#lux looks like they’ve seen things lol
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bloody-little-duckling · 5 months ago
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Some art of content, smp, I was watching the freebird stream while drawing, and this was the result originally. I was just gonna use astron but then thought of using lux, so I just used both, lol.
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Also funny face lol they’ve seen things
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camilleon713 · 1 year ago
Ok ok my dumb ass also has an annotated constellation chart.
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1. ???? Looks like a cuddle monkey playing a stringed instrument. Representative of Gemini and Lrya constellations maybe?
2 This appears to be the tree that’s near Lux Aurea, where they had the sun seed, and where Janai and Kim’dael fought. It’s not on the regular map of Xadia we’ve seen, which is interesting—if it’s important enough that they’ve dedicated a constellation to it, why isn’t it on the map? Is it a secret? Are all stars nurtured here? ^
3 Unicorn*+
4 Star+
5 ???
6 ???
7 Leola’s Last Wish+
8 Quasar Diamonds in the Corona of the Heavens
9 Bumblescorp, something Claudia has mentioned before. Greek mythology the Scorpios constellation is representative of the giant scorpion sent to kill Orion.
10 Star Devourer Dragon, “notorious for swallowing the magic stored within the core of stars themselves”~^
11 Mama and Baby Banther, based on Major and Minor Ursa.
12 Garlath, based on Orion
13 Lady Justice?, also curious if this has something to do with the elves at the Star Scraper?
14 Pieces redone with glow toads
15 ??? This one has to be important but I’m just…not sure what it IS. Is it like a face-with those two things being eyes? Is it 2 beings? I can’t. But being in the same place in the chart as Leola, it has to be important.
(At this point I think about half of these, mostly the animals and ones that are really obvious parallels, are just filler constellations based on actual constellations with a TDP slant)
+I think these 3 stars are related. Maybe the progression of Leola (Leola-Unicorn, Leola-Elf, No More-Leola) or something. My thought is that Startouch Elves can change, Leola was both a unicorn and a Startouch elf child~. And the 3 stars are representative of (or actually are) the Quasar Diamonds? If so, I wonder if #15 is related to the Star Scraper—the middle of the chart kind of tells a story if my theories are anywhere near correct. Stars nurtured at the sun tree thing-3 stars-quasar diamonds-Star Devourer looking like he wants to eat the quasar diamonds-whatever #15 is? (Could it be representative of the Star scraper?) idk idk)
~Along with this, Aaravos is both a Star Devourer Dragon and a Startouch elf. HOWEVER, his dragon form is dead, that’s the skeleton the prison was inside. Dragon-Aaravos was Laurelion (and though undying, took last breath/immortal Laurelion was no more.:…White as the star's heart it pierced,/ivory draconic brought deaths bite/known everforth as Nova Blade).
I’m pondering if Leola was Aaravos’ daughter? Like, I can’t get over him telling Viren that Claudia will be a valuable asset. Like he spoke from experience (or can see the future?).
^ “Sunfire elves practice an ancient chant that repels the Star Devourer Dragons from approaching Xadia and it’s sun”
(Also I can’t figure out how this ties in anywhere but it’s so strange how Leola, Elarion, and Laurelion are all so similar)
I don’t usually post on Tumblr, just here to like stuff lol, but would looooove to debate/discuss any of this with people.
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so this is the pearl. WHO IS THE ELF? akiyu????
yup. at least the same torso covering. both horns too. wonder how she shrunk
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will we see these dragon somewhere icy?? like the starscraper?
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my own depiction of constellation thingy. anyone know anything else?
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no idea what to think of this but this post helps
i like the shapeshifter idea…
i want callums dad
more aaravos
what happens to viren claudia terry and sir sparklepuff??
the prison/pearl. are they actually going bowling
new lore
the NEW startouch elf??
ok i’m done have at it
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ayanna-wild · 4 years ago
Wedding Bells
Word Count: 1600
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Warnings: the tiniest, smallest sprinkle of angst, but mostly just sickening fluff lol
A/N: This is a kind of older story from Wattpad, but I haven't had time to write a new one yet, because of cramming for exams, but don't fret my lovelies, I'll be getting back to writing requests very soon.
Summary: It was the day you'd been planning for months, the day that would change everything. It was like a dream, but the butterflies in your stomach, the way your leg bounced with unending anxiety and excitement reminded you that it was all real. That this day would be perfect, more perfect than you had ever hoped.
Your day had started early, earlier than you had planned, but you woke long before your alarm had begun, long before the sunlight had graced the sky. You were quiet as you slipped out of bed, your fingers softly brushing the hair from your fiancé's face, a small smile pulling at your lips. He shifted a little, but remained soundly asleep. Your feet softly padded across the smooth cold floor as you headed towards the living room. 
The sight of a beautiful white gown hanging from the closet door caught your attention and you paused. You reached a hand out, softly tracing the lace and pearls that decorated the silk material. Today was the day, the day everything changed.
The day you married the devil.
"I do hope you're not getting cold feet darling, I'd be terribly embarrassed to be left at the altar."
