#luther x klaus
velvet4510 · 2 months
the fact that Luther, Allison, Klaus, AND Viktor ALL found their soulmates in different timelines/time periods through their time traveling is just SO juicy and could’ve been such a point of emotional conflict in this last season??? If all the timelines need to be destroyed but that would mean erasing the people they fell in love with?? erasing Sloane and Ray and Dave and Sissy?? Characters who actually were important to the seasons they appeared in, and who were so crucial to the Umbrellas’ character development?? Why not honor them and those incredible relationships in the swan song??
Instead, they did … that.
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redroses07 · 2 months
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the fuck was bro thinking?
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hihomeghere · 8 months
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Word Count : 1.8k Summary : Five has trouble sleeping and when he does sleep it's anything but peaceful. After a nightmare he craves your touch to remind him you're okay. Warnings/Tags : Talk of nightmares, insomnia, smut, piv, cursing, allusions to violence, use of y/n, Aged up!Five
Happy Valentine’s Day <3
Whether or not Five wanted to admit it he was an insomniac. Blame it on his heightened survival instincts from the apocalypse, or the commission. Whenever it was time to relax and go to sleep, Five felt more wired than ever. Which led to you normally finding him in the strangest positions when he finally crashed. Whether that be hunched over the kitchen table, cold coffee in a mug next to him. Sometimes you’d find him slouched in a chair, a blanket draped over him by one of his brothers. Your favorite was when you’d be watching a movie together, his eyes slowly closing, he’d mumble something along the lines of, ‘just resting his eyes for a second’ before he’d be snoring on your shoulder. A sure sign that he was still an old man in a young man’s body.
It’s not like he didn’t try to sleep. Every night you’d both climb into bed, you’d lay your head on his chest, the soft beat of his heart lulling you to sleep. He’d lay awake, his mind constantly churning. He’d gotten so desperate at one point he’d tried to follow the meditation video Klaus had lent him. Although listening to some lady stoned out of her mind telling him to breathe deep only agitated him further.
On the nights where Five did fall asleep it was anything but peaceful.
Five screamed, waking you up as you all but jumped out of your skin. Five sat up in bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his breathing erratic. You sat up, the sheet pooling around your waist.
“Five?” You whispered your hand lightly grazing his back. He jumped, turning to you like a cornered animal. His lips pulled back in a snarl, wide eyes glaring at you. “Hey,” You pulled back watching the gears turn behind his eyes, guilt washing over him as he realized you weren’t a threat. “Hey it’s ok, you’re ok.” He leaned forward resting his head on your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. His heart was beating like a small animal against your chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, his head resting in the crook of your neck. Hot tears wetting your collarbone.
“It’s ok, it’s ok.” You soothed, your hand traveling up to his head. You ran your fingers through hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He let out a shuddering breath, loosening his grip around your waist. “Do you want some tea?” You asked, you had been trying to help him kick his coffee addiction.
“Coffee.” He mumbled, sighing into your neck.
“Ok, let’s get some coffee.” You said peeling the sheets off the two of you. He sat up, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. You grabbed your robe off the floor, wrapping it around your body. Five stood by your bedroom door, bleary eyed. You took his hand leading him down the stairs to the kitchen. You looked at the clock as you passed the oven, 2:35. You internally sighed slipping your hand out of Five’s grasp. He pulled out a chair, grimacing as it scraped across the tile floor. You walked over to your new Keurig, Five’s birthday present. You popped one of the pods in before shutting the lid. You walked over to the kitchen cupboards, pulling out a mug and setting it in the Keurig. The smell of coffee filled the air as Five got up from his seat. He walked up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder. His arms wrapping tightly around your waist, pulling you back against his chest.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, reaching up to wrap your hand around his neck. You had both been trying to be more open about your pasts. Which meant having these uncomfortable conversations.
“Just-” He sighed, “Just stay with me for a minute, dearest.” You nodded slightly swaying as you both stood in the kitchen. Five loosened his grip around your waist, reaching past you to pick up his coffee cup. You leaned against the counter, pulling your robe closer around your body. He held the mug in one of his hands, leaning his head back against the cupboard cabinet. He let out a sigh before taking a sip of his coffee. “You’re staring.” He mused, turning to look at you.
“I’m just-” You sighed, shrugging your shoulders, “I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t be.” He said with a tight lipped smile. You raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms.
“I know you better than that.” You said a small smile pulling at your lips as you shook your head.
“Then you know what it was about.” He huffed, bringing the mug to his lips.
“A or c?” You asked, looking down at your feet. You had invented a code between the two of you, A for apocalypse and C for commission. While you couldn’t relate to being stuck in a post apocalyptic world, you were all too familiar with the inner workings of the commission. The killings you both carried out plagued your dreams as well. Your hands had been stained long ago.
“C.” He answered. The commission. Well that narrowed it down.
“Real or not real?” He hesitated, sneaking a glimpse toward you before raising his gaze toward the ceiling.
