#luke jatp x male!reader
supercap2319 · 7 months
"I don't want to have this conversation with you, Luke." Y/N turned away from him as Luke grabbed his arm. "Y/N, we have to talk about this."
"Talk about what, Luke? I don't want to be a ghost! I want to be alive. I want to live. I was supposed to grow up. Decide if I wanted to have kids or not. A lifetime of choices, gone. It's not fair. He began to cry as Alex, Reggie, and Julie gave him sympathetic looks.
Luke's big brown puppy dog eyes were swelled up with emotion. "I know you don't. And I'm sorry this happened to you, but we can't change what happened." He grabbed his hands. "At least I'll get to be with you forever and ever. An eternity."
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
Perfect Harmony
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Hey! I have a JATP request if you're still writing them :) A Luke!xmale reader who's in the band (He can take Bobby's place). Reader and Luke have a good friendship and always stare at each-other to make the other laugh during performances but reader develops feelings for Luke so during Edge of Great he avoids eye-contact which Luke isn't happy about and after the show he confronts the reader and the reader finally confesses? Thank you!”
Ever since you and your bandmates died, things had been strange and not just strange in a ‘we were killed by some bad hot dogs and woke up twenty-five years later as ghosts’ kind of way. No, that was something you could learn to deal with, but you couldn’t get behind the way what remained of Sunset Curve was beginning to drift apart.
Alex had a new friend, a ghost skateboarder named Willie, and you could tell that he had started developing feelings for him. You were happy for him, as much as it hurt to see one of your friends moving on without you.
And Luke- Luke hadn’t been the same since you woke up.
Reggie had taken it upon himself to find out what had happened to his family in the time that the four of you were gone, which meant that he spent a lot of the time outside of rehearsals snooping through records of house sales in the last couple of decades to see if he could find any clue to help him figure out where they might have moved. You knew that the odds of Reggie leaving the band behind were slim to none, but he’d always been so close to his siblings that you couldn’t be absolutely certain.
You had always known that Luke regretted running away from home, but now he spent hours a day watching over his parents or writing songs with Julie, the only living person that had been able to see the four of you since you’d become ghosts.
Along with Julie herself being able to see you came the staggering realization that other people could also see you when you performed with her. This led to the end of Sunset Curve as you’d known it and gave rise to the creation of your new band, Julie and the Phantoms.
You really couldn’t bring yourself to be too upset about the change though, not when every day that Luke got to play his guitar and write songs with Julie made him seem so much more alive.
So what if you used to be his song-writing partner and tease each other on stage whenever you performed and your chest tightened uncomfortably a little when those big brown puppy-dog eyes held yours for just a little too long? You were willing to put your feelings about the situation aside because Luke was your best friend and you loved him.
No, it was more than that, you realized in a startling moment of clarity. You were in love with him.
Thinking back on it, you were sure that you’d loved him for a long time. It made sense; you were always tempted to play with his hair or throw your arm around his shoulder and tug him close. And the way that he looked at you when you sang together always made you feel a little like you’d just stepped off of a roller coaster - dizzy and just a little off-balance but pumped full of so much adrenaline that you can’t wait to do it again.
The weight of an arm curling over your shoulder and your best friend’s blinding smile was enough to drag you out of your thoughts and back to the present, where you’re mere moments away from appearing on stage and playing your heart out with the other phantoms at a party in Julie’s backyard.
“Let’s give ‘em a show to remember,” Luke murmured, just barely loud enough for you to hear. He shot you one last heart-stopping grin before vanishing and reappearing on stage with Alex and Reggie.
You swore under your breath as you missed your cue, quickly teleporting to take Julie’s place at the piano as she stood and moved to go jam with Reggie. Muscle memory kicked in quickly, allowing your fingers to dance effortlessly over the keys to the harmony of Edge of Great, one of the new songs that Julie had helped Luke write.
Right on cue Luke began to sing, his voice washing over you as smooth and sweet as honey. You could feel the weight of his eyes on you, knowing that this was right about when you’d have turned around to pull a dumb face at him to make him laugh if this had been any normal set.
But this wasn’t just a normal performance; you’d just realized that you were in love with your best friend and if you looked at him now, you knew that he’d know something was wrong. With that in mind, you focused on the ivories under your fingers and chiming in on the choruses when you were meant to.
You could tell that Luke was trying to catch your eye, moving repeatedly to try and get into your field of view only for you to ignore him. You could feel yourself tensing as the end of the song crept closer and you could hear Luke’s voice more and more clearly as he approached you, though you forced yourself to continue playing even as he settled beside you on the piano bench. You couldn’t help but meet his gaze with such a small distance between you, almost startling in its intensity.
Just then Julie trailed off on her last note, which you took as your signal to vanish, teleporting directly up into the loft of the studio. All of your bandmates knew that this was where you went when something was troubling you, so you were confident that you’d be left to your own devices as you parsed through your thoughts.
You were proven wrong when you’d turned around to pace in the other direction only to crash directly into Luke.
He put a hand on your shoulder, both to steady you and keep you from running away again. “What’s up with you, man?” he started, clearly annoyed at how distant you were acting. “You missed a cue and then you were… off the rest of the song!”
You shook your head, shrugging away from his hand and taking a few steps back to give yourself some space to think. “I just have a lot on my mind, alright?”
“A lot on your mind?” he echoed incredulously, brows furrowed over concerned brown eyes, “Dude, we died and you didn’t let that bug you. What the hell could possibly be  weighing on you enough to throw you off like that?”
You hesitated, the words you’d been thinking leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. “I think I need to leave the band.”
Reggie and Alex went quiet downstairs. A long moment passed and then you could hear the distinct sound of them teleporting away, leaving to give the two of you some privacy for what would undoubtedly be a very difficult conversation.
Luke looked like he’d have been less hurt if you’d punched him across the face. “W-what?”
Forcing yourself to continue was hard, but you knew that you couldn’t stop now that you’d started. “We’ve all changed a lot since Sunset Curve, Luke. I just don’t think that how I’ve changed is going to be good for Julie and the Phantoms.”
“That can’t be true,” Luke protested, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly. “You’re just as much a part of this band as any of us, no matter if you changed or not!”
You sighed, scrambling to find an excuse that Luke would accept. “I’ve realized something about myself that makes it really hard for me to stay-”
Luke cut you off, “Look, if you’re worried about coming out or something like that making it weird, I’m pretty sure that no one in this band is actually straight so-”
“I’m in love with you,” you said, interrupting him before his rambling could pick up any more speed.
You could see the moment that he realized what you had said, his eyes going wide and his mouth dropping open in surprise. He seemed too stunned to say anything.
“This is why I didn’t want to say anything,” you sighed, rolling your eyes and turning away. “Forget it, I’m gonna go.”
“Wait,” Luke said, reaching out and grabbing your wrist to stop you from leaving. He hesitated when you turned to look at him, clearly struggling to come up with what to say. “Did you mean that?”
For a second you considered lying, saying that it had all been a joke, but you knew that you could never lie to your best friend like that, even if it was your heart on the line. “Yeah,” you said finally, unable to look Luke in the eyes.
“Oh,” Luke murmured, a faint grin creeping across his features, “Good.”
Your brows furrowed, confused, and you looked up to ask him what he meant just as he leaned in to kiss you.
The kiss only lasted a moment before Luke pulled away, but it was long enough for you to start comprehending what had just happened.
Luke’s eyes glimmered happily in the dim lighting of the studio, the corners of his mouth quirked up into a smile just wide enough for the dimples you’d always admired to indent his cheeks, “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages.”
“You should’ve,” you teased, grinning back at him before leaning in to kiss him again. He met you halfway, smiling against your lips. There was a distinct warmth in your chest at how well he could read you, but then you knew that it really shouldn’t be too surprising. You and Luke together had always been a perfect harmony.
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Drive By ~ part 3
A/n: HELLO I FINALLY DID IT!! This part was hard until I finally rediscovered a few songs that FUELED this part (namely “Falling” by Harry Styles and “Far Away” by Nickelback) and then I managed to finish it! Hope you guys liked it :)
Warnings: Some depressive tendencies (distancing, slight disassociation, etc.). Internalized homophobia. Demonizing of soulmates. Bigoted opinions (Luke and Reggie make fun of them)
Word Count: 5800+
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Luke and Reggie hadn't been the same since seeing Y/n again, but in very different ways.
Whatever Luke was on, it could only be described as overcompensating. His energy was higher than ever, and he could never quite sit still. His voice was louder, and he talked more. He never stopped talking. It stopped making sense after a while, but Julie and Alex were too worried to stop him. When they tried, his face went blank and his shoulders seemed to slouch and he stopped dead. It was like he'd been slapped... There was a sort of distance in the way he looked at everyone, and talked, and even engaged. He didn't even really process the whole shebang with Caleb, he just stuck very close to Reggie.
And then there was Reggie. He was already kind of off to begin with. He was smart, but he tended to zone out sometimes, and when he tuned back in he'd missed something important and was super lost as to what was happening. Or, someone would say something and he would get the wrong meaning, like the context of the situation had gone just over his head. It was adorable above anything else, and the boys loved to gently tease him about it... but now it wasn't something light hearted and funny. He did a lot of sitting and staring off into space and being silent, and it was very much not like him at all. Usually when he got upset all one had to do was talk to him about one of the things he really loved, but even that was a dead end conversation these days.
Julie, Flynn, and even Alex were all completely lost on what to do with either boy. They still responded when spoken to, and if they had to pitch in they did. Luke still wrote songs and Reggie still hung out with Ray and had Carlos' back and Luke still visited his parents and they both still performed. Luke still seemed to be there when Julie gave "Unsaid Emily" to Luke's parents. They were both still THERE when they were needed, it was just in the little hours. In the small moments, they were... far away. They looked through people and seemed to drift far too much. They were spiraling in a very hidden sort of way and no one knew how to even begin to help.
It was a relief at the end of the day that they could take comfort in each other. Neither had to talk about it, so still no one knew that Y/n and Reggie - and also maybe Luke and Reggie as well - were soulmates. It was written off as Reggie and Y/n being best friends. The two had always understood each other better than the others did. They had soft conversations and secret jokes that lead to exchanged looks no one could quite catch up on. Losing Y/n had been as much a weight on Reggie as it had on Luke. It had been the most clear in those last days. Luke could see the unsettled, unfinished business resting in Reggie's eyes. It had been the same look Luke had seen in his own eyes after the argument with his parents. Every day he hadn't gone back, and when Julie had called him from the dead and he'd gone home and felt it in his very bones. He saw that look, that feeling, in Reggie clearly. Which made sense, considering that Reggie and Y/n had ended in an argument the same way Luke and Y/n had. The pair had never really recovered after that last argument. Reggie had been the one to encourage Luke to let it go when Luke's tattoo had gone grey... and now it was all a mess.
Reggie understood the mix of joy and pain that Luke felt when he'd seen Y/n. Had realized that Y/n had died around when they did. That he was still their age, a ghost just like them, and within reach... theoretically. That's where the bitter came in.
It was nighttime that was the biggest relief.
Luke and Reggie spent most of it cuddling, clinging to each other like they did when they were kids. That night, both of them were having a hard time sleeping as was usual of recent. Ghosts didn't really have to sleep, but they did get physically exhausted every once in a while. Usually a good sit down with a side of relaxation would be enough, but sleeping lessened the overwhelming amount of down time the boys found themselves in, with no one else to talk to but Julie and nothing else to do but sit around and write music, and nothing else to think about than all the mistakes they'd made and the people they'd lost and the things they'd left behind. When one's mind ran that quickly, sleep would have been a relief. Except that a racing mind rarely if ever allowed one to rest, especially if it wasn't required.
So they stayed awake and they talked and they let the time pass as quickly as possible.
"Do you really think you could still fit in the kid swings?" Luke giggled, nose scrunched in that adorable way that always made Reggie's heart race.
"Oh absolutely," Reggie responded with a warm smile of his own. His insides always warmed in these moments, despite how cold he'd felt since seeing Y/n again. Luke seemed to make that connection Reggie lost feel... whole again. Like the thing that had broken in him since losing Y/n was just about fixed. Y/n really had meant a lot to Reggie, and as amazing as Alex and Flynn and Julie were and how important they all were to him, Luke was just different.
