#luke kashani
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the-real-tc · 4 months ago
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Continuity
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Maybe it's petty of me to keep carping on this, Heartland writers, but if you can't keep even something like this straight...
Maybe we are living in a divergent Heartland timeline, and have been for a while.
Maybe we're in the DeadTy! Universe, where Ty dies (obviously); where Jack had a sister named June whose burial plot is right there in front of everyone's eyes, but no one ever wondered who she was or asked about her because Jack never mentioned her (until Luke happened to notice it); whose lovely little sketch inspired the Heartland Ranch brand, and who should have been alive when Jack married Lyndy; a timeline where Lyndy is buried at the Heartland family plot (and has a headstone we never saw until Jess took a picture of Jack standing in front of it) instead of Jack having spread her ashes in the river like he so poignantly revealed to Lisa on their first real date.
Didn't anyone compile a series bible for this show?
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confessions-heartland · 2 years ago
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“Am I the only one who thinks Luke would've been a nice addition to the family if it would have worked out for Amy and Ty to have adopted him? I really enjoyed the storylines and interactions between them (and even Luke and Lyndy). It's a shame we haven't seen him or had him be mentioned since he left Heartland.“
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thehorsedispatch · 2 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://horsetoloan.com/heartland-tv-show/luke-kashani-heartland/
Luke Kashani Heartland
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Luke Kashani Heartland
The Heartland tv show is a family drama that has been airing for over a decade in Canada. Due to this, many of the characters have grown up on screen in front of the eyes of their fans. The characters are likeable and the storylines are very compelling, which is one of the big reasons that the show has such a loyal fan base. Some of these storylines tackle difficult issues, too, and one of them is the storyline around the character of Luke Kashani. He is a foster child who ends up having a huge impact on the lives of Amy Fleming and Ty Borden, finding himself in the system as his mother struggles with her mental health.
Read on to learn more about the character of Luke Kashani on the Heartland tv series, including some facts about the actor who portrays him.
Who Is Luke Kashani In Heartland?
Luke Kashani is a character who shows up in season 12 of Heartland. He is the son of Andrea Kashani, and is a troubled boy. His mother has her fair share of troubles as a young mother as well, and is also dealing with failing mental health. All of this makes it very hard to raise her son Luke. Clint, Luke’s social worker, decides that the boy could benefit from some time at the Heartland ranch. Andrea ends up falling asleep in her car at a truck stop and leaving Luke unattended, which seals the deal— Luke goes to stay with Amy Fleming and Ty Borden at Heartland.
Andrea is, of course, resistant to this. She even goes to tell Amy and Ty that, no matter how many horses they buy Luke, he will always be her son. This makes it clear that Andrea really loves and cares for her son. However, she needs to get help for herself before she is able to provide a safe and stable home for Luke. This does help to push Andrea to get help, where before she lost her son, she was resistant to that. 
After Luke had come to the ranch, Ty began to see that he as a child and Luke had a lot of similarities and a lot in common. He empathizes with Luke and wants to help him. Luke has certain behavioral issues, but he also has a talent for STEM. At one point, he even wins a STEM award certificate and Amy and Ty put it right up on the fridge! While Luke is at the Heartland ranch, he learns to ride Boots, with Jack’s help. He starts to do very well at Heartland.
Do Amy and Ty Adopt Luke In Heartland?
You may wonder if Amy and Ty end up adopting Luke, or if Andrea is able to turn her life around and regain custody of her son. Amy and Ty do foster Luke, of course, but they do not adopt him. Luke is able to go back to life with his biological family at the end of season 13. For a long time, Andrea did not see her son and said that she was not feeling well enough to visit. Later on, though, it is revealed that Andrea was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Andrea is able to watch Luke ride at the ranch, and starts to become more appreciative of Amy and Ty and all that they had done for Luke— whereas before, she felt very defensive and wanted to protect her son from them. It takes a little bit, but Andrea becomes more affectionate towards Luke again. Her health starts to improve, and she becomes a better mother to him again.
Luke is happy to be reunited with his mother and to be able to go home and be a family again. Of course, it is bittersweet because he also realizes that means leaving the ranch, which he has also grown to love. He’s sad to leave. Amy and Ty tell him that he is always welcome there at the ranch if he wants to come visit, or if he wants to come stay— as they would have happily adopted him. 
Will Luke Return to Heartland?
