sattelite-of-love · 1 year
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- Kristin Chenoweth & The Cast of Schmigadoon!
It’s time to vote (To vote)
And vote for Layton (Vote for Layton!)
She is the only one who’ll save our town from Satan (Save us now!)
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c4rved-pumpk1n · 2 years
You singing 👀 love songs 💕 in my lustful lounge🥵??Ozzie's ✨️ain't 👎the place for sentimental 😍 sounds 🔊 what'd you expect from a proprietor like us 😃? Your demon 😈 host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of luust 🍑🍆
So give me a thrust 🥵. Show me some lust 😄. From the groin 🍆 to the bust 🍒, in desire 😍 we trust 😇 in the house 🏠 of🎶 As✨️mo✨️de✨️us✨️
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tabadolat · 1 year
Adam Feingold - Luust
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marci11e · 5 years
!!!! 46 and klance!! 💙❤️
46. “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
The apartment is dark when Keith enters, and he flicks on the light to see the kitchen and the living room empty. “Lance?” He’s met with quiet.
He shrugs, and closes the door behind him. Setting his bag down on the counter, he finally feels the long work day hit him. He presses a hand to his temple, the onset of a headache coming through. “Shit,” he murmurs. He moves to the kitchen counter, and begins to rattle around inside for some advil.
“Hey, Lance, have you seen the…?” He spins around, then lowers his hand. “Oh.” He gives Lance a look. “Did you...did you come in through the window?”
“Maybe. And the advil? Here.” Lance comes over, and gently pushes Keith aside. He stands there, eyes running over the bottles much quicker.
And it’s that simple little gesture, how focused he is while looking when he might not have cared- that’s what strikes Keith. He swallows, then snaps out of it as Lance looks over at him, shaking the bottle of advil near his face. “Rough day?”
“I love you.” 
It slips out.
Lance stills, the bottle pinched between his fingers. “What?” He says it soft, and he glances away before looking back.
“I love you.” It comes out so easily, like Keith’s been saying it his whole life. And he has, or at least in his head. 
Lance sets the bottle down on the counter and covers his face with both his hands. He slowly squats, and refuses to look at Keith.
Keith feels a swimming sensation in his stomach and he kneels in front of Lance. “Hey. What’s- did I say something wrong? Did I-”
“That’s the first time either of us has said it.”
Keith reaches out and moves Lance’s hands away from his face. “Hey, look at me. Lance.”
Lance opens his eyes. 
“I’ve been thinking it, all this time.” Keith cocks his head to the side, smiles.
“Stop.” Lance fights a smile.
“Yeah, for a long, long time. So, yeah.”
“That’s not fair.” Lance goes to hide his face again, but can’t because Keith has a hold on him. He frowns. “Not fair.”
Keith quirks an eyebrow. “What?”
“Well, before you did that, I may or may not have come in through the window to tell you that dinner’s ready, which meant going up to the roof. Then, after eating, I was maybe planning to say...Hey, don’t you laugh at me.”
“You’re so silly.” Keith laughs, feels the fatigue of the day slip away. “Silly.” He hums as he removes his hands from Lance’s wrists. He places a hand on the side of Lance’s face. “Thank you.”
Lance finally gives in, smiles. “I love you, too.”
“Mmm’ glad.” Keith takes a stand, extends his hand. “Now c’mon. I heard something about dinner?”
Lance smiles, gives Keith his hand. “Maybe.”
And they make their way up, up, up.
And it’s beautiful.
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klanced · 5 years
Hey!! Your literally doing gods work with this re write!! Don’t over exert yourself and take time if you need it okay!! ❤️💙❤️
I’m sooooo frustrated with myself right now because I set a time goal and I HONESTLY thought I was going to make it but now… I don’t even think I’ll be able to post Chapter 2 until tomorrow/later today ;-; I had the rough outline done and I was like “Swag this’ll be easy” but now I’m at forty pages and only halfway through the chapter…………………. Bro what am I DOING.
Anyway take my excerpts so you all can at least have like. A taste.
KEITH: … What do you want.
LANCE: I’m sorry.
[Startled, Keith finally turns to look at him.]
KEITH: What?
LANCE, grimacing: Back at the shack. I didn’t know Shiro didn’t know. Or- I wasn’t thinking, I guess. Me and my big mouth. I didn’t mean for- 
KEITH: It’s not your fault. I should’ve told him sooner. 
LANCE: Truth finds a way.
KEITH: Ha. Yeah. I knew putting it off would blow up in my face, but I just… 
LANCE: Didn’t want to disappoint him?
