satoshy12 · 9 months
Ghost Duels are like a date, when it's fair 1 vs 1 and both accept it
Jon Superboy x Dani Lumi Cassie Wonder Girl x Danny Phantom (Fenton)
Raven had to talk to Superman about this, as she saw how Lumi fought Superboy. She knows about this because of the liberty of her home, what was going on! Raven:" He is fighting a ghost! They are known to ask for a duel when they search for a mate." Bruce: "Danny Phantom never had that problem. Why should his sister have it?" Raven:" She challenged him to a duel and he accepted; then it's something else. If he is strong enough she would want him as mate/boyfriend!" Cassie:"Well, if you excuse me, I am searching for Phantom then." Raven:" Wonder Girl! Did you not listen?" Cassie:" Oh, I did, and you just made it much better! Fighting is courting! YEAH!"
Clark:" Poor Phantom, he has his own Maxima... Wait! Jon!!"
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lumilasi · 7 months
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The file name is "horny strawberry no" btw
Guess I'll be drawing Bleach fanart every now and then now, huh. Mainly for fic illustrations, that's kinda what I used to do the most anyway with my other fandom, before I burned out on the fanart side of it.....
Since I proved to myself I CAN draw Grimmjow now, I decided to finally do what I always wanted to, but didn't really feel confident doing in the past; some art for @murderlight's fics, in this case Demon in the Rough, one of the newer ones. Mainly because I wanted to try drawing Oni Grimmjow, and BOY. CAT. GODDAMMIT CAT. That's too much detail lmaooo
Drawing this was also tricky because this scene still makes me laugh just thinking about it, also forgot what Ichigo was wearing and tbh after the pain that was that Grimmjow design, I didn't feel like trying to make it accurate lol (same with the setting, can't remember if they were in the cave or not, but felt like cave is a pretty good guess)
Two versions as I wasn't sure if I liked it more with or without Hands' reaction bubble. The other hand is somewhere nearby too, I was just too lazy to draw both.
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theomniplayer · 3 months
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A group picture with all of the meta game player characters I’ve played along with my player character OC Robin (the red head)
This was another attempt at my guardian player type design with my sona here
This one is a bit old so Kalas isn’t here
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toonilumi · 11 months
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chip gets a slice of cake
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alopex26 · 3 months
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Aurora Fox
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lumi-of-frost · 1 year
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Getting all the treasures in Pikmin 2 killed me.
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ssahotchnerr · 11 months
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ily <33333333
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snowyhyena · 1 year
Rebirth of the winter spirit
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better-than-one · 3 months
its ok buddy its not gonna hurt ya
I mean...
As a Zora, you are at high risk of heat stroke and dehydration.
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edsanon · 6 months
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Welcome to my daily dose of Hazbin nonsense, today I have once again the aro-aces
Lumi is confused but they have the spirit.
(Ace in the hole : Someone who takes advantages of others. Lumi had the spirit, just not fluent in English enough to grasp it)
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redstringraven · 1 year
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i have no context for this, i just wanted to play around with the glowy concepts and also draw mikey interacting with one of the liáfsian guardian spirits (who he has affectionately named 'lumi', thank u @plantdonutwrites). they're small, insect-like manifestations who've been known to guide lost children out of the woods or lead search parties to individuals in need of help.
concept wise, the 'tribunal markings' might be more white than the color directly associated with the boys (since white in celt folklore is associated with the otherworld and sidhe), and likewise they might be more a 'gift of power' from the guardians rather than... chi or 'inner powers', i guess. that's all i got for now.
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gtzel · 5 months
OC Roll-Play Now Open!!
As a way of fleshing out my characters personalities more for writing purposes, I’ve decided to open roll-play for some of them.
These are the ocs available for rollpalying:
Oliver- enthusiastic and free spirited, borrower/brownie mix, 16/17 years of age.
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Isaac- calm demeanor, kind and trustworthy, human/giant 18 years of age.