“Not real.” He said before clearing his throat. You walked over to him, laying your hands on his cheek. He avoided your gaze keeping his eyes lo
“Was it about me?” You asked, pushing his head slightly with your hand to get him to look at you.
“Yeah.” He said clenching his jaw, his eyes darted away from yours. You waited for a moment, to see if he would say anything more.
“I’m right here.” You whispered after a moment had passed, “I’m right here and I’m ok.”
“I know,” He leaned forward his lips finding your neck, he breathed in your sweet scent. The tiniest hint of sweat from the night. His hands found your hips, pulling you against him.
“I need you.” He breathed against your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses.
“You have me.” You sighed, leaning your head back offering him your neck.
The world spun and the temperature dropped as Five blinked you both back to your room. It took a second to get your bearings before your knees hit the bed. You allowed Five to lay you down, his long fingers curling under the waistband of your pajama pants. He pulled them off, while you pulled your shirt over your head.
“So gorgeous.” He murmured, kissing up your stomach. You sighed contently, melting under his touch. He pulled away briefly, pulling his shirt off and stepped out of his pajama bottoms. Leaving both of you in your underwear. He lifted your hips up off the bed, his fingers curling into the waistband on your panties as he pulled them off. Your body buzzed with anticipation as you watched him take off his boxers. He climbed forward onto the bed, slotting himself between your legs. You grabbed the back of his neck pulling him forward into a kiss as the head of his cock found your entrance. Tasting the bitter coffee on his tongue as slipped inside with the familiar ease of a lover. You gasped into his mouth, feeling every inch of him as he pressed inside you.
“There you are.” He sighed against your lips, his own curling into an easy smile.
“Five-“ You moaned, gripping his shoulders as he slowly started thrusting inside you. He never left your cunt, hips rolling against yours. Your legs wrapped around his hips, keeping him as close as possible. Your moans and the sweet sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air. You looked up at Five, his eyes bore into yours. You felt a bit shy under his gaze, your eyes darting away.
He stilled, laying his forearms beside your head as leant over you. He covered your body with his own, his hand turning your head so you would look at him.
“Let me see you.” He said softly, nosing against your cheek.
It was moments like this that made you feel like a normal person. Moments when it was just the two of you in the world, two becoming one. He reached down, grabbing your thigh, his fingers squeezing the soft flesh. “You feel so good.” He mumbled, pumping in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. He was taking his time with you tonight, that much was clear.
Your heels dug into his butt, trying to pull him closer to you. He let out a small laugh, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. He slowed, his hips creating a low drag into your cunt with every thrust. His pubic hair rubbing against your clit in a delicious way that had you clenching around him. A low whine pulling its way out of your throat, as he propped himself up.
“You like that doll?” He whispered, his cock rubbed at your walls in deliberate strokes.
“Mmhm.” You nodded tears springing to your eyes as you bit your lip. Your body craved more, more stimulation, more Five. “Please.” You whined, your hands digging into his shoulders, leaving small crescent shapes in their wake.
“Please what?” He asked tilting his head as he leaned down, nipping and sucking at your neck.
“More, I need more please.” You said bucking your hips up to gain and friction.
“As you wish.” He said, his breath fanning across your neck as he snapped his hips into yours. You moaned, your eyes rolling back into your head as he set an excruciating pace. He sat back on his heels, pulling you down the bed with him. He slammed into you, leaving you a moaning mess under him. You grabbed his thighs, nails dragging down his pale legs. Your body buzzed as you neared your high, breasts bouncing as he drove into again and again.
He watched you, picking up subtle signs your orgasm was approaching. Your toes curled as he reached between your bodies, rubbing deliberate circles on your clit.
That was enough to send you over the edge, you spasmed around him, your nails digging into his thighs as you cried out. Tears slipping down your cheeks.
“That’s it.” He smirked, breathing hard. He was getting sloppy as he neared his peak. You continued to ride out your orgasm as his came crashing down.
“F-Fuck.” He groaned spilling into you, his hips stuttering as he painted your insides. He lowered his body onto yours, laying his head in the crook of your neck as he interlaced his fingers with yours. You both breathed hard, letting your heart rate come down.
“How do you feel now?” You asked breathlessly, squeezing his hands.
“Much better.” He nodded, kissing your neck. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” You said pulling your hands away to wrap them around his sweaty body.
Needless to say, Five slept through the night
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Okay, I take back my original “how I wanted TUA to end” that I made a week ago and instead I want this:
The siblings realise the world keeps ending because they’re all in the same timeline. So in order to distribute the marigold, and save the end of the world, they all have to sacrifice being a family and never see each other again.
It ends with each sibling one by one (Lila and deigo come as a pair, I don’t make the rules) as they board the subway, each to their very own timeline in which the other family members don’t exist.
It’s heartbreaking, and for a family that were split and torn at the beginning of the series, the choice being made for them is even more heartbreaking because they’re a family now more than ever. But as they board the subway, we see a montage of them all in their HAPPY timelines, the beats of “I think we’re alone now” start playing and we realise, while the Hargreeves siblings finally have their happy ending, they are in fact, alone now. Cut to black. Cue BTS images.