Luke has not been seen on the Heartland screen since season 13, when he returned to his biological family. Many of the show’s loyal fans do want an update on how Luke and his mother Andrea are doing. However, it is not likely that they will be returning, as their storyline was neatly wrapped up at the end of season 13. 
There has not been any word or information on Luke’s character returning to Heartland. There is always the possibility of seeing him again, but as we said before, it is not likely. There hasn’t been any indication that he will be appearing on future episodes of the show.
Who Is Lucian-River Chauhan?
Lucian-River Chauhan is the actor who plays the character of Luke Kashani on Heartland. He is a Canadian actor, like most of the Heartland cast, and was born on June 3, 2009. When he joined the cast of Heartland, he was only nine years old. The role of Luke Kashani was also his first ever television role, so this was an extremely exciting opportunity for the young actor! Now, Lucian-River Chauhan is 14 years old, so we think he has a very bright career in tv and film ahead of him.
While his role on Heartland is probably his most recognizable role, it is not his only acting credit. He has had both on screen roles and roles in theater, too. His on screen roles include parts in ParaShorts: Devil’s Playground in 2017, Gabby Duran & The Unsittables in 2019, and Encounter in 2021. One of the roles he’s had in live theater is Theatre Calgary’s Secret Garden. He has also starred in ATP’s Zorro: Family Code. ANd again, he is only 14 years old! We can’[t wait to see what else Lucian-Rover Chauhan is going to get up to in his career.
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heartlandtfln · 2 years ago
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“Luke: Just once, I’d like a childhood memory I don’t have to repress.“
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rafarobron4ever · 5 years ago
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welcometoheartland · 5 years ago
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13x02 - Wild One
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smokinholsters · 5 years ago
A Decision at the Crossroads
A Heartland AU - Chapter 4 – Finale
While Ty went to fetch his phone Amy popped open one of the side panels on the trailer and unsnapped the table that was first in line. She reached her arms wide to grab it and start lifting it out when Ty showed up.
“Whoa easy Amy, I’ll get it.”
“I’m fine.”
“Of course you are now back up please.”
“Thank you Ty.” She said and stepped aside “and 5 of the chairs please.”
“Six actually Kelsey’s coming.”
“Kelsey ?”
“Dr. Burton, my namesake apparently.” He said laying the table on it’s side and unfolding the legs. “Hey, this is nice set up.”
“We take trips with kids, believe me a table is always easier and cleaner than watching them balance plates. Besides it’s more homey and civilized.”
“I’ll file that away” he said maneuvering the table and then placing chairs as Amy opened and gave them a wipe with a damp cloth as well as the table. She had also removed a little basket with a tablecloth sealed in a zip loc bag, and began to spread it. As well as counting out silverware found in the basket as well.
“Ty there’s another basket with plates and more pitchers.” She said watching him walk over as she grabbed one pitcher from her now empty basket and put it on the table.
They set the table together, each handling three settings and Amy ran in for a roll of paper towels. He watched as she took a second to look at the table, nodded and walked over to lower herself into a chair slowly. She was wearing a blue dungaree dress that went down to her knees, it had ¾ sleeves and embroidery along the hem and collar. Obviously a maternity dress, he was captivated by her shape.
“You need to stop staring at me Ty, I’m becoming very self conscious, I already think I look like a beach ball.”
“You don’t, I’m sorry, you look great. Two kids, one on the way, I’m, I don’t know….”
“Three actually, you’re the first to hear, Clint Riley called, they have a foster for us, a young boy named Luke Kashani, he’s nine. Clint’s bringing him Monday.”
“Clint Riley, he’s still around huh. That’s nice, keeping that tradition going.”
“Yeah, Scott, you, Georgie, remember Badger, it’s nice.”
“Mitch mentioned Georgie and something with Lou, he also told me about the divorce.”
“Georgie was an orphan who ran away from her foster family in Okotoks, she stowed away in Grandpa’s pickup and found her way to Heartland. She was a keeper. The divorce is what it was I guess, it’s now amicable with benefits apparently, works for them.”
“Georgie lives with Lou at Heartland ?”
“Lou took a condo in town when she became Mayor and lives there with Katie. We fixed up the loft when I got back from Europe as a nice studio and I lived there alone and then with Mitch for awhile before moving to Saddle River, his family ranch, his parents have an independent living condo in Calgary. Georgie and Quinn are engaged and live in the loft, Grandpa and Lisa live in the house.”