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Gabriel- bubbly personality, caring of others and gullible, human/giant 18 years of age
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Liam- nervous spirit, easily flustered, generally untrusting of others, tiny/borrower 16 years of age
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Elijah- cocky spirited, quiet, puts out a tough guy persona but is really vulnerable. 15/16 years of age human/shifter
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Brian- sweet personality, jockish, blushes easily, human 15 years old
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Lumi- brave spirited, energetic and wild, pirate fae/tiny 19 years old
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Trevor- chaotic spirit, cries easily, mer/tiny 14/15 years of age, startled energy
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If your interested in roll playin with or as any of these, hit me up in dm’s or discord. No NSFT/NSFW rollplaying without beforehand consent, and/or if you are under 18. Vore roll playing is optional but not provided without permission.
Hope to see you in my DM’s soon!
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lumilasi · 11 months
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UPDATE: Slight lore change for one of them, namely I changed Yaguro's name; it looks very similar but has completely different meaning and Kanji used now. I just felt like the OG name was too "edgy" for him in this new incarnation.
Also...."When your boyfriend is the fluffiest thing in the room"
Their bio below:
Yume Kobushi:
Age: 25
Height: 160 cm
Family: Great grandmother Anei (A ghost still lingering in the library she guards)
Friends: Avane Faydream (Her Fae bestie/Pen-pal) the Murasaki family running the nearby bathhouse
Love-interest: Yagura Asahi
Waterbending: She can use the element of water to form physical objects, most typically a bow or crossbow she uses to defend the library. Since she is not specifically an ice witch, she cannot freeze water.
reflection-shifting: She can traverse through water's reflection either to phase through things, or essentially teleport to another location entirely, as long as she knows where it is.
Astral projection: She can enter the spirit realm and discuss with spirits there, typically she needs some sort of object as a medium to open her way there/reach the specific spirit she wants to speak with. This is a fairly basic ability nearly all magic users regardless of their type can do, they just use different mediums for access (In Yume's case, water ofc)
General spellcasting: She can cast spells outside her water powers by transforming her magical energy to its basic form.
While she can cast spells not related to her primary magic, in order to use those she needs to convert her elemental magic into a more basic form of spirit energy, which is more draining than using it as is.
Yume is still young and new to all this, since she didn't really grow up taught magic. While her family was aware of their heritage, her parents' generation for example thought of it a myth, so she still struggles with her powers occasionally.
Staying connected to the spirit realm for too long can cause some damage to her, such as fainting, nightmares, hallucinations and in worst case possession, since Yume is not yet experienced enough to protect herself from it with just mental resilience. She typically needs talismans to protect herself.
Given witches' elemental powers are much more restricted than those of elementals or Sorcerers/Sorceress', Yume can't use water in any other form than its liquid form. She can turn ice or vapor into water, but can't use either element as is.
She’s quite temperamental and compassionate, wanting to do things well and also getting frustrated if things aren’t working like she’d hoped. Yume sometimes questions her own abilities due to the fact she never had “official” witch training outside the guidance from her great grandmother's spirit. She also has the tendency to get a bit flustered around people she finds attractive. (regardless of gender) 
She tends to be the type to not make a big deal of her good deeds, and often helps people secretly; mainly because unconsciously due to her doubts over her own skills, she's afraid she's done something wrong so she's pre-preemptively avoiding the anger and rejection from others. (it is somewhat irrational, given she tends to do good job at helping)
She does also have a petty side to her, that enjoys taunting people and messing with those she dislikes. She's known for being able to insult people totally poker-faced, which leads to them not necessarily realizing at first they were told off.
Yume is pan, and has a fan crush on the Murasaki family daughter/boss of the bathhouse Kouka. She's also had a brief crush on her best friend Ava initially, though she pretty quickly figured out she'd rather be friends with her as Ava is Too Scary sometimes.
She still sometimes acts flustered around Asahi, even if she's used to his presence by now.
Yume would never admit it, but she LOVES that her weird moth-ghost-past-life-Samurai-boyfriend is extremely fluffy and therefore a good pillow.
