#lung cancer ka ilaj
dailylifesyle · 3 years
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#Lung cancer ka ilaj by dr sunil handa amritsar
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herbs302 · 4 years
Maida Ka Ilaj
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Many doctors use combinations of two drugs in their treatment of stomach cancer. These are oxaliplatin and leucovorin. 5FU/ leucovorin is often used to treat the primary treatment of locally advanced stomach cancer or has already spread to other areas of the body. Chemotherapy is also used in combination with oxaliplatin.
Chemotherapy is often given together with other treatment options such as surgery and hormone therapy, depending on how far the cancer has spread. Chemotherapy can also be given as an adjunct treatment to surgery.
Oxaliplatin is a type of chemical that is used for treating (stomach cancers) Maida Ka Ilaj, including stomach, esophageal, pancreas, lung, kidney, liver and cervix cancers. Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is used to treat patients who have no response to chemotherapy, are not responding to surgery, or have not responded well to surgery alone. Patients with an enlarged tumor that does not respond to surgery or other treatment options may be given chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, if other treatments do not improve their health. Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is also sometimes used to treat patients who are being given more than one treatment to slow down their tumor growth.
The side effects of chemotherapy with oxaliplatin can include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, bloating and abdominal pain, headaches and blurred vision. There may be side effects that vary depending on the type of cancer and the amount of time that the patient has been on the chemo. Some of these symptoms may appear immediately after chemotherapy and others may develop over time.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is used to treat people who are having surgery. The surgery removes part of the stomach or the esophagus, but does not kill the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin helps to prevent the growth of new cancer cells while killing the existing cancerous cells, therefore reducing the risk of any future cancer. of the stomach, esophagus or pancreas.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin also helps to shrink existing tumors and shrink the tumor from the stomach. Chemotherapy using oxaliplatin is also used to treat patients who have already undergone surgery. for the removal of part of the stomach such as the diaphragm, esophagus or the pancreas.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is usually administered along with radiation therapy and surgery. Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells in the lining of the stomach, the esophagus and the intestines. Surgery is used to remove the cancerous cells from the stomach.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin can also be given in combination with hormone therapy to control the symptoms associated with the cancer. If the cancer has spread to the lungs or to the bone marrow, surgery will often be added to treatment using oxaliplatin.
Another form of treatment is called cisplatin, which is used to treat patients who have a single tumor. Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin can also be used to treat patients who have multiple tumors. Cancer cells are often found in the lymph nodes, the spleen or the bone's marrow. In these cases, chemotherapy with oxaliplatin can be administered in conjunction with surgery or radiation therapy.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is usually used only to treat people who are diagnosed with stomach cancer. If the cancer has not spread to any other parts of the body and if it has not spread to other parts of the stomach, surgery alone is probably not an effective treatment option for stomach cancer.
Chemotherapy using oxaliplatin is very important for people who have (stomach cancer) Maida Ka ilaj, since the treatment kills cancer cells. It is also very useful for those who are being treated for other cancers and are at high risk of developing the cancer because the treatment does not have any negative effects on healthy cells.
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin is also very effective in the treatment of stomach cancer. Patients who are treated with this form of treatment often feel better, recover quickly and are generally able to lead a normal life.
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सांस फूलने की समस्या के कारण और असरदार घरेलु उपाय || saans lene mein takleef ka ilaj hindi mein ||Home remedies for shortness of breathe problem
सांस फूलने की समस्या कभी न कभी kisi na kisi ko zaroor hoti हैं। हांलाकि कई लोग इस परेशानी को अस्थमा की बीमारी समझ लेते हैं लेकिन यह अस्थमा से अलग हैं। ji haan saans phulne ki samasya ko Dyspnea (डिस्पनिया) kehte है। सांस फूलने की समस्या का मतलब होता है कि आपको सांस लेने में तकलीफ (Problem) हो रही है और आप एक तरीके की घुटन महसूस कर रहे हैं। सांस फूलने की समस्या कम, अधिक या बेहद गंभीर (serious) भी हो सकती है। aur saans phulna बेहद आम है जब आपकी शारीरिक गतिविधि का असर क्षमता से अधिक हो जाता है या फिर जहां oxygen की कमी होती है toh saans phulne lagti hai। aur doston, सांस फूलने की समस्या, हालांकि, कई स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं की वजह से भी हो सकती है। jaise ki doston, ये समस्या खून की कमी (Anemia), श्वसन प्रणाली में संक्रमण या बीमारी, ब्रोंकाइटिस, ह्रदय की बीमारी और allergy की वजह से भी होती है। ये लक्षण (Symptoms) उन लोगों में भी बेहद आम होते हैं, जिन्हे फेफड़े का कैंसर (Lung cancer) होता है।aur doston, जब आप dyspnea से पीड़ित होते हैं तो कोई भी आसान चीज़ करना बेहद मुश्किल भरा काम लगता है,साथ ही isse आपके स्वास्थ par bhi asar padhta hai ।लेकिन आप कुछ सरल घरेलू उपायों की मदद से इसे दूर कर सकते हैं। toh iske liye आज हम आपको सांस फूलने की बीमारी से निजात दिलाने के लिए बताने जा रहे हैं कुछ effective घरेलू उपाय।
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