The sound of your future husband's voice pulled you from your trance and you turned to face him, a small smile graving your lips.
"You're not supposed to be awake yet." You chided him softly.
He chuckled a bit, slipping out of bed to stand behind you. You leaned into his touch when he embraced you from behind, resting his chin on top of your head.
"I never did sleep well without you by my side." He murmured.
You placed your hands over where his wrapped around your waist. For a silent moment the two of you stood there, staring at the dress before you. The shaky breath Lucifer took in broke the silence and his words made your heart skip a beat.
"This is it isn't it? The day you become mine forever. My Queen. My darling wife." 
Your voice shook just a little as you spoke, the fluttering of the butterflies in your stomach spread goosebumps across your skin.
"Yeah, it is..."
Lucifer kissed your cheek as he released you from his hold.
"Mustn't dawdle darling, we've got a very busy day ahead of us."
You watched him disappear into the closet, and you looked back at your dress, fingers ghosting over the material one last time.
"Right... so much to do..."
You straightened your back, taking a small breath to steady yourself. With a small nod to yourself you walked out of the room, ready for whatever this day had in store for you.
Your morning seemed to drag on, and the longer it did the more your nerves grew, the more you wrung your hands, the more you resisted the urge to bite your nails that Lucifer had spent a fortune on.
Despite you insisting it wasn't necessary, but he'd insisted.
'Anything for my bride to be.' 
You smiled a little at the memory and bit your lip a little, careful not to smudge the makeup Linda had spent a careful amount of time doing for you. A hand rested on knee and you turned your head to look at Chloe.
"Are you okay? You're bouncing your leg a lot." 
You gave her a smile, one riddled with unspoken anxiety, underlined with excitement. She smiled back, fixing a stray curl in your hair Ella and Maze had spent so long on.
"I'm just nervous." 
"That's normal, I remember when I was marrying Dan, I was a bundle of nerves and stress, you're handling it a lot better than I am." Chloe laughed.
Her laugh put you more at ease, and  you found yourself laughing a long with her.
"I tend to internalize things." You shrugged.
Ella chimed in as well, and you were thankful for your four bridesmaids distraction. 
The ceremony drew nearer and people began to arrive at Lux; you insisted the wedding be there, it was first place Lucifer had ever truly called home and he was so happy when you told him you wanted to be married there.
But now you didn't want to leave the safety of the penthouse. You wanted nothing more than to walk down that aisle, marry the man you knew would give you the world if he could. However, the anxiety of it all was beginning to catch up to you and you found yourself unable to leave the bathroom you'd locked yourself in. Try as they might your bridesmaids could do nothing to convince you out. 
Linda volunteered to be the one to tell the groom of your unfortunate situation and Lucifer didn't look the least bit concerned. He simply looked out of the crowd of people, people you barely knew but had invited out of polite obligation. Your own family had refused to come, they'd never cared much for the devil. 
"I've just got the most splendid idea, you grab Daniel and Amenadiel, and meet me upstairs." Lucifer smiled cryptically.
Linda watched him walk away, standing there confused for a moment.
She went off to find the groomsmen. Dan had only been asked to be one because Lucifer knew you two were on good terms and friends, much to his disdain. Linda did as he asked, gathering everyone up, ushering them to the elevator as discreetly as she could. The crowd didn't seem to notice anything amiss.
When they stepped from the elevator they were surprised to see Lucifer and Maze moving furniture while Chloe and Ella decorated the penthouse with extra decorations left over. 
"What are you doing?" Dan was the first to ask.
"Why we're having a wedding Daniel! Don't just stand there, lend a hand!"
Dan shrugged before moving to help Amenadiel place the rug.
"Doctor be a dear and fetch my bride would you?" Lucifer hummed a little.
Linda stood there a moment, still trying to process everything.
"What about all the guests downstairs?"
"They've got the reception to enjoy, they'll be just fine, although this isn't really about them now it is?"
That was good enough for her and she walked to the bathroom, knocking lightly.
"Y/N, can you come out for a minute."
It was silent for a moment before there was a soft click of the lock. The door opened and Linda smiled.
"Come on, we have a surprise for you."
You could hardly believe your eyes, the penthouse although nothing extraordinary was decorated beautifully, and filled with the only people you truly cared where there. A small laugh escaped and you blinked back tears. Dan offered you his arm, as Linda took her place with the other bridesmaids. Dan led you closer to where Lucifer stood, more handsome than ever in his tux, Amenadiel standing ready to marry the two of you.
Lucifer watched you draw closer, and although he'd seen you in your dress before the sight of you now made his heart stop and he stood up straighter, his eyes refusing to look away from you for even a second, wanting to etch this moment into his memory forever. Amenadiel placed his hand on Lucifer's shoulder, smiling at his brother.
"Luci, you're crying." 
Lucifer cleared his throat, fixing his sleeves. He sputtered a moment, like he was trying to deny it but his expression softened and he found he didn't much care for the tears blurring his vision.
"Well of course I am brother! Just look at her... have you ever seen anyone more beautiful..."
