mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
*Finally, I have reached the end of this story. I apologize for this taking so long, but some serious writer’s block. Thank you to those who stuck through this with me. I will be getting back to my J.J. Watt roots and maybe some Game of Thrones couples in the future. * 
Chapter 11
Luke had to admit he was a nervous as ever. He knew he was putting everything he had on the field and the sportscasters were projecting him to go in either the first or second round. He knew it wasn’t smart to listen to the gossip, but he had to admit it was exciting. Though football life was going well, he was having issues with extreme guilt. It wasn’t long after his talk with Fiona he had increased his neglect of Janelle. He made his main priority football, until the point where their weekly get together was now once a month. His girlfriend was patient with him so he could do his studies and focus on looking good for the scouts. However, it wasn’t this that was his reason for dying with guilt….he had decided to lie to get what he wanted. A month after his last meeting Fiona he told her him and Janelle had decided to take a break, knowing Janelle hadn’t even a clue he was contemplating ending their relationship. Fiona didn’t ask many questions beyond that. Luke was now being her plus one to important events, spending time at her local penthouse when he was not busy doing his own thing. He knew it was wrong, but he felt himself rekindled with the excitement and connection he felt he was losing with Janelle. It wasn’t fair to her. He knew he would need to say something, but ironically he loved her too much to see her heart break.
It was the month before the draft.
Janelle kept looking at the computer screen. She had tried to forget it, but she just couldn’t help but be affected by the comments. It had been like this maybe since December, but now that they were only one month from the draft it was ridiculous. It was Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and whatever other platform there was ripping her apart. She didn’t anticipate being such a vital part of the media surrounding Luke, especially since he wasn’t officially a NFL player. She knew to expect some local hate from other girls at the school, but to find people from all over the country had an opinion on her from her looks, to her major, to her compatibility with Luke was getting the best of her.
She hadn’t really said much to her boyfriend as he had been busier than ever. She knew this month was probably causing him some serious stress and she was being supportive and understanding as she could, but frustration always rang its ugly head.
As she scrolled through some of the comments, she noticed a picture that made her heart stop.
“NFL prospect with his new beauty at the Player’s Gala.”-read the caption
It was her boyfriend, not with her, but with the woman who was supposed to be working with him. It wouldn’t have been an issue if the picture had not caught him kissing her forehead and her smiling into his neck as they sat next to each other.
Janelle sighed in disbelief. This picture was from three weeks ago.
Her mind was blank as she tried to come up with a rational explanation for this. The decrease in visits, the overly lovey way he would be with her as if guilty. It made sense now. His actions were all driven by the fact he wanted the best of both worlds without giving up anything. Janelle felt the tears on her face, but it didn’t feel nearly as potent as the rage boiling in her. She knew (since there was an actual poster for it) that Luke was at a Banquet for his team honoring those who would be going to the draft, so she wouldn’t be able to get to him. Janelle knew she needed this time to try to calm herself before she went crazy and did something to embarrass herself confronting Luke.
Luke left the banquet feeling like he was walking on air. It was one thing to get praise from coaches, but to have the guys he played with share their thoughts on working with him was always an awesome feeling. They were the ones that mattered. It was late, but Luke felt in the mood to share some of this ar with Janelle. He had been putting in more effort lately to see her more. It was a few weeks ago, but he had decided to end things with Fiona after four months of being in a fling, or whatever it was. It was three weeks ago at the Player’s Gala when shit hit the fan.
Him and Fiona had been all curled up next to each other at their assigned table talking with other people when another prospective player, he noticed from television, had come up to them looking quite angry.
“Hey Fiona! What the fuck’s going on here?” the guy said clearly ready to brawl.
“Matt, please calm down. Nothing is going on. I’m just being friendly,” she said trying to placate him as she placed a gently hand on his arm to pull him away from the table to a more private area. Luke was clearly embarrassed, but concerned as well, because the Matt dude looked like he was ready to punch her.
“That don’t look like friendship Fiona. That looks like a fuck buddy!” Matt said rather loudly.
As embarrassed as Luke was, the longer he listened he started feeling dread and as if he had been duped.
“Matt, Luke is just a really good friend. Sometimes we get carried away with how affectionate we can be,” she said, forgetting Luke was in earshot and could feel himself shattering as she said this.
Matt looked over at Luke as she said this. Luke’s face was red and he knew his eyes were red rimmed.
“No worries man, you can have her. I was just getting ready to leave anyway,” Luke said turning around to make his exit.
Before he could turn, he felt a hand turn him back around and then the world went dizzy. He could hear some commotion faintly in the background, but he was out cold before he could make any sense of it.
Luke found out the next day his friend, Rex had been the one to come get him and take him home. Rex shared that Matt had been one of the clients his agent had signed and Fiona had obviously been dating him too. Wiith some serious coaxing and his actual agent trying to save him as a client, Luke was able to avoid a big media fallout. Fiona had lost her job after that, as her boss saw her as a liability to the company. Luke knew he did not have a right to feel betrayed, because he had done the exact same thing to Janelle. ‘The grass ain’t always greener’ kept rumbling through his mind as he thought back on that incident a few weeks back.
Luke cranked up his car and decided to make a trip to see the one who had been true through this whole thing.
Frieda was in complete friend mode when she had found Janelle crying her eyes out after getting her text. She had grown quite found of Janelle and to hear that Luke had been a slime ball really made her upset; she really thought he was above it, but then again he was about to be famous in his early twenties. Maybe it was better it happened now than later. As Frieda was soothing Janelle, she heard the knock on the door. When she saw Luke through the peephole, she looked to Janelle to see if she wanted to invite him in. Janelle shook her head no. She wasn’t ready for this now. She was still trying to wrap her head around it all.
“What do you want Luke” Frieda said with a stone face as soon as she cracked the door open.
Luke was taken aback by her tone.
“Umm, I’m here for Janelle. I just wanted to come by and share how the night went,” he said with a tentative smile.
“Well, glad you’ve been getting so lucky, but Janelle doesn’t feel in the mood to talk, especially not to you, so goodbye,” she said slamming the door, but Luke was too quick.
“What the hell Frieda! What’s going on? “ he asked as he had his foot in the door and his forearm keeping her from closing it.
“Janelle! Baby, what’s going on?!” he yelled passed Frieda trying to get his girlfriend’s attention.
Frieda kept trying to push him out, but she was no match for him. Luke pushed past her and saw Janelle puffy faced, tear streaked and looking at him with utter betrayal in her eyes.
‘Fuck, she knows,’ was the thought running through his head.
“Baby, please talk to me. What’s going on?” he pleaded going over to her bending on his knees to be eye level with her.
“Just go Luke, you’ve had your fun. I saw you and your new “beauty” all over social media. Just go and find someone else to play with,” she said in a defeated and tired tone.
Luke shook his head no. “No, I can make this right. I’m an ass. I didn’t know what I had, but all of that is over,” he said weakly.
“It shouldn’t have happened in the first place you ass!” yelled Frieda.
“Frieda, I appreciate it, but could you just give us a minute,” a tired Janelle said.
Frieda reluctantly stepped out while they talked.
“Please listen I’m sorry. I love you Janelle. I didn’t mean to do this. I have no excuse for why I did it, but I know now how flawed I was in my thinking. I’m so sorry.”
Janelle just looked at him with pain in her eyes.
“Well we all make mistakes don’t we,” she said nonchalantly.
She got up and walked to the door and opened it.
“ I hope you do well in the draft. I know it is what you have always truly wanted,” she said in a montone voice.
Luke couldn’t believe it. No argument, no pleading just a goodbye.
He got up and walked to the door in defeat. This was it and if she could muster up enough dignity to deal with everything so would he.
“And the Carolina Panthers’ selection for the 9th selection overall in the 2012 NFL Draft …Boston College’s Luke Kuechly!”
As he walked up to the commissioner to receive his shirt, he felt like all the noise in the background had faded. This was his moment. He finally made it. His work had paid off. Luke’s face hurt from smiling so much and doing interviews throughout the rest of the night, but he would never forget the feeling of hearing his name especially in the first round.
It was two weeks after the Draft now and Luke was returning back to Boston after doing conferences in Charlotte and meeting his new team. He knew he would be expected to return for rookie camps in a few more weeks, so he wanted to take time to finish moving his things to his new place in Charlotte and saying goodbye to good friends.
It was his walk across campus, he noticed a familiar figure in the Olive Oil Café. He hadn’t seen or talked to Janelle since the night she told him a gracious goodbye and he walked out of her life. He still felt an ache within from the way things ended with them. However, he had to own it and learn from it. Luke knew at this point in life he needed to focus on adjusting and learning how to deal with this monster called fame. He had to sift fakeness, schemers and plots to get ahead in order to truly give another shot at having a relationship with anyone. Luke gave a wistful smile as he saw Janelle, with an actual smile laughing with Frieda and Callie. He was glad she was finding her happiness and who she was. He continued walking on to go say goodbye to his coach. Maybe in another chapter of life he would be able to face her and show himself to be a better man than he had been.
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thehelmetgiant-blog · 6 years
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
*Last day of August but I got a chapter in. Hope you enjoy! Again, this is taking a bit longer than I would like, but thank you all for hanging in there with me.*
Posted-August 31, 2017
Chapter 10
The rest of the summer was filled with Janelle working and Luke gearing up for his new season. Before Janelle knew it, it was already fall and she was well underway in another semester. She found as school started she saw less and less of Luke due to his own school and football schedule. However Janelle took this time to start showing support for him by making her own fan t-shirt and actually learning some football lingo. She wasn’t able to go to every game, but she made it known every time she was able.
It wasn’t long before Janelle started noticing the scouts at most of the games. The scouts however were not near as bad as the agents. There had been several times Luke had cancelled or rearranged plans to meet with agents and listen to their sales pitch, plus it was free dinner. His parents had come for a few of the agents. Janelle had guessed those were probably the people Luke was seriously considering to hire in the next coming months. She could admit she was feeling a little bit lonely. They still found time for each other on Sundays, cuddling up to watch lame comedy movies, sometimes doing homework or just laying in companionable silence. It was nice, but Janelle had noticed it had become more friendly than lovers learning each other. Luke touched her less. She tried to surmise that with him doing so much and having so much pressure, he just didn’t have as much time to spend with her.
