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happy birthday to the best captain ever, our son, our lukica❤️
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helou gurl imam storitajm
danas prije sata je luka sjeo kraj mn dok sam igrala sims i pito me dal smije on da isproba neki cheat za pare na mom laptopu pa sam mu pustila
onda je poceo sat i ja jos uvijek igram sims pa me profa pita sto klikcem toliko a ja budala kazem da organiziram mape na desktopu
kasnije kad smo dobili zadatak luka me je poceo zajebavat zbog toga sto sam slagala profi al na onaj naci zajebavanja sto momci rade kad te hoce muvat
(inc je predmet business behaviour)
poslije toga smo pricali o body language i kaze nama profa da se svi uhvatimo za ruke i morala sam jebenog luku drzat za ruku (iskr da ti kazem bilo je fino ima mekane ruke)
i nezz jel se to meni ucinilo al kad sam mu dala laptop za cheat msm da mi je reko "tenk ju honey" il tak neki kurac nmp onda je se brzebolje ispravio pa sam se ja pravila ko da nista nisam cula
ja sam bez tekstaaaa
opa mikiiiiii
realno ne krivim luku ima dobar ukus
al bitno je sta ti mislis o luki hmm?
🤭🤭🤭 znaci lukica imam te na oku !!! (i sad me zanima jel ti radi taj cheat zato sta meni rade pa..)
(znaci ja kako sam bolesna sam ostala kod kuce danas i dode mi brat i kaze hej onaj lik iz tvog razreda onaj popularni je pito kako to da nisi dosla u skolu i da ako si bolesna jesi okej ZNACI STA KAKO MOLIM ja sam malo u soku al ok....)
btw tvoja now tema je >>>>> bas je mocna
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When K*linda said
Moj Lukica
I felt it
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Rene Bitorajac stao u obranu voditelja s dočeka Vatrenih: 'Fakat bi trebalo znati čija bezidejnost stoji iza ovoga'
Svečana priredba na Trgu povodom dolaska naše nogometne reprezentacije iz Katra i dalje se komentira. Mnogi su se složili da je naša momčad zaslužila mnogo više od onoga što im je priređeno prošle nedjelje, a najčešće se mogu čuti komentari na račun voditelja Ive Šulentić i Luke Bulića. Poznati glumac je obznanio što on misli o tome 'Ekipa, sorry, ali ne mogu si pomoći pa moram stati u obranu dvoje sjajnih mladih profesionalaca. Prije svega drage, elokventne, zgodne, pristojne i pametne HRTove voditeljice Ive Šulentić i sjajnog tekstopisca, radijskog voditelja, imitatora, glazbenika i pjevača Luke Bulića, koji su apsolutno ispali kolateralne žrtve pomalo nespretnog (prijenosa), ali svakako velikog, povijesnog i pamtljivog događaja, na kojem je 80.000 građana dočekalo Vatrene nakon nevjerojatnog uspjeha u Kataru!', piše Rene Bitorajac na Facebooku. Tvrdi da 100 posto zna o čemu se radi. 'Koordinator dočeka Lokas također staje na stranu voditelja, ali braneći njih, samo skriva nedostatke upravo same koordinacije i organizacije samog dočeka. 4 dana je malo! Za što konkretno? U jednom satu skupit ćete bendove koji žele svirati na tako velikoj manifestaciji, također i voditelje, iznajmljivače video zidova, razglasa pa čak i volontere, a na kraju krajeva tu je kompletna logistika HRTa po defaultu. Da je netko imao ideju da se montažno napravi i video kao poveznica 1998., 2018., i 2022., puštaju golovi, trivije, intervjui ili nešto slično i za to je dovoljno 4 dana. Da se osigura spektakularan vatromet, nazove Zet, angažira Croatia airlines, digne policija, ma, 4 dana je kada svatko radi svoj posao i više nego dovoljno, osim toga to je i odrađeno, dakle upravo je bit loša organizacija i koordinacija', smatra Bitorajac. Ekipa, sorry, ali ne mogu si pomoći pa moram stati u obranu dvoje sjajnih mladih profesionalaca. Prije svega drage,... Objavljuje Rene Bitorajac u Ponedjeljak, 19. prosinca 2022. Nije to, piše dalje, zvučalo dobro, ali 'voditelji na trgu imaju zadatak držati temperaturu u publici'. 'Čime nego interakcijom!? HRT je morao osigurati voditelje posebno za TV prijenos!!! Ne nužno sportske komentatore. Može Čurla, Fodor, Danijela, Barbara... ima arsenala. Još jedan veliki propust je neangažiranje jednog spretnog i vještog DJ-a, kao na košarkaškim ili hokejaškim utakmicama, koji će publiku držati nabrijanom puštajući refrene navijačkih pjesama, upravo umjesto voditelja. 