feluka · 1 month
tbh if i get nuked i am not remaking
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sevi007 · 29 days
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"Who you were meant to be..."
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Tales of the Abyss fanart - done! Some insights on the symbolism and a closeup under the cut:
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I put a lot of thought into the whole "Scion of Lorelei" prophecy while I was playing the game. If I remember correctly, the prophecy was not public knowledge but only a select few higher ups knew the entire content of it. Still I couldn't help but wonder - what if there was a kind of hero worship for the Scion of Lorelei? He was prophesized to bring glory to Kimlasca, so at least THEY would have loved him. What if there were statues or like here, paintings of the hero that would be coming? What if Asch, who feels like he is no longer that hero, is reminded over and over again by this of all that he no longer is? Hence, this picture
If you look closely you will see that the sword (of Lorelei) is aiming straight at Asch below the picture. I was going for a sort of "Sword of Damocles" feel here, the destiny hanging over his head, and how if he would have followed the prophecy, he would have died
Also, Asch is shown standing in shadow and "lower" than the hero, because that's how he feels like - he no longer is the hero, he is the burnt out ashes of one, operating in the shadow now.
I tried to aim for an outfit that is somewhere in between Luke, Asch, and Mister End, and is still not one of them entirely. The hero depicted here is not one of those three men. He is all of them, and neither. Also, I wanted to go for the Kimlascan colors on his outfit - since he is prophesized to bring good for Kimlasca specifically - but I couldn't rememember if they have a specific flag or anything. I went for violet / purple on the shoulder pads, because that's the color the Kimlascan king wears
There is a small ring of colors beneath the "sun", three colors on each side and an empty one in the middle. This is supposed to represent the seven Fonons and their element: Shadow, Earth and Wind on the left, Water, Fire and Light on the right. The middle is empty, since the Seventh Fonon is not attached to an element and has no color.
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cherrhara · 1 year
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jaysosillyart · 6 months
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he found someone to relate to?
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anzuhan · 9 months
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sweetporing · 6 months
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20. Baticul - Kimlasca-Lanvaldear
"Welcome to Baticul, the grand capital of the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, our home."
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addoves · 4 months
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peachie5000 · 18 days
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More Abyss Draws <3
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luke-fone-fabre · 7 months
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Who do YOU think showed up at the end of Tales of the Abyss? What is your personal take on this famously ambiguous gentleman???
Regardless of your answer, please share your thoughts in the tags! I'm really curious what the most common interpretations & headcanons are!
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beepiiboop · 8 months
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the ending of tales of the abyss in a nutshell;
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talesoffate · 11 months
Whenever my day is going good, I remember I’ll never get to experience this game for the first time ever again. Best JRPG of all time.
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somacruising · 4 months
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This is one of my absolute favorite skits. And, since I couldn't find it on YT anymore, I decided to take things into my own hands to make sure I could never lose it again.
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Farah: Oh, Asch! Good morning! あ、アッシュ!おはよう!
Asch: Oh, good morning, Farah. You seem well-spirited today. ああ、おはよう、ファラ。今朝も元気だな。
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Farah: It’s important to start the day on a high note! 一日の始まりは元気よくしなきゃ!
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Asch: Yeah, I guess so. Could you tell me what’s on the menu today? ああ、そうだな。今朝のメニューは何だ?
Farah: It’s Auldrant Day, so we’re serving food from your guys’ world. 今日はオールドラントの日だからアッシュたちの世界の料理だよ。
[ Luke enters ]
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Luke: Really!? That means beef, right!? マジか!ビーフ出るか!?
Farah: Eating beef for breakfast is kinda— 朝からビーフは――
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Asch: You stupid idiot! What’s with that attitude of yours, coming into the mess hall like that! You should at least greet Farah properly! 馬鹿野郎!食堂に入ってくるなり、何だその態度は!挨拶ぐらいきちんとしやがれ!
Luke: Oh, right. Good morning, Farah. あ、そうだった。ファラ、おはよー。
Farah: Oh, u-um… good morning, Luke. Sit down next to Asch. I’ll bring you two some plates. あ、う、うん。おはよう、ルーク。アッシュの隣に座って。今プレート持っていくから。
[ Farah Exits ]
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Luke: …Well, she told me to, but is it okay if I sit so close to you, Asch? ……って言ってるけど、俺、隣に座ってもいいか ?
Asch: Do as you like. 好きにしろ。
Luke: Asch… you’ve mellowed out… アッシュ……丸くなったな……。
Asch: I’m not the kind of person who can relax easily, unlike you. 貴様とは器が違うからな。
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Luke: That’s because you don’t have a lot of experience… そういうとこ、器が小さいじゃん……。
[ Farah returns ]
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Farah: All right, sorry for the wait. We’re serving a Grand Chokmah-style breakfast today. はい、二人ともお待たせ。今日はグランコクマ風朝食プレートだよ。
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Luke: Ugh…I don’t really like most of the vegetables in this salad… うわ……サラダに俺の嫌いな野菜が沢山……。
Asch: Don’t complain. She’s making food for everyone in the hideout, not just you. 文句を言うな。アジトの大勢の人間の食事を作ってくれているんだぞ。
Asch: Furthermore, she changed the dressing and cut the vegetables into small pieces so that even someone with a child’s palate can eat them. しかも、お前みたいな子供舌の奴でも食べられるように小さく切ったりドレッシングに変化をつけたりしてくれているだろうが。
Farah: Hehe, Asch sounds like a father right now. ふふ、なんかアッシュってお父さんって感じだね。
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Luke & Asch: A father…!? お父さん……!?
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Asch: I don’t remember father speaking to me like this… 父上は、こういう感じではなかったが……。
Luke: Oh, but now that you mention it, I remember him saying that kind of stuff all the time. あ、でも、言われてみれば俺に対してはそういう感じだったぞ。
Asch: That’s probably because you don’t have any sense! それはお前がだらしないからだろう!
Luke: That’s exactly how father said it, too. その言い方父上そっくり。
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Asch: Ugh… う……。
[ Luke nudges Asch ]
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Luke: Father, can you please eat the octopus for me? 父上ー、俺の代わりにタコ食べてくれよー。
Asch: Eat it yourself! And eat my portion while you’re at it! 自分で食え!何なら俺の分も食え!
Farah: Hey, cut it out, both of you! Food tastes best when it’s freshly made, so knock off the fighting and dig in. こら!二人とも!料理は出来たてが一番美味しいんだから喧嘩しないで早く食べてよね。
Asch: …I apologize. Luke, you apologize, too. ……悪かった。ルーク、お前も謝れ。
Luke: I know, I know. I'm sorry. わかってるっつーの。ごめんなさい。
Farah: It’s okay, just eat up. いいから、早く召し上がれ。
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Luke & Asch: Thank you for the food. いただきます。
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cherrhara · 10 months
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huevember day 18, tataroo valley
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judithan-xing · 9 months
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"Don't worry, I have no intetion of dying with you."
Got Abyss brainrot as of late. Time lapse under the cut~
Total time ~ 10 hours over 2 days
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anzuhan · 9 months
merry christmas (again) and happy birthday to these two!! 🎉
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