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journalofabird · 2 months
What happened to the other 36 children that were born on October 1st 1989?
Why is Reginald Hargreeves an alien?
Why did Abigail say "Thanks for protecting me on the moon" to Luther?
Why was Jennifer inside a squid?
What happened to Sloane when all the others got to another timeline?
Without the comics, there are still so many questions left unanswered in the umbrella academy show itself.. and it's driving me crazyyy
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madmaxified · 2 months
”well sissy wouldn’t love viktor anymore because she’d a lesbian and he’s a man” SHUT UP‼️ SHUT UP‼️ sissy loves viktor for who he is! not what’s in his pants! she loves viktor for how he treats her, how he is with harlan, how he protects her, how he’s always there for her. sissy loves viktor regardless of anything, she doesn’t care that he’s from the future, or that he’s ended the world before, SHE JUST LOVES HIM BECAUSE HES SWEET AND CARES ABOUT HER NO MATTER WHAT AND HE TREATS HER WITH DECENT HUMAN RESPECT
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gravity-barbie · 2 months
The Hargreeves' reactions to you getting catcalled
A/N: Sorry, I think I accidentally deleted the original request for this, because I could not find it anywhere
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther is shocked and outraged, getting up in the perpetrator’s face immediately, and probably scaring the crap out of them with that stature of his
-As much as he thinks the person deserves a good beating, they’re already pretty much at his mercy so instead he just demands an apology for you
-He’s so soft and considerate to you afterwards, triple checking that you’re okay and questioning if there’s anything else he can do, literally anything
-The incident makes him more protective, he’s always volunteering to accompany you when you go out, and pretty much insists if he thinks the area you’re headed seems shady
Diego Hargreeves
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-Diego already hates catcalling but the fact that it’s directed at you just makes him extra pissed, slightly unhinged even, he advances on them while yelling insults, fully ready to get violent
-Even if you want and are able to drag him away, he’s probably already hatching a plan to come back for some vigilante justice later
-He’s pretty heated, but he does recognise that you must feel way worse than him and that he should prioritise your feelings, checking if you’re alright, and even if you brush it off he’s perceptive enough to get a read on how you really feel
-If you’re very upset, despite his anger he gets a hold of himself and turns into the sweetest marshmallow while trying to comfort you
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison tenses up, checking your reaction first and foremost, if you want to ignore it and get out of there she’ll just put a protective hand on you and usher you forward
-But if not, or if the catcaller is being persistent, she is more than willing to confront them and make them regret ever opening their disgusting mouth
-Depending on her relationship with her power at the time she’d be quick to rumour them, probably not physically hurt them (depending on how graphic they were being) but at the very least put the fear of god in them
-She’s had a lot of experience with things like this, so she comforts you with a lot of understanding and empathy, pretty accurately predicting your feelings and needs
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus’ policy has always been to brush off stuff like this with a sassy remark and move on, he wishes he was the type of person that could easily defend you but he just isn’t
-He does have the urge to talk shit back to them, even to his own detriment, and if he was alone he might, but you’re here and he’s not going to risk any further trouble for you by causing a scene
-He asks if you’re okay but otherwise tries to change the topic and lighten the atmosphere pretty quickly, he does care of course, he just thinks the best thing he can do is cheer you up
-Maybe later when you’re less shaken he’ll bring it up again, just to see if you’re really okay, let you vent if you need to or see if there’s anything he can do
Five Hargreeves
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-Five is caught somewhere between wanting to ignore it and wanting to pull out those assassin skills of his
-It depends on how you react, if you just huff and keep walking he’ll ask if you’re alright but drop it when you do, if you seem shaken up though, there’s no way he’s letting it go
-Internally he’s livid, but he acts more cocky than anything else as he gives them both a physical and verbal beating, finishing it off with a warning that they better not harass anyone again
-He isn’t good at comfort, he’ll never bring this up again if you don’t, but if you do want to talk he’s there for you, trying his best to offer the kindness you need
Viktor Hargreeves
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-On pure instinct Viktor confronts them, not before manoeuvring you protectively behind him though
-His exterior is icy, and way more dangerous than this person realises, if they don’t back down he won’t hesitate to pull his powers out to back up his warning, after all he’s had a bad experience with this kind of thing before
-Though if you try to pull him away, for your sake he’ll go, since your comfort and sense of safety is more important than his righteous anger, the fear alone will teach them a lesson anyway
-He’s very sweet and attentive afterwards, and whether you need silence, to vent or to be distracted he's got you covered
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 month
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I’m so mad I’m making memes again
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meyrinn-revery · 2 months
Five Hargreeves
The Umbrella Academy - Season 4
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I was impatiently waiting for season 4 of The Umbrella Academy !
Season 3 having disappointed me a little, I had high hopes for season 4. And, although I found it indeed better than the previous one (even if season 2 remains my favorite), there are still things that disturb me.
The actors are still good, nothing to say about that ! But I don't understand what the writers did. 😅
I don't find the same Five as in seasons 1 and 2, I have the impression that he has changed his personality. Same for Lila : where is the badass Lila from previous seasons ?!