Frieda had been her biggest support this semester. They had grown almost inseparable. That is how she now found herself next to her friend on a girl’s night at the house drinking wine and eating crackers and cheese.
“I don’t know what to do Frieda! This is the 5th time he has cancelled on me,” Janelle said confounded.
“It’s not like I haven’t asked to join him on some of these meetings with these agents. I mean, I’m feeling a little crazy here,” she said looking up at Frieda desperate for answers.
“Look girl, this has been the song everyone has been telling you since you guys started dating. This year is his year. I know he is doing a shit job of balancing this relationship and football, but this year is huge for him. I’m sure when the dust settles some things will go back to the same smoochy, lovey dovey couple you started out as.”
Frieda was doing her best to lighten the mood and make her feel better. However her friend was failing horribly. She could understand the monstrosity this year was for him and it had been the main thing that kept her sane. However, Janelle felt as if Luke was hiding her and that was probably the primary worry she had with all of the new developments coming up in his life.
Luke sat outside the restaurant mentally kicking himself for cancelling on Janelle again. He was tired. He was tired from practice, meeting with scouts and agents, and most of all for lying to Janelle. He had chosen his agent the first meeting he had at the beginning of the season. Nathan was ideal for the way he wanted to handle his business if he should get into the league. He was straight forward, mindful of the best contract negotiations and appeared to be financially savvy. Luke’s parents loved him and that first meeting they talked more of the business all the while Luke started getting to know Nathan’s assistant, Fiona. It started off innocently enough, Luke wanting to get to know the people he wanted to work with and trying to understand more about the business. Nathan seemed to take notice to how easily Fiona and him got along, so he started sending Fiona to the college ever so often to sign papers and talk business. Luke didn’t know when it went from business to more personal life stories, enjoying each other’s company. Fiona was nothing like Janelle. She was well versed in multiple languages, used to dining in the best places, had manners of a princess and most of all had his mother’s approval. It was so apparent how his mother found Fiona to be an ideal person. She fell all over herself to compliment her at that first meeting and would not stop talking about her in the car on the way back.
Now Luke was here at the same restaurant for the 5th time; this time meeting up with Fiona just to hang out.  Yes he had been keeping count; he knew Janelle probably had been keeping count too. He kept mentally telling himself he needed to keep his agent and Fiona happy until everything passed with the draft. He was playing the business side of things, at least that was the only explanation that could help him live with the recent decisions he had been making.
He saw someone wave as he walked into Giacomo’s. He saw Fiona waiting at a table near the window. She said she loved to people watch. It was always interesting to her.
“Well, how are you Mr. Kuechly?” she said with a welcoming smile.
“I’m good. How have things been for you?”
“I can’t complain. It’s almost time for the draft, so we are beginning to have more meetings with other draftee picks and making endorsement deals for some of our veteran players. I find this time pretty exciting.” She said taking a sip of her wine.
“I can only imagine.” Luke said as he glanced over the menu to figure out what he wanted.
After the waitress came and got the order for them both they settled into easy conversation about the upcoming season and how Luke hoped his future would turn out for the NFL.
“Well, enough about work and sports. How about you? What did you see yourself doing if this did not pan out for you?” Fiona inquired.
“Well, honestly I’ve always thought I would be some Wildlife and Fisheries person if this didn’t happen. I love the outdoors; it’s the most freeing thing to me,” Luke answered honestly.
Fiona gave him a simple hum as she took in the information.
“So how does your girlfriend feel about all of these meetings and hype around you going into the draft this season?”
Oh yeah, Janelle.
“Umm, I …she’s been supportive. I mean, we really haven’t talked about it lately because we  haven’t really had to time to just hang out like we used to. I .. don’t really know what she feels.”
Fiona looked at him with a solid stare.
“You know, if she is going to be on this ship with you, you may want to consider letting her know. I’m going to guess she does not know about these meetings you have been having with me.”
Luke knew Fiona was making a statement, not really questioning it, but it lit him up with guilt as he was being confronted about it.
“I mean, why couldn’t you tell her about me. We are just friends, right?” Fiona said with a raised eye brow and a challenging stare.
“Well, yeah we are.”
“So why do I feel you are intentionally leaving her out of things?” Fiona continued to push.
Luke visibly blanched at what Fiona was implying. He wasn’t pushing Janelle away. He loved her. He just wasn’t sure how to share some things with her especially now that they could directly impact her.
“I love her.” He said simply as if it would help his argument.
“Well, you are not here to convince me now are you? Let me start you off on the honesty train. I like you Luke. Every since we’ve met I know there has been something there. However, I don’t do side chick stuff. If you and this Janelle are together, then fine I will settle as the friend and secretary, but if you want something more, you need to let her know your interests are elsewhere.”
Luke did not have an immediate rebuttal for her confession, but he didn’t have too. Fiona called the waiter over  and paid for the check.
“Look we are still good, but next time we meet up, I hope we have a clear understanding of where we stand,” she said and left the restaurant.
His heart was hammering and his face felt like it was in flames, probably because he finally realized how much hot water he was getting into.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
Updated 7-15-2017
Chapter 9
It was the day of the 4th of July! Janelle had to admit it was quite a spectacular sight with the Kuechly family. The rest of the family members had arrived and helped Eileen and Tom get set up with the family games at the local family lake house for the day.
Janelle didn’t think she ever had so much fun. She got on the jet skis with Luke and they raced in the family relay, which she dusted him thank you very much. They played something called cornhole which really wasn’t her best game, but fun nonetheless. She loved how welcoming the rest of his family was. They waltzed in and engaged Janelle in all the activities and fun without any trouble.
She also heard some teasing going on towards Luke for finally bringing home someone and blushed when she heard them marvel over how similar she looked to the model Tyra Banks. Her favorite part of the day was when they started putting on some country tunes and opened the outside brick dance floor for everyone to enjoy. Luke had absolutely no rhythm, but he was so carefree in their time on the dance floor, it made her heart melt. She was used to him being charming, but he still had this edge to him at times, especially in regards to school and football. It was nice to see him truly relaxed, in his element with all of his family around.
By the time the fireworks were going, Luke and Janelle were sitting back on their lounge chairs cuddled together, with a nice warm buzz going.
“Mmm, this has by far been the best 4th of July I’ve had in a while,” Luke cooed into her ear and then kissed her forehead.
“Same here babe. I have enjoyed your family so far. Thank you for inviting me,”
“So, I know we have had a long night, but dad was thinking about hitting the range and doing some arrow shooting tomorrow…with the guys,” he said intentionally dragging out the last part about it being a guy thing.
He had Janelle’s full attention now.
“I was thinking, while we were out that you, my mom and aunts could get together and do some type of ladies day out,” he said looking hopeful.
She still hadn’t told him about the conversation she had overheard, but then again she wasn’t supposed to hear it in the first place.
Luke was tracking the almost grimace on her face and went to reassure her.
“Look I know my mom has not been as welcoming as my dad, but with all the events going on I am sure she has been super focused on making it a success. You will see my mom is the pusher in this family. She has always been the one to push us to our full potential.  I know she is not the normal “warm fuzzy” type of mom, but just give it a chance tomorrow. At least try for me…pleeease,” he said finishing up his plea with the most adorable puppy dog eyes he could muster.
Janelle acquiesced. She may not have been over the moon about this, but she knew she would try, especially with his family being such a significant part of who he had become.
“Ok, ok, well I should get some rest so I am not hungover for our day out. That would be quite the impression I’m sure,” she said while unwrapping herself from Luke. She gave him one last kiss and started heading to the guest room to sleep off an amazing day.
She was pleased to find that they did not do anything  super girly, in fact, the day was filled with moments of charity and community outreach. Currently it was nearing the end of their day.They had started off the day bringing some of the leftover food to serve at a homeless shelter in the inner city. She had never seen so many people in need. What blew her mind the most was how kind and grateful they were just to have people bring them meals. Her heart absolutely hurt at seeing the amount of children without homes, living in a shelter. It made her think about how much her father worked when their mother was sick to ensure the family stayed afloat.
The end of the day was spent with the ladies getting some cocktails at the local Elk’s Lodge. Yes, it was more for older people, but Janelle found herself truly getting a chance to enjoy her company. She found that one of Luke’s aunts had been working as a physical therapist for the past 17 years. It was nice to find someone with a similar passion as well as gain knowledge of what other connections she would need to make to get to some of the agencies she was considering in the future.
“Well Janelle, I must admit it has been a pleasant day with you hanging with us,” Ms. Kuechly said as the conversation of the table started to lull.
“I’m glad. I have truly enjoyed today. I thank you for inviting me,” Janelle said sincerely.
“Look, I know I have not been the picture of doting mother since you have arrived. I truly think you are great,” she said.
“But not great for your son,” Janelle said now with a solemn look on her face.
“Well, Luke is preparing to enter a world he has always dreamed of, but it is filled with people who are waiting to take advantage of him. I’m not saying you are one of those people, but I truly believe if you are going to try to do this with my son, you better prepare yourself for serious backlash on a much larger scale. People will stop at nothing to ridicule you or try to tear you both apart,” she said explaining.
“This was always Luke’s dream and I am glad he is seeing it through, but I truly would hate for anyone to get caught in the crosshairs until he has learned the business well enough,” Ms. Kuechly said simply.
“I don’t know what to expect. I won’t even try to imagine what to expect if and when things start moving forward for him, but I truly do care for your son. The least I think I can do is give this an honest shot. If it works it works, if it doesn’t it doesn’t,” Janelle stated.
There was nothing else left to put on the table. Janelle wasn’t sure of what storm lay ahead, but she was not one to not give a tough situation a try.
Ms. Kuechly simply nodded at her answer and joined back into conversation with the rest of her family.