Yume didn't find out she has magic until she turned 15, which is when her great grandma's spirit contacted her, sensing the family had finally produced an offspring with magic.
She initially didn't want to go, but once she did end up in the mirror realm (accidentally) and spent some time there, she quickly begun to feel like this was her home. She'd always felt subconsciously alienated in the human world.
The library she looks after is the second oldest of the seven still left in the Mirror realm; there used to be 20, but most were destroyed during the Ancestral War long ago, where the entire realm was in chaos.
The magnolia theming of her witch outfit comes from her family name, which is a type of magnolia.
Yume sometimes jokes her life is like one of those magical girl stories popular in her human world home country: She thought she was just a normal girl, but then turned out she has powers and a greater purpose. (People around her rarely get this joke, they are not familiar with modern world pop culture in human realm)
Yume's haircomb she often wears is her medium to speaking with her grandmother's spirit, as it used to belong to Anei
She doesn't really visit her family often, but does occasionally send them letters. Her parents have mixed feelings about her new life, wanting to support her but also struggling with the entire concept. Her grandfather - Anei's son - is very supportive though, and has even visited the library before, both as a child and now as an old man.
Yagura Asahi:
Age: 30 (at the time of death) manifested 2 years ago
Height: 185 cm
Friends: The Murasaki family (Soul eaters), Avane Faydream (Yume's bestie who visits them occasionally)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc. (Since Yagura was a Samurai who died in battle, his soul was called upon by the Wisteria.)
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort.
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (both are still possible, but rarer)
Moth spirits also correspond to the tree they are born from in color; Wisteria-born are purple with sometimes yellow accent colors, Weeping willow's creations are green with occasionally red accents, and Blue Spruce creates blue spirits with orange accents. Their names also typically indicate how they died in some way, or reference the setting they died in/a significant object related to it.
Born-Adult spirits recall their deaths with often some sort of trauma-related response left in them, whereas children tend to not remember at all; it is a supposed form of mercy by the Hive trees, granted to the youngest souls.
The way moth spirits complete their "unfinished business" is more symbolic, rather than directly going to those this regret is connected to. (Often this'd be impossible given those people may be long gone themselves) For example, they perform the same action/reach the same goal they didn't do during their past life: confessing your love, helping with something you didn't help with, etc. It is in that sense, not a do-over to fix what you already did, but a second chance to not repeat your mistakes.
Close combat; really strong physically with excellent swordsman skills, his blade can even slice magic and spirits, not just physical, tangible things.
Moth spirit abilities: All moth spirits share some basic abilities, but not all manifest every single ability possible; Asahi is a rare case where he has most of them, likely because he was a combatant in his last life. These are: poofing into bunch of butterflies to quickly avoid attacks or flee, drenching an area around him in darkness using them (essentially enlargening his pocket dimension to bring people inside it), flight, Spitting acid that is corrosive even to magic seals, his wings are also stab proof.
Dadness: Asahi is very good with kids, able to be patient and supportive with them, and children tend to not view him as threatening, even if he looks scary. 
Immunity to most fellow moth-spirit abilities: Moth spirits tend to be immune to each other's powers, or at least matching ones. In Asahi's case he is not affected by moth spirit acid, can't be taken into another spirit's pocket dimension, and he can in fact stab through other moth's wings, including those who also supposedly have stab proof wings.
He’s known to be very efficient and ruthless in battle; He’s not the type to show anyone he fights mercy easily, although he tends to not like combating somebody who’s clearly far too weak to even have a chance against him. 
Outside fights he quite intelligent, mostly polite, patient and considerate person who has a strong sense of justice, though for most outsiders he can come off really closed off and rude at first. He just doesn’t really warm up to people easily. Once you have made it to his inner circles though, he's fairly relaxed and pleasant person to spend time with.
Yagura is very observant person, and can pick up if something is wrong long before others do. He can tell if someone (Like Yume) is about to have a mental breakdown/needs to rest before they acknowledge it.
