in his bag. Brian shoots back that they’re all jazz and blues recordings from 1970 at the latest. Marin corrects him on the genres but not the time period. Two stops or states from now, it will be his turn to choose the music. 
After thirty minutes or so, a crag of rock rises from the tan desert. It is such a vibrant red that it looks almost like someone changed the saturation and hue of a photo. It looms beside them like a breaking wave and Brian doesn’t need his directions to tell him that they have almost reached their first stop. It’s the hottest part of the afternoon as they pull their car beside a standing rock in Valley of Fire State Park. They can’t stay for long. They need to be far away by the time they set up camp, and the heat feels like stepping into an oven. Still, he wants to hike and bike or climb the smooth sandstone. Dry heat isn’t like wet heat. He never realizes just how high the temperature has climbed until he stops for a rest and realizes that his mouth feels like he’s been eating the sand. He drinks from a water bottle and looks up. 
A metal staircase clings to the side of the rock. There are some other tourists nearby, or standing at the top. The metal railings are too hot to hold as the five of them climb the steps to a platform overlooking a slanted rock wall. He’s no geologist, but the rock is covered with a black tarnish, and that tarnish has been scraped away to show symbols. There are humanoid drawings, animals with horns, and geometric shapes. A sign calls them petroglyphs, rock carvings, and explains that they are about two thousand years old. Thirty human lifetimes, or just four elven ones. Marin and Zerada can trace their families back at least twice that far into the past. He stares at the carvings, and then back at the tourists, and down to the shining car. He’d been hoping to double back to the Grand Canyon at some point, but suddenly Brian has no desire to feel small. He rests his head on Zerada’s shoulder on the way back down. This, at least, is important. 
I drove from Vegas to Valley of Fire a couple of years ago. The rocks really do look edited in person. Like this!
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Also, to make it clear, Brian is an idiot. He is eighteen and he knows full well that Zerada specializes in charms, mental manipulation, and power. This will not end well. 
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darry-rules · 6 months
Abandoned by Dandy
You may have heard about the Dandy Corporation’s modern-day ghost towns. A company as large and as long-lasting as Dandy Co. is bound to make a few mistakes, and when they do, it’s often cheaper to just ignore them than to throw good money after bad.
One such misstep was the “Pirate’s Atoll” resort in the Caribbean. It didn’t start as a ghost town, of course. Cruise ships would drop hundreds of passengers off at the resort to relax in luxury. The resort had a tiki bar, a small collection of exotic animals, and daily live pirate shows. You can find these facts, and even a few photos, if you know where to look it up.
Dandy Co. blew over $30,000,000 on the project. That’s not a typo. Thirty million dollars. Then, without warning, they completely abandoned it.
Blame was placed on the cruise lines, which were contracted to provide a licensed Dandyland theme. Apparently, they tried to renegotiate fees in a predatory manner. They knew the resort would be useless without the ships, and that Dandy had a lot to lose. Local staff on the island were also blamed for showing up late and having a poor work ethic.
That’s where the truthful nature of the story ends. It wasn’t because of greedy cruise lines, and it most definitely wasn’t because “those dang foreigners are so lazy”. No, I very sincerely doubt that those excuses hold water.
Why? Because of Primeveire’s Palace.
Near the beach side city of Emerald Isle in North Carolina, Dandy began construction of “Primeveire’s Palace” in the late 1990s. Conceptually, it was going to be a lush, medieval forest. The aforementioned palace would sit at the center and house the guests.
If you’re unfamiliar with the titular character, you may remember the classic story, “The Noble And The Knave”. However, most people probably know her from the decades-old Dandy cartoon of the same name. Primeveire is a young lady from a royal family, exiled into the primitive wilderness by a cruel nobleman. There, she befriends various woodland creatures before being rescued by a reformed highwayman.
Primeveire’s Palace was a controversial undertaking from the very beginning. Dandy bought out a ton of high-priced land for the project, and scandal surrounded some of the purchases. The local government claimed “eminent domain” on people’s homes, then immediately sold them to Dandy Co. One home had just finished construction when it was immediately condemned with no real explanation.
The land that had been seized was supposedly intended for some sort of highway project. Knowing full well that this was a lie, people starting calling it “Lemming Lane”. A play on their mascot, Lucky Lemming, and the legend that the creatures took paths to their own demise.
Then, there was the concept art. A few stuffed shirt types from Dandy Co. held a city meeting.
They intended to convince everyone that this project was going to benefit them. It would increase tourism, bringing extra customers to local businesses. They revealed the concept art with a flourish and accompanying upbeat music, sure it would impress their audience. When people saw the garish, technicolor eyesore of a building, the surrounding tribal wilderness, and staff members dressed in “wild savage” loincloths and masks… suffice to say everyone flipped their shit.
We’re talking about a magical castle of sorts, an arcane forest, and half-naked servants. Not only would this be in the center of a relatively wealthy, historic area, but also one below the “Bible Belt”.
Magic, talking animals, and exposed skin were highly controversial at that point in time. One crowd members stormed the stage, in fact, managing to break a presentation board over his knee.
Dandy took the community and essentially broke it over their knee in response. Houses were razed to the ground. Land was cleared. There wasn’t a damned thing anyone could do or say about it. Local television stations and newspapers were against the building of the resort, at first. Then, some corporate connections between Dandy Co.’s media holdings and the local news venues came into play. Their opinions soon turned on a dime.
But I digress… Remember Pirate’s Atoll in the Caribbean? Dandy sunk all that money into it, then split at the first sign of trouble. The same thing happened with Primeveire’s Palace. Construction was completed, and visitors stayed at the resort with little to no problems. The smaller surrounding communities were flooded with traffic and the usual annoyances that came with an influx of lost and cranky travelers.