Janelle was glad to know for the most part the air was cleared on where his mother stood with her and her son’s relationship. Now what to do with such uncertainty….
 Luke revealed in the sight before him. His father and his brothers, along with him had a pretty good day at the range. When Luke got home and cleaned up, he lazed around the house waiting for Janelle to come in with the rest of his family. Once they stepped through the door Luke followed Janelle straight to her room.
“So how did the day go?” he asked eagerly.
Janelle laughed at his eargerness and his inability to give her personal space so she could talk to him.
“Well, it went quite well. I know you mentioned your family was pretty big on giving back to the community, but I didn’t realize how big. It was actually not a bad day at all.”
“So my mom was actually well behaved?” he said questioningly.
Janelle chuckled again, “Yes hon, she was quite wonderful. We did have heart to heart about how distant she had been since I got here, but she let me know it was more concern for how we would be impacted by the future. She had no qualms about me.”
She saw Luke breathe a visible sigh of relief.
“Overly concerned mom I can handle. I’m just glad she actually likes you,”he said leaning over and giving her a kiss.
“Umm, wait weren’t you the one who continually reassured me she did?” Janelle quipped.
“Well yeah, but you know I could have been wrong about this,” he said sheepishly.
Janelle rolled her eyes playfully at him. “But you know I like you the most!” he said picking her up and giving her a quick playful kiss.
“I know, I know. Now put me down. I have a shower to get and we have only two more days of family time, so let’s go do this!” she reminded him.
The next couple of days passed quickly. Janelle could admit she was excited to get back to her own place. It was so different not being able to cuddle up or stay with Luke like she wanted.
She noticed Luke seemed more affectionate and there was a light playfulness to him since the trip home with his family. Whether he said it or not, this was a test to see how well she handled herself with his family and it seemed all things had gone well.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before The Fame
Updated July 4th, 2017! Happy Independence Day people!
Chapter 8
 The past few months had been filled with cozy date nights and stolen moments, however they also had to deal with crammed schedules (mainly football trainings) and stressing over finals. Janelle was so happy that she could focus on absolutely nothing, as it was now officially summertime. She had took the first few weeks of summer to go visit her father in Bath, NC. She knew this was a pretty booming season for her father, especially with seafood seeing that this was probably the only time tourists came to see the place where the famous” Pirate Blackbeard” lived. What really shocked her though was her father’s new “friend” as her younger brother referred to the woman. This woman was light brown, with beautiful hazel eyes, short and curvy, with a personality that seemed almost demure. It was amazing he would find someone so…different,  especially considering her mother’s personality was larger than life when she was alive. Logically she knew that her father dated from time to time, but this was the first time he had been with someone, according to her brother, for more than six months. She seemed nice enough. Her father seemed happy and her brother did not have anything bad to say, and her brother was very straight forward with his opinions. This woman could never take the place of her mother, but she believed it was worth it to get to know her. So during her week home, she got to know Rita James a little better. She found she really liked Rita. The woman was nice, a bit on the frugal side, but it made her feel better that her dad did not have someone who would blow through money. She also found Rita to be wise and thoughtful. Before she had left she had shared a little of her story with Rita about her and Luke. It just felt nice to have “girl talk” again. After that week Rita had given Janelle her phone number and encouraged her to text or call whenever she felt like she needed. True to her word, she was there for Janelle on the night Luke asked her to come to Ohio for the 4th of July weekend to meet his family. Janelle freaked because she felt it was too soon, sure they had been doing this “dating” thing for a few months, but were they really that serious?
It was that talk with Rita that had Janelle in her current situation. “Take a chance!” she heard Rita echoing in the back of her mind.
Janelle was sure she was annoying everyone in the airport terminal. She was tapping her fingers on the chair, constantly sighing and moving as if she couldn’t get adjusted in the highly uncomfortable seats.
“Calm down, they should be loading us at any moment,” Luke reassured her as he tried to reassure her by gently patting her back as they waited for the announcement to board.
She had decided to accept his offer to visit his folks in Ohio, however she made sure he was explicit on the details of her being a black woman from the south. She wasn’t sure how they reacted in Ohio to interracial couples, but in North Carolina, especially her microscopic town, it was almost like the person was a leper if they married outside their race. She knew Luke was caring, considerate, and loving, but she did not know if his family could see her through the same lenses he did. But she was about to find out now….
When their plane finally landed in Ohio, Janelle didn’t believe her chest could get any tighter, but it did, almost to the point she thought she would start hyperventilating. This was actually happening….
“Mom! ” Luke waved as he saw his mother waiting outside in the airport lobby, along with his father and younger brother.
They embraced as if they hadn’t seen each other just a few months ago for the football season.
“Well son, I’m guessing this beautiful woman is our guest of honor,” his father prompted for an introduction.
Janelle mentally tried to prepare herself, while they had their mini reunion, but obviously his family seemed eager to meet her.
She blushed as Luke introduced her. “Yes, dad, mom this is my girlfriend Janelle I was telling you about, and that guy who is living on his phone is my brother Henry,” he said of the young guy who had the decency to look embarrassed as he quickly put his phone away and waved.
“Janelle, my parents, Eileen and Tom,” he said finishing off the introductions.
“Nice to meet you all! Thank you guys for letting me join y’all for the holidays.” Janelle said graciously.
“No problem, it’s not often we get a chance to be privy to Luke’s personal life,” his dad said with a smile.
His father picked up Janelle’s luggage and led the family to the car to head to the Kuechly home.
If she could lie on this bed forever, she would. She never felt anything as soft and as inviting. The jetlag had overtaken her as soon as she was shown to the guest room. She told Luke that she would be taking a quick nap, but she would join them as soon as she felt better rested.  
She finally willed herself from the bed and freshened up. She stepped out of the guestroom to go to the main living room where Luke said they would probably be, before they went out to dinner that night. On her way to the living room, she heard quiet whispers….. it sounded like woman, his mom perhaps, and his father.
Janelle knew it was rude to eavesdrop but she couldn’t help but to notice some of the conversation.
“What has gotten into him!” she heard the woman whisper. “ Does he not realize how important this upcoming year is for him? And he decides to get “experimental” with his dating choices all of a sudden,” she said with a guffaw.
“Calm down Eileen! This girl seems nice enough. Luke adores her, the least we can do is give her a chance. You know he never brings anyone home, and I think I know why…”he said trailing off but clearly making a pointed remark about Eileen’s expectations.
“I don’t mind her being black, but that drawl is just unbecoming of a woman who could possibly be in the spotlight, plus Luke says she is pretty much a tomboy, outdoors fishing, hiking and hunting. I mean look at what she decided to wear on the first visit to see his family!  A tanktop and some PINK sweatpants,” she almost yelled.
“Look, it was a long trip so maybe she needed to be comfortable. I don’t care what you think Eileen, we need to do this for Luke. If he is happy, then let him be. Lord knows if he is drafted, he may not be able to find something genuine as he would while in college. Let’s enjoy this weekend,” Tom said clearly trying to ease his wife’s nerves.
Janelle quickly departed back to the guest room after that. She softly closed the door, as she sat on the bed and allowed herself to let the tears flow.
She knew there may have been a possibility that his parents may be somewhat concerned about their dating, but she mainly thought it would be the race thing, not because his mother thought she was some country bumpkin who had no home training. Also, she started grasping a little more understanding about how accomplished Luke was in his football career. She felt sort of silly for not really paying as much attention to it. Of course, it seemed like everyone on campus knew her boyfriend and talked about how great he was, but she did not realize he was seriously considered for the NFL draft next year.
Before she could get further in her thoughts, she heard a soft knock on the door and the knob twisting. She quickly ran to the restroom to throw water on her face before the person could come in.
“Hey babe, I was just checking to see if you were up.” Luke said as he walked over while she had the bathroom door wide open. He kissed her on neck as she was drying her face.
“Yea, I was just trying to freshen up a bit. I didn’t want to come out looking like death warmed over,” she replied.
“Well I happen to think you look stunning regardless,” he said as he turned her to him and kissed her on the lips.
Luke always had a way of making her feel vulnerable and loved. Well they haven’t spoken those words yet, but she knew she loved him. She had never experienced such kindness and consideration for her needs in a relationship. Luke had shown her what it was to be able to be a friend and a lover, and she never wanted to let go.
“Are you always so charming? You must remember we are not at our apartments, we have to play nice while we are here at your parents’ house,” she said gently admonishing him.
“If you haven’t figured it out, I like living on the edge. You just tend to bring it out of me more than others,” he said with heat in his eyes.
As much as Janelle was loving this little prelude to him obviously wanting to get in some sexy time, the thought of his parents conversation hit her.
“Luke, do you think your parents like me?” she asked so quietly Luke almost missed it.
Considering the direction Luke was originally going with this, he was a little caught off guard with her question.
“Umm, I guess so. I mean if they listened to me rave about you, then they surely love you, but we haven’t even been here a full day, so I say give it some time and let’s see how things pan out. I want them to see how much you mean to me. However, I am sure Henry likes you. He didn’t know I was watching, but when you got out of the car from the airport, he was totally oogling you. I may have to put him in a headlock before the end of this trip.”
Janelle sniggered at that. She could only imagine Luke trying to tame his possessive nature as his brother checked out his girlfriend.
“But enough about them, I do believe I was trying to focus on my babygirl,” Luke said kissing at her neck again.
“They ran to the store real quick and I thought what a better time to get a quickie in before they came back,” he was now pulling her shirt over her head and was sucking at a nipple.
Janelle moaned as he sucked her nipple and walked her backwards to the guest bed.
“That’s right let me take care of you. Stop worrying and enjoy,” Luke said as he slowly kissed down her body and found the space between her thighs that always made Janelle forget, even if it was for a moment.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
*Another chapter, yea! I apologize for how slow this story is going.   I only have 5 more chapters left. Thank you guys for hanging in there. *
posted 6-3-2017
Chapter 7
So this was not what she had expected, but she could definitely say she was pleasantly surprised. Luke had texted her during the week, asking her how she was with a fishing pole. Janelle almost laughed because he was basically asking her if she could breathe. Her whole life had been near and in the water, so fishing was second nature to her. Once she told him she loved fishing he told her to gear up because they were going out on the water this weekend. If Janelle was honest with herself, she was excited to get a chance to be outdoors, but nervous to have that much alone time on the lake with Luke this early into…whatever it was they were trying to start up.
