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Gender headcanon: genderqueer/neutrois for Pat, gendervoid/genderpunk for Rey.
Why would transition save them?: "Pat's Japanese name can be masculine in kanji or feminine in hiragana, but instead theirs is written in katakana. They have a whole theme of being unwanted and clashing duality." -@lunaticlocomotive
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sunkern-plus · 8 months
ooh fun. i love these kinds of memes. tagged by @whymustyouhurtmeinthisway
Relationship status: dating my girlfriend and two? three? (unsure about how gizmo crow feels) in my partner system :) met both of them on tumblr babeyyyyyy
Favourite colour: unironically, ever since birth (this may have predicted something) the yellow on the nonbinary flag and the purple on the epicene flag. This Was Destiny For Me
Song stuck inside your head: some pokemon song i THINK from pokemon black and white remixed for scarlet and violet but i can't put a name to it for the life of me (because i've been playing the indigo disk dlc it's so fun)
Favourite food: soup. every single kind (that i am able to eat, because i have Bizarre Allergies, so no soup with added wheat, no soup with dairy unless it's lactose free, coconut milk, or a nut milk/soy milk/etc, extreme amounts of garlic and onion (a little bit is fine for some reason but like. when it's near the end of the ingredients list), and in general no soup that can't be eaten on the low fodmap diet i have to be on or else Intestinal Distress up to and including my breath smelling like sulfur when i burp even slightly)
Last song listened to: hold on i gotta check youtube...attack of the killer queen by toby fox i THINK???
Dream trip: japan for the food, germany to see the immense gaytrans spectacle of berlin, anywhere with a major anime or video game or nerd in general con (i will wear an n95 mask don't worry), canada (in particular prince edward island because anne of green gables is integral to the sunkern-plus system and it's structure), england (to see if bookstores are different and have different selections and also to go to a boiler room party WITH A MASK OF COURSE)...maybe thailand to try out that curry place in the bangkok mall...
Last show/movie watched: i'm watching a lot of movies for class so if you count shorts, it's "mutt and jeff: on strike", if you count full length movies it's "nausicaa of the valley of the wind" (francis george is apparently VERY strongly nausicaa kin, did not expect that) and if you count tv shows either delicious in dungeon or the bernie mac show (underrated fave i swear)
Spicy, sweet, or savoury: all. i love all food. i'm laios kin for a reason (the actual reason is i'm so autistic it makes other people hate me by default)
Last thing you googled: i'll give you five! 1.) "mutt and jeff" 2.) "kieran pokemon" (planning on posting my Kieran Transfeminine Juxera Real theory to my nonbinary headcanons blog) 3.) "suguri japanese name" (again, was looking for proof for Kieran Transfeminine Juxera Real theory but apparently suguri is a surname) 4.) "metamodern" (this was for a class discussion related to movie techniques) 5.) "men who have made love to me" (again, this was related to the same discussion topic because i wanted to see which movie had the first fourth wall break because i genuinely thought it was mutt and jeff on strike)
Favourite game: my personal top three is street fighter 6, pokemon scarlet and violet, and cross channel: steam edition (don't worry, it's the clean version, i wouldn't have bought it if it was 18+; it's an english translation of the clean version of the japanese game called "cross channel: for all people")
i will tag @beebeetle @lunaticlocomotive @shinydudunsparce and anyone else who wants to do this game!
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