A soft breath escaped between Luke's lips then, and his large, green, sparkly eyes found Reggie's. "Thank you Reggie. I don't think I've really laughed since-" His smile faltered. "In a while." His forehead pressed to Reggie's shoulder. "You're my best friend, Reg. I hope you know."
Reggie hummed. "Yeah sure." He noticed the way Luke's eyes zoned out again, getting duller as they zoomed in on the freckles across Reggie's neck and arms. "You okay, Lu?"
For the first time since being asked that question multiple times every day by all of his other friends, Luke was honest. "No." His voice was suddenly very broken.
There was a mixed feeling about this whole thing. Reggie understood Luke perfectly, and how sideways this whole situation was. He knew nothing could make it better, or ease the pain. Nothing but time, if even that. This didn't stop Reggie from WANTING to help though. To ease that pain, and lessen it. To make Luke feel better. All he could do was offer himself, knowing how much it just wouldn't be enough.
"Come here." Reggie opened his arms and Luke rolled onto his side so their bodies were pressed together. Luke's shoulder nestled under one of Reggie's collar bones; Luke's head pressed into Reggie's neck. He didn't mean to, but Luke was warm and he wanted so desperately to say something that when his mouth opened... "I'm sorry I'm not him."
Luke's head moved back, his shoulder pressing more into Reggie's chest as their eyes locked. "What does that mean?" Luke's head tilted, eyebrows dipping in silent accusation. No, not accusation. Worry.
Reggie's eyes jerked to the side. "I just... I wish I could give you some closure. Or just talk to him. Or just have him back. I wish I could actually help, instead of just laying here every night and settling with just distracting you." He shrugged.
One of Luke's hand rose to hold the side of Reggie's face, maneuvering it so they were forced to look at each other again. "Reggie, you're enough. Just you. You've always been enough, you have to know that." His eyes were so sincere... They were so bright and honest and earnest.
What else was Reggie to do but believe him?
Suddenly there was a warmth where Luke's shoulder touched Reggie's chest. It was that moment both boys realized two things. First, it was the same shoulder that Y/n had touched the night the two boys had met. Second, Reggie's collar had fallen down, pushed aside in all the squirming around so the same spot Y/n had touched the night they'd had that special heart to heart was exposed, pressed to Luke's shoulders. What followed next was a completely new realization. Their soulmate marks were touching, skin to skin, and there was a distinct, familiar feeling because of it. A tingling. The same tingling both boys had felt anytime Y/n had touched their soulmate mark. The same feeling they'd gotten the night they'd received those special marks. The two nights that had become two of three nights that had changed everything. Just as it was all about to change again.
Reggie jerked away very suddenly. He scrambled to his feet and then suddenly disappeared. Luke was a second slower, just behind him. Too late to stop him. He scrambled after Reggie though, appearing on the floor rather than in the loft where they'd been before. Just in time to see Reggie tripping over himself to get to the mirror in the bathroom. Luke followed, just in time to see Reggie yank down his shirt to reveal-
Two roses, stems crossed over the other like an 'x'. Just black ink outline, like a coloring page before it's been colored in. The same exact rose that had been on Luke's shoulder and Reggie's neck, but two this time. The same roses that had been on Y/n's palm the night he'd given Reggie a soul mark as he had given Luke one.
Luke turned his body, showing his shoulder in the mirror as well.
The same two roses in the same exact fashion showed on his shoulder.
Reaching out, Luke pulled Reggie's shoulder so they were facing each other. "Reggie... what the hell?" He was even more nervous when Reggie looked back with eyes that had answers. Answers Luke was worried he might very much not want to know.
"What are you doing?"
The small boy looked up to see another small boy. Both of them had green eyes and brown hair - that was the first notice. "I'm playing guitar," the second small boy answered the first.
"No you're not," the first argued. "That's not a guitar. It's a- a- well, its a stick with string tied to it is what it is. And it has too many strings at that!"
The second boy hid the stick behind his back, his chubby face screwing up in anger. It was like a pouting puppy, and the first small boy had to admit it was... kind of adorable. "It IS a guitar," the adorable boy huffed. "What do you know about guitars anyway."
A smile adorned the face of the first boy. "My mom has one. She said I could have it one day."
The adorable boy tilted his head. "Well I guess you're lucky then."
The first boy laughed. "Would you like to play it some day?" The adorable looked shocked, and the first boy smiled even wider. "Thought so. What's your name?"
"Luke," the adorable boy answered. "Yours?"
"Reginald. I... don't like it though." Reginald scrunched his nose, shaking his head.
Luke nodded. "What about a sort of nickname then? Something you like more." Reginald sat next to Luke, and the not-guitar-actually-a-stick was abandoned in favor of the conversation. "There's all sort of odd, funny ones. Like um, Gin."
"That's even worse," Reginald complained.
Luke giggled. "Uh, how about Ginny?" Reginald only had to glare for Luke to rush out, "Okay okay okay, HUGE no on that then. I suppose... well you could be totally boring and go with Reggie."
"What's wrong about boring?" Reginald asked immediately. "You need a little bit of it to make everything else interesting." As Luke went to respond, Reginald continued, "Plus, look who's talking! Luke is the most normal name I've ever heard."
"It's short for Lukas," Luke defended.
"Even worse!" Reginald declared. "Why go with Luke? That's the most obvious nickname for Lucas!"
Luke nodded. "Yeah, but my name is spelled Lukas with a K. So it's cool."
After a second, Reginald nodded. "You can call me Ginny if I can call you Kas."
That made Luke bust up laughing. "You can call me Kas all you want. It's a fun nickname I think."
"I think I'll stick to Reggie though," Reggie decided.
Another nod from Luke. "That's fair." He hesitated a moment. "Wanna be friends?"
A grin like no other took Reggie's face, and Luke found his insides warm up and soften. "Absolutely."
Luke's mind was reeling.
Reggie was worrying. Exceedingly.
"Are you mad at me?" Reggie had never been known for holding his emotions in, and really neither had Luke.
Which is why it was no surprise when the guitarist suddenly looked up, eyes wide with surprise and expression open and honest. "Why would I be mad at you?"
For second, Reggie didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to explain the emotions in his chest that hurt so much. But then he looked into Luke's eyes, and the words came on their own. "I know things haven't been easy for you when it comes to mixing band members and romance. Or when it comes to soulmates." He shrugged. "It doesn't help that - I mean, we've changed a lot, and being with Julie has taught us so much. We've learned to accept a lot about ourselves, and we're lucky for that. But we were still born and raised in the 90's. And back then, soulmates were... bad."
Immediately, Luke sighed. Reggie realized it was in relief. "I feel like I'm behind. Like I didn't leave those fears behind when he got brought back. I still feel like... sometimes I still feel like loving Y/n is wrong. Like I need to keep it a secret and hide it away and push it down. I got so scared when Julie found about my soulmate mark - and then was so surprised when she was so casual about it. I still expect her to snap at me, or be secretly bitter that I'm asexual, or attracted to men. I don't know." he shook his head, sighing again. His shoulders sagged, and Reggie realized that he must feel so relieved to have lost whatever huge amount of stress he was carrying this entire time keeping that inside. "Does it make me a bad person? To flinch away from things like that? It's not that I hate it, I just-" He was obviously struggling.
Sitting down next to Luke, Reggie placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Luke you were conditioned from a kid to hate the things about yourself that are most important to you. Things that are ingrained in your coding." He chuckled, and Luke smiled. "Hell, I think even people who were born nowaday still struggle with it sometimes. It's programming. Subconscious. Your emotions don't make you - the way you react to them do."
At that, Luke finally completely relaxed, resting his head on Reggie's shoulder. "Do you ever realize that the only reason people back then demonized soulmates so much is just because it was one less thing they could control? Like, people back then really cared about power so much. Power over people specifically. Like I remember that week that our school did a campaign for fighting against soulmates-"
Reggie gasped. "Oh my god I remember that! They said it was brainwashing. Wasn't it like... like I remember it was so cool for a while, but then people of the same gender started to become soulmates and everyone lost their minds."
"Men and women balance each other out; same sex attraction is an easy way out and ultimately cheats people who deserve better," Luke mocked, his voice snapping and bitter. "This just proves that soulmates are of the devil!"
Reggie busted up laughing. "Don't remind me of Mrs. Kyde-" He snorted, leaning into Luke more, his face light up with a smile.
Luke shook his head. "People are so weird. Literally what does who anyone loves or marries or whatever have anything to do with anyone not involved in that relationship? You don't like the fact that I'm into men? Fine! Go be straight somewhere else." He rolled his eyes. "I hate thinking about how afraid I used to be. Of people finding out about Y/n and me. GOD we were so happy. And the way people treated him..." Suddenly the mood dropped, and Luke raised his hand to wipe away a tear. He scoffed softly. "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry for feeling things, Luke," Reggie reassured, raising his arm to wrap around Luke's shoulders and pull both of their bodies closer together.
Turning his head to thank Reggie, Luke stopped short when he then realized how close they were. "You know," he said softly. "It's so weird to realize you're my soulmate too." He smiled though, so Reggie didn't panic as much as he would have normally. "I mean, you were really right there from the beginning. We met in middle school. I was like. Tiny." Reggie giggled and both of them were suddenly smiling again. "You were there for all my worst phases."
Reggie groaned. "God you were my sexual awakening."
"I wasn't," Luke gasped, eyes wide.
"You were." Reggie laughed again, shaking his head. "I was CRUSHED when you started dating Alex. And then you two were so happy, and I saw how hard it was. Saw you guys figure that out, and then kind of devolve into just being friends. And then we started the band, and I realized it was just so much easier to stay friends with you."
"We took ages to figure that out," Luke recalled. "I don't think we ever really figure out personal space again."
Reggie nodded. "And then Y/n came along and I figured I could just jam with being friends. I was so used to it at that point, and there were so many things to be distracted by. Our band was gaining traction and people were talking to us. To me. You two were so happy, and it was a little dangerous and fun and I was so relieved that I hadn't done anything, because I was watching soulmates interact properly and it was everything I ever wanted. I was glad I hadn't gotten between that." His smile faded. "And then..."
"And then you and Y/n," Luke offered. Reggie nodded. After a few seconds of silence, Luke asked, "So what do we do now?"
Shrugging, Reggie looked back at Luke. "What do you want to do?"
Luke thought about that for a second. "Well I know how happy I was with Y/n, and now the stupid things I was worried about before just won't be a problem. No one can see us unless we perform, and the person who can always sees us doesn't care. We don't have to worry like Y/n and I did. And maybe we'll see Y/n again. But we might not, and even if we do it won't mean things are going to go back to what they were. Do you... like him?" Reggie hesitated, then nodded. "Do you like me?" With less hesitation came another nod. "Can I... try something?" Yet another nod, this time with no hesitation.
His heart racing, Luke took a leap of faith. He knew himself at this point. Knew that there was only really one way to figure out his emotions. If he tried to figure it out via analysis, he'd eventually over think it until nothing made sense and he was just more confused. So he did something he knew would work. He softly grabbed Reggie's face and pulled his best friend to him until they were kissing.
When their lips touched, something seemed to unlock in Reggie. He shuddered and Luke leaned back immediately, eyes wide with nervousness. But then he saw the way that Reggie leaned in after him and he felt his heart swell and his insides warm. Reggie looked at him, unsure, but then seemingly at the same time they both grabbed each other, meeting for a passionate kiss that set them both on fire.
All either of them could think for a while was... Finally.
Luke was so happy to see Y/n getting along so well with his friends. They had met only an hour ago and Alex and Y/n had already bonded over being attracted to men. Bobby was standing back a bit, unsure how to approach Y/n and the situation implied between this new boy and Luke. Bobby didn't mind it, he knew about Alex after all. It had just surprised him because he didn't know about Luke. On top of that, he DID very much know about Y/n and his reputation, so he didn't know what to do with this person that seemed so different than the one Bobby had heard about, being seemingly romantically involved with a dude who Bobby had been sure was straight until today. Reggie and Y/n had distracted from Bobby's awkwardness by hitting it off right out of the gate with how comfortable they were with physical affection, as well as the fact that Y/n just seemed to be so quickly aware of and good with Reggie's little odd ways of doing things that were always so different than how most other people did them. Y/n was extremely insightful, and a fast learner and those two skills came in handy now.
In fact, Y/n and Reggie were getting along so well that Alex and Bobby had settled by Luke. A calm, warm air had settled in the room just like it always did when they were all together. The studio attached to Bobby's house had become like a second home for the three boys. Luke hoped that would carry to Y/n to.