Amenadiel smiled folding his hands in front of him in as Lucifer took your hands in his. Dan took his place beside Lucifer and the devil smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about putting you through all this trouble." You spoke softly.
He squeezed your hands a bit, his smile reassuringly.
"Darling it hardly matters where I marry you, just that I have you forever."
You smiled and Amenadiel cleared his throat.
"Can I continue?" 
Lucifer huffed, waving his brother off dismissively.
"Yes of course, let's hurry this along, I'm eager to begin my honeymoon."
You and the others laughed joyfully relieving the anxiety you'd been feeling. This was Lucifer, your best friend, the man or rather devil, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You had no reason to worry, and with that thought in mind, a warm content feeling settled over you.
As Amenadiel went through the ceremony Lucifer held your hands a little tighter, his eyes never leaving yours.
When Amenadiel finally announced you as husband and wife Lucifer had almost impatiently pulled you into that fateful kiss. Your small group of friends cheered and you had smiled so wide as Lucifer dipped you. 
The moment hadn't been what either of you had originally planned, but it had been perfect nonetheless. And you knew you wouldn't change a thing.
The other guests had been understanding and were more than happy to simply enjoy the reception with the new Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar. So you drank, and you laughed and you danced, and when you danced that slow dance with your husband you couldn't help the tears that escaped, prompting your new husband's worry.
"I'm crying because I'm happy Lucifer." You assured him.
He swayed with you in his arms, and you cupped his face in your hands.
"I married the man I love, surrounded only by the people who mean the most to me. Today was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing."
Lucifer smiled, giving you a soft kiss, before you rested your head on his shoulder as the two of you swayed to the soft melody of the song playing.
"And I will love you forever, my beautiful wife."
You smiled as he held you tighter, joyful tears filling both of your eyes, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You'd done it.
You said your vows.
You said I do.
And you had kissed that devil with everything you had, and you'd never been happier, knowing you'd spend the rest of time with the man who loved you the most by your side.
Tag List: @sallyp-53 @mizzezm @adira-secrets @we-are-all-alittle-strange-here @gingernarwal @im-just-along-for-the-ride @lifeshortbro @measure-in-pain @emiwrites3reads @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @kelly-n-russell @aiofheavenandhell @beththedemonhunter
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halcyonmusings · 5 years ago
eris x teague for the ship ask, please 💕👽
How did they first meet?
Teague gets invited to the Golden Gato by other overseers which LOL but Teague wanted to fit in and not give away anything of his ulterior motives. He literally chose Eris because he thought she was the prettiest girl.
What was their first impression of each other?
Eris was taken aback at an overseer being at the Gato and she thought he looked bored/mildly uncomfortable while he was being pressured into picking a girl. Then when she took him to her room he stayed several feet away from her and didn’t attempt to make any moves on her which she weirdly liked lmao. Teague like I mentioned just thought she was very pretty but beyond that he didn’t think much of her and didn’t really want to talk to her at first until he made small talk with her and thought she was clever/funny.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
No one really knew.. I mean the girls at the cat had inklings but they didn’t talk about it. They did tease Teague when he’d visit by saying “Let me guess, you’re here for Eris? ;)” Other than that no one had expressed for them to not be together. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Eris.... dumb hoe. It happened after Teague had been taken to his bdsm trap at the square but of course Eris didn’t know that. When he returned after he’d been rescued, she Knew that there was something more because if it had been anyone else she wouldn’t have cared if they came back, but with Teague, she’d been relieved to see that he returned to her, so from there her feelings for him grew.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Eris did mainly due to her not wanting to get close to any of her clients. Teague just buried the feelings deep down knowing there couldn’t be anything more between them.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Teague would ignore it, Eris would believe it.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Teague did, but it was kinda funny the way he asked. Mainly due to her being a courtesan, so she did have clients... but he was like “Could you.. ask for clients that don’t sleep with you?” and was like “That’s how I get paid....?” so she had to get clients who asked for massages or like footjobs idk it was pretty funny though
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
They can’t really date, but he did take her out once on a walk around the Cat.. nothing eventful lmao but Eris had a nice time getting to be out of the cat and have a conversation with Teague with their clothes on, so.
What was their first kiss like?
Eris kissed Teague when they first met. He’d been acting standoffish with her and she kept getting close to him and asked him if he’d ever been with a courtesan before. He told her no and that he had no interest. She was gonna give him a kiss on the cheek but when he’d seen her coming close to her he was going to ask what she was doing, but the movement of turning to see her made her kiss him on the lips but she went all in. Teague got a boner from it and ran off rhfkjlfjflf
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I’d say this was Teague’s first relationship where he genuinely cared for his partner and fell deeply in love with.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Eris is 5′8″ and... I’m not sure how tall Teague is... I’ll say 5′11″, so there’s not much of a height difference there. I wanna say Teague’s in his late 30s - early 40s... Eris is 27 or 28 when dh happens so.... go grandpa ig........
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
They never met each other’s families, except for Teague meeting Clara, but they both like each other.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Teague.......... Eris loses her temper very quickly and she’s not very social. Teague’s the charmer who gets everyone’s attention if he wants it.
