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tagged by @derring-do!
Last song: vandaveer's cover of 'poor edward' off alice by tom waits. it came up on byron's shuffle the other day and I wanted to check it out closer sometime (I only know like two vandaveer songs) so i put it at the bottom of a list I then wound up listening to last night
Favourite color: n/a but I'm very partial to yellow- and neutral-greens of all saturations, purples, grays, the intersection between the two, blood reds and black
Last book: I read a bunch of novels in november and haven't been reading much this month, I think the most recent one I actually finished was Turbulence, author's name already forgotten (Byron may put it in the comments haha), about a gay pilot on a haunted ass flight.
Last movie: The Howling, yesterday afternoon. Previously, I had watched it and The Beast Must Die on the same day (a bit under a decade ago), and confused the two in hindsight. Spent the whole time yesterday like 'when do we get to the part with the dinner party full of big game hunter assholes getting picked off one by one?' incredible SFX though and pretty exciting ending!
Last show: Babylon 5. about to watch another episode.
Sweet/spicy/savory: if I had to pick just one, I guess savory, but all three at once in strong equal proportion is one of my favorite flavor profiles. I start at least 4/7 days of the week with like, noodles or rice flavored with chili garlic paste, soy, and sugar lmfao.
Relationship status: committed LTR, we're polyamorous but not currently dating anyone else (tho we recently had a breakup with a third).
Last thing I googled: 'bunions wikipedia' I think? I usually just go to wikipedia when I want to look something up, but I know recently I was in a hurry and just typed it all into the bar. I think, but cannot confirm, that this was the bunions, as I often go into an incognito window for quick searches just so I can quickly get back to my original page by hitting the triangle on my phone.
Current obsession: preparing a wide variety of small pies...
Looking forward to: getting my bf's take on the last two seasons of Babylon 5, since I know he's fascinated by the pacing and structural issues that can arise from behind the scenes production issues in tv dramas. also, we're gradually assembling the components of a shrimp nano fishtank (warm, acidic, possibly blackwater) and next month we'll probably be able to set it up.
Tagging @oldmanpuppyplay, @aurpiment, @theremharths, @activatedsludge, @emperorclaudiusofficial, @wozapi, @matamorose, @freakvampire, @lun4rcr0w, @hazelrose3637
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1) If you had to assign a song to each of the Suits that wasn't from a Mechs album, what would they be? 2) This is a weirdly specific one but which Mechs characters do you think best fit "I've No More F's To Give" (I personally think it's Oedipus and Lyf)? 3) Oh my god the "doctors who tried to do the right thing but got screwed over for it and ended up w/ mechanical body parts" SHOULD be friends, that's very smart! 4) Favorite character from each album (including TTBT 1 and 2)?
1) bestie i have an entire playlist for orpheus, but for the rest of them:
oedipus: hercules by sara bareilles! the irony is slightly intentional. (fun fact the song orpheus by the same artist is on my narcissus playlist. again, only partially for the irony). or oedipus rex by tom lehrer but that feels like cheating
heracles: bang! by ajr. i had an embarrassing amount of trouble finding a song for him, lmao. there are also probably some ajj songs that fit him but they all kind of blend together in my head so i can't point you to any specific one
ariadne: i'd say good riddance from hades but that's more like. the Ideal Scenario song for her. for the actual canon we have i'd go with. hm. honestly i don't have a lot of great songs for her. maybe wires by the neighborhood?
(bonus: kiss me, son of god for daedalus. bastard man and NOT in the fun way.)
2) lyf for sure, yeah. or jonny
3) YEAH!! plus brian getting launched into space + oedipus trying to get to space... para lels.....