While he can utilize majority of moth spirit abilities, there are two he can't do, and therefore isn't immune to: Ear-shattering/ groundbreaking screeches, fellow moth spirits with stab-through-the-wings ability, being trapped by their webbing.
Due to his manner of death, Yagura has a slight fear of fire, and even though he no longer freezes around it, he still tends to keep a VERY close eye on campfires and fireplaces, dousing the flames as soon as he is allowed to do so. He does still have nightmares occasionally about fire, especially if he's too warm when sleeping. (he tends to prefer sleeping outside as a result)
Yume met him only months after he manifested; he was initially looked after by the Murasaki family, then upon noting Yume was struggling with her duties as a bit of a newbie, he decided to offer his help in protecting the library, which she eventually accepted upon seeing he was reliable and trustworthy.
Asahi is a rare case where he still remembers his human name partially; this is not unheard of though, and can sometimes happen with the purple moths especially; this is speculated to be because these souls born from the Purple Wisteria tend to have the strongest sense of self.
Asahi uses Yagura as sort of a surname, and most people tend to address him with it, mainly Yume and Ava call him Asahi (some don't even know his actual name is Asahi)
He tends to not curse much, and sometimes uses a bit unusual choices of words, such as referring to things he sees as bad behavior/terrible actions "Dishonorable."
He does wear modern clothes too, mainly sweatpants, sleeveless shirts and cardigans. Yume does make him dress up a bit more appropriately if they travel to the city where Ava lives together, though.
Yagura sheds his fur every two months, which leaves Yume with bags and bags of bluish purple fluff everywhere. She's used it as stuffing sometimes...
The scar on his lip wasn't there when he was born; moth spirits generally do not carry physical scars from their past lives (apart from mental ones)
Moth spirits tend to have the same lifespan as humans (80-100 years roughly) starting from the moment they manifested. If the spirit doesn't complete their unfinished business though, they may live much longer until this is done/keep being reborn if they die.
Yagura has already completed his "unfinished business" because his regret as human was dying before confessing his love to a person his past human self adored, something he got to do with Yume.
His blue jacket and belt were made by Yume's grandmother's spirit once he became an official Guardian for the library. The pattern is not just a reference to him being a moth spirit, but also of the river the library isle sits on.
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po-cky-o-o · 2 years
He does not know what spirit compelled him to pounce on her like an animal in heat.
It was far from being the first time they shared a bed, so much so he could barely remember the last time he slept without being wrapped in the warmth of another.
Ever since the Dendro Archon had left him under Lumine’s care he had already found every excuse in the book to slip under her covers. He didn’t know when it started, this sudden thirst for her presence that couldn’t be quenched no matter how hard he tried.
And try he did.
But when she looked at him, when she tore away his skin and bones and looked, directly into his black and rotten heart and cradled it oh so gently into her awaiting hands, he broke.
Like a moth to the flame, he stopped running and flew straight into that blinding light, hoping it would be kind enough not to burn him.
It was insanity, he knew that, but he could not help but fall.
But he would not fall alone.
She did not stop him when he took her hand, nor when he glared at anyone that dared to get too close to her. She didn’t even question whenever his sheets would mysteriously burn away, forcing them to cuddle up. He just hoped she wouldn’t stop him now.
“Think nothing of it. I just don’t feel like being sick,” he said, burying himself deeper into her neck, as her scent drowned away the voices shaming him for his weakness.
He didn’t get sick - she knew he didn’t - but she let him do as he pleased, humming a foreign tune into his ear until sleep finally claimed her. And if she noticed he would always wait for her breath to even out before falling asleep, she didn’t mention it either.
Despite all their nights together, they had yet to take any steps further, so it came as a surprise to him the way his body would react to the slow rise and fall of her chest brushing against his own. He could feel the way her plush thighs slipped between his legs, his mind waging a battle of wills against his overwhelming need to rut against it.
He was not oblivious to the throes of passion humans would involve themselves in, but he thought himself to be immune to earthly carnal desires, but the traveler always had a knack for proving him wrong.
To think that his once most hated enemy would now be laying so vulnerably under his hands.