Who gets jealous easier?
TEAGUE HJFKLGHJGKLG he tries not to be, but he’ll see someone flirting with Eris or he’ll hear her laugh and he’ll be like >:( HMPH and be passive aggressive towards her when they’re together.
Who said “I love you” first?
Eris... she did write it in a letter to him, but when he came to get her, she asked him if he read her letter. He told her no, so she got mad and then just told him right there.
What are their primary love languages?
Just knowing each other’s routines, what ticks the other off, remembering what the other likes.. for example Eris will make him food and be like “I remembered you mentioning you liking this before, so I made it for you.”
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
In the beginning, they wouldn’t be affectionate in public, but once they’re living in Karnaca they’re almost always holding hands or he’ll kiss her at random times when they’re out for their walks around the docks.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Cooking, slow dancing, Teague reading while Eris plays the piano.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Teague. When she’s upset, he’ll let her vent about her problems, listen to her, sometimes offer advice. Rarer times when she cries, he’ll stay at her side and not leave.
Who’s more protective?
Teague. When he becomes high overseer, he sends a few guards to keep an eye on her and report to him if anyone tries anything on her.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical.... Eris is a hoe for it.. literally eheheuheuehueheuhe but yeah, she likes to kiss or be kissed, to be held, holding hands, all that stuff. After meeting Eris, Teague’s become a fan of physical affection, the man cannot get enough of it.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
cinnamon girl by ldr, always forever by the cults, cocoa hooves by glass animals
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Eris likes to call Teague “darling” and Teague calls her “my love” every so often 🤮
If they get married, who proposes?
Teague proposes. He says it when he comes back for her after the lighthouse event. He rushes in to the cat to see her and he’s like “come with me, let’s get out of dunwall, we’ll get married, have children, grow old and forget about this place” and Eris is like “You wanna marry me? :’)” idiot!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It’s a private wedding tbh. Clara and Mateo are there though.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
They do have two kids, but one is from a previous relationship, so technically they’ve got one together. Funny enough Mateo acts more like Teague. Mateo and Callum are four years apart but they’re really close and are always found together. Mateo uses his charm to get out of trouble, while Callum is a little more chaotic, but at the end of the day he’s a mama’s boy :^)
Do they have any pets?
No.. but Mateo and Callum find a hound  who they name “Lux” and sneak out to feed him late at night. Teague knows about it, but he doesn’t tell Eris.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Eris, but she’s not that strict. Teague’s just a little more lax when it comes to either of the boys misbehaving unlike Eris, but she hates getting after them. Callum fortunately listens to her and doesn’t like to upset her. Though he and Mateo know to go to Teague when they want to get away with something.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Teague, but if he’s not around, she’ll do it. Sometimes she’ll get Callum to do it for her.
How do they celebrate holidays?
Eris likes to go big, she’ll decorate their house very extravagantly. does that universe have holidays? maybe... idr i know there’s the fugue feast but you know.................. yeah. w/e they celebrate whatever holidays there are.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Eris. Teague is always up earlier than she is, but she’ll reach around to find him in bed and when she doesn’t she’ll get up to look for him and be like “come back to bed :(” and 9 times out of 10, he will.
Who’s the better cook?
Eris, but she doesn’t like to cook unless he or the boys help her out.
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Thirty-Two: Slumlord ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
Not all of their journey is so glamorous. Though a great deal of it is spent on the road, camping off on bedrolls on whatever dry, even ground they can find, the group occasionally makes their way through towns. Inns are a welcome respite, but cost a pretty penny in turn. The better the conditions, the more expensive their stays. And eventually, their coin purses start to feel a bit...light. Work while on the move is difficult to find, let alone that which pays well enough to make it worth their while to stop.
So when the group decides even the cheapest of the inns of their latest towns is too much to pay for, they weigh their options.
“We could just keep going through town and camp off the roadside,” Sasuke offers, looking unbothered. “What’s the difference?”
The light mage, however, protests. A night in a proper bed is a relief for Itachi, and helps make it all the easier for her to keep him healthy as they make their way to the capital.
“Is there a...cheaper part of town…?” Hinata asks.
“None that’s likely both in our price range, and safe,” Sasuke mutters. “Heading into the slums is just asking for trouble. Sure, we could probably handle it given our ven, but I’d rather not take the chance.”
“Well...maybe we could just ride through? Scope things out?”
He sighs. In truth, he knows it won’t be worth it. Sleeping somewhere rat and flea-infested won’t be the restful night of sleep the light mage is thinking of. “...all right, fine. We’ll ride through. But do not get off your horse. Be ready to bolt if anyone gives the word. It’s not safe.”
The rest of the group nods gravely, keeping astride their mounts as they head to the western edge of the city. As they leave the brightly-lit main thoroughfare behind...it becomes clear Sasuke knew exactly what he spoke of.
The streets begin to narrow, cobblestone quickly abandoned for dirt with deep ruts from carts. Buildings almost seem to loom forward over the roadways, dirty and dark with many a broken, boarded window. Sallow-faced people look to them with a mix of fear, suspicion, and yet a glimmer of greed.
