#lurien with a long staff-like catylst might be cool tho
ruthlesslistener · 3 years
Weapon + Fighting Headcanons (Pale Court/Dreamers)
bc I'm gay and I love violence
The Pale King: 99% of the time, he's a spellcaster. His preferred melee weapon, however, is a glaive, followed by a pair of curved twinswords in his bottom set of hands. In the rare cases where he cannot use spells to win a battle, he will typically use the glaive to dispatch enemies at range, only pulling out his curved swords in close quarters or when he needs to jab back an enemy. Truthfully, he is the most skilled melee fighter with fang and claw, but scorns claw-to-claw combat, not in the least because it often ends with him gorging himself on his competitor, a sight most indecent for a king. Very avoidant fighting style, prefers to slowly wear down his victims until they slip up before going all in
The White Lady: Truth be told, there's not many weapons that you need to learn when you're fully capable of simply strangling whatever poor fool crosses your path. When she's feeling up to something a little more challenging than strangulation or spearing, however, she'll craft herself a bow and shoot down enemies with arrows formed of soul for sport. Though her eyesight isn't the best, her roots tangle through the entirety of the kingdom, which means that if you run, it would be very easy for her to sense the vibration of your feet and strike you down from afar. Generally attempts to avoid confrontation, but if she can't ignore or dispel it, she's far faster at dispatching it than her husband
The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel: we are already far too familiar with their murder methods for me to need to go into detail here. next
Hornet, Daughter of Hallownest: We're semi familiar with how she fights, but the Silksong trailers have me thinking that she went a little easy on us! When she's not facing down one of her kin, I imagine Hornet to be a ruthless, relentless fighter, one who isn't afraid to fight dirty to secure a win (if you consider traps to be a dirty trick, of course, which she doesn't). She fights like a feral animal, fast and quick and focused on survival, but she's not out for blood- if her opponent is injured and yields to her, then she will be honourable and spare them. She fights ruthlessly and dirty because she had no other choice, not because she enjoys the kill (well, once she gets out of the thrill of the hunt, that is)
The Knight/Little Ghost: Their exact fighting style may vary from player to player, but I like to think that there is one thing in common among all Ghosts, which is that they enjoy the challenge of a fight, but mostly do it out of a need to survive. They fight like a feral kitten (if that feral kitten was an undying baby god), and their enjoyment comes strictly out of a sense of whether or not they're learning something from it or if they're simply trying not to die
Monomon the Teacher: if it isn't magical explosions then it's a molotov with the hallownest equivalent of greek fire. god help you.
Herrah the Beast: Wields a greatneedle larger than your future and about ten thousand knives, which aren't used in combat as much as they are reserved for field-dressing your corpse. Unlike her daughter, who uses her silk to launch her weapon at her victim, she'll use her silk as a lasso to snag her victim and drag them closer, where either her needle or her claws will finish them off. She's big, quick, powerful, and smart, with years of experience battling things head-on in pitch-dark tunnels, so your best way of winning a fight against her is to just...not
Lurien the Watcher: Honestly the only thing remotely close to a physical weapon I can see him wielding is a gun, because that's generally how he prefers to go about killing things (in the unfortunate event that he has to kill something, which he really would rather not do most of the time, thank you very much)- in one quick, deadly move. His preferred way to fight is through a battle of the mind, keeping a close watch on his opponent as he attempts to corner them in a game of political chess. When he is pressed to attack, however, he'll try to neutralize his opponent with one quick, powerful spell, typically draining most of his extra soul in the attempt. Or he'll hit them with whatever heavy blunt object is within arm's reach, if the enemy has prepared a counterspell/startled him. Whatever works
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