After introductions, Y/n stayed for a little band practice, grinning from ear to ear as he clapped between songs. It seemed to fuel Luke, which only fueled the others. Luke's energy had always been contagious to his best friends, and now was no different. It only took one song for Bobby to warm up to the surprises he'd had tonight and this stranger he wasn't sure what exactly to do with. By the end of it, Y/n was shouting so loud Luke had to come over and gently remind him it was getting late and people might handle a band playing, but they definitely would refuse to tolerate straight up screaming. When the sun began to set, they all headed out to sit on Bobby's roof and watch the sun set as they talked about that day's practice just like they always did. Except, instead of the usual criticism and praises and general discussion, they turned to Y/n to get an third person opinion. Their mistake too, because Y/n grabbed the opportunity immediately to drown them all in praise, sparing no second or word to tell them how amazing they were and how much he loved their music.
"You play at all?" Bobby asked as Y/n began to calm down, blushing as he got self conscious at how long he'd been talking.
Thankful for Bobby sensing his rising awkwardness and distracting him from it, Y/n shot the rhythm guitarist a warm smile. "My older sister did." His smile faltered and the other boys exchanged looks before Reggie - who knew enough about siblings to recognize when someone mentioned something about them they didn't want pressed - shook his head in a firm no.
Luke took that to heart - he always trusted Reggie's instincts - and let it go. "So you've been around music a lot then. Anything you've especially taken to? Favorite band?"
Y/n smirked, but none of them were fast enough to stop him from saying, "You guys of course." The others groaned, but Luke's eyes only widened and he blushed. Y/n winked.
Eventually everyone had to go to bed. Alex, Luke, and Reggie had stayed here hundreds of times easy, but Y/n was hesitant to join them tonight. When Bobby encouraged it, finally he gave in and curled up with Luke on the couch. The first to fall asleep - to everyone's surprise - was Y/n. Bobby, who always slept in the studio when the boys stayed over, smiled at Luke. "So you found your soulmate."
That of course made Luke just beam with joy. "Yeah." Y/n had fallen asleep on Luke's chest and it was the most comfortable Luke had ever been in his light. He loved the weight of Y/n on him, reminding him every single second that this was real. "It's everything I thought it was going to be," he mused dreamily. "He just fits, like a puzzle piece. I totally thought I had everything figured out and then this person drops into the middle of my life and suddenly there's a whole other half of this picture I was sure I'd finished a long time ago..." He shook his head. "It's great."
Reggie chuckled. "So great you took, what, a month and a half to tell us about him?"
Luckily Y/n was a heavy sleeper, because if he hadn't been Luke would have woken him up with how hard he flinched. "I just didn't know how you guys would have reacted. Y/n kind of has a reputation, and I don't care obviously, but he's been through a lot of shit with people who do care and if you guys hadn't all gotten along it would have been the worst." Alex went to say something and Luke rushed to add, "And it's not that I thought you guys were dicks or anything. I just had this... fear, anyway. I mean, I've been standing by the fact that I don't really like anyone for a while and that's why most things like this haven't worked out, and it's still weird and complicated but Y/n is helping me a LOT to figure out that some attractions are different than others and..." He sighed, eyes purposefully looking away from Alex.
Sensing the core of Luke's worry, Alex reached over and touched Luke's shoulder, a genuine smile on his face. "Luke, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you figured out all the stuff you were struggling so much with back then and that you can be happy now." There was an unspoken, 'even if it's not with me' that he didn't have to say.
After that, the conversation died pretty quickly, and Bobby and Alex went to sleep too.
"Do you still think we'll be able to cuddle and stuff?" Reggie asked softly, looking up from where he lay.
Rolling his eyes, Luke answered, "Of course Reggie. The only thing that's going to change is that I might be a little less needy. I'll always be your Kas."
That made Reggie settle more, smiling to himself. There was something about thinking of Luke as HIS that made butterflies flutter in his stomach. "Good because I might've had to fight your boyfriend if that wasn't the case."
Luke chuckled. "Go to bed, Gee." After all those years, Luke had finally come up with his own, original nickname for Reggie that didn't sound stupid, and they both loved it.
Getting more comfortable, Reggie decided to do just that, right after one final, "Goodnight, Kas."
A sleepy, "Goodnight, Gee," came from Luke as they both finally drifted into sleep along with the others.
Things had been complicated, but that had been the case for far too long now, and Reggie and Luke had done everything in their power to make it as simple as possible. With the threat of being erased from existence completely looming over their heads, and no way to mend things between them and Y/n, now was as good a time as ever to let go of the past and hold on to the little time they had now. And they made it work. Despite the fear. Despite the pain. Despite once again losing all of the things that could have been and that they so wanted to be, what they did have was their soulmate mark, and that MEANT something. For now, they'd be fine with that.
Tonight was supposed to be it. They'd said their goodbyes and lined up the performance up so the boys could pass on. But they weren't showing up, and Julie Molina knew her boys well. Too well to think they'd left her again, so that meant two things. They were doubled over in pain somewhere, too incapacitated to play. Or... they were already gone. It had been too late and they'd been destroyed Julie had to do this performance completely by herself. Performing after Panic at the Disco, in one of the most sought after local gigs. In a packed auditorium.
In that moment, Julie did the only thing she knew how to. She went to her mom for help.
Rose Molina didn't show up, but someone did. A boy, maybe one or two years older than him. He was completely decked in white. Just jeans a t-shirt and everyday shoes, except he didn't have even a speck of dust or shirt on him. He was so clean that under the moonlight in the dark, dim alleyway, the boy seemed to glow. He smiled to her and extended his arm, and in his hand was a single flower.
A Dahlia.
She took it, her eyes welling with tears. She'd asked for a sign, and a boy as close to angelic as one could get without causing a scene had shown up to give her the flower that had always been her mother's favorite. He turned around and began to walk away but she rushed after him, reaching to catch his arm. She gasped when her hand went right through him. He turned as if he felt it, that soft, warm smile still on his face.
"Who are you?" She asked with a voice filled with awe.
He seemed to get sheepish. "I'm not an angel, if that's that you're thinking."
"Then what are you?" Julie asked, stepping closer.
For a second, he just thought. "A friend," is what he gave her. "When you need me most, I'll be there. I can promise that." And then he rose a single hand and waved at her before disappearing in a fashion that she had seen more than plenty of times with the boys.
After, when she tried to recall anything special about the boy other than his pristine, perfectly clean white clothes, she remembered few things. She'd been too caught up in the moment that was already packed with stress and heavy emotion and shock to think about anything else. It wasn't until after, when the boys were better and Luke had grabbed Reggie's face and kissed him in pure relief that she thought about the boy again. It wasn't much longer later - just later that night - but that had brought him into her mind was a surprise. For the first time in a long time, Julie was seeing Luke without sleeves, and as he turned to grasp his boyfriend in the heat of the moment, Julie saw his soulmate mark. Except now, it was a little different. It had two roses instead of one.
It was the exact sane mark that had been on the boy in the white clothes' hand as he waved goodbye to her.
She rushed to him touching his shoulder with wide eyes. "Luke, your soulmate mark..."
Reggie got excited, unbuttoning his shirt a little to show the matching one he had on his upper chest. "We're soulmates, Julie. Didn't we tell you that?"
"Well yeah," Julie dismissed, looking between the to marks that not only matched each others' but also the one from earlier that had been on the mystery boy's hand. "But... it changed."
Luke and Reggie looked at each other and decided silently in that moment that they couldn't handle it. Not right now. Not on top of everything else. They couldn't talk about Y/n. So Luke told a half truth. "It changed."
Immediately Julie glared at Luke. "This didn't change Luke, it doubled. Soulmate marks don't do that. They fade at best. There's been three cases total in all of the history of visible soulmate marks that completely disappeared - it's extremely rare for them to even make room for new marks, let alone create a whole new one that looks that similar to the last one you had there." Her face relaxed. "You guys are both soulmates with Y/n."
Reggie sighed, his happiness and relief melting for despair. "Yeah." He shook his head. "But can we please not talk about that? We just barely didn't completely die, and-"
"But I know where to find him," Julie rushed urgently. The two boys froze.
"What?" Luke choked out.
Julie took off, out of the room and returning back again with the Dahlia she'd received from who she now knew to be Y/n. She knew that the boys had seen him when they'd been at Bobby's house, but at the time she hadn't known who to look for and had missed him. She had gotten a description of him though here and there a few times, and from what she knew, this had to be him. If anything, the mark was enough. She didn't know why it hadn't hit her the second she'd seen the two roses, so very similar to Luke's one she'd seen before, right in the place that she knew Y/n's mark to be. Pushing that out of her mind now, she held up the flower to the boys. "When I thought you guys were gone, I went into the alley and I asked my mom to-" her voice got suddenly think with emotion and she cleared her throat, shaking her head. "I asked for a sign. Anything to let me know she was still here and watching me. That she was like you guys, or maybe somewhere else. Helping. And then Y/n showed up with THIS and told me he was a friend and that I could call on him anytime I needed him. That he would be there for me."
Luke ran a hand through his hair. "How did you know it was him?" His voice was strained, but the message still came across.
"He waved at me before he disappeared. He had the same roses on his palm, that you two do. We can find him! We can finally fix what happened all those years ago!" She grinned, her smile making the room brighter. "You guys can FINALLY go and get your man!"
Reggie and Luke looked at each other again, but this time their expressions were unreadable. When they turned back to look at Julie, she thought they were about to have a whole new purpose. Something GOOD that actually meant something. Not struggling for success, or running from life threatening danger, but something purely good that would finally help two of her four closest friends find peace with the one thing they regretted most about their lives before. Then Reggie spoke, only one word. One word that made less sense than anything Julie had heard in her entire life.
Reginald Peters opened his mouth and with complete conviction told her, "No."
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jakesullysdreads · 4 years
How would y'all feel if i started writing holiday fics??? like i know it's not even halloween, however... winter
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Welcome to Our Hell // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: Charlie asks the reader a simple question that leads the man to fall down a rabbit hole of reading. Despite the panic you felt along with your fellow writers you still introduced and helped him navigate the pool of fanfiction.
Warnings: None (it’s actually possible with me??)
Words: 1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist making a tiny blurb about the revelation that Charlie has read fanfiction, that he enjoyed reading it. I actually talked about how Owen and Charlie would react to jatp fanfiction so sorry for manifesting 😬
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Your eyes slightly glanced up from your computer to where a certain someone was humming along to an Eagles song. His hips swayed as he slipped the egg in the pan, unaware of your eyes following him. He was entirely in his own world while he left you to finish up what he was led to believe was just school work.
The innate cheerful aura the male gave off regardless of the landscape had always been one of your favourite things about him. He saw the joy and good in things most people tended to overlook. It didn’t matter if he had his guitar in his hands or a cooking tool; he’d shoot that smile that melted your heart.
“Whatcha doin’?” Charlie questioned, peering over the island in the apartment you had rented in the city.
“Just doing some work.” You replied, beginning to type once more with a sudden burst of inspiration. You barely noticed he had slid the egg onto the plate before he was at your side.
“Are you writing for Tumblr?”
That one sentence froze you. Fingers stiffened above the well-loved keyboard of your computer you’d invested a fair amount of money on. Goosebumps swarmed every inch of your skin that suddenly lost a few shades.
Your skittish gaze found purchase in the warm ocean of hazel that bore no judgment, “Did you just say Tumblr? H-how do you know Tumblr Charlie?”
The Canadian hummed in response with a thoughtful expression, “I saw this really cool artwork, and it had a link. I followed it to Tumblr. It’s such a cool site.”
“It’s a hell site.” You deadpanned at the young actor who held no contempt for the different creativity methods unleashed in the fandom. Your e/c irises stayed stuck in a battle of colour with his own eyes.
“If it’s a hell site, why do you go on it?”
“It’s like a car crash or a burning building. It’s horrifying, but you stay to see which outcome ends up winning.” You had to carefully find the words to eloquently describe why you kept returning to a site that was frustrating at times.
“There’s so much diversity from songs, traditional art, poems, dances, covers and now writing. It’s insane.” Charlie chucked as he nudged the plate of breakfast he’d cooked for you, “I’m really digging the ‘90s Lalex books-”
“Fanfics. Fics for short.” You offered the man who held a slight expression of confusion that quickly cleared up, “And the writing has been going on since the series dropped. I’d be rich for every fic that referenced Luke’s aversion to sleeves.”