Hinata can’t help but keep a bit of ven at her fingertips.
They do eventually come upon an inn, but just one look tells them it’s hardly a place they should consent to. Like the other structures, it clearly lacks in upkeep and repair. A few beggars sit along the front, dressed in rags and rattling their tin cups for alms.
“So, believe me now?” Sasuke mutters, glancing to his companions.
But before they can agree to move on, a man steps out from the inn, tailed by a few others. Looking a bit out of place, he’s dressed in far better shape than his compatriots, giving a grin that flashes a tooth of gold.
“Well well, what ‘ave we ‘ere? A few customers for me ‘umble inn?”
“Just passing through,” Sasuke bites back, clearly not in the mood for whatever this one’s scheming. “Now, if you’ll excuse us -”
“Ah, but what’s the rush? Forgive me, milord...but it’s rather clear the lot a’ you’s been on the road for quite some time! Why not take a night to freshen up ‘fore you’s back on the ol’ path, eh?”
“Forgive me, but it looks like if you want to run an inn of any repute, you’d best invest in it rather than your threads, slumlord.”
Rather than take offense, the man just lifts arms in a gesture of airy disregard. “I’ve many a’ property this side a’ town, milord. S’not an easy thing to keep up so much property! But I always do right by me patrons, yes I do.”
“I had a feeling you were the reason so much of this part of town looks rat-gnawed. You charge these folks into the gutter, and don’t invest a penny back into the places you rent them. It’s a wonder they’ve not all caught the plague living like this,” Sasuke snaps.
...at that, the man’s grin fades. “...s’no concern a’ yours how I run my business,” he growls. “If you’ve no intent on stayin’, get t’hell out.”
“I’d love to, if you’d move from the fore of my horse.”
The slumlord sneers, and for a moment everyone tenses, awaiting the breakout of conflict. But then the group steps aside, letting the traveling party pass. Nonetheless, Sasuke keeps a sharp eye on them, Hinata doing the same.
“...what a horrible man,” she murmurs once out of earshot. “How can bhe treat those people so…?”
“After the fall of the Summit, the governments of the lands fell into disarray. Much of the hard work put into structuring and regulating places like this were left to fall apart...and people like that rose to claim the pieces. It’s why it’s so important the Elemental Summit is put back into place,” the lux mage replies softly. “Without the overarching order, the scattered remnants have struggled to keep things from falling into chaos. The gap between the rich and the poor grows...and you end up with slums like this one.”
“And you’ll just magically save the world from itself, will you?” Sasuke bites back.
“It won’t be easy...but it is necessary.”
“Any change takes time,” Hinata offers, taking the healer’s side. “But that’s why the sooner we start, the sooner we can hopefully start getting things back into a more peaceful, balanced state.”
“Good luck undoing over a century’s worth of corruption.”
“Well...we have to start somewhere.”
With that, the four of them move to the markets, stocking up a bit before heading back out of town through the opposite gate. They get in a few more miles before pulling off into a copse of trees, setting up camp as is reflexive by now. As usual, Sasuke heads the effort with Hinata’s help as the healer tends to his brother.
“...did you mean what you said back there?”
“Hm?” Looking up from the fire he’s tending, Sasuke gives Hinata a glance. “...what did I say?”
“You sounded so...defeatist when we spoke about reassembling the Summit. Are you...really so jaded?”
That earns a scoff and a scowl. “...my entire life has been lived in the chaos after the Rift. My family was forced to flee when I was barely a babe when civil war broke out. We lived in seclusion from then on, separated from our kinsmen and barely allowed to show our faces in any town. Even now, crowds make me nervous. I don’t see how this many years of prejudice against our people can be overcome.”
Hinata considers that quietly for a time. “...I was displaced when a little older. I was maybe...eight? Nine? Our home was raided after my father’s work was discovered. We fled...and my mother died protecting us, holding the men after us at bay. For a while...I too was hopeless. I lived my life in secret, on my father’s estate. But then...I met you. And we started this journey. And while we’ve seen some terrible things, l-like today...we’ve also seen things that give me hope. And...now that I have it, I can’t let go of it. We have to try. Otherwise...n-nothing will ever change. After so long living the same way...I can’t go back to it. So I’ll give this my best effort...or I’ll die trying. Going back to how things were...would be a fate worse than death, to me.”
It’s Sasuke’s turn to go quiet and think. In his life, things just always seem to go wrong. The scattering of his people, the slowly-growing illness in his brother, the desperation in his family. It all feels so unfair...and so hopeless…!
...and yet...he’s here, isn’t he? Putting his faith in this healer, a near-extinct breed, to save his most precious person. If he really was hopeless...would he have come this far?
But healing one person...and healing a world...it’s not the same. This woman may be the very last of her kind. Can they really turn a tide this long-standing, this deep? It just seems...impossible.
“...well...I’ll believe it when I see it,” he concedes, wanting to let the subject rest. The whole evening has him a bit on edge, and he really just wants to sleep it off. “We’ll hardly see it done in one night.”