But today was the day. Luke had picked her up and they were already well on their way into the middle of the water on a beautiful boat with the wind blowing in her face.  Luke looked over at Janelle enjoying the look of happiness overtaking her face. He had been pleasantly surprised when Janelle had came with some of her own fishing equipment and bait. Luke had tried to do this with one date when he first started college, but she complained about the wind from the boat ride and almost became hysterical when it came to baiting the fishing rod to fish. Obviously that was a disaster, but Janelle seemed like the type to like being outdoors, he was glad to know he was right.
They had set up and had their rods in the water when Janelle had the bright idea to put on a bet. “So, how about whoever gets the most fish from today will be treated to a homemade fish dinner this week by the loser?” she said with a sly smile. Luke was not into having to prove himself to anyone, but her smile held something he was interested in finding out more about, so he accepted.
Janelle beamed as they got back to Luke’s truck. She had caught 12 fish with ease, especially with her variety of bait. Luke was slightly sulking first to a slightly bruised ego and secondly to the idea he would be cleaning fish this weekend, which was tedious and smelly.
“Don’t be a sour puss. This was a great time. I only made the bet so I could have an excuse to see you sooner…plus we can’t leave good fish to waste,” she said as she looked over at him from the passenger side grabbing his free hand and giving it a squeeze.
 Luke couldn’t help but to smile. Maybe losing wasn’t so bad, especially when he had so much more to win.
This week seemed to have dragged on for Janelle. Luke had shared he may be busier this week as his coaches were priming him for next season because he had scouts truly interested in him. If Janelle was being honest with herself, his talk of scouts and possibly being drafted in the NFL caused her some dread. She wasn’t sure why, but she knew whatever happened would definitely have some impact on them.
Luke was so happy the weekend had finally hit again. He felt like he had been hit by a truck this week with all of the training and all of the play briefs. If he was honest it all at times felt overwhelming, but he knew his coaches were trying to give him the best advantage this year, plus he was never the one turn away from a challenge. Today though, he had just slept in an extra hour and started cleaning the fish. He opted to do it outside where it wouldn’t bother his roommate and he could make a mess without it being an issue. Once he finished, Luke had to admit he found himself getting giddy. Him and Janelle had only had a few text messages between them this week due to his busy schedule, so this would be the first time he saw her without any distraction or instead of a brief view of her in class. He had asked his roommate early in the week to find a place to crash, not that he was expecting anything to happen with him and Janelle. He just knew since they were still feeling things out that it would probably be awkward being romantic with the roommate coming in and out of the room. He decided to straighten up his place a little and then kick back to look at some ESPN. It was the best way he could settle his mind until tonight.
Janelle looked her clock. Her roommate Callie was throwing suspicious glances her way especially since this was the 2nd weekend she had been out and about. Usually Janelle stuck to her room or the library. However, her roommate didn’t press for many details, Janelle guessed she remembered the heart to heart from earlier in the school year. Janelle decided she would at least throw her a small bone, so she would feel somewhat in the know.
“So, I probably will be in later tonight. I have a little outing. I’ll try not to wake you. If I am not coming back, I will send you a text so you don’t have to worry.” She said, looking pointedly at Callie.
Callie gave her a small smile back. “Well, I hope you have a great time. You look stunning for whoever this mystery person is that you are meeting.” She said with a wink and left it at that.
“Thanks boo!” see you later.
When Janelle pulled up she texted Luke so he could meet her. While she waited she felt her nerves start to spike. It had been a while since she had felt this way. She remembered that awful guy she dated back in her last years of high school. He said all the right things, had all the right moves, but in the end he was a liar, cheat and worst of all an abuser. She was never more hurt and embarrassed than when she came running into her home with her clothes ripped and a black eye. Her father had been filled with all the rage. They had just lost her mother and there Janelle was just adding to the pile of worries. When she heard him crying in his room later that night, she knew she had caused him real heart ache and vowed she would not be wooed by another monster again.
Janelle was startled when she heard the knock on her window. It was clear Luke had been trying to get her attention for a few minutes while she was off thinking.
“Hey there, glad you finally came back to me,” he said giving her a hug and chaste kiss as she got out of the car.
“Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and zone out. So, shall we? I’m starving” she said, following him as he led the way.
Janelle wasn’t surprised that his apartment was decked out in nice décor. She had picked up that Luke may have come from a family with some money, because he lacked for absolutely nothing. However, she was surprised at home wonderful the food smelled. She honestly wasn’t sure if he could cook, but so far this indicated maybe he knew what he was doing….or maybe he ordered it from somewhere, but nevertheless it smelled edible.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said shutting the door and leading Janelle on a mini tour. She listened as he explained it was only him and another teammate who lived here. Luckiliy, the “dorms” for the athletes had less restrictions and operated like real off base apartments versus the rest of the dorms oncampus. It was clear males lived in the home because the living room was set up like a real man cave, with a 60 in screen TV, several game systems and reclining couches.
“Well this does look homey and comfortable. Do you have people over often?” Janelle asked as she sat on the chair by the kitchen island while Luke prepared their plates.
“Umm I usually don’t like to have company over too much. If anything, we may have some video game tournament for one day on the weekend or a barbecue for those of us who decide to stay on campus during some of the less extravagant holidays. Other than that, my roommate and I like to just chill here. He is more outgoing than me so he will spend more time at some of his other friends’ apartments than he does here. It works out well enough for me though.” Luke explained.
He walked over and placed their plates on the island. Janelle marveled because it seriously looked like he had pulled this recipe right off a magazine cover.
She side eyed him suspiciously as she took her first  bite. “Mmm, oh my goodness” she moaned around the fork.
Luke thought he could listen to her make that sound forever, as he watched her reaction to his dish.
“This is amazing! No way you could have cooked this up.” She said.
“Oh but I did. You just weren’t aware of the level of skills I have in the kitchen,” he said with a smug smile.
“I don’t know where you learned to cook like this, but this is unreal.”
“Well, you can thank my aunt. She was a chef at one of our local upper end restaurants and she taught me a few things. I called her to tell her I had to cook up this fish for a special person, so she hooked me up with the perfect recipe. I’ll have to tell her it was a hit.”
They had some small talk as they both finished up their meals. Luke protested when Janelle insisted she would clean the dishes since he had made an amazing meal for them. While she cleaned, she had him pick out a movie for them to watch.
Luke decided on something safe and entertaining, so he put in “Avatar” for them to watch.  When Janelle had joined him on the couch, she had brought popcorn with her. He’d guess she had found it when she was putting everything back in the cupboards.
“I hope you are good with Avatar. I’m not exactly sure what you are into as far as movies go,” he said sheepishly.
“Oh this is fine. But for future reference, I love suspense and comedies. Shutter Island is one of my favorites,” she said with a smile around a mouth full of popcorn.
They sat on the reclining couch so Janelle decided she would lean on Luke’s chest with his arm around her as they watched the movie. If Janelle had to be honest she was having trouble concentrating. Luke smelled delightful and feeling his chiseled chest beneath her was turning her into goo. She softly started rubbing his chest through his shirt. She thought it innocent enough, nothing over the top. Meanwhile, Luke was acutely tuned in to the fact he could feel her rubbing his chest. Also, little Luke seemed to like it as well as he felt himself starting to get hard. He didn’t want to startle Janelle so he slowly pulled up the covers next to him cover his growing erection.
“You seem to like my chest there.” He said commenting on her petting.
“It’s nice, I imagine you don’t work out for it not to be admired,” she said coyly.
“True, but I only require admiration from people of my choosing.”
“Oh, so I should feel flattered,” she said cocking an eyebrow and stopping her rubbing for the moment.
He just smiled and laughed, “I’m not saying that, I’m just saying everyone doesn’t get to be here. I’m glad you are though,” he said leaning down going for a chaste kiss.
Instead he got hit with a fiery kiss. Luke wasn’t expecting passion from Janelle, but she was definitely enjoying her time with him if the kiss was anything to go by. He started slowly rubbing the side of her stomach as he kissed her. He enjoyed hearing her soft moan as he explored her mouth with his tongue. It wasn’t until she put her hand up to the nape of his neck and started lightly scratching that he truly felt himself lose his composure. He pulled Janelle on his lap which was still covered by the blanket, but he couldn’t imagine it was doing much to hide how much he wanted Janelle. He started kissing the side of her neck as he held her on his lap. Janelle could feel him starting to rub on her leg as they both got into the kiss. She knew they were both getting hot and bothered if her drenched panties were anything to go by and if his poorly hidden erection wasn’t already a dead giveaway. In the lucid part of her mind, she knew she was not ready to have sex with Luke, but boy was he making this a hard fight. It was when she felt his fingers unzip her pants and reach down her panties did she come back to herself.
“Luke, baby I need you to slow down,” she said putting her hand over his to stop him.
He was breathing heavily, but she knew he was trying to fight his way back to thinking clearly so he could listen to her.
“I’m not saying I don’t want to have sex with you, but I am saying I’m not ready to go that far,” she said looking at him.
Look shook his head, he understood and agreed that actually having sex was probably too soon now, but that wasn’t going to stop him from making his plea.
“I agree, but I’m begging you just let me please you tonight. I swear no actual sex, but I want you to feel amazing. Hell since you stepped in with these jeans, I’ve wanted you,” he confessed.
Janelle had to admit with the way she was still heated that did not sound like a bad deal, so she agreed and Luke was on her in no time. He started back kissing her but slowly this time. He lifted her off his lap and laid her down on the couch so he could have better access to her. He started trailing kisses down her neck while he slipped his hand up her shirt to start tweaking her nipples.