KEITH: You guys heard everything, didn’t you. 
LANCE: Whaaaaaaaaat? Heard what? (Keith gives him a flat look.) Okay, okay, yeah. You guys were shouting, it was kind of hard not to.
[He glumly stares at the wall. Lance hesitates before plunging onward.]
LANCE: If it helps, I don’t think he’s mad mad. Just… caught off-guard. Older siblings overreact like it’s their job, y’know?
KEITH: He didn’t even ask what happened. Or let me explain, or- or anything. Just, straight to the Lecture Zone. Like I’m some stupid little kid. … And I didn’t even drop out. I was expelled.
LANCE: I… I didn’t know.
KEITH: Well. Now you do.
LANCE: Maybe you should tell him?
KEITH: What difference would it make? I’m a fuck-up either way. 
SHIRO: Alright. I’ll go out first; on my signal, you four-
[There’s an explosion of chatter. Simultaneously-]
HUNK: By yourself? Are you crazy?!PIDGE: You have no idea what’s out there-KEITH: Over my dead body.LANCE: Noope, nuh uh, no way man!
HUNK: We literally just escaped from some bad guys, and now you want us to split up?
LANCE: Like zoinks, Scoob.
KEITH: You said we were a team, right? That means where you go, we go.
SHIRO: Alright, alright! (smiles) Go team.
ALLURA: Father! Oh, father.
[Allura’s eyes begin to well with tears.]
[Alfor instinctively reaches out to wipe her tears away- and halts, only a hair’s breadth away from her cheek, as his holographic form flickers. Like an echo.]
[Allura wipes her eyes.]
ALFOR: Allura, my beloved daughter. You have no idea how good it is to see your face again.
ALLURA: Father, I- I’m so lost. I’m so frightened. An hour ago, we were together- you were right here, I was touching you- And now, now you and 10,000 years are gone. Everyone is gone. Every thing is… I don’t know what to do.
ALFOR: Oh, Allura… I would do anything to take this burden from you. You have no idea how sorry I am.
ALLURA: Father?
ALFOR: I am sorry, Allura. I had my life, and I wasted my chances. I have left you this war. I have left you. I failed you, as both a Father and King. And now you are paying the price for my mistakes.
ALLURA: Zarkon is to blame, not you!
[Alfor cups his daughter’s face to the best of his ability.]
[Allura leans into the illusion.]
ALFOR, tenderly: You waste your kindness on a ghost. Forgive the living, if you can…
[His hand fizzles out of existence before reforming at his side.]
ALFOR: … But leave me my burdens.
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thespacenico · 5 years
AHHH the latest fic was so dang cute!! I was smiling and giggling at my phone the whole time reading it 😁😍❤️
THANK YOU AH @caelestee slid into the gc and was like “klance number neighbor au” and i was like HELLO
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freaksatheart · 3 years
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@hardlyfunctioning-blog @nigguh-just-chill @hiipster-goddess-blog @neverrthat @life-is-a-rollarcoaster-ride @jhayydee @dannyb003-blog @gavinab @perception401 @missnightangelx @accept-the--fact @deycallmetrey @namaste-mooon @w0nder-luust @curiousitykilledus @cam-i-sado @lapalux-lazuli-blog @lalalovebro @prettyscarsx @lalalalalaldrewho @bad-desire @old-soul-young-heart @thesearethegoldenyears-blog @jja1stuff-blog @hasher-roth @imnotsquid-blog @n0tyourgirl @svetje @awfack-blog @navardo-blog @worthwhiile @earthlylullaby @thi5w4y4alic3-blog @carolinekerstin-blog @justbelievethelie-blog @c0dine-blog @arielchristii @the-mile-high-club-blog @p4celainqueen @fell-in-love-right-by-the-ocean @novocainxnumbthexpain-blog @2507-1996 @holy-shit-ballz @sophiisticatedmoodswings @brittcart @stop-drop-acid @hello-paradis3 @s-e-e-things-differently-blog @kgriffith9 @harryshangover-blog-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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duellance · 5 years
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“Keith knows they’re cutting it close but he can’t stop from reaching up with both hands and caressing the sides of Lance’s face. Wordlessly, he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on Lance’s lips. As he pulls away, he can only smile. It’s right there, right on the tip of his tongue-”
Have some Klance sort of based off of this lovely thing by @bluethisisforyou 💙
And I say sort of based off of it because it’s only after I finished the drawing and went back to grab the quote/link that I realized that…I drew the wrong outfit for Keith 🤦🏽‍♀️
Also, you wanna know a secret? I’m the anon that sent the prompt 🤗☺️ My Main: @wnder-luust
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Look look look....its late head is filled with the spice.