The boisterous laugh filled the room as Charlie hunched over. His arms wrapped around his midsection.
“Don’t you find it weird that there are fics about you?”
“Weird?” Charlie spoke, scrunching up his nose adorably. His hazel eyes lightened further, “Y/N, I’m not weirded out. I’m honoured that I made enough impact to have people writing about me.”
A small smile broke across your face, “You totally have a secret account, don’t you?”
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“No. NO.” The whisper come in the dark of the bedroom where both sides of the couple should be sleeping. You had been before Charlie whined with his phone attached to his hand.
“Baby?” You groaned, turning to find him still invested in the world of fanfiction. His hazel eyes, tear-filled, raised to meet yours, “What are you doing up at-3am?”
“I just finished reading this adorable fic about Willex. The euphoria had me reading the next fic without reading the summary.” Charlie cried to the bedside light you’d turned when his sniffles woke you up. The near distraught man didn’t fight as you gently took his face out of his hand.
“Oh, Char.” You hummed, bringing the brunette into your arms as he mourned whatever was in the fic.
“Luke died with his girlfriend waiting in the Orpheum. She lived and began a life with Bobby..er Trevor.” Charlie whispered against the soft comforter you’d only recently bought, “They never got to say goodbye. As Luke’s portrayer, I just know the double betrayal took him to his knees.”
“Ah, you found @losttinwritings​ ‘See you Again’. That one is a doozy.” You winced, remembering the heartbreaker, “You, however, need sleep.”
Charlie’s eyes quickly met the phone sitting in between you two, “But-”
“Here.” You handed over your own phone after clicking your secondary account, “It’s one of my all-time comfort fics when I’m feeling sad. @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ always nails it out of the park but ‘Love Shack’? Immaculate.”
Charlie’s eyes flickered between the phone in his hand to your eyes twinkling in the albeit shitty lighting the cheap lamp offered. The vulnerability in your eyes at offering your blog took his breath away. This was a place where you were safe in your thoughts with no judgment.
“Oh! And @cherrymaybank​ created ‘A Romantic’. A beautiful story in the eyes of a hopeless romantic Luke and the stoic, independent reader.” You offered with a grin and sigh of happiness, “I’ll have to start tagging you in the ones I adore. Definitely gonna introduce you to @merceret​’s work; it’s always amazing regardless of how long the fic is or the distance between work. I’d wait a thousand years for her.”
Charlie’s lips spread to reveal that smile that always had you falling back in love over and over again. It even eased the panic you felt viewing Charlie’s rather honest confession he put on his Insta story. He’d caused panic within the writing community as he boldly announced his pride, awe, joy and love for all the fandom provided creatively. 
Next thing you knew, you’d started sending each other fics you’d think the other would enjoy; it often ended up with the same fic being sent. Charlie didn’t address the topic publicly to allow the buzz of panic to die down. He also never discovered your personal writing blog either, well, that you knew about.
Sometimes you’d find him sniffling over a story where Luke discovers his girlfriend was unknowingly pregnant and never got to see him child grow up. That one also tore your heart apart and you’d been the one to write it. Just a secret you’d be taking to your grave.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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blondsauduun-reads · 4 years
The Almighty Masterlist
Okay so like 99% of the fics are not mine, so I’ll credit the writer too (and you can go check their work out, because some of these are GOLDEN). And I will be linking my fav fics here because I’ve got 200 fics on here as of now (but all other fics are tagged with the character that they’re about so you can find them and read them).And they will be in chronological order of reblog, because I’m lazy, mostly. All these are character x reader/oc self-inserts.
If you read any of the fics below, make sure to like and reblog them and show the writer your support with a comment, doesn’t matter if it’s a simple I love this! Or something more elaborate and personal, it does make a difference.
Edit: since Reggie from JATP had officially a last name, the fics which I reblogged until the 9th of December will be tagged as jatp reggie, but all the ones I reblog from now on will be tagged as reggie peters.
My requests are always open, but I only write with OCs (of the person who’s requested it) and X Reader. Fem!Reader, Male!Reader and Gender-Neutral/NB!Reader are all welcome. I don’t write non-con, p*dophilia or z*ophilia.
My Fics:
JATP - Reggie - We’re The Revolution That’s Been Singing In The Rain
JATP - Juke - Really Something
EDIT: tumblr doesn’t allow more than 50 tags so the continuation of my recommendations will be linked
HERE. Or SCROLL DOWN to see the reblog directly <3
Personal Faves:
Special Mention to my bestie’s @heliads masterlist because all her work is amazing * edit. Somehow most of her links don’t work so if you want to read them just visit her masterlist linked above! She has it all perfectly organized and is great, definitely worth checking out!
MLWTWB - Alex Walter - Drunken Make Outs - @mattybstqrn
MLWTWB - Alex Walter - I’m Yours - @julieloves074
Stranger Things - Eddie Munson - she’s the devil in disguise - @letterstotheflre
Zombies - Zed Necrodopolis - Team Player - @heliads *see pink above for link
TW - Brett Talbot - The Bite - @heliads *see pink above for link
Marvel/TASM - Peter Parker - The Two Of Us - @/heliads *see pink above for link
MCU - Avengers - Kiddo - @redstarwriting
DC - Harley Quinn - Cherry Soda - @sapphicwhxre
HP - James Potter - Truth and Declare - by fave @heliads *see pink above for link
SaB - The Darkling - Time Can Heal (But This Won’t) - by bestie @heliads *see pink above for link
SaB - Jesper - Guns Blazing, Tides Rising (+part 2 +3 +4 +5) - @heliads *see pink above for link
TW - Brett Talbot - The Spring Break Lie - @heliads *see pink above for link
MCU - Bucky - First Glance - @royalwildswriting
SPN - Dean - The Hunter With The Dragon Tattoo - @watermelonlipstick
AiB - Arisu - Gaming - Part Two - @koreaweeb​ 
JATP - Juke - in his arms - @unsaidnessa
AiB - Chishiya - Marionette - @koreaweeb​ (there’s parts, this is the masterlist and this is my fav chapter and these are the reasons why)
AiB - Chishiya - Red Strings - @koreaweeb (second story to Marionette)
Hannibal - Will Graham - Lonely - @gunpowder-and-smoke​
Hannibal - Will Graham - Gradually - @darling-i-read-it​
Hannibal - Will Graham - Sparring - @darling-i-read-it​
Hannibal - Will Graham - Lost Time   - @darling-i-read-it
JATP - Luke - Shirtless - @littlemissaddict​
JATP - Reggie - About Love - @darlingsteveharrington
JATP - Reggie - Eyeliner - @julies-molina
JATP - Reggie - Little Miss Perfect - @unholyobsessions
JATP - Reggie - The Perfect Christmas - @calamitykaty
JATP - Reggie - Perfectly Entwined - @thefandomimaginesandwritingblog
JATP - Reggie - A Moment In Time - @calamitykaty
JATP – Reggie – Who Are You?  - @himoonlight (this is the first part and the other parts are here: 2 - 3 - 4
JATP – Julie Molina – My Captain - @n0wornever (there’s also a second part to this and its this )
JATP – Reggie – Second Chances  - @pythagothug (also multiple parts but are linked in the og post)
JATP – Reggie – Swedish Hologram Crush - @jaskiers-sweetkiss
JATP - Reggie – Dinner Gal  - @nooneactuallyasked (that’s part 1 there’s at least 4)
JATP – Reggie – Marker Messages - @carnationcreation
JATP - Reggie – The Four Times They Almost Got Caught (And The One Time They Were) - @carnationcreation
JATP - Reggie - Akai Ito  - @intoanothermind
JATP - Reggie – Embarrassing Encounters - @billboardofbrokendreams
JATP – Reggie – Unsteady Hands  - @sunsetgillespie (this is like, one of my most treasured fics of all time.)
Teen Wolf – Theo Raeken – Back From Hell  - @xplrreylo
JATP – Reggie – Leather Jacket  - @xplrreylo
Obey Me! – Mammon – Bangin’ Birthday  - @mammor0n
FBAWTFT – Newt Scamander – Not That Dress - @12tardis (there’s i think two more fics by this person, one with a jumper(? And one with a shirt(? Make sure to check ‘em out too!)
TO x SPN – Elijah Mikaelson – Funny-Man  - @zodiyack
TO - Klaus Mikaelson – Every King Needs An Heir  - @zodiyack (i think two parts?)
TVD – Kai Parker -  Lunchtime Sabotage - @zodiyack
TO - Kol Mikaelson – Trusting You To Trust Yourself  - @zodiyack
OBX - JJ Maybank – Study Sessions  - @ptersparkers (7 chapters of pure smut)
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Breathless (JATP Reggie x male!reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, and Works in progress!
Request: (Wattpad @ Calumm_310) dont know if youll take male reader (which is fine if you dont) but can you maybe write a oneshot about Reggie and the reader dating in secret and the boys and Julie catch them being loving or like fluff? (Reader is taller than Reggie) 
Prompt/summary:  Reggie and the reader are secretly dating and trying not to get caught by their friends.
Word Count: 1,435
Authors note: I haven’t written a male reader before so please don’t bully me, but I would love constructive comments cause I really don’t like the way I wrote this one. I just don’t know how I could make it better lol.
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Never trust someone who’s smile takes your breath away. The person that can waltz into your life and suddenly you’ve truly fallen and you don’t know what happens.
Definitely never trust someone that you want so badly but can’t have.
He saw me in the crowd at one of his concerts. When they saw my instant attraction for the bassist my friends managed to get us invited to the band’s after party.The after party was small, outside on the shore of the LA beaches.
I looked out over the ocean, I’d lost track of most of my friends an hour ago so I decided to spend my time looking out towards the setting sun daydreaming to pass the time.
I felt someone sit down beside me. 
“Listen if you want someone to drive you home I’m waiting for 3 of my friends who are probably drunk off their asses now. Taxi’s are still running.”
“I can’t just sit and talk to you?” he said. 
I looked over at the boy, his black hair was slicked back and leather jacket wrapped around him. 
“I didn’t say you couldn’t, I was just telling you,” I said.
He laughed before moving to take his jacket off and laying it on the towel under us.
“So, where you from?” he asked.
“Here, you?”
“Here. What made you come tonight?” he said.
“My friends said they’d find a way to get me laid tonight if I drove them home,” I chuckled.
“Do you want that to happen?” he leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out in front of him.
I scoffed, “Doubt it will.”
“You’re attractive, I doubt there isn’t a girl here who wouldn’t be excited to sneak out back with you,” he reached over to steal a strawberry off my plate.
“Not the kind of attention I’m looking for tonight,” I smacked his hand away from my plate but he triumphantly ate his loot. 
I shook my head to look back for my friends, unfortunately I realized how late it had gotten and knew it was time to go find my friends to make sure we get back before parents noticed we were gone. I turned back to the boy that had kept me company for part of the night, “Catch you later?”
“Sure,” he handed me a slip of paper, “call me.”
I smiled and led my very drunk friends to the car.
I didn’t get to call him the next day. That was something my friends kept bugging me about.
“You’re going to regret not calling him. A hot guy gave you his number and you’re just gonna pass on it?”
“Ally, he was probably drunk. And I’m sure he’s straight.”
Ally scoffed, “You don’t know that. He was practically hanging off you when we came back over.”
“Ally you were wasted. I’m sure he was just looking for someone to take up his time and talk to.”
Ally rolled her eyes, “Whatever, you should still call him. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“Lots of things,” I laughed.
“Just do it!” she said. I rolled my eyes but I still left her house debating on if I would or not.
I ended up calling him that night after much debate with my inner thoughts. He seemed shocked when I told him we met at the after party, he assumed I wasn’t gonna call.
“We should go on a date,” he said. He sounded so confident.
“Give me your address, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. We can watch a movie then go get food,” he said.
 I smiled, “Sounds like you’ve already got all of this planned out.”
“Oh I was thinking about our marriage ceremony when I saw you at the beach.”
I laughed at his bold statement, but in the back of my mind I wondered what he would look like in a tux.
“Fine Reginald, pick me up at 7 tomorrow.”
The next night was amazing, and the next night after that was too. Before I knew it we had been dating for two weeks. Two amazing, breathtaking weeks. Running around together at night but pretending we barely knew each other during the day.