It was so unfair, she had taken his gnosis, ripped the very heart of his godhood right from his chest and dared to replace it with a new one. A human one that beats for her and her alone.
The drum of her chest was the only beat capable of lulling him into sleep, the sole reminder he needed to know that she was there, alive and breathing in his arms. That maybe she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
He needed her.
He needed her now.
The sheets brushed against his sensitive skin as his hips began to roll. He could feel his own blood trailing down his throat as he bit his lips hard enough to bruise, holding back his moans as he grinded against the goddess in his arms.
What if she woke up? Would she push him away, too disgusted to ever look him in the eyes again? Or would she hold him closer, her arms wrapped around his waist as she guided him exactly where she wanted him to be?
His heart, the treacherous thing, beat wildly in his chest at the mere thought of her hands on him. So he ignores the shame coloring his cheeks and keeps moving, faster and faster and something inside him begins to coil, like a volcano at the edge of exploding.
“Ungh,, L-lumi.”
How could he let himself plummet this low?
Under the moonlight she looked almost like an angel. Like starlight had taken human form and descended upon earth , all to be tainted by a mere puppet discarded by a god. He knew she was out of his reach, he was chained at the bottom of a well trying to reach for the skies, but he could not let her go. If he could not go up, he would have to bring her down.
Alas, it was too late to hold back now. The dam inside him was about to break, he was so close, it would only take a bit more.
But then, her eyes opened.
It was as if time froze, he had been caught red handed, there was nothing he could do to explain himself.
Would she leave him? He didn’t think he could survive being abandoned again, not by her. He needed her.
“Why did you stop?”
A tilt of her head. “I said, why did you stop?” A beat before those eyes, those stupidly beautiful eyes gazed down at him. “You seemed to be having so much fun, don’t be shy now.”
“You… were awake?” He thought for sure she would be enraged at his actions. Why did she seem so calm?
“Mhm,” she hummed, nosing her way beneath his chin, silently asking him to raise his head. “You look so pretty like this.” A kiss. “So sweet for me.” A suck. “So desperate.”
His entire body shook as shivers ran along his spine with every open mouthed kiss she would leave on his neck. Switching between her tongue and teeth, she gave attention to his pale column, leaving not even an inch unattended as the pain of her marks was quickly swept away with a sweet lick to the forming bruises.
The heat inside him was steadily rising back as her hands slipped beneath the thin shirt he had stolen from her, roaming around his back before trailing lower and grabbing his bottom, ruthlessly grinding his crotch back into her.
It was overwhelming how good he felt. His own hand tangled itself into her hair, desperate to hold onto something as the pleasure consumed him, while he bit the other to try and hold back his moans. She had barely touched him, yet he was already falling apart.
So distracted, his mind didn’t even have time to process that she had pulled his arm away, until she replaced it with her lips.
Contrasting her hungry hands, roughly pushing him closer and closer to her, her kiss was so gentle he could almost feel tears welling up in the corner of his eye.
For over five hundred years he had been alone. Abandoned and discarded as nothing but a worthless imitation of a god, undeserving of any love or attention even by his very creator. He had continuously yearned for someone to fill the empty void in his torso, all to be betrayed yet and yet again until he had finally learned the folly of his ways and given up on the idea he might once receive what he longed for. And yet, the moment her lips laid upon his, all the walls he had constructed around him came crashing down.
How dare she?
How dare she crash into his life, turning everything he once knew upside down, without a care for the chaos she left in her wake.
He should have known better. Believing in such sweet lies would bring nothing but pain and disaster upon him, but it was so easy to fall.
Lost in the whirlwind of his thoughts, he noticed too late when her hand dared to adventure further, her nails gently tracing the planes of his stomach making goosebumps rise on his skin until finally, finally reaching where he wanted her most.
Part of him wants to hide in embarrassment at the mewl that leaves his lips the moment her hand wraps around his cock. That thought is promptly shut down as she licks the trail of saliva left behind at their kiss before diving back in.