Then… it all just stopped. They shut it down and nobody knew what to think. Still, though the lack of answers was confusing, residents were pretty happy to hear the news. Dandy’s loss was hilarious and wonderful to a large group of people who didn’t want this in the first place.
Personally, I hadn’t given the place a second thought after hearing it had closed over a decade ago. I live about four hours from Emerald Isle, so I only managed to hear the rumors and rumblings. No first-hand information made it my way.
Then, I found an article from a blogger who had explored the Pirate’s Atoll resort. He posted detailed descriptions of the crazy shit he discovered there. Everything left behind was smashed, defaced, probably ruined by disgruntled former employees. Hell, maybe people came from miles around to wreck the place. They were probably just as angry about Pirate’s Atoll as folks here were about the palace.
There were even rumors that Dandy Co. had released their aquarium stock into the local waters when they closed down. This would’ve included a variety of dangerous, invasive species, including sharks. Who wouldn’t want to take a few swings at them after that?
The blog post about Pirate’s Atoll got me thinking. Even though many years had passed since it closed, I figured it might be interesting to do some urban exploration at Primeveire’s Palace. I could take some photos, write about my experience, and pretty much copy what this other blogger had done long before me. I might even be able to take something home as a memento.
I can’t say that I hurried there. It took me around a year after I first found that blog post. Over that time, I researched the the resort… or rather, I tried to. Naturally, no official Dandy-related website or resource made any mention of the location. They had all been scrubbed clean.
Stranger still, it seemed like no one other than myself had thought to talk about the place or even post vacation photos from there. None of the local news sites contained one word about the place, though that could be expected since they had all swung Dandy’s way. They wouldn’t be allowed bring attention to the embarrassment.
More recently, I learned that large corporations can actually ask search engines to remove search results. From what I’ve heard, they don’t even need to provide a good reason for the removal. Looking back on it, that’s probably what happened. It’s not that there were no posts about the resort, but that their words were simply made inaccessible.
So, naturally, I could barely find the place in the end. All I had to work with was an old-as-Hell map I received in the mail back in the ’90s. It was part of a promotional brochure that had been sent out to people who had recently been to Dandyland. My family had visited the park in the late ’80s, so we were on the list. I hadn’t intended to keep the brochure, but it got shoved into a box with my childhood comic books. I only remembered it existed a few months into my research, and then it took me a couple weeks to get around to visiting my parents and finding where it had all been stored.
After I found the map, I was sure the difficult part was over. However, on my way to the resort, I found that the locals weren’t going to be any help. Most were transplants who had moved to the beach in recent years. Others were old residents who sneered the second I spoke the word “Primeveire” or, worse yet, “Dandy”.
The drive took me through an inordinately long corridor of overgrowth. Exotic plants had run rampant and overpopulated the area, mixing with the native species that were desperately vying to reclaim the land. I was in awe when I finally reached the entrance to the main resort. The tremendous, monolithic wooden gates still stood, their supports cut from what seemed like giant sequoias. The otherwise majestic gate was gouged by woodpeckers, and the base was slowly being eaten away by burrowing insects.
Hanging at face-level was a sheet of metal. It was some random scrap, with a hand-painted message scrawled in black paint. “ABANDONED BY DANDY”. Clearly, this was the handiwork of some past local or employee who wanted to voice their own small protest.
The entrance was open wide enough to slip through, but not wide enough for a vehicle. So, grabbing my digital camera, a flashlight, and the brochure, I set off on foot. Flipping the paper over displayed a layout of the resort itself, though the landscape was a little less friendly.
The inner grounds were just as wild as the entryway. Fruit trees stood untended and ragged among piles of their own stinking, bug-riddled rot. There was a strange clash between order and chaos, as carefully planted rows of perennial flowers fought for space with tall weeds and stinking, blackened mushrooms.
All that remained of any smaller outdoor structures were piles of broken, charred debris.
Something that seemed to be an information booth was now a chopped-up heap of wood and splintered information boards. What vandals hadn’t ruined was ruined by inclement weather.
What struck me as bizarre, was a large statue of Princess Primeveire which stood prominently within a courtyard in front of the palace. She was frozen in a delicate wave toward no one, staring into empty space with a demure, slight smile as generations of bird shit covered her crown, hair, and dress. Ugly, thorny vines entangled her platform.
I approached the building. Any colors left were washed out, sun faded, and much of the plaster meant to simulate stonework had cracked from exposure. Where the paint hadn’t peeled or chipped away, there was copious amounts of graffiti.
The front doors weren’t just left open, they had been taken completely off of their hinges and were seemingly stolen. Above the gaping maw where the front doors had been, someone had once again painted the phrase, “ABANDONED BY DANDY”.
You’re probably waiting to hear about all the awesome stuff I saw inside the palace. Forgotten valuables, derelict cash registers, a full-fledged secret society of homeless cannibals… but no. The inside of the building was so stark, so bare, that I think people may have even stolen the moulding off of the walls. Anything that was too big to steal like counters, desks, and giant fake trees rested in an empty echo chamber. Every step I took was amplified like a slow rat-a-tat of a machine gun.
I checked the floor plan and headed to the specific locations that seemed interesting. The kitchen was as you’d imagine. It was an industrial food prep area with rows of various appliances. No expenses were spared. Every glass surface was broken. Every door was knocked out of its frame. Every metal surface was kicked and dented. Worst of all, the entire room smelled like stale, acrid piss.
The walk-in freezer, not even remotely cool at that point, had row upon row of empty shelves. Hooks hung from the ceiling, most likely for hanging cuts of meat. As I took in the sight for a moment, I noticed that several of them were swinging. Their movements were so slow and small that it was almost impossible to see if you weren’t paying attention. I briefly considered that it had been caused by me moving through, but they were moving in areas I hadn’t even been to yet.
