#luvia edelfelt x reader
I stole this prompt from an anon on @nkn0va blog.
Anyway, Luviagelita Edelfelt (Fate Stay Night) and Karin Kanzuki (Street Fighter) dating a S/o who grew up poor. Like on the street poor and they have no idea how to be prime and or proper
It is a good prompt so I can't blame you for swiping it. That said, I apologize for only being able to do Luvia's side. I couldn't think of anything that didn't feel like it was just a remake of Luvia's side for Karin. My aplogies. If I ever get the idea for Karin I'll be sure to write it!
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This had to be Tohsaka’s fault.
She didn’t know how, or why.
Luvia just knew that it was.
Especially with the trio of thugs telling her to hand over her bag.
The bag filled with her recently purchased materials for Magecraft.
Any other day, Luvia would just deal with them herself.
Unfortunately, some of the materials in her bag were… Volatile.
The blowing an entire city block sky high type of Volatile.
Personally, Luvia would prefer that not to happen.
And so, Luviagelita Edelfelt was in a pickle, her back against the wall of the alley, and highly explosive materials in her bag.
Needless to say, she was very limited on what she could do to get out of this.
But then, a Deus Ex Machina entered stage right.
The Deus Ex Machina?
You, walking in from the side alley and right in between the two factions, a toothpick in your mouth, wearing a raggedy jacket with patched up pants and beaten up sneakers.
“Hmm, I do believe I have gotten in the middle of something I probably shouldn’t have…” you muttered, reaching up and taking the toothpick out of your mouth, a slightly irritated expression on your face.
This was Luvia’s chance to escape!
“Please! Help me! These HOOLIGANS are-” Luvia began to screech before she was suddenly interrupted.
“Zip it Goldilocks!” you shouted, slightly turning towards her.
“Wha-! Can’t-” Luvia started to shout in indignity and annoyance before she was promptly interrupted by you again.
“ZIP! IT!” you shouted.
Luvia bit her tongue and nodded.
In any other situation, Luvia would deal with you herself.
Unfortunately, this was not any other situation and she would be a fool not to accept the help.
No matter how… crude the help is.
It was around now that negotiations began to deteriorate.
Well, Negotiations is what Luvia called it, it was more accurate to call it an exchange of words that could only ever lead to violence.
Which, of course, it led to when one of the thugs threw a punch.
Or tried to at least.
He was interrupted by a toothpick being tossed into his eye, his leg being kicked out from underneath him, and a knee being slammed into his face, knocking more than a few teeth out and breaking his nose before he crumpled to the ground in a heap.
Needless to say, the other two thugs did not take too kindly to this as one pulled a knife as the other charged you with a wild haymaker.
The one that tried to hit you with a haymaker was promptly kicked in the genitals, sending him to his knees where he received a plentiful serving of the heel of your shoe directly to his mouth which laid him out on his back, blood pouring out of his mouth from the broken and missing teeth.
That left only the one with the knife.
This one required you to be a tad more cautious.
Or that’s what Luvia would have thought.
The actions you took were far more aggressive, rushing forward, stomping on the ribs of the first thug and using him as a springboard to launch yourself upward, both legs drawn back to hit the last thug with both knees at full force.
And hit him with full force you did, your knees connecting cleanly with his chest, making a sickening crack resound down the alley from ribs snapping.
Though, not without receiving a knife to your side.
Luvia smugly drank her cup of tea as she watched over you in one of the guest rooms.
She was going to have her revenge for you calling her “Goldilocks”.
Right now, she was just waiting for you to wake up.
Then, almost as if on cue, you groaned and Luvia smiled.
It was… disappointingly easy to talk you into becoming one of her Servants.
Specifically, a bodyguard.
Sure, you were nowhere near as genteel as she would’ve liked.
Not to mention you fought extremely dirty.
Nonetheless, Luvia found your attitude and own particular way of going about things… interesting.
Rather than letting the staff toss something out and replace it, you’d find a way to stretch out its use for as long as possible which, over a few months, saved a nice chunk of change when it came to her being a tad… emotional at times when it came to the aftermath of her less successful magecraft experiments.
Now, if only she could get you to wear a full suit and tie, as opposed to just the shirt, shoes, and pants, you’d be the perfect-
Luvia snapped herself out of her thoughts by shaking her head.
Where in the world did that come from?
“Something eating at you Goldilocks?” you asked as you stood to the side of Luvia’s desk, hands in your pockets and a bored expression on your face.
“I have nothing to say to employees who refuse to address me properly as Mistress Edefelt.” Luvia declared as she turned her focus to the papers before her.
“Then it seems you and I ain’t going to be exchanging a lot of words, Goldilocks.” you told Luvia as you raised your hand to your mouth, a yawn escaping it.
“It seems not.” Luvia muttered, her previous thought coming back to her.
Why in the world had she almost thought that you would be “The perfect partner?”
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Luviagelita with an S/O who's shy and clingy but has Ciel/Wodime level potential
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•Ya know usually someone like you wouldn't really be Luvia's type at least personality wise
•But she just couldn't help but fall for you, she found you absolutely adorable
•She thought she'd found a match with Shiro but after meeting you she found out she apparently had a thing for shy people as well.
•She thought she'd have to resign herself to marrying some high class noble she couldn't stand but no
•Not only were you from a well off noble family, you were also someone she could more than stand, she fell head overhels for you afterall
•There was initial thought that there could be issues in regarding to how well off you were with your potential as a mage, but those thoughts got put to rest extremely quickly
•Why? Well as a mage you were to put in modern terms absolutely busted
•Your Magic circuit capacity and quality was off the charts at a whopping EX rank, there were no doubts that you would be a first rate mage that would rival the likes of Kirschtaria Wodime
•Yet despite how strong you were and how much potential you had you still so shy and honestly she loved you that way
•She loved how withdrawn you were until you would gaze upon her and she could see your eyes light up like you'd just seen the most amazing scene in the night sky
•She loved how you loved to cling to her and so brazenly show your love for her with out any regard for those who were watching.
•She just honestly and wholeheartedly loved every little thing about you
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Luvia: Y/N lately, I've been seeing being a bit more fidgety than you normally are
Luvia: Is there something? Did that cow Tohsaka say or did something to you
M.Reader: No, Rin didn't do anything to me, also I wish you'd stop picking fights with each other
Luvia: Picking fights? Y/N, my darling, I'm not picking fights. I'm simply showing her her place, now tell me what's been bothering you so much
-Luvia says, looking proudly-
M. Reader: Oh, um well, it's Just there you're really pretty and-
Luvia: Why thank you name, it's always nice to hear you acknowledge my beau-
M.Reader: and I think I'd like to bend you over something >/////<
-Y/n blushes while fidgeting after finishing his sentence-
Luvia:..... W-what!!! Y/N I never expected you to say something so brazen to me!!!
Y/N: Ahhhh! I'm sorry but you asked I thought it'd be best to just say it
-Y/N covers his face while blushing brightly-
Luvia: Now now, don't back down after saying such bold things to your lady
-Luvia then walks up to Y/N and cups his cheek-
Luvia: After all, a gentleman should keep his word correct?
-Luvia then gives Y/N a sultry smile-
Here's where I got my inspiration for this
@melodic-haze here's my most recent one for Luvia
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