jyanimationstudios · 4 months
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ugly ass sock puppet
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cornpickerart · 1 year
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The HDDA (Hot Dnd Dads Anonymous)
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velvetcloak · 1 month
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putri marino wearing lulu lutfi labibi
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Huda Lutfi, Untitled (Healing Devices), (mixed media on paper), 2019 [Richard Saltoun Gallery, London. © Huda Lutfi]
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hontokana · 2 years
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ابتسام لطفي (Ibtisam Lutfi) - وداع (Wada) Region: Saudi Arabia (Ta’if) / Style: Arabic pop / Year: 1987 LOVED
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watchilove · 8 months
RESERVOIR watch unveils Limited-Edition Timepiece with Emirati-artist Abdulla Lutfi
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talebetulahla · 1 year
Allah varmi
Var olandan var edeni düşünüp bulmak eserden müessire intikal etmek ; Gece sabaha kadar yağan bir kar düşünün. Sabahleyin erkenden sokağa çıktığınızda kar üzerindeki izler sizden evvel sokağa çıkan ve oradan geçip gidenlerin olduğunu hatırlatır. Teneffüse çıkarken açık kalan defterimizin sahifelerini karalanmış bulursak mutlaka onun bir yaramaz tarafından yapıldığını tahmin eder ve çizeni araştırırız. Tahtaya çizilen güzel bir manzara veya yazılan güzel bir cümleyi beğenen öğretmen onun kim tarafından çizildiğini yazıldığını öğrenmek ister. Elbisemizin dikimini beğenenler kime diktirdiğimizi sorarlar. Bütün bunların tesadüfen olduğunu kabul etmek veya kabul ettirebilmek mümkün değildir o halde kabul etmek lazımdır ki var olan her şeyi var eden Ezeli ve ebedi gücü her şeye yeten bir yaratıcının varlığına inanmak mecburiyeti vardır. Kur'an-ı Kerim'de göklerin ve yerin yaratıcısı Allah hakkında şüphe mi var buyurulur. Kainatta inkarı mümkün olmayan bir nizam ve intizam vardır. Güneşin ayın yıldızların hareketlerinde en küçük aksaklığın bulunmaması mevcut olan her şeyin değişmez bir kanun ile idare edilmesi bu intizamı gösterir. Güneşin 100 yıl önce mesela Temmuzun 19'unda hangi saatte doğduğunu hangi saatte battığını bilme imkanı vardır. Bundan sonra olacak güneş ve ay tutulmalarının ay gün ve saatini hatta dakikasını bu tutuluşunun dünyanın nerelerinden görebileceğini tespit etmek mümkündür. Bu da yüce Rabbimizin Güneş ve Ay'ı belli ve şaşmaz bir hesaba göre yaratması sebebiyledir. Yeryüzündeki binlerce nebatı düşünelim her birinin çekirdeği ancak o nebatı verir. Her ağaçta ancak kendi meyvesi biter .Hatta bir elma ağacından bir başka cinsten elma bitmez. İnsan vücudunda her organın bir vazifesi vardır, birinin vazifesini diğerine gördürme imkanı olmadığı gibi bu görevlerin tesadüfen bu organlar tarafından bu kadar mükemmel olarak icra edildiğini de kabul edemeyiz sadece bir karaciğerin vazifesini inceden inceye gözden geçirmek bunlara mutlaka Alim Hakim bir yaratıcının tedbiriyle ve düzene koymasıyla olduğunu açıkça anlatır. Kur'an-ı Kerim'de şöyle buyurulur ; "Eğer Göklerde ve yerde Allah'tan başka Tanrılar olsaydı bunların ikisi de muhakkak ki harap olup gitmişti." (Enbiya 22) "De ki o Allah birdir.Allah samettir. Her şeye ona muhtaçtır o hiçbir şeye muhtaç değildir. Doğurmamıştır,doğrulmamıştır hiçbir şeye de onun dengi ve benzeri değildir. (Ihlas Suresi) "İlahınız bir tek Allah'tır ondan başka ilah yoktur o rahmandır rahimdir." (Bakara 163) " Bil ki Allah'tan başka hiçbir ilah yoktur." (Muhammed 19)
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ann-archive · 23 hours
subject: orientalism commentaries
Have you ever heard of Orientalism?