'Ništa od toga se nije dogodilo, voditelji su bili prepušteni sami sebi i satnici, uz to još potpuno pogrešnog dojma kako je sve super jer nemaju uvid u direktan prijenos koji je, složit ćete se, morao biti sadržajniji, ne samo u smislu da nam voditelj ispred HNK govori da je hladno i da autobus sada stiže i evo samo što nije, ali ga eto vidimo... Dakle, čak su i ti 'ulični' voditelji ostavljani na vjetrometini s kamerama na stativu bez mogućnosti zakretanja u smjeru prema kojem voditelj govori', navodi glumac. Ne želi spominjati odabir bendova 'jer to je uvijek stvar ukusa', ali poručuje da 'bilo bi zanimljivo znati tko to određuje i koliko se ljudi treba složiti s time prije samog blagoslova'. 'Da, ne mogu se oteti dojmu da sam pomalo na trenutke osjećao susramlje jer mi se činilo da je ekipi na pozornici neugodnjak (opet možda moj subjektivni doživljaj), ali ako se poslije svega nekog proziva, fakat bi trebalo znati čija bezidejnost stoji iza ovoga! Taj je sigurno mislio da će sam dolazak ogromnog broja ljudi biti dovoljno za spektakl. Falilo je ipak dosta toga, ali di su vam tu krivi Iva i Lukica? Bilo kako bilo, nakon velikog rezultata i velikog slavlja, očito, vrijeme je za kritike i prozivanja. Ja samo stajem u stranu dragih kolega kojima je ovo trebao biti angažman za doživotno pamćenje, a ne za doživotno hračkanje. Ovdje netko nije normalan…', završio je Bitorajac objavu. Tportal.hr Foto : FB Rene Bitorajac Read the full article
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Drianca are reunited and Becky came along
#degrassi#dtng#degrassi the next generation#degrassi cast#drew torres#luke bilyk#bianca desousa#alicia josipovic#drianca#lukica#becky baker#sarah fisher#omg i love#degrassi reunions
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I love how Mandžo doesn’t fit in the frame because he’s too tall in comparison to Luka
Mandžo just tweeted about Luka! Sounds like someone’s missing his captain 😏
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Gorkić je govorio o Lukici i alkoholizmu
22.12. - divan dan da odbacite alkohol! Gorkić je govorio!
Gorkić Taradi – Konobar s olovkom
O da, nije dovoljno samo iznenaditi, važno je i čime se to iznenađuje! Zato postoje slatka i gorka iznenađenja! Neka vas moje ime ne zavara, ja sam čisti šećer, pogotovo kad iznenadim! 🥳🥳🥳🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜 Gorkić je govorio!
Od djetinjstva moj mozak i moj jezik djeluju samostalno i neovisno jedno o drugome. Desi li se ponekad da djeluju timski, znači da je iskrenost na…
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leaaa!!!! ovo je bogami lose za mene
noah je ščapio luku za kragnu i podigo ga i dalje necu da opisujem to tebi ostavljam da smislis kako je izgledalo kad mu je se majica podigla
lik je realno malo dosadan (malo vise) al mi je nekako simpatican nezz
dobro a zasto je noah takav nasilnik 🤨
da razumijem to kad ti je netko dosadan al simpatican u isto vrijeme
ajme ne znam sta da kazem
mozda ispadne da lukica ima crush na tebe (ima vjeruj mi jer tko ne bi imao)
mislim da je stvar na tebi (ako ti je simpatican i to) ali ako te previse smara nije to to onda 😔
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Thanks to a genius anon for this prompt!
Word count: 1119 Warnings: drug use (obviously, although it is accidental), strong language
“Here we go!”
��ime Vrsaljko appeared proudly in the doorway, holding a platter loaded with cookies.
“My first attempt at baking – thanks for the challenge, guys, it was actually pretty fun! Chocolate peppermint cookies.”
He put the plate down on the table in the middle of the room, and after seeing the hesitant looks being exchanged between his teammates, took one himself. He bit into it and smiled in pleasant surprise. “I’m not just saying this, these are actually really good!” he beamed, and with that reassurance Dejan reached over and grabbed one too.
“He’s not joking, you know,” chuckled Dejan, finishing the cookie and reaching for another.