“I heard Jack married Lisa, I saw an article about the Hall of Fame that mentioned it. I’m sorry about your dad Amy, I read about his passing.”
“The death of a legend, it was a nice tribute.”
“I saw a tribute to Lou as Mayor too, ordering the stay in place at home and closing Maggie’s early on definitely seemed to make a difference in the area.”
“It did and I think she’ll be remembered for that, this is her last term, she’s not running again. Enough about Hudson, tell me about you, is there someone special, Kelsey maybe ?”
“Nah, Kelsey and I never, there have been women over the years but I’m free now, I’m picky I guess.”
“Well when it happens you’ll know.”
“You and Mitch look happy.”
“We are, very happy.”
“How’s Jack ?”
“Older, pretty much retired, his arthritis, heart problems, a hard 90, for a former bronc rider and Alberta cowboy not fun.”
“Lisa ?”
“Lisa’s good, the perfect grandmother, she loves the kids. So does Casey, Lyndy adores them both. Mitch’s folks too.”
“Casey, I know this.”
“Right, McMurtry Rodeos, they come around every couple years.”
She noticed quickly enough that he had changed the subject. “Ty ? Are you happy ?”
Ty looked at her and into her eyes, Amy could see that he wasn’t teary but there was disappointment, a small sadness in his face “I guess, I mean I don’t think I’m unhappy.”
“Were you happier yesterday ? Mitch said he thought you might be having a case of the might have beens.”
“I didn’t need to see you for that. The baby was eye popping don’t get me wrong and not in a bad way Amy, you look amazing, really the, well,  the high school boyfriend comment, that sort of slammed a world of reality down on me.”
“That’s what we were, we were an actual couple for most of my high school 3rd year, my senior year was a nightmare, we were way better as friends than as a couple Ty, we were a lousy couple.” She was smiling and not being harsh, her tone somewhat softly nostalgic, it was in fact a long time ago.
“Come on, that’s a bit extreme don’t you think ?”
“Really ? You really think ?” She said,  again somewhat amused and again not in anything more than the nostalgia of it “we had a good few months, you know Kit and the Quarantine and then I won the Ring of Fire and rather than joining me and perhaps a later bike trip in the summer to see some of the world you decided that you needed to go off alone for a few weeks. So, after the excitement of motels with my dad on tour and while I spent the rest of the summer working and doing what used to be your job on top of mine you came home almost 4 months later with a huge dose of misplaced maturity and Blair. Then Chase stuck his nose in, we were a good couple for 7 months, maybe. Look Ty, I know about what Grandpa did and he told me what led up to that talk and him sending you off. I don’t know what brought you to that point or why you didn’t come home, but it was your decision, we all had to live with your decision.”
“Looking back, I don’t know either honestly.”
“And I don’t know what would have happened if you had but I do know this, my life with Mitch and our kids feels so right to me that I can’t imagine life without him being a part of it, I’m not saying this to hurt you Ty, but your best days are still ahead of you.”
“So this is the honest conversation part we didn’t do back then huh ?”
“This is it.”
“How do you do it and go on together ?”
“You say it, get it out of your system and have sex, then you fix it in the morning.” She answered smiling.
“Well to be fair we weren’t, at the time, you know.” He said smiling.
“That’s true”, Amy agreed and immediately blushed and then agreed with a smirky smile and a nod, “hey, you’ve,  you know, since, right ?”
“Huh ?” Then realizing she meant had sex, “oh, oh yeah, no worries.”
“So, you’re still driving a classic truck I see, what’s that an early 70’s GMC ?”
“Yeah,’73, hey, whatever happened to Harley and Old Blue ?”
“After a while Caleb took Harley because, well, it broke my heart to see him every day and he eventually found him a nice home with a couple kids who were going to share him.”
“Sorry, I really wanted to,,,,, forget it. And the truck ?”
“Grandpa kept the truck running and in front of the house for months figuring if nothing else you’d show up in the night and drive it off but you didn’t and one day it wouldn’t start so he hauled it next to Goldie swearing he’d fix it one day.”
“So it’s just sitting there rotting ?”
“Well no actually, about the time Caleb sold Harley I was sick of looking at it so I got rid of it.”
“You sold it.”
“Well, in the interest of honesty, not exactly.”
“What does that mean, exactly ?”
“I attached the promise ring to the ignition key and had it crushed.”