Even if I wasn't particularly a fan of the Diego/Lila couple; the Five/Lila couple doesn't disappoint me as it is the case for most fans of the series, but it disturb me a little.
Their enemies-to-friends thing was funny enough, but seeing them as a couple (while Lila is with Diego and they have kids 💀, and Five has been fucking a mannequin since before I was born) makes things a little weird.
And I'm sure that for everyone who had a crush on Five or just on Aidan, the kiss scene must have been particularly painful. 😭
We already didn't like seeing him with Dolores ! But the worst part is that I love Lila too much to cry watching them kiss.
All that remains is to cancel the wedding, girls ! 😢
I wish good luck to everyone who writes Five x Y/n (etc) fanfiction, because I don't know how you're going to explain that.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Don’t you just love it when fictional characters find true love, like the kind of love that helps to shape and define their arcs and serves as their chief motivation, and then 1 season later, those love interests disappear and those same characters are like “oh yeah, they’re not here anymore, oh well.”
Ha, get it, Luther???
Isn’t that hilarious, Allison??
KLAUS, isn’t that just the funniest thing??
Oh and don’t you also love it when a romance plotline is shoehorned into a story to the point where the very suggestion of it, let alone its full existence, is equivalent to the complete and utter annihilations of who these characters are at their core???
Ha, isn’t that the nuttiest thing, Diego??
FIVE, isn’t that just SPECTACULAR??!!
Aww, LILA, is that not the best thing EVER???!!
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redroses07 · 2 months
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Fix It Fic // Five Hargreeves x Reader Edition
WC: 3.1k
CW: Canon accurate violence, swearing, kissing, use of Y/N, Y/N is a bad ass, domestic fluff, angsty af.
Summary: A Five x Fem!Reader rewrite for the end of season four because I absolutely hated the ending. Five and Lila are not a thing in this fic, because that made me literally gag.
A/N: Hey luvs! I worked my ass off writing this fic because I needed to have a better ending for season four. In my mind this fic is canon. I hope y'all like it because I truly love how it turned out! Have an amazing day and enjoy! - Claire ♡
Five sat on the empty train, riding round in aimless circles. He had no intention of ever stopping. Perhaps he would die here, if death was even possible in this endless void. There was no reason for him to continue, they were out of options.
All he wanted to do was save his family, save you, but he couldn't even do that. At least this way he could escape having to witness the end of their lives.
He couldn't help but feel as if this was all his fault, if only he had listened to Reginald when he told him never to time travel. So much pain, so many lost lives, it never would have happened.
Five looked out the window, he didn't know what exactly for. Everything looked the same. Round and Round again, each identical station feels more hopeless than the last.
After an immeasurable amount of time, days? years? who knows. Something caught Five's eye.
He jumped up from his seat, following the dark figure out into the station.
Was that? No.
"Hey, wait!" Five shouted, chasing him down a staircase.
He rounded a corner, seeing a dimly lit cafe filled with all too familiar faces. The place was filled with several alternate versions of Five himself. It was an odd feeling for him to see himself this way.
Nonetheless, he took a seat across from the Five he had followed.
No more than ten seconds later, another Five served up two pastrami sandwiches. Five number two began to complain about the amount of sauerkraut on his sandwich, staring intently at the meal.
"What is this place?" Five asked, reaching for the cup of hot coffee next to him.
"It's a gas station. What the hell does it look like? It's a Deli." He could see that the alternate Five share his love of sarcasm.
He went on to explain how this was a place where all of the Five's from alternate timelines end up while trying to fix the "broken timeline" issue.
"Okay, so what shattered the original timeline?" Five asked.
"Not what. Who? I'll give you three guesses." Alternate Five held up three fingers.
"We did!" Another Five yelled.
Five wasn't surprised, everything always seemed to be caused by him.
"By we, do you mean my siblings?" Five asked.
"Yep, the morons."
Five rolled his eyes.
"When we come into existence, the timeline is shattered, and then we're stuck trying to save the world. How many times was it again?"
The number seemed almost impossible to fathom, but the more alternate realities, the more opportunity for the world to end. Alternate Five pointed at the wall, which was filled with every possible way the world had ended. Viktor's attempt at blowing up the moon was front and center. Seeing it gave Five an unpleasant sense of nostalgia.
Five came to realize that the commission was created by an alternate Five in an attempt to fix the timeline, but it was never successful since the Hargreeves siblings were the root of the problem.
"I have to get back." Five turned, rushing out the door. He heard the alternate versions of himself begin to speak, but his overwhelming thoughts drowned it out.
Five ran as fast as he could, getting back on the train and returning to his rightful place. With his family.
As Five entered the abandoned shell of his former home, the room's occupants turned to look at him.
The first person he noticed was you. You watched him with sad eyes, eyes he thought he would never have to gaze into again. Yet here he was, and undeniably, he had a plan.
You watched Five scan the room. Dark hair hung in front of his eyes, his chest heaved from running, or perhaps from anxiety.