Soon, the whole group were helping themselves to cookies, praising Šime on his baking skills.
“I can’t taste the peppermint, but they are good,” smiled Luka as he positioned himself on the floor cross-legged to be closest to the table. “I’m gonna sit here, because Lovren is hogging them.”
Dejan began to laugh, and couldn’t stop. “HOGGING THEM,” he screeched, then fell helplessly to the side, head resting on Šime’s shoulder, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Luka chuckled nervously. “It’s not that funny, Dejo,” he said, but Dejan wasn’t listening.
“It is quite funny,” mused Šime. “Everything’s funny if you think about it for long enough. Nothing’s funny if you think about it for too long, though. It’s one of those things in life-“
Before he could get any further into his monologue, Dejan snorted loudly with laughter and toppled from the sofa, landing next to Luka. Luka’s eyes grew wide as he looked across the room at Raketa.
“Ivan, dragi, can you help Dejo? He fell. I want to help Dejo but my legs don’t work.”
Raketa stumbled across the room, looking panicked. “What do you mean your legs don’t work?! Lukica! We need to call the ambulance – or the police – we need to call the police, because maybe someone did that. Maybe someone stole your feet and maybe it was Ronaldo. I bet it was –”
“Ivan, stop rambling,” drawled Luka, draping an arm around him. “My feet are right there. It’s fine.”
“It’s fine?!” squawked Raketa. “How can it be fine?!”
However, Luka was no longer thinking about his legs, nor the hysterically cackling Dejan next to him. He was only aware of Ivan’s face.
“You… are… beautiful,” he smiled lazily, caressing Ivan’s cheek. “Like, I’ve never noticed how beautiful your eyes are. They’re… really fucking pretty.”
Ivan stroked Luka’s hair fondly and looked over at Dejan, who had calmed down enough to sit up, his back leaning against the sofa while Šime lay on it.
“Bro?” said Šime, placing a hand on Dejan’s shoulder. Dejan turned to look at him. “Yes?” Šime smiled and looked deep into Dejan’s eyes. “Do you ever think about, like, parallel universes? I wonder if there’s one where we’re married. That would be funny.”
Dejan furrowed his brow, unsure how to respond, when he was interrupted by a very loud and bouncy Domagoj Vida. “Šime, where’s the speaker? I want to put music on,” yelled Domo, and somehow, from Šime’s cryptic and incomplete directions, he managed to find it. After a few plays of Marica, which seemed to get funnier every time, Domo accidentally selected the song above it. Mamma Mia.
“That song hurts my ears,” whined Perisic, which Domo found to be a hilarious incentive to turn the volume up.
“What the fuck, man?” snapped Perisic, jumping up, but before he reached Domo he was dragged back down by Mandzo, who enveloped him in a hug.
“You know you’re my favourite on the team, right?” said Mario, cuddling Ivan like an oversized teddy bear. “I love you. You’re my-“
Suddenly, the door swung open and a stern faced Zlatko walked in. “ZLATKO DALIĆ, HERE WE GO AGAIN,” hollered Domo in time with the music, sending Dejan into yet another fit of hysterical laughter.
Zlatko’s face turned from annoyance to shock as he hurriedly closed the door behind him.
“Are you all out of your minds?!” he hissed. “Luka too? I thought you would know better. Jesus!”
The whole team turned to look at him, Domo giggling madly and Dejan biting the inside of his cheek to try to hold himself back from doing the same.
“What do you mean, baby?” asked Luka softly, gazing at Dalic as if he were the love of his life.
Dalic felt his frown soften as he looked back at Luka’s blissful face, but as Domo honked with laughter and Dejan joined him – “THAT SONG WAS REALLY FUNNY, DO IT AGAIN DOMO” followed by “DOMO NO” from Charlie – the exasperation soon returned.
“What I mean is you all getting high as kites in here!” barked Zlatko, and a silence fell over the group as Mario grabbed the speaker and turned it off.
“High?” asked Šime. “Nah, we just ate some cookies I made. I think Dejo and Domo are on a sugar high, that’s all. They ate like four each.”
“I’m not an idiot,” sighed Dalic. “What was in the cookies?”
“Chocolate and peppermint,” said Šime, and Dalic raised an eyebrow.
“Peppermint. Sure.”
“It was, I swear,” promised Šime. “We didn’t have any, so Domagoj went out and got some for me.”
All eyes turned to look at Domo, who nodded eagerly.