4) ouatis: general white!
udad: i. uhm. i think you can guess that one
hnoc: mordred <3
tbi: odin. shes fucked up and evil and i love that for her
ttbt 1: dr pilchard!
ttbt 2: majors hatter & hare :]
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"oedipus makes bad jokes constantly i even have canon evidence for this"--sources? pls? Also honestly if any of the Suits are going to make Dad Jokes it's Heracles the LITERAL DAD (and also weirdly the oldest).
tbh if i was thinking of any canon evidence while writing that post i have completely forgotten it. mightve been his "i hope it doesn't prove too confusing for you" line
& yes while logically that makes sense heracles simply doesn't have the Vibes. oedipus is a dilf heracles isn't it's that simple
#also per the myth he DID have kids#although only one of them survived bc. uh. yknow#but if that applies to the actual album it's not mentioned at all#asks#lun4rcr0w#also i saw your submission but unfortunately it doesn't make much sense to me since i haven't seen that show
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1)Continuing off the song ask: why those ones, and also what do u think of "american healthcare" for Oedipus (i do get Daedalus though. that's SO him)? 2)Can u explain your answers for "Which of the other Suits is each member closest to"? 3)HC: Bellerophon was a pilot who flew the experimental car/plane hybrid Pegasus created by Poseidon Industries, who was defeated by a Gadfly-class interceptor when he turned on the Olympians. 4)What do you think the Suits look like?
1) oh american healthcare works wonderfully for oedipus, yeah! big big fan :] as for the other songs:
hercules for oedipus is partially just, like. Vibes. but also these lyrics kind of remind me of him, like, a lot.

maybe i'm reading too far into it? but.
bang! just kind of reminds me of heracles's outlook on life at this point, like. man's just really tired lmao. i get the feeling that he just wants to die spectacularly & then leave his mess of a life behind yknow
good riddance i see as the Ideal Scenario Song bc that would be. the most healthy outlook for her, ig? like, moving beyond trying to meet the expectations of Everyone In The City and just kind of chilling. wires was almost entirely vibes tbh, i need to find a better song for her 😔
i'm not going to explain Every song in orpheus's playlist but if there are specific ones you're curious about 👀
2) yeah i sure can. doesn't mean i will tho
2a) yeah i'm not that mean. i feel like ariadne would be closest with oedipus just because she simply can't stand the other two long enough to have quality bonding time. she & oedipus play spscrabble (space scrabble) together <3
oedipus and heracles are most likely to see each other as peers, i feel like? like, "all of these people are insane but at least you're My kind of insane," y'know. a kind of friendship by proximity. but while i feel like heracles spends the most time with oedipus, if it comes down to a crisis heracles is probably picking orpheus. like oedipus is who heracles would tell a secret but orpheus is the one he actually trusts to keep it yknow
genuinely don't know who orpheus would be closest with. this man is an enigma. i say oedipus just bc 1) o name solidarity and 2) i think they're least likely to get fed up with each other but that's a very low bar
3) oh i like that!! i like that a lot actually
4) orpheus i feel like looks pretty similar to the photoshoot pictures? except i think he dyes his hair & wears more blue. blue is His Color i don't know how to explain it it just is
heracles doesn't look too dissimilar from the photos either? except there's no way he slicks back his hair. hes got like. a buzzcut except he hasn't cut it in a while so it's kind of growing out. also theres no way hes blond
i have no clue what oedipus looks like tbh. my brain usually defaults to the photoshoot but with shorter hair or what he looks like in this art
the way ariadne looks in my head changes every two seconds the only consistent thing is she has a bun. also shes not blonde either
#i don't hate blonde ppl i promise <3 my second favorite character is blonde#jay says words#asks#lun4rcr0w
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1)Abt your post listing every mentioned UDAD character: Daedalus' file on Ariadne, she "owned multiple businesses," but ended up money laundering for Dionysus after the scandal.2)Oh crap for that last ask I meant ARACHNE, not Ariadne.3)I guess Perseus was kinda mentioned in-album since he was one of the Strength candidates (background of "Torn Suits"); what do you think the UDAD version of his story was like?
1) oh okay yeah, that makes sense (and also fits with the og myth, nice)
2) it's okay ur good!