"I didn't think you'd be back." You purse your lips, giving him a sour look. '
Facing your bitterness was the hardest part of all this for Five. Of course you had every right to feel that way, he had just up and left you. Although, in his mind that was better than having to watch you die.
"Yeah, neither did I." Five muttered.
Everyone looked at him, obviously awaiting an explanation.
"We caused this." Five began.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Alison sighed.
You stared at Five intently, wondering what had changed since he decided to ditch you and everyone else.
"The marigold that infected our mothers bringing forth our births had a side effect, it fractured the timeline, bringing forth the end of the world."
Five looked from person to person, attempting to read everyone's emotions. They were unreadable.
"Extracting the marigold from our bodies is the only way to stop the cleanse, and in short, fix the timeline."
Silence settled over the room. You weren't born with marigold as the Hargreeves were, but due to Ben's antics, this now concerns you too.
"Okay, but how exactly do we do that?" Diego asked.
Five looked over to Viktor.
"Viktor, you can use your powers to extract the Marigold from our bodies. Unfortunately Ben and Jennifer are too far gone to be saved, but their sacrifice will have been for the greater good."
Viktor let out an elongated sigh, and with little to no hesitation, he agreed.
"Okay, let's get moving before it's too late." Viktor said, speeding out of the room.
You followed closely behind, trying your hardest to avoid Five's gaze.
"Y/N, I-" You cut him off, this was not the time to be talking about all the mistakes he had made. Even if those mistakes led to the answer for all your troubles, they were still mistakes.
"We can talk about this later, if there is one."
Five sighed and watched you exit the room, not even bothering to look his way. He had fucked up big time.
You watched Viktor head towards the monster that was Ben and Jennifer. The creature growled, as it hurdled towards your group.
You turned back as you felt someone grab your arm, Five was standing behind you. You saw something in him that you had only seen a few times before, fear.
"Please. If we don't make it through this I want to make sure we're okay." Five begged for your forgiveness.
In any other circumstance you would not have given in this easily, but the dire situation has just begun to settle in. This could be it.
Neither of you wanted to leave this world with so many words unsaid.
Your gaze softened, and you followed Five away from the other Hargreeve's.
"I know what I did was wrong. With every bone in my body I feel that it was wrong."
He spoke loudly enough to drown out the oncoming chaos, but softly enough to omit any sort of aggression.
Five reached for your hands, and you reluctantly let him take them.
Five paused for a moment, trying to find the words that would mean the most, considering he was dealing with limited time.
"My worst fear is to see you suffer, and at the time, running away seemed like my only escape. I feel like I've already caused so much hardship in your life, and the thought of any more terrified me." His eyes stayed glued to you.
Five was the whole reason you had joined The Commission to begin with. He helped you to believe in a cause that you otherwise wouldn't have, and the two of you hadn't left each other's side since.
You didn't regret it per say, but you couldn't deny that you often wished for a different life. You would never blame any of your circumstances on Five though, and you hated how he always chose to blame himself.
"Nothing that has happened to me, or to anyone, is your fault. I think all of us share some responsibility, but blaming yourself is just wrong." You squeezed Five's clammy hands.
Five let out a sigh of relief as he was able to recognize forgiveness in your eyes.
"I love you." He said, fighting the tears that began to form in the corners of his eyes. The phrase was reserved only for you, as it is a concept that has always been hard for five.
Growing up with Reginald as a father, and a family that could win an Olympic gold medal in dysfunctionality, Five didn't exactly have a positive outlook on love.
"I love you too. We've been through worse, we'll get through this too."
Five pulled you into a tight hug, breathing you in as if it was the last chance he would ever get to hold you. The two of you were versed in the end of the world, this was not the first final hug you had shared. Five placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, and he didn't miss the small cry that escaped your lips.
You rarely cried, and when you did it was always around Five. He was the only person you felt comfortable enough with to show vulnerability. It was the perfect moment, and the past few days had worn down your patience. You reluctantly let a few tears slip loose.
"Get your asses over here love birds, Ben is here." Diego called from the other side of the room.
You and Five exchanged a look before running over to the center of the room and rejoining your family.
Ben growled ferociously, the red goo that dripped from his body falling around the room.
"Just so you guys know, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. So if we all die, I apologize in advance." Viktor said, clenching his fists on either side.
His newly improved orange power began to swirl around his body. He squeezed his eyes shut, clearly focusing on the task at hand.
You reached for Five's hand, interlocking your fingers with his. If these were to be your last moments, you wanted to make sure he was with you.
Five gripped your hand with everything he had in him, every bit of strength was to remind you of his presence.
With each moment that passed, the colorful plume of Viktor's powers grew, encasing not only Ben and Jennifer, but all of you.
You and Five watched as the all too familiar gold marigold specks began to float through the air. It felt odd, it didn't hurt, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant feeling. It was like your whole body was being poked by a prickly cactus.
The air turned cold, and all other sounds were overcome by the rumbling of Viktor's power.
An unbearable wave of exhaustion washed over you, and it became hard for you to keep your eyes open.