“Yup! I didn’t know where to get it – then I couldn’t even remember the name – but I asked this guy if he knew where I could get, you know, the green stuff you bake into cookies, and he had some in his house he wanted rid of! How lucky is that? It was the good stuff too, or so he said. It was expensive as hell.”
Dalic groaned and leaned against the wall, head in his hands.
“Domagoj Vida, budalo jedna,” he sighed, turning around to see Domo grinning sheepishly at his teammates as he realised what he’d done. “All of you, back to your rooms, I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether you wake up Rakitic and try to get him back to his room or just swap - put him to bed here and let Lovren room with Luka for tonight - all I know is that I want all of you in bed, and I’ll send up water for all of you.”
“I don’t mind sharing with Dejo,” smiled Luka serenely. “Dejo… is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Dalic shook his head in disbelief and walked out, wondering what he did wrong in a past life to deserve them. However, as he paced the corridor to his room, a slight smile spread across his face. That song had been pretty funny. And he wouldn’t change them for the world.
Tag list: @living-lovren (thanks for your help!) @ivan-rakitic @zadarskabagudina @croatian-nt @true-forecast @mandzos-bitch @domo-no-domo-yes @flemishyugotalian @brandtsbabe @pachua @arduango @rebicante @bagudinahoe @winters-chiid @gnovocaine @sohandsomemyboy @no-good-ideas @skyeclops @ivapiva @snakesandcherries @srcevatrenoponoshrvatske @synne-sol @get-up-and-try-againn @ghostyghostkilledthehost @asensihoe @strangerturner @princessstradlin (send me a message if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!)
#croatia nt#sime vrsaljko#dejan lovren#luka modrić#zlatko dalic#ivan perisic#mario mandžukić#ivan rakitic#Domagoj Vida#fanfiction#anon prompt
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Your HCs are everything! Could you do one for dating Lukica and being introduced to the boys (particularly Dejo i Šime and possibly Vida) for the first time
Writing about Lukica? Even after all this time? Always.
Luka Modric X reader
• first of all, you were nervous as hell • like so nervous, Luka said he’s going to be nervous FOR YOU• he suggested that you don’t meet everyone at once, but rather meet one or two of them at the time• you met Subasic first• big Suba bear hug• he asked some questions at first• which reminded you of “now what are your intentions with my daughter” type of questions• but he realized how good you are for Luka• “You two are just so cute together! It just makes me want to pick you both up.” - Danijel Subasic, famous almost last words• next person was Rakitic• he was the chillest of them all because he knew how stressful it must be for you both• you talked with him about your relationship with Lukica and it was all good• then he asked you to help him take a photo for the Domacica instagram promo• you agreed because Raketa, get that coin sis• you meet Sime and Dejan over breakfast and you could swear you have never seen how somebody could be that energetic in the morning• they were also chill, but loved to tease Luka about the sex life• but you had to admit they have jokes• Vida commented how gorgeous you looked and kissed your cheek• cue Lukica’s glare and his arm just tightening around you• “Hey, Mandzo, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”• “Cool. Take care of him.” • Mandzo may have seemed cold, but he was happy for Luka and knew your are the right one for him just by looking at his eyes and seeing happiness
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Who should be captain after Lukica retires? He’s already talking about ending his international career, who do you think should take his place?
When I saw this I legit screamed 'no' and took a walk to calm my nerves. I refuse to accept this @ GOD WHY CAN'T WE HAVE HIM FOREVER??? But if I had to choose someone else (one day we will and I will never be ready) I would say Lovren, don't say I'm doing it bc he's my another favorite, BUT he's a brilliant player, has experience, has leadership skills, always intervenes when there's a fight going on between players, is very supportive of his teammates and watches out for them.
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Budalo, javi se, pogledaj inst poruke!
lukica ajmo ic pit pive plizzzzzzzz
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poslije sat vremena mi je jos jednu poruku napiso
kaze (citiram)
"jel mi mozes onda poslat" (kontekst: imamo sutra prezentaciju a on izgleda nije nista uradio pa hoce da vidi kako sam ja to)
lukica treba da ima vise manira iskreno ali hm u redu
(i osjecam te jer me bas sad zvao prijatelj da me pita kako sam ja napravila prezentaciju iz geografije)
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Hi! This was inspired by an ask @lovrenfc received while people were sharing their stories of meeting the Croatian NT guys and freaking out. The anon came up with the concept of dating Dejan, going to a gala event with him, meeting Luka and crying or fainting, so if you were that anon, get in touch and I’m happy to give you credit for the idea!