The book by Edward Said I mean. I had not, but it seems that a lot of other people had.
Lutfi Hamadi, PhD [1] Purpose: explores the litrary theory of postcolonialism with a focus on European influences.
Writes on how colonialsm, as believed by Said, persists "in the form of chaos, coups, corruption, civil wars, and bloodshed." And how the powerful colonizer has imposed a language and culture that distorted the lives and society of the oriental peoples.
A quotes from Said, quoted from Hamadi is:
"Orientalism is a style of though based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between "the Orient" and (most of the tome) "the Occident"
Vocab: Orient: the 'other,' refers to the East generally. Occident: refers to the West generally. Ontological: Concerned with the nature of being and existence. Epistemological: Concerned with the nature and limits of knowledge. Orientalism (as defined by Said):
"a distribution of geopolitical awareness into aethetic, scholarly discovery, philological reconstruction, psychological analysis, landscape and sociological description, … about what 'we; do and what 'they' cannot do."
Edward Said, Orientalism [2]
"The relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power, pf domination, of varying degrees of a complex hegemony."
ideology: is a framework of ideas upon which people make decisions and act. hegemony: a cultural condition where a particular way of life and its associated ideas, identities and meanings are accepted as common sense in a population. discourse: a system of meanings and ideas that inform rules, procedures and practices of a society in its institutuions.
upon reflections of the relationships between meaning and power in relation to Orientalism its interesting to reflect on how ideology, hegemondy and discourse all relate back to orientalism. Which, in retrospect is obvious, but I am happy I came to this conclusion regardless. Here are some preliminary concepts that tie into the dynamics of power and meaning as stated before:
ideology: the framework in which peopl act can be influenced from their environment which in turn can lead to the dyncamics of orientalsim and its various facets (superiority and exoticism being two examples). hegemony: within a society individuals are often seen as a monolith and the fundementals of a larger issue can be distilled to be appropriate to everyone within a group. this can be how every percieved orientalism as a constant in society and life rather than it being an oddity. discourse: the practices of an institution can help legitimize the flucutating hegemony through publications and political figures. this can be seen through the way public figures view the "oriental" as the "other," as a way of uniting "occident."
In additition, the projected image of the oriental from the west is that of primitiveness or demonic nature; thereby devaluing them to emphasize personal authority and superiority.
Hamadi also reflects how Said does not confine orientalism to the west. Colonialism, unfortunately, can be exhibited in many different nations and the enforcement of one culture over the other is common.
Critics to Said, noted by Hamadi, include, but are not limited to: Aijiaz Ahmad, Terry Easgleton, Sana Haque, Bernard Lewis, Albert Hourani, and Nikki Kiddie.
Ammbesange Praveen V. [3]
Postcolonialism definition, by Praveen: "a term largely used to refer to all the cultures affected by the imperial process from the time of Colonization to our own time."
The thesis of this paper is to examine the aftermath of colonixation and the restoration of the identity of now independent oriental nations through the removeal of misconceptions of oriental peoples of that nation. The abstract with a powerful sentence:
"Postcolonialsm tries to decenter/deconstruct the Eurocentrism or Eurocentric beliefs."
Other individuals stated in this paper are Foucalt and Gramsci. This intrigues me as both are authors the theory of power. [4,5] Both individuals explore how power operates in a subtle way and show how the control of power is linked to the control of knowledge. Both have similar theories on power, but there is some literature on critiques from Foucault.
Regardless of that digretion, in the conclusion to the paper, Praveen comments that "His [Said] book Orientalism served as a monument tot he post colonial studies," due to the contribution of critics that explore other fundemental ideas. In addition, Said himself has penned works that reflect on his own thoughts after the comments of critics.
Be well,
Ann A.