The public bathrooms were in much the same state. Just like the Pirate’s Atoll resort, someone had methodically smashed each porcelain commode with whatever was available to throw. About a half-inch of stinking, stagnant water had pooled on the floor, so of course I didn’t stay for long. What’s odd is that the toilets and sinks (and the bidets, yes I went in there) all dripped, leaked, or just flowed freely. It seemed to me that the water should’ve been shut off quite a long time ago.
There were plenty of hotel-style rooms in the resort, but I definitely didn’t have time to look through them all. The few I did peer into were similarly destroyed, and I wouldn’t have realistically found anything interesting in them. I thought I could hear a television or radio in one room, since it almost sounded like there was a conversation going on inside. It was like a whisper, but looking back it could’ve just been my own breathing echoing in the silence. Maybe it was just entirely a trick of the mind.
It sounded like an exchange between two voices.
1: “I didn’t believe in it.” 2: (Nearly inaudible reply.)
1: “I didn’t know that. I couldn’t know that.” 2: “Father told you.”
1: (Nearly inaudible reply, similar to weeping.)
I’m aware of how ridiculous that sounds. Still, I suspected there might’ve been something running in that room – or worse, some meth heads who had holed up there and probably would’ve knifed me.
When I returned to the front of the palace, I figured I hadn’t found anything of note. The trip had been a waste of time. I was going to drive straight home again, rather than booking a hotel room, so I couldn’t even consider it a one-night vacation.
As I looked outside, I noticed something in the courtyard that I must’ve missed before. It was something that would give me one really cool thing to show for all my trouble, even if it was just a picture. A life-like statue of a python, maybe fifty feet long, sat coiled up and sunning itself on a large, graffiti covered rock. It was almost time for the sun to set, so light was falling onto it in the perfect way for a photograph.
I approached the python and snapped a photo. I stood on my toes and snapped another. I moved in closer to get the details of its face. Slowly, casually, the snake lifted its head and looked directly into my eyes. It turned, slithered off of the rock, across the grass, and into the tree line. Its head long disappeared into the woods before its tail even left the sunning spot.
Dandy Co. had released all of their exotic animals onto the grounds. Right there on my floor plan map was the reptile house. Of course, I should’ve expected it. I had read about the sharks at Pirate’s Atoll, and I should have known they would do this.
I was dumbfounded. Utterly stupefied. My mouth must’ve been hanging open for the longest time before I came to my senses and snapped it shut. I blinked stupidly for a moment, then backed toward the palace, away from the snake. Even though it was gone, I wasn’t taking any chances and retreated to the building to gather my wits again.
I looked for a place to sit down and breathe. I had always had an unreasonable fear of snakes… of anything with scales, really. At that point, my legs felt like they’d become jelly. Of course, there was no place to sit down unless I wanted to recline in broken glass and a leaf carpet crawling with insects. I could’ve hauled myself onto a desk, but it probably would’ve collapsed from age.
I had seen a receding staircase in the lobby and decided to have a seat there until my pulse stopped pounding in my ears. The stairs were far enough from the front of the building to be somewhat clean, other than a startling accumulation of dust. I pulled a wedge of metal off of the wall and used it as an improvised seat cover. Once again, it had been painted with the “ABANDONED BY DANDY” motto I had become accustomed to.
The stairway lead down to a below-ground level of the building. Using my flashlight, I could see that the stairs ended at a metal mesh door with a padlock. A sign on the door, a real sign unlike the hastily scrawled ones, read “Mascots only! Thank you!”. That perked up my spirits for two reasons.
First, a mascots-only area would definitely contain some interesting things back in the day. Second, the padlock was still in place. Nobody had gone down there – not the vandals, the looters, no one.
That was the one place I could actually explore, and perhaps find really unique stuff to photograph or even steal. I had come to the palace with the decision that it was okay to take something back for proof. After all, the owners clearly didn’t care.
I didn’t have much hope of breaking the lock. The ravages of age weren’t powerful enough to corrode the metal that much. What I could do, however, was separate the plate that held it in place from the damaged wood of the wall. The screws pulled free easily once I applied enough pressure. Either others hadn’t thought to try bypassing the lock, or it was still too solid when they had tried.
The mascots-only area was a startling and welcomed change from the rest of the palace. Every second or third florescent light was illuminated, though they flickered and faded randomly. Nothing had been broken or stolen, though time and desertion had taken their toll. Tables bore notepads and pens. Clocks hung on the walls, frozen at different times. There was a punch-in clock, complete with filled-out time cards. Chairs were scattered around, and long rotted-out food and drinks sat on counter tops. It was like one of those post-apocalyptic movies where everything is left in a state of evacuation.
As I wandered the maze-like sub-basement hallways, the sights became more and more disquieting. Further in, desks and tables were knocked over. Scattered papers had melded with the damp floor, and a large expanse of fungus was slowly overtaking rotted carpeting. Everything was just… squishy. Anything made of wood disintegrated into mush when I applied even the least amount of force. Clothing items left hanging on hooks simply fell to moist threads if I tried to remove them.
One thing that got on my nerves was that the light became more sparse and unreliable as I proceeded. It wasn’t dark enough for a flashlight, but not bright enough to be comfortable. The depths of the sub-basement grew dank and suffocating. Eventually, I reached a bright yellow door with the words “Mascot Prep 1” stenciled on its surface.
In my excitement, I all but yanked off the doorknob. I figured that room held the costumes, and I definitely wanted a photograph of that twisted, stinking mess. Try as I might, whatever angle or trick I tried, the door wouldn’t budge. That is, until I acknowledged defeat and began to walk away. That was when there was a slight popping sound, after which the door slowly creaked open just a bit.