“You had it crushed ?”
“I needed closure Ty, it was invigorating, a grand release of emotions.”
Ty stared at her for a few seconds in shock and then Amy started laughing and then holding her stomach bent over and laughing. “I’m sorry Ty.”
“It’s Ok” he said laughing along with her.
“Oh here, give me your hand.” She said reaching out, she loves it when I laugh “come on silly give me your hand” she prodded seeing the look on his face.
Finally she grabbed his hand and hauled it over, “come here I don’t bite,” gently she turned his palm and lay it over the right side of her belly holding her hand over his. A few seconds later she smiled, “there, feel that ?”
When she stretched out her leg rather than kicking Ty identified a second feeling and realizing it was really no different that any animal understood “that’s a stretch.”
“That’s it” she said gently releasing the pressure. “I think we’ll call her Marion, it’s time. Marion Fleming Cutty.”
“That’s really great, so Lyndy.”
“Lyndy Sarah, Mitch’s grandmother. Jackson Timothy and Marion no middle yet.”
“And Luke was it ?”
“Luke Kashani. I guess we’ll need something for a toast, is there a place to get some wine close by ?
“I have beer for dinner and a couple bottles of champagne I can donate to the cause. You drink ?”
“Oh no, I‘ve had a couple sips of champagne as toasts, wedding night and the like, but not, no, I don’t. Especially pregnant.”
“It was just a question Amy.”
She smiled and nodded, “you wouldn’t by any chance have any ice in there for the water ?”
“There’s an ice machine in the barn for ice packs and stuff.”
“You get the champagne, I’ll do the ice.” She said pushing herself up with a grunt.
He smiled watching her move, almost awkwardly, before turning to the house while she walked slowly into the barn.
She wasn’t at the table when he returned and neither were the pitchers so he walked over to the barn where he found the pitchers full of ice on a small table by the barn door and then heard her on the other side by the paddock. Following her voice he turned around the barn and found her engrossed in conversation with the three rescues she had never met. He stood there watching her and the horses who seemed very anxious to be close. The soft sing song pater of her voice a sweet memory for him, the miracle girl.
She turned and smiled “Oh hey, I saw them and figured I’d say hi. We should probably get them stalled and fed.”
“As soon as the guys get back we’ll get it done, you’re wearing a dress, come on.”
They returned to the table after Ty filled the cooler he carried out with ice as well, as a truck Amy did not know pulled up and an early 40’s woman stepped out and over. She had a welcoming smile and a pretty face.
Amy looked up and smiled, “you must be Kelsey, it’s good to meet you, I’m Amy Fleming, Mitch’s wife” she finished extending her hand.
“Kelsey Burton, good to meet you Amy,”
“Sit, relax, we’re waiting for Mitch and Matt to get back.”
“How far along are you if you don’t mind my asking.”
“Little over 5 months I guess, you have kids ?”
“Two, one about to start high school and one about to go to college. Mitch said this is your third, we never got to three before the arguing got too bad, we married way too young.”
They all turned as Mitch’s truck came onto the property, the large Cummins Diesel was not quiet as it pulled up.
Amy smiled when he got out the cab and opened the back door along with Matt repeating the act on the passenger side.
Ty walked off to grab the cooler he had put by the barn and offered beers to all. Amy poured a few waters on her side of the table as Kelsey helped with the food and Mitch and Matt led the horses into the barn.
Once laid out Kelsey examined the table.
“This is a lot of food you guys.” Kelsey said.
Mitch who had come out the barn wiping his hands on a paper towel glanced over at Amy who grinned and him and made a face “don’t you dare.” She said blushing.
“Still eats her weight ?” Ty asked seeing the exchange only to have a dinner roll thrown his way which he caught.
“Hey, what happened to civilized dinner ?” Ty said laughing before sitting down.
Dinner was long and drawn out. Kelsey and Ty talked about the practice, Matt had sheriff stories and Amy and Mitch talked about adventures of their own and their kids. Amy was surprised at the chemistry between Kelsey and Ty and the looks they passed to each other like old friends but maybe something more. Amy was past the age thing, her dad and Casey and Jack and Lisa proved that.  She was not surprised at all that Ty was friends with Kelsey’s kids or that Ty caught every baseball and hockey game her sons played, in and out of school. At one point during a lull in the eating Ty lifted the champagne so that Amy could see.
“Good a time as any.” She said reaching for clean cups and passing them over.