“No, we won’t.” Pausing, Hinata murmurs, “I’ll take first watch. Get some rest.”
“But -?”
“It’s clear you need it,” she counters gently with a smile. “I’ve some energy in me yet. Sleep.”
Sighing in acceptance, Sasuke settles atop his bedroll. Rest might not come easy, but...well, nothing really does, does it?
     Back into the fantasy verse we go! This “series” hasn’t really had an order to it like a few others - it’s been a bit more sporadic, so apologies if it’s ever unclear. But then again, I never had much intention of making series within the series when I started, lol      Sasuke is a bit of a sourpuss in this verse, but for good reason. Elves have gotten the short end of the stick for quite some time. But, with any luck (and a lot of hard work), things will change! He just needs to have a little faith!      Aaanywho, that’s all for tonight! Thanks for reading n_n
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mulansays · 7 years ago
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Hello, my dear readers!
So I’ve found myself some spare time, and after scrolling through twitter, I’ve decided to do a little research on LUXE!
Now, if you’ve been living under a rock like I have, here’s what “luxe” is. They’re an up and coming girl group under Royal Entertainment, the company that brought us Brave Girls and H.A.M. After having made legends like these two groups, one can only imagine the impact that they’ll make with LUXE.
They’ve released a total of six teasers for the group’s debut, the most recent one having been uploaded to YouTube just yesterday. Here’s what I’ve found out about the girls, and my opinion on this path to debut thus far!
The first teaser contained a simple theme. I believe this girl was once a Nova trainee—the only one on Royal Survival, correct me if I’m wrong, because I haven’t watched the show—and she went on to be one of the winners. Nam Dawon, or I guess I should start referring to her as Sona from now on, has some major pipes. From the clips I’ve watched on Youtube, she’s like the Korean Whitney Houston. Her teaser video was (visually) so pretty too, vaguely reminiscent of a scene from a Kdrama. You know, the ones where the guy watches the girl from afar, completely enamored by the way her face scrunches in concentration, eyes following the pencil as it curves elegantly along the paper? That kind of cliche. The song, however, feels a little too familiar, or is the proper term “basic?” I’m not a huge fan of ballads and the songs that you can cry to, so maybe that’s why it didn’t get me very excited. I’m curious, though, is that really her own drawing? If so, that’s so much talent in one body.
So, I did a little digging on the next teaser’s member, and turns out she’s Jegal Seoyoung. She’s going by the name Yena while promoting as a member of LUXE, and the nickname is just as cute as her teaser. Her visuals? EVEN BETTER. Although her face looks a little rounder and chubbier than the previous member, she’s got this refreshing smile that makes you want to protect her. Her concept for the teaser was adorable; I loved seeing her dance along with the music while doing her skincare routine. It felt so relatable, as I bet a lot of women do the same or something similar (I know I do). I’m happy that the song played in her teaser is a little more upbeat, though it seems kind of… cutesy? It matches Yena, no doubt, but I just guess I expected a concept along the lines of girl-crush for Royal.
Next up was a former KT trainee. I think I might be the first to say this, but I was really disappointed with Jo Eunae’s teaser. When I searched her name on Youtube for clips of her on Royal Survival, I fell in love with her rapping style. Eunae Xayah has such strong charisma that naturally, you want to root for her. She’s a dancer and rapper, so of course she has to exude a certain energy. But I feel like her teaser didn’t do her enough justice; it was too lackluster. It’s just a clip of her looking pretty while jogging in a fairly dangerous space? There’s nothing memorable about it, which is sad because she’s one of the members I WANT to be able to remember and support. The song itself that’s played in the background is definitely more fierce than the prior ones, so I’m hoping it’s a title track.
We’ve seen this next member everywhere: in a documentary, a live stage, and a music video. Finally, she’s debuting! But I see Yang Jiwon’s received a rather Western-sounding stage name. She’s to go by Celine now? Whatever her stage name is, she’s beyond beautiful. Is she a visual? Because with a face like that, she’s bound to draw in male and female viewers alike. Seriously, how can someone look so pretty while grocery shopping? Spoiler alert: I’m the cashier gawking at her. Just kidding, obviously. Once again, we can hear a snippet of that overly cutesy song, but staring at Celine’s face, I don’t exactly care? There could be a song about rotten milk playing in the background but she’d smile and I’d be okay with it.
Another Western name used for a stage name, Kim Seolhyun seriously looks like a doll. After watching her videos in Royal Survival and Season 3 of the MGA’s, along with this teaser, I believe she’ll be the main dancer? Her movements are graceful and soft, deliberate in every way. No wonder Byun Baekhyun (trainee, participant on MGA3) had heart eyes for her? LOL. The thing I love most, is that she genuinely looks like she’s having fun. It doesn’t look like a job where she’s being directed what to do, but she truly enjoys and loves moving to the beat of the music. That said, I’m still not too fond of the song played in this teaser, and I probably never will be, but Ella’s dancing certainly warmed me up to the song in the slightest bit. She reminds me of those ballerinas that spin on music boxes.
