#luo lashes out with words cause fei do does ane they mirror each other to keep the dynamic exactly as
mejomonster ยท 2 years
WILD that Luo wenzhou does the whole front of treating Fei Du like a kid, like its caretaking and not the same damn love motivated care he does to Tao Ran except verging on even Moreso with Fei Du
When fei du literally, episodes before, saved him from certain death with a car. Saved him through an entire fucking car chase where he was bleeding out.
Fucking incredible.
No wonder it drives Fei Du up the fucking Wall. Luo Wenzhou has all this drive to dote on and care for Fei Du and keeps framing it as caretaking and that slightly tilted lense of "listen to me as a senior to you" whenever Fei Du lashes out, and it's like Fei Du is literally president of a presumably million or incredulously more rich ass company making actual business deals shaping the world and the crime scene in their city. A car chase isn't even the only dangerous he's thing he's done that week, politically he's making enemies daily at work. He is very much a competent adult with immense fucking heaps of responsibility he Very Successfully handles.
And then Luo scolds him for drinking coffee after wine cause it might hurt his tummy. ToT
Just can u even imagine being treated that much like a child when u saved the dude who's being Overprotective, from certain death the other day? No wonder Fei Du goes feral on his ass so often.
Luo Wenzhous doing it out of love rapidly shifting from platonic to *oh fuck don't confront it yet* while he keeps framing it as caretaking adjacent so Fei Du will tolerate it in the first place and it'll seem familiar and safe for fei du, but at the same fucking time it's goddamn whiplash cause Fei Du is having sexual thoughts for equal aged Tao Ran and trying to rail the guy and take him on dates (and functionally honestly in actions doing Exactly the same things to for Tao Ran that Luo Wenzhou does for Fei Du, but fei du can't recognize Luo wenzhous treating him that way - but Tao Ran sure as fuck can and he's Exhausted over them lmao). So fei du is like WHY am I being babied???! I'm the one babying the man I HAVE A CRUSH ON (with absolutely Zero self recognition that he learned to treat someone he likes this way literally by emulating Luo Wenzhou so you'd fucking think he'd notice Luo Wenzhou doing it to him but nah).
Anyway just. Lmao at President of a huge company fei du, saving the lives of cops in fucking huge high risk car chases, kicking the hornets nest of murdery shady rich people daily... being told "oh don't drink that coffee" "oh eat something it's late" "oh I'll call you a cab I don't trust you to get yourself home" "oh I can't smoke around you you're a delicate baby you might get hurt" Jesus christ alive no wonder fei du jumps for Luo Wenzhous throat nonstop.
Can you imagine? You run a company of hundreds or thousands, you save people, and your old "frenemy" won't stop treating you like you're the most delicate frail damsel that needs constant doting and saving. But he'll still yell at you. At least you don't yell at Tao Ran, when YOU treat him like a delicate damsel you're constantly offering support. But luo wenzhou? Constantly irritatingly bitching at you nonstop as he treats you like a damsel
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