Dejan x reader
Featured: Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic, Domagoj Vida, Sime Vrsaljko, Mario Mandzukic (briefly) No warnings required as far as I know, no nsfw content, just a few kisses and one or two swear words.
Most importantly, this was written quickly and isn’t perfect. I just found this concept hilarious and wanted to do something with it.
Dejan stands behind you, the smell of his musky aftershave and sea salt hair spray enveloping you as he helps you button the back of your floor length gown. “You look incredible. I can’t wait to introduce you to some of my friends,” he says proudly as he fastens the last button. “They’ll love you.”
You giggle when he says it, and in the mirror you see a soft smile on his face too. “What’s so funny?” he asks.
“I was just remembering my first introduction to your footballer friends,” you explain, and he laughs out loud.
“Dammit, Domo,” he chuckles. “Budalo jedna.”
You both take a moment to remember that night during the World Cup when you and Dejan were still keeping things on the low; how you’d walked into Dejan’s hotel room after he gave you the key while he was taking something to Dalic, how Domagoj had jumped out of the bathroom yelling “POLUDI” to scare Dejan then screamed even louder than you had when he realised you were very much not his tall, dark and handsome teammate.
It had taken you quite a while to convince Dejan to invite him back to the room and introduce you, but eventually he gave in and Domo had arrived along with Šime and a bottle of rakija. The four of you stayed up until the small hours drinking and laughing. You and Dejan smile fondly at the memory.
You step forward and pick up your necklace, a beautiful diamond necklace that Dejan bought you for your birthday. “Would you put this on for me?” you ask, and Dejan obliges before turning you around to face him.
“You really do look gorgeous,” he smiles, and kisses your lips. “Let’s go.”
When you arrive at the gala event, you look around to see if you recognise anyone. Dejan realises you’re feeling nervous and kisses your head softly. “I’m still not entirely used to these things,” you confide in him, and he squeezes your shoulder reassuringly.
“I know, draga. But you’re perfect, and I’m here. You’re fine.”
You allow him to lead you to the dance floor, you both know that will help. You slow dance with him, your nerves dissipating until all you’re aware of is Dejan. He holds you close as you sway to the music, and when it ends, he dips you and gives you a fleeting, light kiss on your lips. “I love you,” you whisper to him as he pulls you back into an upright position. He smiles at you and says it back, taking your hand and walking towards your table.
Suddenly, a loud whistle behind you stops you in your tracks. You both spin around to find Domagoj standing behind you, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Domo!” you cry, hugging him tight. “I’ve missed you! We were just talking about you earlier!”
“Really?” he gasps in feigned shock. “Was it about my dashing good looks? Or my exceptional talent on the field? Was it-“
Dejan interrupts him. “It was about you scaring the shit out of my girlfriend in Russia, then apologising by getting her impossibly drunk,” he says with a raised eyebrow, not quite managing to keep the amusement out of his voice.
Before Domo can remind Dejan that he wasn’t exactly sober himself, Dejan excuses you both and pulls you towards the table, where you find Šime and a man you’ve never met before but quickly recognise as Ivan Rakitić, or Raketa as he is introduced to you. Šime greets you like an old friend, which, judging by the many times you’ve spoken on FaceTime during his drunken calls to Dejan, you almost are.
Raketa offers you a cookie, and Šime slaps his hand away. “Ivan, I don’t even know how you got those in here! I’m sure Y/N would prefer the canapés that are going around to your Domacica.”
You give him a light slap on the shoulder before taking the cookie from Raketa and eating it. “I love them!” you smile, and promise to buy some.
As you continue chatting to them, you feel Dejan’s hand on your shoulder. You turn to face him, and he smiles at you, making your breath catch in your throat. You always assumed one day his smile would lose some of its impact, but it never did.
“Y/N, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. This is my good friend-“ you follow his gaze, and he doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.
You try to say something, anything, but all that comes out is an incoherent yelp as you stumble on your high heels. You try to grab Dejan to steady yourself, but in your state of shock you forget which side he’s on and reach to the wrong side, sending yourself crashing to the floor.
You’re not sure if it’s the sheer awe and emotion of having someone you’ve looked up to and been a huge fan of for so long standing in front of you or the humiliation of collapsing on the ground in front of him, but you start to cry.
Tears flow uncontrollably down your face. You panic, realising that your eye makeup will be getting ruined – what if the mascara infused tears drop onto your dress – which only makes you cry and hyperventilate more.