Inside, the room was completely dark. Pitch black. I used my light to search for a switch on the wall by the door, but there was none. As I focused on the walls, I was jarred out of my concentration by a sudden and piercing electrical buzz. Rows of lights overhead suddenly flashed to life, flickering and fading like the others I had passed.
It took a second for my eyes to adjust, and it seemed as if the light was going to keep growing in brightness until the bulbs exploded. Just when I thought it would reach that critical stage, they dimmed a bit and steadied. The room was exactly how I had imagined it. Various Dandy character costumes hung on the walls like strange cartoon cadavers suspended from invisible nooses.
What I found odd, and what I really needed to make a record of, was a Lucky Lemming costume at the center of the room. Unlike the other costumes, it was lying on its back like a murder victim. Its fur was matted and shedding, creating bare patches.
What’s worse, however, was the coloring of the costume. I think mold and mildew must have taken root, seeming to turn it into a photo-negative version of the actual Lucky Lemming. Black rot where he should have been white. White fungus filaments where he should have been black. His clothes seemed faded and bleached, the opposite of their their usual hue.
The sight was so off-putting that I postponed looking at the thing again until I was ready to leave the room. I took a picture of the costumes hung on the walls. Upward angles, downward angles, side shots to show an entire row of frozen, putrefied cartoon faces. The occasional missing eye made it all the more grim.
Then, I decided to stage a shot. I was going to place one of the bedraggled character heads on the slick, grimy floor. Reaching for the headpiece of a Loopy Loon costume, I carefully removed it so it wouldn’t fall apart in my hands. As I looked into the face of the wide-eyed, moldering head, a loud clattering sound made me jump with fright.
Looking down at my feet, I saw a human skull now resting between my shoes. It had fallen out of the mascot head and cracked into several pieces. The empty face stared up at me, jaw detached.
I dropped the costume head immediately, as you’d no doubt expect. I moved for the door, but something stopped me. I looked back to the skull and felt a flush of anger. I had to take a picture to show the world. I’d need proof of this, especially if the Dandy Corporation was going to somehow make this all disappear. I had no doubt in my mind that Dandy was responsible for this, even if it was just gross negligence. Whatever happened, this was the real reason the resort had closed.
I was the only one who knew. Me.
As I contemplated the implications, that’s when Lucky… that photo-negative, opposite-character in the middle of the floor… started to get up. First sitting, then climbing to its feet, the Lucky Lemming costume, or whoever was inside of it, stood on over-sized, unsteady feet. All I could do was mumble “No…” over and over again as its false face stared me down with an inoffensive, pleasant expression.
With shaking hands, a violently thrashing heart, and legs that had once again turned to jelly, I managed to lift the camera. It took all of my strength to raise and aim it at the thing that was quietly sizing me up, head tilted. The camera’s screen displayed only dead pixels in the shape of the thing. It was a perfect silhouette of the Lucky Lemming costume. As the camera shifted and shook in my hands, the dead pixels spread, marring the screen wherever Lucky’s outline appeared.
The camera died. It went blank and quiet. It was broken. I raised my eyes once again from the black screen to the costume in front of me.
“Hey”, it said in a hushed, perfectly executed Lucky Lemming voice, “Wanna see my head come off?”
It started to pull at its own head, working clumsy, glove-clad fingers around the surface of its neck with clawing, impatient movements. It was like watching a wounded man trying to pull himself free from a predator’s jaws. As it worked its digits into the fabric flesh, rolling rivulets of thick, curdled, yellow bile spilled from what seemed like wounds. At least, it looked like bile. Infected blood? Pus?
Vomit? I had zero interest in finding out.
I turned away as I heard a sickening tearing of cloth and flesh. I only cared about getting away.
Above the doorway out of the room, I saw a final message clawed into metal with fingernails, or possibly bone. “ABANDONED BY GOD”.
The picture files in the camera were irretrievable. I never got my head around writing the blog entry about what happened. After I ran from that place, fleeing for my sanity as much as my life, I knew why the Dandy Corporation didn’t want anyone to know about this place.
They didn’t want anyone like me getting in, because they didn’t want anything like that getting out.
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notesfrommyvalley · 4 months
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Open letter to DEFRA about scrub mosaic creation and maintenance
Sent 23/5/24
You asked me to email about SCR1, so here goes, I feel a bit like I should say sorry before I start as I am going to nitpick! Please excuse any typos or spelling mistakes. Dyslexia sucks.
Firstly, this is a land abandonment payment.
By which I mean it pays a landowner more than the average farm rent per hectare to not farm it. All you’d need to do is plant a few areas of blackthorn or bramble and get rid of the pesky tenant farmer and their mud and grumbles, and you get more money. It’s easier than woodland creation (which pays more) but it leaves the land in a ‘recoverable’ state after five years and you get to be all ‘smug green’ in the pub if challenged by the locals about the land.
(Average rent per hectare in South West £211 in 2023 vs SCR1 payment of £588… https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65aa7fce698722000d37412c/average_rents_region_23jan24.csv)
It’s going to encourage a kind of half arsed bad rewilding, not help the good projects, and I wonder who advocated for it? Its optics are terrible.
It was made very clear to me at the Landscape Decisions conference at the Royal Society last year, that we have to layer land use, so food and nature (even if the food production is low) is better than just nature. We don’t have the luxury of a excess of land to play with.
Secondly, and more importantly, it’s not going to create anything like a species rich mixed mosaic scrub habitat. It, in fact, poses a risk of damaging biodiversity instead of helping it in some places because, if by any small miracle, somewhere already has dung beetles or patches of good rich pasture five years of no grazing or cutting will kill them off quite nicely.