“Fuck” she moaned as she found herself enjoying his ministrations on her body.
That was all the encouragement Luke needed. He lifted her shirt up to her neck and then pulled her breast out of her bra. Luke listened to her melody of moans as he starting sucking on her breasts. He didn’t think he had heard anything as beautiful as the sound of Janelle coming undone. As he continued to torture her with his mouth, he let one of his hands continue down into her jeans.  He was met with a puddle of wetness that pleased his ego so he gave a moan of his own. He took the time to play with her the lips of her sex and lightly tease her clit. He could tell she was ready for him to get on with it if her squirming was anything to go by. He decided he was too impatient to keep on playing with her and sunk two fingers into her wetness. Janelle gave a relived sigh followed up by moans as she felt Luke’s fingers exploring her. Her body was on absolute fire. She felt herself trying to lift her chest to give him more of her breasts all while trying to push down to ride her fingers. She knew if anyone walked in, it would definitely be a sight to behold. She felt he width of her fingers digging as deep as they could inside her, searching for the spot to make her see stars. He would occasionally add a swipe of her clit that sent electric waves through her. It wasn’t long before Luke found her sweet spot. He knew this because she started grinding on his fingers like her life depended on it. She had pulled his face up to hers so she could kiss him and tug on his hair as her breath grew ragged. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” she chanted softly as she gave way to gasping moans. Luke felt a gush of wetness hit his fingers as her body went stiff and then gave a shuttering shake as she started coming down off her orgasm. Luke gave her another quick kiss before removing his fingers and going to thre restroom to handle his own erection and clean himself up. While he was gone, Janelle sluggishly started moving around to straighten herself back up.
When he returned to the room, she felt herself blush slightly.
“Hey beautiful, no need to blush, you look amazing when you are coming undone,” he said almost reverently.
“Well I could have, you know..” she said gesturing to his now disappeared erection.
“Nope, this was about you and making you feel good, which was quite satisfying in itself,” he said with a smug smile.
“Umm, I don’t know if you had to get back to your dorm, but my roommate isn’t here tonight and I really would like you to stay over. No funny business, scout’s honor.”
“That’s not a bad idea, but I’ll have to leave by 8:00am okay,” she agreed.
“Deal, let’s go back to my room, it is way better than this couch.” He said offering his hand and leading the way.
Janelle felt excitement, something she hadn’t felt in a romantic relationship in a long time. Luke was turning out to be someone who just kept her on her toes, and she liked it.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
Again, I apologize for the long wait on chapters. I have posted chapters 5 and 6. Thank you for being patient.
Chapter 6
Luke was reaching his peak level of frustration as he tried fixing his tie in the mirror.
Today was the day of Janelle’s scholarship dinner and Luke’s cheeks were a fury red, sweat was dripping down his forehead as he had tried to get his suit to cooperate.
Finally the last struggle, his tie, decided to cooperate after almost 10 minutes of trying to tie it.
He took a moment to look over his appearance in the mirror and went to the bathroom to get try to make himself look less flushed.
After one last look, he texted Janelle to let her know he was on his way to the dinner.
Once he pulled up outside the scholarship dinner, he walked into the building.
“May I help you sir?” a well dressed man asked.
“Umm, yes sir, I’m looking for the scholarship ball going on tonight.”
“Why yes! This way!”
The man directed Luke to the room and he stopped short of breathing when he saw Janelle in her beautiful red gown speaking to some of the sponsors.
Janelle happened to look over the should of one of the men she was talking too and noticed Luke. She excused herself from the conversation and walked up to meet with him.
“Thank you so much for showing up” she said, as she walked up and embraced him.
Luke took a step back and fully took her in.
“Wow, you are just…wow!” Luke said unable to find the words.
Janelle blushed under his attention. She was happy the dress had the impact she was hoping for. The ceremony was about to start, so Janelle ushered Luke to their designated seating area. Luke seemed to enjoy the events and Janelle was grateful the actual ceremony didn’t last more than 1 hour, as they took time to allow people to get on the dance floor for the last couple of hours. Luke had been too excited to get a few slow dances in with Janelle. She had to admit that being that close to him, smelling his scent and feeling the well toned muscles through his suit put her in a daze. After the last song played, they said their goodbyes to everyone. Luke walked her to her car. She was somewhat bummed they had not planned to come together. She was enjoying his funny stories of how his siblings would put stink bombs in his locker whenever he was in middle school or how his brother put blue dye in his shampoo and he looked like a Smurf for a month, before his mother was able to help him get it back to normal.
They finally made it to her car. “Well, I enjoyed myself. Thank you for inviting me.” Luke said looking at her with a glimmer in his eyes.
Janelle just smiled a hugged him. “No, thank you! It was nice to have someone handsome on my arm for once,” she cooed at him with a playful grin.
“Well I’m up for grabs anytime. All you have to do is let me know, “said Luke.
It wasn’t lost on Janelle his hidden meaning. She could feel her heart beating wildly at the thought of him really wanting to be something more with her. When she shook herself out of her thoughts, she  realized Luke was much closer to her, looking at her intently. Janelle watched his beautiful blue eyes flicker between her lips and her eyes. Janelle leaned in and set her lips on his, giving into his unspoken request.
She really had intended to go in for a nice chaste kiss, but found herself getting lost in his soft lips. She could feel Luke matching her intensity as his tongue sought entrance into her mouth. She could feel his chest pressed against her breast and his hand resting firmly at the small of her back.
It wasn’t until she heard a loud moan, which she realized was coming from herself that she pulled away from the kiss and his tight embrace. They both breathe heavily as they tried to calm down the building desire they had started up.
“I really like you Luke, but if you are serious about trying to date I have to tell you now, I can be quite infuriating, opinionated, and hard headed, “ she admitted.
He just smirked, “Well I’ve been known to be a few of those myself, but I’ve always been told most things worth having are worth fighting for.”
“So, how about I ask you to go out with me on a real date next weekend? No parties, no banquet, just you and me together enjoying ourselves, ”he suggested.
There. He has finally put it out there that he was interested and he wanted to do something about it.
“Okay, I would love that, but nothing too overly girly. I have been dolled up enough for one weekend,” She joked.
“I think I can work with that.” He laughed and gave her quick peck again before helping her open her door to the car.
“I’ll text you this week and let you know what I’m planning.” He said
“I will definitely be looking forward to hearing from you,” she said. She playfully pulled on his tie to give him one more quick kiss before wishing him goodbye and driving off.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
It has been a long time since I have updated, but luckily I have two chapters this time so enjoy!
Chapter 5
*2 weeks later*
Janelle was seriously feeling annoyed. Frieda had looked at her like 30 times snorting, in what Janelle figured was a poor attempt to contain her laughter.
“What is it!” Janelle finally burst at her.
They had both been sitting in the library for about an hour and a half. Luke wasn’t there tonight, because he had some football stuff to tend too.
“Oh just making some observations over here.” Frieda said, being obtuse.
Janelle just glared at her. Her and Frieda had developed a decent relationship over the past few weeks. She knew Frieda was bursting to say something….probably smart aleck in only the way Frieda could.
“Okay, okay, I just have to say last week you and Luke were flirting so much, I nearly puked. You were giggling and batting your eyelashes like a love stuck school girl. Now today, you have been very quiet, grumpy, if I may say so myself, and you have looked out at everyone entering through the door. I’m just putting two and two together and I say you and him need to go ahead and make it official… I can’t keep this googley eye mess going on.”
Janelle opened her mouth to give a retort, but instead she clamped her mouth down and blushed.
“Do I really bat my eyelashes like that?” she found herself asking as she made a failed attempt to hide her face behind her hand as she blushed.
“Girl you could dust off a counter with how fast those babies be going” Frieda said with a snort.
Janelle was slightly mortified. She prided herself on showing some discretion even if she did like someone.
“He’s a sweet guy, but …he’s a football player Frieda. I don’t know, those guys don’t seem to know how to act.” Janelle shared.
“Well, yeah he is a football player, but I have heard nothing but great things about him, and you know how people love to talk. Most of the girls think he is a challenge, because they rarely see him date anyone. Plus, he seems to only hang with those stereotypical football guys when it is team related. I see him with maybe one or two other guys and as far as I know they don’t get into much either,” Frieda shared.
Janelle gave it some thought. Frieda was right for the most part, she definitely didn’t hear Luke’s name in the latest right of gossip all the time.
Janelle gave a sigh, “I know, I just don’t want to set myself up for heartache. He is smart and obviously talented, heck they keep talking about him getting drafted after his junior year. “
“Yes, he is talented and all eyes are on him, but that has nothing to do with the way he pines after you. It’s so ridiculous. I swear if one of you don’t make the first move to ask the other on a date, I’ll do it myself,” Frieda threatened.
Janelle just laughed and went back to having a renewed interest in doing her work. Maybe Frieda was right, what would it hurt to take a chance.
Luke sat on his bed and just let the ache settle in. It was nearing the end of football season, but those hits in practice and on game day never got easier. Luke loved it though. There was no better feeling than being on the field and putting it on the line, just to get that win.
However, the games had him going through a pack of Epsom salt every 5 days. He could swear it was laced with some magic remedy for pain, because it was the main thing to relieve his ache, even after being iced, heated and all types of other stuff the little “healing” staff did.
Luke had to admit he was a little bummed he missed out on the study group tonight, but coach had ordered an extra practice as they got ready for a major opponent this weekend.
He looked over to his night stand and noticed his phone flashing, indicating a text message had come in.
Janelle: 9:15pm-So maybe you were missed just a tinsy bit tonight. J
Luke smiled to himself. He was glad Janelle was getting more comfortable texting him. He actually looked forward to it.
Luke: 9:15pm- Only a little? I believe I’m way more awesome than that. I am sure I was missed very much, but someone is trying to save face.
Janelle: 9:16pm- Well I see humility is thrown right out the window. I’ll have to remember to text you on non-practice days, when your testosterone is not at an all time high.
Luke: 9:16pm- I’m plenty humble, but when I know the truth I have to call it.