You ever just look at your own OCs and are just like, yeah ima touch them pecs?
Self care is luusting after your own OCs.
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gouldacademyhq-blog · 6 years
here are william & laurel
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fingerpaintedd · 2 years
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@brightyellowcorn-blog @gifthescreen @callowromantic @piercethefail @nonexistentmountains @wambowang @wandeer-luust @avocadoplant @zoltarspooks @spidermans-butt @a7medwa7eed @galaxiescolliding @lunchbox-mcquack @andthepersoniloveilost @potteau @chaariss @explorationgoals @star-gurl @seachromes @imquisitor 
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marci11e · 5 years
Ooo yay 45 and w klance obvs 💙
ok first off, i want to take a second??? to point out that this wonderful asker here made me art of a fic they’d anonymously requested a while back (please go give them some love!) and i. am on. the floor. i’ve had such an emotion packed day and just- thank you. so much. i hope you like this fic, too! (i really enjoyed writing this)
45. “Tell me a secret.”
“Tell me a secret.” 
It’s thrown out so nonchalantly that Keith has to stop and do a double take. He remembers where he is, in Lance’s bed because the floor hurts and there’s no guest bedroom. He knows that he lines the edge of the bed with his body, rigid, knowing at any instance he could fall. “What?” He mumbles, then blinks, looking over at Lance.
Lance is busy looking up at the ceiling, moonlight casting a bluish glow over him. He moves his head, makes direct eye contact. “If you don’t remember, my family kind of exposed all my— secrets to you.” He pauses, fiddles with his fingers over his stomach. “You: the fake boyfriend.”
Keith does his very best to not react visibly. “Well, isn’t that what families do?” He brings his arms closer to him, as though that’ll override the squeezing he’s feeling in his chest. Stop it, he thinks, as he looks down the line of his body. Then, he glances up and sees Lance roll on his stomach and all of a sudden, he’s moving, closer-
Keith startles back, and he’s falling, despite Lance’s attempt to grab at his shirt. He hits the ground with a thud, and he can’t bring himself to move. He shuts his eyes, grabs his, no- Lance’s shirt- in his fists, and shuts his eyes.
“Oh my god, are you-” 
Keith brings himself to open his eyes and sees Lance poking his head over the edge of the bed. “I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry-” Then, Lance starts laughing gently. He moves a hand to cover his mouth and he works his way through it. “I’m-”
As much as he’s in varying levels of pain, Keith can’t help but not want the laughter to stop. So, he watches, watches as Lance makes his way to a stop, drawing his hand away from his smile so he can rest it on the edge of the bed.
He glows blue, in the best way, and his smile grows a little smaller as he looks down. “So.”
“So.” Keith says, unthinkingly, as a statement.
“If you want back up here, you have to tell me a secret.” Lance grins, as though he’s thought up the best plan in all of existence. 
“Do I now?” Keith echoes, softly, and lets his grip loosen on his borrowed shirt. He lets his hands splay out on his chest, and he looks up at Lance directly over him. The more he looks at him, Keith understands just why he let himself be involved in this fake dating scheme. He feels a smile tug at his lips, but he doesn’t let it show. “Guess I’ll stay on the floor.” He closes his eyes, but listens.
“Have fun when I wake up and forget you’re there and step on you.” Lance moves his arm so that it hangs over the bed, pointer finger extended playfully. He pokes Keith in the cheek, and then keeps doing so as Keith keeps his eyes shut. “Just tell me the secret. It doesn’t even have to be your deepest, darkest one. Though, that would be very much be appreciated-” He stops when he feels a hand around his wrist. “Well?”
Keith takes a deep breath, lets his eyes flutter open. “I hate you.”
Lance makes a face. “Well, excuse me for-”
Keith keeps on going, letting go completely, fully. “I hate you for making it so hard to say no to fake dating to you. I hate you for bringing me in so close like this and not knowing what that would do to me. I hate that I’m saying all of this like this, but I don’t.” He gently lets go of Lance’s wrist. “Lance, I’m in love with you.” He finishes, then watches as Lance stills. “I’m in love with you,” he repeats, and never more sure of anything in his life, he finally relaxes against the floor.
Lance’s face is practically frozen up above. Without blinking, he moves himself out of view and presumably rolls back onto his side of the bed.