He ended up taking me back to the beach we originally met at. It had cooled off some and the tide was low. The setting sun made Reggie look like some sort of Greek god in the golden light.
‘‘You’re staring.”
I turned back to the sea, “Can’t help it.”
“I know, it’s almost impossible not to stare at my beauty when you’re with me,” he smirked.
I looked over at him laughing and shoved his shoulder, “Don’t give yourself too much credit.”
“What?” he said smoothing his hair back, “You don’t think I’m attractive?”
“Did I say that?” I giggled.
“Well- no but-”
“Then don’t make assumptions,” I laughed.
He laughed too. He paused after a while and stared deep into my eyes. My breath was caught in my throat. Before I could process what was happening he leaned forward and kissed me. It felt like the world stopped turning.
He pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled too. We walked home that night holding hands.
I never got to meet his friends.
It was something I never asked about, I knew he wasn’t out yet and I respected his wishes to keep things quiet for now until he was comfortable introducing me as his boyfriend. That didn’t mean that I didn’t feel like I was only a secret and nothing else though.
“When do I get to meet your friends?” I asked one day.
“I promise you will,” he sighed.
I bit my lip, “You’re not... embarrassed of me right?”
“What?” he said, he placed his hand gently on the side of my face, “You make me feel alive. Like I can breathe. For the first time in forever I feel normal. I could never be embarrassed of you babe.”
I smiled and placed my hand over his rubbing my thumb gently over it. He grinned and kissed my forehead.
“Hey guys- woah...”
We turned to see Julie standing in the doorway of the garage.
“Oh, uh, hey Julie... didn’t think you were gonna be back this early...” Reggie said, he stood up and placed his hands in his pocket. My hands dropped into my lap as I forced a smile through the embarrassment of getting caught like that.
“Who’s this Reg?” she asked.
“Well...” Reggie said turning to me.
“I’m his frien-” I spoke but Reggie cut me off.
“This is my boyfriend, (Y/n).”
I looked at him in shock before that quickly turned into a smile. 
Julie kept our secret. Reggie felt so much better after telling that one person, and I kept encouraging him to be comfortable and confident in himself. As time went on he did.
“We’re gonna get caught,” I giggled.
We were in the alleyway of one of the venues he was supposed to play at tonight. I trapped against him and the wall as he kissed down my neck and onto my shoulder.
He placed a kiss at the corner of my mouth, “Okay?”
I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss.
“Reggie!” Luke said as him and Alex busted out of the stage door.
We quickly pulled away from each other and stared in surprise.
“Oh, uh, we go on in five. Let’s go dude,” Luke said.
“Wait a minute,” Alex said gently, pushing Luke out of the way and holding his hand out to me, “Hi, I’m Alex. I’m sure we would’ve met sooner if Reggie bothered to tell us anything!”
Reggie threw his hands up in defense, “We were gonna tell you soon!”
I giggled as the two bickered like siblings for a few seconds.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Julie said from the door, “Oh, hey (Y/n)!”
I waved as the other boys looked at Reggie in shock.
“She knew about you two but we didn’t? So much for best friends!” Luke yelled.
“Yeah,” Alex said, “You know what? I’m taking back our friendship bracelets.”
Reggie gasped.
“Guys! Show time. Now,” Julie snapped her fingers.
 The boys finally got the idea and moved to the door. Reggie quickly turned around and stood up on his toes to give me a quick kiss, “You got your ticket?”
I patted my pocket where the ticket stub for VIP sat.
“Good, I’ll see you after the show okay?”
“Okay,” I smiled.
He gave me one last kiss that took my breath away before running off to join the others.
Taglist: @thebookwormlife​ @talksoprettyjjx​  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse​  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything​ @larrystylinson-sus​ @lovesanimals​ @aunicornmademedoit​ @thexhotmess​ @ssprayberrythings​ @peachyxdream​ @catieiscute2001​ @julieandthephantomsblogduh​ @fangirling-allday​ @ashleyleblancx​ @alltimekp​ @wcnderwoo​ @unipanda1006​ @disgustedchild​ @aberette13​ @dpaccione​ @whyworry27​ @number-0-iz​ @musicconversedance​ @owlgirl1209​ @angelxfics​ @hamdehlesmis​ @solophantoms​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @joshy-obx​ @mochamiilk​ @caitsymichelle13​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @noncannonships​ @intoanothermind​ @etherealexsistence​ @schnapp-my-neck​
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vanillann · 3 years
inner-working of my brain: JATP edition
i saw @hellophantoms do this and i thought it was a really good idea soooo
here are some of my ideas for jatp
don’t tell papa (temporary title)
luke patterson x reader
basically the reader is the sheriffs kid and since luke is missing and a minor if they find him he has to go home. the reader finds out where luke is staying or something (i’m thinking they’re friends with reggue and he just let it slip by accident) and luke kinda like bribes them to not say anything.
possible a series or maybe just a long one shot
uptown girl
reggie peters x female!reader or luke patterson x reader idk yet
okay hear me out, reggie/luke works at a gas station that’s kinda between the downtown and uptown
he has a huge crush on this uptown girl and the guys are trying to tell him it’ll never happen but she secretly thinks he’s cute so she starts talking to them or she goes to a gig
i don’t know what this would be tbh
read all about it
luke patterson x reader
i’m think the reader is a journalist and she writes a article about how she think julie and the phantoms are just “okay” and LUKE IS CONVINCED HE CAN MAKE THE READER LIKE THE BAND
a series 100%
traitorous (temporary title)
if anyone would be interested this would be a carrie wilson x reader
the reader was a dirty candy dancer but carrie and her have a falling out and she decided to leave. she then has a conversation with julie and julie often her to help with some choreography for the band since they are big now and need better stage plots. JEALOUS CARRIE and lots of tension
could be a good short mini series
stereotypes (temporary title)
alex mercer x male!reader
probably a little funny football reader and music geek alex type thing
definitely a one shot
those are a few jatp fics i might write if y’all are interested!! i’m of course going to probably finish a few other series first but i thought i’d share!!
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"I think we should set some ground rules. First of all: this is my studio. Which means you three will show it and myself some respect. Secondly: no more of this ghosting stuff that you guys do." Y/N said.
"Ghosting stuff?" Reggie raised an eyebrow.
"You guys take my stuff, and pop-up in embarrassing situations."
"Oh, really? Name one time that's happened." Alex said.
"Oh, how bout when you ate all my cereal, Alex? How does that even work? How do ghosts even eat? Then there's Reggie, who steals the plushies from my bedroom, and drools all over them when he sleeps."
"I don't drool." Reggie said.
"You also snore." Luke adds.
"And you, Luke. You pop-up when I'm taking a shower. Or changing. Or masturbating and it's really embarrassing to do those things with a ghostly audience."
"Dude, you watch him jerk off?" Alex asked.
"Not cool, dude." Reggie said.
Luke blushed.
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Could you do a Luke patterson x male reader where aside from julie the male reader can accidentally see and makes fun of luke when he tries to flirt with him? But little did he know luke has a surprise for him in the end?”
“The nerve of that guy," you ranted as you followed Julie back to her mom's old studio after the garage party that she and her hologram band had just performed at. "Who the hell does he think he is, winking and blowing kisses at me like that when he doesn't even know me?"
Julie laughed, clearly amused by your palpable frustration. "That's just how Luke is," she grinned, tugging open the large barn-style doors and leading you into the studio. She dutifully ignored the way her bandmate perked up at the sight of you, quickly setting his guitar to the side and springing to his feet so he could approach the two of you.
"Julie, you didn't tell me you were bringing your cute friend over!" he whined, pretty brown eyes flickering between you and the singer. "I'd have gone to get him some flowers or something! Does he like flowers?" He ran a hand through his disheveled curls, absent-mindedly trying to fix them as he studied you. "Y’know, I'm almost not mad that he can't see me; a normal person would probably be a little weirded out right now."
Julie huffed at the ghost's antics, turning back to look at you. She was taken aback by the way you were looking right at Luke. "(M/N)?" She prompted, your silence starting to worry her.
You flinched a little, startled from your thoughts when your best friend addressed you. "Hey Jules, didn't you say the guys in your band were from Sweden?"
"Yeah?" She answered warily, pushing a wave of dark curls back over her shoulder as she moved to claim one of the arm chairs under the window, "Why?"
You huffed out a soft laugh as you turned back to Luke, "Either he's a 
 way from home, or you've got some explaining to do." With that, you brushed past Julie's bandmate to yo sprawl out across your favorite couch.
A surprised gasp escaped the brunet as he realized what you meant, "You can see me?!" he asked, vanishing from his place near the door and reappearing next to you on the couch, "How are you able to see me?"
You shrugged, turning your attention back to your phone, if only so you wouldn’t have to see the awed glint in his eyes as he looked at you. 
“I knew you were special when I first saw you,” he declared with a grin as he settled down beside you, pulling his guitar back into his lap.
You snorted, chancing a look over at him as he began to pluck idly at the chords. “Is that what brought on the awful flirting?”
Julie laughed, smiling softly at the sight of the two of you together, “Oh, trust me, that wasn’t that bad; he wanted me to give you a note that he wrote that said ‘Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only ten I’d like to see’.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, a surprisingly fond grin forming despite your best efforts to suppress it as you looked over to the blushing ghost. “Oh, really?”
He looked up from worrying the chords of his guitar under his fingers then, brows furrowed low over warm brown puppy-dog eyes, “Keep makin’ fun of me like that and you’re never gonna get your surprise.”
You raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Julie curiously. She shrugged, so you returned your attention to the guitarist, “Surprise?”
“Yeah, I’ve been working on it since the concert,” he grinned, “But you’re gonna have to agree to go on a date with me before I’ll let you hear it.”
“Hear it, huh?” You hesitated for a moment, but your curiosity quickly outweighed your trepidation. “Fine,” you relented.
Luke grinned blindingly up at you, “Perfect. I’ll meet you Friday at seven-” he paused, like a thought had just struck him. “Wear somethin’ nice; the Hollywood Ghost Club is pretty exclusive.”
With that, he vanished into thin air, leaving you wondering just what you’d gotten yourself into.
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Drive By ~ L.P. (Part 1)
A/n: I have a discord I’m part of! I’m gonna add it to every jatp fic I have, so you’ll get updated links as I post or if you just ask because I don’t know how to do permalinks lol. Have fun reading!
Word Count: 5300+
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"What are you smiling so widely about?" The teasing question came from Luke and was directed at Alex, who had come into the room blushing with a smile wide and bright enough to outshine the artificial lighting.
"Nothing," Alex dismissed, hopping down from the piano he'd manifested on top of. "Willie just answered a lot of questions and now I feel a lot better about what's going on." They'd just gotten done talking about Julie joining the band and how Alex had met a new ghost friend on his walk.
Reggie's eyebrows came together and he reached out, catching Alex's wrist with both of his hands to still the boy. "What's that?" In dark ink, almost like a tattoo, words were set into the base of Alex's wrist. "I didn't know you had a tattoo, and why does it say 'I think you dinged my board'?"
Alex ripped his arm away from Reggie, but the damage had already been done. As Alex looked over at Luke, he could see in the guitarists' eyes what was about to happen. "You found your soulmate?" Luke asked, a slightly bitter tone already in his voice. His nose was scrunched up a little. Not in hate or disgust per say, but edging toward those emotions. Like he was ready for Willie to be a total jerk or hurt Alex.
"Yeah," Alex slowly admitted. Reggie shot Alex an apologetic look but Alex just shook his head. Reggie hadn't done anything wrong. Normally it would even be a good thing, like when Julie had spent hours talking to him about Flynn and how happy she was that Flynn had been her soulmate. Luke wasn't Julie though. Before Luke could go off like he was getting ready to, Alex stood up to his full height, determination setting in his eyes. "And you know what? I'm glad I did. Willie is really great, and it's nothing like they used to say soulmates were. It isn't forced or weird or magically easy. I don't feel addicted to him. It wasn't even like we were flirting with each other or anything. It was really chill and nice, and he was funny and easy going and listened to what I had to say and understood my feelings and helped me. He's a good guy."
Luke was suddenly very interested in his guitar. "I'm happy for you." His tone didn't support his words.