“Oh my God,” you sob. You attract the attention of a dark haired, muscular man who’d been standing behind Luka. You don’t have a chance to register who it is you’re looking at before he looks at Dejan and gestures to you on the floor while saying just two words. “No good.”
“Give it a break, Mario,” growls Dejan, and Mandzo responds only with a smirk as he walks off.
You have a feeling that will really hit you later - Mr. No Good directing his catchphrase at you! - but right now you still can’t focus on anything but him. “Oh, my God.” It’s the only coherent thing you can say, and you find yourself repeating it until it loses meaning as Dejan picks you up and puts an arm around your waist to steady you.
“Are you okay?” he asks in unison with his friend. You finally manage to compose yourself and nod, tears still running down your face. Dejan pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and dabs your face before kissing your cheek.
“I’m so sorry, if I’d known you’d freak out like that, I’d have warned you, or made sure you were sitting down…” he rambles. “Anyway, can we try this again?” You nod your head yes again, take a deep breath and turn back towards Dejan’s friend.
You expect to see confusion, or annoyance, or worst of all, pity on his face but he’s smiling, a disarming mischievous grin you’d seen a hundred times in pictures and videos.
Dejan chuckles lightly and gestures towards the man.
“This is my good friend, Luka Modric. Lukica, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
Luka steps forward. He shakes your hand, then pulls you into a hug. You almost lose yourself again as you feel his silky hair against your cheek, but you manage to hold it together.
“It’s so great to meet you,” you tell him, still holding onto him. You don’t ever want to let go. “I’m sorry about… all that. I’m just a huge fan.”
Luka laughs, and hugs you tighter. “I could tell,” he snickers, then kisses your cheek and lets you go. He looks you in the eyes. “Honestly, there’s no need to apologise. It’s fine. I hope you’re okay.”
You nod and burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “I’m fine,” you tell him between giggles, and he pulls you in for another quick hug before hugging Dejan.
You notice him whispering something in Dejan’s ear, and suddenly Dejan laughs and pushes him. “She does not like you better, you-“ he begins, but Luka simply winks and walks away in the general direction of Suba, who’s busy talking to Domo, Domo’s wife and some of her model friends.
You turn back to Dejan, and he hugs you tight. “I can’t believe you,” he laughs as you hide your face in his chest. “I can’t believe me either,” you say, then you stop laughing for a second.
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” you tell him earnestly, looking him in the eyes.
He cups your face in his hand and strokes your cheek with his thumb. “Of course not,” he smiles. “But just so you know, I’ll never live it down. He’s going to be insufferable.”
“He seemed perfectly nice about it to me!” you reasoned.
“Yeah, to you,” grumbled Dejan, taking your hand and leading you back to the table.
You sit next to Šime, who’s hunched over a phone screen with Raketa, both almost crying with laughter. Raketa turns the phone screen to you. It’s a picture he took of you taking a bite of the Domacica cookie, then the screen cuts to you crumpled on the floor overcome with emotion. “This would be the perfect promo for Domacica on Instagram,” he cackles. “Please-“
“NO,” you and Dejan yell simultaneously. Raketa pouts, but nods and puts the phone away.
“So,” he asks. “Tell me a bit more about yourself. How did you and Dejo meet?”
You turn to your other side and smile at Dejan, then turn back to Raketa. “We met by chance, at a party. A friend of mine went to school with a friend of his and so we both ended up at my friend’s house party… I fell for him as soon as I saw him,” you smile.
You feel an arm that isn’t Dejan’s lazily drape around your shoulder. You look up and Luka is standing between your chair and Dejan’s, an arm around each of you. “That’s cute,” he grins. “But you literally fell for me.”
You crease up laughing and can’t stop, and Luka joins you. “Idiots,” mutters Dejan, but he can’t stop himself from laughing too.
“I told you he’d do this,” Dejan says with narrowed eyes, and Luka ruffles his hair.
“You know me too well,” he grins, and Dejan gestures to the empty seat at the other side of him.
“Join us,” he offers, and Luka does. As soon as he sits down, he’s handed Raketa’s phone by Šime, both desperate to show him the Domacica meme he’d indirectly helped to bring about.
“Oh, Ivan! Poor Y/N,” Luka laughs, handing the phone back.
“It’s just a joke,” Raketa reassures him. “We love Y/N really.”
Dejan leans in so close that his lips brush your ear. “See?” he says softly. “They love you.”
@get-up-and-try-again @barca-madrid
#dejan lovren#luka modrić#sime vrsaljko#domagoj vida#ivan rakitic#mario mandžukić#croatia nt#x reader#fic
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