3) just off the top of my head: perseus is another one of zeus's kids that he sent off on an impossible quest (track down and destroy one of poseidon's failed pieces of tech), he managed to survive due to willpower + some "help" from other olympians, met andromeda and was like You Know What Fuck This, i don't need to win my father's approval, and then. lived happily ever after ig i can't remember how the og myth of perseus ends
#i do have a few thoughts abt how medusa's story would go but they're a bit disjointed#asks#jay says words#lun4rcr0w#oh shit i think i forgot to tag that other ask hang on
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Hi again! couple quick things: 1) have any headcanons about Oedipus and Jocasta (I kinda hc'd that they were genuinely in love but you seem to disagree)? 2)WTNV AU: where are the OUATIS+TBI characters and the Mechs, who's the Smiling God, and is it a deliberate joke that Oedipus' job is just "gazing at beakers and nodding seriously" like that's actually accomplishing something when he can't f*cking see sh*t? 3) Would you be interested in hearing me rant about a UDAD/Homestuck crossover?
1) oh yeah it was totally an arranged marriage. they tolerated each other. like i think they saw each other as roommates rather than partners they were not in love
2) honestly idk? i only included hnoc so that there could be a desert bluffs equivalent sbshsh. the mechs are just kinda. chilling and causing problems
and no that was not an intentional joke the joke was "staring at beakers probably isn't going to accomplish much even if you CAN see" lmao
3) everything i've learned about homestuck has been against my will & i'd like to keep it that way
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Big Ask Pt. 3: 1) Do you think UDAD!Heracles is Oedipus' cousin/niece's widower (his wife Megara is, mythologically speaking, the daughter of Oedipus' brother-in-law/uncle)? 2) If the Suits had Mechanisms, what would they be? 3) What if the CG AU is one where the Mechs decide to not tell the story because people lived and therefore "it's boring", and they end up making the gothic horror mini-set instead?
1) that's definitely possible, yeah! could explain why they're so hostile towards each other
2) i'd probably go with the body parts they were actually shot in, so orpheus's would be his neck, ariadne's would be her heart, heracles's would be wherever he got shot (i'd go with both arms & shoulders, personally). the exception is oedipus, bc i feel like if his mechanism were his eyes that would fall into "disabled character is cured now and no longer is a bother!" trope, which is. yknow. not great. so for oedipus i'd say brain!
3) YES OMG.... i was going to play it like the mechs lied about how udad ends but i like that better actually. society if we got a whole gothic literature album
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Big Ask Pt. 2: 1) Would CG!Heracles or Oedipus consider asking Ashes about rebodying their family/wife? 2) "all the suits are neurodivergent"--you're probably right, and also pls elaborate. 3) Do you have any UDAD ships for the characters other than Orpheus, Eurydice, Narcissus, and Echo? 4) screw it: each of the individual Suits (as in the pinstripe 4+Ulysses+Daedalus) for the "realistic headcanon/haha funny headcanon/sad headcanon/my canon now" thing?
1) i think heracles might ask for them to be rebodied, but probably keep his distance from them, bc he did like. kill them. & he wants them to have an opportunity to get away from that, if they want to.
oedipus does not revive his family, because he hates them <2
2) theyre all autistic. all of em. & at least orpheus and heracles have depression (w orpheus it's basically canon) & i mean. all of them have been through so much shit that even if they're not traumatized per se they're definitely fucked in the head
3) i wouldn't say that i actively ship it, but i do enjoy heracles/oedipus on occasion <3 i'm also a sucker for ariadne & arachne having ANY kind of relationship, so i guess i'd say i ship them? girlboss4girlboss yknow
there's also ulysses/galahad but we don't talk about that one
4) will be under the cut bc that's gonna get long!