Janelle:-9:17pm-Well, anyhow, Frieda and I finished up everything for our parts of the project. We just need your part and set up a run through.
Luke 9:17pm- Ok cool. I definitely lucked up getting you guys. Thanks for being so understanding about practice.
Janelle: 9:18pm-Yeah, yeah, we know “pre-famous” people need to be accommodated for, so  no worries. J
Luke: 9:18pm- Seriously? “Pre-famous” What dictionary are you using again? I need to steer clear of it. LOL
Janelle: 9:18pm-Oh shut it! You know what I’m saying smart ass!
Luke started smirking at his phone. He loved getting a nab in at her.
“Hey , who you chatting up over there?, “ his roommate, Chad asked.
“Umm, just a friend. She is in one of my classes and we’ve been talking, “ he said, trying to leave it as ambiguous as possible.
“Would this happen to be the friend Kasim was going on about at the beginning of the semester?” Chad egged on.
Luke blushed slightly, giving away his answer.
“Oh, Luke, Luke, getting that juice.” Chad said laughing.
“Man, it isn’t anything like that. We’re just good friends.” Luke explained.
“Let me break it down for you bro, if you were just friends you would only bother with her in class. I’ve seen you take this girl to Jarrell’s party, damn near sprint across campus to escort her back to her dorm, and now you geeking it up over here texting her.” Well dang Chad had been paying attention.
“Bruh, you in a relationship, you just haven’t caught on yet.” Chad said, leaving no room for debate.
“Look, stop doing that man. We’re just cool. “ Luke said, dropping the conversation and looking down to see Janelle had sent some more texts.
Janelle 9:19pm- On another note, I have this dinner thing for one of my scholarship donors. I hear that it is mandatory in order for them to meet the people they have invested their money in…
Janelle 9:20pm- So I guess, I was wondering if you would be willing to go with me. I looked up the dates and it is not on your normal football practice day or a Saturday.
Janelle 9:21pm- Don’t feel pressured to go, I mean I just thought it would be nice to bring someone since they gave us the option.
Janelle 9:22pm-Plus I did ask my dad first, but he said the fishing was a little light, so he needed to get as many jobs as he could until the season picked up.
Luke bet Janelle was thinking he was trying to figure out a way to say no since it took him a couple of minutes to reply.
Luke 9:24pm- “Well, what day is it exactly and what time? I would love to go with you if I am able.
Janelle 9:24pm- “It is in 2 more weeks, on a Tuesday night. I think that is a bye week for y’all, so hopefully it works out.
Luke 9:24pm- So I just looked over my schedule and you would be right, it is a bye week, so count me in.
Janelle 9:25pm- Thank you so much!
Luke 9:25pm-Of course, anything I can do, just ask.
Janelle 9:25pm-Well I’ll let you get some rest. See you later! Good night!
Luke 9:25pm – Good night J!
“No one smiles that hard after talking to a friend,” Chad said adding his two cents while he kicked back on his own bed and watched the movie on t.v.
“Dude! Go to sleep!” Luke said trying to be annoyed, but being in far to good a mood.
“Alright man, be careful with this one. You will be wifed up before you make it to the pros.”
Luke just rolled his eyes and settled himself in for the night.
Today was a good day.
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mspriss-2u · 8 years
Before the Fame
* Another chapter! This is definitely a slow build story, but it should pick up in another two chapters. Enjoy! Feedback is always welcome!*
Chapter 4
It was time to finish packing up for World Literature. Janelle was too happy because this morning had been terrible. She wasted coffee on her assignment and clothes before leaving the room, thanks to her roommate leaving her clothes in the path to the door. Was Callie still being salty after the little disagreement? Indeed she was still being a brat and it was pissing Janelle off. She knew the end of this class meant she had only one more class for today and it couldn’t happen quick enough.
“Hey girl, I just wanted to ask, do you know anything about this Jarrell party that is supposed to be happening?” Frieda asked as they were putting their things away.
Janelle sighed, she had seriously wanted to forget about this party, but thanks to Trina she had been reminded pretty much every day.
“Yeah, I’ve heard about it. My friend really wants me to go, but parties are not my thing. I don’t know if you have noticed being social requires a lot of energy for me.”
“I’m with you. Parties aren’t my thing either, but I have heard this is probably the party to go to if I don’t do anything else. I figured since I don’t have any major tests coming up, I will check it out for a little bit with my boyfriend and then leave,” Frieda shared.
“Same here, well minus the boyfriend. I need to show I am not a complete asocial being,” Janelle said with a small snort.
“Oh, you guys are going to Jarrell’s party?” Luke chimed in.
To be honest Janelle had forgotten he was even there. She was sure he had jetted out of the room like he usually does after this class.
“I am, but it will probably be the only one this year.”
“His parties are nice. They really don’t get too over the top. I heard you say you were going alone, would you like me to escort you? It may make you feel a little at ease knowing someone there.” Luke offered.
Frieda shot a look between the two. “Sorry guys, I have to go, but maybe I will see you at the party tomorrow night,” she said and then left.
“You know, you don’t have to watch over me. I am a big girl who can take care of herself,” Janelle replied with a raised eyebrow.
For a minute Luke looked flustered. “Oh no, I wasn’t trying to imply you couldn’t, I just thought….”
“Hey, calm down. I’m messing with you. You are more of a gentleman than I am used to dealing with sometimes. I am actually meeting up with my friend Trina there, but I wouldn’t be opposed to you being around to help me get comfortable. New people and a new place always makes me feel anxious and like I will break into hives,” Janelle admitted.
“That works! I will text you when the time I will come pick you up tomorrow,” he said.
She laughed when she saw his face light up and his smile widen.
“Alright thanks again, I’ll see you later Luke.”
Janelle took another look in the full length mirror on her closet door. She had toiled between two outfits for tonight and finally settled on keeping it casual and cute. She wore a black tank and wore a faded jean half top jacket and red  skinny jeans with black converse hi tops. Janelle wasn’t necessarily a girly girl when it came to dressing up, but she definitely understood how to accent her curves and look nice when the time called for it.
“Well don’t you look nice,” she heard form the side of the room that had been on radio silence for the past few days.
Janelle gave her a skeptical look. “Well, thanks,” she said before looking herself over again.
“Look Janelle, I’m sorry. I was being an ass. I was just feeling back because I found out Mark was a complete ass and I guess I lost it seeing you near another one of his football buddies,” she said with a sigh.
Janelle knew from the get go that Mark was probably a tool, but she still felt for her roommate.
“Well, I guess I should apologize for being rude about it. I just don’t like anyone policing me.” Janelle said in conceded.
“And I’m sorry about Mark,” she added.
“No worries,  I am glad I found out sooner than later…but I just want to know if we can let this blow over.” Callie shared.
“Yeah, we cool. It’s been weird not hearing you speak over there.”
Callie just gave a huff and smiled.
“So, why are you looking bootylicious, might I ask..” Callie said with a smirk.
“Girl, there is some party by a guy named Jarrell. Trina wouldn’t stop pestering me about it, so Luke is going to pick me up to meet her there.” Janelle explained.
“Oh….Luke who you are not dating?” Callie said with a sly smile.
Janelle gave her a death stare. “Don’t be funny Callie, I told you we friends.”
Callie put her hands up in mocked surrender.
“Ok, ok, I’m not pushing just asking. Well I hope you have a great time,” she said and then threw on her flip flops and headed out the room.
Right as she left, Callie’s phone buzzed.
Luke 7:50pm: Hey, I’m outside in front of your dorm?
Janelle 7:50pm-Ok, I’m headed down now.
Janelle got her things and then made her way down.
When she got outside she saw a large black truck. Luke had jumped out and walked over to her side of the truck.
“Hey, let me help you. I know this is a bit high, but I love this thing,” he said.
Janelle rolled her eyes in a playful gesture. She was capable of making her way in the truck herself, though it may have taken an extra moment, but she humored Luke since he was always determined to be the good Samaritan.
Once he assisted her in the car, he came back and got in the driver seat.
“Well do you think you are sitting high enough in this thing. I swear I can see at least a two mile clearing from sitting so high.” Janelle joked as they got on the road.
“Yeah, I know it is a bit over the top, but I love it. This comes in handy for any mudriding or tough roads I have to drive over when I go back home.”
Janelle didn’t reply she just smiled. Luke at times reminded her of home. Good country folk just enjoying life.
For most of the ride they sat in companionable silence, as the radio played. Janelle didn’t mind she was wrapped up in mentally prepping herself to be around a bunch of people she didn’t know, hoping that there may be one or two pretty decent people there that she will click with.
They pulled up outside a big house, with people all around. She could feel her eardrums bursting just from hearing the music in the distance.
“You sure you are good with this,” Luke asked as they were walking towards the house.
“Yeah, I knew this was supposed to be a big party, but this is even more than I imagined. Uhh, if you don’t mind if I tag along with you until I find Trina,.” Janelle requested. She could feel discomfort creeping into her already. She really wasn’t into crowds.
Luke stopped before they entered and turned to face Janelle, “Of course I don’t mind. Hey if it gets to be too much, I will definitely take you home, just let me know,” Luke reassured her.
Janelle nodded, “Got you. Thank you.”
Luke walked into the house blasting with music, crowded with people shoulder to shoulder. He reached out his hand for Janelle to hold, so they could make their way through the crowd to the snack table. He knew if they got there, there would be some open space and maybe it would be easier to track Janelle’s friend.
Once they reached the table, Janelle  scanned the room for Trina. It wasn’t long before she saw her hugged up on some dude. She rolled her eyes, because she knew Trina was quick with the hook ups.
“Hey, I see her over there. You can go do your thing. I will let you know when I’m ready to leave.” Janelle told Luke before bee lining it toward Trina.
When she finally reached Trina’s side, she could tell she was approaching something that was getting steamy, but Trina had invited her despite her protests to come, so she had no sympathy.
“Well hello miss! So much for meeting up.” Janelle interrupted pointedly.