“Champagne, what are we celebrating ?” Mitch asked.
“Us” Amy said as Ty passed cups around after the big pop.
“Why us ?”
“Because sweetheart congratulations are generally tendered when one is told he’s about to become a father, Clint called before, we have a 9 year old foster son arriving Monday morning, Luke Kashani.”
“Luke Kashani, 9 years old, wow.” Mitch repeated.
“Congratulations you two, that’s wonderful” Kelsey announced raising her glass and tapping it to Mitch’s and then Amy’s iced tea that Mitch remembered to get. Soon they were onto 9 year old boy stories and Amy reached out to grab the platter of ribs and dropped them. Not hard but everyone turned to her as she reached for her side.
“Easy girl, mom’s just grabbing for some ribs.” She whispered and then seeing Mitch’s look took his hand as she had Ty’s and then kissed his palm, something she had not done to Ty before placing it on the spot.
“She’s really going at it.” He said smiling and then leaned forward to grab the ribs and bring them closer for Amy who smiled and kissed him before pushing a few onto her plate.
“What do they put in this Cole slaw, it’s always awesome and I can’t figure it out.” Kelsey asked putting some on her plate.
“It’s horseradish” Amy said after swallowing.
“Is this a pregnancy thing ?” Matt asked “heightened palate ?”
Amy shrugged trying to swallow her next bite before answering, “It’s years of studying herbs and alternate remedies. Single ingredients are easy usually unless the tastes are ambiguous like licorice and anise. Or I guess it could be the pregnancy thing” she finished looking up with a smile.
Kelsey was the first to leave, she had to get home to her teenagers. Mitch and Amy said goodbye as they wouldn’t be seeing her in the morning. Matt was game to leave as well, he had an early shift in the morning but promised to stop before they left which was planned for 9:00 AM. Ty helped clear away and helped Mitch with stowing the table and chairs while Amy split the food as Ty insisted they take enough for lunch on the way home. He promised he’s see them in the morning so goodnights were easy.
Later in the evening in the afterglow of their lovemaking Mitch had gone to get some cold water for Amy who settled herself into her current comfortable position, on her left side, pillow between her legs and her arm perched on her belly. Mitch lovingly held the glass out and helped her take a drink without moving much or spilling and then settled as usual behind her, his arm sliding under hers as he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder.
“You had a chance to catch up with Ty ?”
“I did, it was nice.”
“He Ok ?”
“You were a bit right I think, the could have beens but we had a good talk, it went well.”
“Seemed to from my perspective. How about you ? Could have beens ?”
“Not on your life Mitchell Cutty, I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you.”
“Good to hear and back at you Amy Fleming.”
Amy leaned back as far as she could to catch his lips with hers for a moment before returning to her spot.
In the morning Amy woke to the closing of a car door and a truck start. Peeking out the window she saw Ty’s truck drive off and wondered if he was just getting out without a proper goodbye. When she finally showered and dressed and headed outside with a cup of tea and her breakfast of muffins and clementines she found a note tucked into the trailer door. It said that he was called away for a calving that wasn’t going well but expected to be back by nine when they were scheduled to leave.
Matt arrived after Mitch got his coffee going and decided to wait with them while it perked and join Mitch for a cup. He wasn’t surprised to find Ty gone for an emergency, that was his job as long as Kelsey had kids to get off to school and he was fine with it.
Before he left Matt got a call from Ty and explained that he was almost done but rather than make Mitch and Amy wait he’d meet them for their goodbye as a scenic pull off about 5 miles down the road south, the direction they were heading anyway.
Matt helped them pack up and load the horses, made sure they knew where to go and watched and waved as Amy pulled out first followed by Mitch and the trailer.
They parked and leaned against the overlook fence when Mitch received a text that Ty was on the way. He joined them 10 minutes later full of apologies that they discounted as completed unwarranted and totally understood.
Mitch went first and shook Ty’s hand before a brief bro hug and then walked off to close the trailer that they had opened for the horses benefit.
Amy walked over to Ty and gently ran a finger gently across his brow to move his hair away from his eyes.
“I’d forgotten just how green they were.” She said dropping her hand and smiling.
“Back home ?”
“I have to tell them Ty but we’ll leave contact up to you.”
Amy heard the door trailer handle locked into place and took a step forward to reach around Ty for a hug before stepping back.