You looked over at Five, making eye contact with him one last time. He gave you his signature smirk, funny how in spite of everything he could still be himself.
The last thing you saw was Ben falling to the floor, the marigold protruding from him filling the whole room with a deep yellow glow.
And just like that, the world turned black.
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Five opened his eyes, the bright light of day overwhelming his vision. The ground beneath him was soft, the tall grass tickling his fingertips.
Five sat up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the sun. He looked over next to him, and there you were. Just as you had always been, right by his side. Your chest rose slowly, a thankful sign that you were still alive.
Five looked beyond you, to see his siblings all scattered around the lawn. They were all exactly where they had been before the blackout. The empty patch of grass, of course, was where the Hargreeve's mansion used to stand.
Without the existence of their powers, The Umbrella Academy was never formed. It was strange, to know that what Five remembered, no one else did. It was like waking up from a strange dream.
However, one thing was missing, Ben. And of course Jennifer. Five wasn't surprised that they hadn't made it, considering how their bodies were overtaken.
Five watched as his siblings slowly began to rise from their temporary comas, their eyes heavy and glazed over.
Five nudged you slightly. Unable to wait for you to wake, wanting to share this beautiful moment with you.
You opened your eyes and felt as if you had awoken from a decades long slumber. The first thing you saw was Five next to you, a genuine smile on his face. That was something you had missed.
"Are we in heaven?" Klaus mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Well if this was heaven, I'd be awfully disappointed." Lila replied.
You laughed to yourself, and stood up on wobbly legs.
You all had done it.
"Viktor. I think you might have just saved the world." Luther announced.
Viktor smiled and looked down, maybe eventually he'd let himself take the credit.
You began to take in your surroundings. The sound of traffic in the distance, the wind stinging your cheek, the smell of spring air. It was all so normal.
"Guys, where's Ben?" Klaus asked, and your heart dropped.
"Klaus...we all knew he probably wouldn't make it.." Alison said sadly.
Just then, something caught your eye. Something yellow that stuck out in the patch of green.
"Guys, look!" You pointed at the unique plant.
"Marigolds." Five said softly, and you felt his hand close around yours.
Two beautiful yellow flowers sprouted from the earth, a reminder of what was sacrificed. A reminder of what had to happen for all of this to exist, and a symbol of hope.
~~ Two Years Later ~~
You awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside your window, a song that was often your wake-up call. You rolled over to see Five sleeping peacefully next to you. You weren't surprised. He always slept late, after all, he was an old man at heart.
It had been two years of living freely in the new timeline. You and Five now share an apartment next to Lila and Diego and their three kids.
Life wasn't without its challenges, but compared to everything else the two of you had been through this was paradise.
Viktor had started his own Cafe, a small shop on a street corner that had quickly become a local favorite.
Alison had landed a big movie role not long after everything returned to normal. Ever since it hit the big screen, she had no problem with job offers. She didn't even miss her power of persuasion.
Klaus still lives with Alison. He doesn't really do anything specific, he often refers to himself as 'self-employed'. But he was happy, and that was all that really mattered.
Luther had somehow reconnected with Sloane, who had re-appeared after the timeline was fixed. Of course she didn't remember anything, but it must've been fate because they got to fall in love all over again.
Diego decided to put his skills acquired from his power to use and now taught axe throwing classes.
Lila had decided to help people who had ended up in a mental hospital, similar to how she had. She was working on getting her degree in psychology.
As for you and Five. Five kept his CIA job, and you decided to join him in his career. As the two of you had always done everything together, why not this too?
You felt Five stir next to you, letting out a series of groans. He slowly opened his eyes, a smile spreading across his face the moment he saw you.
"Good morning, beautiful." His morning voice is thick and deep.
"I love you." You whispered, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes.
Five leaned up to kiss you but you counteracted it by jumping out of bed. You pulled the blanket off of him and he whined in protest.
"Time to get up, Gramps, Lila wants us to drive the kids to school today."
Five rolled his eyes at the nickname. You snickered and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to get ready.
After the two of you grabbed breakfast, you met Lila outside, Grace and the twins behind her.
"Thank you again for helping us out with this, I don't know how I'd ever get to work on time without you." Lila gave you a quick hug.
"Of course, whatever you need." You ushered her away, signaling that you could take it from here.
You were used to driving the kids places, and they always said you were their favorite aunt. Five however, could not surpass Klaus for favorite uncle.
"Alright guys, who's ready for school?" You said as you jumped in the driver's seat.
There was a chorus of enthusiastic cheers from the back, and you laughed.
"I was never that excited about school when I was your age." The kids had no idea how long ago that actually was for you.
You made sure to put on some kid friendly music, anything but Baby Shark. You dropped the kids off and made sure they all got inside safely.
"Anything else on the schedule for today?" Five asked you.
"Nope, we're both off today so I think the rest of our day is free."
"Great, we should do absolutely nothing." Five's eyes lit up with excitement.
You nodded in agreement and drove towards your home.
Once you arrived, the both of you threw on pajamas and cuddled up in bed. Five flung his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder, simultaneously letting out a big sigh.