Keith bites his lower lip, then sits up. With somewhat shaky legs, he takes a knee. “I’m going to go sleep on the couch, so-”
“You’re an idiot if you think you’re sleeping on the couch.” Lance sits up in a flurry. “Mama would kill me if she found you out there, and well, I’d be lying if I feel like I didn’t just get hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.” Then, he smiles and Keith watches as Lance’s shoulders drop, spread out, like the tide. “But, y’know, I’m in love with you, too.”
“It’s okay, Lance. You don’t have to say that-”
“I was scared,” Lance interjects, bringing his knees to his chest. “I- you’ve been putting up with my bullshit and at moments, I couldn’t help but think about what it might be like to be in love with you for real.” He looks down, smiles to himself. Then, he looks up. “And then, it was only a matter of realizing that I already was- am.” He finally looks over at Keith. “Only someone who loves me could’ve agreed to do something like this with me.”
It’s quiet in the space between them. 
Keith swears the only thing he can hear is his heart, the way it’s pounding. Without thinking, he feels his hand against his chest, splayed out, more gentle than before. He plops back to the ground. 
Keith whips his head in the direction of Lance’s voice. 
Lance is sitting on the edge of the bed, closer than before. He squeezes the edge of the bed with his fingers before he speaks again. “So. Is it-” there’s a pause- “is it okay if I come down there with-” He falters as he watches Keith get to his feet in front of him. He cranes his head back so he can look up as a result. “Keith?”
Keith’s head is spinning, but he’s never felt such a good sort of dizzy before. He looks down, slowly brings a hand to Lance’s face. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
Lance makes a slight face. “You’re one to talk.” He laughs a little, eyes shut, then stills as he feels a hand on the other side of his face. He opens his eyes, beautiful blue and focused. “Hey-”
“Can I kiss you?” Keith says, distractingly rubbing his thumbs in circles over Lance’s face.
Lance blinks, then cracks a smile. “I don’t know. Can-”
Keith beats him to the finish, and kisses him softly. He pulls back, smiles. “Yeah.”
Lance laughs a little. “I hate you.”
“Mmm, hate you, too.” Keith removes his hands. “Can I get back in bed, now?”
“Give me another kiss and we’ll talk.”
“That’s a lie,” Keith muses, but goes back in, smiling all the way.
In the end, it takes three more, but eventually they go back to sleep, dreaming all the way until morning, when they glow under a different kind of light altogether. And they feel it- they feel it as they watch one another, both thinking the same thing.
This is real. 
It’s real.
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thespacenico · 5 years
Oh gosh ok I’m gonna try and be some what coherent but my mind is just an endless stream of !!!!!!!!!! Afgdbeh you are SUCH a great writer and peraltiago klance is my JAM. I got SO excited when I saw you posted it I literally froze lmao. But the fic was sooo cute and I was giggling like the whole time reading it. I love how you included the hair tuck! Like in the show!! I’m so excited for this series to continue and to see what other scenes you do!! 💙❤️💙❤️
AHHHHHH THANK YOU!!! that scene had literally been stuck in my head forEVER so at some point i was like i literally have to sit down and write it (but klance) or it’ll literally never go away but i’m so happy you liked it!!!! the hair tuck is just too good to pass up it’s so sweet and innocent
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duellance · 5 years
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prince lance prince lance prince lance
(click for better quality)
My main: @wnder-luust
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bcdintentcion · 5 years
   closed starter / @luustful​.
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It wasn't everyday that Bradley go to the library by himself. In fact, he always comes there when people was around him. Though, he has to admit that he loved to study and wanted to pass his semester, he does have to admit that it was boring to do it alone. A sigh left his lips when he looks around him and saw that there isn't lot of people around. What intrigued him a lot as well was the fact that professors loved to hang around here. When he saw professor Lewis, it did gave him an idea. He needed some help about biology. Something he has took with history since his parents didn't wanted him to be left without taking something concerning their buisness, so, he was stuck in that class as well. Something he hated since he couldn’t understand anything and was stuck, dreaming about other thing than doing what was asked. He walked with his books and bag in hand as he stopped toward the man and cleared his throat. " Hello, Proffessor. I needed to talk with you about that biology test you have talked about last class."
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annusablog · 5 years
Grupikogemus A.H. Tammsaare muuseumis
Seisame üheskoos ootusärevalt ja pisut kohmetult Anton Hanseni ukse taga - kes päris ukse kõrval, mõni üle koridori jääval uksepiidal, mitmed alles teises ruumis - ja lõpuks avaneb uks, millel seisab Tammsaare teenijanna Meeta. Seiklus algab.