A truly diverse scrub habitat takes a long time to establish, and it’s a dynamic process rather than a static land use. As a wild habitat it is created by herbivores interacting with the wood edge, or in a savannah style setting. The plants responding to the varied pressures applied by growing in distinct ways, holly leaves responding to browsing by becoming prickly, hawthorn becoming not a lollipop shaped tree but a dense impenetrable bush with a tree growing out above it. Bird safety zones. The saying ‘the torn is the mother of the oak’ is true, but it’s also the mother to a lot of prey species too.
Now this natural approach takes ages, but it can be given a head start and an approximation can be created fairly easily, but not without grazing.
The main issue is not creating the scrub, that can be planted into any trashed field, with protection from deer where the numbers are high if needed, and will get growing, it’s the mosaic part. The flowering plants part. That’s where the idea falls apart.
Take a bog standard ryegrass and clover lay, no real hedges or scrub to expand, just a field.
Now remove the grazing, and add in some planted blackthorn or hawthorn, put some protecting guards around them and sit back and wait. What will happen?
Some scrub for sure but what else?
Long grass. That’s what will happen. Lots of long grass, which is great for the voles but not the flowering plants that the bees, butterflies and beetles need. They will be shaded out if they even have a seed source in that soil. The thuggish grasses there already will just take over. After three years they may die back a bit, but it’s not a certainty. You may get buttercups and thistles, or docks, but SCR1 allows you to use herbicide on them so, let’s say you are a conventional kind of farmer, you’ll spray them to stop them spreading.
So, you end up with places for the birds to live, but very little insect life to feed the birds. Very little seed to feed them either. Very little pollen for the bees, and no dung beetles (if there were any to start with) and no flies (which abound in every conventional farm with livestock) and you’ll end up with a static rather than dynamic landscape. The scrub plants will go leggy without the browsing, and not provide decent shelter pretty fast as well.
The farmer won’t even have a place to walk that is buzzing with life, they’ll feel cheated and it may confirm their bias that those ecologists know nothing, after all there were more birds in that old pasture their neighbour grazes than in this rank grass mess.
With no cutting and no grazing and deer control the sward length, that needs to be variable, becomes uniform. With no reseed how do you get the missing plants into the sward?
So. You’ll get small scrub trees in the five years but otherwise you will have set people up to fail.
And no food produced.
And a land abandoned.
You can see why I am not happy!
Now, having pointed out all the issues I shall say how I would create bird/bee/beetle/bat habitat with added fungi and fast on such land.
So we need this land to go from monoculture arable, or basic grass lay to a place (some) birds can thrive, lots of plants can be feeding lots of insects and the soil improves. We also need to keep farmers on the land, pay the rent and produce food. And do it in 5 years.
First, get brash heaps or dead hedges made across it. Allow the farmer to use off its from any suitable garden waste, encourage them to build big heaps where it’s going to work long term. Where they can get a tractor past, where the wind blows strongest across the field. Where it’s damp, or very compacted. Plant scrub species inside these heaps of wood. Or if it’s thorns around the outside of them.
So you instantly have bird habitat. Dead wood with insects to feed them and fungi to feed the soil.
Next you see what plants you have. How bad is it? Do you need to reseed? If so, do. Herbal lay it right up, or use green hay, or get a mix from the hippies over the hill of random seeds they gathered. Whatever you need to get the flowers growing. (You could do this before the piles of sticks are built.)
Only let herbicides be used after serious discussion. Not just for some docks or thistles.
Then graze it. With cows OR sheep. It doesn’t matter. What matters is how long they are in the field rather than what they are. Imagine a wolf is stalking them… only a day, maybe two, eat and leave. Then return. Then go again. Pulse across it.
Encourage no worming so dung beetles thrive. Graze in the winter with species rich hay to break up the sward. But only for a day or two at a time. A mob graze style of management if necessary.
If the deer are a big issue use electric fences or build scrub protection boxes (four posts and some rails or wire).
Next cut hay or silage around the scrub heaps. Not too close (don’t want to break the cutter on the brash or kill all the voles) but enough to remove the excess nutrients.
Then you will get what you want. A buzzing thriving mixed habitat.
On less ‘improved’ ground it’s easier. On rough land it’s simple. Let the folk above the moorland line do this and you’d make Dartmoor a lot happier.
And now the maintenance part SCR2.
Make the habitat and get £588.
Already have the habitat and get £238 pounds less a hectare AND get told what to do… even though you have the habitat already and did it without the financial incentive.
Doesn’t seem fair.
What if you’re using that scrubby pasture for the sheep in the autumn so you get waxcaps too? What if you over winter the rams on it? What if you roll out some hay for the cows when the weathers icy in the shelter of the scrub? What if you spread a little muck in there to feed the worms and thrushes? Then you get nothing. Just the wonder of a place that holds birds safe and where the bats hawk around the scruffy trees at dusk, mixing with the swallows and swifts, to feast on the dung beetles and moths rising out of the half eaten pasture. Just a place a shrike may come, or a flock of redwings.
Lovely as that is it’s not going to help pay the council tax is it.
So, finally, how to word SCR1 and SCR2 so you get the nature needed and don’t facilitate complete land abandonment.
SCR1 must not graze or cut the grassland in a way that means this action’s aim cannot reasonably be achieved
SCR2 must not Manage the area in a way that means this action’s aim cannot reasonably be achieved
That’s it. That’s all you have to do. (Along with upping the payment for SCR2, because those folk faced down bps rules to keep their scrub and should, in a fair world, get compensated for it!)
If you want to visit and see what I mean on the ground, please do. We may even manage a cream tea or cake. I can gather some other scruffy land farmers who know more than me to help get this working.