It was hard, because Alex knew that any other time Luke WOULD have been incredibly happy for him. He'd have wanted to know every detail and have hyped him up and been excited and invested in the story like he always was. Luke would have been more than happy to tease and laugh and be so, so very happy for him just like he said. He'd have smiled and hugged Alex, because he knew how hard this had been for Alex. How he'd always thought he'd die without ever really falling in love and then he DID and now despite everything he has answers and a cute boy who's interested in him and a promising relationship waiting to bloom.
But Luke wasn't, and it was all due to the fact that Luke had a soulmate once and swore them off ever since. Sometimes... Sometimes Alex wished Luke had never met Y/n.
It had been a good performance, and Luke was tired. He wanted to go back to the studio and burn off the rest of his performance high with lots of snacks and a good movie, right beside his best friends, like they did after every performance. Before that though, they drank lots of water so they could drive home without passing out. It had happened once and Reggie had sprained arm. He'd sat out the next performance and they all made a rule to be more careful about self care so it wouldn't happen again. They would have just canceled the gig but Reggie would have killed them. They did learn however they hated not performing with everyone present, so here they were.
Because they were just performing at a little bar on a slow night, there weren't many people around. They also weren't a big enough band to perform at somewhere they could get a real bad stage, so they all just sat on the bar, sipping on water so they wouldn't hurt their stomachs. Luke had thrown up once and it was another lesson they'd taken to heart.
As the guys were refueling, a girl approached them. Her smile was wide and she took the open seat next to Luke. Alex had been sitting there but he'd gotten up to use the bathroom. "Hi," she greeted. Her cheek rested on her hand and her eyes sparkled.
Bobby was immediately returning a flirty, "Why hello." He'd always been more of a charmer than the others. Luke was a close second, but Bobby did it more often than he did because Luke didn't like what usually happened when you flirted with someone.
The girl ignored Bobby though, turning to the lead singer, who currently far too busy shoving his face full of food to pay attention to her. 'Hey, slow down or you'll get a stomach ache," Reggie reminded.
Luke nodded and then swallowed, breathing for a few seconds before going to take another, smaller bite. He paused when the girl cleared her throat. "Uh, hi," he said hesitantly, only now registering she'd been talking to him. For some reason.
Her smile grew when he greeted her. "You're Luke, right?" She leaned against the counter, draping herself in an odd way.
Despite how much he hated when people did this, he wasn't thick enough to not know when it was happening. He wiped his mouth, offering an awkward smile. "Uh yeah. What's your name?"
"You can call me anything you like," the girl responded evenly. Her bright hair moved fluidly as she twirled it around her finger. She was pretty, Luke could admit that. Her eyes were a bright blue, and her clothes were a nice silver, which went well with her deep tan.
Unfortunately for her, he wasn't interested. "I'd prefer to just call you your name if that's okay with you."
Her eyebrow arched in surprise. She seemed like the type of girl who dealt with people like Bobby or Reggie. People who were into her and didn't often say no when offered the chance. She was attractive, and probably popular. Luke just... didn't want what she did, and what she wanted was getting more clear by the second. Before she could make some comment that would probably make him feel even more awkward, he slipped off the stool and began to move away from his friends, using it as an excuse to dismiss the girl. She only followed after. "Oh come on," she drawled. "You're hot. I'm hot. We'll have lots of fun. I promise I'll be worth your time." She stepped in front of him, stopping his path and hooking her finger into his collar, pulling him closer to her.
Luke felt panic begin to rise. He'd never had someone come onto him this strong before. Usually they backed off pretty quickly after he made it clear he wasn't interested. What could he say to her to make her lose interest that would make sense without offending her? He didn't want to be mean but... he was the last person to sleep around, even after Alex who was gay in a world that hated people like him. A world that demanded him to keep it secret. HE was more sexually active than Luke was. To say, Luke wasn't. "Listen..." he began slowly, feeling his nervousness twist his gut. His friends had told him so many times that it was okay he didn't want to be with people like Reggie and Bobby did, the same way that Alex didn't want to be with girls like that. It was fine. Yet, every time he had to face it in a situation with someone who might not be so forgiving, he felt the weight of the world on his chest. Not all people were like Alex, Bobby, and Reggie.
"Darling, you're breathtaking." The low purr came from a new body. A hand touched Luke's arm with the most gentle pressure, just enough to nudge Luke backward so the new person could pay attention to the girl. All Luke saw was hair and broad shoulders, but he was distracted suddenly by a weird tingling where the person had touched him. A guy, he realized. "I can't believe there's anyone here that can't see how absolutely beautiful you are." The man rose a hand to brush the girl's cheek with a thumb. Her shining eyes turned to him, taking in his charm in gulps. The man's arm moved to go around her shoulders as he tucked her into his side, burying his nose in her hair to leave a little kiss on her forehead. "What do you say we ditch this poor soul who's so obviously blind and have some fun of our own?"
The girl blushed. "Oh definitely."
An odd feeling went through Luke when the guy made eye contact with him and winked. He turned away from the couple as they began to walk away, hurrying back to his seat. He sat down, trying to get the guy's face out of his head. He'd never been exactly blind to how attractive some people were, but usually it was easy to ignore or forget. This guy... his mind was packed with this guy. Everything about him that Luke had seen in those short moments before he'd left. How he'd smiled at Luke with a look that said he knew Luke had been trying to get out of the situation. Almost like a little 'you're welcome'. And if he was honest, he was thankful.
"Hey, what's that?" Reggie grabbed Luke's shoulder, stilling him so he could get a better look.
"What?" Luke looked over, but he could only see the tip of something inked on his shoulder. It was just out of view for him to see any better.
Bobby moved over then, a smirk growing on his face as his eyes widened. "That's a soulmate mark."
There was a tension between the three boys for a second. Everyone knew that soulmates were a huge taboo, but with all the things between them that were taboo, it was kind of thrilling too. Bobby shrugged off his jacket, offering it to Luke. "Probably a good idea," Luke agreed, putting the jacket on and covering the mark. Even if all of them were cool about it, other people might not be. He could get it tattooed over later or something.
Three full days and no one had stopped talking about Alex and Willie. Willie seemed really cool and Luke was easing up a bit, but when the conversation turned that way he found himself usually drawing away, focusing on cleaning his guitar or writing more lyrics. Today he was fiddling around with a melody quietly, a pencil in his mouth and his lyric journal on the floor next to him. He absently rose a hand to tug at the collar of his shirt. He'd never really gotten used to how high the collar went, or the feeling of fabric against his shoulders. He had always worn cut off sleeves, but had changed it after...
He felt suddenly ill.
"You know we still have some of your old shirts," Alex comments casually. "Most of them are cut off actually. You could wear one of those instead." He spoke with a soft voice, and Luke looked over to see Julie and Reggie going off about Flynn. Of course Alex wasn't one to call Luke out in front of anyone else, but he'd still had to check just in case.
Luke's eyes fell back to the song he was sort of writing. "No it's fine. The sleeves cover... my shoulder."
Alex didn't have to ask, but there was something in his expression. "You know you don't have to hide it here," the blonde reminded gently. "Julie and I have our marks too, and-"
"I know," Luke cut off. "I just... don't want her to ask about it." His eyes flickered to Julie before moving away again.
This time Alex nodded and let it drop. "What song are you working on?" Luke smiled, appreciating his friend more than ever. Luke didn't get to respond though because Reggie began to come over. He was holding Julie's glass of water, thrilled by the fact that he wasn't dropping it.... He tripped though, spilling the water all over Luke's shirt.
"Crap!" Reggie hissed, his eyes widening with guilt. "I'm so sorry, Luke."
Laughing it off, Luke rolled his eyes as he moved to his feet, putting his guitar down. "It's fine Reg." He pulled out another shirt, pushing down the way he wanted to glare at it as he pulled off the wet shirt to change into the new, dry one.
Julie's eyes went wide. "You have a tattoo?"
Luke suddenly froze. He tossed the wet shirt by his other stuff, forcing himself to move to cover his midrift again. "No, I don't."
Alex made an expression between pained and amused. "Guess there goes keeping Julie from asking," he mumbled quietly.
As if on que, Julie asked, "What is it?"
Now, Luke could have lied. But he hadn't, and he didn't want to. He hated lying, especially to bandmates. "It's a soulmate mark. It appeared the first time my soulmate touched me." He pulled his shirt the rest of the way down, covering the mark. Without even thinking about it, he tugged at the sleeve. He'd never worn sleeves before using them to cover his mark. He'd always passed it off as a tattoo, but when the mark had just turned into a bad reminder, he'd started covering it up for himself.
Julie didn't pick up on the tone of his voice though. He had played it casual, so he didn't blame her, especially as she rushed up to him with shining eyes and a wide smile. "Wait what? You have a soulmate? How come you never told me?"
"Because I HAD a soulmate," Luke answered softly, offering a small smile in response to her enthusiasm. It turned a little bitter when he continued, "I don't. Anymore."
Suddenly Julie looked really guilty. "Luke, I-"
"It's okay," he dismissed quickly. "That's just why I don't usually engage in soulmate conversations." He forced his smile to brighten. "Now, where were we?" Seeing his urgency, the others shared looks before moving the conversation onward. They talked about soulmates around him a lot less after that.
Hey, wait!" Luke's eyes had caught the guy that had saved him earlier as he moved through the crowd. Luke picked up his pace, reaching out to catch the guy's arm. Suddenly they were looking at each other straight on. Luke was a little shorter, but he was a little shorter than most people so it wasn't new. "Sorry, I just wanted to thank you for earlier." He felt his body heat up under the stranger's gaze. "I... thought you would have left."
A smile rose to the stranger's face. "I don't exactly require a lot of space to handle business." When Luke drew back, the man ducked his head. "Sorry I didn't mean to be vulgar, I'm just used to people... anyway." He shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. Not everyone likes to get attention like that from people, and I have no issue stepping in when it's required." His fingers tapped against his leg, his demeanor a lot different from the flirty, confident front he'd put on earlier. 
Luke swallowed, trying to pull himself together. "Uh... what's your name?"
The guy's shoulders sagged, as if he was disappointed by the question. "Y/n. Yours?"
"Luke," Luke responded. "Listen, I was just wondering-"
"Look," Y/n began, a sudden tiredness coming into his features. "I get that you're not into girls and that's fine, but I've already had sex tonight and I'm really not in the mood to-"
"What?"  Luke's face screwed up in confusion. "I don't want to do that. With anyone, let alone you. I... I'm into girl. And guys. But- I- That's not why I-" His face burned hotter. "Listen." He reached forward, grabbing Y/n's palm. He turned it up, to reveal what he was so hoping would be there. A mark, in the shape of a rose. It looked a lot like a tattoo, just without any color. The details were outlined in black ink - even the thorns on the stems. He felt thrilled when he saw it, angling his body to show the exact same mark on his shoulder. "I know we all grew up on the same stories. But I thought... maybe we could get a drink? Talk? I'm the first one of my friends to get a mark and I'd hate to lose the chance to act on it." He shuffled nervously, ready for rejection.
By the look on Y/n's face, it might be harsher than he wanted to face. Y/n surprised him though with a gentle, "I don't think you want me. I- I know we're soulmates, and this has nothing to do with you being a guy, or the whole weird thing most people have with soulmate bonds. I just... I'm not the best person. People don't usually stick around for long."
There was something in what Y/n said that pulled at Luke. "Maybe I could change that. I'm planning on sticking around for a while. How about you?"
Hope of the kind Luke had never seen before filled Y/n's eyes and Luke was rocked breathless by the sight. "You promise?"
"On my life," Luke swore. "At least give me one date to prove I'm not a total waste of time."
Y/n grinned. "You have one date." Luke pumped his fist and Y/n laughed. "Now what did you have in mind?"
Luke plopped next to Julie on the couch, concern already on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, slowly reaching out to rub her arm. Alex was on the other side of her, laying on his chest. The two had gotten really close in all their talk about soulmates but when Alex had shot him a plea for help, Luke had been plenty willing to jump in.
"Yeah," Julie sides, picking up her head. "Flynn and I just got in a fight. It was dumb, I just... Someone made a comment asking about 'my boyfriend' after the performance yesterday. Claiming we were together. They were talking about you." She sighed and Luke felt like he was the worst person to get involved in this, but one look from Alex made him stay where he was. "I told them you weren't my boyfriend, and the conversation moved on. She was a little annoyed that I didn't mention she was my girlfriend, I guess? And then went off about how you're into me or something?" She shook her head.