realistic headcanon: gay for hylus lmao. i didn't include that as a ship bc i haven't pinned down any kind of solid hcs for hylus but heracles was 100% gay for him
haha funny headcanon: hes lived on this godforsaken city for 124 years and he still has to do the Ls to tell left from right
sad headcanon: hes kind of tied all of his self-worth 2 his physical strength & athletic abilities at this point, so he feels like if people don't need/appreciate his skills hes basically useless :( which is part of the reason he played along with zeus for so long, because it just made him feel wanted
my canon now: he never killed his wife n kids they're alive and well and were waiting for him when he got home from the ulysses job <3
realistic headcanon: shes aro!! doesnt use any other sexuality labels just aro <3 also demigirl ariadne supremacy bay bee
haha funny headcanon: in general she's not great in combat EXCEPT for with a garrote. people tend to underestimate her and then she pulls out this small piece of wire and they start REALLY underestimating her and then she cuts their head off
sad headcanon: i think she was actually really close with daedalus :( she stuck with him well after he started being Really Evil, just bc she refused to accept that the one good person she'd grown up with was Bad Actually
my canon now: beat the shit out of theseus and now she has actually good friends (even though she prefers working alone most of the time, which is okay bc they respect her boundaries <3)
realistic headcanon: hes a smart guy :] no caveats here i just think hes a very smart dude w a special interest in the sphinx virus
haha funny headcanon: he says "stand back, i'm a doctor" even in situations where it doesn't apply at all. trying to cut in line? "stand back, i'm a doctor." threatening someone trying to hurt him? "stand back, i'm a doctor." someone specifically told him not to say he was a doctor? "stand back, i'm a doctor (and also fuck you)"
sad headcanon: when he was a kid he really wanted to go to space... he genuinely thought there was something up there, something he could study, yknow? and he still wants to go to space, now he just knows there's nothing up there.
my canon now: he and brian are friends i think both of them deserve it
realistic headcanon: [points] emo phase. this "man" has emo phase written all over him. i don't know what else to say here he just 100% had an emo phase
haha funny headcanon: has a huge amount of useless trivia kicking around in his head. the suits go anywhere and orpheus can tell them the top ten facts they did not know about this place. number five will surprise you (he does not know anything practical about it)
sad headcanon: i mean canon does most of the heavy lifting for me there BUT i think he gets really horrible nightmares :( he's pretty much gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night crying and not being able 2 remember why :( i am not projecting be quiet
my canon now: he is living his best life with his husband eurydice and his boyfriend narcissus <333 they have a cat <333 also genderfluid orpheus so true
realistic headcanon: theyre a nonbinary lesbian im actually not accepting criticism at this time
haha funny headcanon: when they're not horribly depressed they have the disposition of like, your weird grandparent that's mostly settled down now but got up to SO much shit in their youth. ulysses vc come bake cookies with me and i'll tell you about the murder i committed in '89
sad headcanon: again canon just does all of the hard work for me here. i think they died right on top of their wife maybe <3
my canon now: honestly okay i WANT to say they got therapy and a nice pet dog after udad but honestly i think they'd just be happier dead LMAO
oh i could not give less of a shit about this man. i hate him. hes homophobic and gay and figured out how mechanization works and that's all i have on him. i despise him
#alan don't look#OHKAY i will answer the third part of this ask tomorrow because i am EXHAUSTED#but ugh. all the suits my beloveda#*beloveds#jay says words#asks#lun4rcr0w
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1) I meant like "if he had a kid 8 yrs old or younger during the album it probably would've come up." 2) CG AU stuff: do the Suits ever realize how the Mechs are connected? do they ever try to figure out WTF is up w/ Orpheus' dreams? does Ariadne get to punch Theseus (as a treat)? does Heracles get to kill his dad (as a treat)? what exactly is their plan for the plants thing? also: Heracles might still have Olympian immortality (Oedipus must be thrilled) so that's one done for you...
1) fair point, also part of the suits' whole Thing was that they didn't have any friends/family in a position to help them or look for them after they were gone, so that would track
2a) yes! one of the jobs ashes gives them is hand-delivering invitations to hang out to the other mechs, and after that they start investigating more on their own, because it's. a pretty odd set of people! they don't get the whole thing figured out but they get pretty close
2b) honestly not really? after a while they just kind of accept that this is a Thing now that's occasionally useful. i think at one point ariadne is like "hey your powers might be a residual effect from the bifrost!" and orpheus is like "cool! this does not change my situation in any way"
2c) YES. girlboss.