"I love you." He mumbled in your ear.
Even after all these years he still made you blush every time he said those three little words.
"I love you more." You pressed a kiss to Five's nose and he scrunched it up before responding with a chaste kiss to your lips.
After breaking apart you and Five settled into each other's arms, excited to spend a calm day together.
He reached for the remote and flicked on the TV. The small kiss he placed on your forehead didn't go unnoticed.
As Five settled into this new life, he found it hard not to expect a new life altering crisis to pop up at any moment. But it never did.
As the day dragged on, nothing out of the ordinary happened; and you could almost say that it was an ordinary day.
Taglist: @xreader-writing @dorkyfangirl24 @dinorawrss @anne-oop @ladynaviamin @i-amtrash @patchesofdreams @sarbear33 @marinalor
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tothosewholisten · 4 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
available across wattpad, tumblr, quotev and ao3.
"He was never a father really, more like a mean old state-national basketball coach."
- Y/n Hargeeves, Number 00, The Gifted
Being the adopted super powered kid of Sir Reginald Hargeeves was never a simple task. You always could've been better for him. But happens when he dies and the world ends in a few days?
You are Number Zero, here's your story..
Pintrest board
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hihomeghere · 11 months
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itstheghostofmypast · 11 months
Five: If there is one thing I'm thankful for it's-
Diego: Your family?
Klaus: Bloodshed?
Luther: Alcohol?
Victor: Coffee?
Y/N: Guys...can we please exchange our vows without interruptions?
Ben *hands Five a gun* arent you glad I'm your best man?
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shadowbriar · 2 months
Diego Hargreeves - Patches
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Pairing : Diego Hargreeves x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 1.2k Warning : None. Notes : This might be the introduction of a story I'm working on. I cannot guarantee that I'll have the commitment to continue until it's end so don't have too much hope for this. I am open if you have any The Umbrella Academy requests at the moment, so do hit me up! If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
He got eight of them.
For the longest time in her life, she’s never understood the silly yet cruel joke life cursed upon her. To be able to heal everyone but herself, no matter the wound or injury one might have, she’ll cure it in no time, so long as it wasn’t inflicted on her.
Once, it wasn’t this pathetic nor lonely. She had her brothers and sisters to weather to storm through. There were Pogo and Mum to share cookies and stories with. It’s been years since she felt such comfort and to have to drag her feet back to the house that had turned itself from a warm home into a prison before the last days of her departure is surely weighing on her heart.
“Welcome home, dear.”
Her heart was filled with warmth once the familiar motherly voice greets her. The corners of her lips curved into a big smile as she dropped her bags, running to the dearly missed figure, “Mum.”
It took the bot a couple seconds to return the embrace. No doubt that she’s been lacking a lot of upgrades ever since she left. When the two broke the hug, she stared at the ageless caregiver with fulfilled eyes as it stared back at her with its bright smile, blank and not blinking. This might have been the most home she could feel while she’s here.
“You’re not supposed to come,” another voice echoes from the stairs.
“Diego, that’s not very nice.” Mum scolded lightly “Your sister has returned to us.”
The boy showed a thin smile to the bot, patting her lightly on the shoulder, “I think Pogo was looking for you, Mum.”
With a slight nod, the android excused herself out of the room.
Now if Grace’s presence lightened her heart, the sight of this black suited man certainly plummets it.
“You look awful,” She greets, noticing the scars that litter his face “Surely couldn’t find a better nurse than me now, can you?”
“Please,” Diego snorted “You’re more of a deadweight than a nurse, if ever.”
She lets out an exasperated exhale, folding her hands in front of her chest in defence, “Well, I’m not here for you and I don’t take joy either on coming back to this circus, so if you could just get yourself off that non-existent high horse—”
Before she could finish her words, Diego had already walked away as if she wasn’t there to begin with. His back becomes the abundant evidence that whatever bad blood they had years ago is still staining his skin.
It wasn’t always like this, him and her. In fact, they were the inseparable two growing up. If Luther had Allison, Diego had her. The many times she healed his wounds had led them to grow closer as the years went by. He was the one with the most injury to heal, after all. The most careless in battle out of the eight, never backing down from a close combat. Though he would always come out triumphant, a little cut here and there would be something he never escaped from.
“Don’t mind him, he’s giving us all the sour comments,” Allison said as she linked her arms to her “I’m glad to see you.”
She smiles at her sister, squeezing her hand slightly in reassurance, “As I am to see you.”
“You should really learn how to dodge a punch, Diego,” She says as she runs her thumb through his bruise “One of these days you’re going to go home and I may not be able to heal you.”
“Is that a loss on your part or my part?”
Her eyebrow rose, purposely pressing on his bruise without healing it that he winces a little, “Or maybe I just won’t heal you, that’s definitely a loss on your part.”
“As if you’ll ever do that.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Diego tries his best to bite the grin but it proved to be an even harder task than to back out of a fight. He stares at her fondly, finding the jitters in his stomach to amplify the longer he stares yet it feels impossible for him to break the contact. Perhaps she casts a little of her magic everytime she heals him.