Luke's eyes went wide. "Wait what?"
"I know!" Julie gushed. "I tried to defend you, because we all know that's kind of just how you are with everyone. I mean people also think you're dating Reggie and that's not true..." Suddenly her head tilted. "Is it?"
Despite the tense feeling of the situation, Luke laughed. "Uh, no." Then he considered it, and tilted his head in thought. "I mean, not that I'd pass up the chance if it came. Just-"
Seeing him struggling, Julie supplied, "Your soulmate?" Luke hesitated before sighing and nodding. "When did you..."
"Not long before the night we died, actually. A month max? Time started to kind of blur  as things got more intense and trying to get over a break up and stuff." He shrugged.
Julie nodded. "That makes sense." She hesitated, but finally asked, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, of course, but... what was she like?"
That made Luke smile. "He."
Her eyes widened. "Really?"
He laughed. "Yeah, really. Uh, I mean it was actually Alex who helped me come to terms with that whole me being attracted to dudes thing." He shook his head. "Anyway-"
Julie chuckled. She calmed, her eyes settling on Luke with a gentle curiosity. "What was he like?"
Immediately Luke remembered a time when things were amazing. When life had seemed truly good since he'd run away from home. "He was... like, a light. In a really dark part of my life, he came to me like sunlight in the morning? You know when the nights really dark and the clouds cover the stars and the moon just isn't enough and then the sun rises and it's almost a relief? It's like that. I had enough before him, but after... It was like everything I needed - everything I'd ever wanted or dreamed about or thought of - it was just right there. A whole person made of my dreams." He got a sort of dreamy smile on his face. "He was always so warm and soft. He used to... trace it." He rose his hand so his fingers ghosted over the mark on his shoulder. "When he did, it sort of tingled. Like this warm sensation that rippled across my skin. It always did that when he touched it. I usually did it more though. I'd hold his hand in my lap and just like stroke the mark. Cause his was on his hand, below his thumb. He used to call me his flower because of it." A bubbly laugh rolled from him and Alex and Reggie looked at each other in surprise. They hadn't seen Luke like this since...
Julie's eyes were very soft. "He sounds amazing."
"He is." Luke's smile suddenly faded, slowly. His fingers grazed the rose again. "He dances like I play music. He was really good at it. All kinds of dancing actually. He used to slow dance with me all the time. Just pulling me close when it was just us and swaying back and forth. He did actual dancing too, but I loved slow dancing with him the most. If he was feeling really restless he would HOARD spray paint and sneak out. The next day we'd wake up with some street art of our band. It's how we did most of our advertising back then. No one could ever pin it on us because we didn't do it, and no one knew me and Y/n were..." Suddenly Julie realized why Luke looked so sad while talking about something that was obviously such a happy time. "I mean, two guys are soulmates in a world where both soulmates and anything nonheteronormative is demonized? I was trying to make a band that was gonna get really popular and do a lot of incredible things and we couldn't even DREAM of being caught together, let alone going public. Girls would still flirt with me all the time, and I got distracted really easily with practices and writing music." He shrugged. "I always thought that soulmates were... different, I guess. I learned my lesson." He stood, putting his guitar down. "I'm done for today. I'll see you guys later." He walked out and Julie almost went after him, but Alex shot her a look.
"Well that went well," Julie mumbled, sitting down again and rubbing her face.
Alex sighed. "About how well it always goes." He shook his head. "But anyway. How about we figure out how to get you back on Flynn's good side?" He winked and Julie managed to actually smile. Luke hadn't had luck with soulmates, but she had. The past was the past. It was time to enjoy the now, until Luke was ready to really talk about it.
Luke wasn't sure what he had walked in on, but it was obviously something he wasn't supposed to have. When he opened the garage door, the muffled sounds of an argument trying to be hushed died out immediately and of all people, Reggie and Y/n were the ones who stepped away from each other to break out of whatever heated exchange they'd been having.
Since Y/n and Luke had started... whatever it was they were, Y/n and Reggie had become like best friends. At first Luke had been a little jealous, but at the end of the day he was just glad that his two favorite people had someone when he was busy as he so often was. Bobby and Alex were important to him of course, but Y/n was his soulmate and he and Reggie had known each other the longest. Sometimes he felt like there was a disconnect between him and Alex; the same with Bobby. He and Reggie were always on the same wavelength though. Even when Reggie missed something, he always got the idea or figured it out after a second. He was slower to do so when it came to the others. Y/n was the same way, as if he was just an extension of Luke's body. Rather than an echoed return, it was just one fluid motion. He and Reggie bounced off each other and built; he and Y/n slowly grew together, feeding off a constant wave of energy. Reggie and Y/n were like a game of hot potato, where the potato got hotter each time they threw it. They had that same gaining effect, but not an echo or a constant, just a little bit of energy from each until it was overflowing. The three of them were kind of unstoppable and anytime they could all hang out, it was the most fun any of them had ever had.
That didn't seem to be the case right now.
Y/n snagged his bag, throwing it over his shoulder. "Hey." His voice was strained, and all of his muscles seemed to be tense. He couldn't focus directly on Luke, his eyes constantly drifting to the door. He wanted to book it.
Luke caught Y/n's shoulder, his eyes full of concern. His eyes drifted between the boy trying to run and the one still in the studio, retreating to the furthest corner - seeming just as desperate to escape. "Wait what's happening here?" Luke asked. "You guys never fight." When they didn't answer, he pressed, "Come on, maybe I can help. Friends argue all the time; it's not a good idea to leave on a bad note."
Despite how odd it was, he did not miss at how the two flinched at the word 'friends'.
Finally, someone spoke. "It doesn't matter, dear." Y/n didn't relax, and the small smile he managed onto his face was so forced it was painful to look at. Luke went to argue, but Y/n rose a hand and caressed his cheek and Luke got distracted for a second - just long enough for Y/n to add, "Just some talking between friends." The word came out harder than the others. Friends. Luke was even more confused. "It was stupid to argue about. Some people just have their minds set, and that's it."
Luke's eyebrows came together, eyes moving between Y/n and Reggie. "You know you guys could... tell me, right?"
"Of course," Y/n reassured. "We just..." He sighed. His walls fell and Luke relaxed, knowing whatever was about to come out of his mouth would be genuine. "Can we just not talk about it please? It's something we need to deal with."
That was understandable. Luke could let it go for now.
Luke was glad he couldn't dream anymore. It had taken him a while to figure out he could go to sleep. He didn't tire like he used to, and usually any exhaustion he felt faded pretty quickly if he just sat down and relaxed for a few minutes. He had been nervous the first time he'd fallen into what he now considered sleep, and had woken up pretty quickly. But then he realized he'd been out for half an hour and he hadn't had any dreams. Not like when he had when he was alive.
Y/n wasn't in his dreams now that he was dead.
If he was being honest though, in the very back of his brain, he did miss it. He missed going to sleep knowing that he would be lulled all night by imaginary arms, dreaming of a life he yearned for. A life he missed. A relationship he so regretted losing.
Without the dreams, he started to imagine. Just out of nowhere, if he wasn't engaged in something important, he might just sort of... zone out. And he would think. Think about what things used to be like when Y/n was still around. What life might have been like if Luke had been better. Just, in general. They'd never even called each other boyfriends. The title had never been used, and Luke knew it was because their relationship didn't deserve that. They cuddled sometimes and kissed sometimes and knew each other well, but Y/n had never been Luke's first priority. Of course his music was important but...
The night they'd... broken up? No, that was for people who dated. It was more of just a parting of ways. They'd argued and then Y/n had walked out and like an idiot, Luke had let him. He hadn't gone after Y/n, or tried to fix it after. He'd just lost himself in music and the thrill of being so close to fame and victory. It hadn’t been until he was dead and had realized he’d missed twenty-five YEARS that he even thought about Y/n again.
And now he couldn’t STOP thinking about Y/n. How wonderful and special their time together had been and how much Luke absolutely didn’t deserve it. How he had ruined everything and just let it be ruined. He had been too ashamed to go looking for Y/n because he knew it would only bring him pain. Seeing him with someone else - or even worse, still alone - it would kill him. Again.
What really sucked is that Luke was back to exactly where he’d been when he was alive, after Y/n had left. He was distracting himself with music and work and shutting everyone else out and refusing to talk about it or acknowledge it or anything, and WANTING to go back and fix it but being far, far too terrified to. The result was that Y/n was just always on his mind, more prominent than ever, because now he had so much more guilt. So much more pain, watching all his friends be happy and in love. It was all so much harder to ignore.
Maybe that was why he saw Y/n across the street as they stood outside Bobby’s house, Julie telling them off for going after Bobby and holding onto the past when there was so much in the present to focus on.
Luke suddenly couldn’t hear a single thing Julie was saying.
He stepped past her, eyes wide and heart racing. He had forgotten how beautiful Y/n was. Maybe it was a weird word to use for a guy but... GOD it fit.
The weird thing was that Y/n wasn’t a day older than the last time Luke had seen him. So for a second he thought that maybe he was just imagining it. But the longer he looked, the more clear Y/n became. He wasn’t looking at Luke. His eyes were focused on Bobby’s house, anger twisting his features. And then someone passed him, a woman and her child, and they walked right through Y/n and the small child, a little girl, jumped, eyes wide as Y/n seemed to become clear to her. She dropped her toy and Y/n ran to pick it up and hand it back to her, a soft smile on his face. She took it back with a look of awe and then hugged her little toy close, a huge smile on her face.
She said something to her mom and Luke didn’t know how but he HEARD it.
“Mommy! Mommy! The angel helped me!”
Luke took another step forward. “Y/n?” He only whispered it. He was sure the others hadn’t even heard it, let alone Y/n from all that distance away. But he looked anyway, as if answering to his name, and his and Luke’s eyes locked.
Behind him, someone gasped and someone else shouted in a voice flooded with concern.
Then Y/n disappeared, and with him, Luke felt his heart shatter all over again.
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crabat-the-queen · 3 years
♫Alex Mercer Imagine - JATP♫
Series: Julie and the Phantoms (Netflix) Love interest: Alex Mercer x male reader
Request:   “I was wondering if I could request an Alex x reader (he’s bisexual). So Alex and the reader would be together, and the reader would be having a really bad day with everything going wrong. So at the end of the day She calls him and he comes over, and if you feel comfortable, maybe they make out in order to get her mind off of everything that went wrong. If you don’t feel comfortable, than maybe just a movie night to distract her.”
^I changed it to male reader^
Some info before start: (Y/N) = your name (Y/F/N) = your full name (H/C) = your hair color (H/L) = your hair length (E/C) = your eye color (F/C) = your favorite color
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You woke up to an empty bed in your ‘shared’ house close to where Julie Molina lives.
You are a lifer, with a ghost as a boyfriend. When you first met Alex and the boys you didn’t believe they were ghosts or musician spirits, as they prefer. So you walked straight up to Luke and smacked him on the shoulder, it was funny because it didn’t go through but when Julie tried she went straight through. So you created a special bond with the 3 special ghosts. Reggie became your best friend, and Luke became more of a brother than a best friend. Alex, he became your lovely boyfriend. All that happened 4 years ago. The band is growing every day and they are quite popular.
You moved into your own house with Alex 2 years ago.
Today was definitely not your day. When you woke up your bed was empty no Alex insight. So you rolled over and accidentally rolled out of bed and hit your head on the nightstand and hit the carpet with a loud groan. You just laid there, down on the cold, soft carpet with only your underwear on. Suddenly it became too cold and you shot up from your position on the floor, you accidentally pushed your clock on the floor so it shattered.
“Arrrggghhhh!” you screamed. “Could this day be worse!” you screamed while looking up at your ceiling. You didn’t want to collect the pieces instead you grabbed your pajamas and put them on while walking out of your bedroom and into your kitchen and decided that you would start the day out with some coffee. You poured the hot, new-made coffee into your favorite mug and walked out of the kitchen to the living room and watch some Netflix. You didn’t get very far before you tripped and the hot coffee spilled onto the floor. You were lucky that you didn’t spill anything on yourself. You walked over to the coffee table and placed the mug down. You decided to run to the kitchen to get something to remove the coffee from the floor. After 15 minutes the floor was clean, and now your coffee was cold.