Trina stepped back from her person of interest and gave a huff. “Girl, my bad. It’s just you weren’t here when I got here and I didn’t believe you would actually come. But you’re here now, so let me introduce you to some people,” she said with excitement.
“First, this here is my boo thang, Desean. Ain’t he cute,” she said with a smile giving him those eyes filled with promises of finishing what they started later tonight.
Janelle just rolled her eyes at Trina. “Hey Desean, nice to meet you, I’m Janelle.”
“Good to meet you too. Aye, me and my boys have a little VIP couch over there, how about I introduce you to them.” Desean offered.
Janelle really didn’t want to be surrounded by a bunch of guys who were probably looking to hook up, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to say hi, especially if Trina was around.
They walked over to a coach filled with guys talking. As they approach, attention turns to her and Trina, which makes Janelle feel increasingly uncomfortable.
“Hey y’all this is Trina and her friend Janelle. These are my boys Jackson, Ray and Lonzo.”
“Man, you found some nice looking ladies. How you doing Ms. Janelle?” asked Lonzo if Janelle had to guess.
“I’m, I’m great thank you. Umm, I am going to go grab me something to drink” Janelle said trying to make an exit and not let her nervousness shine through.  She knew Lonzo was interested by she definitely wasn’t.
Before she could make her great escape, she turned around and bumped into Luke, who was being accompanied by two other guys that she would guess were on the football team.
“Aye, that’s my boy Luke! What’s up man? Come on an chill with us for a sec,” said Ray.
The guys all did their little handshake greeting.
Janelle stopped in shock for a moment, because it seemed like Luke was seriously in with everyone.
“Yeah, I got a minute, but let me check on something real quick.” Luke told Ray.
Luke turned to Janelle. “Hey, you good? I spotted you over here and you looked like you may hurl. These guys are pretty good people, no worries.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. I think maybe getting something to drink will help me relax a little. I swear I’m not a withdrawn type, it’s just this crowd is a bit much,” she admitted.
“Alright, well do your thing and if you need me I will probably be right here for a little bit.” Luke reassured her.
Janelle nodded and went to the table filled with refreshments. As she was pouring some Sprite, someone walked up beside her.
“Hey, umm I  don’t mean to startle you, but I couldn’t help but notice you have been over here by yourself and I was seeing if you would like to dance. If you’re not with someone here already that is,” the mysterious guy asked.
He looked like he was right at 6ft, nice fade and hazel eyes. He definitely was easy on the eyes. Janelle figured it couldn’t hurt to dance a little. She was here to mingle and finish out her socializing requirement for the year.
“Well it would be nice to get your name first,” she said with a smirk.
“Oh my bad, I’m Patrick, and you are…”
“I’m Janelle, nice to meet you Patrick. Well now we know each other, are we going to get on the dance floor” she prompted.
Patrick reached out his hand and led her to the floor.
It had been a while since she allowed herself to get engulfed in a sea of bodies and dance her heart out. As she started letting herself get in tune with the music she found that her and Patrick moved well together on the dance floor. Janelle kept finding herself smiling and laughing at the sly little jokes Patrick told her in her ear while they danced the night away. Before Janelle knew it, it was already 11pm, way past the time she intended to be there.
When she told Patrick such, he tried to convince her to stay longer, but she didn’t budge. He then offered to walk with her outside while she tried to contact Luke to let him know she was ready to go.
As they waited outside, she noticed Patrick was more handsy.
“Look it was fun, but I really don’t like people touching on me. Could you please back up?” Janelle asked.
“Hey no need to get all prudish on me. I mean you were twerking on me like I was your only lifeline.” Patrick said getting defensive.
“I really wasn’t trying to start anything. All I asked was for space, so chill man!” Janelle said annoyed.
“Chill? Really, so you must lead guys on like this all the time.” He said incredulously.
Janelle was really confused now. “What are you talking about?”
“The sexy dancing, the flirting…I thought it was leading up to something promising, but I guess I was wrong.”Patrick said.
Janelle felt herself getting upset. Did this fool think he was about to get some? Pssh
 Before Janelle or Patrick could say anything else they were interrupted.
“Hey Janelle, I’m sorry it took so long. Is everything okay here?” asked Luke as he walked up to her.
Patrick didn’t even answer. He sucked at his teeth and then left.
“It’s cool now. I am just ready to go home.” Janelle said as she starting walking towards the truck, leaving a confused Luke outside.
When Luke got into the car he asked if Patrick had did anything to her.
Janelle told him about the conversation they were having before he walked up.
“Well that’s a little grimy to expect “promising experience” after just meeting someone. I’m sorry for that whole thing. You looked like you were having fun with him at the party, so I didn’t think to just come check.” Luke said sounding guilty.
“And you shouldn’t have to worry about me, I’m not your responsibility Luke,” Janelle unexpectantly snapped. She immediately felt regret.
“I promise, I didn’t mean it that way,” she said back pedaling her outburst.
“I just still find it annoying and a figurative slap in the face that I would even need someone to have to look out for me because sleazy guys do exist. It’s just not fair… I’m not made at you, I’m just mad at the fact this guy thought I was an easy target for a lay,” she explained.
Luke looked at her with understanding.
“Well I’m telling you now, if I ever act like a jerk please feel free to call me out on it. You’re a good person Janelle and you should be treated like it.” Luke said and cranked up the truck to drive Janelle back to the dorm.
Since she still felt slightly embarrassed about her outburst, Janelle felt it was only right she kept conversation going to keep the awkwardness from filling the silence. They talked about basketball and Luke shard some details about his families.
Janelle joked that his family sounded like their own little version of Duck Dynasty with how much they like to hunt, fish and camp. Luke was fairly surprised that Janelle was an outdoor person herself and had grown up with a father as a fisherman.
By the time they arrived at Janelle’s dorm, they were sharing embarrassing camping stories. It was easy and it was comforting at the same time. Janelle had not really had a decent conversation with a friend in a while, so she appreciated Luke’s candidness and good humor.
“Thank you for putting up with me at this party Luke. It probably would have been a total bust if I had went with Trina. Heck, I think she ducked out with Desean soon after I left for the dance floor” Janelle shared.
“Oh, she did. She asked me if I was making sure you got home. Once I confirmed it, she was kicking dust out of there.” Luke said with a laugh.
“I think you may need to make more reliable friends.” He said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, but this was it for me. I’m done socializing for the next three months.”
“Well that sucks, you are pretty good at it when you are comfortable, plus the world deserves to see you smile more often,” he said with a adoring look.
Janelle knew she was blushing, but luckily he wouldn’t be able to tell.
“Well thank you again, and I will see you around.” She said as she jumped out the truck and closed the door before Luke could say anything else adorable to make her blush. She turned back towards the truck to wave Luke bye, as he waited for her to unlock the dorm door to see her get in safely. She saw him wave back and giving her a thoughtful look before driving off. Janelle walked up to her room and couldn’t help thinking her dreams would include dark black hair and blue eyes tonight.
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mspriss-2u · 8 years
Before the Fame
*Another chapter! Enjoy!
Chapter 3
“So, George Orwell’s 1984 is our pick for our World Literature presentation. Now we need to figure out what parts we will each do so that this is not a ridiculous assignment” Frieda stated to make sure we were all on the same page.
Janelle appreciated Frieda being an organizer of sorts. She was so used to having to pick up the slack of others when she was in high school that she loathed group projects by the time she was a high school senior. Frieda was refreshing. She was someone Janelle trusted to keep up her end of the work.
Luke then chimed in to answer Frieda, “Well if you guys are good with it, I can take the middle two sections. I have some world news articles I think that will tie in great with this book, plus I really would like to break down the ministries of this universe. It’s quite interesting.”
Janelle had to admit she was impressed. He actually seemed to know what was going on. She could tell Frieda was over the moon with him taking initiative.
“Ok, that is great! So do you have a preference Janelle?” Frieda asked.
“You know I would like to start off with the introduction and set up the characters, if that works for everyone.” Janelle stated.
“Oh, that is absolutely fine, and I will wrap us up. Thank you guys so much for jumping into this. I’m so used to groups taking practically an hour just to decide on who will do what.” Frieda said with such awe, as if this was such an unnatural occurrence for her.
“Well, I understand all of us have our busy schedules, so better to be prepared. In fact, would you guys be good with this being our scheduled day to meet for the next 4 weeks until we are finished?” Luke asked.
“Yeah, I’m cool with that.” Janelle said in agreement.
“Me too! So how about we all work on a creating a rought outline for each of our sections tonight and then clear out any inconsistencies next Wednesday, because I believe we have to have a definite outline for him to follow by next Friday.” Frieda said as she looked over her planner to ensure her dates were correct.
Luke and Janelle checked the syllabus to double check as well. They all agreed that this would work and have them on track to finish this project without too much stress.
“So umm since we are finished do you guys need an escort back to your dorm? I swear I’m not asking to be creepy, but I really hate to see any lady walking this late by herself.” Luke said, putting the offer out there.
“Actually, I am fine. I already texted my boyfriend to wait for me outside the library so I wouldn’t have to walk by myself, but thank you for offering.” Frieda said sincerely.
“I’m sure I can manage on my own, it’s just like a block away.” Janelle rationalized.
“It really would make me feel better to just walk you. You can text whoever to let them know I am walking with you, so they can know to expect you,” he said exaggerating the fact he had no ill intentions.
Janelle sighed, she didn’t like feeling like a damsel, but she was sure Luke didn’t mean it that way, so she sighed, “Ok come on prince charming, walk me to my room.”
Luke offered her the brightest smile and let her lead the way.
“So, Mr. Kuechly… did I get it right?” Janelle said with a smirk, looking at him from the side as they walked.
Luke let out a huff of laughter. “Yeah, you got it right. Better than most people.”
“So you could have chosen any other class, roman studies, middle ages, but world litertuatre is your class of choice, how come?”
Luke gave a thoughtful look as they walked. “Well I guess it is because World Literature gives you the highlights of literature. You can assume that most of the literature you learn about will be universally known, not just limited to some specific time frame in history. I thought it would be nice, plus I actually heard Mr. Weinham’s assignments weren’t that bad, so I couldn’t pass that up,” he said with a snort.