“Find yourself a woman who loses herself in those eyes Ty and then hold on.”
“I’ll try ?”
“She can be a little older you know.”
“She’s my boss Amy.”
“And soon to be your partner, think about it, you’re a good catch with a big heart Ty Borden, it’s time to stop running. Oh, and I was technically your boss for a while there.” Then she leaned forward and kissed each of his cheeks gently. “Don’t be a stranger, you’d make Grandpa’s day with a call.”
“I will.”
“Goodbye Ty, it’s nice knowing you’re doing well.”
He walked her to her truck as Mitch got into the cab of his and Ty helped Amy in and watched her settle and buckle up before closing her door.
“Bye Amy, It was great seeing you and meeting Mitch.”
Amy smiled and nodded as Ty stepped back and she shifted into drive and drove out followed by Mitch who smiled and waved.
A few miles down the road Amy smiled when the next song was announced and she switched on the truck to truck radio to have Mitch join in when she started singing.
Together, they were the perfect couple.
“Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gather 'round her
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye ……..”
The End.
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trendingprinter · 6 years ago
Hanging on the wall of Postmates' stealth R&D laboratory, there's a framed photo of an iconic scene from Star Wars, Luke Skywalker bent down beside R2D2. Except someone has used Photoshop to replace Luke's face with Ali Kashani, Postmates' VP of Robotics.
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lazylittledude · 6 years ago
Hanging on the wall of Postmates' stealth R&D laboratory, there's a framed photo of an iconic scene from Star Wars, Luke Skywalker bent down beside R2D2. Except someone has used Photoshop to replace Luke's face with Ali Kashani, Postmates' VP of Robotics.
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robotics-news · 6 years ago
Postmates' Quest to Build the Delivery Robot of the Future
Except someone has used Photoshop to replace Luke's face with Ali Kashani, Postmates' VP of Robotics. Nevermind that Kashani has never seen .. Read More
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poettier · 7 years ago
M83 - Do It Try It from David Wilson on Vimeo.
Writer and Director: David Wilson
Music: M83
Executive Producer: Paul Weston Corin Taylor Geoff McLean John Moule
A Colonel Blimp Film
Production Company . Colonel Blimp Producer . Amalia Rosen-Rawlings
Service Company . Vision Film Line Producer . Kris Anzlinger Line Production Manager . Ryan Andersen
Mom . Christin Garcia Dad . Lyndon Johnson Charlie . Quinn Haynes Daisy . Sophia Whitehouse
Fast Food Worker #1 . Sarah Whistanley Fast Food Worker #2 . Kevin Kashani Patrons . Sumi Arif Rick Cordeiro Tim Baird Zahra Vassell Corrine Sutton-Smith Rashaana Cumberland
1st Assistant Director: Jon Reed
Director of Photography: Benoit Soler Steadicam Operator: Alan Kelly 1st AC: Chris Reilly 2nd AC: Kevin Hall Gaffer: Devin Myler Best Boy Electric: Ryan Henandez Electrician: Ben Kelly Key Grip: Cliff Ramnauth Best Boy Grip: Jon Cameron Grip: Luke Saagi
Production Designer: Matthew Bianchi Set Dressing: Andrew Thomson and Dominika Restaurant Artwork - Rob Flowers
VFX Supervisor: Darren Wall
Stylist: Jessa Bissett Hair and Make-Up: Samantha Pickles
DIT: Scott Wylie Sound Recording: Scott Taylor
Edited by Dan Sherwin
Animated Character Design TREAT Studios, Tim Rauch, and Story Gabel
In-Restaurant Animation Luke Curtis and Becky Vicars of TREAT Studios Additional animation: David Wilson and JD Dean
Finalé Animation Animators- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd, Brandon Denmark, Frank Gidlewski Design- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd Compositing- Tim Rauch Animation Produced by Rauch Brothers Animation
Sound Design: Jonny Platt at WAVE studios
Colourist: Julien Biard Online vfx: Andy Copping, Kayley Fernandes and Robert Sheridan at Freefolk London Post production producer: Cheryl Payne 
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confessions-heartland · 2 years ago
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“Still waiting on an update from Andrea and Luke“
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jordanmunson · 7 years ago
M83 - Do It Try It from David Wilson on Vimeo.