Kogesime grupiga ühte tõenäoliselt argist päeva Anton Hansen Tammsaare elus. Kuigi kahtlemata oli enamikel grupist taustateadmisi kirjaniku kohta, serveeriti seekord teadmisi pigem tavapäratul viisil, sest luust ja lihast “lähikondne” jagas meiega Tammsaare eluolu argisemaid hetki ja harjumusi. Saime kuulda tema harjumustest ja päevakavast, kuid ka detailidest nagu kuulsa autori menüüst, mööbli eelistustest, tervisehädadest ja moevalikutest.
Uue teabe omandamiseks oli korteri õhustik püütud kujundada võimalikult ajastutruuks, seega keskkond iseenesest võimendas õppimiskogemuse intensiivsust, mis omakorda andis konteksti teenijanna loodud kujutelmadele. Lisaks auditiivsele informatsioonile läbi teenijanna filtri, saime õppijatena palju visuaalseid andmeid, kuid mitte ainult - ka kinesteetilisele õppimisväljundile jätkus rakendust sõrmedega üle tööpindade ja vanaaegsete pitside liikudes. Hingates sisse korteri jahedat õhku ja jälgides Meeta juttu jäi mulje, nagu Tammsaare võikski iga hetk välisuksest siseneda.
Elamuslikule külastusele järgnes minu jaoks õpikäigu kõige olulisem osa  - refleksioonigrupp, mis on kogemuse mõtestamise ja eesmärgipärase õppimise lahutamatu osa (Visnapuu, 2011, 2). Kirjeldasime ja jagasime fragmente enda kogemusest ning jõudsime tuumani, milleks olime kokkutulnud - mida ja kuidas täiskasvanud antud kogemuse raames õpivad? Paljudele oli see uus õppimiskogemus, kelle jaoks liiga kiirelt mööduv või informatsioonist üleküllastunud, teise jaoks inspireeriv võimalus rollimänguga liitumiseks. Mina näen rollimängu kogemust tavalisest giidituurist intensiivsemana, nõudes ka tuuril olijatelt pisut teistsugust ettevalmistust. Kõige aluseks on suhtumine - kuidas mänguga kaasa minna ja kui palju kaasa minna? Kas võtta sisse roll ja aktiivselt teiste rollis olijatega suhestuda? Nii nagu teistegi ajastut maalida püüdvate tuuridega eeldab rollimäng ka kujutlusvõimet, et loo sisse minna ja tunda, et hingad (meie puhul) Tammsaarele peaaegu kuklasse. Selline õppimisvorm annab võimaluse jälgida mängu metatasandil, näiteks püüda näha vahendite taha, mida rollis olija kasutab kogemuse loomiseks, arvata, millised on tema enda kehakeele nüansid ja analüüsida õpikeskkonda looga rollimängu väliselt.
Lisaks õpiprotsessi ülesehituse ja disaini küsimustele lahkasime arutelus ka teenijanna rolli piiranguid info edastamisel, samuti grupi suuruse ülegi. Oli huvitav jälgida, kuidas esile tõusis soouurimusliku prisma asetamine saadud infole. Nii mõnigi grupist oli jäänud mõtlema tolleaegse naispere liikmetele lubatu ja keelatu, nende elutingimuste ning vabaduste peale, võrreldes neid arvatavasti tänapäevaste standarditega. Soorollidega seotud eelarvamused on minu personaalses ruumis olnud viimastel kuudel iseäranis aktuaalsed ja seetõttu tekitas minus elevust mõtete uus kurss. Õpikogemused tüürisid suunda, kus fookus kadus Tammsaarelt, kelle järgi ometi muuseum nime kannab, hoopis lähedastele tema ümber. Usun, et Eesti naiste või sel juhul tolleaegsete linnadaamide igapäevaelu, õiguste ja kohustuste kohta oleks sarnasel kogemise meetodil huvitav rohkem teada saada. Tervitasin sellise vaatenurga koorumist, sest avastasin, et enne muuseumi külastust ei teadnud ma Tammsaare naise nimegi.
[Refleksioon ainest “Elukestva õppe keskkonnad”, 09.11.2019]
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Käthe Hansen. Allikas: https://lood.delfi.ee/eestinaine/raamat/anton-hansen-tammsaare-ja-kathe-abielu-lugu-naine-pani-mehe-teadmata-ajalehte-abieluteate?id=77467630
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