‘Shitty life.’ You thought to yourself. You took the mug of cold coffee and held the coffee out into the sink. You placed your mug hard down onto the kitchen island, and walked over to the couch, and jumped onto it. You took the remote and turned on the tv and chose to watch ‘Fast Five.’ You snuggled down into the couch but you missed someone... Alex. You missed his warmth his comforting soothing voice. You closed your eyes for a bit and when you opened them again the tv was turned off. Everything in the house was turned off. None of your electricity worked.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you broke down, the tears flooded down your cheeks, you screamed, and hit the couch unstoppable. You calmed a little bit down and grabbed your phone and called Alex.
“Hi babe.” Alex said in a happy voice.
“Hi.” You sniffled.
“What’s wrong?” He asked concerned.
“Ca-can you come home? Pl-please.” You sniffled and the tears began flooding down your cheeks again.
“Alright I will be there.” With that he ended the call.
Not even five minutes after he came barging through the front door, and searched for you.
“Babe?” He called out. He heard a sniffle from the living room. He entered and saw your broken stage on the couch, tears poured out of your eyes and down your beautiful cheeks and dripped down to your now very wet shirt. He ran over to you and sat next to you, he immediately pulled you into a hug. Alex didn’t like seeing you like this, so he silently cried with you.
“What happened?” Alex asked you softly.
“M-my day has been the worst. Fir-first I fell out of bed, then I-I broke the clock, then I spilled cof-coffee on the floor, then all the electricity stopped,” you said between deep breaths and sniffles.
“Oh (Y/N)” he hugged you tighter. He pulled slightly away to look at your red puffy eyes, there still were wet from the all the crying.
“I’m so sorry Alex,” you said looking down.
“(Y/N) look at me,” he said softly. You looked slowly up and met his eyes. He took your face into his hands and looked deeply into your eyes. “It’s alright, everyone has bad days, it’s not your fault.” He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. He wiped your tears away this his thumbs. You managed to show a little smile. You noticed the tears on his cheeks. You kissed both his cheeks softly to remove the tears from his cheeks.
“Can you stay with me?” you asked.
“As long as you wan’t,” he smiled and kissed you on your lips. You rested your arms on his shoulders and fumbled with his neck hair.
“Are you okay now?” he asked against your lips. You pulled away and slowly nodded yes. He smiled and kissed you again more passionate.
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♫ I hope this was a great one, requests is still open! ♫ ♫ Love: your writer Crabat♫
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starjane312 · 4 years
Requesting Informations
Julie and the Phantoms Imagines (Closed)
Hey guys,
I’m going to make some JATP charakter Imagines and if you like you can request. Just text my Tumblr.
I just need to know what you want in your story, how you look, your name, your personality, the Charakter you want.
It can be about anything you want Fluff, Angst and Both
I don’t do shipping Imagines, probably won’t write for Bobby and only Alex x male or sister same for Willie. I’ll do shippings for the story line like if you request it e.g Luke x reader with Willex and Julie x Flynn or something.
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Instant Connection // Male!reader x Alex
Summary: Reader finds the blonde-haired drummer from the surprise performance at the spirit rally to be cute. So cute he gained your full attention at a school function you could barely tolerate, especially when Carrie and her clones performed some over the top number.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, this is a male!reader
Words: 1.3k
Pairing: male!reader x Alex (JATP)
A/N: For all the guys that don’t get represented enough in fandoms. I really hope I did this justice and didn’t insult anyone because that wasn’t my intention.
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Blasting music from your phone bought with the hard-earned money you sketched out a new season concept. Feet kicked up on the bench your focus on your hand smoothing over the paper in the latest sketchbook. Music was as loud as it could be to block out another performance by Carrie and the Mimics or whatever they were called. A tap on your shoulder brought your attention to one of your best friends, Nick.
“Hey, man. Guys are meeting up after school?” Nick spoke leaning down from his bench level, “I know it’s been weird with your switching to baseball but-“
“Don’t you have a new leash to pick out with Carrie? You should get pink to make her pop culture rip off.” You spoke, pushing one hand through your short locks of hair settling your gaze on Nick, “Besides Jason just doesn’t like that I’m into guys.”
Jason was a close-minded pig that had harassed you after seeing you miss another guy like it wasn’t 2020. You didn’t regret leaving the lacrosse team other than losing time with your best friend. Nick was by far the most accepting out of everyone.
“What did you think?” The bubbly tone asked, leading you to see that Carrie had snuck into the general vicinity of you. You had nothing really against the girl, you were flattered when she had pursued you romantically before clicking with Nick, “Hey Y/N.”
“Carrie.” You spoke, placing your art tools into the opened backpack at your feet. Climbing to your full height, you started out the door with the bag slung over your shoulder.
You were halfway to the door when the keyboard came to life on stage, unexpectedly causing some students to slow their movements. Turning to the stage, there was a girl nervously sitting scanning the room. Julie Molina was a childhood friend with a passion for music, although it was locked away after she lost her mother.
“C’mon Julie.” You breathed stepping closer to the stage just as she gained the confidence to play. The pride was growing, but It altered with the sudden appearance of three very attractive guys playing alongside her.
“Whoa.” Nick spoke, stepping up beside you in complete surprise, “Julie’s playing again.”
You mutely replied, meeting the gaze of the blonde-haired drummer having the time of his life with energy so breathtaking. God, you had a thing for blonde guys. The drummer met your gaze with an electric gaze that you swore caused goosebumps.
“Of course it’s the blonde guy.” Nick snickered shoving his shoulder against your side as you were taller than the lacrosse player. The entire school crowded around the stage as everyone lit up more than they had in years. Music wasn’t like this anymore, and you actually enjoyed it.
“Damn they are good.” You breathed scanning the three guys boosting Julie into performing, “It’s about time.”
Nick nodded, “It’s nice to see she’s getting back to normal.”
“Go, Julie!” You shouted with cupped hands earning a surprised look from the Latina girl having the time of her life on stage. Julie hadn’t realized how much she missed performing until this moment where everyone connected to the music.
You, like everyone else, gasped when Julie walked right through the guy in the cutoff muscle tee with the arms of Adonis. Yet no matter how attractive the guitar players were, you couldn’t help but gaze at the blonde.
“What the hell?” Carrie’s preppy voice demanded with her closest backup dancer right beside her enjoying the show more than Carrie.
“Just let it go for now.” You told the dirty blonde haired girl pleading she let the moment be precisely how it should be. Not stained with jealous, toxic and pitiful feelings as it had also been with Carrie on the subject of Julie Molina.
“Seriously? Y/N, you’re my friend! My best guy friend! You should be on my side!” Carrie demanded crossing her arms as the song started to come to an end.
“Uh, no. I’m Nick’s friend, and you happen to be part of the package.” You snorted crossing your arms stretching the denim jacket with some paint marks. You found Carrie to be amusing but over the topmost of the time.
Ignoring the scoffs and words from the popular Wilson you took in the last bit of the song before they bowed and the band disappeared. Your eyebrows raised as the startled expression of Julie’s face while the school whispered among itself.
“Holograms?” Nick spoke, shaking his head as he joined his lacrosse friends in heading to the hallways of the school.
Catching the tail end of Julie getting back into the program, you waited for her, “Congratulations, Julie.”
“Thanks Y/N.” Julie murmured with a content smile that slowly faded as Flynn came into her view, wearing a sullen expression. Reading the room, you fled to your math class across the school, leaving the best friends alone.
Around the corner you found three guys lounging, guys from the performance which was odd given they were supposedly holograms. You could confront them, but if you were late Mr. Bryan would have your head, so you pushed it to the backburner.
“Stupid fucking calculus,” You muttered walking around the trio barely looking at them on your walk. Your shoes slapping the linoleum flooring the cool janitor had freshly waxed before the school year; he was a tap dancer too.
You could, however, feel the gaze on your retreating back.
“He was eyeing you up.” Reggie poked Alex as they watched you turn a corner from their view. Alex jolted out of his thoughts with a faint blush and feeling awkward that Luke had seen that.
“Oh shut up.” Alex rolled his eyes glancing to where you had left his view. Luke had a smile at the apparent crush Alex had on a guy in a denim jacket with paint splatter, “I’m dead. He’s not.”
“He might be dead inside.” Reggie supplied earning deadpan looks from his bandmates already done with his jokes, “Okay time to shut up.”
Even as Julie came around the corner startled at the sight of them as usual, you couldn’t leave the blonde drummer’s head.
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Alex was excited with the new revelation in his life following playing The Orpheum; they were taking a small break. Julie and Luke were still writing songs, but Alex was exploring the city. He was humming when he bumped into a person. Standing close to his height was you. A guy that made his heart flutter and his palms sweat; it wasn’t like this at the beginning with Luke.
“Hey Alex.” You grinned amusedly as his cheeks matched the pink shirt he wore, “I was wondering when I would get to see you again.”
“Uh…you wanted…to see me?” Alex stuttered blinking at your sentence taken aback at the straightforwardness you had.
“It’s that not okay?” You trailed off. Your eyes then widened, “Oh god, you aren’t gay, are you.”
“No! Gay! Me!” Alex practically shouted frantically shaking his head further embarrassing himself in front of the way he was almost in love with as this point. You thought it was adorable, “I mean, yes, I am gay.”
“Cool. Wanna go out sometime?” You questioned nerves coating the sentence as you waited to hear his response. The adorable, shy smile appearing on the blonde drummer’s face before he hesitantly grabbed your hand.
“How about now?”
“I’d love to.” You replied tugging him after you with your hands intertwined just as much as your hearts were starting to. Alex would figure out a way to tell you about the whole ghost thing, but for today he wanted to be a regular guy on a date with a cool dude with a paint-splattered denim jacket.
I’m just tagging those who asked to be for Luke just to get this out there since there is no little fics for Alex 🥺
@safehavenmuse​ @siennanoelle01​ @whiterose291​ @mell-bell​ @blackhood5sos​ @ficrecsideblog​ @ifilwtmfc​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @crappy-unicorn​ @sunsetcurve-h​@elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals​ @popcrone818​ @lolychu​ @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit​ @just-a-writer-here​ @simp4reggie​
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s-jatpfic · 4 years
f - x female reader; n - x gender neutral reader (no pronouns); m - male reader
Dating sunset curve:
Reggie (n)
Alex (m)
Luke (f)
Reggie on your period (n)
Alex on your period (n)
Luke on your period (n)
Worse, pt. two: bobby centered
Bro (n) (personal favorite i guess but some typos tho)
Oh damn Reginald (f)
Bookworm (n)
I love you (n) (coming)
I like men too (f)
You´re not my brother but thanks (n)
No I- I love you (m) (coming)
My Name Is L.U.K.E. (coming)
hotel pool (f) (coming)
stargazing (n) (coming)
misfit (f) (coming)
Alex x Reggie
Reggie and Alex smoking (personal favorite)
No one likes broccoli (coming)
Green (masterlist); some kind of separate reality. (personal favorit)
Alex x Luke
I very specifically like Luke, no lovebirds (two parted)
Alex girlfriend (coming)
Bobby x Reggie
I need to hear that out of your mouth (personal favorite)
Soulmate AU (coming)
Alex‘ niece (coming)
At least I‘ve got someone to count on (f) (coming)
All eyes on me (f) coming
Alex x Luke
You‘re still a very special person in my life (requested)
You kissed Reggie (personal favorite)
Interactive Crime Story (privat)
Part one; Beginning/the facts
Part two; Interogating Carrie, Luke and Flynn
Part three; Evidence
Part four; Talking to the coroner
Part five; Talking to the suspects
Part six; Last defense
Part seven (have a really bad written version of that so dm me if you want to have it lol. hadn’t had the time to put it into words yet)
the further down the less quality to expect
How sunset curve was formed: pt. 1; pt. 2
Owen Joyner x Charlie Gillespie
Reggies coming out or something like that
the jatp people and their favorite social media app
Julie and the Phantoms instagram accounts
the sunset curve boys as 5sos albums
duets i need in jatp s2
the jatp guys as pickup lines my ex thought were good
the boys sleepwear
Theories (privat)
WTF is up with Caleb
Bright (Luke x Alex)
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lokiqueenofasgrd · 4 years
Soooo like what if I started writing again and this time for JATP???!!
Rules are:
No smut
Male reader x Alex if romantic
And I’m assuming they’re just alt kids in 2020 unless specified otherwise. (Ie ghost!luke x reader. Etc.)
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