She is slow, deliberate, never once giving him a moment of reprieve, but also not allowing him to reach the peak he so desperately needs. He is unsure whether to scream or cry, bucking his hips against her fist with wild abandon, but she remains unrelenting.
Her thumb brushes against his slit, spreading the leaking precum over his entire length, alternating between squeezing and pumping up and down at the same pace her tongue swirls in his mouth.
It is torture, he concludes. Payback for all the suffering he brought upon her.
He wants to believe he doesn’t enjoy this as much as his body thinks he does, but when the flick of her wrist picks up speed, tightening her grip ever so slightly as her other hand rubs open circles against his head, he cannot deny the shudder that wrecks his entire body.
And yet, she stops.
His ecstasy is replaced with a cold dread that sinks on his stomach.
Why did she pull away? Did she change her mind? Did she no longer want him?
Panicking, he examined her face in search for any hints he could use to convince her to stay, but all he found was an expression of pure bliss.
“Unlike you,” her supple chest rose and fell as she spoke. “I need air.
Right. Mortals needed to breathe.
His breath of relief was drowned away by her giggles.
“I told you already,” her thumb brushed against his lower lip. “I am not leaving.”
“I wasn’t worried.” He tried defending himself.
She planned to retort, but was quickly shut off by his lips wrapping around her thumb, putting on a show on sucking them off.
Albeit hesitant at first, he quickly grew confident as he saw the burning fire of her gaze, watching him like a starved woman being presented with a feast before her.
To his dismay, the moment is cut short as it seems she didn’t like the smug smirk plastered across his face, because the next thing he knows her hands are on his waist and she swings him right onto her lap.
His confusion must have been etched onto his face, as she is quick to clarify.
“Didn’t you know it is quite rude to wake up a lady in the middle of the night?” Lumine purred, moving her hands slowly over his torso. “It is only fair I ask you to put in some work, wouldn’t you agree?”
“What… what are you- hnn…” He doesn't get to finish his question as she grabs the waistband of his shorts and rips the fabric away, tossing whatever was left of it onto the ground.
One of her thighs promptly finds its way between his legs. With him now perched upon her lap, she has free access to his backside and she takes full advantage of that, happily grabbing his bottom, ripping out a rather undignified squeal out of him.
“You seemed very eager to hump me before, so I’ll allow you to continue.” She says, guiding his hips back and forth. At odds with his better judgment, he follows immediately, groaning as his length rubs nicely against her smooth skin. “Just like that. Good boy.”
He flushes at the nickname, the empty void in his chest fluttering at the thought of pleasing her. His grinding increases its pace, hoping to hear more of those sweet praises fall out of her lips.
“Archons, look at you. So good for me.” She smiles, sinking her teeth again and again into his flesh before licking the pain away. “Is this why you woke me up? Did you want me to fuck you that badly?”
The ecstasy jolts through him in shockwaves, panting heavily as his knees threaten to give out beneath him.
A few drops of precum land on Lumine’s leg when she tugs his hair harshly, forcing him to meet her gaze. “Answer me or I’ll stop.”
“Y-yes… hmm! D-don’t you dare… s-stop… Please…” He whimpers, the corners of his eyes shining with unshed tears as he tries to ignore the shame building up inside him.
Thankfully she seems pleased at his response, claiming his mouth hard and hot as his reward.
When her hands let go of his back, he lets out an involuntary whine of displeasure that gets interrupted as her now free fingers lodge themselves onto his chest, teasing his neglected nipples and for a second he is afraid he might pass out.
It’s too much. It’s way too much. For all his life he did everything in his power to try and stomp down any disgustingly human feelings that dared to sink their claws into him. And yet, this woman - no - this goddess now slithered her way into his non-existent heart, assaulting his every sense with indescribable pleasure. Try as he might, he cannot stop the tears from pouring down.
“Lumine…!” He repeats her name like a prayer, feeling the roughness of her tongue as she laps the teardrops away.
“Do you want to cum, baby?”
His voice quivers as he answers. “Mmm! Y-yeah… A-ah… please…!