[1] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Irna-Van-Der-Molen-2/publication/281097174_Trust_and_cooperation_relations_in_environmental_management_of_Lebanon/links/55d4867f08ae0a34172480f5/Trust-and-cooperation-relations-in-environmental-management-of-Lebanon.pdf#page=49 [2] https://monoskop.org/images/4/4e/Said_Edward_Orientalism_1979.pdf [3] https://www.isca.me/rjrs/archive/v5/i8/9.ISCA-RJRS-2016-051.pdf [4] https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315585789-4/power-resistance-linking-gramsci-foucault-marcus-schulzke [5] https://books.google.co.nz/books?hl=en&lr=&id=F4IHDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=foucault+and+gramsci&ots=VZ9wo7bYzK&sig=Jccz8UGmHPLUmqysL-T0GAmnLRM&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=foucault%20and%20gramsci&f=true
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kebumen24-com · 11 days
Relawan Pandawa Nusantara Kebumen Inginkan Jendral Lutfi Maju Gubernur Jateng
KEBUMEN, Kebumen24.com –  Jelang Pilkada 2024, sejumlah tokoh maupaun sekelompok masyarakat mulai ramai mennginginkan ada sosok pemimpin baru bisa memimpin provinsi Jawa Tengah kedepan menjadi lebih baik. Sosok ini ditujukan kepada Irjen. Pol. Drs. Ahmad Luthfi. Continue reading Relawan Pandawa Nusantara Kebumen Inginkan Jendral Lutfi Maju Gubernur Jateng
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lutfiehidayatullah · 1 month
Lutfie Hidayatullah
halo nama saya Lutfie Hidayatullah
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perfettamentechic · 5 months
4 febbraio … ricordiamo …
4 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Nadia Lutfi, pseudonimo di Poula Mohamed Mostafa Shafiq, attrice egiziana. (n. 1937) 2018: John Mahoney, Charles Jonathan Mahoney, è stato un attore e doppiatore britannico naturalizzato statunitense.  (n. 1940) 2015: Monica Scattini, è stata un’attrice italiana, figlia del regista Luigi Scattini. (n. 1956) 2005: Ossie Davis, nato Raiford Chatman Davis, è stato un attore, regista,…
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misslubaluft · 10 months
ابتسام لطفي ( قال المولع اسمع يا فهيم ) جلسة صوت الخليج بقطر
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beritapekalongan · 1 year
Prabowo Bersilaturahmi dengan Habib Luthfi: "Politik Ada Saatnya"
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Menteri Pertahanan RI, Prabowo Subianto, mengunjungi kediaman ulama kharismatik, Habib Luthfi Bin Yahya, di Kelurahan Noyontaansari, Kota Pekalongan,Jumat (19/5/2023). Prabowo tiba di kediaman Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden (Watimpre) tersebut pukul 13.00 WIB. Pertemuan tertutup antara Prabowo dan Habib Luthfi berlangsung selama lebih dari tiga jam. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Prabowo Subianto memberikan kenang-kenangan berupa keris dan koin kepada Habib Luthfi Bin Yahya. Setelah pertemuan, terjadi kejadian menarik ketika Prabowo meninggalkan kediaman ulama tersebut. Prabowo diantar masuk ke dalam mobil dinas Menteri Pertahanan, yang jarang dilakukan oleh Habib Luthfi saat menerima tamu istimewa, terutama dalam suasana tahun politik. Saat ditanya oleh awak media mengenai pembicaraan dengan Habib Luthfi Bin Yahya, Prabowo menyatakan bahwa kunjungannya adalah untuk bersilaturahmi, mengingat masih bulan Syawal. 
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Huda Lutfi, Untitled (Healing Devices), (mixed media on paper), 2019 [Richard Saltoun Gallery, London. © Huda Lutfi]
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fexicoded · 1 year
Angus is problematic and hangs out with problematic people, he’s just trying to hide it now.
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beritanews · 2 years
Pemerintah Impor Beras, HKTI: Jangan Masuk Sulsel
Pemerintah Impor Beras, HKTI: Jangan Masuk Sulsel
BERITA.NEWS,Makassar- Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia (HKTI) Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel) sepakat menolak masuknya beras impor pemerintah. Ketua HKTI Sulsel Lutfi Halide mengatakan Provinsi ini tidak butuh beras impor, melihat stok cadangan beras tiap tahunnya surplus dari kebutuhan masyarakat. “Makanya hari ini HKTI diskusi kan melihat dara BPS, realisasi tanam, panen produktivitas, surplus kita…
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