And here’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Lee Jihyun. Perhaps one of the best known trainees in Royal, she’s been everywhere as Jihyun. From MGA1, to Dream High, to live stages, to coaching on MGA3, this girl has done it all (a whole Jung Daehyun belongs in the “all” category as well, huh? LOL). Now, debuting under the name Cheri, we can see her adorable and silly side. I know I act the same after waking in the morning. Yet, despite our actions being similar, she looks even prettier than I do when waking up. Wait, did I phrase that wrong? I sound too vain, right? LOL, who cares.
I have to say I’m still confused on the concept of LUXE’s debut, though. Some of it is soft, coffee shop-esque, while some of it is club-worthy. Seems a little messy to me. Royal’s had some of these trainees for years, so you’d think they’d have come up with something more… I don’t know, just more? We know what these girls can do after watching them on survival shows. So Jisub, don’t limit them! Nonetheless, I hope LUXE shines once they debut. I’ll always be supportive of girl groups, as they never get as much exposure as the boys. Stupid meninists.
That’s all for today, folks! Let me know underneath this blog post, or contact me on twitter @naomiwj, if you have any questions for me, if you have a request for a group, or if you just wanna chat! 
Thanks for reading, fellow netizens!
♕ Naomi Wang ♕
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Forty-Five: Ridiculous Statement ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
Word, apparently, travels fast.
They’ve only been in the capital city a few months when the little procession arrives. Plans to rebuild the elemental council have scarcely begun. Hinata’s barely even made up her mind to stay and begin learning the necessary politics to - once she’s ready - become the dignitary of Auquiana’s disciples.
How they found her, Sasuke really isn’t sure.
All he does know, is that while out practicing his swordsmanship stances, a carriage clickity-clacks along the stone streets toward the Luxerian palace. Brow drawing - they hardly expect any visitors - he watches before sheathing his blade and moving to intercept as they pull around the curved drive to the front steps.
Alongside the carriage are several riders on horseback, the beasts dancing a bit with nerves.
He has a feeling he knows why.
Standing at the base of the stairs, Sasuke folds his arms, eyeing the buggy warily. From within emerges a man, and genuine surprise pulls the Uchiha’s face taut.
...it’s Hiashi. Hinata’s father. The one she ran away from in secret all those months ago when they began this journey.
The water mage stands upon the small step up haughtily, looking over the palace with an unreadable gaze tinged with several flickering emotions Sasuke can’t begin to decipher. But he gets the impression Hiashi’s seen it before.
...but that means…?
“Where is my daughter?”
Facade smoothed once more, Sasuke - at first - doesn’t answer. “...name?”
“You know damn well who I am,” the elder elf spits, descending to the street. “Hiashi of the Hyūga. Pureblood descendent of those who first accepted the water elemental Auquiana’s blessing.” He gives Sasuke an appraising look, not bothering to hide his disdain. “...and you are?”
“Sasuke, line Uchiha. Pureblood of Ignitrios.”
“Tch, fire...how typical. Of course you stand in my path.”
“What makes you think your daughter is here?”
“She was spotted by men I’ve sent in search of her. And don’t play dumb with me, young man. They reported your visage, too. As well as your brother’s, and the lux mage. Don’t bother trying to lie to me. Now where is she?”
“If she wishes to speak to you, she’ll do so. If not, you’ll have to live with the disappointment,” Sasuke retorts, tone just as challenging.
“How dare you…? She is my daughter!”
“And perfectly capable of making her own decisions. If she doesn’t wish to see you, you can’t force her.”
A vein ticks in Hiashi’s temple, mouth opening to argue. But he comes up short, eyes flickering up over Sasuke’s head.
Glancing back over his shoulder, he sees the rest of his party descending the steps.
“That’s enough, Father,” Hinata calls, skirts pulled up with a hand as shoes clack along the stone stairs. “Sasuke’s right. Stop yelling at him!”
“Young lady,” Hiashi begins, tone like ice. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“I do,” she responds, tone firm. “I left behind a home that was no longer my home, and a father who refused to let me f-follow my destiny.”
“You ran away from home! Without a word! I’ve sent man after man to follow your trail, and now that I’ve finally found you, you refuse me?”
“I will, if you will not respect me.”
Hiashi actually retreats half a step in shock, gazing up at his daughter’s unwavering stare.
Clearly, he’s realizing she’s not the timid girl that left home so long ago.
“...all I have seen, and all I have learned, since leaving your home...has changed me. I’m not a doll for you to pose and control. I won’t be refused my path any longer, Father. I’ve learned about ven - about my element! I can control it now. It speaks to me. Just like it spoke to Mother -”
“Ven and its arts are what got your mother killed!” Hiashi cuts in.
“Fear and prejudice are what killed my mother. And I’ll bow to it no longer. I am not a child, Father. I’m forging my own destiny. And it’s here. With the new elemental council.”
“Are you mad…? What a ridiculous statement! The council has been dead for hundreds of years! Since the coup that broke it!”