Or a call?
Cat Frampton
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rndbuilders · 8 months
Woodland Hills New Construction Project
Exciting Update: Building Your Dream Home in Woodland Hills! 🏡
We're thrilled to share the progress on our latest project: a magnificent 4,000 sqf custom home nestled on a sprawling 1/2 acre lot in the scenic city of Woodland Hills! From groundbreaking to the finishing touches, every moment of this journey is filled with dedication and expertise.
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🌟 Crafting Your Dream Home: Witness the transformation from blueprint to reality as we bring your vision to life. Swipe through to see the evolution of this stunning home, where luxury meets functionality in every corner.
🔨 Attention to Detail: From the foundation to the rooftop, our team at RnD Builders Inc is committed to delivering excellence. With meticulous craftsmanship and an eye for detail, we're ensuring that every aspect of your dream home exceeds expectations.
🌳 Embrace Serenity: Imagine stepping into your own oasis, surrounded by the beauty of Woodland Hills. With a spacious 1/2 acre lot, there's ample room to create outdoor living spaces where you can relax and unwind in nature's embrace.
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🏠 Ready to Build Your Dream? If you've been dreaming of a custom-built home that reflects your style and aspirations, now is the time to make it a reality! Contact us today to learn more about this project or discuss how we can turn your dream home vision into a stunning reality.
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nyandereneko · 2 years
Sit With Me a Moment
Word Count: 693
Summary: “They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.”
Author’s Note: Happy day 3 of yumeweek! I tried to put something together for Qifrey this time, and I’d like to try to alternate between him and the other two I’ve written for for this event in terms of development for the near future. I think, we’ll see where my brain decides to take me, but either way I love this witch so much and I’m still chomping at the bit for the anime can’t wait to lose my mind next year!! It’s ironic that I love these two being sad together when all I want is for them to heal each other hfieslfels it will come in time I’m sure, as always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Night had descended like a cloak upon the atelier and the surrounding moors; the moon and stars presided over the rolling hills like shepherds in the twilight. The feathery grassland swayed like a sea in the calm evening air as a comfortable hush nested in the blades like dew. Drawing nearer to the atelier itself, one could catch the sound of nature’s sweet symphony serenading the picturesque homestead with a subtle melody colored with a melancholic lilt. A tune carried on the wind from the nearby woodland, the question of whether or not nature was truly feeling sullen was anyone’s guess. But the silver haired witch that alone served as audience for the somber tune was likely just projecting that atmosphere himself, lounging on a couch before the hearth as his thoughts went around in circles.
His eyes were closed to the approach of a small fluffy companion, separate from the furry noodle otherwise known as a brushbug that had curled up in the first warm place it could find on his person. This fluffy creature was no such thing at all, but rather a cunning witch donning a mirror cloak, one of her personal design and crafting. The dusting of stars that accented her form was a quality unique to her casting alone, an imprint that displayed itself in one way or another in the result of every glyph she traced. Encountering the sight of his dozing form, the cat wrongly assumed he was oblivious to the sensation of fur brushing skin as she butted her head against his limp hand.
Said hand came to life much to her surprise, and just as Qifrey attempted to return the favor the witch stumbled back and immediately dispelled her four legged form. Scrambling to regain her bearings in the aftermath, words weren’t cooperating as much as she would’ve liked. “I—I thought you were—.”
“There’s no need to panic, please,” the bespectacled witch soothed as he sat up slowly, reaching for his quire. In a matter of moments he summoned a spell Nova had seen him cast on a few occasions; it was one she positively adored. Crystalline droplets drifted from ink to air as he closed the circle, infusing the space with a rejuvenating aura that instantly relaxed her tense nerves. “I apologize for startling you, I didn’t realize you were so unprepared.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m just sorry for disturbing you,” she sheepishly replied, ears folding flat as she collected her cloak and promptly perking up again as Qifrey patted the the cushion next to him. “I didn’t mean to wake you or anything, you can go back to sleep. Or maybe you should just go to bed, if you’d prefer.”
“Sit with me a moment,” he insisted with a few more pats.
She acquiesced when she accepted he wasn’t going to give up, settling herself at his side as she fought to suppress her giddy panic. They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.
“Can you promise that you won’t forget me if something happens?” Nova murmured on the ghost of a breath, allowing herself the bold luxury of resting her head on his shoulder. The curve of her ear tickled his chin, but the shiver that followed felt warm to him in a different way. “Well, I guess you can’t promise that, not really. So, how about this instead? Even if something happens, no matter what happens down the line, will you befriend me again? Or at least don’t leave me to flounder, if you can—”
“I’ll never forget you, I promise you that. Its one I intend to keep,” he replied without hesitation, snaking an arm around her almost reflexively as she nestled against him. “I would never invite someone into my home with the intent to throw them away. And you are naturally no exception.” Far from it, but he didn’t feel the need to emphasize such sentiments at the moment.
The purr he soon heard rumbling in his companion’s throat was the only response he needed, and the only one she desired to give.  
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worldtopnews99 · 7 days
Woodland Construction Group LLC
Transform Your Home with Woodland Construction Group: Your Premier Remodeling Experts in Portland, Oregon
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Are you dreaming of a stunning kitchen or a luxurious bathroom that reflects your style and enhances your home’s functionality? Look no further! At Woodland Construction Group LLC, we specialize in Kitchen Remodeling, bathroom remodeling, whole home remodeling, and basement remodeling. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, our dedicated team is committed to turning your vision into reality.
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Quality Craftsmanship We are passionate about delivering quality results. Our experienced craftsmen utilize the best materials and modern techniques to ensure that your remodeled space not only looks beautiful but is also built to last.