Janelle laughed along with him, “Yeah, I agree, his assignments are not over the top, which has been great with my hectic schedule. So, I have to admit, I was absolutely shocked to find out you were on the football team. You don’t seem like the type.”
Luke took a minute to pause their walk and looked at Janelle with scrunched up eyebrows. “What do you mean?” he asked slightly affronted.
“Oh, I ugh..” she said stumbling over her words. “I didn’t mean it like that, I just, you are not a big talker and you seem like a pretty down to Earth person. No to paint the stereotypical picture,” she clarified.
They started back up their walk, although slower because her dorm was only a few feet away.
“My family is very active sports, hunting, fishing, you name it. I have always been involved in all types of sports and football has always been my number one enjoyment, but it is not all I am. I really don’t care for the spotlight, but I like being outside. Plus, the guys on the team are like brothers to me. I appreciate the camaraderie,” he explained.
“And the adoring fans,” Janelle said while pretending to be a fawning fan girl.
Luke gave her a laugh at her impression.
“Well, I will admit that it is flattering, but sometimes annoying to have random girls trying to hit on me. I mean, I guess I am a little old fashion, I think I should be the one pursuing the relationship, but that is just me. Plus it is another reason, once I finish my classes, I try to book it back to my room most days. Some days it is hard to deal with so many people, so I make my little retreat,�� he explained.
They finally made it to the front of Janelle’s dorm.
“Well, I’m glad you are turning out to be a cool dude Luke. Thanks again for walking me to my room, see you in class,” said Janelle.
“Yeah, no problem see you later Janelle.” Luke said and turned to leave.
Janelle couldn’t even enter the dorm room before her roommate was all over her.
“Oh my gosh Janelle, you’ve been holding out on me! Jane just said she saw you talking with Luke freaking Kuechly downstairs,” Callie exclaimed. She held a mix between disbelief and indignant fury.
“Well first, why are your friends reporting on me? Second, Kuechly and I are working on a group project, so please don’t get your panties in a bunch.” Janelle said rolling her eyes and getting to her desk to turn on her laptop.
Callie had clearly calmed down after hearing that small explanation.
“My friends don’t report on you, they just share interesting news. It’s what we do. I’m sorry about acting so cross about you and Luke, I just thought I would at least hear you mention him if something was happening, but clearly it is not, I apologize.”
“I like you Callie, but let me make it clear, whether I date someone or not, I have no obligation to tell you about it. I like you as a roommate, but I’m not too fond of everyone knowing my business. If I want you to know, I will tell you.” Janelle snapped and then went back to focusing on her laptop.
Callie then put on her slippers and left the room with a huff. Janelle summarized that she was probably going to see her circle of friends to vent.
Times like this reminded her of her small town. So many people believed they could be invested in her business, which was another reason she was happy to get away from home. She never liked being the center of  anyone’s conversation. It was especially bad after her mother had passed. She couldn’t go anywhere without everyone being “concerned”. She would apologize for the tone she used with Callie a little later, but she meant every word. Callie could focus her neighborhood watch on someone else.
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mspriss-2u · 8 years
Before the Fame
Chapter 2
It was Sunday afternoon, Janelle had just come from church and was trying to get out of those awful stockings. ‘Why do Southerners do this to themselves again?’ She thought to herself. Church had been an ongoing aspect of her life since she was a child. Her family was the typical Southern Baptist. Another draw to Boston College was despite it being primarily composed of Catholic followers, it did not press any of its students to follow the Catholic way, however they did include several classes and activities that promoted meditation, learning about different religions, and overall spiritual well being. Her 10th grade teacher was the first to tell her about Boston College. Mr. Hamil was a biology teacher at her old high school who had sold her on going to Boston College. He was the most brilliant person she had ever met and by far the kindest. He had helped to secure her an internship as a physical therapist aid her senior year of high school, which only solidified her desire to do physical therapy. But the most wonderful thing him and his wife did was provide support during her mother’s passing. To say that she would have been lost was an understatement. Her world was rocked, her father was barely able to keep functioning enough to ensure her and Brian had food on the table. Janelle always believed good a person doing even the smallest of good in the world could transform a life, and the Hamils had proved just that.
Janelle changed into something more comfortable and then decided to get to the Student Union for a bit. She knew it was practically a ghost town today, so it would be easy to get in and out. When she reached the door the to union, she wasn’t paying attention so she bumped into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry!” she said looking up from her phone. “Hey, it’s fine, Janelle, right?” said the voice. She looked up to find that she had ran into her group mate. “Yeah, that’s it. I’m sorry, my dad was writing me so I wasn’t paying attention. By the way, congrats on the win yesterday,” she said as they moved to the side to clear the door way. “Thanks, it is always nice to get a win over Notre Dame. So you came to the game yesterday?” he inquired. “Well not exactly, my roommate seems to be a big fan and she was going on about it yesterday. I’m not big on football, but I hear you guys are beasting it this year, so kudos to you,” she said giving him a small smile. “Well maybe one day, I can change your mind about coming to see a game. It is really worth it to catch at least one during your time here,” he shared. Before either one could say another word, one of Luke’s fellow teammates, or at least see assumed, came up and interrupted their conversation. “Hey man, I’m ready! Sorry about that,” he said and then looked toward Janelle. “Well hello chocolate goddess, I am Kasim. It is nice to be in your presence,” he said clearly trying to flirt. Janelle gave a small blush and laughed. “Hi, Kasim, I’m Janelle, nice to meet you,” she said acknowledging him. “Man, Luke you didn’t tell me you hung around beautiful women like this,” he said still looking at Janelle like she was the Mona Lisa. Janelle snuck a glance at Luke’s face and his happy countenance appeared to be a wall of indifference now. “Well we only just recently got to know each other. He is my group member for one of my classes. I’m sorry to cut this short, but I really do have to go. Nice to meet you Kasim, and Luke I will see you in class tomorrow,” she said ending the conversation and leaving to grab her food inside the union. Janelle had to admit it is always flattering to have guys give her compliments and try to ask her out, but she just wanted to take a break from it for awhile. Her 11th grade year, she was in a relationship with a guy who turned out to be a complete jerk, but he was able to play on her open wound of needing to have someone there. It took six months before she could finally see the light and walk away, but she never wanted to experience that again, so better safe than sorry.
“Hey, Janelle!” she heard from across the Union. That could only be one person, because she only has the volume of loud or louder.
“Hey Trina, what’s up?” she asked waiting to hear the latest and greatest from the CNN master of Boston College. Don’t get it wrong, Trina was a great person, but sometimes she was a lot to handle all at once.
“Girl, I am glad I caught you. They having the mid-semester celebration next week at Jarrell’s house. I really don’t want to go on my own,” she said, though Janelle knew Trina had tons of friends.
Janelle huffed in annoyance.
“Look, I know you are not a party girl, but I don’t think it would hurt to show your face for at least an hour or two.” Trina pleaded. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a decked out invitation.
“From what I have heard from upper classmen, Jarrell always has the best party of the year,” she shared in excitement.
Janelle gave a sigh, it really wouldn’t hurt to check it out, as this would probably be the ONLY party she attends this semester or better yet this year.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go. I will meet up with you there just in case I get bored early. You better be glad we cool, because you know this isn’t my thing,” Janelle said begrudgingly.
“Awesome! Girl, we are going to have so much fun. I can’t wait. Well, see you soon girl!” Trina said and made her way off with an excited squeal.
Man, I just wanted to get food and get back to the room. How in the world do I keep running into folks? Janelle thought quietly to herself.
She quickly booked it to her dorm room in order to avoid any more stops. Today was always her day to get in some studying and finish up some extra notes before the school week began. She entered her dorm room somewhat relieved that she didn’t have any more interruptions, before she heard the squeal of her roommate, who jumped out of the bathroom.
“Oh, I’m sorry Janelle, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Callie said apologetically.
Janelle took a deep breath to calm herself, “It’s fine, this is your room too, I’m just not used to you being here at this time.”
Janelle walked over to her side of the dorm room and asked curiously, “So why are you here this early?”
“Trying to get rid of me already, Janelle?” Callie said with a playful tone.
“No, I’m just curious. Plus, you are beaming and I feel like you really want to tell me something with the way you are bouncing around the room.”
“You really are good at reading people. I’m just excited because Mark Herzlich asked me on a date today,” she said giving her signature excited squeal.
“Umm so who is this guy? Should I know him or have you introduced me to him?” Janelle asked trying to figure out where she has heard that name.
Callie looked at Janelle in disbelief. “If I didn’t know you, I would seriously think you lived under a rock Janelle! He is one of the football players, guaranteed to enter the NFL draft this year, plus he is dreamy. I can’t believe you never heard of him,” she said. Callie then grabbed her phone and searched for a moment through her phone, then she turned it to show Janelle a picture of Mark.
“Oh, well he is nice looking. I really can’t say I have seen his face on campus, but congrats to you girl. How did you even meet him?” Janelle asked.
“Well we got a chance to go to one of the after parties last night, which was why I was so late getting in. He was there and it was like magic, he was drawn to me and I was drawn to him. He talked with me the whole time I was there,” she said beaming as she told her story.
Janelle just nodded her head. Well either he is actually interested or he sees fresh meat before he jumps ship. She thought to herself. Of course she would not ruin her friend’s moment, but she hoped this guy would be decent to Callie.
“Good for you girl. Where are y’all going for your date?”
“Umm not sure yet, but he is supposed to text me later today so we can plan something for this upcoming weekend,” she relayed with a smile.
“Alright, well I definitely want to hear how that turns out for you.” Janelle said as she went over to grab her food and started getting some books out to start studying.
Callie hadn’t stayed long, she was out the door about 15 minutes later, probably visiting Beth or one of her other friends to gush about with her story.
Janelle plugged in her headphones and let the tunes of Spotify put her in the mood to learn about molecular structure and bacteria.
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