“The coup that unfolded in this very city,” the lux mage cuts in, stepping further. “...in this very palace. Which led to the sealing and petrification of the Luxerian capital, until the return of one of their disciples. And here I am. The time for hiding and fear is over, Hiashi. The elemental council will be reborn. Balance will be found again. And the mor’el’ven and mor’el’kor will stop their cold war and return to peace.”
“...you’re delusion, the lot of you,” the aqua mage scowls. “All you’re doing is exposing our kinds to the threat of open war. The el’kor will never listen. They fear us. Hate us for our magic. For our bonds with the Elementals. Elementals that abandoned us!”
“Because we abandoned them!” Hinata retorts. “Ven was n-never meant to be used as a weapon. Not like it was after the coup. We forgot the ways of peace and balance the Elementals taught us...and for that, we were punished. They left us...but I know they’ll return.”
“You know nothing -”
“Do you know what happened to Mother the night she died?”
Hiashi goes silent.
“...she heard Auquiana. Heard their voice. Accepted their embrace. And through her, they shaped their ven to combat the enemy. It’s why Mother suddenly surged in power. Why she was able to destroy the foes that pursued us. Why we got away. She gave up her life for us...and that selflessness - that need - is what brought Auquiana to her. She became a vessel for their power. They have not left us…! If we return to the old ways - if we revive our cultures, our paths of peaceful unity with our elements - they will return.”
For a long moment, the Hyūga patriarch is quiet. Eyes flicker as he thinks, the memory clearly playing in his mind as he tries to find an argument.
But there’s none to be had.
“...the time of division is over, Father,” Hinata murmurs. Stepping up beside Sasuke, she gently takes his hand, threading their fingers in an inarguable symbol. “Our people will be brought out of hiding. Out of the darkness. The light has returned - the lux mages are not extinct as we feared. With her help, we will unite the twelve elements again. We will free the el’ven people. And I plan to remain and help. I will help guide and coalesce the disciples of Auquiana.”
Hiashi studies his daughter, expression again unclear. But slowly, recognition colors his gaze.
“...you truly are your mother’s daughter. Were she here...she would argue the same case. She always was a dreamer…” He sighs, head bowing. “...it will be dangerous. The attention this will attract…”
“We’re ready for it,” Sasuke then says, drawing Hiashi’s gaze. “The council isn’t the only thing returning.”
Umber brows furrow...and then lift as a distant sound echoes. A great whistling cuts through the air. Through the sky streaks a white glimmer, the horses rearing in full-blown panic as the lux dragon flutters down into the courtyard, feathered wings buffeting the grass.
“The dragons, too, are heeding our call. They can feel the same change we feel. This one has remained, waiting diligently, for a disciple of Luxeria to return. And now she s-stands beside us. More will come. Drach, mor...the hidden kinds no longer have to hide. The world is changing, Father...and I want to be there when it does.”
Staring at the beast in awe, the last of Hiashi’s argument seems to crumble. “...what can I do?”
“Spread the word. Tell everyone you know - all the mor’el’ven - that the Luxerian capital no longer slumbers. The council is regathering. The future is quivering in anticipation. We must rise to meet it.”
Dragging his eyes back to his daughter, the pair lock gazes, communicating silently.
“...your mother would be proud of you. And I...am proud of you, too.”
Hinata jolts, eyes widening as her father turns, retreating into his carriage.
“I will return home. Gather the el’ven I know. I’m sure the winds will carry the news. When I am able...I will see you again.”
Still shocked, Hinata can only nod as the group retreats back down the cobbled road.
Behind them, Itachi and the lux mage exchange a glance before retreating inside.
“...did...did that really just happen…?”
“I think it did,” Sasuke replies softly. “...you were amazing.”
“My heart was p-pounding - was it obvious?”
“Not at all. You spoke your mind. Stood up for what you believed in.” Turning to her, Sasuke smiles softly, a hand tucking hair behind her pointed ear. “...you really have grown, Hinata. When we first met, you’d never have made a speech so rousing.”
Her cheeks dust pink, head ducking.
“Then again, I’d hope you could. Soon you’ll be doing that quite often once you represent your element.”
“...at times, I still can’t believe it,” she breathes. “It all seems to be happening so fast…”
“...well, you’ll not be doing it alone.”
Her gaze snaps back to him. “...you mean -?”
“I’m going to stay. Guess Hiashi’s not the only one you convinced,” Sasuke teases lightly, pressing lips to her brow. “Besides, you’ll need a little fire to boil your water until you learn to do it on your own, eh? But maybe you’re better at it than I thought.”
“...maybe I am.”
     *flops* Guh, tired...I'll be brief.      More DL, woo! This crossover's not the most well-received, but...this prompt gave me like NO ideas, so this was the best I could come up with, lol - Hinata and Hiashi finally break down and have a talk they've been needing to have for...a long time. But it could only happen now, with Hinata having grown as much as she has.      And Sasuke's right beside her, but...this time around, she handled it pretty well on her own x3      Anywho, I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow, so time to call it a night. Thanks for reading!
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