2d) depends on the timeline we're going with but yes! sometimes he even takes his dad's place <3
2e) it kind of started as "uhh plant things and hope for the best?" but then ariadne & oedipus started actually researching how plants work, and narcissus showed up & infodumped a bunch about plants, so they actually had, like. a decent understanding of how to grow things and how seeds work and all that. so now they're putting plants wherever they can and seeing how long it takes people to notice
& yeah that's true! i still need to figure out how the others get immortality though i've kind of been glossing over that
#orpheus gets 2 kill heracles at one point this is important#asks#jay says words#community gardens au#lun4rcr0w
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A couple of things: 1) Mechs Wiki says there were 8 yrs btwn Oedipus meeting Jocasta and the scandal, so he probably didn't have kids. 2) What do you mean "orpheus is bi & aroace" (like, do you mean he's biromantic and asexual)? 3) Do you have anything backing up "agender oedipus supremacy" besides Vibes (but if it's just Vibes pls explain too). 4) Do you have any plans of continuing the Community Gardens AU? Also 5) Have a lovely day :)
1) i'm not quite sure what you're getting at, eight years is plenty of time to have kids? /nm
2) you can be aroace & have other sexuality labels! either because you're oriented aroace, or bc you still experience some form of sexual/romantic attraction (being demiromantic or grayace, for example) and want to label that attraction! so like, i think that orpheus is demiromantic & ace & bi, but i was calling him aroace for simplicity.
3) purely Vibes! my specific headcanon is that oedipus just doesn't want to think too hard about his gender- he had a long enough crisis to realize he Didn't Really Have One, and then never really thought about it again bc thinking about the intricacies of his gender just like. makes his head hurt
4) i don't have plans to write an "official" fanfic bc it's very self indulgent and kind of niche (also i have trouble finishing long things) but i have so so many thoughts about it so if you have, like, specific questions or headcanons about it i'm very willing to talk about it :)
5) you too 💙!
#i have sooo many u.dad aus that i probably won't write anything 4 just bc they're SO self-indulgent#but i'm super willing to talk about if i can phrase things right#alan don't look#jay says words#asks#lun4rcr0w
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1)realistic headcanon/haha funny headcanon/sad headcanon/my canon now for Eurydice+Echo+Ariadne?2)CG!AU: maybe Daedalus tried to force Orpheus to do the TBL, Orpheus fatally shot him, and the Suits figured they might as well use him to open the vault and sell the contents.3)Which of the other Suits is each member closest to?4)What do you think Cerebus is--actual dog? octokitten(s)? jonny?5)favorite pun/stealth reference in each album?
[first question will be under the cut so that it doesn't get too long]
2) that could work? imo orpheus doesn't carry a gun hes just got like. a nice knife but yeah i see what youre getting at
3) ariadne is closest with oedipus, oedipus is closest with heracles, heracles thinks hes closest with oedipus but lets be real its actually orpheus, orpheus is closest with. hm. oedipus probably
4) robot vaguely modelled after a dog! the olympians sent it to hades so they could use it as a guard dog but hades didn't really want or need that so they just let it wander around the acheron and scare unsuspecting visitors
5) ouatis: bomb hidden in a crate of apples! i just think that one's Neat
udad: tie between 'motherfucker' & orpheus's prophetic dreams
hnoc: fisher king ('she comes up while i am fishing') that one's just kinda funny to me
tbi: this is very predictable but 'missile two killed baulder...' mostly i'm just proud of the fact that i caught it on my first listen through
realistic headcanon: Literally Anything we know nothing about her everything is realistic <3 shes butch & hot as fuck how about that
funny headcanon: she was friends with both echo and narcissus for YEARS and somehow a) never figured out the connection between them and b) never mentioned this to either of them
sad headcanon: just the canon :( okay but literally no one except maybe echo it depends knows how she really died for,, complicated reasons
my canon now: orpheus's plan worked shes a robot now & living with orpheus and narcissus and echo and theyre FINE everything's FINE
realistic headcanon: AGAIN WE DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT HER but she's mute and uses whatever the city's equivalent of sign language is!
funny headcanon: she's just short as fuck. like 5 feet on a good day. tiny
sad headcanon: i have a lot of angsty thoughts about her but most of them require a lot of explaining so i'm gonna go with she had to plan eurydice's funeral herself bc no one else was in any state to (she wasn't either. but)
my canon now: she never actually died so ive decided she got mechanized. shes the local vent cryptid along with nastya now
i'm gonna be honest i don't have a Ton of thoughts on arachne but she was friends with ariadne when they were kids & if she ever got rebodied she would have six arms!
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