Writer and Director: David Wilson
Music: M83
Executive Producer: Paul Weston Corin Taylor Geoff McLean John Moule
A Colonel Blimp Film
Production Company . Colonel Blimp Producer . Amalia Rosen-Rawlings
Service Company . Vision Film Line Producer . Kris Anzlinger Line Production Manager . Ryan Andersen
Mom . Christin Garcia Dad . Lyndon Johnson Charlie . Quinn Haynes Daisy . Sophia Whitehouse
Fast Food Worker #1 . Sarah Whistanley Fast Food Worker #2 . Kevin Kashani Patrons . Sumi Arif Rick Cordeiro Tim Baird Zahra Vassell Corrine Sutton-Smith Rashaana Cumberland
1st Assistant Director: Jon Reed
Director of Photography: Benoit Soler Steadicam Operator: Alan Kelly 1st AC: Chris Reilly 2nd AC: Kevin Hall Gaffer: Devin Myler Best Boy Electric: Ryan Henandez Electrician: Ben Kelly Key Grip: Cliff Ramnauth Best Boy Grip: Jon Cameron Grip: Luke Saagi
Production Designer: Matthew Bianchi Set Dressing: Andrew Thomson and Dominika Restaurant Artwork - Rob Flowers
VFX Supervisor: Darren Wall
Stylist: Jessa Bissett Hair and Make-Up: Samantha Pickles
DIT: Scott Wylie Sound Recording: Scott Taylor
Edited by Dan Sherwin
Animated Character Design TREAT Studios, Tim Rauch, and Story Gabel
In-Restaurant Animation Luke Curtis and Becky Vicars of TREAT Studios Additional animation: David Wilson and JD Dean
Finalé Animation Animators- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd, Brandon Denmark, Frank Gidlewski Design- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd Compositing- Tim Rauch Animation Produced by Rauch Brothers Animation
Sound Design: Jonny Platt at WAVE studios
Colourist: Julien Biard Online vfx: Andy Copping, Kayley Fernandes and Robert Sheridan at Freefolk London Post production producer: Cheryl Payne 
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heartlandtfln · 2 years ago
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“Katie: There’s a word my sister Georgie knows that I promised my dad I wouldn’t say but trust me. That is what you are.“
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lewisjcrawford · 7 years ago
M83 - Do It Try It from David Wilson on Vimeo.
Writer and Director: David Wilson
Music: M83
Executive Producer: Paul Weston Corin Taylor Geoff McLean John Moule
A Colonel Blimp Film
Production Company . Colonel Blimp Producer . Amalia Rosen-Rawlings
Service Company . Vision Film Line Producer . Kris Anzlinger Line Production Manager . Ryan Andersen
Mom . Christin Garcia Dad . Lyndon Johnson Charlie . Quinn Haynes Daisy . Sophia Whitehouse
Fast Food Worker #1 . Sarah Whistanley Fast Food Worker #2 . Kevin Kashani Patrons . Sumi Arif Rick Cordeiro Tim Baird Zahra Vassell Corrine Sutton-Smith Rashaana Cumberland
1st Assistant Director: Jon Reed
Director of Photography: Benoit Soler Steadicam Operator: Alan Kelly 1st AC: Chris Reilly 2nd AC: Kevin Hall Gaffer: Devin Myler Best Boy Electric: Ryan Henandez Electrician: Ben Kelly Key Grip: Cliff Ramnauth Best Boy Grip: Jon Cameron Grip: Luke Saagi
Production Designer: Matthew Bianchi Set Dressing: Andrew Thomson and Dominika Restaurant Artwork - Rob Flowers
VFX Supervisor: Darren Wall
Stylist: Jessa Bissett Hair and Make-Up: Samantha Pickles
DIT: Scott Wylie Sound Recording: Scott Taylor
Edited by Dan Sherwin
Animated Character Design TREAT Studios, Tim Rauch, and Story Gabel
In-Restaurant Animation Luke Curtis and Becky Vicars of TREAT Studios Additional animation: David Wilson and JD Dean
Finalé Animation Animators- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd, Brandon Denmark, Frank Gidlewski Design- Tim Rauch, Anthony Francisco Schepperd Compositing- Tim Rauch Animation Produced by Rauch Brothers Animation
Sound Design: Jonny Platt at WAVE studios
Colourist: Julien Biard Online vfx: Andy Copping, Kayley Fernandes and Robert Sheridan at Freefolk London Post production producer: Cheryl Payne 
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welcometoheartland · 6 years ago
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Five Photos Without Context
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