“Don’t stare at me like that.”
“Like what?” He asks.
“Like Klaus stares at a bottle of gin,” She says, now examining his other cuts “Like I stare at Mum’s cookies.”
Diego smiles.
“Like Luther stares at Allison.”
“Would it be so bad if I stare that way?”
The wake from the unintended nap hurts her head. Her bed is much smaller than she last remembered with her feet slightly dangling on the edge and how the pillows have certainly lost their fluffiness. Everything in her room stays the same yet at the same time, everything has changed.
Diego defeatedly threw himself to the sofa. He sighs, his knuckles cracking as he tries to ball his fists. The tidal wave of emotions were beating him black and blue in silence. It feels as if he was swallowed by a giant blackhole with no light nor guidance to get out of.
There was no need for him to be rude to her, he knew that. He didn’t want to do it, but seeing her back in their house, hugging and talking to Grace, hurts. It took him years to try and ignore the ghost of her. She was the one force that would fuel his mornings and ease him to sleep at night. She was the one soul that he would always go to seek refuge. She was the one that he would lay his life on the line for without a second of doubt.
But he had to lose it all after one stupid night.
A night that he would never be able to grow out of, both from the horror and the guilt. Diego shut himself out for days following that terrifying night, locking his doors and skipping meals as he tries to think of all the what-if scenarios.
What if he stayed home that night?
What if he forced her to stay home that night?
What if he saved her before she saved him?
What if?
Mindlessly, he reaches for a knife on his left chest. It was a stranger to the rest of his knives collection. Compared to the polished lightweight knives he tucked in his suit, this one butter knife was rather dull. It would serve no harm to anyone, yet he kept it closest to his heart as if it was his most prized possession.
Diego stared at the knife. His brows knitted, examining the item as if it held the answer to all of his questions. Or perhaps some guidance. Anything to help him keep his sanity and not lose the plot now that she’s back in his life. Was she staying or was she leaving for the night? He wasn’t sure. But even if she is leaving, the hours he’d have to spend with her would suffocate nonetheless.
His thumb traces the engraving on the knife’s handle. A little trace of an infinite loop that had somehow become his stress outlet: the number eight.
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spellbinding10 · 2 months
Okay… so Umbrella Academy season 4…SPOILERS!!!!
I know that maaaannnyyy people were not happy with Lila and Five, but I’m not gonna lie, in a way they were meant to be.
Now there’s the supposed “age gap” but we have to remember that, although he’s physically 19/20, Five is older than Lila. Yes she “watched him grow” from a mid teen but Five was so many years his own senior. And he was a legal age He was mentally 68 and has lived 2 maybe 3 lifetimes already. And for the most part he lived them alone.
I think that we all need to remember that five was alone for so long. He went back to his family, wounded, isolated and with foreknowledge that no one could comprehend. Lila is the only one that truly understands what it feels like to feel out of place in Time. They were raised by the same morals and merits. They understood what no one else could. They both have been through unimaginable pain and suffering. And I think they had the ability to heal one another, in fact they did. Five saw Lila for who she truly was, he cherished her and appreciated all of her. Her chaos, her madness, compassion, courage and mind.
Now I had the start of Lila and Five returning to her family scene paused for sooo long. I couldn’t bear watching it. Did I? Yeah, love me a bit of angst. I really didn’t like how hurt Diego was, truly, but Five knew what Lila and he had was real and I can understand his anger. Do I condone cheating, absolutely not. I’ve been cheated on. But I’m also one for “the right person”, so in a FICTIONAL world I understand. I can also understand why Lila needed to end it ,for the sake of her children, because that’s what true love is, the love of your children. But he was there when she had to let her family go. He stood by her side and comforted her even though she had broke his heart. And thank BrOKe me!
There also seems to be a lot of posts about the REAL Five Hargreeves. Guys that is character development. Is it positive. Eh, ish. But not all people grow in the same way. Yes Five would do anything for his family. But I don’t think he “gave up”. Five has always been logical, from the very start. His sole purpose in life was to get back to his family and save the world. Save the people of that world, their lives, the very essence of life. And he did that. He didn’t give up. Five found out that his family was the cause of it all. He didn’t sacrifice them to be selfish. He couldn’t stand to watch his family die over and over. They would never rest, never know peace and they would spend the rest of their lives knowing that each apocalypse was their fault. It took courage to tell them. They could have kept going on. Klaus, would have kept using. Luther would still be in anguish over Solan (also where the fuck was she in all this? - anyway, no, another time) Allison would have kept loosing Claire. And every one of them would have kept loosing something in that particular time line that they cared about. I dunno man. I think Five is the same as he always was. He lived alone in the apocalypse surrounded by the destruction of life. He ensured it wouldn’t happen ever again. He did his job. He saved his family. The world.
So yeah, you’re all entitled to your opinion and you have your reasons for it. This is mine. I liked Five and Lila. The ending was, peace and love to the writers, bullshit - though bittersweet I suppose, but bullshit.
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