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housingrealtybykaal · 12 days
Godrej Woodland Plots Sarjapur | Property In Bangalore
Godrej Woodland is a premium residential project by Godrej Properties, offering plotted development in the lush green environment of Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. It is designed to cater to people seeking a combination of nature and luxury in their living space, offering the perfect opportunity to build custom dream homes. Spread over 100 acres, Godrej Woodland provides a serene and peaceful environment with lush greenery and ample open spaces. The project is situated off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, one of the rapidly growing real estate hubs. Sarjapur Road is well-connected to tech parks, IT hubs, schools, hospitals, and shopping centers, making it a prime residential location. Godrej Woodland aims to offer the perfect balance between urban convenience and natural surroundings, giving residents a peaceful yet connected lifestyle.
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Godrej Woodland Bangalore | Luxury Plotted Development
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Godrej Woodland Bangalore is a luxurious plotted development nestled amidst lush greenery in Sarjapur Road. This eco-friendly community offers a serene escape from the bustling city, with its expansive lakes, 16,500+ indigenous trees, and a 45,000 sq. ft. clubhouse. Residents can enjoy a wide range of amenities, including a swimming pool, gym, tennis court, and a dedicated pet park. The project's prime location provides easy access to IT parks, shopping malls, and educational institutions.
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dlf-gurgaon · 27 days
Top 10 Luxury Residential Projects by DLF in Gurgaon
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DLF, a leader in luxury real estate, has established a reputation for developing some of the most prestigious residential projects in Gurgaon. Known for their commitment to quality and excellence, DLF's projects offer unparalleled luxury and comfort. Here’s a look at the top 10 luxury residential projects by DLF in Gurgaon:
1. DLF The Camellias
Location: Sector 42 Overview: DLF The Camellias is a premier residential project known for its grandeur and exclusivity. Featuring spacious apartments with high-end finishes, it offers residents access to world-class amenities including a modern clubhouse, wellness center, and beautifully landscaped gardens.
2. DLF Aralias
Location: Sector 42 Overview: DLF Aralias epitomizes luxury with its elegant design and premium interiors. The project offers well-appointed residences and a suite of top-tier amenities, including a state-of-the-art fitness center, a large swimming pool, and serene outdoor spaces.
3. DLF Magnolias
Location: Sector 42 Overview: DLF Magnolias represents the pinnacle of luxury living with its expansive apartments and sophisticated design. The project features high-quality finishes, a grand clubhouse, sports facilities, and landscaped green areas, providing an unparalleled living experience.
4. DLF LUX 5
Location: Sector 54 Overview: DLF LUX 5 offers an exceptional standard of luxury with its modern design and premium amenities. Residents enjoy spacious apartments, a state-of-the-art fitness center, a luxurious swimming pool, and a beautifully maintained garden area.
5. DLF Crest
Location: Sector 54 Overview: DLF Crest provides an exclusive living experience with its high-end residential units and sophisticated architecture. The project includes a range of amenities such as a modern clubhouse, recreational facilities, and lush green landscapes.
6. DLF Cybercity
Location: Sector 24 Overview: DLF Cybercity is a landmark project that combines luxury with convenience. Located in the heart of Gurgaon's commercial hub, it offers upscale living with easy access to offices, shopping centers, and dining options.
7. DLF Capital Greens
Location: Sector 115 Overview: DLF Capital Greens is known for its well-planned community and modern amenities. The project features spacious apartments with high-quality interiors, a large clubhouse, swimming pool, and landscaped gardens.
8. DLF Woodland Heights
Location: Sector 65 Overview: DLF Woodland Heights offers a tranquil living environment surrounded by green spaces. The project includes contemporary residences with premium finishes, a fitness center, swimming pool, and recreational areas.
9. DLF Garden City
Location: Sector 91 Overview: DLF Garden City is designed to provide a harmonious blend of luxury and nature. The project features well-designed apartments, landscaped gardens, a clubhouse, and various recreational facilities.
10. DLF New Town Heights
Location: Sector 90 Overview: DLF New Town Heights combines modern living with convenience. The project offers spacious apartments with high-end interiors and access to amenities such as a fitness center, swimming pool, and landscaped green spaces.
DLF luxury residential projects in Gurgaon are a testament to the brand’s dedication to quality and excellence. From the grandeur of DLF The Camellias and DLF Aralias to the modern elegance of DLF LUX 5 and DLF Crest, each project offers a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Whether you’re seeking a prestigious address or a high-value investment, DLF’s top projects provide an unmatched living experience in Gurgaon.
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hyll-on-holland · 2 months
Norwood Grand by CDL
Nestled in the vibrant Woodlands area, Norwood Grand is a premier residential project by City Developments Limited (CDL).
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The development offers around 345 luxurious residences, designed to meet the needs of today’s urban professionals. Its close proximity to Woodlands South MRT ensures effortless connectivity throughout Singapore.
Learn More: https://norwood-grand-cdl.blogspot.com
Keywords: Norwood Grand, Norwood Grand Condo, Norwood Grand Floor Plan, Norwood Grand Price, Norwood Grand by CDL, Norwood Grand Showflat
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carnahan-legacy · 2 months
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1. Masai Mara National Reserve
Highlights: Known for its spectacular wildlife and the Great Migration, the Masai Mara is one of Kenya’s most famous safari destinations. It offers incredible opportunities to see the Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, and rhino) and experience thrilling game drives.
Activities: Game drives, hot air balloon safaris, cultural visits to Maasai villages.
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2. Amboseli National Park
Highlights: Famous for its views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is a haven for elephant enthusiasts. The park also features diverse landscapes, including swamps, savannahs, and acacia woodlands.
Activities: Game drives, bird watching, visiting Maasai villages, nature walks.