The blonde presses him flat against her chest, redoubling the efforts on his nipples, pinching and twisting as her free hand spreads his asscheeks and she bounces her thigh up and down before moving to stroke his throbbing dick.
He cries out between kisses, his whole body being racked with shudders, every cell of his body being filled with her and only her.
“There you go,” she whispers, caressing him so passionately it almost makes him believe the love in her eyes might be real. “Just let go, baby.”
So he does.
It only takes one more stroke before he throws his head back, shouting when the full intensity of his orgasm hits. His eyes rolling back into his skull, Lumine helping him ride out his climax, searing loving praises into him with every kiss she leaves on his skin.
From the distance he could feel her mouth softly pressing against his cheeks, nose, eyelids, before finally reaching back to his lips. “You did so good, sweetie.”
If he had any strength left he would have kept her there, but as it was he remained limp in her arms, face buried in the crook of her neck, tiredly sucking his own marks in the column of her throat.
“You okay, love?” She asks, carefully wiping the remnants of tears and saliva on his face, not seeming to mind the mess left behind.
“Mhm…” He murmurs, staring enchanted at the concern shining in her eyes.
She makes a move to disentangle herself from him, but he is quicker, wrapping himself around her like a koala would to a tree before she can escape. “Don’t go.”
She blinks surprised, but ends up breaking into a chuckle. “I’m not going anywhere,” she says, carefully brushing through his purple locks. “But we need to take a bath.”
Not giving in, he simply cuddles closer. “Later… let’s sleep now”
“Alright, alright,” she giggles. “Let me at least take off this dress.”
He backs away just enough to see the drying cum marrying the front of her once pristine dress and hesitantly lets her go.
He takes a small moment to admire the curves of her body, her muscles rippling with every move highlighting her plush skin littered with scars from head to toe.
Beautiful, he thinks.
“Decent,” He says.
Her answer consists of dragging him by his feet back into her arms - perhaps with a bit more force than necessary. His legs instantly wrap around her waist and he could have happily stayed there for the rest of the night, if only she didn’t drop him back into the mattress.
He didn’t hesitate to drag her down with him when he believed she was taking too long to lie down.
“Geez, calm down you brat,” she huffed, but her false annoyance was betrayed by the soft kiss she placed on the crown of his head when he snuggled into her open arms.
“Never,” was the last thing she heard him utter before sleep claimed her.
Only her breath slowed back into its usual pace, did he finally allow himself to close his eyes. “Good night, starlight.”
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alopex26 · 7 months
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My sona Lumi
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chairarts · 10 months
For some reason the whole internet has decided to show me a ton of advertisements and articles about Christmas romcoms...I don't celebrate Christmas or watch romcoms LOL 🤣 So I decided to make a fake movie poster of a Genshin themed Christmas romcom for some reason? I didn't think too hard about the selection of guys haha, who would be the "the one" at the end of this kind of movie??? And what would be the title?
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Albedo is the enigmatic and charming scientist who Lumi briefly considered dating but didn't because of his weird vibes and weirder research. He still believes that they're soulmates and is planning a beautiful gift for Christmas
Lyney is a showman and of course knows how to make a grand show of affection especially during the holidays but it's unclear if his affection is genuine or if he has other motivations for pursuing Lumi. Does he love her or does he just think he does?
Heizou is the flirtatious local detective who always manages to lay on the charm during any encounter. Is he just setting the mood or is there more under the surface? Will the holiday spirit encourage him to pursue a marriage with something other than his job?
Souma* (Wanderer) is an international college student pursuing an advanced degree, he has no time for a stupid tradition of commercial one upmanship masquerading as a holiday (What a scrooge!) Yet he can't help thinking about how Christmas in Inazuma is celebrated by couples.... *The name of my Wanderer please ignore/swap
Xiao doesn't celebrate Christmas but he sure hopes deep down that Lumi invites him to celebrate with her anyway! Can he work up the courage to seek her out himself? Will the Christmas spirit be enough to drive off his demons for the day? Modern/christmas au
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