3. Tsavo National Parks (East and West)
Highlights: Tsavo East is known for its vast savannahs and large herds of red elephants, while Tsavo West features dramatic landscapes with volcanic craters, lava flows, and waterholes.
Activities: Game drives, visits to Mzima Springs (Tsavo West), exploring the Shetani Lava Flows.
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4. Nairobi National Park
Highlights: Located just outside Nairobi, this park offers a unique safari experience with the city skyline in the background. It’s home to a variety of wildlife, including rhinos, lions, and giraffes.
Activities: Game drives, visiting the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, walking safaris, cycling.
5. Lamu Archipelago
Highlights: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Lamu is known for its well-preserved Swahili architecture, relaxed atmosphere, and beautiful beaches. It’s a great place to experience traditional coastal culture.
Activities: Exploring Lamu Old Town, relaxing on the beaches, dhow sailing, cultural tours.
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6. Diani Beach
Highlights: Renowned for its white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters, Diani Beach is a popular coastal destination offering a range of water sports and leisure activities.
Activities: Beach relaxation, snorkeling, diving, kite surfing, visiting the nearby Shimba Hills National Reserve.
7. Nakuru National Park
Highlights: Known for its large population of flamingos and diverse bird species, Lake Nakuru also offers the chance to see rhinos and other wildlife.
Activities: Game drives, bird watching, visiting the Menengai Crater, exploring the nearby Hyrax Hill Museum.
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8. Hell’s Gate National Park
Highlights: Famous for its dramatic landscapes and geothermal activity, Hell’s Gate offers unique outdoor activities like cycling and hiking through scenic gorges and volcanic formations.
Activities: Cycling, hiking, exploring Olkaria Geothermal Station, rock climbing.
9. Samburu National Reserve
Highlights: Known for its unique wildlife, including the Grevy’s zebra and the Somali ostrich, Samburu offers a distinctive safari experience with stunning arid landscapes.
Activities: Game drives, cultural visits to Samburu villages, bird watching, river safaris.
10. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Highlights: Located in southwestern Uganda, Bwindi is renowned for its mountain gorilla trekking experiences. It offers a chance to see these critically endangered primates up close in their natural habitat.
Activities: Gorilla trekking, bird watching, hiking, cultural encounters with the Batwa people.
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11. Kisumu
Highlights: Located on the shores of Lake Victoria, Kisumu is a vibrant city with rich cultural heritage and stunning lakeside views. It’s a great base for exploring the lake and nearby attractions.
Activities: Boat trips on Lake Victoria, visiting Kisumu Museum, exploring the Dunga Hill Camp.
12. Laikipia Plateau
Highlights: Known for its conservation efforts and luxury lodges, Laikipia offers a range of unique safari experiences and is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the endangered black rhino.
Activities: Game drives, walking safaris, night safaris, visiting conservation projects like Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
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13. Meru National Park
Highlights: Less visited but rich in wildlife, Meru National Park is known for its lush landscapes and variety of species, including the rare albino zebra.
Activities: Game drives, exploring the park’s diverse habitats, visiting the Tana River.
14. Mount Kenya
Highlights: Kenya’s highest peak offers stunning alpine scenery and a range of trekking opportunities. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and a must-visit for adventure seekers.
Activities: Hiking, climbing, nature walks, exploring the park’s diverse ecosystems.
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Plan Your Kenyan Adventure Today!
Kenya’s diverse destinations offer something for everyone, from thrilling safaris and cultural experiences to relaxing beach holidays and stunning mountain treks. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, nature lover, or cultural enthusiast, Kenya promises unforgettable experiences and breathtaking landscapes. Pack your bags and get ready to explore the wonders of Kenya – a land of incredible beauty and rich heritage.
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kumarkuldeep · 3 months
Why is Mahagun Montagge being searched as a green urban forest?
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Mahagun Montagge is a pure natural residential project that is based within a forest in an urban area. This promising project has been taken to you by the world’s leading infra Mahagun Group and designed beautifully by a world-famous architect. If you are looking for a dream home with all the lush green natural resources you may consider buying a space in this project amidst Crossings Republik, Ghaziabad. Being well connected to world-class public and private conveniences including well-elevated national highways, expressway, and metro and airport Mahagun Montagge is very close to the commercial hub sector 62/63/18 at Noida. Your search for a dream home has ended now. Let’s make the woods your own home and maintain a 100% genuine eco-friendly lifestyle.
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Mahagun Montagge with 2/3/4/5 BHK Crossings Republik, Ghaziabad is today’s most advanced lush green residential project with millions of surprise causes including a woodland plantation, an in-campus internal school, and a nursing home inside the premises to meet any health issue. Your home will be very close to a proposed metro station in the immediate neighborhood in addition to an ultra-modern club, gym, pool, steam & sauna bath, Jacuzzi, and many sports recreation like Tennis & Badminton Court, Basket, and Volleyball. One of the main attractions is Box Cricket which is going to be very unique for your sports entertainment. Mahagun Montagge Ghaziabad is the first ever ultra-green luxurious residence with a home in the green ambiance. Take a chance to grab the season’s best offer provided by the builders and realtor.
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housingrealtybykaal · 24 days
Godrej Woodland Plots | Property In Bangalore
Godrej Woodland is a luxurious residential plotted development located in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. It offers a serene and peaceful living experience amidst lush greenery. The project features 1200+ plots, ranging in size from cottage to estate, catering to various needs and budgets. The development spans a vast area, providing ample space for amenities and natural surroundings. Godrej Woodland is well-connected to major IT hubs like Whitefield and Electronic City, making it a desirable location for professionals. The price of plots in Godrej Woodland varies depending on the size and location. The project is currently under construction, and the estimated completion date may vary. For more information visit the website.
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